Cultural Revivalism (Movement for always being In Character)

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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Under Ledzia
Posts: 1
Founded: Apr 27, 2020

Cultural Revivalism (Movement for always being In Character)

Postby Under Ledzia » Tue May 19, 2020 11:51 pm

OUTRAGED at the fact that many nation states in many regions are lacking any interest in national factbooks, regional politics. We seek like-minded nations who agree that national culture (roleplay) is the base of every nation state.

PLANNING a great cultural (roleplay) revivalism in the entire international community, we seek members around the entire world, not just a single region, possibly eventually founding a new region if we find enough interested nations, while encouraging keeping a puppet nation in your previous region in case the upper mentioned happens.

ENCOURAGING national factbooks and overall national politics and cultural developement (roleplay).

ALSO ENCOURAGING regional governments working similarily to the WA (all bills written In Character), keeping a record of all passed bills.

DISCOURAGING all nations founded as a joke, and declaring them a disgrace.

OUTRAGED at the fact that culturally developed (roleplay active) regions either have to enter a complete isolationism, or delegate cultural affairs outside the region (for example into discord or off-site forums).


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