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(Draft) Considering Reactionary’s Fascist

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:38 pm
by Nominicia
In many ways Reactionary’s are fascist. For 1 they are very absolutist. It is clear that they are very radical and sometimes racist. There many times are nationalist. As many would consider nationalists fascists .

From now on Reactionary’s wil have the same punishments in regions as fascists.
.Declarations against fascism will be applied to reactionary’s.
.Reactionaries in hiding will be treated the same way as fascists get punished by other declarations.

Reactionary’s may be called fascist and this would be the correct name.
.Correct name for a reactionary would be a fascist.
.Reactionary party’s must publicly state they are Fascists.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:43 pm
by Ventica
You, uh, do realize that not all "nationalists" or "absolutists"... or even "reactionaries" are fascist, right?

"reactionary" especially is a super catch-all term that can mean all sorts of things depending on what a given individual may want to call themselves or call others... very often stemming directly from political or ideological purposes in the case of the latter

"nationalist", too, is quite an expansive term... depending on the one using it, it could mean anything from devoted patriot" to "war crimes enthusiast"

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:26 pm
by Outer Sparta
Not a good declaration draft at all.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:03 pm
by Bears Armed
SC 'Declarations' can only "Declare", i.e. give an opinion or some information: Your clause starting with "From now on", and at least part of the clause after that, are therefore "illegal" and mean that the proposal as currently written would not be allowed to go to a vote.