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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:47 am
by The Northeastern Confederation
Marijuana: Legal | Especially in the City-states, and most especially during carnival.
Alcohol: Legal | Is part of the culture to get wasted in alcohol during weekends.
Murder: Illegal, in most cases | "Honor Crimes" are a thing and duels are frequent.
Atheism: Legal | is a very religiously diverse culture.
Christianity: Legal | See above.
Catholicism: Legal | See above.
Islam: Legal | Although muslims are not even a fraction of a percent in terms of population.
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal, but with restrictions | Since foreigners are not well seen in the country, all the oficial communications have to be written in the standart northeastener portuguese (PNP).
Dictatorship: Illegal | Although the country evolved from highly specific and diverse forms of illiberal democracy, it has evolved and outcasted these aspects of the past for a more loose form of government with a high accoutability to its population.
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal | Althoug is somewhat regulated within the city-states, in general the ownership, open carry and use of a firearm is legal to adult citizens.
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal | See above.
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal | Every pregnant northeastener within the first twelve weeks of gestation can perform an abortion.
Slavery: Illegal | After recent events, forced labour was abolished.
Adoption: Legal | Only for those with a parental licence.
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal, in most cases | "Honor Crimes" are a thing and duels are frequent.
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 12:04 am
by Aressna
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Discouraged, only fully legal in certain Voivods (administrative subdivisions)
Catholicism: ^
Islam: ^
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: We are sort of one, so I guess Legal
Weapons owned by citizens: Required
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Neither Illegal nor Legal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: As long as you don't speak against the government.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:00 am
by Eastern Iran
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Although we have a parliament, it's under the control of a military junta, so I guess dictatorship is kinda legal
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Illegal
Slavery: Legal, but only as a punishment from a crime
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal, but people from the age of 13 are encouraged to join the National Youth Front of Iran, the paramilitary youth wing of the National Front of Iran
Election: Legal, although the National Front of Iran rigs the elections, so they gain the majority of the seats in the parliament.
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal, although restricted in some cases

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:53 am
by Lozcwngz
Marijuana: Legal, for medicinal usage.
Alcohol: Legal.
Murder: Illegal.
Atheism: Legal.
Christianity: Legal.
Catholicism: Legal.
Islam: Legal.
Driving: Legal, with a driver's licence.
Foreign Language: Legal.
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal, with a concealed carry permit when taken off one's private property.
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal.
Rape: Illegal.
Abortion: Legal, on request.
Slavery: Illegal.
Adoption: Legal, and encouraged.
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal.
Election: Legal.
Robbery: Illegal.
Assault: Illegal.
Freedom of speech: Implied freedom of communication exists, but no legal right to freedom of speech exists, or is codified.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:23 am
by Polyspastonia
Marijuana: Legal
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal if over 16 and a test is passed.
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 4:03 am
by Xylonia
Marijuana: Legal for those above 18, and very little has been found on public health grounds that makes it significantly more dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes.
Alcohol: Legal outside Jahema. Inside Jahema, it is not per se illegal to have it on your person, but it is illegal to sell or otherwise distribute alcohol for profit. Many have gone around the text of this law by establishing non-profit bars.
Murder: Illegal, except for situations where murdering a person was necessary for self-defense.
Atheism: Legal, the country fluctuated between state atheist, laicist, and secular during the Xylonian Union, and the country is likely to not take religion too seriously.
Christianity: Legal, but the religion has a small presence in the nation, being around 5% of the population. Many Christians from Beria became atheists during the Xylonian Union.
Catholicism: Legal, same as above. Calls for banning the religion after their abuse scandals have occurred, but have been mooted by the small number of faithful in the nation.
Islam: Legal, Jahema, a state in central Xylonia, has a majority-Muslim population.
Driving: Legal, freedom of movement has been considered an 'extraconstitutional right', meaning that while the right is not in the Constitution, it is considered necessary for group welfare.
Foreign Language: (OOC: I've never heard of countries actually banning foreign languages?) Legal, Xylonia is trilingual, and uses a foreign language (English) as a means of communicating between the three national groups.
Dictatorship: Depends on how one defines dictatorship. Communist and fascist sentiments are illegal in the nation, so ideologically motivated dictators are out, unless you want a visit from the brutal very friendly and likable TEZI agency. However, the president has emergency powers that may be granted by two-thirds approval of Parliament.
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal, with some pretty stringent restrictions. One cannot own guns which have automatically-ejecting cartridges, or are able to re-cock themselves, unless one submits a document to a judge explaining why they want a weapon like this.
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: The police and army owns weapons. Xylonian police may or may not be carrying a gun on their person, due to varying factors such as the danger of the neighborhood they are patrolling, or depending on the situation. There are strict rules of engagement that the police must follow before shooting to kill.
Rape: Illegal. Jahema has its own laws for marital rape, although the government has asked the state to align the law with the federal government.
Abortion: Legal. However, they may not abort a child based on sex or disability. Again, things are different in Jahema.
Slavery: Illegal. Xylonia has a very potent anti-slavery program which has expanded its focus from slavery alone to scrip work, and even wage robbery.
Adoption: Legal. Xylonia has a lax adoption program. If one has no criminal history and they have a disposable income of 3,000 lans, they may adopt a child.
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal. The Xylonian Union had widespread military schooling from 14-18, with the understanding that if the nation were close to falling, these students would become members of the military.
Election: Legal. Xylonia is a democratic republic with a popularly elected president and parliament.
Robbery: Illegal. The right to private property and the fair expropriation thereof is guaranteed in the Basic Law.
Assault: Illegal. Physical assault done in self-defense is legal.
Freedom of speech: Legal. However, don't expect the government to take too kindly to protesters blocking roads or burning property.

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 5:35 am
by Sovereign Slavic Republics
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Legal (Age 21+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal (Age 18+)
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Legal in times of crisis
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal (except military reservists)
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:56 am
by Democratic Lykna
Marijuana: legal
Alcohol: legal
Murder: illegal
Atheism: legal
Christianity: legal
Catholicism: legal
Islam: legal
Driving: legal
Foreign Language: legal
Dictatorship: illegal
Weapons owned by citizens: legal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: legal
Rape: illegal
Abortion: legal
Slavery: illegal
Adoption: legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: illegal
Election: legal
Robbery: illegal
Assault: legal in self-defense
Freedom of speech: legal

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 9:01 am
by Nou Pais Valencia
Here is mine:
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Legal (18+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
catholicism: official.
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal
Weapons owned by citizens: legal (+18 with restrictions)
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: legal,but it is very frowned upon
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 6:11 pm
by Northurland
Marijuana: Legal
Alcohol: Legal for anyone above 14
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal so long as they do not criticize the King or the State Religion
Christianity: Legal so long as they recognize the supremacy of the King and the State Religion
Catholicism: ^see above
Islam: ^see above
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal, although some critics call the King a dictator
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal unless given personal approval from the King
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal so long as it doesn't criticize the King or State Religion

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 6:32 pm
by Coconut Palm Island
Marijuana: Legal (all drugs legal)
Murder: Illegal- Felony
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal- Constitution prohibits the Monarch from being a dictator.
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal within reason
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal- Felony
Abortion: Legal
Slavery: Illegal- Felony
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal- Felony
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal- Misdemeanor (felony if force used)
Assault: Illegal- Misdemeanor or felony
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2018 7:05 pm
by The Atlantean Islands
Marijuana: Legal
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Total dictatorship is illegal; there must always be a democratic government, with a non-democratic monarchy (with help from a non-democratically-elected Lord Regent) as counterweight
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal only under extreme cases
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 8:56 am
by Hathian Prime
Marijuana: illegal
Alcohol: Only wine and champagne are legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Does not exist
Islam: Does not exist
Driving:Legal, 20+
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Definitely legal
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal unless owned by militias
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Illegal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal, but there is a group that teaches children survival skills if they're ages 12-17.
Election: Legal, except for the position of Supreme Leader
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Illegal

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 6:53 pm
by Hadin
Marijuana: Legal over age 15
Alcohol: Consuming anything with an alcohol content above 10% ABV requires that you be over age 15. Anything less than that is legal for anyone to drink.
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Illegal
Christianity: Illegal
Catholicism: Illegal
Islam: Illegal
Driving: Legal. You must be 15 or older and have a valid driver's license.
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Legal. Some people forget Hadin still is a dictatorship (under the premise of a Theocracy). It just has a nicer dictator than usual.
Weapons owned by citizens: VERY legal. Hadinians consider weapon ownership a fundamental right.
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Again, legal, and a necessity considering most of the population is already armed anyway.
Rape: Technically illegal. In practice it's a huge problem, particularly marital rape.
Abortion: Absolutely illegal.
Slavery: Technically illegal. Don't look at North Zanzes. It doesn't exist.
Adoption: Legal, and encouraged. You get a generous tax allowance for each child you have, and Hadin has illegalized abortions so that leaves a surplus of kids running around unwanted by their birth parents.
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: The legal age is 15. It used to be 14. Before that it used to be even younger (in a more unofficial capacity) but the current High-Envoy isn't big on conscripting kids.
Election: Local elections are held for municipal areas. Everyone else is picked through appointment. Only adult male citizens can vote in elections.
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal, unless you are found to be in defense of yourself or your property.
Freedom of speech: Technically legal but in practice there's tons of restrictions that make this legality only technical in nature. For example you can't blaspheme against the Septimist religion in public.

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 7:21 pm
by Exosar
Marijuana: Legal
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal (Enforced to an extent)
Christianity: Illegal in Public
Catholicism: Illegal in Public
Islam: Illegal in Public
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal
Weapons owned by the trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal
Slavery: Ilegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in the military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 12:58 pm
by Evokice
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Illegal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal, if kept private
Catholicism: Legal, if kept private
Islam: Legal, if kept private
Driving: Illegal (I assume you mean cars?)
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: We have an Absolute Monarchy, so.. legal?
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal, military allowed guns. Police only allowed melee weapons
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal in all circumstances
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal (includng same-sex couples)
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Legal age 12+
Election: Illegal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Illegal

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 9:10 am
by Irou
Marijuana: Legal in the privacy of a house
Alcohol: Illegal
Foreign Language:Legal
Weapons owned by citizens:legal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police:Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Freedom of speech:Legal

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 3:58 pm
by Gelbenklippe
Marijuana: Legal if smoked in private.
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Virtually nonexistent but Legal
Driving: Legal with certification from age 14
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal (Unconstitutional)
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Illegal excepting life of the mother
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal (Constitutionally Mandated)
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal (Constitutionally mandated in absolute form)

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 6:39 am
by Azadistan-land of the free
Marijuana and alcohol are legal for over 18 non-Muslims because alcohol is legal. Catholic courts oppose it however.
All religions affiliations as well as atheism are legal
Islam is the state religion.
Driving is subject to a license as ars weapons owned by citizens:
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police are legal as the people must pass training.
Rape,slavery and child soldiers are illegal following the same principle of protecting innocents from oppression abortion is strongly restricted
Robbery ,murder and Assault are illegal due to public safety however the police reluctantly
allow a Mafia because they fear something worse.
Freedom of speech is enshrined in law except hate speech,threats,copyright theft,protection of privacy and illegal pornography.
prostitution is illegal as is adultery, unlicensed gambling,recreational opioids,methampthetamine and cocaine.

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2018 9:48 am
by Capucinn
Marijuana: Legal (20+)
Alcohol: Legal (20+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal (about 1/2 of the population)
Christianity: Legal (moderately unapproved of for conservatism)
Catholicism: Legal (moderately unapproved of for conservatism)
Islam: Legal (moderately unapproved of for conservatism)
Driving: Legal (16 years old)
Foreign Language: Legal and encouraged
Dictatorship: Illegal,
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal.
Abortion: Legal, accepted by the progressive population.
Slavery: Illegal, punished by life sentence
Adoption: Legal,
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal, plus there is no military in Capucinn.
Election: Legal.
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal.

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2018 4:45 pm
by The Republic of Rio Grande do Sul
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Legal (18+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal (18+)
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Constitutionally banned
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal and regulated (18+)
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal under certain conditions
Slavery: Constitutionally banned
Adoption: Legal (18+)
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal (16+)
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal, protected by the constitution

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:20 pm
by Tondo Federation
Marijuana: Legal (25+)
Alcohol: Legal (21+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal (17+)
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Used in "emergencies"
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal (provided they have a license and are above the age of 21)
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Illegal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal (21+)
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal (18+)
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:43 pm
by Pauxia
Marijuana: Illegal
Alcohol: Legal (21+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Illegal
Driving: Legal (18+)
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Legal
Weapons owned by citizens: Illegal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Illegal
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Illegal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Legal (18+)
Election: Illegal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal, but controlled

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2018 10:54 pm
by New Emeline
Marijuana: Legal (18+)
Alcohol: Legal (18+)
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Legal
Driving: Legal (16+
Foreign Language: Legal
Dictatorship: Illegal
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Legal
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal, up until the fetus can survive outside the womb
Slavery: Illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal

PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2018 12:56 am
by Yohannes
Yuganesia wrote:
Marijuana: :)
Alcohol: :)
Murder: >:(
Atheism: 8)
Christianity: Legal, but you wouldn't look good regarding intelligence
Catholicism: Legal, but you wouldn't look good regarding intelligence
Islam: >:(
Driving: :)
Foreign Language: Legal if you learn our language
Dictatorship: Sure, if it's benevolent
Weapons owned by citizens: No
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: Sure
Rape: >:(
Abortion: :)
Slavery: >:(
Adoption: :)
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Absolutely not
Election: Sure
Robbery: No
Assault: Nope
Freedom of speech: Illegal once your freedom of speech either advocates death or is recognized as hate speech.


Drakkensang wrote:What is legal and what is illegal in your nation:

Marijuana: Legal
Alcohol: Legal
Murder: Illegal
Atheism: Legal
Christianity: Legal
Catholicism: Legal
Islam: Refugees welcome
Driving: Legal
Foreign Language: Legal, but socially discouraged to be spoken of loudly in public (carries a stigma)
Dictatorship: Illegal
Weapons owned by citizens: Legal, but only for hunting; strict licensed firearms ownership (very carefully vetted)
Weapons owned by trained military and/or police: no firearms for regular police officers (can only carry batons, pepper spray and tasers). Diplomatic protection, military and special force officers can however carry firearms
Rape: Illegal
Abortion: Legal (very carefully evaluated)
Slavery: Um. Yeah. So illegal
Adoption: Legal
Putting people ages 1-13 in military: Illegal
Election: Legal
Robbery: Illegal
Assault: Illegal
Freedom of speech: Legal