Organized crime / mafia in your nation

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La Cosa Fedora
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Organized crime / mafia in your nation

Postby La Cosa Fedora » Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:45 pm

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation? What organizations operate? Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?

Here the ruling organization, La Cosa Fedora, a.k.a. Le Updogg Cartel, which is basically an authoritarian ruling class composed of neckbeards, has a monopoly on the activities associated with organized crime, such as loaning money to cassinos, distribution of narcotics, etc. Therefore all competing criminal organizations are crushed using both legal and extra-legal methods, including an extremely pervasive surveillance apparatus that has been called by some observers "a twenty-first century version of the stasi".

The only real criminal organizations left are the small-time gangs in our penal colonies where we exile members of the thug subculture.
Ask us anything!

Join MENINFORM today! Or that's not your style, issue a formal condemnation!

Our state, the League of the Six Free Peoples, is actually controlled by a cartel of neckbeards known as La Cosa Fedora. Members of the cartel are known as Honorable Gentlesirs. Citizens who are not members are known as normies.

Our armed forces are armies of the radicalized romanceless.

Do you fear us yet? If not, have some anti-neckbeard propaganda!

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Newne Carriebean7
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Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:41 pm

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation? extremely
What organizations operate?
as of 2016, there are 3 major families, the Scalleta crime family, the Tomasino crime Family, and the Garcarino crime family
Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?
not really, as the Mafia is pervasive in the governmental system, with various politicians and booze leaders pockets getting filled with Sais to let the mafia make the rules, and have their own nations, the Mafia state of the Scalleta river republic, the Mafia empire of the Tomasino protectorate, and the Mafia republic of the united immigrantian crime states of the Garcarinoian Reich. any buisnesses inside the states have to pay protection money, and in return, the families provide basic services in times of need, act as a police force, and kill off any threats to their territory they see.
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

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Postby Ashkera » Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:55 pm

Ashkera is almost entirely free of petty and financial crimes, as the previous criminal organizations have been effectively subverted by the iron grasp of the state.

The group known as the Fifth Kingdom (essentially Ashkeran Yakuza) were somewhat of a grey area during the Fourth Empire, and helped to smuggle weapons during the Ashkeran Civil War. However, in the 1950s, the Oversight Council felt that they were getting too powerful and made a number of reforms to the justice system - including the infamous helmets worn by Ashkeran judges. It's around this time that the "List of Lowest Enforcement Priority Crimes" was published, effectively pushing organized crime into only the markets of prostitution and soft drugs. Any deviation was punished severely.

Thus, while allowed to fight a bit with other 5Ks, they are effectively glorified weed dealers with an exclusive license to sell weed and other soft drugs. They even certify quality of drug batches, because they might actually be punished if they shipped an impure one. They act as a bit of a release valve for Ashkeran society - and a part of the system designed to catch would-be delinquents and keep them supervised and not causing trouble.

Organized crime are allowed more flexibility abroad, resulting in a flow of some money back to Ashkera, but ultimately they must comply with the will of the State or risk being erased under all the modern policing measures. As such, the Fifth Kingdom are exploited for purposes of international espionage.

The name itself comes from the first layer of the underworld in the Ashkeran religion.
Last edited by Ashkera on Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Factbook: The Fifth Empire of Ashkera [2018/2030] (updated 18.04.29) / Questions
Roaming squads of state-sponsored body-builders teach nerds to lift. "Fifth generation" cruise ships come equipped with naval reactors. Insurance inspectors are more feared than tax auditors. Turbine-powered "super interceptor" police cruisers patrol high-speed highways.

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Victorious Decepticons
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Postby Victorious Decepticons » Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:47 pm

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation? It makes up about 85% of the economy, so, very!

Or, since the activities covered by the term "organized crime" are all completely LEGAL here, we could say that we have no crime and be technically correct. However, this time, we choose to answer in the apparent spirit of these questions rather than being literal.

What organizations operate? The Decepticon Government is Victorious Decepticons' largest syndicate and raid gang in all respects. It is supported by over a billion troops, who stand ready to raid any target Leader Megatron specifies, and to make sure that the Nation is not adversely affected by foreign blowback. The government also handles typical government duties.

As should be expected, some of its laws reflect the fact that Victorious Decepticons is raid gangs all the way down. For example, the sorts of activities foreigners are referring to as "organized crime" are all legal here. Police are banned as being against the people and objectives of the Nation, and it's illegal to work with foreign law enforcement as well. We don't extradite anybody, either. Finally, the Military will blast any foreign law enforcement or military craft that are foolish enough to try to follow any of our raiders into our space borders (the "Decepticon Zone of Control").

Private organizations: There are tens of thousands of groups that could be called "organized crime" gangs. We have everything from the standard 4-5 bot raid gang to massive multidisciplinary syndicates with thousands of adjuncts. One of the most notable - and the current largest privately-operated syndicate - is the Interplanetary Commerce Commission (ICC), which has surged in power since the forced dissolution of the Interplanetary Oil Procurement Corporation (IOPC). The Corporation was officially dissolved after its leader finally became so ambitious that he tried to make a run for the dictatorship. Needless to say, the actual dictator was not pleased about that!

A war of succession is currently in progress among the most powerful factions of the former IOPC, and it is raging openly in their traditional stronghold areas. The ICC has also joined the fighting with the intention of absorbing - or if that fails, exterminating - one or more of the factions. This is full-on military grade fighting and it is advised to avoid these areas until it is settled. Decepticon Military troops have it mostly contained, but it is slowly spreading as more syndicate fighters come to the battlezones.

We are also watching several up-and-coming new gangs, including the Cybertronian Business Association, which currently has a bit over 20 members. This gang is expected to grow and expand as time goes on.

While any little raid gang qualifies as "organized crime" in most nation's books since they're organized and the places they raid have bans on raiding, only the big syndicates are sometimes referred to as "mafias." Most raid gang leaders dream of growing their group to the size and power needed to be recognized as a syndicate, but few make it. Most will always have only 4-5 bots, with the occasional hired adjunct or two for unusually-large missions.

Along with these gangs, we have a few elite thief groups. These are usually collections of bots who have been successful enough at raiding oil that they don't have to raid just to make a living. Rather than sit around all day and play games or go on endless vacations, they fill their days by stealing or attempting to steal trophy items. This is a very dangerous pastime since the most boast-worthy trophy items are the most heavily and lethally guarded, but it is one that is very much in tune with our generally danger-loving and swashbuckling culture.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?

Quite the opposite! The government's main mandate is to protect the Decepticon Way and all citizens who practice it. That is its ENTIRE OFFICIAL PURPOSE. Even "standard" things, like providing education and infrastructure work, are done to build up the Nation and its Way. If the government ever tried to "combat" organized crime, it would be guilty of treason in the highest order and be thrown out in a massive revolution within days.

Of course, it can and will act against a specific gang or syndicate if said gang or syndicate tries to overthrow it. But that is not an action against organized crime in general.
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Explosive .50 cal shells vs. Decepticons: REAL, IRL PROOF the Decepticons would laugh at them -
Newaswa wrote:What is the greatest threat to your nation?
Vallermoore wrote:The Victorious Decepticons.

Bluquse wrote:Imperialist, aggressive, and genociding aliens or interdimensional beings that would most likely slaughter or enslave us
rather than meet up to have a talk. :(

TurtleShroom wrote:Also, like any sane, civilized nation, we always consider the Victorious Decepticons a clear, present, and obvious threat we must respect, honor, and leave alone in all circumstances. Always fear the Victorious Decepticons.

The Huskar Social Union wrote: ... massive empires of genocidal machines.

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Yugoslav Memes
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Founded: Jul 22, 2016

Postby Yugoslav Memes » Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:17 am

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation?
Depends on area. In Chevorzeb the area of Kuzenvok and surrounding region has it quite rampant, in other areas moderate to low.

What organizations operate?
Usually syndicates engaging in a variety of activities often threatening to become a considerable political force in their operating regions. Some of them are given blind eyes by the government, so long they maintain their activities overseas and occasionally share some of the bounty. Of course, if any of them ran foul with the government extermination will be swift and merciless under the guise of the MUP taking up initiative.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?
Not really a counter to their presence, but the MUP operates military-grade weaponry and callously uses them regularly. Most syndicates are wiped out in the event encounters take place and the ones that survive probably have ties to the SIAF to prevent their destruction.

But it is not surprising that the MUP's initials have often been interpreted as 'mafia u plavnom'.
Last edited by Yugoslav Memes on Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Imperium Sidhicum
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Postby Imperium Sidhicum » Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:20 am

Totalitarian states like the Imperium are generally not the places for organized crime to thrive, because the roles typically taken by crime syndicates have been assumed by the state.

While there exist a number of organized crime groups throughout the Imperium, none has anywhere near the power to be called THE mafia. Most of these groups are local, operating within the confines of a single planet, and lack the means to expand beyond.

The closest thing to an actual crime syndicate is the loose association of Freelancer smugglers, pirates and mercenaries that calls themselves The Brotherhood. Lacking a centralized command structure, The Brotherhood is more of an information and favour-trading network than an actual crime group. Each Freelancer outfit maintains it's own command chain and rules, it's leader representing his crew in dealings with other crews of the Brotherhood. Members of the Brotherhood agree to follow a set of guidelines established by general consensus. These guidelines encourage discretion, cooperation and peaceful resolution of inter-member conflicts. Impartially arbitrating conflicts between other members if asked is one of the duties expected of a Brotherhood member. The guidelines also deal with the economic aspects of Freelancer lifestyle, such as establishing a standard scheme for dividing loot/payment, ensuring that a Freelancer will always get a fair share befitting of his rank and skill regardless of what outfit he joins. Likewise, the Brotherhood's rules promote cooperation over the usual cutthroat competition typical in pirate and mercenary circles. For example, a crew that discovers a precious salvage too large to recover in more than three runs should notify other crews of it. While revealing the location of a valuable salvage might diminish short-term monetary gain for oneself, it serves to build mutual goodwill and encourages the other crews to return the favour in time - an important notion in Sidh society where personal honour is still very much a thing. Likewise, membership of the Brotherhood confers access to an internal information trading network - a sort of web forum constantly updated by members with the latest word on business opportunities. Contracts, bounties, business contacts, merchant convoy routes, locations of poorly defended colonies, salvage or resource-rich celestial bodies are all posted here for members to view.

Unlike most Sidh organizations, the Brotherhood isn't strictly Sidh, being open to humans and even aliens who are willing to join. Interestingly, their relations with the authorities are more complicated than what could be expected from a crime syndicate. Where other similar organizations have historically demanded absolute non-cooperation with the authorities, members of the Brotherhood are conversely expected to cooperate with the authorities, at least to a certain degree. While helping an investigation against a member is obviously out of question and would result in a bounty being placed on one's head, a Brotherhood member is at the same time expected to accept jobs from the authorities if asked. Domestic Security and the Imperial Navy, the two nominal arch-nemeses of Freelancers, tolerate their continued existence for this very reason - Freelancers can provide valuable intel, infiltrate places and do jobs that other Imperial agents couldn't. In exchange of these services, these authorities overlook the usual Freelancer activities of questionable legality, so staying on good terms with them by providing the occasional favour is in the best interests of the Brotherhood. Occasionally, the authorities will also offer lucrative jobs, usually ones that require plausible deniability.
Freedom doesn't mean being able to do as one please, but rather not to do as one doesn't please.

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Postby Venezuelia » Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:57 am

Venezuelia is proud to announce that we have a 0% crime rate nation-wide. Statistics don't lie, well over 70% of the total population die from old age.

To combat crime as a whole, organized or not, Venezuelia's Education Ministry have been well-funded since our nation's founding days. This has led to a drastic decrease in crimes, due to a better educated population, which might deter them from making any wrong choices against the law. As an alternative, we have a comprehensive police force able and ready to combat any sudden uprisings, acts of terror and/or other crimes.
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The Intergalactic Universe Corporation
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Postby The Intergalactic Universe Corporation » Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:13 am

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation? There are not many gangs but communists and unionised workers outside the NTUC are considered organised criminal networks.

What organizations operate? The Nar Shaddaa Gang which counterfeits goods and plague some trade routes as pirates. They are the most significant gang.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime? We use warships and capital ships to thwart the Nar Shaddaa Gang.
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_[' ]_
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The Islands of Versilia
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Postby The Islands of Versilia » Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:43 am

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation?: Not very. The majority of organized crime you'll find in Versilia are foreign.

What organizations operate?: The Yakuza is the most prominent criminal organization within Versilia. Others have been reported, but they have been wiped out by Versilia's police forces and military. Small gangs made up of youths are also known, but they are quickly disbanded due to the fear of the police force.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?: Education on how to spot organized crime is very common in Versilian schools. This has allowed Versilia to quickly wipe out criminal organizations within it's borders. Raids on suspected 'safehouses' are also common. corporate crime is dealt with just as harshly as most criminal organizations. Thus, many foreign companies with a history of criminal activaties shy away from opening up in Versilia.
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Postby Radiatia » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:31 am

How prevalent is organised crime in your nation?

Organised crime is becoming a significant problem in Radiatia, especially in the major cities. Gangs are involved in activities from drug trafficking, to human trafficking, to money laundering and even large scale fraud.

What organisations operate?

There are myriad organisations, but most common are various Mafia syndicates.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organised crime?

Not currently, in fact half the reason organised crime has become so problematic is due to too much bureaucratic infighting between various law enforcement agencies over issues such as jurisdiction and powers.
Last edited by Radiatia on Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Nogonia » Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:47 am


Savezna Republika Nogonia ✴ The Federal Republic of Nogonia ✴ Савезна Република Ногониа

OFFICIAL INFORMATIONAL REPOSITORY ON: Organized Crime and the Nogonian Mafia

The prevalence of organized crime within the Federal Republic of Nogonia is very large, considering the repercussions and aftereffects of the transitioning from a socialist state to that of a capitalist-welcoming mixed economic state. Since the Nogonian economy was drastically and negatively affected by the transition, many Nogonian citizens found that the only feasible way to make a living was through more shadier and criminal means. Everything from murder and assaults to robberies and illegal loaning was rampant throughout the beginning years of the Federal Republic, and authorities could do little to stop it -- those that weren't bribed by local criminal syndicates were eventually killed off or forced out of whatever work that they had left.

Alas, a few years into Nogonia's economic slump, a powerful organization known as the "Nogonian Syndicate" (translated to Ногони Синдикат, or Nogoni Sindikat) deposed many local gangs and organizations of their territory and power, within both of the major cities of Zatzevki (Затзевки), the capital of the Federal Republic, and Reievko (Реиевко), Nogonia's largest city. Coming as a major shock to both the local populace and the overthrown criminal groups in question, it was very apparent that the local police and paramilitary forces were indeed being paid by the Nogonian Syndicate to root out any and all competition from the two vital nerve centers of elicit trade.

This "Nogonian Syndicate", now known internationally as the "Nogonian Mafia", is one of the region's most powerful mafias. This is due to many political leaders, corporate benefactors, and military officers having either full affiliation or connections to the group. It has also been highly speculated that the Nogonian Syndicate is actually a government-funded organization in secret, since little clashes have been reported between authorities and Nogonian mafiosos.

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation?
Organized crime is very prevalent within the Federal Republic of Nogonia, being started during the later years of the Social Republic of Nogonia and surging to a rise during the transition of the Social Republic into the modern government.

What organizations operate?

The most famous organization currently in operation is the Nogoni Sindikat, with over 10,000 members worldwide - barring any partners or allied organizations. Nevertheless, many smaller gangs and organizations do exist and operate within Nogonia -- it is just that they are restricted to smaller towns and the rural countryside, since the Nogoni Sindikat reigns supreme over the largest of urban centers.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?

As the aforementioned Nogoni Sindikat has absorbed many influential Nogonians into its breadth, no extraordinary measures are being taken as a whole against the existence of organized crime.
Savezna Republika Nogonja ✴ The Federal Republic of Nogonia ✴ Савезна Република Ногоња

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Postby Appalatchia » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:49 pm

The Sicilian and Irish mafias both have a somewhat significant presence, engaging in activities like illegal gambling, bribery, and the drug trade. There is also the so-called 'Dixie' mafia, which is run from the Confederate States and has a particular focus on the trafficking of oxycontin. The MS-13 gang has a small presence.

One of the tasks of our state's intelligence agency, the SID, is monitoring and attempting to root out organized crime.
Last edited by Appalatchia on Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Invadia-Rex » Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:17 pm

Unfortunately, the black market is extremely prevalent, with about 24% of the entire GDP. But it is contrary to the common perception of the black market. Mostly, it is made up of heads of families that can't work in the state companies, trying to make a living, and thus their profits are deemed illegal. Unfortunately these people are in great risk of going to prison, since what they are doing is illegal, since private industries are illegal.
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Postby Omarios » Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:16 am

In Omarios, an infamous gang known as al-Wahidun (literally meaning The Only Ones) is the strongest criminal syndicate in Omarios, and has been so for many decades. Instead of being the normal gang bangers, this gang operates as a much more professional business. It is believed to have been started by a former Navy officer with the rank of Major. The gang almost rules the drug and weapons business in the black market, and is so powerful and feared that it introduced its own "tax" system in the black market. Even the Omarian Mafia would have to pay taxes to this gang.
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Postby Nortainland » Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:22 am

The Foreign Office

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation? Organised crime is not particularly prevalent in Nortend. Obviously, there is crime conducted by somewhat organised groups however as of the current time, the police is not aware of any national or regional crime syndication or organisation.

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Postby Crackbone » Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:26 am

Crime? Please.

Well, we have 2 gangs.
The Zombies, led by Headcrab, and The Colorful Crew, led by and old bastard named Clyde.
The Zombies and The Colorful Crew have been at a war for some time, that is, until our G-Men took 'em out.
It was easy, a few crossbows and explosives.
Crime in our nation is now non-existent, except crimes that our leader commits.
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Postby Tobiasia » Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:45 am

In Tobiasia, with a very low crime rate, has only one real gang. This is the Qa-Ta-Fa gang, famous for organised crime including murder, smuggling and weapon dealing.

Some statistics on the group:
Responsible for around 2, 601 murders, at 61 per year, including 23 police officers.
Made over £500 million last year.
8,000 members last year, of which:
6,000 are in jail.
1,000 have died.
1,000 are still out there.
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Postby Aleckandor » Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:57 pm

Organized crime — especially syndicates who manage the narcotic and sex trafficking trade — used to be prevalent in the urban sectors of Nord Yervhenn, but they were essentially wiped out in the late 90s as soon as high-level officials in the Aleckandorean justice system began secretly working in tandem with citizen-run vigilante death squads who were fed up with the cartels ruining their communities.
The IC demonym is "Aleckandorean(s)". Just call me Aleck.

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Postby Dushan » Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:22 pm

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation?
It does exists. However the overhelming majority of the Citizens will never notice it's existence.

What organizations operate?
Various Syndicates, most prominently the ones collectively known as the Dushani Mafia which has allegedly some ties to the current Government but nothing could be proven so far. They're split in some cooperating, partially rivalizing Groups. They're involved in illegally exporting Drugs from Dushan into other Nations. There are also the Guilds of Bordello Queens who are rumored to be quite influential behind the Scenes. There is also a very close connection between this Business and the Dushani Adult Movie Industry. Then there are a few smaller Gangs, but they only exist in a niche as the bigger Organizations are keen on keeping things under control and avoid any trouble.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?
Yes the Royal Police Force and other Agencies are keeping them somehow in check if they go too far with stuff. Their main focus is though on preventing other Organizations and foreign Outfits to interfere into Dushani Business. It's a bit like in Japan.
Last edited by Dushan on Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Third Brazilian Empire
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Postby Third Brazilian Empire » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:57 pm

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation? Organized crime is prevalent in the Empire and part of the Brazilian pop culture.

What organizations operate? There are three national criminal organizations operating in the entirety of the Empire: the Comando Negro, the Comando Nacional, and the Comando Cobra. Those groups operate differently from most mafias as ethnicity isn't a requirement for someone to be a 'made man'. Moreover, those groups are more similar to street gangs in customs and clothing.

Important regional groups are the Movimiento Libertador in Western Brazil; Os Carecas, the biggest gang of Southern Brazil; Tropa X, the biggest gang in São Paulo and allies of the Comando Negro; and Duendes do Dadinho, the biggest gang in Southeastern Brazil, allies of Comando Nacional.

Name: Comando Negro
Leader(s): Ronaldo Souza Silva 'Capeta'
Estimated strength: 110,000
Allies: Tropa X, Movimiento Libertador.
Years active: 1979-present
Activities: Drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, bank robbery, fraud, highway robbery, truck hijacking, loan sharking, prostitution, murder, rioting, kidnapping, extortion, smuggling, chop shops, money laundering, gambling, pimping, racketeering.
Other info: Created by Brazilian and Colombian drug cartels leaders, the Comando Negro won the '1986 civil war' between them and the Duendes do Dadinho. By 2000 the Comando Negro had branches in 20 states and three countries.

Name: Comando Nacional
Leader(s): Jorge José Rocha de Almeida 'Dentinho'
Estimated strength: 90,000
Allies: D.A.D.
Years active: 1993-present
Activities: Drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, sex trafficking, fraud, loan sharking, prostitution, murder, extortion, smuggling, bank robbery, chop shops, contract killing, kidnapping, murder, money laundering, gambling, human trafficking, highway robbery, pimping, burglary, racketeering.
Other info: Initially a prison gang founded to protect prisoners from another prison massacre, it quickly reached for the streets through an alliance with the D.A.D. In ten years it became a criminal organization with allied street gangs in 25 different states.

Name: Comando Cobra
Leader(s): Tânia Kanashiro Sato 'Coringa'
Estimated strength: 70,000
Allies: Os Carecas.
Years active: 2002-present
Activities: Drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, sex trafficking, human trafficking, loan sharking, prostitution, pimping, pornography, murder, extortion, chop shops, kidnapping, fraud, racketeering, robbery, truck hijacking, money laundering, contract killing, rioting, terrorism, robbery, smuggling.
Other info: In fifteen years the Comando Cobra evolved from its status as a simple prison gang to being the richest and most feared mafia in the country, rivaling with the government-backed Comando Nacional and the Comando Negro.

Name: Duendes do Dadinho (D.A.D.)
Leader(s): Mário Farias Santos 'Bicho Papão'
Estimated strength: 50,000
Allies: Comando Nacional.
Years active: 1980-present
Activities: Drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, murder, extortion, chop shops, murder, kidnapping, fraud, burglary, racketeering, robbery.
Other info: Established by infamous drug dealer Dadinho, this gang represents the interests of the Comando Nacional in Rio de Janeiro.

Name: Tropa X
Leader(s): Nilton Rossi Pessoa 'Mafioso'
Estimated strength: 25,000
Allies: Comando Negro.
Years active: 1998-present
Activities: Drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, murder, extortion, fraud, gambling, racketeering, loan sharking, bank robbery, contract killing, smuggling.
Other info: Founded by former members of the Comando Nacional, this gang is equally violent and daring, but poorer and less fear-inducing.

Name: Os Carecas
Leader(s): Laura Fischer Schmitz 'Ruivinha'
Estimated strength: 8,000
Allies: Comando Cobra.
Years active: 1994-present
Activities: Drugs trafficking, murder, extortion, prostitution, theft, robbery, burglary, pimping, fraud, chop shops, racketeering.
Other info: This group terrifies the interior areas of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina for about two decades. While not notably violent, its fast-paced reckless actions are a pain in the neck for any policeman.

Name: Movimiento Libertador
Leader(s): Emmanuel Águila 'El Gordo'
Estimated strength: 6,000
Allies: Comando Negro.
Years active: 2016-present
Activities: Terrorism, drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, bank robbery, highway robbery, truck hijacking, murder, extortion, racketeering.
Other info: A socialist and separatist terrorist group that found in international organized crime the only way to survive the harsh post-war world.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime? No. Some of those groups (Comando Nacional and Duendes do Dadinho) are allies of the Emperor.
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Postby Olthar » Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:07 pm

Crime is non-existant in Olthar due to the saturation of Safety CamerasTM in every building and on every street corner and the high number of Protection OfficersTM patrolling the cities and towns. Also, the Happy ChipsTM embedded in citizens' brains help keep them safe.
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Postby Vedastia » Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:42 pm

How prevalent is organized crime in your nation?

Very low until recently. Since many activities associated with organized crime have been legal since independence (e.g., gambling, alcohol smuggling, and drug trafficking), organized crime has mainly resorted to loansharking (banking has always been highly regulated), protection rackets (though few in number), and contract killing. The recent tariffs have made smuggling foreign goods into the country rather profitable, and new ethnic conflicts have fueled an increase in membership in organized crime.

What organizations operate?

There are three main groups of criminal organizations in Vedastia, which are delineated by ethnicity:

The Sbemailzille organized crime syndicate, Ja Ting Noss (English: "Our Thing," Portuguese: "La coisa nossa"), has operated in Vedastia since large numbers of Sbemailzilles started immigrating to Vedastia, and is dominated by the Fisher, Reis, Thompson, and Medeiros crime families.

Tei Þink Nuxbe (English: "Our Thing," Spanish: "La cosa nuestra"), is an ethnic Vedastian crime syndicate, mainly divided into the Xebaxtianuvilii, Antreuvilii, Ventyerii, and vun Yeruibeburk crime families.

Non-aligned Anglo-Vedaster, Hispano-Vedaster, and multi-ethnic crime syndicates, derogatorily called "Colonists" (Sbemailzille Creole: "Kolonists," Vedastian: "Kaulunixtii") by both Ja Ting Noss and Tei Þink Nuxbe, mainly the Stirrup firm, the Gutierrez family, the MacCrimmon crime family, the Dorsey firm, and the Giambattisti crime family.

Both Ja Ting Noss and Tei Þink Nuxbe despise each other, mainly due to ethnic conflicts and turf wars. Almost all of the Colonist families ally with various groups within Ja Ting Noss and Tei Þink Nuxbe.

Are there any extraordinary measures in place to combat organized crime?

No, since organized crime has not been a major problem in Vedastia since independence.
Jan van der Stel, MP for Ouderkerk in the NS Parliament
Leader of the National Freedom Party - Freedom for Our People
Dinake wrote:
Zoice wrote:The far right is truly to blame. The left may lose ground to them, but they wouldn't be losing ground if there wasn't the far right in the first place calling for batshit insanity.
That's like saying "blockbuster wouldn't be losing ground to netflix if there wasn't any netflix".
Major-Tom wrote:
Risottia wrote:Reality has a left-wing bias.
God, if I had a nickel for every time I heard some smug internet warrior say this...

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Postby Zartobania » Fri Feb 09, 2018 1:59 pm

For a totalitarian state under a hereditary military thanatocratic dictatorship, crime gangs exist, splitting into two types: "Poor" and "Rich". The poor gangs are essentially street gangs from crime-ridden urban neighborhoods such as those in the largest city Arsona while the rich gangs are basically wealthy oligarchs who live in wealthy real-estates such as the rich suburbs of Arsona and the national capital Protogo, and have strong ties with the government.
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Postby Tinhampton » Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:02 pm

Regardless of whether or not you consider the Tinhamptonian independence movement to be a bunch of thugs, there has been no significant change since our last update on the matter in July 2017, where we said:
Tinhampton wrote:Unless our Minister for Policing made a small slip-up with his figure-keeping a few months ago, Tinhampton has been certified Mafia-free (includes other foreign crime families) for a couple of decades now. A few home-grown drug-dealers and slave-traders are still hanging about, though.
The Self-Administrative City of TINHAMPTON (pop. 329,537): Saffron Howard, Mayor (UCP); Lydia Anderson, WA Delegate-Ambassador

Authorships & co-authorships: SC#250, SC#251, Issue #1115, SC#267, GA#484, GA#491, GA#533, GA#540, GA#549, SC#356, GA#559, GA#562, GA#567, GA#578, SC#374, GA#582, SC#375, GA#589, GA#590, SC#382, SC#385, GA#597, GA#607, SC#415, GA#647, GA#656, GA#664, GA#671, GA#674, GA#675, GA#677, GA#680, Issue #1580, GA#682, GA#683, GA#684, GA#692, GA#693, GA#715, GA#757
The rest of my CV: Cup of Harmony 73 champions; Philosopher-Queen of Sophia; fifth-most-prolific WA author of all time; proclaimer of WZTC's move to Palmetto
Tinhampton the player: 49yo Tory woman w/Asperger's; Cambridge graduate; currently reading The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood (Booker Prize 2000)

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Postby Kenmoria » Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:36 am

Organised crime is quite rare, however it does exist in small amounts, especiallyy within the more urbanised areas. It is generally made up of lots of independent, small gangs.
Last edited by Kenmoria on Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hello! I’m a GAer and NS Roleplayer from the United Kingdom.
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Any posts that I make as GenSec will be clearly marked as such and OOC. Conversely, my IC ambassador in the General Assembly is Ambassador Fortier. I’m always happy to discuss ideas about proposals, particularly if grammar or wording are in issue. I am also Executive Deputy Minister for the WA Ministry of TNP.
Kenmoria is an illiberal yet democratic nation pursuing the goals of communism in a semi-effective fashion. It has a very broad diplomatic presence despite being economically developing, mainly to seek help in recovering from the effect of a recent civil war. Read the factbook here for more information; perhaps, I will eventually finish it.



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