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Polls indicate more support for LGBT community (Not General)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:38 pm
by Romextly
After the recent revolts and brutal killings supported and sometimes perpetrated by members of the LGBTQ community, polls showed only a small 3% for the legalization of being able to call yourself a member of the community. However, due to some actions and the rise of the RPS, polls now show a surprising and massive increase to 6.8% support the legalization of the community. The Emperor has tweeted


Primo Representative also had something to say


Now this only means that about 98 million support this, compared to the over 700 million who say that they will fight any bill or law that will come to pass. However, there has been a surge in deportations due to a 6,000 more coming out, believing to have enough support to evade the law. There is now only 300,000 suspected members of this community left and more are dwindling slowly.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:12 pm
by Romextly
Recently there has been a case called Alenix v. Jisrael and Alenix is the cover name of the plaintiff to stop attempts of deportations and claims protection under the Clause 5a, which states "There will be no discrimination on race, religion, age, disabilities or sex in legal cases nor in federal or state levels." Alenix claims to be a female after an illegal sex transfer, but Jisrael claims that on LGBTQ's claim that it is genderthat matters not sex and since gender (which is deemed to be a made up word by the government) is not included than she does not have the legal rights.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:53 pm
by Romextly
So far it seems that the state of Jisrael is winning in the court case. Meanwhile, large protests await for the testimony of Aledrix. Many plans are proudly posted on twitter on how they plan to kill Aledrix


The JPD has not responded to how they plan on protecting the witness

Breaking News!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:26 pm
by Romextly
Aladrix, the star witness in the recent case to further expand LGBTQ rights in Jisrael has been killed on route to the court by a man wielding AKs. The police have still not arrested any suspects.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:57 pm
by Romextly

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:58 pm
by Romextly
The police have arrested a Alejandro Mendez for the murder of the witness, though contraversy was stirred when the arresting officers took him to a coffee shops to get him some coffee and donuts and did not handcuff the suspect. He will be placed on trial soon, though LGBTQ groups announce that it will be likely that he will be released if nations do not listen in. The government assures that there will be a fair trial.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:34 am
by Romextly
The trial has begun

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:47 pm
by Romextly
After only 50 minutes of trial, despite overwelming evidence to prove that Alejandro was guilty of a planned death and as such was put on trial for 1st degree Murder, has beencalled not guilty by the jury. This, despite there being a video of the killing. PRobably as all the Jury was biased.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:55 pm
by Romextly
The LGBTQ community is pleading for international help claiming that they are in danger of being killed. Meanwhile, a new anti-LGBTQ bill is passed and now in the biggest surge in a week, over 15,000 have been deported.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:25 pm
by Romextly
A massive Anti-LGBTQ riot sprang up in Vertero. The police have been called in and national leaders have called for patience. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party continues to try and allow people of the community to have protection from mobs.