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Your Nation and Vaccines

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:54 pm
by Hansdeltania
In Hansdeltania, vaccination is mandatory. Refusal to vaccinate one's child(ren) is a felony and can be charged with child endangerment. Anti-vaxxers are shunned and are outcasts from mainstream Hansdeltanian society. There are no exemptions to vaccination except for medical reasons, which must be confirmed by a doctor who is a currently licensed physician.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:07 pm
by Thermodolia
In Thermodolia vaccination is a requirement before receiving any government assistance or medical care. According to a Ministry of Health order 14506 vaccination is mandatory for children from ages 1-18, failure to do so will result in a felony charge of child endangerment. Vaccination is also mandatory for young adults from ages 18-21, failure to be vaccinated will result in a felony charge of public endangerment.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:19 pm
by Gandoor
Vaccination is compulsory in Gandoor and refusal to vaccinate your children is classified as child abuse. One must also receive vaccinations in order to receive welfare or other forms of government assistance. While vaccinations are also compulsory for adults, the enforcement of the law is somewhat lax, but since almost all employers mandate that you get vaccinated, you will get vaccinated at the doctor's, etc, it is virtually impossible to not get vaccinated in Gandoor.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:23 pm
by Eriaroon Eugenic Republic
Within the Eriaroon Eugenic Republic, vaccination is actually an uncommon procedure. This is because most Eriaroons of modern times are artificially birthed using genetic engineering, and as such are effectively pre-vaccinated with their immune memory already imprinted with the vast majority of disease known to the species. Vaccinations are mandatory for those who require them and failure to comply with vaccination regulation is seen as a sign of degeneracy. The only exception to this is when there is a valid, confirmed medical reason, in which case that issue is attempted to be addressed. If that proves impossible, it is considered a sign of physical degeneracy, although a minor one that may be fixed in future.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:29 pm
by Kadur
Vaccines are mandatory in the Kadurian Isles, due to the possibilities of a dangerous epidemic if the population is not protected against disease. Refusing vaccination makes it impossible to live in the country, since it is required by law that all citizens are vaccinated as children, with regular injections to keep up with new strains or completely new diseases. However, new experiments with nanotechnology are showing promising signs of being more efficient, so vaccines may be rendered obsolete in the coming years for Kadur.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:10 am
by Zhouran
Because the government does NOT have the ethical rights to force people to do something (like in so-called democracies), vaccination is not compulsory but is highly encouraged. As a result, children who have not been vaccinated are forbidden to go to preschool, primary school, middle school and high school until they receive vaccination.

Vaccination in Zhouran is free to the public.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:29 am
by Cottony
It is mandatory for the time being, due to low population and limited space. However, if the Republic of Cottony, for whatever reason, decide to be under Dirlandic sovereignty, (it's our land, and not your "Baffin Island", Canada) the large population might take reconsideration to allow optional vaccinations on the larger island for children age 0-6. Current stances predict that it will still be mandatory nationwide for children aged 6-18.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:34 am
by Australian rePublic
if you fail to vaccinate your children you don't qualify for free child care, or other child subsidies

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:48 am
by Sha Mobutia
In one of the few places where the government dictates the lives of Sha Mobutians, prior to the age of 18 conventional/standard medicine is mandatory for medical treatments. Taking your child to get treated with 'healing crystals' or other unproven and often detrimental medical practices is a felony offense of fourth-degree child endangerment - punishable with sever fines and potentially time in prison. Past the age of 17 the then legal adult is free to pursue whatever medical practice it is they feel is the most appropriate for them. So while you can't be literally forced to give your child vaccines it makes them inelligible for many state-sponsored programs and seeking unproven 'alternatives' can cost you severely.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:01 am
by Ul Ulo
No vaccinations are available in Ul Ulo, and most would not want to use them anyway. A high-birth rate counteracts any negative effects of not vaccinating.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:45 pm
by Charellia
Vaccination is not required, except when a public health crisis has been declared, but education campaign are common and child-care facilities have he right to deny children who are unvaccinated.

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:52 pm
by The Alexandrian Polis
As a law going back to the mad scientist emperor of Alexandria, public referendum dictated that vaccination should always be a requirement. Since Imperial law has not been repealed, it is de jure illegal to not vaccinate your child, but de facto legal to choose not to vaccinate.

Though steps are being taken to change the de facto back into the de jure.

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:01 am
by Victorious Decepticons
All livestock must be brought up-to-date with the latest Immunity Patch for its species within 5 days of the release of said patch, no exceptions and no age limits. Stock found to be running on obsolete Code will be forcibly patched on the first two offenses, but if its owner continues to neglect this duty, he may have his stock permanently confiscated in order to prevent the work site from becoming a nexus of disease.

Immunity Patches use a different mechanism of action from vaccines. They directly alter the DNA of the recipient so that the recipient's body will always produce the necessary immune system components. This makes it so they never wear off. Patches are required not as "boosters," but to keep up with the always-changing codebases of disease organisms.

"Livestock" in this usage includes all biological life that works for us, including humans and other such animals.

Decepticons are to make sure to stay up-to-date with their antivirus software. Coders may not get permission to activate an offspring who doesn't have antivirus, and failing to update it for their offspring is an extremely serious offense. Adults have no legal requirement to protect themselves, but anyone who is not protected may get an enslavement virus and end up being sold to some mine as glorified equipment. This very real possibility is enough to ensure that the vast majority of Decepticons make sure to take this and other steps to ensure that no unwanted code can enter their minds.

Body-wise, we make sure to use good coatings and lots of wax to keep rust away as well as to always look flashy and new.

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:21 am
by Red Arctica
Vaccinations are mandatory with detention up to 10 years for refusal to do so. However if you "forget", which is virtually impossible considering doctors stop at every household to vaccinate people, there is no choice but to keep sending notices. Some people use this as a loophole not to vaccinate, but they number only in the hundreds as the populace almost unanimously agrees to vaccinate. However if an outbreak occurs and damage is done, then heavy fines are imposed on those who have not vaccinated themselves or their childen. But again, doctors stop at every household to vaccinate, so there's no reason to not get vaccinated.

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 4:47 am
by The Batorys
Vaccination is mandatory in the Batory Empire.

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 8:48 am
by Barboneia
In Barboneia, by requirement of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, vaccinations are required for children to attend school, for people working in the government, and for walruses that will be used for consumption.

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 2:45 pm
by Anollasia
Vaccination is mandatory unless you have a valid reason, such as severe allergies to vaccines. Children who are not vaccinated may be suspended from school until they are and adults who aren't vaccinated may be denied employment. There isn't an anti-vaccination sentiment, since it is known that vaccinations can help the body fight off diseases.

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 11:01 am
by Free Alaska
They're not required, but without them, your child will not be allowed to attend public school.

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:02 pm
by Valgora
Vaccines is one of few instances of the government getting involved in people's personal lives.

Because Valgora has socialized medicine/universal healthcare, the government has an interest in maintaining the health of the citizens. Vaccines increase the citizens' health and the preventative care helps to reduce the cost of healthcare; therefore, vaccines are mandatory for many illnesses.

There are exceptions to the mandatory vaccines. Vaccines for certain mundane, extremely common, and non-lethal diseases are not mandatory; examples would include certain strains of flu. This exception can change depending on the age of the person as well because a flu, for example, is more dangerous to the very young and the old.

There is no religious (or philosophical) exemption. If your religion prohibits the use of vaccines, you are still required to get a vaccine.

If the person has a medical condition that makes them unable to receive a vaccine, the person is exempt.

The penalty for not getting a mandatory vaccine is as follows:
- 1st Offense: No punishment
- 2nd Offense: 10634.50 Valgoran Krónur (= 100 NSD)
- 3rd Offense: 10634.50 Valgoran Krónur and community service
- 4th Offense: 21269.00 Valgoran Krónur (= 200 NSD) and community service
- 5th Offense: 31903.50 Valgoran Krónur (= 300 NSD), community service, and loss of paid medication (the government stops subsidizing medication forcing the offender to pay full price themselves).
- 6th Offense and Beyond: Fine increases by 10634.50 Valgoran Krónur (100 NSD) each offense, community service, loss of paid medication, loss of right to healthcare (the offender losses their right to healthcare forcing them to pay full price for healthcare themselves; this only applies to the offender and their children aren't affected by the penalties).

Those who are exempt or have leniency in regards to penalties:
- Those under the age of 16
Exempt because it is the guardian's job to deal with vaccination.
- Those who have some medical condition that keeps them from getting a vaccination
- Those who have trypanophobia - fear of needles and injections
Leniency, even with a phobia you are expected to be vaccinated; however, because it is a mental illness the penalties are greatly reduced.

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 12:41 am
by Carena
It is required that all children are made immune to all forms of disease via the altering of their genetic code prior to birth. If you were not made immune at birth for whatever reason, the government will provide vaccination for free.

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 12:45 am
by The Imperium Empires
Vaccinations are law in the Imperium, not doing so can be cause for execution. Yes, we really execute you for being stupid.

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 12:51 am
by House Dragonstone
In House Dragonstone vaccinations is compulsory. Rejection to vaccination means the children will have no acess into Governmental Healthcare (Go to other nation's hospital). If the parents are not willing to vaccine their kids at home/hospital, it can also be given at schools, etc.

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:10 am
by Narland
All prescriptions in Narland are voluntary. It is considered barbaric to force drugs on any free person who lucidly refuses for sane reasons. However, each and every individual bears responsibility for their actions. Any group is free to refuse to associate with anyone who is negligent in their health or who pose a health risk to others. Violating a mandated quarantine is a crime, and knowing spreading a debilitating communicable disease a breach of peace--tort to felony depending on severity.

Companies and physicians who knowingly provide substandard, experimental, or hazardous inoculations are treated very harshly--from pubic flogging, years of hard labor, and especially when children are harmed--capital punishment. The debacles and harm done by inoculations found in most other nations because of government incompetence or pharmaceutical industry greed is rare here. When it does happen it becomes a national spectacle (public scandal).

Some diseases that are innocuous because of current health, nutrition, and hygiene standards are not considered needful such as Chicken Pox, especially where the possible side effects from the inoculation are potentially worse than the disease. Chicken Pox parties are popular in most of Narland as a popular means of abatement. Vaccinations for polio, rubella, mumps and measles are considered wise. Many religious colonies such as Amish and indigenous rites such as the Dream Speakers in Narland do not typically vaccinate unless there is an outbreak nearby.

Standing military personnel, bureaucrats, and felons are indentured servants. They are property of the state. They may not refuse its inoculation regimen.

Public schools vary according to the wishes of the local community. Any parent is free to send their children to the public school of their choice. Whether or not inoculations are mandatory is a consideration on both sides of the debate.

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:16 am
Unless it is for a specific medical condition etc, vaccinations are mandatory.
You don't want your kid having a polio jab?
Two years in jail!
You don't want the smallpox jab?!
FOUR years in jail!

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:34 am
by Oerstland
The law on vaccines in Oerstland has always been rather... Well, open to change, if we'll say that. In the last 100 years, the law on vaccines has changed 12 times between mandatory and voluntary. But since Miljö-Socialistiska Alliansen (M-S/A) assumed a majority in government in 1988, vaccination has been semi-mandatory for all citizens, with exceptions in place for individuals with a physical deficit (for example, a non-functioning or very weak immune system). Though initially refusing to take the vaccination had no real penalty, the law was changed in 1995, which made it illegal to reject vaccination from a mere psychological viewpoint. The punishment was a two-month prison sentence during which the convict would be vaccinated, either voluntarily or forcibly if not done a week before release.

Of course, this was very controversial amongst citizens, who believed that their freedom of choice was being taken away (and some even believed they were being injected by a mind controlling pathogen). Forced injection was repealed in 2001, and was instead replaced with a vaccination security data system that companies could easily access and check if someone was vaccinated and then make a judgement on if they wanted to hire the individual. This lead to a sharp increase in vaccinations as more and more people was forced to vaccinate to get the job they wanted.

Some believe that vaccination should be mandatory for all eligible citizens, but the 2001 law still stands.