National Standards Questionaire

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National Standards Questionaire

Postby Tanaara » Fri May 01, 2009 8:11 pm

National Standards - a list of questions about certain Standards & Legalities for your nation- far more defining than the three NS standards:

The Domination of Tanaara.

1 - What is the legal drinking age? Classifications as an Adult, can lose the privilege relatively easily.

2 - Driving age? Depends on mental age - One can test for a license at age 16 (human/ species equivalent) but the younger one is the harder the test is, and the more sternly one is graded and the easier it is to lose the privilege. Most cities have AI assisted auto drive systems, that take in vehicle driving out of 'in vehicle' - and while ‘linking in’ to such a system is not mandatory, vehicular interaction (read wrecks) when the vehicle is under the control of a in- vehicle driver are treated very seriously. Also given that in all cities, Transportal stations are found every couple of blocks, most people prefer to ’Port and walk / ’Port and take the also ubiquitous slide walks. Also walking five to ten miles a day is habitual to most and not even commented upon.

3 - Age of sexual consent? Classification as an Adult - except in those cases when the mentality is not present to give informed, knowing consent. That is then considered the equivalent of rape and is prosecuted accordingly. STD's -, transmission there of- is a whole nother matter.. Lack of Mentality also comprises being under the influence of drugs and or alcohol.

4 - Voting age? Classification as an an adult ,but can lose the privilege. There are certain elections & public polls where it is mandatory to vote and not voting (except under certain exemptions) will garner criminal charges, that could cost one one's citizenship..

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - Depends on species, humans -generally 17-19 but can go earlier or later, and is possible at any age to end up as a Ward of the Crown.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Any - However any and all drug use is predecated on the user being Clssified as an Adult, and using the drugs responsibility. Any crime commited under the influence of drugs will be punished with the utmost harshness.

-Pot - legal and popular, but not in public, and operating under the influence is a heavily punished crime. Hard time

- Tobacco - genetically modified, true low tar and nicotine - legal, moderately popular / ungenetically modified, 'wild' legal, relatively unpopular and heavily taxed.

- Cocaine - legal and virtually unknown, there are other drugs in the Domination that produce better highs without the side effects- Heavily taxed - but not in public, and operating under the influence is a heavily punished crime. Hard time

-Alcohol - legal, moderately popular- but operating under the influence is a heavily punished crime. Hard time

- LSD - legal, but like cocaine, virtually unknown for the same reasons - heavily taxed -but not in public, and operating under the influence is a heavily punished crime. Hard time

- Caffeine - legal, popular - except for within the Elvin/ Sidhe population where it is a mostly fatal toxin and is illegal to sell to them

- Heroin - legal and virtually unknown, there are other drugs in the Domination that produce better highs without the side effects - heavily taxed - but not in public, and operating under the influence is a heavily punished crime. Hard time

- Other? Many - legal, how popular varies and some are illegal - mostly heavily taxed and but generaly not done in public, and operating under the influence is a heavily punished crime. Hard time

7 - Can people have guns? Ownership is a Legal Requirement for Citizens -An armed society is a polite society, and thusly “YES!”, save for those whom have lost the privilege, or those who are not mentally competent. Non Citizen Residents may apply for license. Temporary visa holders and visitors must apply before entering the country, may not buy while in country unless License aplication has been approved and License recieved.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Interstellar Domination of Tanaara// Informal: Tanaara or The Domination / Citizens: Tanaarans

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes

10 - What is the speed limit? on the Throughways there are minimums, on surface streets tend not to have limits save in certain areas - the whole of the nation operates under the concept of driving in an non hazzardous manner.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All are permitted, all are restricted -All are taxed unless 75% of all donations recieved are used directly by formal registered charities.

Which of the following are be legal: ALL Are Legal

12- Porn - images of pediphillia & rape are illegal

13-Prostitution - Heavily regulated and taxed, popular in some areas of the nation unpopular in others.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Far more common than monogamy- Polyamory makes up some 75% of all Unions in the Domination

15-Homosexuality - legislate ones sexual identity? Say what?

16-Stem cell research -The Domination is far past this old, proven technology, not used any longer, save for teaching purposes.

17-Human Cloning - Regulated, oversighted and clones have full legal rights, not often done.

18-Cock Fighting? There are no laws against it specifically, but Animal Mistreatment laws are Very harsh.

19-Slavery? -Penal Slavery is legal, debit slavery is legal, but they are closely regulated and over watched by the judiciary.

20-Hunting? Very popular -Eat & use as completely as possible what one hunts, no waste! Non kill 'slap hunting' is very popular and is considered a rite of passage into adulthood in some portions of the Domination

21-Fishing - see above

22-Eating meat? Carnivores R Us, save for those who are Vegan to one degree or another. Veganism is highly unpopular, less than 1% of the Citzens, and less than 5 % of Residents are Vegan.

23-Littering? No laws against but is so unnatural and uncommon

24-Unisex bathrooms ? Say what?

25-Suicide? - Very Rare - Euthanasia / Right to Death with Diginity - legal

26 - Gay marriage? - Any one can join into a Union Contract as long as they are mentally competent. And there are as many different forms of Marriage as there are people. Marriage is the private affair of those getting married.

27-Abortion - Happens Very, Very Rarely, mostly for medical/ therapeutic reasons. But most medical problems can be dealt with by the Dominations highly advanced medical technology.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Again “?blink?” except for Rape and pediophilia which can carry the Death Penalty. What consenting adults do is their own business.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Very much Optional, it is worn for practical purposes and for ornamentation but varies by culture. And also by climated and the presence of large numbers of tourists - Tanaarans are raised to be considerate of others sensibilities.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - Again “?Blink?”

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- Income tax? Citizens pay no income tax, residents pay a flat 15%; resident citizens of another nationality pay 20%

31aSales tax? Thank you C’Tan for putting this so well…An esoteric business tax system graded towards non-essential products. Similar to VAT, but considerably more sophisticated in its deployment.

31bImport/Export tax? Varies on the product and where it is going to or coming from.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? You must perform Federal Service and, if not native born, pass the Citizenship Exam.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Any but we reserve the tight to either deport with prejudice or execute any visitors found violating the few laws that have a death penalty. The Dominationre does not extradite those who violate death penalty laws back to their nation of residence/ legal citizenship

34-What type of government are you? Modified Elected Autocracy /Dictatorship**

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? When it comes to ‘of interest to the Domination’ the Crown retains the right of absolute censorship.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? For example – Considering that the Domination has counted in it’s census such species ( & an even wider parade of cultures within species ) as :Humans, Therianthopes, Elves, Dragons, Xa’ Cz’inni, and other races, the cultural rules are as varied as the Stars and as hard to get a grip on. However there are some generally agreed on customs/ traditions –

Don’t eat other sentient beings without prior permission.

Sex in public is generally over the top, but if it does happen, just ignore it and go about your day.

Be responsible; take ownership of your words, deeds, and actions.

Don’t go waving your weapons around in public. If some one is waving a weapon around in public, take a moment to ascertain why they are doing so and then act responsibly.

**A brief Interview with the Queen Mother, HRM Mercedez Merrideath Hexx, can be found here; it primarily details the complexeties of the Tanaaran system of government.
The mathematical probability of a common cat doing exactly as it pleases is the one scientific absolute in the world. -Lynn M. Osband

"We're not so blase, not so willing to accept that we're safe and we can let someone do our security for us. We're not going to sit there and wait for somebody else to do it because if you wait, it might be too late." Jennifer Allen re: Northwest Airlines Flight 253 - quoted for the Win!

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Northorn Kentucky
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Northorn Kentucky » Fri May 01, 2009 9:16 pm

The Confederacy of Northorn Kentucky

1 - What is the legal drinking age?: 20

2 - Driving age? 16 must be tested by an overseer working for the state government

3 - Age of sexual consent? 20, If it is without consent perp. goes straight to the electric chair

4 - Voting age? Classification as an an adult , Mandatory State and Federal Elections, failure to do so will revoke citizenship and send person into slavery (Criminals are considered slaves)

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - 18

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Tobacco and Alcohol anythin else sends you into slavery

7 - Can people have guns? It is a right and Mandatory of every citizen of a state in the confederacy to have a gun and willing to join a militia or the army.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Confederacy of Northorn Kentucky// Informal: Northorn Kentucky or The Confederacy of NK / Citizens: Kentuckians

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes

10 - What is the speed limit? depends, on a highway max is 50, on a road 20

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? We are a free country (Long as you follow the laws) so yes I reckon we do... but if you directly attack another church you shall be hanged

Which of the following are be legal: ALL Are Legal

12- Porn - images of pedophilia & rape are illegal

13-Prostitution - Heavily regulated and taxed, popular in some areas of the nation unpopular in others.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Illegal

15-Homosexuality - We cannot dictate a man or woman's desire to be with their own gender but see below about gay marriage

16-Stem cell research - To cure disease like Diabetes? Sure but anything else is outright banned

17-Human Cloning - Up to the states

18-Cock Fighting? State Legislation decides

19-Slavery? -Slavery is allowed for those whom commit crimes, and they can never be free

20-Hunting? Very popular -Eat & use as completely as possible what one hunts, no waste! Non kill 'slap hunting' is very popular and is considered a rite of passage into adulthood in some portions of the Domination

21-Fishing - see above

22-Eating meat? Of Course!

23-Littering? Crime worthy of execution... depending on a majorty popular vote in the state the act was commited

24-Unisex bathrooms ? No

25-Suicide? - No

26 - Gay marriage? - State legislature

27-Abortion - State Legislature

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Rape and Pedophillia, incest ... except cases between second cousins whom are adults

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Nudity on one's land is mighty fine with all the states but out in State owned land.....

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene" With our way of life Obscenity is so rare only immigrants have it

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- For the state, Federal colllects from state.

Sales tax? Depending on availability, census, and State laws

Import/Export tax? Varies on the product and where it is going to or coming from.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Must live in the Confederacy for a decade, unless born here, if ever convicted of crime in source foreign nation, Slavery

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? All are welcome.... but if you are not a citizen and commit a crime, Slavery or Execution depending on State Courts

34-What type of government are you? Confederation/Democracy

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? When it comes to Protecting youth yes

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? No, not really

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Xanthal » Sat May 02, 2009 12:34 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? Varies by state. In Mirfak, drinking alcohol is illegal. In Trasnia and Nakuju, there is no minimum age. In all other states, the legal age is the age of majority.

2 - Driving age? Varies by state. For humans, by age (late teens) or demonstration of mental competence.

3 - Age of sexual consent? Varies by state. For humans, by age (18-21) or demonstration of mental competence.

4 - Voting age? For federal elections, all citizens are eligible regardless of age.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? Varies by state and species. For humans, age 18 and/or demonstration of mental competence.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal?
- Pot Legal in all states except Mirfak, Shinra and Saeroun Kogu.
- Tobacco Legal in Trasnia and Nakuju.
- Cocaine Legal but restricted in Trasnia.
- Alcohol Legal in all states except Mirfak.
- LSD Illegal.
- Caffeine Legal in all states except Mirfak.
- Heroin Illegal.
- Other? Varies by state. Above information should provide guidelines for educated guesses.

7 - Can people have guns? Gun ownership is restricted to police and military.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called? Formal: The Federated Democratic States of Xanthal. Informal: Xanthal, the Xanthalian Federation, the Federation (where context permits). Citizens: Xanthalians.

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes.

10 - What is the speed limit? Private automobile ownership/operation is banned in most major cities. Speed limits vary depending upon vehicle and road type. Intercity roads generally vary between 80 and 130 km/h. Inner-city roads are generally below 50 km/h. Rules for airborne and spaceborne craft, where applicable, vary.

11 - What types of religions are permitted or restricted? All religions are permitted, so long as they do not incite people to violate the law.

Which of the following are legal:

12 - Porn - Possession and viewing is legal everywhere, though there are age/maturity restrictions in some states. Content restrictions vary by state, generally involving rape and paedophilia where applicable. Production laws vary by state, but federal law protects minors, incompetents, and those forced into sexual acts.

13 - Prostitution - Varies by state. Legal and mostly unregulated in Than and Trasnia. Legal and tightly regulated in Mirfak. Illegal in all other states.

14 - Polygamy/Polyandry/Polyamory - Legal in all states except Saeroun Kogu.

15 - Homosexuality - Unregulated.

16 - Stem cell research - Legal.

17 - Human Cloning - Legal, but regulated and very unusual.

18 - Cock Fighting? - Illegal by general animal cruelty laws.

19 - Slavery? - Illegal, though convicts may have to work as part of their sentence.

20 - Hunting? - Varies by state and animal, and limited indirectly by prohibition on firearms. Generally illegal in Mirfak and Saeroun Kogu. Legal in various forms elsewhere.

21 - Fishing - Legal. Restrictions vary by state and type of fishing.

22 - Eating meat? - Food safety laws apply, but otherwise unrestricted.

23 - Littering? - Illegal in all states; poorly enforced in Nakuju and Trasnia.

24 - Unisex bathrooms? - Legal in all states. Rare in Shinra and Saeroun Kogu. Common in Mirfak, Than and Nakuju.

25 - Suicide? Legal in all but Shinra and Saeroun Kogu. Heavily discouraged/stigmatized in Trasnia and Nakuju. Autonomous and assisted suicide for medical reasons legal by federal law.

26 - Gay marriage? - Protected by federal law.

27 - Abortion - Legal in all states. Can be compelled by law in Mirfak and Than. Choice solely of woman elsewhere.

28 - What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? - Only those involving a person who cannot legally consent or, in some states, those which wilfully or negligently spread disease.

29 - Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? - Optional in all states except Shinra and Saeroun Kogu.

30 - Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - Varies heavily by state. Many acts protected by federal law.

31 - What system do you have for taxes?
- Income tax? Citizens/residents pay progressive federal tax. State laws vary.
- Sales tax? No federal tax. State laws vary.
- Import/Export tax? No federal tax. State laws vary. Tariffs generally high in Mirfak and Nakuju, generally low in Trasnia and Shinra.

32 - What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Any person residing in a federally administered zone or who is a citizen of a state in the Federation who does not have foreign citizenship has the right to Xanthalian citizenship. Any person residing continuously in a state for more than one Xanthalian year (about 3.1 standard years) and does not have citizenship elsewhere has a right to state citizenship, though states can set lower standards.

33 - What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? - All are allowed except who are guilty of certain crimes or pose a public welfare risk.

34 - What type of government are you? - Federal/Confederal republic; three-branch checks-and-balances federal government with legislature hybrid of proportional and state-equal representation; state governments nominally under control of democratically-elected proportionally representative state legislatures.

35 - To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Extremely limited. Mostly on matters of public safety.

36 - Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? For example – Varies by species and region. Generally speaking, Mirfak and its majority xanthalian (species) population are quite culturally conservative. The than are the same, but do not impose their own norms and mores on their territory insofar as it doesn't disrupt their order of things. Saeroun Kogu (mostly human) and Shinra (mixed) also have fairly conservative social atmospheres. Trasnia, by contrast, has a libertarian culture. Nakuju's cultural rules and traditions tend to vary between regions.
Last edited by Xanthal on Sat May 02, 2009 12:47 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Loria Aesir
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Loria Aesir » Sat May 02, 2009 3:28 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 21 years of age, underage drinking is punishable by fine or imprisonment.

2 - Driving age? 18, when on becomes a 'legal adult'. We are not phased by imperialistic notions of young drivers.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 18, again when one becomes an adult they can enjoy the spoils so to speak.

4 - Voting age? Voting age does not apply in the Republic. Political freedoms are a thing of the past. The National Government is the only political party in LA and was founded as being so. After the 'Freedom War' a law was passed that for true independence only one party could exist. Without the hassle of general elections and voting our government can focus on running the country and the people on living their lives safe in the knowledge that we are making the right decisions.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - 18 years of age, One at this age all parental control is removed.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Global standards apply, drugs such as Pain-Killers and antibiotics are freely distributed by the government after the outlawing of private medical companies.

-Pot - Legal in the use of ones own home. Illegal in public

- Tobacco -Legal

- Cocaine - Illegal

-Alcohol - Legal but monitored. Drink driving is punishable by the death penalty.

- LSD - Illegal.

- Caffeine - Legal

- Heroin - Illegal

- Other? If not prescribed by our National Health Body or government then a substances will be classed illegal and carry criminal charges.

7 - Can people have guns? A rather sore point. Our government passed a bill to grant people the right to protect their homes from would be criminals and intruders. Cases of shootings spiraled out of control after the general public abused this policy and so the government removed the bill and banned all guns from public ownership.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? After the 'freedom war' we became know as 'The People's Republic of Loria Aesir'

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes, drink driving is punishable by death at the moment. Drafts are being worked on to add Murder, Rape and terrorism to the list.

10 - What is the speed limit? On the nations highways the speed limit is currently 65mph, upon completion of our current overhaul of the nations main highways a new limit of 75mph will be introduced. On our smaller roads 45mph is enforced.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All are restricted. Religion draws attention away from important issues such as work and citizenship. Any one willing to partake in religious or cult activity does so underground but will be brought to justice. The majority of our population are strong enough to no longer need the so called comforts of religion.

Which of the following are legal?:

12- Porn - images of bestiality, pedophilia & rape are illegal and carry extreme criminal convictions.

13-Prostitution - Heavily regulated and monitored in hot spots at the current time. Subject to change.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Outlawed. Conventional one on one marriage is enforced.

15-Homosexuality - Legal. Subject to change.

16-Stem cell research -No comment.

17-Human Cloning -Outlawed.

18-Cock Fighting? There are currently no laws against it, but Animal cruelty is a focus point of our government.

19-Slavery? -Abolished.

20-Hunting? Heavy restrictions apply. Much of LA is lush forest and protected.

21-Fishing - Legal

22-Eating meat? Legal but frowned upon due to current animal control laws.

23-Littering? No laws against but is frowned upon. Our cutting edge CCTV systems in all of cities have worked to cut the rates of littering by 74%.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? Legal and exist in some places.

25-Suicide? - Rare, no laws condemn this issue as it is hard to police.

26 - Gay marriage? - Restricted and strictly monitored, almost unknown and outlawed.

27-Abortion - On going debate, a battleground of political discussion if you will. No official position at this time. Current law, legal.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Any in the privacy of ones home except the obvious exceptions such as rape, pedophilia, bestiality and 'snuff'.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Strictly mandatory!

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". Naturism is considered by our government to be obscene and so is outlawed. Religious views are also treated as obscene and outlawed.

31-What system do you have for taxes? The average income tax rate is 40%

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? If a native to the country you will be granted 'full citizenship' after completion of your national service after your school years. Immigrants must have at least 3 desirable work based skills, full language capabilities, and abide by our strong immigration laws. After 6 years of steady work and law abiding citizenship is brought to a review board. Upon rejection, deportation is carried out. Pass rates are low.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? See above.

34-What type of government are you? Considered a 'dictatorship' but we are merely creating a utopia for our working people. Too much freedom in ones life distracts from the importance of life.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Our Government has recently gained full control of our media and press. No private sectors of media or press now exist.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? I'm not sure if i can answer that exactly but we have traditional days of celebration on 'independence day', General Thorpe's anniversary, and James Ulrichs uprising anniversary. We take our independence from the North very seriously.
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Chimaea » Sat May 02, 2009 3:51 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 18.

2 - Driving age? 16 for Learners, 18 for P plates then 2 years for open.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 16, restricted to an age-gap of 3 years until 18.

4 - Voting age? 18.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? 18, but more rights at 16. Could also depend on the situation.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal?
- Pot
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Caffeine

7 - Can people have guns? Only with a license, and licenses are only given out with justification (e.g. police, armed forces, security services, sporting clubs).

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called?
Formal: The Commonwealth of Chimaea
Informal: Chimaea, The Commonwealth
Citizens: Chimaeans

9 - Do you have the death penalty? For certain limited crimes.

10 - What is the speed limit? Depends on zone.

11 - What types of religions are permitted or restricted? All religions are legal, subject to adherence to Chimaean laws.

Which of the following are legal:

12 - Porn - Technically illegal, but not strictly enforced. Apart from certain porn types such as child pornography, non-consentual etc.

13 - Prostitution - Regulated with Red Light areas and brothels--street prostitution etc. is illegal.

14 - Polygamy/Polyandry/Polyamory - Marriage laws restricted to two people, but poly de facto relationships are legal.

15 - Homosexuality - Legal

16 - Stem cell research - Legal

17 - Human Cloning - Regulated

18 - Cock Fighting? - Illegal

19 - Slavery? - Illegal under the Criminal Code and the special Amerigo War Remembrance Act.

20 - Hunting? - Legal only under permit for pest contro/biosecurity etc.

21 - Fishing - Regulated

22 - Eating meat? - Is up to the individual.

23 - Littering? - Illegal

24 - Unisex bathrooms? - Up to the company/institution/organisation/building code.

25 - Suicide? - Strictly illegal but without criminal punishment. Regulated medical euthanasia is legal.

26 - Gay marriage? - Legal

27 - Abortion - Legal, with prior counselling.

28 - What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal? - Any with consent, with certain exceptions of any resulting in serious bodily harm/death.

29 - Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? - Genitilia has to be covered.

30 - Do you have obscenity laws? - As above, and also with certain restrictions on free speech.

31 - What system do you have for taxes?
- Income tax? Means tested.
- Sales tax? On certain goods and services.
- Import/Export tax? Depending on nature of goods or services.

32 - What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? - I'd tell you, but there's a limit on how Tolkein-retentive I want to be :)

33 - What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? - Everyone, but regulated by security checks.

34 - What type of government are you? - Bicameral Federal Democracy.

35 - To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? - Depends on the situation.

36 - Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? - Fairly liberal and secular society, tolerance and multicultural values are traditional.

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Swilatia » Sat May 02, 2009 4:21 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? There is no legal drinking age in Swilatia, however most places will, by custom, not sell alcohol to persons under 14.

2 - Driving age? 14, must pass an exam.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 14 years.

4 - Voting age? 14 years.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - Varies.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - All drugs are legal in Swilatia.

7 - Can people have guns? No.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Capitalist Republic of Swilatia / Swilatia / Swilatians,

9 - Do you have the death penalty? No.

10 - What is the speed limit? 120 on expressway, 90 on other roads, 60 in towns/villages, 50 on city streets.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All religions are permitted.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - Yes

13-Prostitution - Yes

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Yes

15-Homosexuality - Yes

16-Stem cell research - Yes

17-Human Cloning - Yes

18-Cock Fighting? - Yes

19-Slavery? - No

20-Hunting? Yes

21-Fishing - Yes

22-Eating meat? - Yes

23-Littering? - Legal, except in some cities.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? - Yes

25-Suicide? - The Swilatian Government has never legislated on this. You can't execute the dead.

26 - Gay marriage? - Yes

27-Abortion - Yes

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Rape.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? - Optional

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - No.

31-What system do you have for taxes? - Sales taxes only. Income tax is banned through the constitution.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? - Anyone who is born in the country or living in the country for 2 years and passes an exam.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Any

34-What type of government are you? - Semi-presidential Republic

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? - None.
Last edited by Swilatia on Fri May 22, 2009 2:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Quintessence of Dust
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Quintessence of Dust » Sat May 02, 2009 5:14 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 12 for light beers, otherwise 18. It is reasonably common for children to drink at the table with their parents. There is not a big binge drinking culture.

2 - Driving age? 18 and 1 day

3 - Age of sexual consent? 16

4 - Voting age? 18

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? 18, although 19 is often considered the true age of adulthood as it generally marks the completion of nation service.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? The nation has no firm drugs stance, and has legalised and criminalised various substances over the years; at any one point, it is difficult to say in which direction they will lean. Law enforcement prioritise catching suppliers, and posssession of small amounts of many illegal drugs is often met with just a fine. There are campaigns against drink/drug driving, supplying to minors, medical precautions, the use of date-rape drugs, and other related issues. Legal drugs are taxed.

Marijuana Legal at 18. It is actually the nation's largest cash crop.

Tobacco Legal at 18. However, there is a strong anti-smoking culture and foreigners lighting up can count on being accosted by numerous Quodites for a good lecture on how filthy their habit is. Smoking in public places is illegal.

Cocaine Illegal, despite a bizarre government initiative to investigate the possibility of "fair trade cocaine" in the early 21st century. Crack cocaine is almost unknown.

Alcohol Legal at 18. Alcoholism is a problem in certain parts of the country and the government engages in extensive health and education projects. The most popular tipples are mostly imported; Quintessential wine is particularly bad.

MDMA Generally illegal. The emergence of a strong rave subculture has made ecstasy a controversial subject. At one point it was estimated 1 in 4 people under the age of 25 had tried it. There are periodic campaigns to legalise the drug.

Caffeine Legal. There has been a strong cafe culture in Quintessential history and coffee (and to a lesser extent tea) is widely consumed.

Heroin Illegal.

Other Methamphetamines are one of the main targets of government anti-drug operations. There is also widespread concern over prescription drug abuse.

7 - Can people have guns? "Yes..." followed by an extensive series of "...buts". Although gun ownership is relatively common and membership of shooting clubs popular (for sport, not hunting) there is no organized gun lobby and multiple restrictions exist, prohibiting certain types of weapons, limiting who can own a gun, requiring certain tests and conditions, requiring safety standards and, of course, levying a tax.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called The Democratic States of Quintessence of Dust, Delegate of the Green and Pleasant Region of Wysteria. Often abbreviated as "Quod" or "QoD". Formal adjective = Quintessential, informal adjective = Quodite

9 - Do you have the death penalty? No. The founding Constitution prohibited it.

10 - What is the speed limit? 30mph residential/60mph motorway

11 - What types of religions are permitted or restricted? Theoretical freedom of religion. In 1902 all religious activity was prohibited, the law was repealed in 1908. Quintessential political culture is rigorously secular to the point that some complain about an attitude of "state atheism". About 40% of the population describe themselves as religious. Among these, perhaps as a result of the secular majority or for other reasons, an unusual proportion are very theologically conservative, particularly among the Catholics. There is a large emigrant Orthodox Jewish population in Highmark City; many in the Colonies are Muslim; among the Quintessential-Chinese minority continue some folk religion is popular.

Which of the following are legal:

12 - Porn Legal, with certain exceptions with regard to age and consent of participants. Congress periodicially extends its powers to regulate a rather nebulous category of "extreme depictions", which the Supreme Court routinely strikes down. There is not a strong popular cartoon tradition, and the legality of cartoon depictions of what would otherwise be illegal acts is a grey area.

13 - Prostitution Legal and heavily regulated. Prior to entering The World Assembly it was generally decided on a municipal basis, with those unable to produce effective policy models keeping it illegal. There is still an intense stigma attached to most aspects of the sex industry. The nation has been involved in a global effort to fight sex trafficking.

14 - Polygamy/Polyandry/Polyamory No, although foreign marriages of this nature are generally recognised.

15 - Homosexuality Legal. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. Discrimination is prohibited, and homosexuality is recognised as a protected category in hate crimes law. Prevalence about 6% (2006 census).

16 - Stem cell research Yes.

17 - Human Cloning Quodite scientists have not reached this technological level. There is ongoing discussion among Congressional bioethics committees about how to deal with the situation. Foreign clones would be given equal protection under the law.

18 - Blood sports generally Illegal. In general Quintessential animal protection laws are rather weak.

19 - Slavery All forms of slavery are illegal. The nation is a leading promoter of abolitionist causes, and hosts the headquarters of Abolitionism International. It sponsored comprehensive anti-slavery legislation in the World Assembly, including imposing a full moratorium on goods produced through slavery.

20 - Hunting Hunting of various animals is illegal on conservation grounds. Otherwise, what was once a staple of early Republican life has now become a rare pursuit.

21 - Fishing Reasonably popular as a sport. Fish is a staple of the Quodite diet. Whalemeat is also eaten.

22 - Eating meat Quodite cuisine used to be very high in meat and dairy products as the poor soil and limited agricultural developments made arable farming difficult. Beef, pork and lamb the most popular. Now vegetarianism has become very popular, but meat eating is by no means looked down upon.

23 - Littering Foreign visitors often remark on how clean Quodite streets are. Despite this, anti-littering laws, while strictly enforced, are not very stern.

24 - Unisex bathrooms Well, they're neither illegal nor common.

25 - Suicide A foreign stereotype holds that (on account of Seasonal Affective Disorder or the notoriously gloomy outlook of Quodites - the national colour is grey) suicide rates are very high. In fact they are not, a point made in the study Suicide, a pioneering work of quantitative sociology by the noted academic and street slam poet Emile "Dr Huff'n'Puff" Quirkheim. Laws on euthanasia are still being worked out.

26 - Gay marriage Yes.

27 - Abortion Yes, subject to almost no restrictions. A small number of activists sail around outside the territorial waters of other state on "Freedom on Waves" boats offering abortion services to those in nations that prohibit them.

28 - What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal? Age and consent are the only factors used to determine the legality of sex. There is a government-funded awareness effort to reduce rape, encourage reporting of sex crimes, and increase the - notoriously inefficient - prosecution of such crimes.

29 - Is your country's clothing optional or mandatory? The cold climate means the answer is perhaps "both", insofar as only rarely is it possible for people not to wear clothes. The famous "What's Wrong With Being Naked?" court case nonetheless led to the abolition of anti-nudity laws. Public breastfeeding is legal. Quodite tourists in foreign climes have a tendency to peel everything off the moment they step onto the beach; the same goes for domestic saunas.

30 - Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene"? The Constitution guarantees freedom of expression and the nation complies with international law on the subject, but there are still numerous restrictions, such as enforcement of intellectual property laws, laws against libel and slander, bans on certain types of pornography (see above), prohibitions on various forms of hate speech, and other restrictions. There is a TV watershed, but no bleeping on the radio. There are no blasphemy laws. Quodites tend to swear reasonably freely even in polite company.

31 - What system do you have for taxes? A gargantuan bureaucracy that would tax people's hair if it could. Progressive income tax, sales tax, petrol tax, airline tax, property tax, a graduated inheritance tax, reasonably low capital gains tax, certain sin taxes. There is also a wide variety of tax credits and write-offs.

31a Sales tax Varies based on the product. Certain products are exempt from sales tax, such as food, children's clothing, women's sanitary products. One of the most famous Supreme Court decisions involved sales tax exemption - the Jaffa Biscuit Case.

31b Import/Export tax Until very recently the nation participated in the World Assembly Economic Union. Since its repeal it has sought not to retreat to economic nationalism but instead negotiate case-by-case trade agreements, but has been forced to impose certain tariffs to prevent dumping.

32 - What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Quodites have to perform national service, on which the completion of citizenship depends. It can also be removed for a few other reasons. It is relatively easy to naturalise, with a simple test.

33 - What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Historically Quintessence of Dust has had very free immigration laws; equally, no one has actually *wanted* to immigrate. There used to be an absolute ban on non-humans (or rather, they would not be treated as humans but as animals), but this has been repealed with some unease among the populace. The People's Party, which advocates for immigration restriction, has been growing in strength in the East.

34 - What type of government are you? Highly centralized federal republic. A democracy, but the parties are immensely strong.

35 - To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? See the various conditions on obscenity. Can also issue a stop notice to prevent the revelation of damaging information, although this happened only once (when President Dwight had the runs).

36 - Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? Above all, the country is marked by what sociologists have dubbed "The Quintessential Paradox": an open, tolerant, free society founded on the ideas of Enlightenment liberalism has become one of the most closed, reserved, and tightly-wound places to live. Quodites generally disdain celebrity culture, flashy clothing, loud behaviour, and constantly exhort their children not to act out.
The fight is long and tough, but together, we can make it. -- José Carlos Mariátegui

Two kinds of pork in one soup? Bring it on. -- Christina Hendricks

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Bazalonia » Sat May 02, 2009 5:26 am

1. Drinking Age: 18
2. Driving Age: 14 and a half, with various restrictuions for at least 3.5 years
3. Sexual Consent 16
4. Voting Age: 18, compulsory
5. Age of Majority: 18
6. Recreational Drugs: Only Alcohol, Cigarettes and coffee. Restrictions on sale and advertising of Alcohol and Drugs
7. Can people have guns: Restrictions apply, must have legitimate reasons
8. Official/Informal/Demonym: The Prime Ministerialship of Bazalonia, Bazalonia, Bazalonian
9. Death Penalty: No
10. Speed Limit: 120 km/h on dual carriage expressways, 100km/h on major roads between towns, 80km/h is semi-bulltup areas, 50/h in Urban
11. Religion: Freedom of Religion, though mostly Christian

12. Yes
13. No
14. No
15. Yes
16. No
17. No
18. No
19. No
20. Yes
21. Yes
22. Yes
23. Minor Fines by local council
24. Yes
25. Yes
26. No
27. First Trimester, Yes, others no.
28. Rape, Incest, pedophillia
29. Mandatory
30. Yes, unwanted sexual behaviour in public
31. Sales and Income
32. Residency for a period of 5 years plus an understanding of basic operation social and political system
33. Anyone with violent criminal history within 10 years will not be allowed, most others will probably be allowed but case-by-case basis for criminals
34. Bi-Carmael Parliament with a Prime Minister as HoG
35. Government can hide certain information under specific conditions but otherwise no, Papers and such are liable for libel and must post corrections for mistruths. For all your Bazalonian Government needs
Bazalonia, my characters, my settings - A Blog

* Han has an utter sinking feeling that details of this are going to surreptitiously slip out into someone's siggy...
<Han> so let's hope it's neither precognitive nor self-fulfilling...

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Brutland and Norden
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Brutland and Norden » Sat May 02, 2009 7:36 am

The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 18.
2 - Driving age? - 18, can be a student driver at 15.
3 - Age of sexual consent? 18. Anything below is statutory rape.
4 - Voting age? 18.
5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - 18, though children can emancipate themselves due to various reasons and after meeting stringent criteria
6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal?
  • Pot - Illegal
  • Tobacco - legal but highly taxed
  • Cocaine - illegal
  • Alcohol - legal, but hard drinks are highly taxed
  • LSD - illegal
  • Caffeine - legal
  • Heroin - illegal
7 - Can people have guns? Yes, but restricted. Everyone must register their guns.
8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called? The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden/Brutland and Norden/Nord-Brutlandese
9 - Do you have the death penalty? No. Death penalty was outlawed by a royal decree by King Kyle the Fair in 1890, reinstated by a referendum in 2004,repealed in another referendum in 2007.
10 - What is the speed limit? Generally none, though several grant councils and local governments impose their own.
11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? There is freedom of religion, but several religions can be outlawed if they fall outside the criteria set by Royal Supreme Court of Brutland and Norden case Chierco di Satanense r. Grattio di Borcenna and the 1940 law Laggi per Religioni Eclenta e Cultu (Laws for Extraordinary Religions and Cults). Church-State relations are governed by the 1914 law Lagge per l'Alfari di la Statte e la Chierche ( Law for the Affairs of the Church and the State) and its companion law Poderi di la Chierchi (Powers of the Churches). Everything the state deems "temporal" is under the state affairs, and is listed in the Poderi di la Chierchi. Among notable powers of the churches have or had are marriage (since 2008) and education (until 1957).
12- Porn - illegal. Most pornography (those without "redeeming value") are not covered under freedom of speech laws under the so-called "Morality Laws" of 1937.
13-Prostitution - illegal.
14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Illegal
15-Homosexuality - Homosexuality per se is not prosecuted in the Kingdom. Sodomy is illegal only in the province of Brutland (where it also largely tolerated). Gay marriage was legal in some grants until the state handed over control of marriages to the churches, of which none perform same-sex marriage.
16-Stem cell research - Adult stem-cell research receive funding from various agencies, embryonic stem-cell research is strongly discouraged.
17-Human Cloning - Illegal.
18-Cock Fighting? Covered under Animal Abuse laws in the provinces.
19-Slavery? - Illegal
20-Hunting? Legal
21-Fishing - Legal
22-Eating meat? Legal
23-Littering? Illegal, but prosecution and tolerance of it varies by local government area.
24-Unisex bathrooms? There are some, but not the norm.
25-Suicide? - Rare; Active euthanasia illegal.
26 - Gay marriage? - Gay marriage was legal in some grants until the state handed over control of marriages to the churches, of which none perform same-sex marriage. People, though, can still cohabit whomever they choose.
27-Abortion - Illegal except to save the physical health and life of the mother. A recent bill to allow more exceptions for birth defects was defeated in Parliament in 2007; and the Constitution was amended in 2009 to insert a 'pro-life' amendment.
28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal? As long as the individuals involved consented and are capable on consenting, the government will not interfere what happens in the bedroom. Exceptions include sodomy (in the province of Brutland only) and public sex.
29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Mandatory
30-Do you have obscenity laws? Depends on the area. Films and television shows, for example are rated by the Stiutte Reala per Zavato di Plicoli (SRZP; Royal Film Screening Institute) and the Tabellone Regoletta Brutelliense per Medii (TRBM; Brutland Media Regulatory Board). Public nudity is governed by various provincial and local laws.
31-What system do you have for taxes? There is a federal income tax, and a wide assortment of taxes can be levied by the federal, provincial, grant, and local governments.
32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Jus sanguinis: A child with both parents being Nord-Brutlandese at the time of birth automatically is considered a citizen. A child with one parent being Nord-Brutlandese have to undertake some paperwork to be granted citizenship. Jus loci: any child born in Brutland and Norden is not automatically considered a citizen unless the same paperworks are completed. Naturalization: Entails 5 years of residence in Brutland and Norden, a good grasp of the Nord-Brutlandese language, and passing a citizenship exam. Much harder than the two scenarios above.
33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Depends on the Bureau of Immigration, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As Brutland and Norden is remote and not well-known, it is not a destination for immigrants.
34-What type of government are you? constitutional monarchy with a federal parliamentary system
35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Except for the instances mentioned above, freedom of speech is held sacrosanct in the Kingdom. The Kingdom has extremely weak lèse majesté laws, and libel suits are difficult to pursue.
the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
la Rinnosso Unnona di Norden e Marchòbrutellia
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Dread Lady Nathicana
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Dread Lady Nathicana » Sat May 02, 2009 8:50 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? Officially, the legal age is 16. Unofficially, it is not unknown for children adults deem capable of handling it having a small amount with a meal now and then, primarily in the evenings. It is not strictly enforced save for the sale/purchase of alcohol.

2 - Driving age? 16, 14 for rural/farming purposes only, or with a licensed driver.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 14 years, with a close in age exception which allows those aged 13 to engage in sexual activity with partners who are less than 3 years older. The age of consent if one of the participants has some kind of influence on the other is 16 (for example a teacher, tutor, etc). It is also illegal to perform sexual acts in the presence of a minor with the intent of allowing the minor to witness the acts, even if they do not take an active part.

4 - Voting age? The Dominion is not a democracy, and as a whole, there is no voting. However, in cases where such things are allowed – such as public opinion polls, the age is 16, the same as minimum official service age for the military, though for most, it occurs at 18.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? One can become emancipated as young as 16 – as stated above, but generally recognized on completion of basic schooling at 18.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? There are no rules against the recreational use, though heavy use and trafficking are strongly discouraged. Its … complicated in the Dominion, given the relationship with the Mob involved and such, along with the sometimes decadent lifestyles that success and wealth have brought many of the citizens.

7 - Can people have guns? Absolutely not – which isn’t to say no civilian-held guns exist. There is crime, after all, but officially, only the military or those in governmental service can legally own or bear arms.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called? Formal: The Dominion of Dread Lady Nathicana Informal: The Dominion People: Citizens, Dominion folk, Dominioners, whatever else folks choose to call us.

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Of course – doesn’t everyone?

10 - What is the speed limit? Motorways: 130kpm Dual Carriageways: 110kpm Open Road: 90kpm In Town: 50kpm or less.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? None, so far as they follow our laws and pay their taxes just like everyone else – so long as they gain entry permission from the Ministry of Religion headed by Niccolo Giraldi.

Which of the following are be legal: [/b]

12- Porn –Within reason.

13-Prostitution –Yes, though taxed and required by law to be registered.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory –So long as they pay their taxes and don’t cause trouble, just like everyone is required.

15-Homosexuality – So long as they pay their taxes and don’t cause trouble, just like everyone is required.

16-Stem cell research –Yes – closely monitored and controlled by the government.

17-Human Cloning –Officially discouraged by the government.

18-Cock Fighting–This and other inhumane ‘sports’ involving animals, such as bullfights, dog fights, bear baiting, etc are officially banned by the government.

19-Slavery–There is no place for slavery in civilized society – very much illegal.

20-Hunting–Legal with the proper licenses.

21-Fishing–Legal with the proper licenses, commercial fishing is monitored/answerable to the government.

22-Eating meat–Of course its legal – there are no official dietary restrictions in the Dominion save for outright cannibalism.

23-Littering–Can result in fines – we like our nation clean.

24-Unisex bathrooms–Where needful.

25-Suicide–It happens, dealt with on a case by case basis.

26 - Gay marriage– So long as they pay their taxes and don’t cause trouble, just like everyone is required.

27-Abortion –Legal, strongly discouraged by most religions in the Dominion, especially the Catholic Church, which makes up the majority.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Pedophilia, rape, general abuse or forced sexual contact.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? No.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene"?None that come to mind.

31-What system do you have for taxes? A very efficient one, thank you.

31aSales tax? A static percentage.

31bImport/Export tax? Based on a static percentage, with variations dependent on national relations, trade agreements, etc.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Dependent on the situation – generally time spent on ‘probation’, ample paperwork, exams, and background checks, and mandatory military service, though this can be waived depending on special circumstances.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? We allow anyone in who will register on arrival, and behave themselves while here – contrarily, we will remove anyone who will not comply with our laws and regulations, post haste.

34-What type of government are you? Currently an official Imperial state. Unofficially, still one of those darned Dictatorships.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? To whatever degree we feel necessary – and can get away with. Increasingly difficult given the ability of citizenry to access foreign media given our technology base – and that of our neighbors and allies.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? For example– Traditions, we have many. Most laws are set down rather clearly to avoid any mishaps or misunderstandings.

It is an unspoken tradition that serious business is carried out over a good meal and sealed with fine wine. If a Dominioner asks you to dinner to discuss something, be prepared.

Other bits to be edited in as I have time/remember …

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Partenkirchen » Sat May 02, 2009 9:26 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? - No restrictions in presence of parents; 16 years without parents' permission.

2 - Driving age? - 18 years.

3 - Age of sexual consent? - 18 years.

4 - Voting age? - 16 years; not compulsory.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - 18 years.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Officially there is no trade going on with any drugs, but there are also no laws against them.

7 - Can people have guns? - Never; all forms of firearms are banned by constitution.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal? - The Pacifist State of Partenkirchen/ Informal: Partenkirchen / Citizens: Partenkirchners

9 - Do you have the death penalty? - Banned forever by constitution.

10 - What is the speed limit? - 50 kph in cities and towns; 120 on motorways.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? Roman Catholicism is the state religion, all others are permitted without restrictions. Atheists are taxed higher to compensate for their unethical lifestyles.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - illegal

13-Prostitution - illegal

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - tolerated

15-Homosexuality - tolerated

16-Stem cell research - illegal

17-Human Cloning - illegal

18-Cock Fighting - illegal

19-Slavery? - illegal

20-Hunting - Only for food purposes, but that is a regulated state industry. (Private citizens can't own guns anyway).

21-Fishing - Only for food purposes, but that is also a regulated state industry.

22-Eating meat? - legal

23-Littering? - De iure illegal, but hardly regulated. Anyone seen littering is generally just asked to clean up their litter, and that's that.

24-Unisex bathrooms? - No laws concerning that, but private establishments won't be stopped from having those things if they want to. Not the government's problem anyway.

25-Suicide? - illegal

26 - Gay marriage? - tolerated

27 - Abortion? - illegal; banned by constitution

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal? - No laws concerning that matter.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? - optional

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene"? - There are obscenity laws, but no official definitions of what's obscene. Whether something is obscene or not is decided in each case individually.

31-What system do you have for taxes? - Simple: High for the high-earning class, low for the low-earning class.

31a - Sales tax? - No idea... ask the lads at the ministry of finance.

31b - Import/Export tax? - see above.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? - Anyone who is born in the country, married to a citizen, or living in the country for 5 years and passes a citizenship test.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? - People not permitted to enter are those who openly promote war, genocide, racism, fascism, national socialism, and atheism.

34-What type of government are you? - Republic. Plain and simple.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? - Anything offending a race, religion, or individual is censored.

36-Aside from laws - Nothing really
You know you're American (or excessively exposed to American mentality) if you believe one or more of the following statements:
- guns are a basic need.
- liberalism and socialism are the same thing.
- mixing liberal and conservative ideas is impossible.
- the Internet is a reliable source of information.
- speaking in a fake British accent is cool.
- religion and science are incompatible.
- Christianity and Islam are enemies.
- counter-terrorism justifies locking people up in prison camps without trial.
- Mexico is one of the poorest countries in the world.
- Afghans and Iranians are Arabs.
- the governments of the world are controlled by the Illuminati.
- freedom of speech and of the press should be so absolute that people should even be allowed to publicly offend and humiliate others.

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Vaarshire » Sat May 02, 2009 10:35 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 20

2 - Driving age? 16, though driving is increasingly less common as the populace is gradually turning to public transportation in the highly urban envrionment.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 16, and the age of consent for homosexuals is equal to that of heterosexuals.

4 - Voting age? 16

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? Officially, upon the completion of mandatory education, usually at age 17 or 18. However, several rights are granted at age 16 and the use of any controlled substances such as tobacco, alcohol or marijana is not legal until age 20.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? Marijuana is legal, commercialized and taxed. It is also available at pharmacies for medical usage. As for other, more sever drugs such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, etc., they are illegal and possession and/or usage of them is a crime punishable with either a rehabilitation program or jail time, depending on the severity.

7 - Can people have guns? Firearms and all other lethal weapons were banned when Vaarshire became semi-autonomous from its' mother country in 1928. However, very recently, the ban was lifted as a way to increase government revenue. There is a very high Firearm Tax and the license to weild one is expensive to attain and renew.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal? The Principality of Vaarshire / Vaarshire / Vaar

9 - Do you have the death penalty? The death penalty is constitutionally banned, except for certain cases of "high crimes against the state or Humanity", as determined by the Vaar Parliament. A unanimous vote of the Parliament as well as consent from the Head of State is required for a convicted criminal to be executed. This has only happened once, to the person for which the amendment was written- the assassin of Princess Anne de Vaar.

10 - What is the speed limit? In cities, the maximum is 60 km/h, though on the national motorway sytem it is 100 km/h.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All religious faiths are permitted, though all are treated like any other organization and are thus elegible to be taxed.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - Legal to view and purchase at age 16, though participants must be adults to participate. Pedophillic pornography and pornography depicting unconsenting participants are illegal.

13-Prostitution - Legal and regulated by the government.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Current marriage laws currently allow only two participants, but there are heated debates in the Vaar Parliament over making multiple-partner marriages legal or even just multiple-partner civil unions.

15-Homosexuality - Officially decriminalized in 1928, though laws against it were not enforced after 1811.

16-Stem cell research - Fully legal and sponsored by the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Health.

17-Human Cloning - While technology at this level has not been reached in Vaarshire, the govermnment has stated that it will sponsor cloning projects the same as stem-cell research projects should theye ver come into being.

18-Cock Fighting? Illegal; it is classified as animal abuse.

19-Slavery? - Illegal.

20-Hunting? - Illegal, due to concerns about the environment.

21-Fishing - Legal, and fully open in the ocean but regulated heavily in inland lakes and rivers.

22-Eating meat? Legal, though the populace is increasingly going to vegetarianism for health reasons or even economic reasons; meat prices have been steadily rising for a decade.

23-Littering? - Illegal and considered a misdemeanor.

24-Unisex bathrooms? Legal.

25-Suicide? - The government does not pretend to act as if it can regulate one's decision to end their life. There is no law against suicide and the right of terminally ill patients to end their lives with dignity is not restricted.

26 - Gay marriage? - Legal since 1980.

27-Abortion - Legal.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal? - Anything "unconsenual" is illegal. By law, those under the age of consent and animals cannot consent to sexual activity. Unconsensual sex is punished with prison time, anywhere from 2 years to life, depending on the severity of the crime.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? - Clothing is required in public places. Nudist colonies in isolated areas and nudity in one's own home or a private location is legal.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene"? Obscenity laws are on the books, but they are so vaugely worded that no one knows what to enforce or how to enforce them.

31-What system do you have for taxes?
Income is taxed, with a higher percentage for higher incomes. There is also a property tax.

31a-Sales tax? Non-essential goods are taxed at a rate of 9.5%. The ATM (Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana) Tax is 15%.

31b-Import/Export tax? None, though legislation for tariffs is being considered in the Vaar Parliament.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? - To be born in Vaarshire, or if born elsewhere, have at least one Vaar citizen parent. If a Vaar citizen is born in another nation, s/he also has citizenship in that nation unless laws there forbid dual citizenship. Immigrants can become Vaar citizens after 30 months of residency, 15 hours of community service and passing a citizenship exam. There is no legal distinction between native-born and naturalized citizens except for that the Prince(ss) must be native-born.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? The only people forbidden from entering Vaar territory are those being pursued by law enforcement agents of another nation.

34-What type of government are you? Elective Monarchy.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? - Words deemed as "obscene", full depiction of sexual intercourse and depictions of any monarch, fictional or otherwise, being killed or mortally harmed are forbidden.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? - None, for the most part.
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Vault 10
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Vault 10 » Sat May 02, 2009 11:26 am

When I read "National standards", I thought of "Metric/ISO or Imperial/ANSI".

No such question?

About Vault 10:
Government - Anarchy, elements of direct democracy in Constitution and local governments.
Nearly everything is legal. No federal laws. No regulations. Very few local laws, rarely enforced. No prisons - deemed unconstitutional - only fines or on-spot termination in special cases.

Slavery is not legal, and the vigilante group NCR Rangers actively combats it.

Other questions:
31 - What system do you have for taxes?
No taxes. However, land often has to be rented from Vault-Tec Corporation.

32 - What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen?
Citizenship test. Mandatory for all, including native; repeated regularly. Failure to pass results in loss of Citizen privileges. Some points towards the score are granted for work experience, awards, other achievements, and disabilities with valid excuse (war or work inujries), so seniors aren't automatically cast out.

[0] - ISO standards.
Last edited by Vault 10 on Sat May 02, 2009 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Swilatia » Sat May 02, 2009 11:54 am

Vault 10 wrote:When I read "National standards", I thought of "Metric/ISO or Imperial/ANSI".

The speed limit question kind of covers this issue. Some nations posted a limit in km/h(metric), others in mph(imperial).

Swilatia uses the metric system.
SvilajskaRepublika Free since 1826

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Third Spanish States
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Third Spanish States » Sat May 02, 2009 12:17 pm

The Anarchist Confederacy of Third Spanish States

1 - What is the legal drinking age? What is legal?

2 - Driving age? It is assumed anyone younger than five years old won't be able to drive a car under normal circumstances, but there is nothing forbidding them to try it.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 12 years old is the commonly accepted one, and some people tend to flock at those of such age because nobody condems it. Anything lower is subject to "why don't you take a seat?" and a big shotgun to the head.

4 - Voting age? If someone is smart enough to make a login and password in EDDNet for "voting", such one can vote.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? At the age such person becomes self-sufficient or decides to "divorce" from their family. Child membership in cooperatives isn't forbidden.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? Everything

-Pot - Even their supposed head of State smokes it, extremely widespread because it is one of the cheapest and every joe harvest it in his backyard.

- Tobacco - Unpopular because it doesn't take people "high" and causes more long term side-effects than many other drugs.

- Cocaine - In its usual form, virtually unused because of it side effects, however pure Coca Leaves are a main component of the extremely popular Cocaine-Cola.

-Alcohol - Somewhat common, usually used by people who don't want to get too high.

- LSD - Most hippies and naturalist types consumed it once.

- Caffeine - Obviously, although they still prefer tea.

- Heroin - "Suicide drugs" due to deadly side effects are sometimes used.

- Other? Everything else is consumed by someone

7 - Can people have guns? Some five year olds have their own 9mm pistols, next question?

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called There is not really a formal name, and it's not really a country per se. Informally it is called the Anarchist Confederacy of Third Spanish States, or just Third Spanish States, and there is no standard name for those who reside inside.

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Anyone can fire a gun at a thug and will not answer for any "crime" for ridding the world of another scumbag.

10 - What is the speed limit? Whatever is written as "maximum speed" in the vehicle's technical manual.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? Scientology has been unofficially banned by the will of the people, and Doomani Catholicism as well although no missionary of the latter ever bothered to come.

Which of the following are be legal: Everything besides slavery

12- Porn - There is no control over what people see, although anyone can ask someone "why don't you take a seat?".

13-Prostitution - Commonplace, without any control or regulation. Child prostitution is nonexistent due to the lack of the misery and poverty that provokes it.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - There is no concept of "exclusivity" in most "marriages" done in the Confederacy.

15-Homosexuality - More common than you think

16-Stem cell research - Totally unrestricted, most meats are manufactured inside the Confederacy this way.

17-Human Cloning - Totally unrestricted and more commonplace than at first glance, usually taken from a fetus rather than from an adult human for families wishing to have twins, as it the age "clock" will thus not interfere with the clone's health and lifespan, and thus in most of the families with twins one of them has been artificially cloned. Any clone is considered to have the same status as a non cloned human being.

18-Cock Fighting? Animals are not given any rights. But it is considered extremely bad taste to participate of them, and Live Deathmatches are far more popular.

19-Slavery? - one of the few crimes that give to anyone the right to torture the criminal for information.

20-Hunting? People usually prefer doing manhunts for heinous criminals, as it is far more useful to the society at large

21-Fishing -

22-Eating meat? Some people don't by choice rather than by force.

23-Littering? Sometimes

24-Unisex bathrooms ? Are cheaper than motels

25-Suicide? - People who fail in life despite all opportunities in the Confederacy always do it, there is no taboo against it except among the Christian minority. Euthanasia is widely accepted.

26 - Gay marriage? - Gay people, like most, rarely bother about formal ceremonies.

27-Abortion - Happens oftenly and without any taboos against. People with birth defects are downright aborted by all but the Christian families, while some couples actively abort multiple times in their search for a "perfect child" through germinal choice technology.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Pedophilia and rape. There is an extremely grey area regarding drug-based rapes.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? It is not exactly a tropical country, but during summers many people walk and even work naked.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". People doing both homo and straight sex, and even doing all sorts of fetishes in public is completely normal. Next question?

31-What system do you have for taxes? Taxes are tyranny

31aSales tax? What?

31bImport/Export tax? No

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Citizenship test for immigrants, which is a combination of IQ and morality tests. Anyone with IQ lower than 130 cannot become a Third Spanish States citizen and should instead do the revolution in their own country.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Anyone can visit, as long as not carrying slaves. If doing so, there will be no escort against anyone willing to put a bullet at such person's head.

34-What type of government are you? There is no government

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? See above

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? For example All principal are unofficial, which does not mean they are not enforced by the people themselves.
PMT Factbook.
Honoro Sacrificium e Libertas : The Mindset, Jaredcohenia, New-Lexington, Binaria, Varejao, Hogsweat, Franberry, ChevyRocks, Izistan, Ulanpataar, North-Point, The Mindset, Vault 10, Rosbaningrad, Sharfghotten, Tyrandis, South Sharfgotten, Jeuna, Satirius, Zukariaa, Midlauthia et New Nicksyllvania.
Izistan wrote:Third Spanish States is a well known far-right activist so his attempts at humor can only be expected.

Umbagar wrote:%*$#! I put a crack in my screen thanks to the awesome "place fist here" sign. >:(

Lhazastan wrote:if all you want to do is run around being the big badass of a community, not only are you pathetic, but you are a bad RPer

Saxon Germany wrote:[...]you're practically a professional troll, TSS.[...]

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Diesta » Sat May 02, 2009 12:37 pm

The Eldritch Gate of Diesta

Life Expectancy: 80+

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 18 to purchase, transport, and consume publicly. Consuming wine or beer (ABV <15%) with end of day meals is legal for any age within residences.

2 - Driving age? Automobiles are obsolite and illegal.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 18.

4 - Voting age? 18, unless employment is achieved before then.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? 16 with court-ordered emancipation, 18 otherwise.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? Drugs are not criminalized. Addiction is treated as an illness. Supervised consumption is available.

-Pot - Legal.

- Tobacco - Legal, heavily taxed.

- Cocaine - Legal, heavily taxed.

-Alcohol - Legal.

- LSD - Legal, heavily taxed.

- Caffeine - Legal, untaxed.

- Heroin - Legal, heavily taxed.

- Other? All legal.

7 - Can people have guns? Citizens are free to own any arms.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called?
Formal: The Eldritch Gate of Diesta
Informal: Diesta
People: Chaotes

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes, certain serious felonies (serial commission of 1st degree felonies like murder, sexual assault) are public executions.

10 - What is the speed limit? No cars.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All are permitted, but generally looked down upon.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - Legal.

13-Prostitution - Legal.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Legal.

15-Homosexuality - Legal.

16-Stem cell research - Legal.

17-Human Cloning - Heavily regulated, but legal.

18-Cock Fighting? Illegal. In Diesta, chickens make humans fight.

19-Slavery? - Illegal, even in the justice system.

20-Hunting? Illegal for recreation, legal for food. Restrictions apply, if a citizen hunts for food they must also manufacture the leather/bones. Does not have to be for sale.

21-Fishing - See above. Not legal for recreation, but legal for food.

22-Eating meat? Legal.

23-Littering? Illegal. We pride ourselves on our environment.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? Legal.

25-Suicide? Legal.

26 - Gay marriage? - Legal.

27-Abortion - Legal, but extremely rare.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Any action in which the other party cannot give full informed consent - pedophilia, bestiality, sexual assault.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Optional.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? No.

31-What system do you have for taxes? Flat rate of 41%.

31aSales tax? Sanitary goods, health products, food and water - anything necessary for life is untaxed. Luxury goods are taxed.

31bImport/Export tax? None.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? If you're born here, you're a citizen. If you want to become a citizen, you must perform a public service for two years.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Anyone and everyone is welcome. We reserve the right to throw you out for any reason.

34-What type of government are you? Blended socialist.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Government hands are not allowed in media. It's a serious crime for a government official to obstruct the free operation of the media.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? We put our shopping carts in the corral when we're done. Not doing so will probably lead to you getting banished from your community.
Last edited by Diesta on Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Civil Servant
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Gratzovka » Sat May 02, 2009 4:07 pm

Note: These are rather short answers.

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 45

2 - Driving age? 18

3 - Age of sexual consent? 25, sex outside of marriage is illegal as well.

4 - Voting age? 30

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - 25

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? -

-Weed or tobacco smoked in a pipe is a valued tradition, and are exempted from drug laws


- Caffeine - legal, popular

7 - Can people have guns? Yes, it is legal, but guns are strictly monitored in a national database. Furthermore, though only rifles and side arms may be purchased normally (and only under the excuse that they be used for hunting) a large cache of weaponry is reserved for an emergency situation in Gratzovka, DEFCON AG1 (in case of an occupation of Gratzovka by Augarundus)

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Holy Federation of Gratzovka// Informal: The Civil War of Gratzovka, the Federation of Gratzovka / Citizens: Gratzovkans

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes

10 - What is the speed limit? It varies depending on roadways.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? Roman Catholicism is the state religion, but all faiths are permitted. However, 94% of the nation is Catholic.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - illegal, punishable by life in prison if child porn, or 15 years.

13-Prostitution - illegal, punishable by 30 years

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Illegal, punishable by 10 years

15-Homosexuality - Technically legal, but only under marriage and the marriage cannot be blessed by the state religion of Catholicism

16-Stem cell research - Adult stem cells are legal for research, but embryonic are illegal.

17-Human Cloning - Illegal.

18-Cock Fighting? All forms of animal abuse are illegal (unless one feels that slaughter for consumption is abuse) and punishable by death.

19-Slavery? - Slavery is illegal and punishable by death

20-Hunting? Restricted to a degree, but popular.

21-Fishing - see above

22-Eating meat? Legal and popular.

23-Littering? Extremely uncommon, and punishable by a 10000 Gratzovkan Pound fine.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? No

25-Suicide? - Not "illegal" but you will be thought of as mentally insecure and forced to seek help. - Euthanasia - illegal, but there is no punishment

26 - Gay marriage? - Kind of... it cannot be consecrated by the theocratic state.

27-Abortion - Illegal, punishable by death.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? ...basic....

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Clothing itself is required, and cultural clothing is sometimes expected in celebrations, but modern clothing is usually worn. Western-style suits or tuxedos are formal, as are Western dresses (usually black).

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - Awaah?

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- There is a 7% income tax, and a 10% tax on everything you pay for. Also costs for all government-funded conveniences, and in desperate wartime half of your income is taxed (which is the majority of Gratzovkan history)

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? A short an easy exam, some identity checks, and a month of civil service.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? The countries borders are generally open to all but the Augarians.

34-What type of government are you? Semi-Theocratic Federal Republic

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Very little. We are extremely capitalist.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? Roman Catholicism is the popular faith, hatred of Augarundus is promoted, and being compelled to join the military from ages 18-25 is forced... I mean popular.
Political map.
1) Hinden
2. Sudharn
3. Lartkul
4. Meidvan
5. Gurtzwel
6. Nortvein
7. Etzsch
8. Trautzda
9. Ulyara


Geographic map

Another alt of Augarundus, it would seem.

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Augarundus » Sat May 02, 2009 4:24 pm

1 - What is the legal drinking age? Alcohol is outlawed.

2 - Driving age? 20, but one must send a formal request to the government and wait 2 years for an acceptance of denial.

3 - Age of sexual consent? Sex is illegal without official permission of the government, and between a man and woman legally recognized as partners (they aren't married and are united for the benefit of the state).

4 - Voting age? Democracy is outlawed.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - You are never adults. You are children of the state.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - None.

7 - Can people have guns? No, the punishment for this, like all crimes, is death.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Communist Imperial Reich of Augarundus// Informal: Augarundus / Citizens: Augarians

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes, for all crimes.

10 - What is the speed limit? Yes, and it is reasonable.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All religions are outlawed, and punishment for practicing any is death. However, due to the Communist vendetta against Roman Catholics and Gratzovkans, they are tortured for up to five years for information before execution.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - illegal

13-Prostitution - illegal

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - illegal

15-Homosexuality - illegal

16-Stem cell research -Legal if the government is in control of it.

17-Human Cloning - Legal under the Government's control.

18-Cock Fighting? Illegal.

19-Slavery? - Legal only if they are ethnic minorities or prisoners and are under the government's control.

20-Hunting? Legal under government control.

21-Fishing - see above

22-Eating meat? Legal, but it comes with regulated meals preprepared by the state.

23-Littering? Illegal

24-Unisex bathrooms ? No

25-Suicide? - Illegal, punishment is death - Euthanasia / Right to Death with Diginity - Illegal. Instead, the state will put you on the frontlines or simply kill you themselves.

26 - Gay marriage? - Illegal

27-Abortion - Used by the state but otherwise illegal

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Nothing of the sexual type may be enjoyed. It is state business.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? All citizens are to wear suits or various darker (classy) female clothing. Old cultural clothing is banned along with any other links to the former nation.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - ?? Everything is banned.

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- Citizens may not personally own property. Instead, 100% of their labor is for the state, and they are paid with bread and shelter.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? The Borders are closed, and nobody in their right mind would even want to enter. Ethnic minorities are regularly killed, as are Augarians from the outside world.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? None

34-What type of government are you? Totalitarian police state/Dictatorship/Autocracy

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Absolute censorship. All newspapers not controlled by the state are banned.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? Extreme nationalism is popular, and one mustn't doubt the state (actually, these are enforced and punishable by death).
Libertarian Purity Test Score: 160
Capitalism is always the answer. Whenever there's a problem in capitalism, you just need some more capitalism. If the solution isn't capitalism, then it's not really a problem. If your capitalism gets damaged, you just need to throw some capitalism on it and get on with your life.

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Aelosia » Sat May 02, 2009 4:29 pm

The Sindar Empire of Aelosia

1 - What is the legal drinking age? There is not such universal standards in the Sindar Empire for drinking, as kids drink normal wine at any age, for example, because wine is considered just a beverage. Regarding strong spirits, however, there are certain regulations in the Outer Fringe and Martian colonies for anyone under 50. Falling drunk in public is fined inside the jurisdiction of most Noble Houses.

2 - Driving age? 20 for superficial vehicles. 30 for grav vehicles, and 50 for flying ones.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 15 is considered a safe minimum for health reasons.

4 - Voting age? The Aelosian Empire is not a democracy, so voting as such does not exist. However, referendums and consulting is made for certain situations. In that case, 15 standard years is the minimum.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? You are hold responsible of any violations at any age. Emancipation depends on the subject.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? There are no laws regarding that. For cases of severe addiction the state offers rehabilitation, and courts can order forced therapy in certain denounced cases. However, for some substances certain concentrations are prohibited to be sold.

7 - Can people have guns? There are different definitions of guns in Aelosia. Common kinetic projectile weapons are available for anyone. Energy weapons are restricted, as is monomolecular ammunition and other types of "guns".

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called?
Formal: The Sindar Empire of Aelosia
Informal: Aelosia
People: Sindarin. Sindar. Grey Elves. Doriathrim. Aelosians

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Only in special cases of High Treason or specially Heinous Acts. It takes centuries to watch a Death Sentence.

10 - What is the speed limit?
Motorways: 200 Kph
Grav vehicles: 300 Kph
Fliers: 600 Kph

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? No religion is restricted or outlawed as long as it complies with the law and pay taxes. No religion gets any legal special treatment.

Which of the following are be legal: [/b]

12- Porn – Yes, a completely legal, popular and profitable aelosian industry.

13-Prostitution –Yes, a completely legal, popular and profitable aelosian industry. Yet it is taxed and required by law to be registered.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory – Perfectly legal with consent of all involved.

15-Homosexuality – Perfectly legal.

16-Stem cell research –Legal, yet regulated by a "biotechnology act", and surveyed by the authorities.

17-Elven Cloning – Complete cloning of a full thinking elf is forbidden. Humans have been cloned in the past, although a new law now forbids it.

18-Cock Fighting– Not illegal, but forced to comply to certain state regulations against unnecessary cruelty. Heavily taxed. Any kind of "fighting sport" cannot include "higher beings", officially included in a goverment list. Humans and elves, for instance, appear there as banned for fighting as sport. As soon as a new species or race is discovered, it is either labeled as legal for fighting or not.

19-Slavery– Illegal. Forced Labour, however, is not labeled as slavery, and it is a common punishment. Commerce of human beings is forbidden and heavily punished.

20-Hunting–Legal as the National Sport. However, heavily regulated by the goverment. It is forbidden to hunt "higher" beings, officially included in a goverment list. Humans and elves, for instance, appear there as banned for hunting. As soon as a new species or race is discovered, it is either labeled as legal for hunting or not.

21-Fishing–Legal only in colonies, yet lightly regulated. Same regulations to hunting apply.

22-Eating meat–There are no official dietary restrictions except for the comsumption of "higher" beings, officially included in a goverment list. Humans and elves, for instance, appear there. As soon as a new species or race is discovered, it is either labeled as legal for consumption or not.

23-Littering–Illegal. Big fines and jail for reincidents.

24-Unisex bathrooms–Not only legal but common.

25-Suicide–It is not illegal. However, if the suicide attempt disrupts the lives of other citizens, it is fined.

26 - Gay marriage– Perfectly legal, although it has a special label as "non reproductive union".

27-Abortion –Legal yet heavily regulated, only during the first months of pregnancy. However, it is usually discouraged, and the state pays huge amounts of money to mothers for adoptions, in order to prevent it.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Pedophilia, rape, general abuse or forced sexual contact.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Optional.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene"?No.

31-What system do you have for taxes? Feudal system.

31aSales tax? Flat percentage, decided individually by each Noble House.

31bImport/Export tax? Decided individually by each Noble House.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? It is impossible to receive the citizenship of Aelosia unless the permission is granted by the Everqueen herself or a High Head of House decided in a case-by-case basis. Those cases are even included in history for its rarity.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Residence is easy to get in the colonies. It is almost impossible in the Craftworld metropoli with the exception of diplomatic personnel or special exceptions granted by the Royal House.

34-What type of government are you? Imperial. Feudal system.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? The goverment has the right to total blackout or censor the media. However, it never uses that power, or at least it hasn't been used in the last 200 years.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? For example– Sindar Elves have thousands of traditions, from hunting to parades. Festivals to celebrate the passing of the seasons are common.

Appearance is important in Aelosia. People who do not take the effort to appear carefully dressed and groomed are usually ignored by other people.

You cannot speak at the same time as a higher noble. However, there are 240 higher nobles in a Empire of billions.
My ratings in the top 100:
Aelosia is ranked 12th in the world for Lowest Unemployment Rates
Aelosia is ranked 12th in the world for Lowest Unemployment Rates
Aelosia is ranked 12th in the world for Largest Defense Forces
Aelosia is ranked 13th in the world for Most Scientifically Advanced
Aelosia is ranked 20th in the world for Most Cultured
Aelosia is ranked 24th in the world for Most Subsidized Industry
Aelosia is ranked 25th in the world for Fastest-Growing Economies
Aelosia is ranked 38th in the world for Largest Public Transport Department
Aelosia is ranked 42th in the world for Largest Publishing Industry
Aelosia is ranked 51th in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector
Aelosia is ranked 61th in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector

Factbook so far.

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Kurona » Sat May 02, 2009 5:15 pm

1 - What is the legal drinking age?: Most alcohol is illegal, though Sake has recently been legalized however only in strict limits for those above 17.

2 - Driving age? Depends on mental age - The age one can drive a horse cart in city or township areas is 15. 13 is the age where it is allowable to begin lessons for farmers. There are no cars in Kurona so most bike or walk.

3 - Age of sexual consent? Classification as an Adult - except in those cases when the mentality is not present to give informed, knowing consent. That is then considered the equivalent of rape and is prosecuted accordingly. STD's -, transmission there of- is a whole other matter.. Lack of Mentality also comprises being under the influence of drugs and or alcohol.

4 - Voting age? by 14 you can vote for your mayor. There are no elections at the national level.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult: at 14

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal?- None

-Pot - illegal

- Tobacco - illegal

- Cocaine - illegal

-Alcohol - Mostly illegal though Sake is allowed in modration

- LSD - Illegal

- Caffeine - legal, but cannot exceed 100 mls

- Heroin - Illegal

- Other? Morphine is legal for medicinal use

7 - Can people have guns? Yes

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Principality of Kurona // Informal: Kurona / Citizens: Kuronans

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes but rarely used

10 - What is the speed limit? : N/A

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted?: General faith religions (Christian/Jew/Islam etc) are generally welcomed, faiths classified as "Cults" Satanic/Generic are restricted or otherwised taxed

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - images of pedophilia & rape are illegal, heavily taxed

13-Prostitution - Illegal

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Legal for adults 19 and above. Divorce can not be restricted

15-Homosexuality - Legal in half of the country passed 65 degrees Latitude

16-Stem cell research -Illegal

17-Human Cloning - Illegal

18-Cock Fighting? Illegal

19-Slavery? The concept of slavery is illegal but servitude is legal under these forms: Penal Servitude is legal, debit servitude is legal, and voluntary servitude (with or with out money rendered) but they are closely regulated and over watched by the judiciary.

20-Hunting? Very popular but regulated

21-Fishing - see above

22-Eating meat? Completely legal

23-Littering? Illegal

24-Unisex bathrooms ? No law against it but generally not practiced. Some areas do, there are unisex public baths

25-Suicide? - No regulation, death by euthanasia is illegal

26 - Gay marriage? - Any one can join into a Union Contract as long as they are mentally competent. And there are as many different forms of Marriage as there are people. Marriage is the private affair of those getting married.

27-Abortion - Illegal

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Rape and pedophilia are outlawed. Sexual activity in the presence of a minor is also illegal

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Mandatory though rural farms are seldom enforced on nudity laws

30-Do you have obscenity laws? - Media is prohbited from using obscenity. One can be fined by police for using profanity in public

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- Income tax? Citizens pay 35% income tax and payroll tax. resident citizens of another nationality pay 60% for prolonged stays (above 100 days)

31aSales tax? : There is an 8% sales tax

31 Import/Export tax? Varies on the product and where it is going to or coming from.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? You must perform Federal Service and, if not native born, pass the Citizenship Exam. Must learn and speak English, Japanese and/or Kurma fluently. Must have employment and residence ready

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Any but we reserve the tight to either deport with prejudice or execute any visitors found violating the few laws that have a death penalty.

34-What type of government are you?: Monarchy

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Most media is uncensored but regularly checked. There is one state controlled news media

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? For example – Considering that the Domination has counted in it’s census such species ( & an even wider parade of cultures within species ) as :Humans, Therianthopes, Elves, Dragons, Xa’ Cz’inni, and other races, the cultural rules are as varied as the Stars and as hard to get a grip on. However there are some generally agreed on customs/ traditions – Addressing your parents in their proper Mother/Father titles in the presence of company. Bowing before the Princess and not rising until she rises. Honorficis are generally not practiced but sometimes are Be responsible; take ownership of your words, deeds, and actions.
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby The Most Glorious Hack » Sat May 02, 2009 7:24 pm

The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack

1 - What is the legal drinking age? None as such. Usually left to parents/families to decide when minors are ready.

2 - Driving age? Generally 16, but that's more tradition than anything. If you can pass the test, you can drive. Then again, with autodrive, it's less of a thing any more.

3 - Age of sexual consent? Generally 16. With psychic ability being rather prevalent, and a heavily armed citizenry, sex without consent is pretty rare.

4 - Voting age? 21. Not that it matters or that anyone really bothers (the Hack has some of the most apathetic voters in the world)

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - Usually 16.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Most any. They tend to be frowned upon, though. Societal pressure is more effective than laws for the Hack. Furthermore, with neural implants being common, it's possible to get the effects of drugs without the side effects (save psychological addiction, of course)

-Pot - Legal but usually not bothered with.

- Tobacco - Legal.

- Cocaine - Legal but regulated and usually not bothered with.

-Alcohol - Legal, quite popular.

- LSD - Legal but regulated and usually not bothered with. Who needs LSD when VR rigs are common?

- Caffeine - Legal, quite popular.

- Heroin - Same as coke and LSD.

- Other? See above.

7 - Can people have guns? Most certainly.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Federated Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
Informal: The Hack
Citizens: The Hack/Thulan

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes

10 - What is the speed limit? Depends on location. Since drivers can move on three axises, higher speeds are allowed.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? Permitted as long as activities don't violate existing laws.

12- Porn - Legal; the Hack has a rather profitable porn industry.

13-Prostitution - Legal

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Legal

15-Homosexuality - Legal

16-Stem cell research -Legal

17-Human Cloning - Highly regulated, rarely bothered with. Any clones would have full rights as citizens.

18-Cock Fighting? Um...

19-Slavery? - Illegal

20-Hunting? Legal

21-Fishing - Legal

22-Eating meat? Legal

23-Littering? Um... this is a municipal issue, not a national one.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? Sure

25-Suicide? - Legal

26 - Gay marriage? - Marriage is a matter of religion. The Hack has nothing to do with marriage of any kind.

27-Abortion - Legal, rare.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Most everything is legal as long as consent is had all around.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Legally optional. The weather makes it rather less so most of the time.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - No

31-What system do you have for taxes? The Hack collects no income tax, very little sales/luxury tax. Makes most of its money from patents.

31aSales tax? Minimal

31bImport/Export tax? Usually just enough to cover paperwork, so minimal.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? I... I never really though about this. Heh.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Just about anyone.

34-What type of government are you? Corporate Oligarchy, technically.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Not at all.
Now the stars they are all angled wrong,
And the sun and the moon refuse to burn.
But I remember a message,
In a demon's hand:
"Dread the passage of Jesus, for he does not return."

-Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, "Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum"

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Daehanjeiguk » Sat May 02, 2009 8:02 pm

Tanaara wrote:blah

Awwww... do I have to?

1 - What is the legal drinking age? No restriction on citizens.

2 - Driving age? Only citizens who pass the driving license examination are permitted to drive in the Han Empire. Either that, or you pass the Foreign Competency Examination and are a licensed foreign denizen.

3 - Age of sexual consent? All citizens are instructed on the manners of sexual activity and the proper etiquette for sexual conduct.

4 - Voting age? Any and all citizens are encouraged to vote upon things that they should vote upon.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - If you are a citizen, you are a free individual legally; free individuals are permitted to live under supervision of parents, and for most minors, it is expected to remain under parental supervision until the age of 12, at least. The average child remains under parental supervision until the age 16, whereupon the child declares legal emancipation at around age 24. But then, there are no rules governing this.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Any - Misusing drugs according a doctor's instructions is punishable.

-Pot - Misusing drugs according to a doctor's instructions is punishable.

- Tobacco - Misusing drugs according to a doctor's instructions is punishable.

- Cocaine - Misusing drugs according to a doctor's instructions is punishable; taxed excessively but seldom used.

-Alcohol - Not classified as a "controlled substance". Misusing alcohol is punishable.

- LSD - Misusing drugs according to a doctor's instructions is punishable; taxed excessively but seldom used.

- Caffeine - Not classified as a "controlled substance". Misuing caffeine is punishable.

- Heroin - Misusing drugs according to a doctor's instructions is punishable; taxed excessively and is relatively popular.

- Other? Misusing drugs according to a doctor's instructions is punishable. Includes opiates.

7 - Can people have guns? Citizens are encouraged to practice non-lethal self-defense. Owning and operating weapons is not forbidden; consequences of owing and operating weapons are punishable.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Celestial Regency of the Great Han Empire// Informal: Daehanjeiguk or more simply The Han Empire / Demonym: Han

9 - Do you have the death penalty? Yes

10 - What is the speed limit? No speed limit; if you are caught in an altercation, you were going too fast; altercations are punishable.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? All citizens are free to practice any non-violent religion.

Which of the following are be legal:

12- Porn - Misusing porn is punishable.

13-Prostitution - Misusing prostitution is punishable.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - Misusing polygamy/polyandry/polyamory is punishable.

15-Homosexuality - Misusing homosexuality is punishable.

16-Stem cell research -Misusing stem cell research is punishable.

17-Human Cloning - Misusing human cloning is punishable.

18-Cock Fighting? Playing with food is punishable.

19-Slavery? - Misusing servants is punishable; penal labor extensively used.

20-Hunting? - Misusing hunting is punishable.

21-Fishing - Misusing fishing is punishable.

22-Eating meat? - Misusing meat is punishable.

23-Littering? - Misusing trash is punishable.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? If you gotta go, be sure to be polite.

25-Suicide? - Punishable.

26 - Gay marriage? - As marriage is a religious rite, the government recognizes no observance of rules concerning marriage.

27-Abortion - No law concerning abortion, but very very very very much frowned upon by society.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Sex is legal and encouraged with consent.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? Clothes in public areas are mandatory.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - If you're cursing at your superior, consider a fine due.

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- Income tax? No income tax. Property tax, Residency tax, and citizenship tax.

31aSales tax? Tax you to buy something? Not a bad idea... except for the massive hordes of angry farmers and their pitchforks.

31bImport/Export tax? No tariffs.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? Citizenship is attained through a Imperial Examinations System Exam. People who do not pass this test do not earn the right to enjoy priveleges of being a citizen of Han. Non-citizens are permitted residency if they can prove dependency by a Han citizen. Foreign denizens are also encouraged to find Han sponsor, although citizenship to a recognized state is admissible.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Non-citizens without a Han sponsor.

34-What type of government are you? Enlightened Despotic Autocracy with Democratic Auxiliaries

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? The Imperial Government is permitted to censor any material in principle, but in practice does not as an act of benevolence.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have?

The Han Empire relies upon self-governance; the idea that virtuous guilt as opposed to strict government is preferable. Citizens are incapable of governing their own actions with respect to the greater society are in effect removed from society.

People are free to do as they please in principle; in practice, society forces people to act with restraint.
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Avenio » Sat May 02, 2009 9:05 pm

The Most Serene Republic of Avenio

1 - What is the legal drinking age? 18 years old, if the Ministry of Public Safety finds proof of alchoholic abuse (ie public drunkenness, assault, mischief), your drinking liscense is revoked, and, depending on the abuse, can send the drinker to a government Mental Health Institute for psychiatric evaluation.

2 - Driving age? All internal combustion vehicles are banned under the Environment Act, with the exception of essential services, such as ambulances, police personnel and political staff. (such as embassies and Ministers) These vehicles are hydrogen fuel cell based, and exclusively manufactured by the Environment Ministry.

3 - Age of sexual consent? 20, upon passing a course detailing sexual hygiene and responsibility, and signing a document stating that they understand the consequences of their actions. If a citizen breaks said rules (ie knowingly spreading a disease) they are first fined þ12000 , then if another transgression is found, sent to a government Mental Health institute for psychiatric evaluation.

4 - Voting age? 18. Citizens must take a course on decision-making course first, then are eligible to vote.

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - 18.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - Almost any drug is legal, but there is a complicated process involved in its usage. A potential user must register with the Health Ministry, then undergo a psychiatric evaluation to chart any disorders the user may have. All drugs are manufactured by the Avenio Science Institute, and are distributed at hospitals in a controlled environment.

-Pot - Legal, distributed in government-controlled settings.

- Tobacco - Illegal, strong health risk to the populace.

- Cocaine - Legal, strictly distributed in government-controlled settings.

-Alcohol - Legal, monitored by the Public Safety ministry.

- LSD - Legal, strictly distributed in government-controlled settings.

- Caffeine - Legal, monitored by the Ministry of Health. Must be detailed on labels and menus, and include a health warning on packaging/menus.

- Heroin - Legal, strictly distributed in government-controlled settings.

- Other? Most others are legal, and are strictly monitored and distributed by the Ministry of Health.

7 - Can people have guns? No. Posessing a firearm is a serious offense, punishable by a fine or restriction of national services* and in repeat offenses, assault or murder, is resultant in incarceration in a secure Mental Health Institute for psychiatric care.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called Formal: The Most Serene Republic of Avenio - Avenio - Avenese

9 - Do you have the death penalty? No. Most criminal offenses are dealt with by sending the purpetrator to a Mental Health Institute for treatment, and it is universally accepted that noone, no matter what crimes they have committed, deserves to die.

10 - What is the speed limit? Since cars are illegal, a speed limit is not necessary, but for non-emergency conditions, authorized personnel are required to travel under 60 km/h.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? Almost any religion is legal, as long as it does not advocate cultural, gender or sexual discrimination, violence, child abuse and that it donates 85% of profits to a registered charity.

Which of the following are legal:

12- Porn - As long as it depicts consenting adults, it is legal.

13-Prostitution - Illegal. Practitioners of this practice are relegated to a Mental Health Institute for treatment, and are placed in the nearest University for career training.

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory - As long as all partners involved consent, it is legal.

15-Homosexuality - As long as all partners consent, it is legal.

16-Stem cell research - The technology is open to research by the Avenio Science Institute, and is being developed into viable medicine for various ailments.

17-Human Cloning - Human cloning is regularly used to grow replacement organs and to conduct genetic research, and several humans have been cloned experimentally, with full rights and privileges.

18-Cock Fighting? Animal cruelty laws are very strict, and anyone found guilty of animal exploitation is immediately sent to a Mental Health Institute for psychiatric care.

19-Slavery? - Slavery in any form is illegal, and any person that is found guilty of purveying slavery is guilty of a crime against humanity, and is open for international criminal justice.

20-Hunting? Hunting is prohibited under the Animal Protection Act, but certain cultures may obtain a limited hunting license, for use during special times of the year and only obtaining a certain quota.

21-Fishing -Fishing is prohibited under the Animal Protection Act, but certain cultures may obtain a limited fishing license, for use during special times of the year and only obtaining a certain quota.

22-Eating meat? Meat-eating is not prohibited, but is discouraged under the Environmental Act and the Health Act. Government publicity programs promote vegetarianism, and most groceries have a very limited selection of meat products.

23-Littering?Carries a four-week suspension of national services*, and for repeat offenses, movement to a Mental Health Institute for psychiatric assesment.

24-Unisex bathrooms ? Highly uncommon, but there is no law against them.

25-Suicide? - Euthanasia is accepted by the Health Ministry for the relief of suffering when faced with a terminal disease. Most other times, family members can sign a waiver, and with proper diagnosis by a doctor, can admit a psychologically unstable person to a Mental Health Institute.

26 - Gay marriage? - Any person, regardless of orientation, may join with any other, as long as they both consent.

27-Abortion - Practice is accepted by the Ministry of Health, though in theory the hygiene course mentioned above limits the occurence of an unwanted pregnancy. In the case of 'accidental' pregnancy, if both parents agree the pregnancy can be terminated before mental function begins, though if it occurs afterwards, the parents must care for the child, and are eligible for a special parenting stipend to help finance the child.

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? Pedophilia and rape are culturally unacceptable, and both are grounds for immediate admittance to a Mental Health Institute.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? It is each citizen's choice as to what they do and do not wear, though some settings may not be appropriate. (such as religious ceremonies, formal events or areas with children present) In these conditions, each citizen is asked to use his/her own discretion, and violators of this are immediately admitted to a Mental Health Institute.

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene". - No, see above.

31-What system do you have for taxes?
- Income tax in Avenio is 100%, and the government pays for almost all expenses on the citizen's behalf, such as groceries, power, water, Internet resources, education, music and non-essential purchases. Most citizens have a limit on what they can purchase, and once they exceed their limit they are cut off from non-essential purchasing until they "make" enough to put them out of debt. Frequent over-spenders are referred to a Mental Health Institute for psychiatric evaluation.

31a Sales tax? N/A see above.

31b Import/Export tax? Import and export taxes vary from product to product, based upon the item, country of origin/destination and quality. (ie, if the country being exported to had a bad reputation for human rights/the environment, a significant tariff might be added until such as standing was reversed)

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? One must submit to a psychiatric evaluation, DNA recording and genome identification and to having this information stored in a government databank, otherwise anyone may become a citizen. Free language courses are offered at Universities, and higher education is available if they wish. (genome identification allows better identification of disease, and allows more effective treatment)

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? Anyone that has an outstanding international warrant, those that are extremely psychologically unstable, or anyone with a record of significant discrimination.

34-What type of government are you? Federal Parliamentary Republic, with Mixed Member Proportional Representation.

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? Almost none, but if a media has significant discrimination against one or more groups, the Ministry of Culture may open an inquiry into the media, which may lead to arrest on crimes against humanity.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? Avenese society is very polite and welcoming, and any person, regardless of culture, sexual orientation, gender and beliefs (to a reasonable extent) is welcome, every citizen is expected to strive to be their best, regardless of what anyone else thinks and is expected to assist their fellow humankind whenever possible. One is also expected to be honest, and to own up to their words and deeds.

* National services are services provided by the Government, such as drug use, non-essential item purchasing and travel permits.

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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Kostemetsia » Sun May 03, 2009 1:18 am

This is answered from the point of view of the hypothetical government that will be established after the end of my latest RP. It's subject to change.


1 - What is the legal drinking age?
Sixteen. For any products from the world of Andaleria, twenty-one, although this is pretty much unenforced.

2 - Driving age?
3 - Age of sexual consent?
4 - Voting age?
5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)?
Again, sixteen.

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal?
Alcohol, caffeine, theobromine products and nicotine are legal and unrestricted (apart from, of course, the general age limit). Cannabinoids are legal but carry a fifty-percent tax. Ketamine, phencyclidine, heroin, ecstasy, both types of cocaine, speed, meth, shrooms, LSA and acid (referred to collectively as Class C) are also legal, but carry a tax of close to one thousand percent and the proviso that any law enforcement officer may confiscate them at any time whether you are committing a crime or not. Operating under the influence of alcohol will see your operating license suspended for two months and the duration of an alcohol safety course, and operating under the influence of cannabinoids or Class C drugs will see you imprisoned for up to six months or up to six years respectively.

7 - Can people have guns?
Yes. Ownership of any small arm is legal, and any commercial air transport or starship may retain mounted weapons.

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called?
Officially, the Commonwealth of Kostemetsia and all Affiliates and Territories thereof; unofficially, the Commonwealth, or Kostemetsia. The people are Kostemetsians.

9 - Do you have the death penalty?
No. Popular sentiment is so against it that the likelihood is that it will never be instated.

10 - What is the speed limit?
On automatic pilot, there is no limit. Ground vehicles may travel at a maximum of two hundred kilometres per hour only if there is no traffic within one kilometre; where there is traffic the speed limit is one hundred and twenty kilometres per hour. Starships may not have a faster-than-light drive not capable of six-point-nine lightyears per hour and a sustained operation period at that speed, or SOPS, of less than six days.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted?
All are permitted. Christian, Islamic, Jewish and Hindu denominations of more than ten thousand members are required to pay a ten percent tax and a ten percent charity benefit on donations.

12 - Porn
Images of sex crimes are illegal. All other pornography is, however, legal; there is a generally self-mocking and good-natured movement encouraging the government to market products in the "not so very private" sector.

13 - Prostitution
Legal. The same terms and conditions apply as with any other form of business, although prostitution is generally more closely monitored.

14 - Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory
Technically illegal, but ignored by the Government. Popular sentiment tends towards legalisation.

15 - Homosexuality
Homosexuality is completely legal, although in its purest form rare; pansexuality is the most common orientation.

16 - Stem cell research
Stem-cell research is legal, to the point that the various religious hierarchies no longer protest it.

17 - Human Cloning
Legal in all Earth territories since July 4, 2089; laws carried over to ex-territories like Kostemetsia. Some seventy-five percent of the population do in fact fall under the classification of either cloned or in vitro fertilised, so there is no legal distinction between clones and the natural-born.

18 - Cock Fighting?
Illegal and mostly frowned upon. So is all other animal bloodsport.

19 - Slavery?
Slavery is legal insofar as one may choose to work for a creditor without pay until the total pay not taken is equal to the debt owed. There are, however, many other more attractive options.

20 - Hunting?
Legal. Much wildlife, however, is too boring to hunt or doesn't exist in large enough quantities.

21 - Fishing
Most definitely legal.

22 - Eating meat?
Legal. The population tends to be omnivorous ('banger and three veg, luv').

23 - Littering?
Illegal with heavy fines and severely frowned upon.

24 - Unisex bathrooms?
To have separate bathrooms apparently implies there is some significant distinction between the sexes. Thus, unisex bathrooms.

25 - Suicide?
Rare. Euthanasia is legal only in the last stage of any terminal, incurable disease.

26 - Gay marriage?
Quite legal.

27 - Abortion
Legal. Seen as a morbid curiosity by a slight majority.

28 - What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal?
Rape (under which is included frotteurism), child molestation, public intercourse, telecommunications scatologia, bestiality and harassment are illegal. Unwanted voyeurism, except by electronic means, is specifically legal on the grounds that people are to some extent responsible for their own privacy.

29 - Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory?
In legal theory, optional; public nudity is, however, generally seen as nothing more than a curiosity by the Kostemetsian people. It is, however, quite popular to be nude at all times while one is present in the space one considers home.

30 - Do you have obscenity laws?
Yes. Profanity on broadcast media, excepting audio-only, is not permitted before the eight PM watershed.

31 - What system do you have for taxes?
Income tax and some special taxes are enforced. Thanks to an early paperwork snafu, the official tax rate is seventy-two percent; however, under law the maximum enforceable rates are ten percent for individuals and twenty percent for corporations respectively. Citizens may, if they are so inclined, pay the full seventy-two percent, but they may not be prompted to do so by any officer of the government while on duty.

31a - Sales tax?
There is a value-added tax of ten percent.

31b - Import/Export tax?
Not in place.

32 - What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen?
Any person allowed into the country (see 33) may become a citizen.

33 - What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country?
No person convicted of having intentionally killed another will be permitted to cross the borders of the Commonwealth except in transit to another jurisdiction.

34 - What type of government are you?
Military emergency government generally hewing to the constitution listed above, planning to transition to a democracy.

35 - To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media?
No censorship or restriction is allowed.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have?
- Both pure homosexuality and pure heterosexuality are generally seen as dinosaurian attitudes.
- An informal excuse for any petty crime, and a less informal, sometimes-successful defence for any more serious one, is that the defendant believed the injured party was violating the ideals of the Commonwealth. Such bullshit is steadily decreasing.
- Immigrants from Earth generally tend to be pitied but mistrusted for some time. This is also decreasing.
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Gummi Glen and Ursalia
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Re: National Standards Questionaire

Postby Gummi Glen and Ursalia » Sun May 03, 2009 3:07 am

1 - What is the legal drinking age? - Sixteen

2 - Driving age? - Eighteen for driving on public roads. No legal restrictions for driving on privately owned pieces of land; if parents let their kids drive on their private property, it's their choice.

3 - Age of sexual consent? - Eighteen

4 - Voting age? - Sixteen

5 - At what age would someone become an adult (free from parental control)? - Eighteen

6 - What types of recreational drugs (if any) are legal? - The really harmful ones are illegal. Those that dont' cause permanent physical or mental damage aren't banned, but still frowned upon.

7 - Can people have guns? - Absolutely NOT!!!

8 - What is the official full name of your country? What is the informal name? What are people of your nation called formally? - The Gummibear Lands of Gummi Glen and Ursalia / Gummi Glen-Ursalia / Gummi Glennians-Ursalians

9 - Do you have the death penalty? - No, we're a civilised country.

10 - What is the speed limit? 30 kph in residential areas; 50 kph in commercial areas, 100 kph on country roads, 130 kph on motorways.

11 - What types of religions would are permitted or restricted? Catholicism is the majority, but all religions are permitted. Atheism is frowned upon.

12- Porn? - illegal

13-Prostitution? - illegal

14-Polygamy/ Polyandry/ Polyamory? - legal but requires special registration

15-Homosexuality? - legal

16-Stem cell research? - illegal

17-Human Cloning? - illegal

18-Cock Fighting? -illegal

19-Slavery? - illegal

20-Hunting? - Only if necessary for food. Since citizens can't own guns, they have to rent them from the government. Hunters are also always accompanied by two or three government officials, who ensure the hunters can't keep the guns or do anything stupid with them.

21-Fishing? - Only if necessary for food.

22-Eating meat? - legal

23-Littering? - illegal

24-Unisex bathrooms? - legal

25-Suicide? - illegal

26 - Gay marriage? - legal but requires special registration

27-Abortion? - illegal

28- What types of sexual activity (if any) are illegal ? - The same as in most countries.

29-Is your country's/culture clothing optional or mandatory? - optional

30-Do you have obscenity laws? If so - how would you define "obscene"? - Not really defined by law.

31-What system do you have for taxes? - Taxes are higher than most capitalists would like, but we have to keep our public services alive. High income = high taxes.

32-What is the criterion for someone to pass to become a citizen? - A simple citizenship test. This of course includes questions on ethical views, not the "name-three-rivers-in-our-country" type of questions.

33-What types of people do you allow (or not allow) into your country? - No written regulations, but the government has the right to forbid any individual from entering if it is seen as necessary.

34-What type of government are you? - Federal Republic

35-To what degree is your government allowed to censor or restrict the media? - Anything that is considered as blasphemy or libel is censored.

36-Aside from laws - what sort of unofficial (and unenforced) cultural rules and traditions do you have? - none
Ignore list count : 66
• Nazis
• Stalinists
• fascists
• anarchists
• flag-waving patriots
• racists
• militarists
• imperialists
• NATO supporters
• EU supporters
• Rangers FC supporters
• history falsifiers
• conspiracy theorists
• satanists
• atheists
• people who are in favour of:
-capital punishment
-private gun ownership
-genetic engineering
-hunting and fishing for sport
-unregulated capitalism
-moral relativism
• people who are against:
-free health care
-religious influence on politics
-religious education in schools
-public display of religious symbols
-censorship of offensive material
-environmental protection
Yes, I'm a Christian. C'mon then, haters, try and do something about it.



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