Kirhean Tribes Factbook

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Kirhean Tribes
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Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Kirhean Tribes Factbook

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:01 pm

Due to an unscheduled restructuring of The Commonwealth's government all Hitchhiker's guides to the nation known formerly as "The Commonwealth of Kirhean Tribes" are hereby recalled for editing.

A warning against travel to the nation is in effect. The original guide remains below for general reading.

That is all,

Good travels hitchhikers!

A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Commonwealth of Kirhean Tribes

The Commonwealth of Kirhean Tribes is a large nation located just south of the Bering Strait, in the Pacific Ocean. The entirety of the nation is built on an artificial landmass, created when the Kirhean species landed on earth in late 2007. Though it has existed for only a short time, the area has been terraformed to include a variety of environments. Truly there is a place for every soul. From the soaring peak of Mt. Bellum of the Gloria range, standing silent vigil over it's the sweeping red deserts of Bahl and Nod, testing even the most worthy to the limits of their endurance. At it's center lies the heart of the nation Kirhea City...ringed by emerald forests of evergreen and glittering with lakes like jewels, connected by the silver thread of the Pacis River...

The city itself is a marvel, built in a mere three years and yet it has all the aura of a city that has borne witness to the passing of ages. Entering the gates from the south, one is confronted by the Grand Market. A press of people from across the nation, bartering goods and tales, pressing in on all sides. Awnings hang from nearby buildings, shading the weary traveler as he makes his way through the crowd. One might expect an oppressive heat, but by some miracle of engineering a breeze winds lazily through the booths and removes both heat and smoke. Without warning one will burst into the sunlight, the Central Plaza of Kirhea. Here is the antithesis of the Market, the open space leaves one feeling like an insect before giants. The road opens in every direction, with the Parliament Building to the left, the Imperial Grounds to the right, and the Avenue ahead. In the center stands an Obelisk, wrought of obsidian and covered in silver filigree, a memorial to fallen heroes. Even a few meters from the market one will note the quiet, as if the world dare not blaspheme the solemnity of the moment. Standing in awe one bears witness to the center of an ancient civilization. Upon the Parliament building is relief after relief, the story of the the Kirhean people told in art. As the traveler moves onto the avenue, he may look back and see the gently swaying trees on the Imperial Grounds, the tips of silver towers in the distance. Turning, he will again plunge into the bustle of the city, having been given proper greeting by the spirit of the Commonwealth and its people.

I've decided to have something of a revolution in my nation...the information here will remain fairly accurate in terms of general culture and biology...but the government and attitudes of the Kirhean people are currently under revision. Expect a somewhat more aggressive (and I daresay mercenary) nation to emerge. Should I have time I may write up a few news reports to cover the events.
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Thu May 05, 2011 2:35 am, edited 6 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:03 pm

Basic Info

  • Location - As stated in the introduction, the Commonwealth of Kirhean tribes is a large nation situated 200 km south of the Bering Strait. The landmass it occupies is artificial in nature.
  • Geography - The new Sub-continent dubbed "Kanrhe" covers an area of approximately two million square kilometers. It is unclear exactly how it was created as creating a mass that size is beyond human science. However, according to Kirhean officials they "punched through the crust and guided the resulting magma" to form the landmass. Kanrhe is roughly circular in shape, with a mountain range just off center, with arms radiating out like spokes to the coast. The spokes appear to have been engineered, allowing for the wide range of environments even this far north. A series of lakes and rivers have formed, presumably in engineered depressions.
  • Ecology - It would appear that Kanrhe is home to a variety of earth species, and other than Kirheans no alien species have been noted. The speed at which various species appeared is suspicious. There are forests so large as to require hundreds of years to form, yet they appeared in less than three. Officially the Kirheans "seeded" the environment of the new landmass, many have theorized that they used some form of cloning. It is unclear if this is the case, but something artificial was certainly the cause. Beyond this, biodiversity is roughly what one would expect from an industrialized nation with ecological preservation in mind. It is the opinion of this guide that berries and small animals normally found in areas around the world are likely to be found in the proper places in Kanrhe. For the hungry hitchhiker, this is good certainly could provide for yourself here.
  • Infrastructure - The Commonwealth has certainly not been lazy since landing. There are four major cities, and a number of smaller settlements throughout the nation. All are connected by a network of railroads and highways, which are maintained by the government. On the bright side, this means it's easy to get from point A to point B. On the down side this is only because personal vehicles are illegal in the commonwealth. Trying to actually hitchhike would be unwise, as no one will actually be driving and thus be unable to provide a lift. Stick to public transport and you'll be fine though.
  • Legal Concerns - While it is not illegal to hitchhike in the Commonwealth, it is illegal to travel without proper identification. Be sure to carry your passport and the id issued on entry to the country at ALL times. Also remember to check your travel plans with the appropriate authorities, the Kirheans do not take kindly to foreigners wandering into restricted zones. (usually a military matter)
  • Money - Most businesses in the Commonwealth will not accept foreign currency, though some human businesses in ports may do so. Any travelers should be sure to check in with a bank at a port to exchange currency. The currency in the Commonwealth is the Standard Credit, which is remarkably devalued in comparison to other currency. While this has not seriously impacted quality of life in the nation it is good to remember, the rate is currently roughly SC2.69 = $1 US.
  • Pets - It is perfectly acceptable to bring pets into the commonwealth, providing they are approved by your vet and have all the necessary documentation. One should remember to carry some method of waste disposal when taking pets in public, as the littering fine is rather steep.
  • Non-native Life - Read that as any plant or non-pet animal that one takes into the nation. This is illegal without the appropriate permits, you will be arrested and deported if you violate this law. This extends to fruit, such as apples, as the risk of a stray seed could destabilize the ecology.
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:03 pm

Cultural Info

  • Religion - The Commonwealth believes in freedom of religion, as a result one can find religions of all kinds in the cities of the Kirhean people. It should be noted however that the average Kirhean follows a form of organized ancestor worship. It bears only passing similarities to human religions, but emphasizes the importance of self-accountability and respect for others. Spiritual and philosophical debates are commonly overheard in shops and restaurants, and generally one may enter the conversation after an introduction to the participants. However, one should be cautious to not overstep the boundaries of respect. In Kirhean culture it is one thing to make an informed argument, it is quite another to make generalized statements. Making a derogatory comment about another's spiritual beliefs is cause for insult, and may have repercussions for the offender.

  • Art - Suprisingly, fine art is difficult to come by in the Commonwealth. Beyond stone carving and architecture there isn't much to look at. Thankfully that same carving and architecture is frequently breath taking. Every building is a work of art, a story told through relief, and an abode all wrapped up into one package. Music is also popular, with nearly all Kirheans owning a small instrument carried on the person at all times. It is not at all odd to see someone pull one out of a pocket and begin to play, usually quite well. It is not at all rude to pull out one's own instrument and join in, though it may be embarrassing if one cannot play as well as the others. Singing is not common and it would be considered extremely rude to do so randomly in public.

  • Society - As one may have gathered from previous entries, the Kirheans are a sociable people. Generally speaking life is casual, one is expected to behave decently but beyond that one lives as one must. Behaving honorably is important, but honor for the sake of honor is considered misguided and even insulting. All Kirheans are trained for hunting, fighting, and general physical exertion from a young age. This has made the average Kirhean fairly tough, both mentally and physically. Despite this they prefer to relax, when not training one is likely to find a Kirhean resting in the shade or telling stories. Typically one will find it difficult to insult a Kirhean, as they embrace other views, but should one manage this feat it is likely the last time they will do so. Once roused to anger the average Kirhean becomes a formidable opponent, not likely to pull punches or show regret for eliminating threats.

  • Law and Order - The Commonwealth allows citizens and visitors a great many freedoms. It is the policy of the government that, in general, one's private affairs are just that...private. However in public one must conduct oneself with dignity and respect. This in mind, there are few laws regarding personal freedoms such as the use of drugs, freedom of speech, etcetera. The laws that do exist are considered to have extreme value, and as such anyone caught breaking laws will be prosecuted with prejudice. Punishments meriting more than a fine usually involve various degrees of "rehabilitation," ranging from community service for repeat littering, to the rewriting of memories and knowledge for crimes such as murder. The Police are generally well trained and effective. Constitutional law requires that all police activities be recorded by cameras in the uniform, and the lack of such recordings can excuse even a murder suspect from trial.

  • Military - Most hitchhikers don't need to concern themselves with a nation's military. In the Commonwealth the opposite is true. While the government is a democratic republic, the military is ubiquitous. Every Kirhean male, and many females, have served in the military for decades. The military is a unifying force for the Kirhean people, and they defend it rather fiercely. In the wake of the cataclysm that set them wandering, many lost their families causing them to be raised in the military. This means the average soldier has had decades to train and hone their skills, though only the older officers have much actual combat experience. The armed forces are granted the foremost technology developed by the Commonwealth, and every soldier is trained in it's use. As a result the Kirheans an advanced military capable of achieving it's goals with few soldiers. Best advice for hitchhikers: Be nice. Anger the wrong Kirhean and you'll deal with their entire unit, make them happy and you'll have powerful friends who might be able to help you later on.

  • Technology - The Kirhean race appears to possess technology beyond that of current humans. It is not so advanced as to be incomprehensible, but it certainly could not be replicated by any means available to humans. For example, the ships the Kirheans arrived on are capable of faster than lightspeed travel, given it took roughly three hundred years to travel to earth. The tech is fairly simple in theory, as it utilizes a similar concept to the Alcubierre drive. However the materials and design are beyond human engineers. In every day life however, Kirheans utilize technology that would be recognizable to any human, though it would seem "futuristic." The signature tech of the Kirheans is their nanite technology. With it they have cured most diseases that threaten them, can interface with their tech, can communicate over long distances, and managed to create a network much like the internet that can be accessed mentally. Currently the tech is not compatible with human physiology, however the Commonwealth has several joint projects with the nations of Earth to adapt it to improve the quality of human life.

  • Physiology - Given that Kirheans are extraterrestrial, their physiology bears some explanation. The average Kirhean is humanoid and stands between two and two and a half meters in height. The musculature is roughly proportionate, but is three times denser than that of Humans. Bones posses carbon nano-fiber reinforcement, though whether that is artificial or natural has not been made known. The species has redundant organs, allowing them to survive fairly extensive injuries. The brain is completely devoted to memory and processing of thought and senses. Autonomous functions are coordinated by a series of nerve clusters throughout the body. Kirhean skin is actually composed of microscopic scales, and is much tougher than human skin. Teeth adapted for gripping and slicing imply a carnivorous diet, confirmed by the near absence of vegetable matter in Kirhean dishes. Kirheans have hearing slightly outside that of the normal human range and have higher sensitivity. The sense of smell and taste is forty times better than that of humans, and the sense of touch is roughly the same. Kirheans have binocular vision, and their vision is based on radiant and reflected heat. It is sensitive enough to tell the difference between the side of a rock painted black and the side painted white. Furthermore, they have color vision, though it isn't as fine tuned as that of humans. The species breathes oxygen, but requires only a fifth of that humans need. The rest is provided by symbiotic algae and bacteria.

The following is an artist's interpretation of a Male Kirhean engaged in a traditional gladiatorial bout. It is an old ritual intended to settle long standing disputes between tribes with minimal bloodshed. Each participant takes up a weapon and shield, but no armor, they then fight until one dies or submits. Though seemingly barbaric, it has managed to prevent disputes from becoming wars for as long as the tradition has existed.

Male Kirhean

((Guide Ends))
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:57 am, edited 6 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:48 am

A Note on Timekeeping:

For interactions with humans, we utilize the Gregorian Calendar.

Otherwise we use the Standardized Timing system, developed during the colonial phase of solar exploration. There is no day or night in space, nor are there seasons. Furthermore, not all bodies have the same orbital period; therefore we found it useful to have a new standard of timekeeping. We chose to use the half-life of the Tritium atom as our standard, given that the element is common and the half-life is short. It should be noted that we do not name our "month" or "day". However, significant years may be named.


one year is calculated as the half-life of Tritium*.

we divide the year into ten "months".

Each "month" has ten "weeks."

Each "week" has ten "days."

One "day" has 100 "hours"

One "hour" has 100 "minutes"

One "minute" has 1000 "seconds"

By our calculations one standard minute is approximately .65 minutes in the human system. We count year zero as the founding of the commonwealth, meaning that the current year is SY 201.

Today's date (February 26th, 2010) is, in our system:


We celebrate the founding of the Commonwealth on the first day of each new year. This means the Kirhean new year is slated to begin May 10th/11th 2012 according to the Gregorian Calendar. (SY/201-10.99 : SY/202-1.1)

*(12.32 Earth years, Gregorian)
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:48 pm

((OOC: collecting entries to flesh out into full additions to the guide. All following posts are canon and should be considered freely available information not controlled by the Commonwealth government. They are not, however, part of the in character hitchhiker's guide))

I usually describe the Kirheans as an Imperial Republic. However, it doesn't really fit that description any better than the others.

The Kirheans have two seperate governments that function in tandem. This means they have two heads of state, two governing bodies, and two sets of laws. However, they are all designed to mesh so they can function as a single government.

On the one hand there is the Domestic Commonwealth, which is the civilian government. It is a democratic republic with a constitution and elected representatives. Typically it handles domestic affairs such as inter-tribal relations, maintenence of infrastructure, etc.

On the other hand there is the Imperial Commonwealth, which is the military government. It is, more or less, a military dictatorship, albeit a benevolent one. It is led by an Imperial Regent who holds absolute power to make, interpret and execute law. The Regent is not elected, but rather he is chosen from the membership of the High Council, which acts in an advisory role. The High Council itself is composed of members elected from senior military personell by popular election.(the minimum term of service is ten years before eligibility for election to the council, though it can be less in emergencies)
The Imperial Commonwealth regulates foreign relations, handles war, and manages trade.

Together the two governments operate as a single entity, even though they are technically and legally seperate. It may seem inefficient, but the point is to ensure that the military can do as it needs to without interfering in the rights of the civilian population, and vice versa.

-Allowed an equal education to males?
Most certainly

-Allowed to occupy the same jobs as males?
Yes, so long as they can perform their duties.

-Receiving the same pay as a male?

-Allowed to serve in the military? On the front lines?
Yes, so long as they can perform their duties.

-Protected from Servitude?
-Allowed an equal choice in marriage/civil union?

-Allowed property?

-Allowed to walk around without an accompanying husband?

-Given the right to not self-incriminate?

-Given the right to not be put under cruel and unusual punishment

-Receiving equal punishments as a man?

-Treated as equals in general in society?
In general, yes...Females tend to be dominant in most areas domestically, males dominate in the military

-Allowed to vote?

-Allowed to peacefully assemble and petition their personal views?

-Allowed to wear pants?

-Allowed to speak in the place of a man?

-Allowed to act in self-defense against a man?

The Kirhean species has intensely powerful instincts. Powerful enough to overwhelm the unprepared, as a result many individuals of both sexes find they are not well suited for certain tasks. For example, females tend to be territorial, as a result they rarely apply for military service. Large groups of females forced to live in confined spaces for long periods will become restless and aggressive, and this is not theory it is fact. There have been no less than 485 cases of violence between female members of the military, on one base, over the course of five years.

On the other hand, males tend to be submissive to females. As a result it is rare to find a male in high ranking positions in business. A male businessman who had to negotiate with a female would likely end up on the raw end of the deal.

Ultimately, we do not force anyone into any position. Members of any sex may work in any field, so long as they can do so effectively.

The Commonwealth employs a joint military and civilian police force. Military service is compulsory and our soldiers are given extensive disciplinary training. Once their tour of duty is complete, they are expected to report to the local police offices and register as an inactive soldier. From there they may elect to reactivate in a peacetime capacity to flesh out the police force, though they are not allowed a command position.

The police force is operated under the authority of the Domestic Commonwealth, and as such recruits civilian officers in addition to receiving military assistance. The civilian officers are given basic military training, and are eligible for promotion to a command position within the force. We equip our police with the finest law enforcement technology available, recently the Commonwealth has installed infrared and high definition cameras in many public places. This has made it much easier to track criminals and to locate crimes as they occur.

Of course, we still believe the philosophy that proper education and economic opportunities go much further towards reducing crime than stronger police. Thankfully this has held true. So as law enforcement tech advances and our people receive better educations, we have been able to reduce the number of police as a whole.

Records brought on the Long March indicate that freedom of press is an ancient law amongst our people. Apparently it predates the advent of the printing press itself.(or, rather, our version of it)

In the modern Commonwealth such things as freedom of press are a moot point. The ubiquitous nanite has allowed the creation of the Hyper-net amongst our people, essentially a person to person version of your internet at incredibly fast bit-rates. This means anyone, anywhere, anytime can broadcast any information they choose to think of to the entirety of the Hyper-net...rendering all other media instantly obselete.

This also has resulted in total freedom of information in our nation, it would be a practical impossibility to regulate the information available on the Hyper-net. Furthermore, doing so would infringe on the freedom of our people and the availability of potentially crucial information.

To describe it to the humans and other sentients who care to know, imagine that the thoughts and mental images of everyone within ten kilometers was constantly bombarding you mentally. Now imagine also being bombarded by the remembered thoughts, feelings, and images of your ancestors. We Kirheans spend decades learning to mentally filter all that data.

To try and do that to the entire Hyper-net would be a fool's errand.

So as taboo's go...

It is considered good etiquette to submerge your deeper personal thoughts. This way only surface thoughts and feelings remain, which are easier for others to tune out. For example: Sitting in the park and fantasizing about your lover would be incredibly rude, as those thoughts and feelings would ram themselves into the minds of nearby individuals like a television blaring at full volume.

Thankfully this does not extend to other species, as it is not telepathy or any such nonsense, it is just the nanites broadcasting to other nearby nanites who then upload the information straight to the brain. As a result we can learn enough mental discipline to reduce the 'volume' to a respectful level, even if it takes years.
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:49 pm

Reproduction and Child rearing
(with a brief on social structure)

Kirhean reproductive practices and child rearing revolve around it's matriarchal culture and the fact that we have three sexes. First a brief on the social structure of Kirhean society.

Basic structure and maturity:
Females of the species form into "packs" of five individuals when they reach adulthood. At this point they leave the home and wander, this is motivated by an instinct to find a Sari with whom they can form a life-long mating bond. Sari usually remain with their birth parents until finding a Female with whom they can form a mating bond. This process is usually rather...exciting...because in order to meet a Sari, a female must violate another female's territory. This is a fairly dangerous behavior, but if successful the Female will attempt to "woo" the Sari. Eventually, if the Female is successful, the Sari will leave with hear and her pack. Generally speaking at this point the Female and Sari will "settle down" and try to establish their own territory, with the backing of the female's pack. Usually the dominant female will recieve the best location, and the submissive members of the pack will settle at evenly spaced intervals around her territory.
The females will hunt and defend territory, while the Sari tend to the home and grounds.

On reaching adulthood the relationship between males and their parents usually becomes somewhat aggressive. This is because instinct drives the male to compete with adult males, while it drives his "mother" to become hostile towards the "intruder" in her territory. As a result, males typically leave the family at this point and join a local "bachelor" group. These groups are usually composed of around 50 to one-hundred males, one of whom will be dominant while the rest fall into a hierarchy beneath him. They hold no territory of their own, and are located on the borders where the territories of non-dominant females meet. At this point he will be conscripted full time into the military for his first ten year tour of duty. After that point he will return to his original bachelor group as a social adult. He will hunt to feed the bachelor group, and help defend the territory of nearby females from threats.

Reproduction and Child Rearing:
Like humans, Kirheans do not have a breeding season. Females and Sari are receptive at all times of the year, and males are in "seek mode" permanently. Males new to a bachelor group will eventually seek out a female, motivated by pheromones. Generally it would be suicidal to approach a female's territory uninvited, but he will be drawn irresistibly by her scent. Upon meeting she will likely challenge him, as an intruder on her territory. The standard response is submission (aka. flowers, poetry, groveling, begging, etc). If she accepts him, then he will be allowed into her territory to meet the Sari and any offspring she may have. If he is accepted by them, he will become a member of her "harem" and thus gain status as a member of her tribe, solidifying his position in society.
If rejected the male usually leaves, attempts at physical force usually involve hospitalization for the male. Most females have a "harem" of about five to ten males, dominant females usually have less, as they will only accept dominant males as mates.

As mentioned before, we Kirheans have three sexes. This is an adaptation to the fact that our immune system is incredibly strong. So strong that it often prevents conception from occuring. The third sex provides pheromones that "dampen" the immune system's response to sex cells such as sperm and eggs. They also provide an intermediary fertilization zone. Each of the three parents provides genetic material, with the Sari providing a temporary incubation zone while the gamete stabilizes, and then moving it into the female for gestation.

Birth occurs fourteen months later, and is usually accompanied by a celebration held by the female afterwards. The child is given their name by the tribe, and sent home with the mother at the conclusion of the party.

Unlike humans, Kirheans reach sexual maturity after only ten years(earth time). During the first year they are fairly similar to human toddlers, but maturation picks up significantly after that. The first five years are spent in entirely with the Mothers and Father, the latter coming and going as is needed. Each parent will contribute to the child's education, helping them understand their memories of their parent's lives as well as the function their parent provides for society.
After five years the child is usually entering puberty, at which point they will start taking on responsibilities around the home, and receive liberties in exchange.
At sexual maturity, the child usually leaves the home, with the exception of Sari. Sari tend to remain in the home until they find a female with whom they are compatible, usually assisting their Sari parent in duties around the house and helping to raise younger siblings.

Generally, most kirhean parents are loving and devoted to their children. Our society believes that childrearing is the greatest responsibility one can take on, and government subsidies and programs designed to assist in the task are common. The typical female/sari couple and their harem can produce a large number of offspring in their long lifespans, though usually only one per year.

Tribal affiliations pass down the female line, Males and Sari change their tribal honorific when joining with a Female, officially making them blood members of the female's tribe. Males do not live on the female's territory, even if they are members of her "harem." Members of the same "harem" do tend to congregate however, usually one will be dominant within the group, but generally they tend to behave as "brothers." Sexual relations for the purpose of pleasure are common, and may occur between all three sexes or any combination of two sexes...same sex relations also occur, and are socially acceptable, even if they aren't common.

Sexuality and Gender typing

Amongst our people, three sexes are required for a guarantee of successful reproduction. A male and female can concieve without a third partner, but it is prohibitively difficult and therefore rare. Furthermore, it can and usually does result in genetic abnormalities. I am unsure if we can apply human sexuality to our reproductive practices, as our Thirds appear female externally and form lifetime emotional bonds with Females, and vice versa. Males live in bachelor groups separate from the females and Thirds, while they form emotional bonds they are not exclusive to either the Females or Thirds. It is more like a...beloved human terms.

It is to be noted that we are capable of procreating with members of other species to some degree. Our reproductive cycle makes it impossible for a female or a member of the Third sex to conceive with anything other than a Kirhean Male. However, males of the species function identically to Human males and possess enough genes in their sex cells to successfully produce offspring even if they would not have the genetic variability and adaptability of a "pure" Kirhean born of three parents. It is unknown if Humans and Kirheans possess similar enough dna to successfully reproduce, but the possibility of a "hybrid" is not far fetched. No current reports of Kirhean Males and Human females procreating have been made, but many suspect it is only a matter of time.

Without going into detail:

Kirheans have a very strong immune system, so strong that it often prevents conception from occuring. The third sex provides pheromones that "dampen" the immune system's response to sex cells such as sperm and eggs. They also provide an intermediary fertilization zone, incubating the fetus and then transferring it to the Female of the species. There is other biology involved, as well as mating rituals, however they are not relevant. Suffice it to say that this human concept of "homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" is moot when applied to Kirhean culture and biology. I will note, however, that a result of having three sexes is that occasionally a genetic abnormality crops up resulting in an unsexed individual. This is not a hermaphrodite, but rather an individual born without any sexual organs whatsoever. These individuals are given all the benefits our society has to offer, but are rare and sometimes can suffer deep emotional struggles when trying to find an identity during the normal age of puberty. (without sexual organs they do not ever undergo sexual maturity)

Though it is unheard of to treat any member of any sex with unfair practices, many unsexed individuals end up commiting suicide.

Currently our numbers are as follows(equivalent human terms used):

Male................= 57.39 %
Female.............= 22.60 %
Third Sex..........= 20.00 %
Unsexed............= .01 %
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:49 pm

Cultural Notes

  • It is the common belief amongst our people that markings and piercings of the flesh disrupt the flow of the spirit leading to poor health, both mentally and spiritually. Furthermore, marking of the flesh implies permanence of self, an immature concept that does not exist in one who has obtained the enlightenment of spiritual adulthood. As a result there are few, if any, Kirheans who practice the Tattooist's trade. Thus, tattoos and piercings are highly irregular in Kirhean culture.

  • Widespread application of nanotechnology has allowed for a total freedom of information exchange within the Kirhean Tribes, as such all knowledge commonly available to the average citizen is merely a thought away. The result is that "conventional" schools no longer exist, as they would be redundant. Until sexual adulthood, the focus of a Kirhean Juvenile's education is on how to interpret the vast pool of knowledge they possess, the teachers are typically family and other members of the tribe. Upon sexual maturity, a Kirhean youth is expected to choose a triple career path. First they must choose their field of study, known as their theoretical field, this is so they can contribute to efforts to extend Kirhean understanding of the sciences. Second they must choose a technical field, in which to apply their studies of theory for which they receive wages from the government. Finally, they are expected to take a trade, to prevent our people from becoming too dependent on foreign sources of goods, materials and services. The third career need not be a science, many of our greatest mathematicians were also accomplished professional musicians.

  • On the flag of the Commonwealth the hawk represents the strength and ascendancy of the Kirhean people. The circle around it represents our unity by those traits. The Black represents the darkness from whence we came. The white represents the coming dawn of our enlightenment shining upon it.

  • There is abundant, public transit paid for and maintained by taxes. There are no restrictions on who may use it, with the exception of former convicted criminals. Therefore, it is illegal for a private citizen to own or operate any kind of vehicle, for anything other than trade, without express, temporary, written emergency permits from the local government. This is not to inhibit travel, but rather to make it far more efficient. Since all transit is monitored by local agencies, in conjunction with inter-tribal agencies, traffic is nearly non-existent and vehicle related deaths are incredibly rare. Furthermore, in the event of serious emergencies, relief vehicles can safely and quickly navigate to their destinations, increasing public safety.
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:01 am, edited 7 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:50 pm

Non-Classified Military Information

  • Conventional Kirhean troops carry the Hochn-17 Sonic Pulse Emitter, which fires a lased ultrasonic pulse. The pulse allows for an option bullets do not have...stun. This means that the average Kirhean soldier can, and does, shoot first and successfully ask questions later. Even when confronted with crowds of noncombatants they can fire indiscriminately, because if they hit a civilian the worst it will do is knock the breath out of them. All soldiers are also equipped with a matte-black finish combat survival knive made from carbon alloys. Choice of side-arm is given to the individual, and limited only by the budget allowed by their commanding officer. Project Heracles troops use directed energy weapons mounted straight to their armor. Further details are classified.

  • The Kirhean Military deemed long ago that heavy armor units are outmoded and a dangerous liability on the modern field. As a result it has phased out all "tanks" and "mechs." However, the value of armor is not lost on us. Thusly, work continues apace on Project Heracles, a continuing effort to produce improved "power armor" for specialized deployment. The goal is the "perfect" armor with the following properties: light, adding only negligible weight to the soldier; improved weaponry; improved survivability; and improved endurance on the field.
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:03 am, edited 5 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:50 pm


Breaking News

At roughly 2 a.m. this morning gunshots were heard ringing throughout Kirhea, capital city of the Commonwealth. Police investigation met with large, violent mobs at several key points in the city. Attempts to disperse the mob were met with violent resistance, including but not limited to the use of homemade firebombs and organized attacks on police forces. Citizens are advised that as of 2:30 a.m. military assistance has been requested and a non-restricted curfew is in effect, any citizen found outside their home or place of work without express written approval of the police or military will be arrested on suspicion of disrupting public safety.


Breaking News

Military forces responding to earlier requests for assistance by police have declared martial law in Kirhea as of 3 A.M. Citizens found outside their homes will be apprehended for questioning. Be advised that any actions deemed "hostile" will be considered acceptable cause for use of deadly force.


((dispatch to Kirhea City News Network, routed to external networks by unknown source))

Reports are coming in from across the city...we may not be on air much longer...the mobs appear to have been part of a larger group. A few minutes ago....4:20 ish...they opened fire on military patrols. Loudspeakers across the city are blaring warnings to stay indoors...they're just gunning down anyone who goes outside. Don't know if it's the military or these...insurgents...

((dispatch file corrutped))
Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Thu May 05, 2011 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Kirhean Tribes
Posts: 285
Founded: Feb 02, 2010

Postby Kirhean Tribes » Thu May 05, 2011 3:08 am



This is an emergency broacast. The Commonwealth of Kirhean Tribes is
now under a Crisis Alert. All inactive military personnel are hereby
reactivated and ordered to report to the nearest base or command post.
Civilians are to remain indoors until the all clear is sounded and a member
of the Commonwealth Military has contacted you with further instructions.

Failure to comply will result in charges of treason and trial and execution of
sentence by military tribunal of the three highest ranked officers present.

This is not a test.

This message will remain on all channels and frequencies until new information is

[Timestamp - 4:50 AM -10 GMT]



Last edited by Kirhean Tribes on Thu May 05, 2011 3:23 am, edited 5 times in total.
"Live for honor and you will die with none."
-Kirhean Proverb
The Commonwealth Of Kirhean Tribes
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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