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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 271
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

List of Intendants and Intendants-General of the GCS

Postby Free Norfolk City » Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:06 am

The Garbanian Colonization Society was established on July 4th, 1776 by a cabal of avid philanthropes, led by Ser Merardard Razesley, the Duc de Wabéfuhon. He believed in the philosophy of utilitarianism, which he would describe as the principle that holds "that actions are right in the proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness," and proposed the idea that the Garbanian Colonization Society's efforts would serve as a most suitable method of population control.

Razesley and his associates negotiated the dynamics of the new society with the Imperial Court, and were, at first, able to secure the government's backing, as many saw the Society's efforts as a convenient way to rid Garbanian society of supposed undesirables, much to Razesley's chagrin. Razesley himself believed that he was nobly improving the empire's fortunes; regardless of which was the true motive, the Society was given the initial backing it needed to take charge of the situation.

"Most people completely underestimate, how difficult and costly it is, to establish a stable nation state from a colonial beginning," Razesley wrote to his favorite salonnière, Eularia Vérany. "The rule is they will largely fail, the exception they will succeed."

However, Razesley did not foresee the problems that were to arise, such as that opportunists within the Society's membership did not share his noble aspirations, as Vérany herself noted: "Never would they bother helping anyone unless there was immediate profits or protection results." She admittedly did not share Razesley's idealism, but was nevertheless so strongly affected by the blatant disrespect that she noted, "We humans are risen apes, not fallen angels, and every day our behavior proves it."

After Razesley's death, one of his disciples, Ogilleert Ogeone, succeeded him, and he compelled Vérany to promote the Society's aims to her guests, many of whom were notable aristocrats and business magnates, but neither foresaw that the biggest threat would come from the Imperial Court itself; it would meddle in the Society's affairs, oftentimes using eminent domain to seize lands it deemed to be too lucrative for the Society's uses; for example, the Esdraelon Territory in Esvanovia, bordering nations like Anagonia, was ceded to the then-colonial government, sympathetic to the Monmouth Bay Trading Company's interest in the territory, which was considered a near-crippling blow to the Society's fortunes, the capping point of a series of forcible seizures of lands. While Razesley had his connections, and Ogeone his sympathies, those who led the Society thereafter were increasingly belittled and disregarded by the Imperial Court; consequently, the Society had to reorient more and more until it was either Jundland or bust, and consequently, the Garbanian Colonization Society established a beachhead therein; however, the most peculiar thing happened: sub-societies, formed in the colonies that already existed, were sending their own recruits for their own ventures; so, you would have Norfolk-in-Jundland, Esvanovia-in-Jundland, and so on. The 'main' society brought together, into itself, all these sub-societies, and worked in tandem with them to coordinate efforts; however, in 1868, the Norfolkite Colonization Society was abolished by order of the fledging republican government, and in 1892, the Esvanovian Colonization Society was also abolished, due to it being given, gratis, to the Norfolkites. As such, while both 'areas' retain their original names, neither Free Norfolk City nor Norfolk-in-Esvanovia have had any interest in them, and the governments of both have consistently come out condemning the Society's activities. The Garbanian government has also distanced itself from the Society; in 1955, due to a sharp change in public opinion as well as that of the government, the Garbanian Colonization Society relocated its headquarters from the Garbanian capital to that of Garbania-in-Jundland, and the Society essentially runs itself ever since as a sort of corporation, in contrast to Razesley's vision of modeling the Society on a feudal, military order.

There are twenty three "areas of operations," which correspond to Garbania, and its "serious" colonies, who each established colonization societies, and sent willing (but all too often, not) emigrants to Jundland. Each such area is governed by an intendant; the intendancy system, a vestige of the old order back home, was imported to fit the new society; the Society's agents would call themselves intendants, they would appoint amongst themselves an Intendent-General, and then they would attempt to expand further inland; however, after the failed expedition of Démétrus Desnoyers, who was said to have went mad with a lust for power, and the Imperial Court's refusal to give the Society backing (with rumors that they would send troops to establish imperial rule instead), left Intendant-General Orphédas Quévillon with no choice but to maintain the status quo. Quévillon could not even depend on the Comtes de Rhomary, who also feared the establishment of imperial rule (ironically, it would come in 1955), so he ordered all intendants to, instead, turn towards a strategy of "mass development," that, perhaps to impress the Garbanian government, was at times ruthless, possibly even reckless.

The Intendant-General is considered the equivalent to a country's head of state and government, and all intendants traditionally come together to elect from among their own ranks the next Intendant-General, though contemporary criticism that sees this as anti-democratic has heightened over the years. There has also been some criticism from other intendants, who point out a legacy of favoritism and nepotism emanating from the controversial tenures of certain Intendant-Generals that has all too often been suppressed.

Intendants-General of the Garbanian Colonization Society/Intendants Généraux de la Société de Colonisation Garbanienne


Ser Merardard Razesley, Duc de Wabéfuhon.

1. Ser Merardard Razesley, Duc de Wabéfuhon: The founder of the Garbanian Colonization Society,
2. Ogilleert Ogeone


Ogilleert Ogeone

Elidor Bernatchez
Adelstan St-Arnaud
Ptolémé Gougeon
Agénore Choinière
Télesmar Carbonneau
Théorèse Goulet
Théodobert Lécuyer
Désonat Laverdière


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.


Geraeus LaRorian.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Tue Nov 12, 2024 11:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 271
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Families of the Norfolkite Peerage (1555-1868)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Wed Nov 13, 2024 2:53 pm

OOC: This is solely a list of the final roster of the Norfolkite Peerage in 1868, not a list of all families that had ever been considered part of it.


Norfolkite members of Garbania's House of Peers in a sketch by popular sketch artist Ambthachber Gevtal.

The Norfolkite peerage, established in 1555 with the Garbanian Empire's annexation of the Kingdom of Anmhonm, is considered by historians to be either the offshoot, or continuation, of the indigenous Anmhonmite peerage, depending on where one's sympathies lie; either way, all pretensions of nobility were hastily abolished in 1868 with the declaration of Norfolkite independence, and the implanting of a controversial amendment in the Constitution, which is still there today:

If any citizen of the Crystal Castle Republic shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the Crystal Castle Republic, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.

Aldea: House Aldea, according to historical data, was founded when Ser Ivo Aldea was ennobled by Emperor Tuthdeistophe in 1232. This house migrated to Norfolk to take advantage of the generous land grants given to noble houses during the reign of Emperor Tutnuelrys in 1569. While other noble houses favored Garbanian supremacy, House Aldea sought to unite the Garbanians with the disparate, indigenous peoples of the colonies, such as the Anmhonmites; this philosophy motivated numerous other houses, and a schism erupted between them during the reign of Empress Roxangeline in 1650, ultimately leading to a controversial purge in 1666.

Arce: House Arce, according to historical data, was founded when Ser Savastian Arce was ennobled by Emperor Amaurdpar in 1492; this was controversial, because it was solely done because the Emperor was smitten with Savastian's sister, Eularia; critics, including the Emperor's mother, opposed the relationship, and the famous Norfolkite satirist Bartram Clitherow wrote a play about the controversy in 1723. Despite their notorious birth as a noble house, the Arces contributed many knights, adventurers, explorers and other "men of renown," though their women also made quite the name for themselves, too; Lady Vyolante Arce, for example, who, while known for her captivating beauty, was better known for her commanding role in the War of the Epigoni (1517-1523).

Avison-Young: This house was founded by the marriage of two families whose feud was particularly Shakespearean. Their feud is the Norfolkite equivalent to the Hatfield–McCoy feud, and their feud has entered the Norfolkite folklore lexicon as a metonym for any bitterly feuding rival parties. The feud is said to have started over political differences during the onset of the Great Amalgamation, and peaked when both protested before the Empress Uailiana; it ended when a son of the Avisons, and a daughter of the Youngs, tried to elope by fleeing the country, but were lost at sea when their ship sank during a storm. Feeling a sense of great shame come over them, they turned their swords into plowshares, and their lost children were enshrined after death; the tragedy inspired their house motto: "Love to the Rescue." Ser Aubrey Avison-Young founded the Lovee Legion in 1863, a militia which was comprised solely of artists, musicians, poets, playwrights and other creatives and was built on the idea that "the best stories come from direct action—what better story can one find than that one defended one's country?" The legion disbanded in 1868, but was revived in 1872 as a social club that, beyond companionship and talk, promotes an interest in the arts, as well as charity—for example, they run their own network of non-profit children's hospitals and other pediatric medical facilities. When the Norfolkite nobility was abolished, House Avison-Young was one of those who chose to stay, and accept the new order.

Argentein: House Argentein was founded when the Emperor Eugastophecetus ennobled Ser Arthur Argentein in 1600, due to his work in helping consolidate Garbanian rule over Anmhonm, and his role in the first in a series of attempted expansions northward into the terra incognita of northeast Varathron. In his later years, he was put in charge of what was called the Protectorate General to Pacify the North (Protectorat Général pour pacifier le Nord), and his family held this role until 1868. The Argentein lords established sprawling, fortified plantations along the border with those unclaimed lands, and in 1723, faciliated the last expedition, led by Prince Hathnethach, to punish "once and for all" the bandits indiscriminately attacking colonial settlements. After Norfolkite independence, the Argenteins were singled out in particular by the fledging republican government, and were "compelled" to flee the country; they went to Esvanovia, where Ser Esdras Argentein served as a yashik, or headman, among the Danuk clans until 1892, wherein he was recalled to Garbania. The Argenteins are arguably one of the most famous of the "pure Norfolkite" houses; that is, they were a family born and raised in Norfolk, rather than transplanted from Garbania as their peers had been, which would explain the republican hostility.

Breen: House Breen was one of the near-last of the "pure" Norfolkite houses to be founded; they were ennobled in 1823 by Emperor Sebitusentien, due to Doctor Danyell Breen's work in tending to his sick daughter, Princess Uailnadette; at Empress Amelyne's request, Danyell Breen was ennobled; he was given a nice plot of land, and he married Lady Delia Strachleigh; a simple and austere man, he reluctantly accepted the promotion because he could not bear to have the Empress (gratefully) sobbing into his jacket. Breen is considered the father of vaccination, because he introduced the practice to the countries of both Garbania and Free Norfolk City. He lived to be one hundred and five, and monarchists and republicans alike venerated him. Many of his students saw action in the War of Abettonese Aggression, tending to the wounded on both sides, as per his request. Princess Uailnadette regularly consulted him, and named her first son after him; tragically, Prince Danyell was killed in action by the Abettonese after sacrificing his life for his friends.

Brooke: House Brooke was founded when the Norfolkite soldier and adventurer, Ser Nicholas John Brooke, was ennobled for his work in the conquest of Ngombia, and the abolition of slavery therein; he was a brave and calculating fellow, and enjoyed the respect of his peers, but satirists made him far more known for his exclusive fondness for black women—a charge that he freely admitted, much to his chagrin. His chief wife was Yoisa (Lisa), but he acquired numerous concubines; all of whom were black. Geonmmubin Gaerena, a courtier in the Imperial Court at the time, noted that Brooke had practically assimilated into Ngombian society, and had taken up their customs; his numerous mixed-race children would take up important roles in both Garbanian and Norfolkite history thereafter; most notably, in 1868, when Ser Henry Rutherford Brooke, "Good 'Ol Hank," attempted to rally Norfolkites to the Good Old Cause ("Crown and Country") before Lanthier, who respected him dearly, compelled him to leave the country. However, Hank Brooke personally funded the monarchists until the schism of '73 put an end to their efforts. The Brookes would later disperse between Garbania proper and the rest of her colonies; from 1869 to 1892, they were given the domain of Baymont in Garbania-in-Esvanovia. In 2003, Ser William Makepeace Brooke was named Garbania's Ambassador to Free Norfolk City, and his presence was quickly noticed by the Ngombian minority, who came out in droves to welcome him, since the Brookes are considered honorable for their role in liberating Ngombia and ending slavery.

Cushman-Wakefield: In 1776, Lady Jennifer Cushman married one Lucius Wakefield, uniting their families together. As a wedding gift, the Emperor Gabaorananach ennobled them, and gave them land and title; he had done so after hearing of the glowing praise both recieved from family and friends. Thus, House Cushman-Wakefield was born. This house was given custodianship over what would become the Borough of Emmerdale, and some of the surrounding area.

Dawson-Wallace: Much like the prior house, House Dawson-Wallace was born when Pamela Dawson of what would become the Norfolkite borough of Winchestertonfieldville, married Andrew W. Wallace; however, while the Emperor Gabaorananach ennobled them "for 'tis only fair," it was later uncovered that Empress Nananique had been having an affair with Miss Dawson, then a lady-in-waiting; in a letter to the famous writer and court tutor Richard Samuelson, Clarissa Grandison, a childhood friend of the Empress, reported that she had caught the Empress in flagrante delicto with Pamela, and suggested that she had pushed her to marry Andrew to avoid any scrutiny. The letter, uncovered in 1973, was a surprise to many Garbanians and Norfolkites, since Nananique had acquired a reputation among the historians of both as a maneater. House Dawson-Wallace was given custodianship over what would become the Borough of Winchestertonfieldville, and some of the surrounding area.

D'Arby: House D'Arby is, arguably, the most famous of the houses listed here, as their progenitor, Ser Asketel D'Arby, was one of the first Norfolkite individuals to be ennobled; Emperor Hannitusentien did so in 1567, along with the first Anmhonmite to be ennobled, Ser Muhara Mugaramaraha, who was given the title of Comte de Shashumga. The Norfolkite journalist and historian, Erick R. Curran, noted that Asketel was, in turn, given the title of Comte de Kwyjibonia; here, one finds the now-former city of Woodrum; it was around here that the famous El Mocino Canyonero, a SUV that was introduced just as the SUV craze began to hit the Crystal Castle Republic, would be created centuries later. But as the Great Amalgamation took hold, not to mention the constant shifting of allegiances and domains, the D'Arbys would ultimately end up with the title of Duc de Jagare, one of the most esteemed titles in the Norfolkite peerage. It was here that they would build their final home, the Wye Road House on the Jagare Ridge, which is arguably the second most famous building in the country, behind only the Crystal Castle. It was built in 1683, under the direction of Alexander Severus D'Arby, who was given licence to crenellate, soon after, the site of many historical events; including, but not limited to, hosting the first visit of a Garbanian royal, Princess Alevianne, where Ernacknis Chayne sought the patronage of Ser Reyward D'Arby for his plays, which were considered a great example of proto-Norfolkite theatre as well as a precursor to the modern hobby of cosplay, where Ysopa Shaddix, a notable socialite and salonnière, attended philosophical and political discussions there under the mentorship of Lady Maude D'Arby (nee Sinnett) and where the famous Norfolkite actress, Blanche Aylmer, first became acquainted in 1790 with Prince Albethorchimac, fifth son of Emperor Thetnethach; he would become her paramour, enduring all the controversy that entailed, and then some. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it was also where Norfolkite loyalists, autonomists and others sought to discuss affairs foreign and domestic, under the close watch of Ser Arnault B. D'Arby, who by the eighteen sixties, was ridden with gout and confined to a wheelchair. Inspired by his sage counsel, Merewin Evrenden, a founding father of the Crystal Castle Republic, famously coined these words that would be found in the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence during a meeting at this site:

"We recognize in all people certain inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the right to acquire, possess, enjoy, and defend property."

The elderly Lord D'Arby, citing the numerous women in his life he believed to be inspiring, steadfastly pushed for such progressive language, especially in a world where gender equality had long been considered a heretical idea. He was supported in this endeavour by figures such as W.M. Cheeseman, who represented the emerging nouveau riche of Norfolkite society, and Harmon G. Samuels, who represented the working class, and was an early advocate of socialism; so much so, in fact, that he founded the basis of what would become the Socialist Labor Party, one of the few Norfolkite political parties to exist prior to Lanthier's ban. The D'Arby clan's friendliness towards such open discussion and debate was what compelled him, and many of his peers, to offer some leeway when the nobility was abolished, but Ser Elyas D'Arby, the last of the D'Arby lords, refused the offer; he famously told Lanthier that "in my family, loyalty still means something," and thereafter emigrated to Vajas. However, their home back in Norfolk, due to its cultural and historical significance, was made one of the first National Historic Landmarks (NHLs) of the Crystal Castle Republic.

De la Soule: House de la Soule, whose house motto is "the truest of the true," were founded upon the ennoblement of Ser Anketil de la Soule, who was a knight-adventurer during the reign of Emperor Amauachnton; at first, he was a renowned poet, whose work, including drinking songs and erotica, touched on universal themes of love, infatuation, disappointment, revelry, parties, festivals, and the observations of everyday people and life, but he was best known as a grand master of the Knights of the Crossing, one of Garbania's many feudal orders; he moved the order to Norfolk, where he hoped to train the indigenous Anmhonmites in the ways of chivalry. The Knights of the Crossing saw action during the various Northern Expeditions in northeast Varathron, and were appointed with supporting the Argenteins in protecting the northern communities from bandits. They were utterly devoted to Crown and Country to the point of fanaticism, and membership meant one was a staunch traditionalist. As a result, when the Norfolkites declared independence in 1868, House de la Soule was one of those houses (among other groups in general) singled out for particular hostility from the fledging republican government; as such, they migrated to Vajas, and the Knights of the Crossing shifted from a feudal military order to a civilian charity.

Dracatha: One of the "transplant houses," that is, an ethnic Garbanian house that absconded to Norfolk in the wake of the purges of the Emperor Tuthstophecetus in 1666, the Dracatha are best known for their draconic imagery. They were founded in 1123 by Ser Thethorchimac Dracatha, a scholar-official who served during the reign of Emperor Adebnethach. In 1223, Ser Geraon Dracatha had the Great Amphitheatre of Alexandroupolis renovated, promising Emperor Clauthorchimac that he would personally oversee everything. In 1332, Ser Debethorchimac Dracatha married Princess Amaryssa, and Prince Hatiper was born soon after; his godfather was the famous scholar-knight, Gerorananach Razeieri, a man of great virtue and valor. In 1444, Ser Phanelomon Dracatha introduced Emperor Thetnachis to Eolina Endeolia, a controversial nurse known as the mother of aromatherapy and the inventress of essential oils; she was expelled by Emperor Gerastophecetus, Thetnachis' successor, after the death of his sister Princess Raëlguerite from what modern historians have claimed was a case of Tapanuli fever brought on by a contaminated aromatherapy spray; On August 25, 1994, a controversial study proposed that the princess suffered from myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and that Eolina Endeolia was brought in to attempt to cure her. One of the princess' caretakers, Lady Ursancine Dracatha had, in 1473, organized an effort to build a mausoleum for Raëlguerite, making her the first member of the (immediate) Imperial Famly not to be laid to rest in the Imperial Crypt in Alexandroupolis. In 1555, Ser Rahdnachis Dracatha was nominated to be one of the leaders of the Garbanian forces during the conquest of Anmhonm, after which he built the country's first Manichaean temple; he also protected Christians, whose faith was freshly introduced to the Garbanians via the conquest, which made him controversial among his peers, many of whom had been raised to remember the Christian persecution of Manichaeans. In 1666, Emperor Tuthstophecetus established the "new peerage" by ennobling (or protecting) his favorites, and expelling those houses deemed unreliable, such as House Dracatha; this was largely due to the efforts of his right-hand man, Ser Nepothorchimac Dufsaud; together, they systematically destroyed the castles of defiant lords, and denounced the use of private violence (dueling, carrying weapons, and maintaining private armies). ”In a civilized society, there are always people above to be obeyed and people below to be commanded," Dufsaud once said to his liege's wife, Empress Sorlyssa. As a result, Dufsaud had established "the royal monopoly of force" as the ruling doctrine; as a result of such moves, Ser Tynanrick Dracatha emigrated to Norfolk, which by then already hosted numerous recalcitrant nobles. In 1723, Ser Tyvek Dracatha personally financed the buildng of the Radiant Diamond Library, the site where all imperial examinations (for Norfolkite takers of the exams) were held until 1868; while it is still in use today, due to the extensive, exhaustive preservation efforts of Gulian Garance, the fortunes of House Dracatha plummeted with the republican abolition of the nobility, but experienced a resurgence with the move to Esvanovia; from 1868 to 1892, the Dracathas were given land along the border with New Caqueta. Norfolkite historian and social activist Lewis Rhanukhan, known for his strong views and unceremonious manners, discovered that he was the illegitimate descendant of a Dracatha lord and a common maid; he was told of this on Jimmy Stankevitz's television program in 2005 which also covered the "return of the émigrés," that is, of the noble houses that had been purged by Tuthstophecetus from Norfolk and Esvanovia respectively returning to Garbania.

Eyres: House Eyres (sometimes spelt Eyers) was the first "pure" Norfolkite noble house founded by a woman, Lady Janet Eyers; she was the governess and lifelong companion of Empress Annaisande, who ennobled her for her efforts. Lady Janet reluctantly accepted, but never quite took to the life of a noblewoman, and largely delegated her business affairs to one Madananuel Geveieri. Annaisande gave Janet land and title in Esvanovia; known as Woodsonia, she named it in honor of Ser Chadrick Woodson, who had been a knight-explorer in the early years of the Garbanian colonization of Esvanovia and who had established its capital, Fort Keighley. She delegated economic affairs to Geveieri, and administrative affairs to Gondthamard Genoud—these two formed a strong partnership, and made Woodsonia stand out among domains for its numerous successes. Lady Janet's husband was Ser Guicard Gillaine, who was himself no slouch when it came to matters of state; theirs was a matrilineal arrangement, so as to ensure the continuation of the Eyres family name. In 1847, Meranethach Metrele, a famous writer, penned an account of the visitation of Em'ly Eyres, also known as Emily, to the Wye Road House during his own sojourn there; Metrele wrote satirical novels, each with the same basic setting: characters at a table discussing and criticising the philosophical opinions of the day—however, this article, which he penned at the behest of Ser Apsley D'Arby, whose son Caledon was courting Em'ly, provides an in-depth look at the affairs of the Norfolkite nobility during the latter years of colonial rule. In 1849, Ser John Easton Eyres was one of the Forty-Niners (49'ers) who were a collection of Norfolkite men and women from all walks of life who advocated drastic reforms; in particular, J.E. Eyres was seen as a potential candidate for public office, but much like Janet, he preferred to defer to others, chiefly his long time confidant, Sue Ellen McShane. Meanwhile, in Woodsonia, the popular Norfolkite arms manufacturer Coughennower-Weispfenning established one of the oldest, still running arms manufacturing factories in the country. In 1867, the elderly J.E. Eyres, along with his son and successor, Ser John Henry (J.H.) Eyres, helped organize an outreach effort to the Imperial Court in the hopes of obtaining a political coordination between the Imperial Court and Norfolkite dissidents; the following year, J.H. Eyres famously refused to sign the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence because he, along with numerous other figures, considered it to be a mistake; as such, he was one of the nobles who made the trek to Esvanovia early on; in Woodsonia, he harbored numerous anti-republican elements and pushed for greater unity among Esvanovian domains. In 1892, John Malcolm (J.M.) Eyres officially surrendered control over Woodsonia to the Crystal Castle Republic, and left with his retinue for Vajas, wherein he built Woodsonia Ranch, which is still in the family's possession today.

John Langley and Malcolm Barbour
Amabertton Encelard
Eolaena Desnard
Edanhna Yvinardl
Yvarolda Penyaeva Drozdova
Ser Tutillnibal Hearthston
Duayrick Lusomax
Meraoryntham Moteron
Maurdard Aurmbatha
Hamuinhrasil Gulenne
Arnhnainluin Arthlas
Irbruinhrasil Aurisley
Isangeline Chaniel
Tristhnainluin Julaain
Rahmmubin Tussdee
Duc de Lauzanne
Rolulmas Motidrine
Tristthorchimac Erelaud
Alixciusine Meromaulese
Maribalgory Brollon
Yvarrelle Kirbach
Torkel Horsey
Rolf Stokes
Josias and Amelia Sedley
Ambrose Grobbam
Ulf Dering
Wolstan Burgoyn
Piers Oxenbrigg

E: Easterling - During the reign of Emperor Davithorchimac, who ascended the Onyx Throne after the conclusion of the Wars of the Epigoni (1517-1523), there were roving bands of refugees, lordless (and landless) knights, and other vestiges of the shattered remnants of long gone factions. Varric Stenham, the Norfolkite novelist who wrote extensively about the conflict, noted that these coalesced together into four distinct clans: the Westerlings, Easterlings, Norderlings and Southerlings. Due to the Emperor's right hand man, Mordoryan Tussalaine, they were deported to the colonies for the stake of "maintaining the peace." Prince Urarbert, who at the time was in charge of Anmhonm in his uncle's stead, conscripted them upon their arrival to assist in his efforts to consolidate Garbanian rule.

Varnethach Rosach
Helenita, Nicolas and Androula.
Maurthorchimac Monttecou
Merulmas Monush
Degarbert Sanarc
Duaetusdon and Mertetusdon

F: FitzRaymond - House FitzRaymond was controversially ennobled by Emperor Belciendal, at the behest of his wife, Empress Alyserah, to provide for the myriad of illegitimate children had by Raymond Lumbarde, himself a member of a cadet branch of the Imperial Family, that of the Ducs de Tennessine. Originally, the plan was to ennoble Raymond FitzRaymond, son of Raymond Lumbarde and the chambermaid Elli Luhaan, but Alyserah pushed him to ennoble the whole lot to keep them from "getting too riotous," and so the FitzRaymonds, known collectively as the Fitzies, were born. One of them, Lady Blanche Strangewayes (her mother was a Fitzie) was an anthropologist who wrote the controversial book, Coming of Age in Ngombia, based upon her research and study of youth, primarily adolescent girls, on the island of Ngombia; the book sparked years of ongoing and intense debate and controversy on questions pertaining to society, culture, and science, and is considered a key text in the nature versus nurture debate, as well as in discussions on issues relating to family, adolescence, gender, social norms, and attitudes. However, the majority of the house's fame came from those who were given titles in Rhossenian provinces such as Stavronzka (sometimes called Stavronzkaya), Oneginoylovka, Brindnethe, Armakhov, Soshi, Yeleshi and Krasnonyev. These titles came with impressively sized plantations, which were staffed by freed serfs who were paid "honest pay for honest work." One such Fitzie overseer was Ser Walter S. FitzRaymond, who married the Rhossenian woman Tatiana Antonovna Malikova, and another was Ser Samuel K. FitzRaymond, who married Yuliia Maximovna Unkovskaya. Such marriages were made out of love, but were opportunistically used to further the assimilation of Rhossenia. Ser Barack FitzRaymond, who married Yana Krayeva, was named, in contrast, the Comte de Tcheco, and was sent accordingly to Toteco, in Esvanovia. Originally dependent on Raymond Lumbarde's lump sum of child support payments, dispensed "as equally as possible" to all the mothers of his illegitimate children (and, if not them, the children directly), they soon secured decent revenue from their plantations and factories. Another notable member of this house was Ser Maxence V.S. FitzRaymond, who was the owner of the famous Tennessine Tea House with his wife, Anastasiya Danilovna Balashova, daughter of Lev Grigorievich Balashov whom, with his business partner in Vasily Yaroslavovich Rugov, brought to the Norfolkites their people's famous eggnog soda; it hosted numerous debates involving figures such as Marmaduke Wymer, a famous orator and activist whose vision was technocratic in nature, based upon the mandates of an expert elite rather than individual liberty and freely-decided action. They were ironically some of the strongest supporters of the fledging Crystal Castle Republic, and their loyalty to the new regime helped sway lawmakers to abolish the nobility, but to let former nobility retain their property.

Beatrice Lymsey
Piers Trumpington


Duc de Narborion
Duc de Anuchard; Lord of the Mistwood

G: Gonturon - House Gonturon were descended from Ser Hamnare Gonturon, the Duc de Nondon, through his fifth son, Alaric. Emperor Rahdrasilelyn considered them some of his closest allies; they were one of the ethnically Garbanian houses who migrated to Norfolk following the conquest of Anmhonm, and promptly assimilated thereafter. House Gonturon's notable members include Ser Mebteron Gonturon, who famously mentored, trained and led into battle members of the Danuk Corps (he was an honorary Yashik, or headman) who were notorious in Abetton during the Vajas War for their brutal raids, sacking towns and villages and carrying with them as much booty (both kinds) as they could gather. Another notable member of this house was Ser Gereveos Gonturon, who took land and title as the Comte de Worpamaunicerva (sometimes called Worp Maun Icerva).

Diagnus Gelu

Tom Loghrin
Blaine Tillack
Gideon Rashkes
Ancelvin Afraaine
Stannard Dagworth

Tynalf Meroence
Ancuorananach Galisley
Thoantoran Geonognese

H: Horton, Hewlett-Packard, Heartnet, Harrold, Hazell, Hulette, Henday, Howe, Hye,

I: Illustara, Innocenti
J: Jewell,
K: Keita, Keeling, Kiryu, Kivanda,
L: Lewis, Lane,
M: Mannion, Mayfield, Murray, Morgendorffer, Marsh,
N: Nissanides,
P: Pazzi, Pendennis,
Q: Quirrell, Quinn,

R: Roberts - Despite the rather 'plain' surname, House Roberts descended from Pepsius Colanus (sometimes spelt Colanius), who fought with "great virtue and the utmost valor" during the conquest of Anmhonm; they traced their descent to him via the (undisclosed) marriage of Lady Amoena Colanus and a Norfolkite sailor, Chadrick Roberts; despite her family frowning on the marriage, her firstborn son, Thetistrard, was named Thetistrard Colanus Roberts. Among the black sheep of the Norfolkite peerage, they nevertheless served with honor and distinction, such as during the Vajas War, the dual pacifications of Ngombia and Rhossenia, and, in the case of Cocanus Colanus Roberts, the Red Wing Incident. One member of this house, Ser Willgood Roberts, alongside notable socialite Sybil Kibble, established Robertsport in the territory of Esdraelon in Esvanovia, but it was not until the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence that House Roberts as a whole migrated to Esvanovia. Another member of this family, Raelaigh Roberts, married Duacane Magirian, a son of the Magirian lords in Esvanovia.
Roussève: House Roussève

S: Stanfield, Salisbury, Salmon, Selkirk, Spellman, Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky, Starr, Svatos, Sytch, Stratus, Sexton, Sweetwyne, Somerville, Snell,

"In a community where knowledge should be used to uplift the teachable and be used as an interest instead of a necessity, the arrogant abuse of knowledge is interesting to watch."

T: Tuinier - House Tuinier, an ethnic Garbanian noble house, trace their ancestry to Ser Boamund Tuinier, son of Tyran. This family is one of the very few noble houses who still live in Norfolk after it became an independent republic—their reasoning, according to Esvanovian historian Bryant G. Craig, was purely economic, as they had sunk much of their family's fortunes into Norfolkite interests. As such, their reputation surged among the Norfolkites, especially after they even accepted the abolition of the nobility, which was deemed "useless and dangerous and ought to be abolished," by the new regime.

U: FitzUbu, Urquhart, Uraya,

V: Vonesper - House Vonesper, according to Norfolkite historian Aiden Gignac,
Veatch, Veril,

Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff: Considered to be one of the foremost houses of the Norfolkite peerage, House Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff was established by the Moravian missionary, August Hermann Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff, who studied the languages, manners, and customs of the Garbanian empire, particularly the Norfolkites and Anmhonmites—his presence alarmed ACORN, who considered him a heretic, but pleased the Emperor Garvhnainluin, who permitted the preaching of the Moravians; A.H. Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff would be conscripted by Garvhnainluin to be his advisor on all things foreign, and for his dedication to his duties, he was ennobled, and given the land that would become the settlement of New Herrnhut, today part of the borough of TBD.

Tuterran Stenerre
Arnadach Genian
Octemlin Kirin
Mordrdard Razeanne
Gryfenne Lelarel


W: Wolfe (Gemma 'Lil Gem Wolfe)

Wismettac - According to historical data,

Y: Ysembaert,
Z: Zulegmat - House Zulegmat, according to
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Thu Nov 28, 2024 3:49 pm, edited 19 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 271
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Norfolkite Politics 101

Postby Free Norfolk City » Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:38 pm

"The lands of the state should belong to the people of the state, and should be administered in the interest of the people in the state, and in their interest alone."

In Norfolkite politics, while federal law is paramount, all boroughs (and states in Esvanovia) have the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal laws which they deem unconstitutional with respect to the Constitution (as opposed to their own constitution). All boroughs (and states in Esvanovia) can also invoke the right and the duty to "interpose" itself when the federal government enacts laws that the state believes to be unconstitutional—unlike the United States, which rejects both the concepts of nullification and interposition, the Norfolkites accept both as valid, and also unlike the United States, reject the contract theory in favor of the compact theory. The Norfolkites also have long believed in the strict construction of the Constitution; that is, a particular legal philosophy of judicial interpretation that limits or restricts the powers of the federal government only to those expressly, i.e., explicitly and clearly, granted to the government by the Constitution; of course, due to the changing times since independence in 1868, these ideas have been reconsidered, and at times, modified or even outright abolished.

In 1868, at the Wye Road House, Merewin Evrenden spoke profusely to his peers about the need for freedom and liberty; he would later be popularly acclaimed the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the Crystal Castle Republic and the Declaration of Rights, the latter of which was considered ahead of its time for its guarantee of full civil and political rights for women—his ideas, including support for free markets, public education, constitutional government, and equal rights for women and people of all races, were enshrined in the Constitution from the get go. He also insisted that his wife, Sigrith, be given equal recognition for her assistance; thus, together, they are considered the "Parents of the Constitution" by Norfolkites.

Similarly to the United States, there was an attitude of "republican motherhood" in Norfolkite society, which held that women were crucial players in society and that their choices would shape the society around them; specifically, the belief that the patriots' daughters should be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism, in order to pass on republican values to the next generation. However, it did not seek to contain women to the domestic sphere; rather, it encouraged them to exercise their voice and rights as politically-conscious citizens, for the good of "all generations." This has been said to have stemmed from many salonnières letting dissidents air our grievances openly at their salons, and so these guarantees of women's rights were seen as merely paying it forward.

For centuries, republicanism had been seen as the devil's work, which meant that Norfolkites, once the initial appeal of simply doing something to spite the Garbanians had worn off, had to get down to business to establish proper nationhood.

Satirists have begun to take advantage of easygoing ballot access rules in Free Norfolk City. This became particularly obvious when the Society of Internationalist Liberal Localist Yuppies came within a hundred votes of winning a seat in parliament with a manifesto platform of “growing money on trees” and “popcorn for all”.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Sun Dec 01, 2024 10:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 271
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

Who's Who in Esvanovia (GIE/NIE) (Part One)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:21 am

The United Esvanovian States, sometimes simply referred to as Esvanovia, is the sole Norfolkite colony. It was founded in 1892 by the handover of the various Garbanian colonies in Esvanovia; e.g. feudal domains, the lands of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company, et al. The United Esvanovian States have contributed countless notable figures to Norfolkite history, such as:


Thomnethach Lelatene, "Lord Tom," the seventeenth lord of Chazakain Domain.

Thomnethach Lelatene: Called "Lord Tom" by the Norfolkites, in particular due to his fondness for importing Norfolkite settlers to work the plantations, Thomnethach Lelatene was the seventeenth lord of Chazakain Domain—he was renowned as an intelligent and wise lord, and was greatly interested in the latest learning and technology. He was considered one of the wisest lords of his time due to his appreciation of education; in fact, he began enacting educational changes in Chazakain geared at bringing in modern science and technology—he would frequently visit schools and ask students to explain the meaning of the Greco-Roman texts, to ensure that they were actually learning and enriching their minds rather than simply going through the motions. So strong was Thomnethach's desire to raise well-educated youths that he set aside money annually to feed starving scholars, essentially a form of financial aid or scholarship. His goal was to ensure that future generations would be "taught to master themselves, rule their homes wisely, preserve national peace, and trust the universal power," which made him a favorite subject of the Imperial Court to lavish honors upon, although he routinely said that true honor would come by him in the form of "the next generation of patriots." However, he failed to provide an heir because he remained unmarried, preferring the company of prostitutes and other "deplorables," as his peers were quick to remark; as such, he was succeeded by his brother Eugaeveos' son, Gepathachber.


Donnthorchimac Nathognese, the long time advisor and friend of Chief Poulutumurnu.

Donnthorchimac Nathognese: Born in the Garbanian city in Djenkent (which the Norfolkites spelt Genkent), but raised in Esvanovia, Nathognese was best known as the Garbanian subject who became an important military advisor to Chief Poulutumurnu during the formation of the Kingdom of Ngombia. He was a merchant-knight who sought wealth and adventure overseas; he ended up in Ngombia, where he became a friend and advisor to Poulutumurnu. He brought knowledge of naval and land battle strategies to Poulutumurnu, and became a strong voice on affairs of state for the country. He played a big role during Ngombia's first contacts with Garbania, and he spent the rest of his life in the country; he also organized the construction of many "proto-colonial" buildings such as forts, and ruled as regent for Poulutumurnu's son by his imported wife, the Norfolkite Delena Butterwell; he also coordinated the building of the first large Western-style ships, and introduced the first horse ever seen in the country, which led to the eventual establishment of Young Ranch. Lastly, he had enlisted Norfolkites like Jason and Eleanora Deleon to establish the first proper schools and hospitals. However, he succumbed to old age long before he could reap the fruits of his labor.


Her Imperial Highness, Princess Anyanya, "Bonnie Princess Annie" to the Norfolkites.

Princess Anyanya: HIH, Princess Anyanya Zurithalissaran was a member of one of the five cadet branches of the Imperial Family of Garbania, which are, as of current year, entitled to provide a successor to the Onyx Throne if the main line (stretching as far back as Alexander IV of Macedon, better and posthumously known as Alexander I of Garbania) failed to produce an heir. Born and raised in Garbania her whole life, she was part of a plan aiming to strengthen the country against the perceived foreign threats in the region by obtaining a political coordination between the Imperial Court and certain major feudal domains in Esvanovia; in her case, she was pushed as a potential wife to Chrirtolas Daloult, the Lord of Sakkrarivada Domain. However, her mother Eolacha Eretieri would only consent to the marriage if her daughter wanted to go ahead with it—she did, so the marriage went ahead as planned; as Lady of Sakkrarivada, she was technically of higher rank than her husband, but worked with him rather than attempt to undercut his authority—she spent lavishly on widows and orphans, and she routinely visited the sick and elderly, listening attentively to their stories. According to the Norfolkite historian, Quentyn Melson, Anyanya also favored a conciliatory approach with the indigenous Esvanovians, and was of the mind of coming to terms with the Aureumterrans: as long, of course, as Ogtogo remained in Garbanian hands. After a series of skirmishes that ended ultimately inconclusively, she pressured the Imperial Court more than ever to do so. She had five children: her two daughters were born first, and then three sons thereafter. Therefore, upon her husband's death, she served as a regent for Lady Aphra, and upon her coming of age, she cloistered herself away, living out the rest of her days writing poetry and doting on her grandchildren. Her tomb is routinely visited by many tourists, and many books, movies and even video games have been made about her life.


Yvacette de Marnt, Lady of Tammurth Domain.

Yvacette de Marnt: Born into the prominent de Marnt clan, Yvacette was the thirty second ruler of Tammurth Domain, and was best known for her lavish infrastructure projects, especially around the capital, Shengraz, and other notable cities like Wilma's Rainbow—historians generally criticize her tenure, citing how reports of corruption, avarice, decadence and the like were rife in her court, but a minority of scholars argue that she was popular during her lifetime, but that her reputation was later blackened by Norfolkite propaganda after the handover in 1892.

Evelleigh Aloualanie

Lelia Byrd
Jasper Dentyne
Marigold Voth
Bethany Spears
Rhys Marston
Brittany Anne Bubblevna Goncharova
Britney Yancey
Zira Phillipovich Ghidorova
Erastus McCabe
Madeleine McCabe
Addison Rae Davis
Alexis "Lexi" Luger
Kateryna Quiring-Déby
Mia Sandra Miannone
Adele Franco
Veronika Gordeevna Malkova
Sergei Petrovich Gamoranov
Leeloo Futa
Ubu Roi, Duc de Covfefe de Nambia
Luanne Yeley
Bella Delphina Watters
Hailey Angus
Varvara Amouranthova
Terrence Howard Toth
Barette "Bari" Dishong
Julia Maria Angelica FitzRaymond
Jamie Lynn Polston
Gail Reilly
Ian Brandon Humphrey
Lady Rika de la Porte
Erika Fane
Theodora Askiates
Anne-Margit Gyaradosova
Markéta Džurbanová
Růžena Štroblová
Reginald J. Brooks
Yuriko de Niamh
Lady Lola Quy, de Noremac
Lita Lewis
Marc Antony Weidner
John Constantine "Lovely" Jones
Rita Batchelder
The Chevalier de Chevrolet
Tony Ford
Yuliia Nissanova
Marmaduke Platter
John Jacob Morgendorffer
Willa Willgood
Keeley Keeler
Big Jack Lutz
Princess Rayna de Marnt
Fiona "Miss Fifi" Bonbonnova
Beau "Buzz" Gordon
Ferencz Miller
Craig J. Biden
Bonnie-Anne Levesque
Yara Lovejoy
Marcia Garcia
Lady Rachel Alexandra Maria Teresa Gloria Luxemburg-Lichtenstein
Blessed Rosemarie Guillory du Rosaire (Custodian of the Church of the Child Saint)
Eleanor Willgood
Hyacinthe Harrington
Ida J. Ho
Yvonne Ducharme
Jeanne D'Arcy
Nevaeh de la Pole
George M. Canada
Sean R. Canaday
Adriana Maria Balabanova
Elsie Platts
Samantha J. Guerrero
Céline Celine
Jules Verans
Mindy Jacquea
Lance Bannister
Joy, Grace, Faith, Mercy and Hope Follows
Ivanna Gyattsky (Geena Rexall)
Svetlana Darcsenova
Lillee Jean Henday
Daria Jane and Jane Daria de Capilano
John Joshua Connor FitzRaymond
Anders Cooperton
Jasper Thakur
Yzobelle Secord
Medara de Garrakagabara
Ambessamedarda Psalmanazar
Mallory Mallad
Niccolo da Vigo
Giorgio Giustiniani
Belthorchimac Mauamont
Gualtieri Ghezzo
Daddo Sanudo
Cynthorchimac Stinne
Hamrarducius Tailav
Dalathachber Bellvenne
Nororananach Tailomax
Donnhuag Maniatha
Christine "Chrissy" Mannion
Dexter Baxter
Pharamond McCourt

Norfolkite Turnip Chips

such as Margaret Goldbloom, Pauline Seifring, Wilhelmina Ito, Janet Schendon, Frances Dixon, Veronica Stewart, Eileen Gillan, Luevestha Northam, Bob Dorr, Marie Carlin, Marguerite Williams, Brigitte Watkins, Althea and Kate Glenn, Susan Burgess, John Montz, Walter Pauling, Julie Hicks, Stephen Jones, Douglas Mox, Adam Edelman, Tammy Levine, Virginia Bartlett, Hanna Berry, Lendora Moon, Ms. Melrose Lewis, Kenneth Strubler, Barbara Brown, Thomas M. Radlick, Ron Hirschy, Nadezhda Kirsch, Mark Gamn, Donna Levanthal, Anthony Wojtaszek, Nicholas John Concannon, Maxine Stempien, Chloë Annette Bradshaw-Lehrer, Casey Roberson, Bonnie Krasuski, Quinn and Hamlon MacDonald, Brittany Campodonico, Jasper Thakur, Frances Drake, Yelizaveta Dragunova, Muirenn Mayfield, Quincy John Quirrell, Desmond Shandro, Marlaina Brando, Zelda Zambelli, Nikki Buick, Tysha, Heinrich and Joan Unroh, Meiomi Brueggergosman, Tylene Strickland, Armin Suvalic, Courtney Mowers, Bruce Bowers, Daisy Mays, Delores Hays, Chadrick Lowenthal, Darya Dasani, Lucee Lurana, Catherine Candora, Yuliia II Turevych, Olha II Kravchuk, Yana II Volynska, Nadya Vilensky, Katrin Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yansen Tallen Hallen Svaden Swanson Jingleheimer Schmidt, Sonya Poskrebysheva, Natalie Nedenmayer, Lulu Lemonova, Yana Yezhova, Yekaterina Yezhova, Arwen Angelus, Svetlana Khayutina, Tanya Marmeladova, Sally Summers, Summer Sumner, Rickard M. Dixon, V.K. Gerudova, Ghespik de Goront, Carys Cullen, P.K. Ness, Yugi Subban, Shea Shea, Clementine FitzClement, Tessa Twilitovna, L. M. Rerezonova, Sansa and Arya Umbrovna, Rickard III Bannister, Zarah Dyakovovna, Kitenge FitzNgombi, John Frederick Englefield, Yulla the Stout, Giovanni di Capilano, Tyler Harding, Lola "Lolly" Horton, Nathan Umbridge, Joseph Mailk Claymoore, Herbert Kindrakewich, Rebecca FitzBenedict, Elissa Kunitz, Stacey Chaddington, Lynnsey Déby, Mia Sandra Miata, Marie Malkova, Caprice Campolo, Hunter Simons, Jana Hearst, Jade Helmsley, Julius V Jagaretharn, Sandy Sandoval (and the Starlights), Suzy Sonicovna, Triss Toyotanova, Bari Bardot, Arnald Rutherford Clarke, Tali Talosova, Halsey Boston, Hermione Hondanova, Hedwig Robinette, Ysalla Seldorne, Chiara Chynanova, Ebika Ebikovna FitzMaude, Kaitlin "Kitty" Angus, Hadrian C. Somerville, Juliet Romjin, Jasmine Al-Rūmī, Catelyn Shemsiya, Farrah Fahraneva, Trisha Keibler, Babette Blount, Lolyta La Cerva,
Rowena and Norwena Pewterschmidt
Mia-Ami Dolfini
Tzeki Tsikata
Kurdt Gregorg
Yulianne Azkabanova
Caradoc Rifkin
Mikhail Arkanoidov
Yana Tetrisova


Nicolas Jean Dechambre V
Victoria Kane
Hannibal and Helga Harding
Tywin Tuckett
Ulysses Maivia
Kitty "Kat" Stabile
Miles Desmond
Ulla Dixon
Dixie Mason
Francine "Dear Franny" Booth-Tarkington
Dawn Marie Massey
Beulah A. Gardner
Dwayne Gretskii
Olaf Harrold
Yana and Alf Kolzig
Olha and Olga Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff-Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky
Polly, Molly, and Dolly DeLean
Ronald Howard Toth (Claire Catherine)
Victor Emmanuel DiCaprio
Angela V. Chasefield
Rayanne Van Der Graaf
Charlotte Cherski
Starla Price
Lady Mariamne Souphanousinphone-Nahasapeemapetilon

Coulombe and DeVoretz

Ephraim Mwansamulenga - Ephraim Mwansamulenga is the Crystal Castle Republic's Ambassador to TBD.

Perry Clarence Mason - P.C. Mason is the Norfolkite ambassador to the United Island States of AHSCA. He seems to have many gifts: intelligence, charm, and a terrific sense of style. He's something of a rogue, and has hired a local girl from Misakichi Village, Animalopolis, as his secretary. Interestingly, his father's name was Clarence Perry Mason.
Mary Faith Rafuah: M.F. Rafuah is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Principality of Katase. She has a noble air about her, but boasts proudly of her proletarian origins. She's beautiful, she's bright, and has a considerable aptitude for intercultural understanding, especially when she makes regular efforts to learn from her hosts, often by touching base with the average man, woman and even child at events such as festivals and parades.
Sherrell Martese: Sherrell Martese is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Theocratic Matriarchy of the Holy Marsh, also known as the Romani-Mar'si Union.
Manuel Gennaro Tourneur: M.G. Tourneur is the Norfolkite ambassador to TBD. A prim and proper gentleman from a family that runs a shrimp cook-and-sell business, he is best known for wearing the same attire as a prominent purveyor of fried chicken. You know the one.
John Baldwin Shoumatoff: J.B. Shoumatoff is the Norfolkite ambassador to TBD.
Luanne Grace Margaret "Gracie" Théroux-Bénoni: Luanne Théroux-Bénoni is the Norfolkite ambassador to TBD.

Hayley Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff: Born into the prestigious Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff family, Hayley is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Grand Duchy of Leoneise.
Kyle McLennan/Pam Swain: Kyle McLennan is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Holy Empire of Rhossenia. He is a direct descendant of Reuel McLennan, who introduced baseball to the Ngombians. His wife is Pam Swain, a prominent hairstylist.
Lydia Bartlett: Lydia is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Republic of Mareyland. Underneath her pretty exterior is a strong and capable woman. She was born into the working class, and has no qualms about rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty. She favors pulling one's bootstraps and appreciates hard workers.

Nkechi Amaechi
Kamorudeen Ishola
Omoniyi Kehinde
Sarah Darason
Muhammad Ali ibn Abdul Jubrin
Sabrina Henning: Sabrina is the Norfolkite ambassador to the Kingdom of Siando. A posh, aristocratic type, she is a member of the well off and well known Henning family. However, she is determined to make a name for herself rather than embrace stereotypes.
Dora Jayne Torrens
Wendee Evans
Agatha Tukluviak Tellok
Linsley FitzJasper

Felix Soibelman
Rexhep Rexha
Jacques-Victor Jodoin
Laura Schneider
Susanne Winkler
Anna Möller
Gillian Dvořák
Joseph Catalan
Mitt Kanada
Hannah Kühn
Wiebke Weiß
Sarah Michelle Hofmann
Alberta Schäfer
Andrea Köhler
Gisela Krüger
Jean-Nicolas Fröhlich
Hans Friedrich Kühn
Chloe McLachlan
Hiram, Joyea and Eleanor Kushner
Fransiska Fältskog
Jerome Powell

James Bomen
Vittòri Amedee Meraviglia and Marija Antuanete Ģērmane
Christiane Frohmann
Yohannes Aagaard
Greta and Felix and Laura Rechsteiner-Schütz (von Staschoten am Richtenräschen)
Howard Schönfinkel
Carmella DiCamillo

Phillip & Dawn Chippewa
Charlotte Anne Stickler
Ruxandra Claire Williams
Edwin Robert Eziamaka
Pearl Kalani
Jotham Masuku
Helmut Castaneda
Anna Roseline Bernice Buquia
Lara Lawson
Margot Farmer
Tommo Scrooge
Chaw Thant Zin
Naomi Jones
Talisha Zanjani
Jean-Jacques Malathola
Anthony Joseph and Laura Pratt
Lauren Pritt
Mark Anthony Babatunde
Philip Alexander Chevchenko
Faulkner and Richelle Hesse
Samuel Kanyon Weinhold
Yhannis Doe
Elizanne Poe
Marcus Aurelius d'Orcana
Allison Amber Madueke-Diezani
Kimberly Lynn Berrycloth
Leroy Sinclair, Lord of Sinclaria
Edward McCullen
Alexei Mikov Turescu
Lindalynn Girdaladze-Krummenacher
Alycia Keyes
Agnes Ruegg
Artyom Timurovich Maronitov
Tatiana Knessa
Inna Khodorkovsky
Nathan Drake Sutanawarakul
Joyce Donna Ruegg
Deborah Darcsenova
Lara Eidenberg
Marcela Fernandez
Nadira and Osbert Lojewski
Angela Armbruster
Othello Enkhbold
Suzara Zinchenko
Marion-Annabelle Del Rose
Cédric Forsberg-Šakić
Abdul Baasid El-Sadek
Abdul Hakeem Al-Shafi
Abdullah "Abbi" Lindström
Josephine "Jo" Thornton-Stevenson
Camille DeCesare
Mark Matthew and Stacy Ann-Marie Gilligan (Ginger et Mary-Ann)
John Felix Makubela
Heidemarie Vogelweide

Patrizio Pazzi: The Pazzi were once a powerful family in the Republic of Florence; following the Pazzi conspiracy in 1478, members of the family were banished from Florence and their property was confiscated; the family name and coat-of-arms were permanently suppressed by order of the Signoria. As a result, some members took to the seas, and at least a few arrived in Garbania during the reign of the Emperor Meraelomon; one of them, Ser Cristoforo Pazzi, was the progenitor of the illegitimate cadet branch, the Dolfini, named after the dolphins on the Pazzi shield. The Pazzi quickly won over the Emperor, who had them tasked with participating in one of the early waves of Garbanian colonialism. Ser Patrizio Pazzi arose during the reign of Emperor Ulrirbert as the lord of the feudal domain of Florentia (sometimes called New Florence) in Esvanovia, which specialized in trade with foreign powers and indigenous tribes until the rise of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company threatened its traditional monopoly. Patrizio was the first of the Pazzi lords to try to diversify the domain's endeavours; however, he entered into a long-running feud with the MBTC in an attempt to curry imperial favor to defend the aforementioned monopoly, but he failed to do so; Patrizio was considered to be firmly loyal to his wife, but "a serious indiscretion" in his youth, prior to meeting her, led to the birth of another illegitimate branch of the Pazzi family, the Fiorentino branch; Bartolo Fiorentino, while distant from his father, nevertheless served under him for many years. This all resulted into a series of violent confrontations between the Florentine and MBTC forces, culminating in the Battle of Nine Rivers; this resulted in the Imperial Court deploying the Imperial Garbanian Army into the disputed region to quell further unrest. Pazzi narrowly avoided being attainted for his actions, but knowing that he had lost all respect, abdicated, letting his son, Ezio, take over. Ezio would restore the domain's fortunes, and make peace with the MBTC. His descendants would rule over Florentia until 1892, when Ser Bruno Pazzi handed over the domain to the Norfolkites.

Upton Sinclair Lewis: the son of Louis Lewis, owner of the famous Lewis Farms in Norfolk proper and an agrarian firebrand, U.S. Lewis immigrated to Esvanovia to seek his own fortunes, untethered to the political campaigns of his father, who advocated a distinctly Jeffersonian philosophy. He established a ranch outside the small town of Gopher Prairie, and became famous, as a dairy farmer, for the high quality of his product. His father applauded him for his business acumen, but scolded him often for his abstinence from politics, especially when he, after hearing his father had signed the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence, stated he preferred the Garbanian monarchy. This caused a schism in the Lewis clan, with the Esvanovian branch remaining loyal even after the handover in 1892; U.S. Lewis requested to be cremated, his ashes scattered over his ranch. One of his sons, John Connor Lewis, remained in Esvanovia to manage the ranch, which still functions today, but the other members migrated to Garbania proper, joining the Norfolkite diaspora in that country. In 2003, the two branches of the family reconcilied with one another, and a statue of U.S. Lewis can be found in Gopher Prairie, where he had donated much of his profits to the care of the poor.

Sherwood Sidebottom: Born into a modest, hard working rural family, Sherwood Sidebottom was best known as the founder of Draka Ranch, which controversially hired exclusively non-human (OOC: those who do not recognize FanT can assume that the labor was human if they prefer) labor from nearby Anagonia, as the ranch was established not too far from the border. He hired them in an attempt to combat what he saw as undue prejudice, especially in light of their migration into the country seeking new opportunities for themselves and their families. Satirical cartoons and puritanical firebrands alike criticized him, especially when he went public with his relationship with a Komodren woman (OOC: those who do not recognize FanT can assume that the wife was human if they prefer) who worked under him. A Norfolkite, he came out against the Declaration of Norfolkite Independence, and recieved further criticism as a result. However, those who knew him personally praised him for his friendly, down to earth nature, his staunch support for honest pay and benefits for his workers, and his tradition of donating surplus product to poor households. When the handover occured in 1892, he decided not to flee to Garbania proper as many other loyalists had, and instead opted to embrace the conservative politics that swept rural communities; he ran for office in his advanced age, and served for a spell in the state assembly before he passed away.

Sydney Sidebotham: A distant relation to the aforementioned Sherwood Sidebottom (like many Norfolkite families around the time of independence, there were schisms over political loyalties), Sydney Sidebotham is one of the most popular actresses of her time—starring in numerous television shows and movies, she was thrust into the spotlight upon the advent of Esvamania, an attempt by the people of Norfolk-in-Esvanovia to assert themselves and their unique culture from underneath the shadow of Norfolk proper. Many people, young and old alike, had her posters adorning the walls of their bedrooms and garages, and see her as a living font of childhood nostalgia, particularly for her role in the seminal coming-of-age drama, Secret/Seventeen, which sought to present what its creator deemed to be an "uncensored" depiction of teenage life, eschewing stereotypes and "petty exploitation" in favor of a realistic bent, with episodes depicting subjects including child abuse, homophobia, teenage alcoholism, homelessness, adultery, school violence, censorship, and drug use; its creator was Walter Teague, who also saw the series as pivotal in Esvanovia's desire to assert itself on its own terms, though the show did not have an explicitly political bent. Sydney played the role of the trusty sidekick of the protagonist and her many quotes and scenes became memes in later years. However, her decision to opt for Nollywood provoked criticism and scrutiny from critics, though others, like Walter Teague himself, defended the move. Sydney has embraced progressive causes, and most notably backed Lorraine Kindrakewich's presidential run. Her latest role was voice acting in the popular Norfolkime series, Labyrinth.

Walter Teague: Walter Teague was a Norfolkite playwright and screenwriter best known for his gritty, naturalistic style, most notably in Secret/Seventeen, which brought him critical acclaim for its unflinching depiction of hot topics, though he recieved criticism for certain elements, such as an episode that had depicted the struggle of a repentant pedophile who struggles with their demons; Teague defended himself by stating "it's just life, real life, in action," and the episode is still rerun, in full, to this day. His attempt to sympathetically depict an Enme family in another episode not too long after the Summer of 92's ethnic violence in Ogtogo also resulted in criticism. After the show's run concluded, he was consulted by the Norfolkite television channel YTV for "advice and guidance" for their own critically acclaimed program, Darla, and branched out into animated movies and even video games afterward. He has come out as a libertarian socialist, stating in an interview that, to him, libertarian socialism meant wanting to establish a society "where the people, rules, and institutions controlling the economy and society are as democratic and transparent as possible, the individual rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed, and the structures maintaining this are as local and responsible to the affected stakeholders as practical," and donates accordingly to those politicians who espouse such views. His latest work was the alternate history mockumentary, "A Star is Stillborn," set in an alternate timeline wherein Free Norfolk City and Norfolk-in-Esvanovia are both still under Garbanian rule (until 1955), and how that might've played out.

Camilla "Cammy" Caravello: One of the foremost salonnières of her time, Camilla Caravello was best known for hosting numerous political and social reformers at her salon in Charlottechurch; she was also consulted by numerous lords of feudal domains for her sage counsel and charming wit, and turned down the marriage offers of many more—open and frank about her life, she was one of the first women to testify about her fluid sexuality. "Men are for children, women are for pleasure," she reputedly said. Politically, she lent her considerable clout and fame to those seeking greater autonomy for Esvanovia, backing the "Young Esvanovians" who sought to abolish feudalism and create a unified state. She did not marry, but had a daughter out of wedlock, whom she named Camille ("Little Cammy"), and whom she doted upon; she refused to state who the father was, and it is still generally not known to this day. Her salon still stands to this day, and was turned into a museum by the Norfolkites. A movie about her life was released in 1999 as part of the Millennium Drive campaign.

Camille "Little Cammy" Caravello: The only child of Camilla Caravello, Camille Caravello was a popular socialite, debutante and lady-in-waiting to Lord Idhdorananach Labhe's wife, Lady Roxahna. Her father was not only unknown, but it is generally agreed upon that Camille either did not know herself, or took the secret to the grave like her mother; regardless, she had a happy childhood, often being spoiled rotten by her mother. At the age of seventeen, she migrated to the court of Lord Idhdorananach Labhe, where she served Lady Roxahna dutifully. Her memoirs, candidly depicting life at court, are considered a great source of information by historians. Upon the eve of the handover, Camille followed Lady Roxahna to Garbania, citing that she could not bear to leave her side; however, after her marriage to the Norfolkite gentleman, James Luper, she moved with him to Vajas, where she lived out the rest of her life.

Syneabelle Valad: Syneabelle (sometimes spelt as Syneahbelle) Valad was the daughter of Vajasian ranchers who married into the family of Lord Hathnedhnain Viraya, who held land in Esvanovia. Her "chronic, almost blatant" inability to adjust to noble life, preferring to work in the stables and fraternize with commoners, became the stuff of legend in the latter years of Garbanian colonial rule. Despite her "distinctly proletarian" character, she was a committed monarchist; rejecting Norfolkite rule, she fled to her native Vajas with her family, establishing a "sub-ranch," as an offshoot of her family's main property.

Kimberly Kindersley: Considered by some to be one of the first supermodels, Kimberly Kindersley was one of Esvamania's foremost proponents, simply by doing as little as walking into a room, let alone down the catwalk. She was the muse and love interest of the popular artist, Leopold Temby, and was one of the celebrities called upon to promote the Esvanovian Gaming Corporation (EGC), which was established in 1995 to oversee both lotteries and gaming (including casinos, video lottery terminals and online gaming)—she was also known for hosting telethons and other pledge drives to promote and help support public broadcasting on behalf of the Esvanovian Public Broadcasting Service (EPBS), and Esvanovian Public Radio (EPR), both of which were established as the Esvanovian counterpart to the Norfolkite Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the main public broadcaster in Norfolk proper. It has been said that Esvanovians value tax dollars spent on both behind only military defense and oversight of food and drug safety, and this is no doubt due to efforts of folks like Kimberly.

Dugald Jephson: Dugald Jephson was a social worker, activist and journalist best known for his advocacy of all those who have been affected by diabetes; his efforts in raising awareness about the disease he himself had drove him to advocate, in his words, "unity among people of all religions, nationalities, ideologies, and beliefs to promote altruism, healing, and understanding throughout the world." He also strove to advocate for greater awareness of diabetes in dogs and cats, and his efforts saw him recieve a star on the Esvanovian Walk of Fame, which acknowledges the achievements and accomplishments of Esvanovians who have excelled in their respective fields. In 2003, he was voted into the top ten, ranking fourth, of the Greatest Esvanovians list as part of a EPBS effort to identify one greatest Esvanovian of all time, which some saw as middlebrow, nationalist pandering. He also helped with the creation of Esvanovia: A People's History, which was a documentary television series on the history of Norfolk-in-Esvanovia that aired on the NET (National Educational Television) and which was considered one of the best documentaries of all time. After his death, the leaders of the Garbanosphere's member states came together to light a flame of hope in his honor in the town of Bantingville, which will only be extinguished when a cure for diabetes is developed; the team responsible for finding the cure will be flown in to do so.

Quincy John Quirrell: Q.J. Quirrell was a governor of the state of Buffalo, best known for his eccentric idealism, his vehement rejection of eugenics, and his frosty relations with fellow governors who considered him something of an upstart and rabble rouser. His family were Norfolkite loyalists who stayed in Esvanovia because, as Quirrell put it, "we were not raised to be quitters," and he remembered that his elders would still treasure their portraits of the Emperor and Empress of Garbania, and consider each anniversary of the handover to be a day of mourning. A staunch populist, Quirrell issued to the general public, as he had promised in his election platform, prosperity certificates in an attempt to alleviate the effects of a sharp economic downturn; this form of complementary currency was devised to increase local employment, supporting local culture, and make the local food supply more resilient. His economic views resembled those of Silvio Gesell, and he went to great efforts to promote them throughout the country; he studied monetary systems and promoted the idea that communities can benefit from creating their own local or complementary currency, which circulate parallel with national currencies, and this idea would eventually lead to the creation of Esvacoin, the region's first cryptocurrency. When the idea of eugenics was pitched to those in power during his tenure as governor, Quirrell rejected it outright, and considered it to be a blatant attack on human dignity. His policy for social peace was one of conciliation and concord through reforms that would eventually persuade all people to come together in perfect harmony—he was also considered an avid environmentalist, due to his lifelong love of birdwatching; had I not gotten into politics, he once said, I'd have thrown myself headlong into ornithology. After his tenure as governor ended, he pursued birdwatching so seriously that he spent his remaining life trying to see all the bird species of the world. He also supported the creation of the Norfolkite Service Corps, which is similar to the 4-H youth organization in the United States; he told the initial batch of members in his state that his experiences in life had taught him that the solution isn’t to bury your head in the sand or jump to the worst-case scenario. The State of Buffalo considers him to be one of its finest examplars of political prowess.

Motoyasu Katase: Known for his charismatic personality, dynamic stage presence, and unique music style, Motoyasu Katase has soared to the top of the Norfolkite music charts as one of the country's most celebrated and beloved entertainers. He is considered the Prince of Pop, and even performed
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Sat Dec 07, 2024 2:58 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 271
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

The States of Esvanovia (NIE)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Mon Dec 02, 2024 11:23 pm


Representatives of the Esvanovian colonies signing the Evergreen Covenant.

In 1892, the United States of Esvanovia was created—it is the only colony of the Crystal Castle Republic (after the handover of the Rin Leased Territory to Katase on January 1st, 2000), and was formed by the amalgamation of the myriad feudal domains, lands of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company, et cetera that had collectively formed what was called Garbania-in-Esvanovia. Various surnames such as Severance, Tam, Boyd, Greaves, Ruess and Stanton, belonging to a few of the many signers of the Evergreen Compact, have been used as town names in the states that were formed; states such as Buffalo, Elizabethland, Devonheavenshire, Keiskatchewan, Vesperia, Angria, Northangerland, Mesopelagia, Ursalia, Gondal, Gaaldine, Zamorna, Drakia, Rococima (a name that was created by combining the Spanish words rocosos & cima, roughly meaning rocky summit), Quaybeck, Brancaland (sometimes spelt Branchaland), Cherronesus, Metropotamia, Assenisipia, Polypotamia, Pelisipia, Equitasia, Rhodmhire, Alexandriana, Sylvania, Westsylvania, Absaroka, Meredosia (derived from Marais d'Osier, meaning willow swamp), Wismettac, New Coventry, Parrisland, Monmouthshire, Vandalia, Charlotina (or Charlotiana), New Anglia, Ganonoa, Mesconsing (or Meskonsing), Auraria, Gedonia, the Isle of Woman, Toteco and Carnelia (or Carneliya) were formed as a result of the Evergreen Compact. There are also autonomous, indigenous areas, similar to reserves in Canada and the United States; these are considered part of states, and the federal government solely oversees relations between them and the states. ,

The cultural contributions of the United Esvanovian States are endless: Riddler brand energy drinks,

Esvanovia Championship Wrestling, Magnecom, the Gametube,

Esvacola, the Victory at Sea series of video games, shows like Keep Esvanovia Singing, and Where in the Universe is Cindy San Francisco?

Green Gables

after years of Garbanian neglect, Aureumterran aggression, discontent with feudal customs, and the onset of Norfolkite rule, representatives of the Esvanovian colonies came together in Charlottechurch to discuss amalgamation; much like the Holy Roman Empire of real life, "Esvanovia," that is, as the Garbanians understood it, was divided into dozens – eventually hundreds – of individual entities governed by everyone from feudal lords to overseers of the Monmouth Bay Trading Company; there were also the indigenous territories, given autonomy to practice their traditional way of life, as per the numerous treaties signed by them and the Imperial Court. All domains, as they were collectively called, also had their own armies, and theoretically, these were raised to assist the Garbanian government in times of war; In practice, however, these troops often had local allegiances stronger than their loyalty to the Emperor. Each domain collected taxes, and then sent a cut to the Imperial Court, which then, at its leisure, reinvested the money into the colonies-at-large. It should be noted that amalgamation was not necessarily unheard of; in fact, prior to the creation of the UES, there had been several changes to the makeup of "Esvanovia," such as the Monmouth Bay Trading Company's vain attempt to retake the Monmouth Bay Area after the establishment of the title of Gouverneur d'Esvanovie ("Governor of Esvanovia"), with the first governor, Ser Turolt Le Cleck, taking up residence at Charlottechurch, which the MBTC had claimed as part of its domain; the Imperial Court's decision to extract the area from the MBTC was led to recurring demands from the latter to reconsider.

It should be noted that there were earlier proposals for amalgamation; in 1867, Âdam LeMenn (sometimes called Le Menn) proposed the idea. In 1850 and 1844, the idea was proposed by Idris Ali Muthoot and Gijsbert van der Kolk respectively. The idea, however, kept failing because nobody could agree on the finer details, namely who would assume leadership of the amalgamated colony.

Unlike Western feudalism, the value of a Garbanian feudal domain was defined in terms of projected annual income rather than geographic size.

More broadly, ? may mean "cooperative economics", in the sense of "local people cooperating with each other to provide for the essentials of living", or "to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together


Ogtogan irregulars fighting back against Aureumterran aggressors.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Thu Dec 05, 2024 12:37 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Free Norfolk City
Posts: 271
Founded: Oct 15, 2021
Democratic Socialists

The Conspiracy With No Name (McCourt's Rebellion)

Postby Free Norfolk City » Thu Dec 05, 2024 3:07 am


Pharamond McCourt, the leader of the first, and only, "Norfolkite" rebellion against Garbanian colonial rule.

To this day, historians have never been quite able to properly explain just what exactly compelled Pharamond McCourt to rebel against the colonial authority he himself had served for many years—he had proved his integrity by never accepting bribes and to oppose corruption; some have even gone as far as to allege that the whole thing was either a publicity stunt to "prove" something, or that he had simply gone what we would call "postal" today. He was one of the most distinguished intellectuals in the later years of the colonial era, and devoted himself to nurturing many patriots who in turn made major contributions to the fledging First Norfolkite Republic, including the man whom he considered to be his protege, Hunter Simons. His students, he explained to his peers, were his attempt to cultivate a new generation of patriots, who would maintain the old order in an ever-changing world.

Despite working for the government, he was openly against the colonial regime, criticizing it as decadent and oblivious to public concerns. The population protested against the sharp increase in social and economic pressures and began engaging in the act of destroying the residences of those deemed to be complicit as an act of resistance. McCourt sought help from the administrators, but his efforts were fruitless. There was no movement at the time for the rights of ordinary citizens, so McCourt ensured that the anger of the population was channeled to an organized uprising. Despite the fact that he had a lot of influence and was a member of the elite of colonial Norfolkite society, he helped them fight the government's corruption.

McCourt prepared a last will and testament the night before the day he intended to carry out his daring plan; he had it sealed, to be delivered to the visiting Princess Arzhela upon his death; in it, he pre-emptively apologized for the "great embarassment" that his actions would no doubt cause; he insisted that he was simply trying to help the empire by ridding Norfolk of corrupt elements, and that he had no desire for personal gain.
Last edited by Free Norfolk City on Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:35 am, edited 2 times in total.


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