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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:09 am
by Saurisisia
Those convicted of treason are publicly hung or are transferred to the penal battalions.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:15 am
by Greto
Those charged and found guilty of committing treason against the state is only punishable by death; however, the Armed Forces will execute any soldier believed to have committed treason without trial if it deems necessary.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:19 am
by The United Covenant
Treason is classified as a Category 5 crime by the law of the United Covenant, which means it is punishable by death.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:37 am
by Norilova
Traitors in the Imperium are simply exiled from our territory on pain of death if they return. Outside our borders, it's hell on a level that would make the Dark Ages look like the golden age of Roman supremacy, so it's a fitting punishment.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:11 am
by Fatatatutti
Fatatatutti is a free country. We don't recognize the concept of "treason".

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:38 am
by Medwedian Democratic Federation
In Good Ole Medwedia, we make them feel a nice knout 500 times, then we rub salt into their wounds, then we tar and feather them, then we nearly drown them in cold water, then we drop them into a cauldron of hot water for 20 seconds so that they nearly get boiled, then we almost suffocate them, then we sprinkle them with acid, then we cut them open, then we take their organs out, then we write down their last will, then the President can decide whether they should slowly die or whether their head should be hacked off for mercy. During any point of the process, the process can be stopped if the traitor is unconscious, with the objective to wake up the traitor with a bucket of cold water or really loud noises right in their ear. If the president choses the traitor to die in agony, the head will be hacked off after the doctor determined that consciousness has been lost.

All hacked off heads and the body parts will be paraded through the city, after which they will either be placed into an Archive, and Museum, or if the condemned person was sick with an infectious disease, put into a pit of petrol and burned.

The execution usually takes 12 hours.

From Protocol "On High Treason", dating back from 1782 and being reviewed in the years 1842, 1897 and 1965.

Sounds delicious, right?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:19 pm
by The Aspari Syndicate
Depending on the severity of betrayal, the Syndicate uses a number of methods to deal with traitors. For minor incidents, Dataverse privileges are suspended for a period of time relative the severity of the breach. For cases where the incident leads to harm to the Syndicate in some way, punishment is de-chipping and a memory reconstruction, followed by relocation to our Downzones. If any shareholder of the Syndicate suffers physical harm or death due to the treason, an option is presented: either publicly commit suicide within one hour, or an Agent squad will be sent to liquidate the traitor's family. In the event that the traitor lacks a family, other loved ones will be targeted. If they lack connections altogether, their DART chip's kill switch is activated, turning the chip into 1.2 grams of white hot liquid metal positioned neatly above the cerebellum. This is also the technique used when the traitor cannot be located within Syndicate borders. Expatriating a traitor is therefore no guarantee of safety.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:23 pm
by Slovenian socialist federative republic
Take them to the woods, force them to dig deep trenches, and order them to stand in a line next to them.

After a machinegun-like noise, they are never seen again.

In communist SFRS traitors are not present.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:24 pm
by Dura
In most cases they are sentenced to life in prison however in times of war they are hung.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:24 pm
by Estainia
We shoot them and kick their bodies into a ditch before promptly moving on.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:24 pm
by The Nation of Ceneria
The punishment very much depends on the treachery. To determine if the acts of an accused member of the military were indeed traitorous, a military tribunal convenes to decide a verdict. Conviction by tribunal usually results in imprisonment, but in several extreme cases the death penalty was assigned. For civilian treachery, the accused is tried by civilian court and, usually, put into a prison. The death penalty is never given out to civilians, even in the most extreme cases.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:50 pm
by Korva

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:11 pm
by Anollasia
Treason is legal, however once they start to plan a rebellion or assassination, they are to be exiled.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:17 pm
by The Pansapient Federacy
Treason is the only crime in the Federacy that is punishable by death. This doesn't mean we'll execute them, it just means we refuse to recognize their surrender or nonlethally arrest them and will shoot them anyway. If we can't trust them not to betray us, we sure as hell can't trust them to surrender peacefully.

Notably, we have no problems with people betraying other nations. After all, we're the only one that actually deserves any loyalty.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:19 pm
by Alcase
Indefinite incarceration, often in prisons.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:25 pm
by Westeastern Dicantia
If they've been tried and proven guilty, they get put into a small, dark box. The box slowly fills with boiling water as they are drowned and severely scalded at the same time. It's the worst death we could think of at the time.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:26 pm
by Shadowlandrea
We are a relatively new nation, so we have not dealt with any serious charges of "treason" yet. Ideally, they would be sent to prison for a period of time to be decided by a federal judge.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:30 pm
by United Holus
Anyone found guilty of treason in sent to a labour camp or executed.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:32 pm
by The Chicken Monks
You are exiled until you have learned the error of your ways.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:57 pm
by TotallyNotEvilLand
Executed, the methods varying based on the severity. These range from being beaten to death, killed by wild beasts, shot, hanged, thrown into a pit and set on fire, tarred and feathered, decapitated, forced to swallow poison, buried alive, strangled, drowned, eye gouging, and various other wonderful ways of death.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:26 pm
by Yuxannan
Tied to a chair, a potato sack over the head and beaten with baseball bats

PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:35 pm
by New Vihenia
executed. Or being turned into breastmilk by actually feed the traitor to the executioner's "specially modified" breast

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:26 am
by Western Soalaha
All of the three factions (Communists, Nationalists, Fundamentalists) execute them by hanging, gunshot and beheading.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:46 am
by Billonesia
The traitor, along with their closest family member, were fitted into a small box filled with a small amount of provisions. And then dumped into the middle of the ocean.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:33 am
by The Batorys
Execution, and subsequently, cannibalism.