On top of this, offensive liberations have historically attempted to open up regions with an active founder to ensure it could be invaded should the founder cease-to-exist. One of its criticisms is that this functionally never happened (or, in the case of TNI, the founder simply returns) - The Proletariat Coalition faces no such issue, due to the lack of a founder.
I am open to feedback on both the contents of the proposal and whether to pursue it at all.
The Security Council,
Believing forum destruction to be a crime against regional culture and heritage, no matter the victim, and one that should not go unpunished;
Noting that The Proletariat Coalition was a prominent member of the Red Liberty Alliance, an alliance dedicated to defending socialist regions from invasion;
Shocked to discover that, despite its noble intentions, the intelligence agency of the Red Liberty Alliance, spearheaded by members of The Proletariat Coalition, carried out an attack on the forums of DEN, completely destroying and wiping out all culture and history contained within;
Appalled that, after this event, the Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence Department, overseen by members of The Proletariat Coalition, proceeded to attack and destroy the forums of The Black Hawks, again erasing all culture and heritage found inside these forums;
Disturbed to learn that in the wake of these attacks, the Red Liberty Alliance proceeded to launch a third and final strike against the Invaders Army forums. In the aftermath of the destruction, the Proletariat Coalition publicly hailed the extensive loss of history contained within these forums as a great victory;
Aware that The Proletariat Coalition was the home of several of the agents committing or overseeing the destructive acts, and the 'crown jewel' of the Red Liberty Alliance. Following the destructions, The Proletariat Coalition propagated it as a victory, publicly supporting the methods and proudly mentioning the loss of history and culture as a propaganda method;
Firmly convinced that The Proletariat Coalition is not deserving of protection by this Council, and should not be allowed to hide behind its barriers;
Wishing to show that these vile acts will go neither unpunished nor unnoticed, and to allow opposing forces to seek justice for these acts;
Hereby liberates The Proletariat Coalition.