International Power Classification Organisation [TEMP CLOSE]

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]
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International Power Classification Organisation [TEMP CLOSE]

Postby Afalia » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:26 pm

This is still Temporarily Closed until the 14/15th of June. This thread is temporarily close until my exams finish in mid-June. After that I will be doing a, what will probably amount to, day long ranking of all outstanding applications. Please DO NOT post any applications here until it is open again.

The International Power Classification Organisation (IPCO) was formed as a division of the Afalian Foreign Office in 1980 to rank and classify nations of the world by their power in international relations. The IPCO uses a variety of statistics and measurements to determine whether a nation is anything from a normal nation to a superpower and all the categories in between. In addition to this it also highlights emerging powers and potential superpower states.

The different measures of power are as follows, from the least powerful to the most:

Nations of this category are normal nations. They do not hold any significant power, inside their region or internationally. Usually their diplomatic influence will be severely limited with a lack of international involvement, their defence forces will be small, their economy will be small or weak and their cultural influence thin. They will often be struggling with corruption within their governments.

Alternatively normal nations may simply be isolationist, avoiding involvement with international affairs or young in game terms and not having the prestige to step into power categories as of yet.

Nations of this category are small powers. They hold slight, but not anywhere near significant regional or international power. Usually their diplomatic influence will be minor at best, with a lack of international involvement, although regionally they will be respected, their defence forces will be small but possibly growing, their economy stable but growth small and their cultural influence thin. Corruption in government may be commonplace.

Nations of this category are middle powers. They hold significant regional power, but lack international power. Usually their diplomatic influence within their region will be well respected and they may have some sway over other nations. Their international influence however will be selective, their defence forces will be average to large and they will be able to defend their nation and any territories well. Their economy will be an average size and they may often have large energy, agriculture or manufacturing sectors. Their cultural influence may be spread across their region but not internationally. Often corruption in government will be a problem, but not commonplace.

Nations of this category are regional powers. They will hold extreme power and influence over their region. States which are unrivalled over power and influence within their region will possess a form of regional hegemony and will often claim to be a regional power. They will be well integrated into their region and their ideology on foreign, social and economic affairs will be highly influential on other nations. Regional neighbours will often look to regional powers before making decisions of their own. Their defence forces will be much larger than other regional nations and they will dictate the regional security agenda. They may include green water navies. They may take part, selectively, in some foreign interventions outside of their region and take part more freely in regional interventions with regards to security. Their economy will be large and often growing and they may commonly possess a primarily sophisticated service based and financial economy. Their cultural influence will be widespread across the region and partially internationally. Often, corruption will be rare.

Nations of this category are great powers. They will hold all of the power and influence in all areas of that of a regional power. They will hold power and influence on a global scale and will often act an almost hegemony of their particular region. Their ideologies on foreign, social and economic affairs will be internationally influential and respected. They will be actively involved in international affairs and have a wide variety of international allies and relationships, often through international social, economic and defence based alliances. Small, middle and regional powers will often look to great powers before making decisions of their own. Their defence forces will be significantly large and will often include a large army, a large air force and a blue-water navy. They may often take part in foreign interventions both regionally and globally, often leading the intervention. Their economy will be very large, their currency strong, with high levels of growth and human development. They may commonly posses a primarily sophisticated service based and financial economy. Their cultural influence will be regionally and internationally widespread and they may be considered entertainment superpowers through their cultural spread. They may have historic cultural influence as well. Often, corruption will be very rare.

Nations of this category are superpowers. They will hold significant power and influence on a global scale, with the ability to influence events and project power on a worldwide scale to protect its own interests. It may potentially be defined as a global hegemony in some circumstances. Their ideologies on foreign, social and economic affairs will be internationally influential and respected. They will be the leader or one of the leaders in international affairs and have a large and wide variety of international allies and relationships, often through international social, economic and defence based alliances. They will often be seen as the leader of a collection of great powers and great, regional, middle, small powers will consider superpowers decisions before making their own. Their defence forces will be very large and will almost always include a very large army, extensive air force and a blue water navy. They will almost always lead foreign interventions or take on foreign interventions singlehandedly. They will may have a series of colonies and territories which will be well defended from potential attack. Their economy will be very large and their currency will be very strong on international markets, with very high levels of growth and human development. They may commonly posses a primarily sophisticated service based and financial economy. Their cultural influence will have been in place for sometime and be internationally widespread, they will almost always be considered entertainment superpowers. Almost always, corruption will be very rare.

In addition to these ranks IPCO will also label nations with two potential labels if they fit the category:

Emerging powers are normal nations which are beginning to emerge as international powers, often small ones, but the label may sometimes be applied to small powers becoming middle or regional powers. Diplomatically they will be becoming more regionally and internationally involved and beginning to join alliances. They may be developing their defence forces, their economy will often be growing, with cultural influence through exports also beginning.

Potential superpowers are regional or great powers which have the potential to achieve superpower status relatively soon. They will almost always be great powers, their diplomatic influence and power significantly large and well established, with a large military, economy and cultural influence. In all of these areas they will be beginning to expand their influence and power, either through economic policies such as state spending, foreign policy such as closer security co-operation or even imperial type expansion, or reforms in order to modernise and achieve this superpower status.

IPCO uses a variety of statistics and information in order to come to its conclusion. Some of these statistics may seem obscere or ridiculous but all are useful in calculating your nation's standing. Please give as much information as possible and be as honest as possible. In order to determine where your nation is ranked, please use the form below, filling out all information:

Code: Select all
[b]Full Name of Nation:[/b]
[b]Short Name of Nation:[/b]
[b]Region Located:[/b]
[b]System of Government & Main Ideology:[/b]
[b]Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:[/b]
[b]Civil Rights rating out of 100:[/b]
[b]Political Freedoms rating out of 100:[/b]
[b]How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable:[/b]
[b]How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of  corruption:[/b]

[b]Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender:[/b]
[b]Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5:[/b]
[b]Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards:[/b]
[b]Is your nation a member of the World Assembly:[/b]
[b]If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements:[/b]
[b]Is your nation a member of any other alliances:[/b]
[b]If yes, which one(s):[/b]
[b]Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations:[/b]
[b]Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland:[/b]
[b]Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial:[/b]

[b]Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18:[/b]
[b]Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force:[/b]
[b]Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never:[/b]
[b]Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in:[/b]
[b]Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems:[/b]
[b]Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes:[/b]
[b]Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions:[/b]

[b]Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:[/b]
[b]Economic System Used:[/b]
[b]Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis:[/b]
[b]Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy:[/b]
[b]Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector:[/b]
[b]On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy:[/b]
[b]Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation:[/b]
[b]Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations:[/b]
[b]Does your nation own/operate any successful storefronts:[/b]

[b]Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30:[/b]
[b]What is your national sport:[/b]
[b]Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions:[/b]

[b]Finally, is there anything else about your nation which could affect its ranking which you think we should know:[/b]

OOC: In reality the only superpower around is the US and superpowers are extremely rare and develop over decades and centuries. This is NS however so some creative licence must be taken.

Regarding Regional Powers: As in real life the size of a region will affect whether a nation can be considered a regional power. So nations that lead large regions like the Pacific could be classed as regional powers, so too could nations in charge of much smaller 15 nations or so regions.

Regarding NS vs RP Stats: I know as well as most that the NS stats are not always factually representative of your nation, however they do provide a general measurement. If you feel your NS stats are completely off then use your RP stats or explain that in RP terms something is different. But be reasonable-if your nation was created yesterday and claims it is one of the most influential on the planet, it's not going to cut it.

Comments and Criticism: If you have any comments, suggestions, criticisms or just want to rant about the fact your nation isn't a superpower, please contact me via telegram and I'll be happy to read and respond to your message. If you'd also like to telegram me saying how pleased you are at the ranking and how great this thread is then I'd also be happy.

Re-Rankings: The world of NS is often fast paced and things change fast. Therefore you may feel you may deserve a higher, or even lower ranking, as the result of a major change your nation was involved in or underwent. If you want to be re-ranked please feel free to fill out the form again but please note somewhere on the app that this is a re-ranking.

OMG it's been like 52 minutes since I posted-why the hell haven't you ranked me yet so I can feed my ego?: Be patient. I have a life, I'm busy with other stuff etc, etc. I usually update the rankings every 1-2 weeks or so. If you haven't been ranked yet you will be, so DON'T PANIC.
Last edited by Afalia on Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:02 am, edited 15 times in total.

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Postby Afalia » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:26 pm


Grays Harbor

Great Powers

Regional Powers
Regnum Albion
First Valerian Empire
Neo Prutenia
Old Tyrannia
United Provinces of Atlantica
The Jonathanian States
The Aspari Syndicate

Middle Powers
Meritocratic States
Pavonistade-Emerging Regional Power
Legokiller-Emerging Regional Power
The dictatorship POD
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Urcea-Emerging Regional Power
New Hayesalia
The Jahistic Unified Republic
Novus Niciae
New Zepuha
Post War America
Vest Franksland
The Akasha Colony
Yohannes-Emerging Regional Power
The Batorys-Emerging Regional Power
Schultaria Prime
Phing Phong
Empire of Symphonia
The Third Nova Terra of Scrin
New Mushroom Kingdom
Meritocratic States
United Earthlings
The Polarian Empire

Small Powers
Sanian Confederacy
Daiteikoku Nippon
The new united britsh empire
Yggdrasil 9000
Republic of South Carolina
Indigo Seas
New Sivonia
Tobys Great Britain
The Saint James Islands
North America Inc.
The United Motherland
The new united britsh empire
Bulgar Rouge

Normal Nations
Nouvelle Valcluse
The Warring States of the Mediterranean
Derman Iles
Deutsche Demokratischer Volksstaat
Labdsknechte Republic
The Soviet League
The New Dog Nation
Toscana e Ducati de Firenze e Siena
The Star Corporation
Equis Eternae
The Sotoan Union
Last edited by Afalia on Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:28 am, edited 161 times in total.

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Postby Breheim » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:41 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Republic of Breheim
Short Name of Nation: Breheim
Region Located: East Pacific
System of Government & Main Ideology: Parliamentary Democracy. Currently, social-democracy and trade unionism.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 62
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 46
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 34
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 7

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Minnow
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 20
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: No.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No.
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: N/A
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: No.
If yes, which one(s): N/A
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No.
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes. Bjørnøya (pop: ~40)
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: No.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 47
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: Conscript.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Never.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Would likely lose.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Not for long.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: No.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 62/100
Economic System Used: Mixed-market economy with a large amount of state-ownership and monopolies.
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 51
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Service.
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Monopolized and minute.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 8
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 10
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 0
What is your national sport: Boxing.
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: No.

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Postby Tuthina » Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:44 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Most Serene Empire
Short Name of Nation: Tuthina
Region Located: Noctur
System of Government & Main Ideology: Neo-feudal absolute monarchy, kokutai ideology.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 76
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 15
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 8
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 1, corruption is very common, but also standardised due to millennia of practice, to the point it becomes semi-official.

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Vassal
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 16
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Yes.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No.
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: (N/A)
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes.
If yes, which one(s): The League of Imperial Nations.
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Supposedly, but minimal on nations played by other players.
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes.
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: No.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 288
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All of the above: All voluntary for the elite forces and standing army; part-voluntary part-levy for the reserve army, and all-levy for the local militia/neighbourhood watch.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely. None currently.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Usually stalemate.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic means.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Rare.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Economic System Used: Guild-based non-interventionist free market.
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 95
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Chiefly service, followed closely by agricultural.
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 2. Most business are conjugated or run by local noble families designated to administer their land, and they tend to allow their own business to take advantage of such fact.
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 4. The supply of currency, along with other things, is more controlled by the central government in fear of hyperinflation or economic overheat.
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No, due to the Empire chiefly using Thorium-based nuclear fission as energy source, which is not commonly used by other nations.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 173
What is your national sport: Swordsmanship.
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: No, due to never participating in one.
Last edited by Tuthina on Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Call me Reno.
14:54:02 <Lykens> Explain your definition of Reno.

11:47 <Swilatia> Good god, copy+paste is no way to build a country!

03:08 <Democratic Koyro> NSG senate is a glaring example of why no one in NSG should ever have a position of authority
Rated as Class A: Environmental Utopia by Namor People's Rating Department
Rated as Human Rights Haven (7/10) by Namor People's Rating Department
Rated as Partially Free (4/10) by Namor People's Rating Department
Rated as Post-Industrial Nation (48 000 thousands of metric tons of carbon annually) by Syleruian Carbon Output Index
Rated as Category B by Edenist Travel Advisory Guide

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Postby Afalia » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:08 pm

Both ranked. Thanks for using IPCO.

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Postby Waspeaters » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:15 pm

Full Name of Nation: The (Jolly Nice) Kingdom of Waspeaters
Short Name of Nation: Waspeaters
Region Located: Argantia
System of Government & Main Ideology: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy, with the current major parties being social democrats.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 93
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 69
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 63
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: I don't mean to be smug or anything, but realistically, 10.
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: About 9

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Eminence Grise
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 26
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Regional founder, active poster, etc.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: None. It's sad, isn't it?
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: We are (were?) a member of the Union of Equality and Freedom, but I think that's pretty much dead now.
If yes, which one(s): N/A
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Our regional neighbours, to some extent.
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Not really

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 80
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: The proper army is made up of professional regulars, but all adults are required to do one year's military service, and they could step in if need be.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely, and only really when attacked.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Our last war was thirty years ago, so it's difficult to answer this. We have won a lot of our more important conflicts, though.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Probably
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: No. Not since 1919, anyway.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 93
Economic System Used: Mixed economy
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 8-0
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Service
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Not a very big one.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: About four.
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: Five, but there have been calls for increased regulation.
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 75
What is your national sport: Football (soccer)
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: I think we were in the quarter finals of the Gaelic Football World Cup, once. I really should do more NS Sports.

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Postby Fatatatutti » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:47 pm

Full Name of Nation: Fatatatutti
Short Name of Nation: Fat
Region Located: The Alliance of Grittonia
System of Government & Main Ideology: Fatatatutian. We believe ideologes are for lazy thinkers.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 87
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 73
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 76
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: We are a completely stable anarchy.
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 10

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Vassal
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 26
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: No
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: n/a
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: No
If yes, which one(s): n/a
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: No
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes, several.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: -50 However, this is extremely inaccurate, since it only takes government-sponsored defense forces into account.
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All voluntary
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: We never take part as combattants. We occasionally take part as peacekeepers.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: In any conflicts involving attacks on Fatatatutti (which we consider incursions rather than wars) we always win. In peacekeeping situations, we consider it a win if hostilities don't recommence, so we usually win.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: We use trade to solve our problems. Fatatatutian diplomats are not known for their tact. Military solutions are always a last resort.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Only in a peacekeeping capacity and/or a humanitarian relief capacity.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 87
Economic System Used: Fatatatutian
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 79
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Servce
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: The banking sector is succesful but not as large as the baking sector.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 1
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 1
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: We consider petroleum to be a strategic commodity, so we decline to state whether we are a net importer or exporter. In that context, no.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 101
What is your national sport: Barbecuing
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: We always do well in hula contests.

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Postby Trefeqia » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:55 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Federal Union of Trefeqia
Short Name of Nation: Trefeqia
Region Located: Social Liberal Union
System of Government & Main Ideology: Social Democracy and constitutional monarchy.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 92/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 70/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 63/100
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 10
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 7

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Minnow
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 84
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Kind of, I participate in elections and occasionally post in message boards and regional forums.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes.
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 24
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes.
If yes, which one(s): The Socialist Alliance, Alliance of Communist Cooperation, and almost joined the Global Military Union.
The Social Liberal Union could also be considered one.
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Yes
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 92
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: You can enlist if you want to and it's greatly encourage. About 32% of the population has served.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Occasionally.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: We win most of the time.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Depends on the problem, if it's necessary it definitely will.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Sometimes.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 92
Economic System Used: Socialism
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 72
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Close tie between service and manufacturing, but manufacturing is slightly more primarily than service.
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 8.5
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 8
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Yes

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 66
What is your national sport: Soccer and field hockey.
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Almost
Last edited by Trefeqia on Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Liz Ünitez Repûvlïx d'al Tŗefêqiənə Üniõn

Pronunciation- English: /tʰɹɛ.fɛk.jə/ Trefeqian: Tŗefêqiə- /tʁef.fɛk͡χ.jə/
Trefeqia's official name is The United Republics of the Trefeqian Union.

Trefeqia's Top News: 07/29/15- Trefeqia lifts the ban on guns for citizens.

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Benevolent Dictatorship

Postby Northrop-Grumman » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:05 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Provisional Government of Northrop-Grumman
Short Name of Nation: Northrop-Grumman
Region Located: Concordat of Phoenix
System of Government & Main Ideology: The national government is a dictatorship/autocracy, while the local governments range anywhere between being governed by little representative democracies to appointed administrators/governors; it does not follow any particular ideology.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 78/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 15/100
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 7
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 9

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Superpower
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 51
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: I'm as active as the region is.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: N/A
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s): Non-Democratic Alliance and the Concordat of Phoenix
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Not particularly.
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes, 5 colony worlds comprising 8.50% of the total population.
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: None that are still active.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 149
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All voluntary.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Usually win.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Generally no. Northrop-Grumman tends to lean isolationist.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100/100
Economic System Used: The economy is generally capitalist, though one could argue that it has some neomercantilist aspects.
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 64
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Define: successful. Does it create enormous amounts of profits for the select few? No. Does it provide safe, stable place to keep the citizens' money and facilitate the investment in new and existing corporations? Yes.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 5
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 10
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Synthetic petroleum, coal mining, uranium mining, fusion reactors, antimatter reactors, etc.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 8
What is your national sport: Gridiron football, perhaps.
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Eh? No, never participated in NS Sports.

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Meritocratic States
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Founded: May 17, 2012

Postby Meritocratic States » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:27 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Confederacy of Meritocratic States
Short Name of Nation: Meritocratic States
Region Located: Kyzikos
System of Government & Main Ideology: Parliamentary System with Directorial System and Meritocracy. Politicians are elected based on their capacity to rule and educational background.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 97/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 66/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 50
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 7

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Minnow
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 21
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: No
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: None
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: None
If yes, which one(s):
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations:
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 84
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: Voluntary
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Win
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomacy
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Yes

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 97/100
Economic System Used: Technocapitalist System
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 81
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: High-End Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 6
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 8
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Yes (Fossil Fuels)

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 19
What is your national sport: Football (Soccer)
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Never been involved in any.
Last edited by Meritocratic States on Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This nation is now being retired.
Good-night, sweet prince.
Hello, Gristol-Serkonos.

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Postby Hungramy » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:53 pm

Full Name of Nation:The Totalitarian Oligarchy of Hungramy
Short Name of Nation: Hungramy
Region Located: Nationalist Commomweath of Free Regions
System of Government & Main Ideology: Military Dictatorship/semi-Autocracy Empire
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 47/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 18/100
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 6

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Powerbroker
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 12
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Some of the time
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 2
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: No
If yes, which one(s): N/A
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Yes
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 801
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All Conscript
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Occasionally
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Stalemate, because the RP dies
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic first, the military if that doesn't work
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Very
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Yes

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Economic System Used: State-Capitalism
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 67
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 8
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: Yes
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 104
What is your national sport: Hockey
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Never entered one

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Posts: 2421
Founded: Jun 02, 2012

Postby Ulvena » Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:58 pm

Full Name of Nation: Eclipse Empire of Ulvena
Short Name of Nation: Ulvena
Region Located: Pony Lands (Northern)
System of Government & Main Ideology:
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 99
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 55
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 16
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 8
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 9

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Duckspeaker
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 61
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Fairly
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 5
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s): he Coalition of Northern States (Northern Pony Lands)
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Not anymore (annexed all colonies at once peacefully under Serkonian Outsider's guidance)
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: No

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 116
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: Part conscript. All males must serve in military but afterwards, they may voluntarily sign up. Females may voluntarily sign up.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Occasionally
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Stalemate, but there have been rarely any external military conflicts.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomacy
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Never

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 99/100
Economic System Used:
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 84
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 3 or 4. Follow the basic laws that individuals and organizations must follow and we don't intervene.
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 6. Speculation and manipulation of economy will be punished with death.
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: We produce unprecedented amounts of energy and we do not ever sell.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 45
What is your national sport: Soccer
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: No

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Posts: 2787
Founded: Jan 26, 2013

Postby Pavonistade » Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:23 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Democratic Pavonistadian States
Short Name of Nation: Pavonistade
Region Located: Sunalaya
System of Government & Main Ideology: Presidential Parliamentary Republic; Matteryorkism (though it's more of a political belief instead of an ideology)
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 97
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 75
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 71
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 9 - corruption is hated in Pavonistade and there are severe punishments for corruption. However this does not stop some people from committing corruption or bribery.

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Ambassador
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 31
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: The frequency of me posting in the messageboards is very rare.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 6
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s): Edges of Freedom, Coalition of Allied States
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Pavonistade has significant influence over the Ocelot Isles and Arctican Confederation, but other than that, the amount of influence is average (not too little, not too much)
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: No, but Pavonistade formerly governs some colonies.
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 67 (despite the fact that Pavonistade spends quite a bit on defense, the Pavonistadian Military is 1.5% of the Pavonistadian populace, or 1,261,809 units)
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: Conscription. All people are required to complete a 7-year compulsory military or volunteer service.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Occasionally. The Pavonistadian Government usually declares war on tyrannical totalitarian nations that commit multiple and/or severe human rights violations
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Due to the large military and support from allies and friendly nations, Pavonistade usually wins in conflicts.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Pavonistade prefers seeking diplomatic solutions over military solutions, so it is leaning towards diplomatic means.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Depends on the foes. There are 1,261,809 units in the Pavonistadian Military, so any enemy forces lower than this amount (and have less advanced technology) might be defeated.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Usually no, but intervention may occur if necessary.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 97
Economic System Used: Industrial capitalism
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 79
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Pavonistade is mostly a manufacturing and service nation, but there are some beef-based agriculture.
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes, Pavonistade has a successful financial/banking sector.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 1 to 3 depending on the state you are in.
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: Banks and the financial sector are usually free, but in the case of a global recession (e.g. the Great Recession of 2008) the financial sector would be inspected and observed carefully.
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Pavonistade has sizable deposits of oil and uranium and is commonly traded with other nations, but the deposits are slowly shrinking.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 27
What is your national sport: Varies by states. One has soccer (North Pavonistade), one has hockey (Western Pavonistade), one has swimming (Central State), one has basketball and football (Toloupum Sector), one has tennis (Eastern Islands), and one has none (Capital State).
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Pavonistade does not usually focus much on international sporting competitions, but there were some Pavonistadian athletes that have won Olympic medals.
Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -0.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97
President: Calvin Elmore
Vice President: Otakta Sgriki
IIwiki | Glossary | I don't use NS stats
[NEWS] Pavonistadian researchers make breakthrough in Terahertz wave generation and modulation | Selective screening protocols in place amid coronavirus concerns | "The USA is the greatest threat to Pavonistadian security," states interior minister

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Legokiller » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:06 pm

Full Name of Nation:The United Pony States of Legokiller
Short Name of Nation:United Pony States, Legokiller
Region Located:Pony Lands (Northern Poneria)
System of Government & Main Ideology:Federal Presidential Direct Democracy
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:97
Civil Rights rating out of 100:78
Political Freedoms rating out of 100:85
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable:8
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption:7

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Ambassador
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 81
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards:Fairly
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly:Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 8
Is your nation a member of any other alliances:Yes
If yes, which one(s):The Coalition of Northern States (Northern Pony Lands), The Slack League
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Nope
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: In Antarctica!
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial:Crystal Spires, YellowApple Inc., Marxist Equines

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18:52
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force:All voluntary
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never:Occasionally
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: stalemate
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems:Both
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Perhaps, although do to popular belief and technical facts, Legokiller is unlike able to defend itself from the Regional Powers from Southern Pony Lands.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions:Yes

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:
Economic System Used:Mixed economy
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 80
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy:Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector:
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy:5
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 5
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations:of course

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30:37
What is your national sport:Ice Hockey, Hoof ball, Chocobo Racing, and snow sports
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions:Nope
❄️☃️ Antarctica Wonderland ! ☃️❄️

Silverdale's Factbook! Poi Poi Poi Resurrected! Silverdale News Thread Oh Nyo, Arthropods
<Maven>Legokiller's an original "G" with mirrors and changelings before it was cool <AnimeQuote> Taiga Aisaka is Gandhi.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 446
Founded: Mar 31, 2013
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Pekweng » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:11 pm

Full Name of Nation:The Honorable Commonwealth of Pekweng
Short Name of Nation:The Commonwealth of Pekweng
Region Located:The East Pacific
System of Government & Main Ideology:Parliamentary,Education
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:65/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100:65/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100:52/100
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable:9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption:9

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender:Minnow
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5:6.5
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards:Yes
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly:Ejected
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements:
Is your nation a member of any other alliances:No
If yes, which one(s):
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations:Yes
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland:No
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial:Yes

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18:34
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force:All voluntary
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never:Never
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in:Never
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems:Yes
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes:Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions:Yes

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:65/100
Economic System Used:Free Market
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis:56
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy:Yes
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector:Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy:9
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation:7
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations:Yes

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30:43
What is your national sport:Football
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions:Yes

"Maka-Diyos, Maka-Kalikasan, Makatao, Maka-Bansa"~ National Motto
"Tapang at Malasakit"~ President Rodrigo Salvador Santillan

The 1st World Summit of Leaders
Creating Connections, Building Bridges: Guiding the Way into the 21st Century
The 2nd World Summit of Leaders
"Partnering for Change, Engaging the World"

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Postby Lykosia » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:54 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Harmonious Republic of Lykosia
Short Name of Nation:Lykosia (Lykosian: Ljkosië Harmonischstaat)
Region Located: Pony Lands (Northern Poneria)
System of Government & Main Ideology: Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic, Democratic Socialism/Social Democracy
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 78
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 44
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 8.2

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Minnow
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 33
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Yes
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: N/A
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s): Royal Pony Council, CASTLE
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No.
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes. Two, in fact.
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 446
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All voluntary, however conscription can be activated in events of war
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Win
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: More than capable
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Yes, if necessary and if it's in line with our principles or interests

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Economic System Used: Mixed economy
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 96
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 7
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 7
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Yes; mainly oil, natural gas, and coal

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 104
What is your national sport: Bandy (winter), fencing
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: No

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 398
Founded: Feb 02, 2011

Postby Gearria » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:59 pm

Full Name of Nation: United Republic of Gearria
Short Name of Nation: Gearria
Region Located: Lazarus
System of Government & Main Ideology: Federal Parliamentary Democracy
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 74
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 78
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable:9.9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 9.9

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Minnow
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 37
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: No
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements:
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: No
If yes, which one(s):
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: No
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Galonica

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 195
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All Volunteer
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Regularly
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Win battles, Draw the war for diplomatic resolution
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Yes

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Economic System Used: Mixed Market favoring Capitalism
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 85
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Service
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 3
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 3.1
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 64
What is your national sport: Soccer
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Never taken part in any

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Posts: 2245
Founded: Feb 27, 2008

Postby Miyager » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:05 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Federated Union of Miyager
Short Name of Nation: Miyager
Region Located: Milky Way Galaxy
System of Government & Main Ideology: Liberal Democracy
Economic Rating out of 100: 100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 93
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 85
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 8

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Handshaker
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 34
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Yes
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: N/A
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: No
If yes, which one(s): N/A
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: A slight influence over other regional nations
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: No, but it does have some better than friendly relationships.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 79
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All voluntary
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: All wars added up together, a close split.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Diplomatic
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Easily
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Occasionally

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100
Economic System Used: Mixed Economy
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 81
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Service
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 4
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 5
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis: 65
What is your national sport: Football/Soccer, though basketball, hockey, and European handball are also popular
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Yes
Last edited by Miyager on Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I'm back I think.

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Postby Kedri » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:21 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Pirate Kingdom of Kedri
Short Name of Nation: Kedri
Region Located: The Land of Power
System of Government & Main Ideology: Democratic Monarchy and minarchy (borderline anarchy)
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 80/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 66/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 35/100
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 3
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 1

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Duckspeaker
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5:
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Aye, matey!
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: No
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements:
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: No
If yes, which one(s):
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: nope
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: depends

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18:
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: Part conscript
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: I have been in very few, so it is hard to tell.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Military
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Not really unless it is an emergency or directly concerns us.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:
Economic System Used: laissez faire capitalism
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis:
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 1
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 1
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: No

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30:
What is your national sport: Plundering, sword fighting, shooting practice
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions:
We never attended any.
Last edited by Kedri on Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kedri is a nation of 18th century pirates who know water-bending. Throw in some steampunk, as well. Tech level is PT/FanT.
Kedrians abandon piracy and become a modernized country, founded by reformed criminals who forsook piracy and the citizens are descended from pirates, and still retain some of their heritage such as speech, accent, politics.

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Postby Abatael » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:49 pm

Full Name of Nation: The New Imperium of Venolia.
Short Name of Nation: The Imperium / Venolia / Abatael.
Region Located: Union of American Nationalists.
System of Government & Main Ideology: Autocracy. Fascism.
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 97/100.
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 14/100.
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 14/100.
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: Ten.
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: Six.

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Ambassador.
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: Twelve.
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the message boards: Yes.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes.
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: Currently one.
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: None that I can think of right now.
If yes, which one(s): N/A.
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Yes.
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes.
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 346.
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: All voluntary.
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Regularly.
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Win.
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Initially diplomatic means; if those do not succeed, then military means until i) we lose or ii) the enemy forfeits.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Yes.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 97/100.
Economic System Used: Fascist model.
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: Sixty.
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing.
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes.
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: Seven.
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: About seven.
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: We make our own energy and sell some of it to allies.

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: Sixty.
What is your national sport: Hunting.
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Yes.

((OoC: I'm expecting to be at least a Great Power if not a Potential Superpower.))

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Postby Lolloh » Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:05 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Federation of Lolloh
Short Name of Nation: Lolloh
Region Located: ACSN
System of Government & Main Ideology: Unicameral Parlaimentary Republic and Socialisg
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 96
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 69
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 73
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 8.5
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 9.5

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender:
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5:20
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards:'Planning to
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 6
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s):GMU, bilateral with 5 nations
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: No
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: 5

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 20
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: A mix
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: occasionally
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Loses
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: 50 50 chance of either
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Mostly
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Yes

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 96
Economic System Used: Socialist
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 56
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: service
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: somewhat
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 7
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 8
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations:No

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 8
What is your national sport: Soccer
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions:no
15, Social Democrat, Brony
Population is 135 million, plus 3 million in the colonies
National Army: 400,000 active (500,000 reserve)
Air Force: 100,000 active (200,000 reserve)
Navy: 200,000 active (400,000 reserve)
National Guard: 270,000 (all reserve)
Police Corps: 320,000 (paramilitary)
TOTAL: 2,400,000 (5.2/1000 active,17.8/1000 total)

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Romberg » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:03 pm

Full Name of Nation: The Principality of Romberg
Short Name of Nation: Romberg
Region Located: TNI
System of Government & Main Ideology: Semi-constitutional monarchy, left wing economics, right wing politics
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 76
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 72
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 74
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 9
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 9

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Minnow (Don't forget we are a huge region)
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 22
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: Yes
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Yes
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: 4
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s): Royal Alliance of United Monarchies, Edges of Freedom, Pan Slavic Union State (Observer), International Coalition for Expansion, The International Humanitarian Aid & Peacekeeping Commission
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Moderately
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Currently 1 dependent territory as a forward operating base in war. But not permanent, and will be returned to original country.
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Not especially close, but yes.

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 44
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: Part voluntary, part conscript
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: rarely
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: peace treaty
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: diplomatic, but with military on the side for leverage
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: Yes
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Only if assistance requested

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 76
Economic System Used: Free market
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 61
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 3
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 4
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Yes

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 19
What is your national sport: Football (soccer), Ice hockey
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: No
Proud Member of Astyria.

Info: Population 150 mil. Centrist. Based on a much more competent Austrian Empire with Scandinavian and Russian influences.

Storefronts: Holding Company|Airline|Railway

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Postby Rodario » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:16 pm

Last edited by Rodario on Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Felix » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:18 pm

Full Name of Nation:
The Federal Republic of Felix
Short Name of Nation:
Region Located:
System of Government & Main Ideology:
Federal Republic, Libertarian Pacifist
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:
Civil Rights rating out of 100:
Political Freedoms rating out of 100:
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable:
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption:

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender:
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5:
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards:
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly:
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements:
Is your nation a member of any other alliances:
If yes, which one(s):
Independent Nekos Allied Forces (INAF)
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations:
A little bit
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland:
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial:

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18:
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force:
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never:
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in:
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems:
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes:
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions:

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100:
Economic System Used:
Laissez Faire Capitalism/Chicago School Styled Capitalism
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis:
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy:
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector:
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy:
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation:
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations:

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30:
What is your national sport:
Football (Soccer)
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions:
4th in U-21 World Cup

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Grays Harbor
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Postby Grays Harbor » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:48 pm

Full Name of Nation: United Kingdom of Grays Harbor
Short Name of Nation: Grays Harbor
Region Located: The Heartland
System of Government & Main Ideology: Parliamentary Monarchy; Capitalist
Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100/100
Civil Rights rating out of 100: 64/100
Political Freedoms rating out of 100: 46/100
How politically and socially stable is your nation on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being virtual anarchy and 10 being completely stable: 10
How common is corruption within your government on a rank of 1-10, with 1 being corruption is rife and 10 being completely free of corruption: 5

Regional Influence according to WA, eg Contender: Eminence Grise
Influence according to Nation Analysis eg 7.5: 133
Are you an active member of your region, eg do you post frequently on the messageboards: About as frequently as anybody else in the region.
Is your nation a member of the World Assembly: Not at this time (Formerly Regional Delegate)
If a member, No. of World Assembly Endorsements: N/A
Is your nation a member of any other alliances: Yes
If yes, which one(s): The Aerigia/Ineptia/Grays Harbor Tripartite Pact; The Clearwater Alliance
Does your nation have significant influence over another nation or group of nations: Yes
Does your nation govern any colonies/dependent territories or other areas outside of its own mainland: Yes
Does your nation have a special relationship or close relationship/alliance with any other nation which is very beneficial: Yes

Defence Force Size according to Nation Analysis, eg 18: 947
Is your nation's armed forces an all voluntary, part voluntary/part conscript or all conscript force: part voluntary/part conscript
Does your nation take part in wars regularly/occasionally/rarely/never: Rarely
Does your nation, usually win, lose or come to a stalemate draw in conflicts it takes part in: Win
Is your nation more likely to pursue diplomatic or military means to solve its problems: Situational. We prefer diplomacy, but can and will use a very proactive military response when necessary.
Is your nation able to defend itself from most foes: We are capable of defending ourselves against all foes.
Does your nation take part in foreign military interventions: Only on rare occasions, and only with good reason. We are, however, very vigorous in defending our Commonwealth and our Trade Partners.

Economic Rating out of 100, e.g 54/100: 100/100
Economic System Used: Capitalist
Human Development Index according to Nation Analysis: 81
Is your nation primarily a service/manufacturing/agricultural economy: Manufacturing
Does your nation have a successful financial/banking sector: Yes
On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no regulation and 10 being complete state control, how regulated are businesses in your economy: 5
Using the same scale how regulated are banks and the financial sector regulated in your nation: 6
Does your nation own or produce any large source of energy which is regularly bought by other nations: Yes

Cultural rating according to Nation Analysis, eg 30: 102
What is your national sport: Association Football (Footie, Soccer, whatever else you foreigners want to call it)
Has your nation been successful in any international sporting competitions: Only on a regional scale. We rarely enter NS-wide competitions.
Last edited by Grays Harbor on Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Everything you know about me is wrong. Or a rumor. Something like that.

Not Ta'veren



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