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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:54 am
by Ermarian
There've been a few. One of the most notorious was Emperor Hawthorne III., who lived twelve-hundred odd years ago. (9th century a.i.) He expanded the penal colony program of his predecessors and exiled people on an unprecedented scale. Non-human sophonts like nephilim and goblins were deported indiscriminately; humans were exiled for being political dissidents, intellectuals, gay, or any of dozens of other "crimes against the imperial order". He was eventually assassinated by rebels.

Some previous emperors were even more genocidal, if less fascist. Ironclad VI., who lived eighteen-hundred years ago (3rd century a.i.), advanced a policy of complete genocide against all non-human sophonts. Wherever the expansionist Empire clashed with indigenous nephilim, giants, troglodytes or goblins, the legions were sent to utterly exterminate them.

In more recent history, we had Empress Nahema Stark I. (15th century a.i.), under whose expansionist ambitions the Empire attempted to colonize further reaches of the caves. The civilizations that lived below (chiefly the Vahnatai and the Slithzerikai, as well as other, even remoter denizens of the abyss) perceived the threat and formed the Deep Alliance to halt the Empire's intrusion. The Shard War that followed (so named for the devastating use of crystallothaumic weapons of mass destruction, or crystal shards) was deadlier than any conflict in history for raw body count (though not relative to population).
Counting Nahema Stark I. among these leaders is sometimes contested because she advanced a progressive agenda domestically. However, her militarist policy led to millions of deaths on both sides. It is estimated that about 800,000 Imperial soldiers and 600,000 Alliance soldiers perished, and more than two million civilians were killed directly; more than three million as a result of famine and disease in the parts of the caverns that were cut off by the war.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:33 am
by Hyfling
King David the ninth, a ruthless monarch who managed to unite the entire continent on which Hyfling resides, conquered a total of 32 of the 38 nations on the modern Hyflingian landmass at a cost of 12 million lives. This event took place 320 years ago just before the new nation became a Republic and was officially founded as it is today.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:10 pm
by Tanovart
Lijo III earned his nickname "The Bloody" for a reason. He launched a massive siege on Madrid, Spain, in 1790. The siege lasted for two weeks. After the Spanish government fell, Lijo expelled all the Spaniards to the Balearic Isles. From there, all of Spain fell.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:22 pm
by Albithica
By far, the most aggressive leader of Albithica was Premier Joseph Mustard.
Known as Colonel Mustard before his premiership, he became a war hero after the Andalican Succession, which happened between 1883 to 1888. The national turmoil due to losing the Andalican territories rocked the Confederation until the Albithican Civil War broke out from 1892 to 1897. Mustard commanded the Confederate troops, and against all odds, kept the nation from splitting asunder. He then went on to rally for political reform, which happened with the Reformation of 1899, which created a more federal government. Mustard was the first Premier for this new Federation from 1900 to 1910. An aggressive policy maker, Mustard's Premiership was the death of any remaining vestiges of "County Sovereignty". He is highly regarded as the founder of the Unionist movement, which eventually culminated in the current government of Albithica.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:28 pm
by Merconitonitopia
The current one - Supreme Leader Infuschein.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:11 pm
by Spartan Imperial Dominion