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CBC Ticker [Read-Only]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:36 pm
by Solm

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One hour ago
Michael Ryan, Wealthy CEO, Murdered in
his Home Outside of Censia


Censia, Solm (CBC) - Michael Ryan was murdered in his quaint
suburban home outside of Censia this morning. His wife was making
breakfast when an intruder sidestepped the house's elaborate security
system and stabbed Mr. Ryan eight times before running out of the house
and escaping the scene. His wife attempted to perform CPR on Mr. Ryan
but there was nothing she could do before he died at 9:04 AM today.
Mariam, his wife, politely declined to comment on this atrocious murder
that occurred in her house today. FULL STORY

By: Jennifer Culeto, CBC Crime Scene Correspondent
Filed under: SolmCensiaCrimeBusiness

Over a month ago
The Borough of Military Affairs Announces
the Implementation of the Sevens Initiative


Sevens, Solm (CBC) - The Sevens Initiative, passed by the Borough
of Military Affairs, in 2007, has finally been implemented across
Judea, with the completion of the first tours of all four patrol fleets.
This land mark officializes the policy that has been in effect in Solm
since 1996, after the Lenova Bombings. The Lenova Bombings set off
a new maritime doctrine for the Solmian state, in which it started
routine patrols of the Judean region to ensure the security of the state,
the region, and all of Solmian interests in the area... FULL STORY

By: Alex Carver, CBC Senior Judean Correspondent
Filed under: SolmJudeaMilitaryNavy

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:11 pm
by Solm
September 1, 2011
2:43 PM EST

::f Recommend

Solmian Navy
implements its regional
naval patrols of Judea
The First Patrol has
been successfully
completed without
any complications
BMA reports that the
patrols are strictly
for surveillance
and will not infringe
upon any national
The Borough of Military Affairs Announces
the Implementation of the Sevens Initiative

By: Alex Carver, CBC Senior Judean Correspondent

Sevens, Solm (CBC) - The Sevens Initiative, passed by the Borough
of Military Affairs, in 2007, has finally been implemented across Judea,
with the completion of the first tours of all four patrol fleets. This
landmark officializes the policy that has been in effect in Solm since 1996,
after the Lenova Bombings. The Lenova Bombings set off a new maritime
doctrine for the Solmian state, in which it started routine patrols of the
Judean region to ensure the security of the state, the region, and all of
Solmian interests in the area.

This recent announcement is the first public one by the Borough about
the Sevens Initiative. The successful completion of the multi-month
tours by all four fleets "is something to celebrate," says the Borough of
Military Affairs. They go on, "The completion of the tours and the
final implementation of the Initiative marks a new era in the maritime
regional security of the region and Solm, by officializing the haphazard
patrols that have been conducted since the 90s, we are securing the
tranquility of the region with standard, full-proof, designated tours."

CBC contacted the Borough asking if we could have a copy of the routes,
but the BMA responded with a polite no, stating security concerns if the
information was publicly available. The Sevens Initiative is a landmark
for the Solmian Navy, its first official Judean-related security maneuver.
Many speculate that this may cause criticism from other nations in Judea.
CBC asked other various Judean governments regarding their opinion
of the Sevens Initiative, most were extreme negative comments.
The governments cited concerns over their domestic maritime rights,
explaining that they worry that the Solmian Navy will now interfere
with their fundamental sovereign rights.

The Solmian Navy has dedicated four, Judean-based fleets to conduct
routine tours of certain routes, each circling an individual continent.
Their goal is to ascertain any dangers that may harm Judea or Solm,
so far, the BMA has reported that their first tour of Judea found no
dangers or new, hostile events coming into being and that they were
very successful. The fleets will each have enough strength to both
force a boarding of a trade flotilla, fend off pirating terrorists,
or conduct a full-scale naval battle against an armored hostile

The BMA has issued a statement along with its announcement of the
implementation that Judea is now fully protected from any and all
foreign maritime threats, now stating Solm has the ability to be able
to project its force across Judea to battle any terrorist, foreign, or
interregional threat.

A renewed urgency to the protection of Solm is evident by the recent
actions of the Solmian Military agencies, the CBC can only speculate
that this is due to the recent invigoration of foreign entities' interest
in Judea and the recent conflicts with Judean nations. The BMA has
assured the Solmian public that all measures will be taken to ensure
the security of Solm. The Sevens Initiative is one step in that security
goal, by starting routine patrols of the region.

::f Recommend 104 people recommended this

Filed Under: SolmJudeaMilitaryNavy


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:40 pm
by Solm
January 1, 2012
11:26 PM JST

::f Recommend

Michael Ryan,
CEO of Alexia Corp.
was murdered
in his home today
He had been CEO of
Alexia Corp. since
2002, and had
made the company
one of the largest
in his tenure
The intruder broke
into his office
while they were
making breakfast
and stabbed Ryan
Michael Ryan, Wealthy CEO, Murdered in
his Home Outside of Censia

By: Jennifer Culeto, CBC Crime Scene Correspondent

Censia, Solm (CBC) - Michael Ryan was murdered in his quaint
suburban home outside of Censia this morning. His wife was making
breakfast when an intruder sidestepped the house's elaborate security
system and stabbed Mr. Ryan eight times before running out of the house
and escaping the scene. His wife attempted to perform CPR on Mr. Ryan
but there was nothing she could do before he died at 9:04 AM today.
Mariam, his wife, politely declined to comment on this atrocious murder
that occurred in her house today.

Censian Chief of Police Derrick Malveo announced at the press release
today that they do not have any leads on to who the perpetrator was
but has designated all of the department's resources in the effort to find
the murderer. The murderer was wearing a mask and gloves when he
committed the crime but Mariam Ryan was able to report that he was
around five feet, eleven inches and had a slender build. Malveo cautioned
people in the local community to be alert, but said there is no need to be
worried and they believe that this is horrible act was isolated to Mr. Ryan.

Nothing of value was stolen from the house of Mr. Ryan. CBC believes that
the death of Michael Ryan was an assassination ordered by the nefarious
group behind the myriad of recent high-profile crimes that have been
committed lately.

Michael Ryan was CEO of the Pharmaceutical Giant Alexia Corp., he was
appointed to that position in late 2002 and has led the company ever
since. In his tenure, he has almost doubled the profits from the company
and was responsible for the breakthrough drugs that Alexia Corp. has
discovered. Although, Michael Ryan hasn't led the company in he most
altruistic way. Although, he has given a plethora of funds to charities,
his recent initiatives has raised drug prices on almost all of Alexia's new
drugs on the market now.

Either way, Alexia Corp. has soared the markets and risen to be one of
most powerful companies in Solm as of this moment. Alexia Corp. has
not commented on the loss of their CEO yet, but they have scheduled a
press conference for tomorrow afternoon to talk about the incident that
occurred earlier today.

It is horrible what occurred earlier today to Mr. Ryan, he was killed long
before he should of died. He was young and vibrant as many of his friends
had long said about him. There will be a public funeral for Mr. Ryan on
January 5th at the Longston Chapel at 10:00 AM. CBC wishes Mr. Ryan's
wife the best in this hard time and expresses our condolences.

::f Recommend 22 people recommended this

Filed Under: SolmCrimeCensiaBusiness


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