A Q&A Regarging The Toll

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The Toll
Posts: 139
Founded: Mar 20, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

A Q&A Regarging The Toll

Postby The Toll » Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:08 am

Well, I've decided to hop on the bandwagon.

You guys know the drill, so have at it.

Gotta turn an L into earning, cuz that's what learning is.

Omg what I made a factbook about my flags

You should definitely read and upvote it I'm not begging I swear

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Islamic Salvation Front
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Founded: Jul 28, 2024
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Islamic Salvation Front » Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:13 am

Opinion on the Following Users?:

1-Washington Colombia
3-Umet Player
6-Carl wheezer empire

also are you planning to go into other forums, and are you good at roleplay..also how do you justify the 1984's level totalitarianism your nation has?
Liberate Palestine! & Lebanon Will Survive! Also Buher's Will be Remembered, Whether Missed by Comrades or hated by Incels

NS Stats have been Shot by ISF snipers after being Caught working with the Islamic State.

The Islamic Salvation Front
- A Non-State Actor, Loyal to the Former Country of Iranistan,Is Currently Fighting Against ISIS in Syria/Iraq, Against Russia in Chechnya and Against Rapid Support Forces in Sudan.Is Religiously a Sunni Hanafi Islamic Organization and hates Wahhabism

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The Toll
Posts: 139
Founded: Mar 20, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby The Toll » Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:16 pm

Islamic Salvation Front wrote:-snip-

WasCo: Wasco is a great friend of mine, and is one of the few people that I semi-consistently talk to on here, I have a highly positive opinion of her.
Auverbush: Ill have to edit this later, but I do not recognize the nation off of the name alone.
Unmet Player: Someone who needs more love in their life, whether it be people having patience and being kind to them, or someone who can give them the time and attention they need. People who need the most love tend to ask for it in the most unloving ways.
Bugerslandia: I recognize the name, isn't that the guy who got banned? I remember him being nice to me. (if this is the guy I'm thinking of)
Pathonia: Pathonia is a really kind user, and she is fun to run into on the forums. However, we don't really talk much beyond the forums.
CWE: I bought their card, very entertaining nation.
ISF: Dont really interact enough to have an opinion, however I appreciate them actually responding to this topic.
Bilancorn: Dont recognize the name off of the top of my head.
Kasdados: Blunt user, and I appreciate that. Honesty is a very important virtue that i wish many more people had. Reminds me of Terra Da Cinza in a way, and we all know Terra Da Cinza is my GOAT.
Omnicontrol: I know who it is, I haven't really formed an opinion on them.

I may move into other forums, but I just overthink my posts and end up not posting them. I like F7 because there isnt really a "standard" for posting, there probably isn't ones for other forums, but of course my highly anxiety afflicted self over thinks everything and ends up chickening out.

Ive got to go, but i will edit this and put the info on the totalitarianism later
Gotta turn an L into earning, cuz that's what learning is.

Omg what I made a factbook about my flags

You should definitely read and upvote it I'm not begging I swear

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The Toll
Posts: 139
Founded: Mar 20, 2024
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby The Toll » Mon Jan 27, 2025 8:30 pm

Regarding the totalitarianism level in The Toll, it is implemented for several reasons.

A couple of points.
1. What do you have to hide?
- In The Toll, there are cameras almost everywhere, and they are all monitored 24/7.
- There should be no issues with these cameras, unless you are doing something illegal.
- You will not be judged, for everyone has embarrassing moments, and everyone makes mistakes.
- The main point of them is for the safety of individuals.

2. Everyone makes mistakes, but a mistake is not an intentional act.
- Crimes can either be punished extremely harshly, or they can be forgiven. The nature of the crime and why it was committed determines this.
- If you need help, and the you are doing wrong because of something wrong with you, you are spoken to. But if you truly intend the evil, and have no true "excuse", then you will not be forgiven.

3. The truth is a requirement, not a luxury.
- The government is required to be completely honest.
- Misinformation is a highly punishable crime.

Overall, the totalitarianism is implemented to force you to be truthful, and to deter you from giving into the attraction of cruelty. It is to prevent wrath, hate, anger, greed, etc. It stands to guide the most honorable of traits. Honesty, temperance, selflessness, etc.

A very, very scuffed description of it is "you are required to do good, not evil."

oh yeah and you are literally free to leave The Toll at any time, in fact, the government will pay for your departure.
Gotta turn an L into earning, cuz that's what learning is.

Omg what I made a factbook about my flags

You should definitely read and upvote it I'm not begging I swear

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Posts: 320
Founded: Nov 14, 2023
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Commonu » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:53 am

If you could choose whether to make The Toll a real country or have 250 IQ, what would you choose?
Vance Ajik is recovering from fighting Zirol, NS Stats were caught in Monkey Genocide and were never seen until their life link was brutally annihilated by Kronos, and one more thing the mitochondria is drunk from being the cell's powerhouse.

Revive mayn't

OOC: Just a regular guy trying to make lives better, I may be hated sometimes but making people's lives better is more important than fretting on people's hatred.
My Q&A: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=561720

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Posts: 87
Founded: Oct 09, 2024
Democratic Socialists

Postby Kyete » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:24 am

Have you played Halo Reach?

If so, what did you think of Noble Six?

Hello! All stats are canon except taxation/freedom from taxation and population.
"I like Halo and I've made it everyone else's problem" - me
Kyete QNA!
✧ The military argues its supersoldier program was ethical because they "were mostly volunteers" | Local church replaces bell for the fifth time, claims dragons keep stealing it | First test of the Kyetean Wormhole Drive a resounding success ✧

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