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[Draft] Commend Tinhampton

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 1:56 am
by French New Wake Island
Hello, I'm not exactly sure how to do this, but I'm pretty sure I just post my resolution draft and then see what other nations think about it?
Correct me If I'm wrong.

Resolution: Commend Tinhampton
Proposed by: French New Wake Island (Co-authored by TSRCC 17)

The General Assembly,

Recognizing the dedication and skill Tinhampton has shown in drafting and co-drafting over 30 resolutions within the WA, including but not limited too:

Applauding the positive impact that these resolutions have had on Civil Rights and Social Welfare,

Honoring Tinhamptons significant contributions to the community of Sophia after the collapse of Auctor, as well as there role in helping build nations like the Socialist Republic,

Hereby Commend Tinhampton.

So what do you guys think?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 2:47 am
by Elite
This is... nowhere near enough detail for a commendation. I suggest having a read of the most recent commendations that have passed to get a sense of what it takes. This length may have been fine in 2009 but not in 2024.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 3:08 am
by Tinhampton
I do still consent to all C&Cs of Tinhampton as a matter of OOC principle - if you think I've done a good job, I'm not going to stop you. If you think you can come up with a better draft than the other person... I'm also not going to stop you.

Everything written here is factual, which is why I won't comment further as to what it actually says (I'll leave that to people less biased than me) - but referring to me as "her" is a violation of Rule 2b; this should be made gender-neutral.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 3:13 am
by Quintessence of Dust

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 3:20 am
by Unibot III
Referring to the nominee as “she” violates the rules, as the resolution is supposed to treat the nominee as a nation, not a player-behind-a-nation if that makes sense.

I would suggest reviewing recent commendations and using their structure, style, and expectation of length/content as a guide for you.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 6:01 am
by Bhang Bhang Duc
Not a Commendable nominee and a very poorly researched draft.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 8:07 am
by Lumiere du Premier
The Shadow descends on the halls of the WA, the so called organization that it has much to detest about, but today it descends for a different matter altogether.

Tinhampton has done a lot and there would be support for a commendation but its going to need better detail than this, it seems lazy and an insult to the otherwise mentioned player due to its short length.

I support Tinhampton's commendation, even if the benefits they have brought to mankind apply to the filthy nonites as well. They have brought goodness and prosperity to man in levels and quantities that are with few rivalry in this world the WA encompasses.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 9:58 am
by French New Wake Island
Ok understood,
I'll get a new draft by the end of the day

PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 12:22 am
by Simone Republic
French New Wake Island wrote:Ok understood,
I'll get a new draft by the end of the day

It's not for a new draft. There are lots of people here who dislike Tinhampton (or me, for that matter). This is likely a futile exercise.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 3:45 am
by Outer Sparta
Not a commendable nominee. Even if they met the criteria, your draft is lacking.