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PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:21 pm
by Anollasia
The Ridings of Yorkshire wrote:
Anollasia wrote:There are religious schools, but they're private and uncommon. All public schools are secular.

Not deviating from this, but since the state funding for religious affiliated state schools (for example, as of today, 1 in 3 STATE primary schools are affiliated with a faith) has been withdrawn due to a constitutional ban (seperation of religion and state) and the significant laïcité in the political atmosphere, combined with a climbing atheist population have significantly decreased religious schools and have shut down and/or split up quite a few religious-sponsored schools without alternate funding sources.

Ok?...Why did you quote me then?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:23 pm
by The United Empire of New Missouri
All schools are Christian schools

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:35 pm
by Nueva Uruguay
Religion is banned in the Glorious Republic of Uruguay, and that includes religious schools.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:39 pm
by Nocturnalis
There is no separation of church and state in the Realm; the Realm is, and always will be, a Lunarist state. As such, all schools, both private and public, are required to instill proper Lunarist values in their students. For primary and secondary institutions, there are no explicitly 'religious' schools, however there are post-secondary institutions dedicated to religious studies dotted throughout the nation. Considering that 99% of the population are devout Lunarists, this is unlikely to change any time soon.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:11 pm
by The Merchant Republics
Religious schooling is very common in the Merchant Republics, with many prominent institutions especially for higher post-secondary education, but also providing charitable schools for orphans, the intellectually disabled and other impoverished groups. Though for most there is a preference to send their children to either more specialized private schools or their local hab-complex schools, which are more often funded by the Society Guilds.

The overwhelming majority of these religious schools and institutions are funded by the Mercatorum Orthodox Church, which is the largest faith group in the nation. Approximately 75% of the nation have a stated belief in Mercatorum Orthodoxy. Despite this, Orthodox Schools tend to have little actual religious education involved, in part this because it's believed that their faith is best received and nurtured through interaction with parents and their church communities. The most significant difference is usually the presence of a School Chaplain and school prayers.
There are also schools for the Mercatorum's sizeable Jewish and Muslim populations headed by their own faiths, although in many cases Orthodox schools will accept students of other religions or no religion that apply, indeed in multilateral agreement by the Council of Faiths (an organization for interfaith dialogue) all the major religious groups agreed to accept and teach children of all other faith.

Many of the Merchant Republics most prominent universities and post-secondary institutes are funded and often founded by the Mercatorum Orthodoxy, those such as St. Laurentia and Domini Univeristy are considered the Confederations finest educational and scientific centres.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:55 pm
by Albaie
As a heavily Catholic nation Albaie has a large amount of religious schools. Most schools in Albaie will have a chapel and hold at least one mass a week even if not an explicit religious schools. Official religious schools make up about 65% of schools which includes a large amount of private schools and all military schools. Due to the Albaie's official religion also being tied to state most religious schools are state tied and so get paid by the state instead of the church.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:59 pm
by The Rouge Christmas State
The United Empire of New Missouri wrote:All schools are Christian schools

Same in my country, all schools are religious.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:19 pm
by -The Islamic Queendom-
All schools are officially religious schools in our nation and must teach classes on Islam. These classes can be opted out of if you are a non-Muslim, however.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:59 pm
by Isla Gazebo
All religious schools in Isla Gazebó are private, because state schools are not allowed to teach religion. Most private religious schools are Roman Catholic, but private schools can have any religion. Except for religion classes, private religious schools in Isla Gazebó must follow the same curriculum as state schools (including teaching evolution in science class).

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:11 pm
by The Eternal Kawaii
Well, since the Diaspora Church of the Eternal Kawaii is our nation's government, all Kawaiian schools are by definition religious schools.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:46 pm
by Penguin Union Nation
Psh, no. At least not in the mainland Antarctic portion of the country. There are in the Kiwi District (New Zealand), but those are grandfathered in. Penguinopolis and the rest of PUN prohibit religious schools, and indeed, most formal religious facilities, with a few exceptions (Episcopalians, Greek Pantheon worshippers, Pastafarians have a few facilities). Religion isn't illegal or anything, you can have prayer groups, etc, we just want to downplay its role in our mostly secular society. Schools are for education, not for religious training.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:00 pm
by Aikoland
Religious schools are legal, but only private schools may be religious and they must make it publicly known they are a religious educational facility.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:09 pm
by Ventalia
No. There are none.

Sure, Sunday 'school' exists as does religious education within the confines of church communities, but these fall outside of the legal, mandatory school system. Children must attend a state-approved school, Mondays through Fridays, public or private.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:37 pm
by Surawi
There are standard schools and Islamic schools (darul ulum/Islamic madrasa) as well as a few wihara schools (Buddhist institutions of learning) of which all are backed and funded by the state. All religious schooling starts at the intermediate level (middle school) with Islamic madrasa having have strict interfaith quotas. This means an Islamic madrasa has to admit a certain amount of non Muslims, if the student so chooses.

Religious schools tend to have stricter schedules and tend to have specific uniforms. Religious schools are required by law to teach from the national curriculum or be punished accordingly. There is one major public Islamic university in Surawi, the Sultan Hassan Salim Institute of Sharia and Theology. Other religious universities are private institutions.

However, a large majority of schools are secular with courses on Islam and other religions as part of the national curriculum.

Midland Caledonia

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:37 pm
by Midland Caledonia
On the topic of religion, Midland Caledonia is 96% Christian, but massively accepting of other religions. Throughout our short time as a Republic, there has been very few and minor incidents between religion. We do tolerate Religious schools, all are private, and constantly the local towns and cities debate on these schools.
However unlike many republics, we accept faith into our Government. Christianity has been established as the official religion, but this does not mean we are not accepting. Many of our schools do receive pensions and funds from the government. When students are in request for an educational loan, a religious student and non-religious student would have the same opportunity and chances to receive the loan they request. (Of course however, the loan you receive has many determining factors, but religion is not one of them.)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:39 pm
by Nachfolgia
As part of our military academies, young boys and girls learn the stories and legends of the gods and our ancestors and how to honor both of them. They also learn the honor code of our people, given to us by the gods. The old gods are an important part of educating our young folk.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:44 pm
by Mahdistan
Islamic schooling is standard in Mahdistan, and all public schools teach based on Islamic teachings. Some may choose to opt out and go to non-religious private schools, however, a private school may not preach against the Islamic religion.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:03 pm
by Fin Dovah Junaar
Most schools are religious institutions, although larger universities primarily ran by mages, focus more on basics of science, more advanced mathematics, and of course the sorcery that is tied to it all, along with other magic. However even these large insinuation tend to have class dedicated to the faith, and they are generally large enough to fit a Church.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:04 pm
by True Chinese Federation
Due to the Emperor and Kong Qingdong, bless His name,'s condemnation of all non-Chosen religions, Religious schooling is a taboo topic in The Master Culture. Because our Religion is our Culture, and our Culture has manifested as the State with our LIving God Kong Qingdong providing the Laws, religious schools who are not derived from Chosen/Master Culture are thereby illegal.

There are Institutes teaching Confucian ethics, theories, and 'religious practices,' and educational facilities for Falun Gong practitioners among other Chosen faiths but they are not colloquially known as 'schools.' Schools such as Catholic School, Church-oriented Sunday Schools, and schools of religions that are not Chosen (not created by The Master Culture) tend to be bombed or glassed from orbit whenever they are encountered. It is best not to mention what happens to students and teachers at said schools when they are caught, although various slaves were acquired from liberated religious schools and might be interviewed if their Masters allow it.

These demonstrates our nation's omnibenevolence.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:08 pm
by Opabinia
Because Opabinia values religious freedom to a high extant, religious schools are allowed. However, the curriculum of religious schools (as well as all other private schools) must meet the national standards established by the Ministry of Education. This means that religious schools must teach, among other things, effective sex-ed including the proper use of birth control, the theory of evolution, the threat of climate change, and the importance of respect towards people of other faiths. In addition, religious schools must provide a safe space for people of LGBT+ status, whether they be students or staff.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:29 pm
by Urran
All schools are technically religious schools as Urran has no separation of church and state. The government and military are all controlled by the established church, so schools are as well.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:00 am
by Mittilagart
The majority of schools are secular, regardless of the national religion being that of Islam. However private Islamic schools are common. These are usually called: singular, مــآدـرآســآ (Madrasa) or plural, مــآدـرآســەـن (Madrasen). These vary in sect and often have uniforms.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:32 am
by Swilatia
There are none, all public and private schools in Swilatia are secular.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:09 am
by Novus Niciae
Schools operated by religious groups are allowed but they are required to follow the standard syllabus and restrict religious studies to an optional weekend course.

They are also subject to both regular and random inspections from the department of education to ensure that they are maintaining a high standard and if the average GPA of their students falls below 4 they will be closed down and the students moved to state operated schools.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:25 am
by Longweather
The Church of Thesse and the Cults of Atherian Paganism all have monasteries on the Dominion Worlds of the Empire. They are more vocational schools with which to train the various priesthoods.