LGBT Friendliness Tourism Index (CLOSED)

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Sungai Pusat
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LGBT Friendliness Tourism Index (CLOSED)

Postby Sungai Pusat » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:34 am

Kitacho Institute's Official Website


Welcome, dear visitor, to the Kitacho Institute's LGBT Friendliness Tourism Index.

Here is where you may make your entry into the index, upon which our experts will examine the given information with a great deal of care and attention. Once we are done with our assessment, we will proceed to grade your nation and place it under a specific category, which will be explained in greater detail down below.

For now, if you wish, you may start filling our the blank questionnaire for your nation.

Code: Select all
[quote][align=center][b][u][size=200]Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*[/size][/u][/b][/align]
*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

[size=150][b]Official Information[/b][/size]

[b]Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: [/b]
[b]Name of nation: [/b]
[b]Form of government: [/b]
[b]Population: [/b]
[b]Tech level of nation: [/b]
[b]How prevalent is tourism in your nation? [/b]

[size=75]*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.[/size]

[b]1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? [/b]
[b]c) Do such laws apply to tourists? [/b]
[b]2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? [/b]
[b]b) Are gay marriages legal? [/b]
[b]c) Can gay foreigners get married? [/b]
[b]3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? [/b]
[b]b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? [/b]
[b]c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? [/b]
[b]4a) Age of consent for straight couples: [/b]
[b]b) Age of consent for gay couples: [/b]
[b]c) Do such laws apply to tourists? [/b]

[b]1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? [/b]
[b]2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? [/b]
[b]3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? [/b]

[b]1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? [/b]
[b]b) Are pride parades a common occurance? [/b]
[b]2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? [/b]
[b]3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? [/b]
[b]4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? [/b]
[b]5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]6. If the answer to question 1. in the 'Society' section under [u]Positive[/u] is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? [/b]
[b]7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? [/b]

[size=75]*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.[/size]


[b]1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? [/b]
[b]b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law?[/b]
[b]2a) Does the nation have a state religion? [/b]
[b]b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? [/b]

[b]1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? [/b]
[b]b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? [/b]

[size=75]*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.[/size]

[b]1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? [/b]
[b]c) Do such laws apply to tourists? [/b]
[b]2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? [/b]
[b]b) How frequently did such executions occur?[/b]

[b]1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? [/b]
[b]2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? [/b]
[b]3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? [/b]
[b]4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? [/b]
[b]b) How frequently did such acts occur? [/b]
[b]5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? [/b]
[b]b) How frequently did such murders occur? [/b]

[b]1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under [u]Neutral[/u] is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? [/b]
[b]2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? [/b]
[b]b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? [/b]

[size=50]The creation of the Kitacho Institute.[/size][/quote]


Based on the spartacus Gay Travel Index. Inspired in part by Numorland's Tourism Friendliness Index. It's a restructuring of the previous questionnaire I had, which was on for a spectacular 3 days before I both burnt out from answering everyone, partly due to how I'd done it, and was bummed out by the lack of cohesive thought put toward it. I hope that this version is slightly more coherently put together.
Last edited by Sungai Pusat on Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:39 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Sungai Pusat
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Postby Sungai Pusat » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:35 am

Kitacho Institute's Official Website


All nations that have successfully filled out their forms, with no problems at all, will, first and foremost, be categorised into two separate groups of nations: Nations with governments and nations without.

The reasoning for that is very simple: It was a notable flaw in a test drive* of the questionnaire's current state that nations with governments would, very obviously, attain a much higher score than nations without. As a nation that falls into the latter category, it was a proverbial shot in the foot for us, which was why we felt like we had to fix the mistake pronto.

As per our test drive, all nations in either groups will be put into one of the following ratings, put together by our lovely founder, Kitacho Honsa.

Hostile; Points < -10 points - Do NOT go to these places if you even so much as blink at a gay or bisexual person, you will be tracked to no end from such an environment. It may very well be a tourist hotspot, but unless you plan to go in with a new identity, our experts at the Kitacho Institute recommend ticking this off of your bucket list of places to visit.
Unfriendly; -10 points to -6 points - Not the best place to go if you're a gay or bisexual person: Perhaps you'll be looked down on by the locals. Maybe get snubbed by a waitress. But if you're not open about your sexuality to strangers and just like the attractions, give these places a go.
Neutral; -5 points to 5 points - These places may not give a shit. Not at all. They don't care and we don't care that they don't care; our experts sure as hell say it's a heck of a lot better than any of the above categories.
Friendly; 6 points to 10 points - Take note travellers: These are the places of warmth for the homosexual at heart. Possibly out of the lack of discrimination by the government or from the sheer level of equality given to everyone under the law, or perhaps even from the tourist-friendliness of the location, these are the countries that you will be welcomed in with open arms.
Fabulous; 10 points < Points - Congratulations: If you're a tourist that is even so much as stranded in one of these nations and is LGBT, then these are the countries that are willing to go through thick and thin to get you back on your feet, no matter whether the country in question is a mostly inhospitable wasteland.

Hostile; Points < -7 points - Do NOT go to these places if you even so much as blink at a gay or bisexual person, you will be tracked to no end from such an environment. It may very well be a tourist hotspot, but unless you plan to go in with a new identity, our experts at the Kitacho Institute recommend ticking this off of your bucket list of places to visit.
Unfriendly; -7 points to -4 points - Not the best place to go if you're a gay or bisexual person: Perhaps you'll be looked down on by the locals. Maybe get snubbed by a waitress. But if you're not open about your sexuality to strangers and just like the attractions, give these places a go.
Neutral; -3 points to 3 points - These places may not give a shit. Not at all. They don't care and we don't care that they don't care; our experts sure as hell say it's a heck of a lot better than any of the above categories.
Friendly; 4 points to 7 points - Take note travellers: These are the places of warmth for the homosexual at heart. Possibly out of the lack of discrimination by the government or from the sheer level of equality given to everyone under the law, or perhaps even from the tourist-friendliness of the location, these are the countries that you will be welcomed in with open arms.
Fabulous; 7 points < Points - Congratulations: If you're a tourist that is even so much as stranded in one of these nations and is LGBT, then these are the countries that are willing to go through thick and thin to get you back on your feet, no matter whether the country in question is a mostly inhospitable wasteland.

Please do take into consideration that, while we have had a test drive questionnaire, both questionnaires in question are very different in tone and style, which may cause the ratings listed here to change from time to time in terms of what scores are appropriate. We apologise for the inconvenience that it may cause.


*This is in no way the original intention. :?
Last edited by Sungai Pusat on Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sungai Pusat
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Postby Sungai Pusat » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:35 am

Kitacho Institute's Official Website



Avdrea/Vladimir Ivanovich/-15 points/LINK


Nocturnalis/Ministerium of Social Development/-12 points/LINK

People who are in a sexual minority should take note of the derogatory term 'lecher' being used in reference to them. On the upside, there's a rarely enforced law that illegitimises gay sex which will be repealed soon.

Gothex/Gothexian tourism guild/-9 points/LINK

Lesbians, bisexuals and gays are generally seen as non-existant until you remind people of your existence, which is when they start flaunting their religion in your face. Transexuals face far worse: They're generally seen as having a mental illness and are forced through treatment, upon which they are allowed to have 'pride parades' around their 'cure'.

Albagaria/Ministry of Tourism/-8 points/LINK

Any public expression of homosexuality can land you into forced labour. Beware of this if you have to come visit this nation.

newne Carriebean2/axle/- 6 points/LINK

A horrible museum dubbed the 'LGBT Pride Atrocities Museum for the Straight and curly' exists somewhere in this nation. You may visit the attraction at your own risk, if only to disgust yourselves over the existence of this.

Tanzhiye/National Survey Institute/-6 points/LINK


Drubenia/Ivan Borzov/-5 points/LINK

Do NOT go here. In spite of this rating, the one notable thing about this nation is their propensity for lynch mobs.

Crumb-Cashew/Oilo Cannellini/0 points/LINK


Egypt/Kiya/1 point/LINK

A nation of extremes: Go to Aswan or Cairo as a part of a sexual minority and you could potentially see yourself getting beheaded. Go to Alexandria or Giza, however, and see a wonderfully tolerant society and culture. Either way, don't ever go to Aswan or Cairo if your part of a sexual minority, it's just- it's not safe.

Anollasia/Anollasian Tourism Organization /5 points/LINK


Korchayk/Korchayki Social Development Ministry/5 points/LINK

Pride parades are usually incredibly heavily policed and regulated and are only allowed to be held monthly in each district. Do take note of this when you decide to travel there for those.

Wolfenia/National Agency of Culture, Tourism Division/8 points/LINK

LGBT tourists are advised not to travel to the northern regions of the nation, for there is a greater prevalence of homophobia there than there is in the southern regions. On this note, though, most tourist attractions seem to be in the southern regions already, so you should be alright.

KwaDai/Ahmed bin Jur al Amman/9 points/LINK

Cities like Tripoli, Benghazi and Yafran are generally where an LGBT-open mood will be present. Most other places seem tolerant of sexual minorities, however, so you should be fine travelling elsewhere too.

Gardevoirland/Miyoko Corporation/9 points/LINK


Icrum/Icrum/9 points/LINK

Pride parades in this nation are notable for the lack of eccentric attire that participants wear to such gatherings. This is a perfect side activity for either Pusatians living outside of Libertine City or for LGBT tourists who are not fans of usual pride parade fanfare.

Tyrandel/Teris Everikk/10 points/LINK

The majority religion, Orthodox Triunism, makes no comment on romance or sex in general, but it has condemned its heretics who are anti-LGBT in nature. However, the nation is dangerous to tourists in general, so beware.

Jute/Stan Dard/10 points/LINK


Themiclesia/Allen Corning/10 points/LINK

The law officially states that anything outside of othrodox sexual activity is counted as 'sexual intercourse'. As such, while the official age of consent is 21, since homosexual acts count outside of this, there is no real age of consent in this nation, meaning the reverse of your expectations: It's technically legal to have sex with someone of the same sex as you at any age. (Though this is a VERY unadvisable action for those who haven't hit sexual maturity yet for VERY obvious reasons)

Ammerinia/Allen Rodivick/11 points/LINK

Don't try to adopt any children in Ammerinia, regardless of sexual orientation, unless you wish to attract a great deal of scorn from the people around you. Also, unless you're unspecific in the list of tourist attractions you wish to go to, it's advised to stick around in cities like Vertway, New Rougeport and Hurlock.

Tyrandel/Teris Everikk/10 points/LINK

The majority religion, Orthodox Triunism, makes no comment on romance or sex in general, but it has condemned its heretics who are anti-LGBT in nature. However, the nation is dangerous to tourists in general, so beware.

South New Caledonia/Ministry of Tourism and Promotion/12 points/LINK

This nation seems very open to sexual minorities in general, in spite of the comparitvely lower score to its counterparts: The cantons of Noumea and Liaki both have a wonderful atmosphere for sexual minorities, with both cantons hosting a greater density of gay clubs, bars and so forth. Noumea generally has more pride parades than anywhere else in the nation, along with a sense of hospitality from its people to its tourists, while Liaki has the Diana Akberg's Monument.

Just... don't go to Neu Graz canton. It seems far less receptive than most other cantons in general are and it has been reported that a murder based on sexual orientation happens once every decade.

Gíarda/LGBC Alliance of Gíarda/12 points/LINK

If you're travelling to the nation to give a donation of any part of your body, you'll have to take note of a specific law: Anyone who is a sexual minority and has had sex within a year before the donation cannot give blood, tissue or organs.

New Matawan/Pierre Lombard/13 points/LINK


Galmarch/Stefan Junker/13 points/LINK

For LGBT foreigners wishing to get married in Galmarch, do take note that there are certain regions that have not officially legalised same sex marriage yet, though virtually all regions have civil unions.

Gandoor/The Gandoorese Ministry of Foreign Affairs/14 points/LINK


Alosteko/Government of the USRA/14 points/LINK


Aikoland/Aikoland Ministry of Tourism/14 points/LINK

Foreigners who wish to get married in Aikoland may only do so if they are marrying into the nation. I.e, they're marrying to a citizen of Aikoland.

Fanosolia/Government of Fanosolia/14 points/LINK

Pride parades there usually take place on either mardi gras, which is on the second Tuesday of February, or during spring.

Alosteko/Government of Alosteko/14 points/LINK

Equalism/Aein-Sori Yokoshiro/15 points/LINK

If you ever wish to visit this nation, you have GOT to visit Setiqualium, where pride parades likely happen around the clock or something to that nature. They've also got an official Gay Pride Day there, too, and a statue, plus picture, of notable gay women on display in their nation somewhere.

Do not go to Eastern Aquadeca, however, unless you wish to be pelted by... stones, maybe. Or, at the least, hissed at.

Wolfbenz/Leiv Stoppelbein/15 points/LINK


Ashane/Ashanese Travel Bureau/16 points/LINK

There's a tourist attraction there called 'The Unity Stone'. You can check it out.

Davinhia/James O'Reilly/17 points/LINK

There is a flexible law regarding sexual consent in which the lower age of consent between nations is taken into account: If Nation A has an age of consent of none for gays, then Davinhia's age of consent of 13 is in effect. If Nation B has an age of consent of 10 for straight couples... for somehow, then Davinhia's age of consent of 15 for straight couples no longer applies and instead, Nation's B age of consent will take precedence.

The Pentarchy/Office of Information Release/17 points/LINK


Kelinfort/Kelinfort Institute of Tourism/17 points/LINK

For those who are incredibly fearful of any possibility of persecution or death, Southern Judah's rural areas are where you are advised to avoid.

Elejamie/Welcome Home/18 points/LINK

Davenport Pride Parade and Aventry Pride Parade, held on the second Sunday of August and the third Saturday of June respectively, are apparently noteworthy enough pride parades to be mentioned. There is also an alarmingly high frequency of gay clubs, bars and et cetera: Even in generally conservative areas.








Sidhae/Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs/0 points/LINK

It is a nation completely filled with cybernatic beings that just does not give a damn about the fact that you have a certain sexual orientation, just the fact that you do. Incredibly fascinating in itself for any organic beings, but do not expect any warmth to be given to you, sexual minority or otherwise.

The Nexus of Man/PURELIGHT Strategic Biological Command/-20 points/LINK

Daily lynch mobs, government sanctioned exeuction, purely objectively driven hatred towards sexual minorities, alongside with the already large influence from most religions that are present in the nation and you get a hotbed that no one who even dares to identify a tiny bit with the LGBT community should touch with any length of stick. Ever.

Zhouran/Zhouranese Patriotic Liberation Front/-19 points/LINK

Zhouran is a nation that you just flat-out do not want to visit, regardless of your sexual orientation. Should you have to go to the nation, however, it is advised NEVER to reveal your sexual orientation under ANY circumstances: It is a notable nation for having amassed a high body count with regards to executions of sexual minorities in the 1980s in the Gregorian Calander, to the point that none seem to exist today. You will also be whisked off into nothingness in this nation if you choose to reveal yourself. In spite of the score not being as low as The Nexus of Man, this nation currently stuns us the most.

Ozgaard/Daimon Kek/8 points/LINK

Would you like to see the free market at work? Go to Sibirsky, The Anarchist Planet, Diztruzio, The Merchant Republics and et cetera.

What's that? Want a personification of it? And with the stereotypes that are tagged along with it? Well, then, this is the perfect nation to be at! Come right now and, soon enough, their sex tourism, gay catering industries and landmarks will start popping up everywhere, all the while they try to prevent you from adopting their children!

If you have any questions regarding the nature of the questionnaire, please file your queries at the 'Updates and Questions' page on the website.
Last edited by Sungai Pusat on Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:56 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby Wolfenia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:12 am

Author's note, administrative subdivions in the country are called ‘Regions’, this is only definition of region used in the answers.
Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: National Agency of Culture, Tourism Division.
Name of nation: Wolfenia (Full name, The People's Federal Republic of Wolfenia).
Form of government: Representative Democracy
Population: ~10,000,000 (RP numbers).
Tech level of nation: Slightly post modern.
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Moderate, visitors are usually from neighboring countries.


1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Moderate
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? In 4 regions.
b) Are gay marriages legal? In 2 regions.
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes. Unless local law prohibits same sex marrage.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes, federal laws must still be followed.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18, minors of 13 years to 17 years may have sex with eachother.
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 18, minors of 13 years to 17 years may have sex with eachother.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes in southern and some middle parts of the country.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Varies .
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes, so long as the couple is not being marriend in Wolfenia just to dodge the laws of a politcally free nation.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes, they are hated more by activists than conservatives.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Not prominant, most paraides are large due to this fact.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Yes
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Most channels that are considerd to have a “liberal beng”.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? In the south you're more likley to see a marrage.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No, the market isn't big enough.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes, as long as it isn't going to start an unnesscsary conflict.
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Some low key ones exist.



1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes.
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? No
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? Only if you count people making laws bassed on their religous belifs

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Christianity, no denomination holds a majority
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Acording to critics, yes.
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Varies from person to person, confrontation is usually frowned upon as being rude.


1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? (assuming discrimination means a conservative view on the topic as opposed to just basic Jim Crow laws) Depending on the region, e.g. in Hojzin, no marriage.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Yes in northern and some middle parts of the country.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Unclear public consensus, aggressive confrontation is frowned upon by dissidents.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No, it's treated the same as any other same sex marrage.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Not as a community. However bad parts are town exist and are known.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Rarely.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Even less than 4b.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? No to a person's face.
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

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Newne Carriebean2
Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 435
Founded: Feb 11, 2015

Postby Newne Carriebean2 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:27 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: axle
Name of nation: newne Carriebean2
Form of government: Democracy
Population: 8 million
Tech level of nation: PMT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? It makes up 42% of the economic budget

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? no
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? no
b) Are gay marriages legal? no
c) Can foreigners get married? yes
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? no
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples?
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 25 years
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 99 years
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? no, negative
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive?
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive?

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? no
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? no
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? no, but there 901 out of the 308,000 buildings in the capital are bars, nightclubs, and signs that say vote oprah 3018
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? yes there is the Carriebean Fashion Network
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? no
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? no, but they are on the rise
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? only a handful , but they are slowly growing
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown?
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? there is the LGBT Pride Atrocities Museum for the Straight and curly

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? Yes we have two Order Laws
Order 7789: The execution, mutilation, imprisonment, and rounding up of all citizens of the hostile nation in which we are at conflict at.
Order 9981: The encouragement via, propaganda, posters,radio, television, any and all other sources of media to kill, maime, injure, mutilate, arrest,free, wound and murder enemies of the state and nation.

2a) Does the nation have a state religion? no
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities?
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities?

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any?
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities?
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally?

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? no. no laws that mention Homosexuals or heterosexuals at all
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities?
b) How frequently did such executions occur?

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Yes, Very negative
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? yes, strongly
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? no
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? yes
b) How frequently did such acts occur?
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? yes
b) How frequently did such murders occur? According to a 2010 survey, 1,091 murders an Hour per 10,000 people

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly?
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not?
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general?

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Send our best ace pilot to blow up the big doughnut in the sky
with sprinkles.
"If it is close to Argentina, it is rightful Argentinian clay! Damn those British for having successfully lived on land that isn't directly connected to their home country!"
-Newne Carriebean, 2/28/2015

*cries tears of Argentinian patriotism*

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Postby Icrum » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:28 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire:
Name of nation: The New Republic of Icrum
Form of government: Republic
Population: 688 million
Tech level of nation: Modern Tech
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Not prevalent

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Not yet
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? See above
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? See above
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 18
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? No one cares about your sexuality, except for the heavily religious.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? See above
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes. However, it's a parade of normally dressed people that are gay showing that they are normal and gay. And that they're proud of it.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Yes
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? is a pornsite for gays/lesbians.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? 25% of marriages are gay marriages
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities?
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown?
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? No
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? See above
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? See above

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Gemensam-Tro
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Neither
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? No. Only a small handful.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? It applies to everyone
b) How frequently did such executions occur? Only in the most extreme cases.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative?
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative?
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative?
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority?
b) How frequently did such acts occur?
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority?
b) How frequently did such murders occur?

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly?
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not?
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general?

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Some kind of dessert involving ice cream, hard liquor, and a blow torch
Main wrote:A petition to redesign the flag incites violent riots that eventually destroy the entire nation.

-Ebola- wrote:I don't want to kill you all. I want primates, humans included, to stay around so my descendants will have the same variety of hosts to choose from as I do.

Washington Resistance Army wrote:Not being able to buy an AR most certainly is a travesty.

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Postby Avdrea » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:46 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Vladimir Ivanovich, Supreme Leader of Avdrea
Name of nation: The People's Republic of Avdrea
Form of government: Dictatorship
Population: 750 million
Tech level of nation: Late MT/Early PMT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? It's quite prevalent, we are mostly famous for our beautiful environment.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? No.
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Hell no.
b) Are gay marriages legal? Nope.
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? No.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples?
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18.
b) Age of consent for gay couples: None.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? No.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? No.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes, mostly.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? They're considered as acts of terrorism.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? They don't exist here.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? No, as the government controls the media, and we hate them.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown?
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes, but they must agree to be monitored 24/7.
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law?They may be executed.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities?
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities?

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Christianity.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condemns.
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? When it comes to sexual minorities, yes. Although when it comes to other things, it's a different story.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? Yes,
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? Sexual minorities are outlawed.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? For some.
b) How frequently did such executions occur?Every month or so.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Yes.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Yes.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? It only occured twice, since the government mostly persecute the minorities themselves.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Twice, unless you count public executions as murder.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? Yes.
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? They're state-owned, so.... Yeah.
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? Yes.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Last edited by Avdrea on Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Korchayk » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:48 am

A Message From the Korchayki Social Development Ministry:
'Toplum Değiştirin, bu Durgun Olmayan'

TO: Whom it may concern

FROM: Korchayki Social Development Ministry,
Korchayki Social Development Ministry Offices,
Rabbimiz'in Sokak,
The Kingdom of Korchayk




To whom it may concern,

The Kingdom of Korchayk wishes to submit a completed LGBT Friendliness questionnaire as a measure of how friendly our nation is to members of the LGBT community and the actions we will need to take to ensure LGBT rights for tourists in our nation.

Yours Sincerely,
Tuana İlkin Yazmira Zeynep, Head of Korchayki Social Development Ministry

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: The Korchayki Social Development Ministry.
Name of nation: Korchayk.
Form of government: Monarchy supported by parliament of elected representatives.
Population: 480 million approx.
Tech level of nation: High.
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Above average.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes.
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Prevents physical and verbal violence and/or abuse against sexual minorities due to their sexual orientation.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? If civil unions are legal in their nation of origin.
b) Are gay marriages legal? No.
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Providing they pass Korchayk's strenuous tests.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? Yes.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18.
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 20.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? They differ. Younger generation are more accepting, middle aged Korchaykis are indifferent and the elderly tend to disapprove.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? They differ. Younger generation are more accepting, middle aged Korchaykis are indifferent and the elderly tend to disapprove.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Heavily policed and legislated, but legal.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No more than one a month per district.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Heavily legislated and are confined to certain parts of cities.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Yes, GLBSİ News.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Is not often discussed, but tends to be indifferent.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? 5 per 100 Korchaykis.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yet again, the younger generation support it, the middle aged Korchaykis are indifferent and the elderly disapprove.
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? In special circumstances
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? A fine.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? Yes, Shedu.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? It supports the idea of a nuclear family, however, it supports the right of sexual minorities to live freely and adopt children.
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? Yes.

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Shedu
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Commends the rights of everyone.
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Yes.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No.
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A.
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? If the crime they commit warrants it (e.g - murder, rape, terrorism ect).
b) How frequently did such executions occur? As frequently as such crimes are committed

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? N/A
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? N/A
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? N/A
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Fairly frequently after the introduction of civil unions, abnormal now.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Rare.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? Yes, CKNN (Conservative Korchayki News Network)
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? Not in general.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Last edited by Korchayk on Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Royal Prince of Korchayk Seeks Wife
The Korchayki Embassy Program
Korchayki Statistics
KORCHAYKI STATE NEWS - Korchayk joins the International Justice System and World Assembly ---  Korchayk leaves the United Monarchist Alliance in protest --- The Korchayki Ministry of Finance has had a bailout package of $10 billion accepted by the Empire of Vecima --- The 'Subversive and Political Dissent Prevention Act' has been passed through the Korchayki Council of Representatives ---

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Postby Kelinfort » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:02 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Kelinfort Institute of Tourism, a private corporation for the development of Tourism based on freedom of association and movement.
Name of nation: Democratic States of Kelinfort
Form of government: Republic
Population: 2.7 Billion
Tech level of nation: PMT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Kelinfort is an internationally known tourist destination, receiving more than 475 million tourists annually.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? No employer may fire LGBT+ individuals on the grounds of sexuality, gender identity, or orientation
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Marriage is completely gender neutral. Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes, with applicable paperwork
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 16
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 16
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurrence? Yes
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Yes
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? LGBT+ newspapers and the network Lambda Media are geared towards sexual minorities.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Programs are offered specifically to LGBT+ indviduals by a wide variety of private companies.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Various places in mythology and literature exist and are geared towards LGBT+ individuals.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? Yes, unless they commit murder or rape. Foreign nations must appeal the decision on these cases.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? No

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Protestantism
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Mostly condone
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Varies, but mostly no.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No.
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities?
b) How frequently did such executions occur?

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? No
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Extremely rare instances have occurred in the rural areas of Southern Judah
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Very rare
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Incidents have occurred but constitute less than 1% of murders annually.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? See above.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? Some conservative newspapers have condemned same sex marriage
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.

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Founded: Jan 07, 2015

Postby Gothex » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:10 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Gothexian tourism guild
Name of nation: Gothex
Form of government: Absolute authoritarian monarchy
Population: 170 million
Tech level of nation: MT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Common, but mostly for historical valuef

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? No, although the only laws penalizing them apply to transsexuals, which is classified as a mental illness.
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? There is no such thing as a civil union in Gothex. Marriages must be performed by the Roman Catholic church, or are considered invalid. A legal process of binding is similar to civil unions, but available only to religious minorities. While there are no laws banning homosexual bindings, no recognized religious minority permits them.
b) Are gay marriages legal? No, for the reasons above.
c) Can foreigners get married? No marriages in Gothex are permitted unless considered valid by the Roman Catholic church. However, marriages of foreigners are recognized provided they fill out some extra paperwork while applying for a visa for the duration of their stay.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? The conditions for adoption require a Roman Catholic marriage. As such, no.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? N/A
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? No.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: No consent is recognized outside of a legal marriage or binding. Inside of one, consent is viewed as informed whenever given.
b) Age of consent for gay couples: Instead of an age of consent, the parties must be within three years of each other.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? No.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Most people do not realize that they exist.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? No. In Gothexian culture, homosexuality is seen as immature.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? No.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Not for homosexual feelings, but transexuals who have beaten their disease are allowed to have pride parades.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? No.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown?
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? No.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? Yes.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? It condemns homosexual relationships, but, provided both participants are below the age of eighteen, that prohibition is ignored.
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? Yes.

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Roman Catholic
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condemn
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Yes

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? For transexuals, yes. For homosexuals, no.
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? Transexuals are classified as psychotic, meaning they can be institutionalized against their will and are not considered legally culpable.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? When it would apply to a non-minority.
b) How frequently did such executions occur? Two in the last year, out of eleven total.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Yes.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Yes.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? Yes.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes, but those are rare.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Rarely.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes, generally as honor killings.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Very rarely, as institutionalization is more common.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? When they remember that sexual minorities exist, yes.
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? Yes.
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No. The media generally prefers to pretend they don't exist.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Last edited by Gothex on Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm the same as Diopolis. Nation mostly reflects actual views.

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Postby Crumb-Cashew » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:40 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Oilo Cannellini, Board of Culture
Name of nation: Crumb-Cashew
Form of government: Semi-Corporate Oligarchy
Population: 11,000,000
Tech level of nation: Modern
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Slightly prevalent

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Shallow
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? No
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No, although both are very strict
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? No
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 20
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 20
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Neutral
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Neutral
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? No

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? No
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Never occur
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Neutral
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Not common, but occasional
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? N/A (:EDIT: Not publicly)
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? One

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? No- deportation is most severe punishment
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? Yes
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? Yes

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Cipolle
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Yes

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? Death penalty is nonexistent
b) How frequently did such executions occur? N/A

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Neutral
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Neutral
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? Yes
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Rarely
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such murders occur? N/A

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

Last edited by Crumb-Cashew on Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Vervillia wrote:We teach our children to visit Crumb-Cashew if they like cashew nuts, but not to visit if you like Political Freedoms, and relaxed eating laws.

The Semi-Corporate Oligarchy of Crumb-Cashew: An Iron Fist Consumerist State
- Capital City: Crumb
- National Animal: Onion Beetle
- Currency: Cottura
- Conservative, Authoritarian, Pro-Corporate
- Denomym: Crumb

Pro: Onions, Conservatism, Culture, Authoritarianism, Philosophy, Capitalism, International isolationism, Insects, Neutral colors, Oligarchies, Cashews, The color khaki
Anti: Libertarianism, Communism, Socialism, Pop Culture, Healthcare, Atheism, Peanuts, The color pink

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Alosteq Diin Nastja
Posts: 2637
Founded: Oct 03, 2013

Postby Alosteq Diin Nastja » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:59 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Government of Alosteko
Name of nation: United Socialist Republics of Alosteko
Form of government: Social Democracy
Population: 188 million
Tech level of nation: MT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Extremely prevalent

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Protects all sexual minorities
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 20
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 20
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Yes
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Yes
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishable by anything more than deportation under the law? No
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/A

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Diloism
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? No
b) How frequently did such executions occur?N/A

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? No
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such acts occur? N/A
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such murders occur? N/A

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? Discrimination on television is illegal
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
☆ marxist-leninist ☆
hands off venezuela! solidarity with maduro!

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Imperium Sidhicum
Posts: 4324
Founded: May 28, 2013

Postby Imperium Sidhicum » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:20 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Name of nation: Imperium of Sidhae
Form of government: monarchy/stratocracy
Population: hundreds of billions
Tech level of nation: FT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Somewhat uncommon, mostly domestic. The Imperium has historically never been on the best of terms with it's neighbors, and the infrastructure of most Imperial worlds isn't suited to tourism.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? No. The Imperial government does not recognize the very concept of "minority", there being only Sidhae and everyone else in legal terms. Imperial laws pertain to and protect mostly Sidhae, very little legislation of any kind applying to non-Sidhae.
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? See above.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Foreign visitors are allowed to practice their ways as long as it doesn't breach any existing Imperial laws, or involve propagating those ways or soliciting Sidhae into partaking.
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? No, and neither is any other kind of civil unions. The institution of marriage and civil union itself has been abolished on grounds of obsolescence in Sidh society. The closest thing to a civil union that Sidhae know is a "contract of cohabitation", which enables two or more Sidhae to legally share the same residence. This contract, however, isn't exclusive to Sidhae sharing a romantic involvement, and may be entered by Sidhae of any sex and personal involvement for a variety of reasons.
b) Are gay marriages legal? See above.
c) Can foreigners get married? No, the Imperial law has no provisions for marriage of any kind. Married couples of foreign visitors are recognized as a family unit though, the law again specifying nothing about their sex.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? No. Sidhae are cyborgs - they don't have children to begin with. Visitors with adopted children are recognized as a family unit, and the law makes no mention of specific sex requirements in their case.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? See above.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? No, because Sidhae have no children. Even provided they did, the answer would still be a firm "no" - giving away children to be adopted abroad would be seen as selling out the nation's future.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: As soon as you leave the progenitory. Being cyborgs, Sidhae are manufactured/grown to adult size and capacity, rendering "age of consent" obsolete.
b) Age of consent for gay couples: See above.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? No. The Imperial authorities do not really care about the sexual lives of foreigners, as long as no Sidhae are involved. Theoretically, a paedophile could freely walk about Imperial cities with his 12-year-old victim, Sidh authorities not caring in the least simply because neither of them is Sidh.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? It is neutral. Sexual deviances are seen as just that - deviances, inconvenient if otherwise harmless afflictions that should be cured since they confer no advantages. Unorthodox sexuality is somewhat unusual in Sidh eyes, but certainly no grounds for discrimination and contempt, not anymore than lisp or near-sightedness.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Sidhae regard the institution of marriage/civil union as obsolete, which is indeed the case in their society, as something that outsiders do. It sparks no feelings, positive or negative, since it is simply something not practiced in Sidh society. Marriage has a slight negative connotation of being associated with humans, long-standing rivals of Sidhae, but is seen as normal within the context of their society.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Sidhae are generally cautious and suspicious around foreigners. Not that many of them come to the Imperium in peace, really, the ones that do being mostly smugglers, mercenaries or diplomatic dignitaries.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? No. These parades are meant to promote a deviance, a flaw, as something to be proud of rather than something to be cured, an act which is itself un-Sidh. Furthermore, these parades peddle a certain set of un-Sidh political beliefs. Promotion of such ideas is expressly forbidden by law in any form. Parading one's sexuality in any form would also offend Sidh sensibilities, most believing that it is a thing to be kept private, putting it out for everyone to see being a gross and vulgar indiscretion. Should any homosexuals have the mind to attempt organizing such a parade, they would likely be seen as exhibitionists and met with hostility, further aggravated by the political implications.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? See above.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Entertainment establishments within Sidh premises are geared towards specific professions or musical tastes. There are likely preferred homosexual hangouts in the human ghettos, but Imperial authorities make no effort to account for them.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No. Not anymore than there are media for people with lisp or near-sightedness.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? The media, like society at large, is neutral about this matter. What a Sidh does in his bedroom is his own private business, but both society and the media expect that it stay private.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No. As said before, marriage of any kind is non-existent within the Imperium, save maybe among humans, whose ways are of no concern to Imperial authorities.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? The few tourism enterprises in the Imperium cater to certain professions (industrial workers, military, etc.) rather than sort customers by other criteria.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? See question No.1
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No. How can you even gear a whole landmark towards sexual minorities, by the way?

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Sidh augmented immune systems are robust enough to handle considerably nastier pathogens than HIV, so visitors with HIV infection aren't deemed a risk - especially because the likelihood of a Sidh citizen engaging in sex, blood transfusion or IV drug use with these visitors is next to none.
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? There are certain regulations pertaining to diseases which Sidh immune systems cannot handle. Most of them, however, are virulent and deadly enough to kill most non-augmented infected long before they can reach other worlds, and those infected with ones survivable enough to be spread are likely to be quarantined (or terminated, if less extreme containment measures fail) before their illness can cause any serious trouble.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? Not in the traditional sense. The Way is a compilation of philosophical teachings and tenets that define proper Sidh way of life, somewhat akin to Confucianism. While there are zealots who have elevated the personality cult of the Emperor (and to a lesser degree, of the Empress) to almost religious level, it is not officially endorsed by the state, and while teachings of the Way affect Sidh life and Imperial legislation throughout, the Imperial government is a secular one by all practical means.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? The Way touches very little on the matters of sexuality, only stating that it is the ability to master one's base urges and desires, not indulge them that differs a sapient being (i.e., a Sidh) from a mindless animal who acts on instinct. The Way teaches that discretion in private matters is a virtue, since it requires one to exercise restraint. Also, the Way states that to be Sidh means to constantly strive for improvement, to seek remedy to one's flaws and shortcomings both mentally and physically. Because of these three tenets, it is the general consensus of Sidh society that deviant sexuality is a flaw that must be remedied, a view supported by science which recognizes it as a multi-spectral disorder. Consequently, while no Sidh will be condemned, discriminated or hated solely on the grounds of being homosexual, there will be a certain social expectation for him to seek a cure (which is well within possibilities of Sidh medical science), or at least be discreet about his unusual preferences should he choose not to.
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? Considering how Imperial authorities have plenty of more important things to do than legislate the intimate lives of their subjects (such as running an interstellar empire embroiled in a war on several fronts), there is very little legislation of any kind pertaining to sex or sexuality. The existing conventions are largely based in generally-accepted custom rather than codified law.

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? The Way - but as said before, it is a philosophy rather than religion in the ordinary sense.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? The attitude of Sidhae towards homosexuality is based in the Way, as explained above, but as said before, the teachings themselves practically do not address sexuality.
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Since the Way deals with lifestyle at large without focusing on particular aspects like sexuality, there isn't much to take literally or figuratively.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No. As said before, Sidhae see no point in discriminating someone simply on grounds of having a glitch in their reproductive instinct.
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? See above.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? No, asides from a ban on promoting sexual deviances as desirable or soliciting Sidhae to partake in deviant (or any other) sexual acts.
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? Well, yes - under the same circumstances as anyone else.
b) How frequently did such executions occur? Depends on how often a member of sexual minorities commits a capital crime. His sexual preferences will obviously be irrelevant in the judicial process.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? It is neutral.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? It is neutral, because marriage isn't practiced in Sidh society at all.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? Yes, Sidhae are suspicious towards foreigners in general.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? No. If anyone gets persecuted, it's for more serious reasons than a rather trivial medical condition.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? See above.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? When people in the Imperium get killed, it is also for more serious reasons than solely for unorthodox sexual preferences.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? See above.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? No, because the Sidh "religion" is neutrally disposed towards homosexuality itself. Any hostility provoked by someone's sexual preferences is because that someone has been indiscreet about them rather than for the preferences themselves.
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No. Imperial state media has more important things to do (such as brainwash the citizens into fanatical patriotic devotion) than to counter-productively commit it's time and resources to incite hatred against a minority group that represents a negligible segment of the population to begin with.
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No. As said before, Sidhae don't really care to know or hear about other people's sexual lives and preferences, so if any media began to openly target sexual deviants, they themselves would be guilty of indiscretion and incite public ire for indiscreetly revealing the private lives of certain citizens.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Freedom doesn't mean being able to do as one please, but rather not to do as one doesn't please.

A fool sees religion as the truth. A smart man sees religion as a lie. A ruler sees religion as a useful tool.

The more God in one's mouth, the less in one's heart.

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Posts: 33
Founded: Feb 14, 2015

Postby Albagaria » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:22 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: The Ministry of Tourism
Name of nation: Democratic Republic of Albagaria
Form of government: Former Communist Republic
Population: 20 million
Tech level of nation: MT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Low

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? No
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? No
b) Are gay marriages legal? No
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? No
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? Yes
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 21
b) Age of consent for gay couples: No
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Void in Tourist-Only Zones

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? No, neutral-negative
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? No, neutral-negative
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Neutral

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? No
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No, sexual degeneracy isn't permitted
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? No
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? No
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? Yes
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No, secular state
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Yes
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? No

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Balance between Orthodox Christianity and Sunni Islam
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Yes
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? Homosexual activities are not allowed in public
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? No
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? No, forced labor.
b) How frequently did such executions occur? No

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Seldomly
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Seldomly

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? No
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? Not
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.

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Posts: 3651
Founded: Jan 31, 2009
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Elejamie » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:50 am

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Welcome Home
Name of nation: Elejamie
Form of government: Benevolent oligarchy, currently making the transition to a proper presidential system
Population: Roughly 2.05 million
Tech level of nation: MT, a little bit of FanT here and there
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Very common

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? All discrimination based on sexuality, orientation and identity are banned; punishment depends on severity of situation.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Domestic civil unions haven't been performed in Elejamie since 2009, although foreign ones are still recognised.
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes, since 2009. Foreign same-sex marriages are also fully recognised.
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes. They can also choose to have a civil union here if they wish.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No, it's the same as straight couples: Just pay the fee (can be anywhere up to Ꞅ5,000), provide references (i.e. a third party to prove you're capable of handling a child); and fill out some forms.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes; as well as the above, their adoption policies also apply. The adoptive child/ren will automatically receive dual citizenship unless the adoptive parent/s choose not to.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 16, no exceptions
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 16, no exceptions
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Generally yes; see "negative" for more information.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Same as above

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Generally yes, with two main ones - Aventry Pride (third Saturday of June) and Davenport Pride Parade (second Sunday of August) - occurring ever year
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Yes. Even in the more conservative parts of the country, there are still a number of LGBT hotspots.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? A number of LGBT-themed newspapers and magazines, with a gay-themed TV channel - LGBTV - airing since 1997.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? A majority do, yes, although some conservative media take a more neutral approach
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Yes. We here at Welcome Home (the main tourism board of Elejamie) first advertised that Elejamie is a gay-friendly nation in 2005, launching the Pink House Initiative (an offshoot organisation dedicated especially to LGBT tourists) the same year.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes; the streets are packed with spectators and businesses in the area usually cut their prices in the days leading up to the parades.
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Not many, although The Hephaestus Public House in Avon was the first gay pub in Elejamie, opening in 1955.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? Generally N/A, although they can be deported if they are found to be intentionally spreading HIV/AIDS.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/A

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? 45% of the population is irreligious.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? N/A

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? N/A (not to mention the fact that the death penalty was active in Elejamie from 1912-1935)
b) How frequently did such executions occur? N/A

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Generally no, although in the tracts (regions) of Birch State and Eastern Elejamie, there is some opposition to same-sex marriage, ranging from calls to ban it (although keeping homosexuality legal) to reinstating civil unions.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? Generally no; see above.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Very little.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Very rarely, usually condemned by media.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Very few, the last occurring in 2007.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Incredibly rarely, always been condemned by media.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No.
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No, generally the opposite.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Last edited by Elejamie on Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
Elejamie (English); Elejamia (Spanish); Elejam (Iyilim) - Denonym: Elejamian - Pronounced (English): Eh-leh-jah-meh

OOC: Miserable opinionated hipster.

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Posts: 3796
Founded: Apr 29, 2014

Postby Fanosolia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:01 pm

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire:
Name of nation: Fanosolia
Form of government: Democratic Republic
Population: 1.682 billion Fanosolians
Tech level of nation: Modern
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Back bone of the economy.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Generally to be not refused of service or employment based on there sexuality or gender, and harassment charges.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? Of course.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No, both are the same across the couples.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes, so long was we get the paper work about their background and such.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 16
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 16
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? More neutral as it is viewed as just a thing.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? pretty positives as part of the tourism profits come from marriages of outsiders.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Mostly on Mardi Gras, and spring
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Yes, though it's ran by private entities
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Blogs/newspapers covering sexual minority news, and marriage highlights mostly. There are also channels that broadcast
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Some of the outlets are but not all. Viewed mostly as just citizens.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Yes, marriages, and points of interests mostly. Again, a majority of the profit from the industry that come sexual minorities is those seeking the marriages, and honeymoons as we advertise that it's just as we would for or straight couples, no strings attracted.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes.
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No, all landmarks are equal.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes, though they are permitted to follow all health safety.
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishable by anything more than deportation under the law? usually a fine of P5000 and possibility of a sue in damages
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? no
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/a
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/a

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? The religions are pretty diverse here, but we would have to go with Christianity
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Depends on the church
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? no

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/a
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/a
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? Death penalty has been abolished
b) How frequently did such executions occur? N/a

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? N/a
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? n/a
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? n/a
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? by the odd nut ball group.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? rare
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Due to there sexual minority? Not enough evidence to suggest it's because of the sex/gender.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Not often enough to case concern

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? Not usually in fear of arrest.
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? not
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Last edited by Fanosolia on Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Wolfbenz » Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:19 pm

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Leiv Stoppelbein, Minister of Tourism
Name of nation: The Democratic Republic of Wolfbenz
Form of government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Population: approx. 73,000,000
Tech level of nation: Modern
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Extremely prevalent

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Extremely extensive
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 15 (with those between the ages of 15-18), 18 (with anyone 18 or older)
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 15 (with those between the ages of 15-18), 18 (with anyone 18 or older)
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive?

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Yes
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Yes
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Yes
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? No, feelings are usually indifferent
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? N/A
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/A

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Lutheran Christianity
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Not very many
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities?
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities?
b) How frequently did such executions occur?

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? No
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such acts occur? N/A
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Once in a blue moon, the last one was in the 1960s

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

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Postby Anollasia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:07 pm


Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Anollasian Tourism Organization
Name of nation: (The Peaceful Republic of) Anollasia
Form of government: Social democratic republic
Population: 76 million (RP)
Tech level of nation: MT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Very prevalent, tourism is our main industry.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? It is illegal to discriminate anyone or offend a large group of people (sexual ''minorities'' included). People who do get a warning, and if it happens again, they get a fine. If they continue, they may have to do community service or go to prison/rehabilitation.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes, but extremely rare.
b) Are gay marriages legal? Same-sex marriage is legal.
c) Can foreigners get married? They have to be citizens.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? They have to be citizens.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 18
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes, but a lot of people just don't care.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes, but a lot of people just don't care.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? It's illegal, since you have to be a citizen to marry in Anollasia, but most people just don't care.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? They occur once a year in major cities.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No, they're uncommon.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No, even though they're legal.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? No
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/A

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Islam
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condemn
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? The death penalty is abolished.
b) How frequently did such executions occur? N/A

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No, but a lot of people just don't care.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? No, but a lot of people just don't care.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? It's illegal, since you have to be a citizen to marry in Anollasia, but most people just don't care.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Rarely
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Never

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? No
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.

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Postby Drubenia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:59 pm

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Ivan Borzov, Minister of the Interior
Name of nation: The People's Republic of Drubenia
Form of government: military dictatorship
Tech level of nation:
How prevalent is tourism in your nation?

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? no
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? there are none
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? see above
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? The state does not recognize any other form than civil union.
c) Can foreigners get married? see above
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? no
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? no
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 18
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? of course they do.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? No!
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? no
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? No.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? no.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? no
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? no
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? no
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? no
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? no
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? no
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown?
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? no

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? no
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? no
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? depends on what actions you refer to.
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? no state religion

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? none
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? -
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? -

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? no
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? all laws apply to everybody to the same extent.
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? yes, the same as to any other citizen
b) How frequently did such executions occur? about 100 per year

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? foreigners may not enter a civil union while visiting
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? yes, we've had a few lynchings
b) How frequently did such acts occur? about every few months
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? yes
b) How frequently did such murders occur? once or twice a year

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly?
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? There is only state media in Drubenia
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? the media totally ignores the subject

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
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The Pentarchy
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Postby The Pentarchy » Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:03 pm

From: Office of Information Release, Democratic Republic of Atarvia
To: Kitacho Institute
Subject: LGBT Friendliness Tourism Index

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Office of Information Release
Name of nation: Democratic Republic of Atarvia
Form of government: Semi-presidential republic
Population: 32,539,000
Tech level of nation: PMT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Uncommon, but not truly rare. It is common enough to be notable, but not common enough to be a focus of the economy.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes. It is illegal for the government to specify gender or sexual orientation in any legislation except for some forms of health and affirmative action legislation.
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Extremely so.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes.
b) Are gay marriages legal? Marriage is not legislated in and of themselves. Marriages are considered for legal purposes identical in rights to a civil union, the only difference being that marriage has a social or religious competent as well. A proper marriage (performed by anyone registered for it, not just priests) comes with a civil union included, which is the actual legal contract.
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes, though only from countries willing to provide information to the D. Rep. of Atarvia about their criminal records.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 16 to 21, differs by province
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 16 to 21, differs by province
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Common, but not omnipresent. Most cities have many, but smaller towns may not and we have many more towns than cities.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Yes.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes. Percentagewise, gay couples are only slightly less likely than straight couples to be married.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Yes.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes.
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Yes.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes.
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law?N/A
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/A

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? No major organized religion is influential. Veneration of ancestor and nature spirits is common.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? N/A

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No.
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? N/A
b) How frequently did such executions occur?N/A

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? No
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? No
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes (persecution defined as aggression)
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Twice in the past ten years, both times by Christian radicals from Donatus Island (which is closed to tourists due to instability).
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such murders occur? N/A

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? N/A
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.

- Modified 02/25/15, addressing clerical errors
Last edited by The Pentarchy on Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Nexus of Man
Posts: 695
Founded: Oct 11, 2014

Postby The Nexus of Man » Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:45 pm

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: PURELIGHT Strategic Biological Command.
Name of nation: The Nexus of Man.
Form of government: Authoritarian Imperial Dictatorship (Rhazienist)
Population: 105 million in total.
Tech level of nation: Late
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Minimal.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? No.
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? No.
b) Are gay marriages legal? No.
c) Can foreigners get married? No.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? No.
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? N/A, since illegal.
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? No.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 20
b) Age of consent for gay couples: None, illegal.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? No.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? No.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? No.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? No.
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No.
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? No.
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No.
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? N/A
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? V
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? Yes.
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No, it is pro-theist, but does not endorse any one religion.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condemn for most religions.
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? Yes and no; the no side is due to biological and scientific evidence.

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Christianity.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Varies by interpretation.
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Yes.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? Yes.
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? Death.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes.
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? Yes.
b) How frequently did such executions occur? All the time.

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? Yes.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? Yes.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? Yes.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes.
b) How frequently did such acts occur? All the time, every day lynching and shooting.
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Yes.
b) How frequently did such murders occur? All the time.

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? Yes.
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? Yes, both.
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? Yes.

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Davinhia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:50 pm

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: James O'Reilly
Name of nation: The Republic of Davinhia
Form of government: Oligarchic Republic
Population: 2.5 billion
Tech level of nation: PMT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Biggest industry, therefore, very

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Very far
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can foreigners get married? Yes, why would they not be
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 15
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 13
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Depends, if age of consent is lower in home country, then home countries law applies, but if higher, Davinhia's applies

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? Yes

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? No
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? yes
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? depends on the meaning
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? no, everyone is treated equal, even outside of the media, everyone is socially equal
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes, due to the fact that only 5% of the population is Heterosexual, and the rest is any other sexual orientation
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Yes
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? yes
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes, as any disease can be cured almost instantly
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law?
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? no
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? No

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? "Scientific Christianity" It is following the laws of science, not as the "christianity," as in reality, it is just agnosticism
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? No
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Yes, because it's science, and most people in the NS world are atheists

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? no
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? no
b) How frequently did such executions occur?

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? no
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? no
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? no
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such acts occur?
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? Only once, but that was because a smart party follower escaped a mental hospital, but that was in 2015, it's now 2050. Mental hospitals are maximum security now
b) How frequently did such murders occur?

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly?
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? no
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? no

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Year: 2013
- President: x (PP)
- Vice President: x (PP)
- House Majority Leader: x (IKP)
- Senate Majority Leader: x (PP)
Capital City: Grove Street
RP Population: 45 Million
RP Military Population: 37 Thousand
5, peacetime

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Postby Aikoland » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:10 pm

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Aikoland Ministry of Tourism
Name of nation: The Awsum Republic of Aikoland
Form of government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Population: 311,046,131
Tech level of nation: PMT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Very common

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? Extremely extensively
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? All laws apply to everyone within Aikoland
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? No
b) Are gay marriages legal? Yes
c) Can gay foreigners get married? If they are marrying a citizen of Aikoland, then yes, if they wish to marry another foreigner, then no.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? Yes
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 15
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 15
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? No

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? Somewhat common.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? Somewhat, it's not hard to find them.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Yes
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? Yes.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? Yes
6. If the answer to question 1. in the 'Society' section under Positive is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? Not many, but there are a few.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? Yes
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law?
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? Yes, however even the government of Aikoland admits that it's a joke religion made up by our Queen and it has no influence on law.
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condone
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? No.

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Buddhism
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condone
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? Not really, most people in Aikoland are only Buddhist in name only.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities?
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them?
c) Do such laws apply to tourists?
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities?
b) How frequently did such executions occur?

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative?
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative?
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative?
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority?
b) How frequently did such acts occur?
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority?
b) How frequently did such murders occur?

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly?
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No, even the few media outlets that are pro-Aikoland Nationalist Party (the only political party in Aikoland to be openly anti-LGBT) doesn't do so.
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.
Last edited by Aikoland on Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
♥ L'Empire d'Aikoland ♥
Trois États, Une Impératrice
Official Flag|Factbook|Q&A
A small Francophone nation located on a group of islands to the south of France. Primary territory of the nation consists of three main islands, the states as described in our national motto, along with smaller less populated islands surrounding them.
Official Nation Name: The Empire of Aikoland
Government Type: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State: Empress Élisabeth IV
Head of Government: Prime Minister Mélodie Bélanger
Population: 6.07 million (2023 estimate)
Official Language: French
Current Year: 2023

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Postby Sungai Pusat » Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:08 pm

Anollasia wrote:Again?

Pro-LGBT Tourism Index Questionnaire*

*All questions assume activities are taking place in your own nation, as opposed to them happening in their origin nation.

Official Information

Name of person/organisation taking questionnaire: Anollasian Tourism Organization
Name of nation: (The Peaceful Republic of) Anollasia
Form of government: Social democratic republic
Population: 76 million (RP)
Tech level of nation: MT
How prevalent is tourism in your nation? Very prevalent, tourism is our main industry.

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist protecting sexual minorities? Yes
b) How extensively do these laws go into protecting them? It is illegal to discriminate anyone or offend a large group of people (sexual ''minorities'' included). People who do get a warning, and if it happens again, they get a fine. If they continue, they may have to do community service or go to prison/rehabilitation.
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes
2a) Are civil unions between people of the same gender legal? Yes, but extremely rare.
b) Are gay marriages legal? Same-sex marriage is legal.
c) Can foreigners get married? They have to be citizens.
3a) Are gay couples able to adopt? Yes
b) Are the conditions required for gay couples to adopt different from that of straight couples? No
c) Are foreigners able to adopt children? They have to be citizens.
4a) Age of consent for straight couples: 18
b) Age of consent for gay couples: 18
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? Yes

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities positive? Yes, but a lot of people just don't care.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender positive? Yes, but a lot of people just don't care.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation positive? It's illegal, since you have to be a citizen to marry in Anollasia, but most people just don't care.

1a) Are pride parades legal in your nation? Yes
b) Are pride parades a common occurance? They occur once a year in major cities.
2. Are gay clubs/bars/any other type of location geared towards sexual minorities common? No, they're uncommon.
3a) Are there any media outlets specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No
b) Is the media sympathetic to sexual minorities in general? Yes
4. Are gay marriages/civil unions a common sight? No, even though they're legal.
5. Are there companies in the tourism industry that cater specifically to sexual minorities? No
6. If the answer to question 1. is yes, are such positive feelings publicly shown? Yes
7. Are there any landmarks specifically geared towards sexual minorities? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.


1a) Are foreigners infected with HIV/AIDS allowed to travel into the country's borders? No
b) Are offenders who travel in or out of the country punishiable by anything more than deportation under the law? No
2a) Does the nation have a state religion? No
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? N/A
c) Does the connection between the state and this religion affect the legislation made regarding sexual minorities? N/A

1a) What is the nation's majority religion, if any? Islam
b) Does it condemn or condone actions done by sexual minorities? Condemn
c) Do most followers take such heedings from the religion literally? No

*Ignore questions on your own discretion based on the answers given in the other section(s).
**Ignore these section(s) if a lack of government exists in your nation.

1a) Does legislation exist discriminate sexual minorities? No
b) How extensively do these laws go into discriminating them? N/A
c) Do such laws apply to tourists? N/A
2a) Does the death penalty apply to sexual minorities? The death penalty is abolished.
b) How frequently did such executions occur? N/A

1. Is the attitude of most people towards sexual minorities negative? No, but a lot of people just don't care.
2. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of gay marriage/civil unions between people of the same gender negative? No, but a lot of people just don't care.
3. Is the attitude of most people towards the concept of foreigners getting hitched in their nation negative? It's illegal, since you have to be a citizen to marry in Anollasia, but most people just don't care.
4a) Have there been any acts of persecution against sexual minorities by the local population due to their sexual minority? Yes
b) How frequently did such acts occur? Rarely
5a) Have there been members of sexual minorities murdered due to their sexual minority? No
b) How frequently did such murders occur? Never

1. If the answer to 1b) in the 'Society' section under Neutral is that actions done by sexual minorities is condemned by the majority religion, do the religion's followers flaunt this fact publicly? No
2a) Are there media outlets that flaunt the persecution of sexual minorities, state-sanctioned or not? No
b) Is the local media aggressive to sexual minorities in general? No

The creation of the Kitacho Institute.

OOC: Yes, again. ^^'

I'm so sorry, I just felt like the original was far too much of a broken heap of questions derived from the index this was based off from that I decided to revamp it. I promise, though: This should be the only time I'm doing it.
Now mostly a politik discuss account.

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Postby Anollasia » Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:20 pm

Sungai Pusat wrote:
Anollasia wrote:Again?

OOC: Yes, again. ^^'

I'm so sorry, I just felt like the original was far too much of a broken heap of questions derived from the index this was based off from that I decided to revamp it. I promise, though: This should be the only time I'm doing it.

It's ok. I like taking surveys/questionnaires. :lol:



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