Razesley and his associates negotiated the dynamics of the new society with the Imperial Court, and were, at first, able to secure the government's backing, as many saw the Society's efforts as a convenient way to rid Garbanian society of supposed undesirables, much to Razesley's chagrin. Razesley himself believed that he was nobly improving the empire's fortunes; regardless of which was the true motive, the Society was given the initial backing it needed to take charge of the situation.
"Most people completely underestimate, how difficult and costly it is, to establish a stable nation state from a colonial beginning," Razesley wrote to his favorite salonnière, Eularia Vérany. "The rule is they will largely fail, the exception they will succeed."
However, Razesley did not foresee the problems that were to arise, such as that opportunists within the Society's membership did not share his noble aspirations, as Vérany herself noted: "Never would they bother helping anyone unless there was immediate profits or protection results." She admittedly did not share Razesley's idealism, but was nevertheless so strongly affected by the blatant disrespect that she noted, "We humans are risen apes, not fallen angels, and every day our behavior proves it."
After Razesley's death, one of his disciples, Ogilleert Ogeone, succeeded him, and he compelled Vérany to promote the Society's aims to her guests, many of whom were notable aristocrats and business magnates, but neither foresaw that the biggest threat would come from the Imperial Court itself; it would meddle in the Society's affairs, oftentimes using eminent domain to seize lands it deemed to be too lucrative for the Society's uses; for example, the Esdraelon Territory in Esvanovia, bordering nations like Anagonia, was ceded to the then-colonial government, sympathetic to the Monmouth Bay Trading Company's interest in the territory, which was considered a near-crippling blow to the Society's fortunes, the capping point of a series of forcible seizures of lands. While Razesley had his connections, and Ogeone his sympathies, those who led the Society thereafter were increasingly belittled and disregarded by the Imperial Court; consequently, the Society had to reorient more and more until it was either Jundland or bust, and consequently, the Garbanian Colonization Society established a beachhead therein; however, the most peculiar thing happened: sub-societies, formed in the colonies that already existed, were sending their own recruits for their own ventures; so, you would have Norfolk-in-Jundland, Esvanovia-in-Jundland, and so on. The 'main' society brought together, into itself, all these sub-societies, and worked in tandem with them to coordinate efforts; however, in 1868, the Norfolkite Colonization Society was abolished by order of the fledging republican government, and in 1892, the Esvanovian Colonization Society was also abolished, due to it being given, gratis, to the Norfolkites. As such, while both 'areas' retain their original names, neither Free Norfolk City nor Norfolk-in-Esvanovia have had any interest in them, and the governments of both have consistently come out condemning the Society's activities. The Garbanian government has also distanced itself from the Society; in 1955, due to a sharp change in public opinion as well as that of the government, the Garbanian Colonization Society relocated its headquarters from the Garbanian capital to that of Garbania-in-Jundland, and the Society essentially runs itself ever since as a sort of corporation, in contrast to Razesley's vision of modeling the Society on a feudal, military order.
There are twenty three "areas of operations," which correspond to Garbania, and its "serious" colonies, who each established colonization societies, and sent willing (but all too often, not) emigrants to Jundland. Each such area is governed by an intendant; the intendancy system, a vestige of the old order back home, was imported to fit the new society; the Society's agents would call themselves intendants, they would appoint amongst themselves an Intendent-General, and then they would attempt to expand further inland; however, after the failed expedition of Démétrus Desnoyers, who was said to have went mad with a lust for power, and the Imperial Court's refusal to give the Society backing (with rumors that they would send troops to establish imperial rule instead), left Intendant-General Orphédas Quévillon with no choice but to maintain the status quo. Quévillon could not even depend on the Comtes de Rhomary, who also feared the establishment of imperial rule (ironically, it would come in 1955), so he ordered all intendants to, instead, turn towards a strategy of "mass development," that, perhaps to impress the Garbanian government, was at times ruthless, possibly even reckless.
The Intendant-General is considered the equivalent to a country's head of state and government, and all intendants traditionally come together to elect from among their own ranks the next Intendant-General, though contemporary criticism that sees this as anti-democratic has heightened over the years. There has also been some criticism from other intendants, who point out a legacy of favoritism and nepotism emanating from the controversial tenures of certain Intendant-Generals that has all too often been suppressed.
Intendants-General of the Garbanian Colonization Society/Intendants Généraux de la Société de Colonisation Garbanienne
Ser Merardard Razesley, Duc de Wabéfuhon.
1. Ser Merardard Razesley, Duc de Wabéfuhon: The founder of the Garbanian Colonization Society,
2. Ogilleert Ogeone
Ogilleert Ogeone
Elidor Bernatchez
Adelstan St-Arnaud
Ptolémé Gougeon
Agénore Choinière
Télesmar Carbonneau
Théorèse Goulet
Théodobert Lécuyer
Désonat Laverdière
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.
Geraeus LaRorian.