Page 453 of 497

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:20 pm
by Free South Califas
This should be added to queue from here:
Free Education for Innovative Self-Management Act

Urgency: High
Author: Free South Califas (C)
Sponsors: Osea 767 (C), Slazliyka (C), Polvia (RG), Threlizdun (C), Kouralia (USLP), Aeken (LD)

The Aurentine Senate,

Recognising that all economies require a steady influx of innovation in order to be robust, efficient and competitive;

Defining workers as those who can or do perform (a) specific work task(s) which is/are directly productive from the perspective of their employer (hypothetically as necessary), that is, which generates an opportunity for more revenue and/or profit for a company interested in such things than that company would have without hiring them;

Lamenting that potentially inefficient and biased modes of communication in hierarchical firms may prevent or delay innovation due to the interests of a single firm or of (an) established officer(s) thereof being weighed as a concern alongside or instead of the interests of the whole nation or of the entire economy thereof;

Noting with resignation that the profit motive often requires labor to be compensated with less than the full value of its product in wages, which some workers may consider exploitative;

Appalled at the consequence that many workers are forced to choose between exploitative wages and poverty or worse,

Resolved to ameliorate this situation and establish a certain standard of dignity in economic affairs through voluntary means,

Clarifying that this Act may not be limited in its funding or effect by any previous act of the Senate,

Hereby establishes educational programs through which workers may improve skills relevant to increasing their earning potential through self-employment and collective self-management in democratic workplaces, including:

1. Free classes at existing, and/or new if necessary, physical and internet-based academic sites, primarily,
-A. drafting business plans and other introductory business classes,
-B. basic accounting,
-C. basic political economy,
-D. relevant basic mathematics,
-E. remedial mathematics, grammar, vocabulary, history and literature as necessary, and
-F. social skills, some tailored to individuals with general deficits/differences and some to the skills all businesspeople need i.e. in maintaining client relationships, pitching ideas to a producer, etc.;
-G. Establishing the Free Education Fund for Self-Directed Innovation (FEFSDI), with a mandate to create minimal departments and subdivisions within itself and delegate as necessary to complete its tasks, which shall be tasked with providing such classes listed above, devising such requirements as are necessary to prioritize helping those who can state a feasible goal, encouraging private charities and philanthropists to fund such classes on their own and make them freely available to the public, reporting on the outcome of such encouragement, and investigating potential improvements to the list of free classes above, which it may suggest to the Senate,
-H. Granting FEFSDI a starting budget of £2 billion per annum with a mandate to spend it as efficiently as possible in a good faith effort to deliver the highest quality, most empowering and broadest civic-minded education to the most workers according to the goals listed above,

2. Vouchers for necessary classes in academic fields directly relevant to the specific work being done or proposed by current or prospective self-employed individuals, whether as part of collectively owned and operated corporations or in isolation, which specifically relates to doing such work in a self-employed/self-managed context, for example the need to acquire basic mastery in medical notation so as to avoid hiring an expensive specialist,
-A. Establishing the Democratic Entrepeneur Education Voucher Organization (DEEVO), which shall be tasked with receiving and in good faith analysing requests for such vouchers, responding to them in a timely manner, and granting such vouchers as it considers necessary to further the business goals of self-employed individuals and democratically operated cooperative corporations, and which may upon each new unrelated request demand an explanation of how the worker plans to incorporate the class material into their business (plan),
-B. Granting DEEVO a starting budget of £2 billion per annum with a mandate to spend it as efficiently as possible in delivering the most necessary, most empowering and most socially useful classes to the workers who are most directly poised to incorporate them into a realistic plan for economic empowerment.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:20 pm
by Free South Califas
(Edited to comply with SGSPEA. Apologies for initially submitting this as 'Public Work Center Act'. There are no Centers in Aurentina :lol: )

This should be added to the queue from here:
Public Work Centre Act

Urgency: High
Author: Free South Califas (C)
Sponsors: Osea 767 (C), Slazliyka (C), Threlizdun (C), Kouralia (USLP), Aeken (LD)


The Aurentine Senate,

Dismayed that in many of our cities, towns and rural areas, there may be vital work to be done in the name of society in general, which is not adequately performed because it is not profitable to comprehensively address it,

Defining workers as those who can or do perform (a) specific work task(s) which is/are directly productive from the perspective of their employer (hypothetically as necessary), that is, which generates an opportunity for more revenue and/or profit for themselves or a company interested in such things than that entity would have without the benefit of their work,

Further lamenting that potentially inefficient and biased modes of communication in hierarchical firms may prevent or delay innovation due to the interests of a single firm or of (an) established officer(s) thereof being weighed as a concern alongside or instead of the interests of society at large,

Revising the Universal Credit Act so as to strike Article 2h from the law, and render its text null and void, clarifying that all text shall be removed and voided from Universal Credit Act and all other laws which would otherwise deny or in any way limit the ability of the Senate to extend or create benefits,

Hereby establishes Public Work Centres, with persistent physical and internet presence, through which socially important work can be done which may otherwise be ignored or inadequately performed because of profit or budgetary concerns;

A. Establishing for the purpose of organizing such opportunities and efficiently tracking the hours, intensity and nature of duties performed for the public good at such centres, the Public Work Centre Administration (PWCA), which shall first be tasked with analyzing the present socioeconomic conditions and proposing sensible policy suggestions for how many such centres to place, where to place them, and what sort of budgetary considerations shall be required;

B. Finding at a minimum that at least the following tasks or significant components thereof are suitable for self-directed public work administered through the PWCA: cleaning public areas; assisting with environmental maintenance or sustainability work; providing essential care to children, the elderly or the disabled; contributing to the planting or harvesting of publically owned or community-accessible food or clothing or medical crops; maintaining or repairing publically owned or community-accessible vehicles, or building bicycles; building, maintaining or repairing common computer technology; giving tours at public facilities of great interest; security patrol as the first line of defense to protect sensitive public facilities; and other tasks not requiring an exceptionally onerous degree of investment, training or risk of bodily or mental harm compared to the listed tasks as performed in the normal range of conditions;

C. Granting the PWCA all requisite powers and privileges to form a reasonable number of departments concerned with discrete tasks like payroll accounting, etc.;

D. Allowing the PWCA to directly supervise a small number of work hours per given period, with the aim of ensuring public investments in such work centres are used efficiently, given legally and ethically adequate informed consent on the part of all parties, selected at random from among all workers so employed at the time, except those who have already been supervised significantly more than others in this way, unless they have shown evidence of a dishonest personality through meaningful relevant actions or words observed by PWCA officials and the extra scrutiny is thought to be warranted by at least one such official in active service, although this evidence should be periodically reviewed in light of other potential explanatory factors like medical diagnoses which involve an unusual degree of fatigue or a difficulty in social interaction, for example;

E. Requiring the government to fairly compensate work performed at these centres, at least as such:
-1. Mandating the PWCA to maintain and periodically update at least a local list at each centre, and a unified national list, of standard pay rates in all fields of work performed at each respective centre, including all data relevant to paying a more precise wage for particular levels of intensity or education involved;
-2. Amending all currently active and future legislation establishing benefits which accrue to workers, under any name such as 'unemployment', 'credit', 'welfare', 'disability', etc., such that for the purposes of all workers who perform socially beneficial work tracked by the PWCA as described above, all benefits intended for individuals seeking work or performing underpaid work shall be automatically renewed for each week in which said individual performs more than 5 hours of work, for each month in which the individual performs more than 20 hours of work, or for some other equivalent period if it is more relevant to the legislation in question, and such that all of the time gained through this automatic renewal process is considered separately from any and all other time limits established in any other legislation, which are considered to stop immediately before the automatic renewal takes effect and to resume immediately after the renewal's effect has ended;
-3. Adding an exception to E2 for workers who have used such automatic renewals for over 4 months consecutively, except for those who have submitted an explanation to the PWCA through any useful medium which is considered by at least two PWCA officials to be sufficient, as to why they have special difficulty finding regular work or contributing more hours to the public work centres, i.e. a disability or cognitive difference which may make it difficult for them to interact with others, but if this explanation does not refer to a legitimate and relevant medical diagnosis, a new or rephrased explanation shall be required at least every 2 months, citing generally realistic goals for the future;
--i. Medical or ability-related explanations may be submitted to the PWCA on an individual worker's behalf by a doctor, therapist or social worker with whom they have an active working relationship. If the worker is denied benefits through this route, they may submit their own explanation as an appeal, in case the care professional misunderstood or poorly explained their situation.
-4. In any case allowing such benefits to accrue automatically to any worker who contributes over 30 hours of work in a given week, or over 115 hours of work in a given month, if necessary in order to compensate such work;
-5. Mandating the PWCA to pay a competitive wage for hourly work, or the minimum legal wage under all combined considerations, whichever is higher, within two weeks of the work having been performed;
-6. Allowing an exception to E5 in fields or varieties of work for which it is standard to be paid per goal or project (component), in which case the PWCA shall do so, or pay the minimum legal wage under all combined considerations, whichever is higher, within two weeks of the work having been performed;
-7. Also to make available at the work centre, in a form which can be taken away and demonstrated to others, official notices that the worker will be paid soon, as necessary to help workers negotiate their financial obligations in the off hours.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:21 pm
by Free South Califas
This should be added to the queue from here:
Collective Benefit Option Act

Urgency: High
Author: Free South Califas (C)
Sponsors: Osea 767 (C), Slazliyka (C), Polvia (RG), Threlizdun (C), Kouralia (USLP), Aeken (LD)


The Aurentine Senate,

Revising the Universal Credit Act so as to strike Article 2h from the law, and render its text null and void, clarifying that all text shall be removed and voided from Universal Credit Act and all other laws which would otherwise deny or in any way limit the ability of the Senate to extend or create benefits;

Recognising that all economies require a steady influx of innovation in order to be robust, efficient and competitive;

Defining workers as those who can or do perform (a) specific work task(s) which is/are directly productive from the perspective of their employer (hypothetically as necessary), that is, which generates an opportunity for more revenue and/or profit for a company interested in such things than that company would have without hiring them;

Lamenting that potentially inefficient and biased modes of communication in hierarchical firms may prevent or delay innovation due to the interests of a single firm or of (an) established officer(s) thereof being weighed as a concern alongside or instead of the interests of the whole nation or of the entire economy thereof;

Noting with resignation that the profit motive often requires labor to be compensated with less than the full value of its product in wages, which some workers may consider exploitative;

Appalled at the consequence that many workers are forced to choose between exploitative wages and poverty or worse, enacts the following into law:

1. Identifies several major problems in the social and economic condition which may be exacerbated by this dilemma:

-A. The development of industry suffers from the lack of potentially innovative techniques which could be offered by more robust competition;

-B. What innovation is employed toward productive ends, may be limited to uncredited improvisations required to complete tasks without drawing attention to problems which ideally ought to be addressed, and the innovator duly rewarded;

-C. Unemployment and the lack of satisfying or sufficiently renumerated employment are artificially high despite the apparent desire of almost all people to contribute positively to their society;

-D. The labor market may be artificially depressed if ambitious workers are prevented from developing administrative and management skills in a practical environment due to the decreased profitability of hiring and training more people for such work and/or expanding the size of meetings at which important production decisions are made;

-E. Income inequality may be inflated because the highest salaries tend to accrue to managers and directors, who likely have the power to take credit for some of their subordinate employees' work, and disproportionate influence over the process of determining their own salaries compared to the income of other workers; while the lowest wages tend to accrue to workers who have least control over the decisions which affect them, regardless of the value, amount or intensity of the work provided;

-F. Innovative workers may be prevented from producing the best possible goods and services because of false subjective evaluations during interviews by individuals with disproportionate power within hierarchical firms, possibly toward discriminatory ends which are difficult to prove in each incident and which may be quite accidental, i.e. that an innovative autistic interviewee's lack of eye contact is erroneously perceived to signal disinterest in the opportunity;

-G. Many workers feel alienated from their work due to a lack of control over it, risking a psychological symptom called 'learned helplessness', a factor in depression and other serious illnesses which may artificially deflate their and the market's interest in what should be lucrative opportunities for them to innovate;

-H. Some workers may feel less than entirely free to express their personality at work through varied productive and creative passions due to the pressure of finding employment for a specific task desired by a person or corporation which already controls a sufficient amount of capital, and these workers may suffer an artificial deflation of market wage value due to the deterioration of natural talents which are not adequately nurtured at particular places of employment;

-I. Workers may not have adequate opportunity to contribute their labor at odd hours or on unusual schedules, even if this labor is required for the proper dignified functioning of society, i.e. elder care, child care, sanitation, civil engineering, etc.;

2. Resolves to encourage the most practical solution(s) to multiple problems above in an efficient and timely manner without causing undue burden;

3. Suggests that the voluntary proliferation of democratic workplaces may create an opportunity to resolve or ameliorate several such problems simultaneously with small, efficient investments aimed at increasing innovation while attacking un(der)employment and broadening the skill base of workers;
-A. Noting in any case that even if we fail in this goal, the Aurentine economy and society will be better off for having a larger number of self-confident, highly skilled, civic-minded, educated workers who feel grateful to society for their opportunities and value each other as equals in a moral sense;

4. Encourages workers to employ themselves or form their own democratic corporations to manage their own work with minimal outside interference,

5. Resolves to make it easier for workers to enter into business by amending all currently active and future legislation establishing continuing benefits which accrue to workers, under any name such as 'unemployment', 'credit', 'welfare', 'disability', etc., such that in lieu of receiving such benefits normally on an individual basis, any number of recipients may form an organisation together in which they have equal decision-making power, through which they may together draw their total benefits collectively in the interest of opening or maintaining a democratically-operated business which may have profit or (if a non-profit organisation) fiscally-sustainable non-partisan social progress as its motivating goal,
-A. Requiring such 'collective recipients' to have together submitted a single business plan which is more or less feasible compared to the standard for its relevant industry, field, or component field, without which they shall continue to receive only their normal benefits, but may attempt to submit a better plan until such time as the CRPAO finds such activity disruptive to its goals stated in this Act as originally written,
-B. Establishing for the purpose of receiving and analysing in good faith all such business plans, the Collective Recipient Plan Analysis Organisation (CRPAO), which shall be tasked with resolving and making available to recipients such analyses in speedy fashion,
-C. Allowing such a group of collective recipients to receive, if necessary for the feasibility of the business, their expected combined benefits for a given number of years as a lump sum or as collateral for a loan provided at no more than the minimum reasonable cost or debt to recuperate its overhead and calculated risk,
-D. Establishing for the purpose of funding all such collectively received benefits and loans and advocating for the necessary funding for this project, the General Fund for Collectively Drawn Benefits (GFCDB),
-E. Granting to the GFCDB a general operating budget of £2 billion per annum and a mandate to spend it as efficiently as possible in order to bring about the above listed goals,
-F. Allowing to each such collective organisation of benefit recipients, for all purposes and in all combinations, a maximum draw (as capital or collateral) per worker of £200,000 per annum, which may not be dispensed a second time per the same annum in part or in whole,
-G. Considering this finality an excellent motivation for such recipients to work hard in the service of building a stable and competitive business together,

and finally,

5. Declares its solidarity with the unemployed and underemployed, aiming through this and other policies to eventually reduce unemployment to 0.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:28 pm
by Maklohi Vai
I, Wulukuno Maklohi Porunalakai, being of sound mind and intent, holding the confidence of the Progress Coalition and its member and partner parties, and thereby the majority of the minority of the opposition of this senate, declare the following alignment and shadow cabinet as the official opposition to the government of this senate:

Leader of the Opposition: Maklohi Vai, Liberal Democratic Party
First Deputy Leader of the Opposition: Free South Califas, Communist Party
Second Deputy Leader of the Opposition: Yanalia, Red-Green Party
Third Deputy Leader of the Opposition: Ainin, Totally Rad Party

Ministry of Interiors: Resora, Communist
Minister of Defense (and Gendarmerie): Kouralia, United Socialist Labor
Ministry of Research and Astronomy: Mitonesia, Totally Rad
Ministry of Education: Geilinor, Liberal Democrat
Ministry of Treasury and Finance: Soviet Canuckistan, Liberal Democrat
Ministry of Health: Venaleria, Red-Green
Ministry of Energy: Phing Phong, Red-Green
Ministry of Justice: Beta Test, Liberal Democrat
Ministry of Labour: Osea 767, Communist
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Glasgia, Market Socialist
Ministry of Environment: Gothmogs, Totally Rad
Ministry of Culture and Sports: Potenco, Red-Green
Ministry of Transportation: Blassland, Totally Rad
Ministry of Commerce: Slazliyka, Communist
Ministry of Telecommunications: Priory Academy USSR, Totally Rad
Minister of Agriculture: Kamchatskia, United Socialist Labor
Minister of International Development: Malgrave, United Socialist Labor
Minister without Portfolio: Britcan, New Social

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:36 pm
by Battlion
The following bills have received the required amount of sponsors, I now move to omnibus all five of them into the Educational Excellence Omnibus furthermore I request the President use his legislative queuejumping ability on this Omnibus as the importance of our childrens education and the future impact it shall have it is necessary to get a proper education system running.

Curriculum of Excellence (Early Learners) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [NLP]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – Pre-Primary Education
a) Pre-Primary Education shall refer to a non-mandatory education, starting at the age of three and lasting one year
b) Pre-Primary Education shall take place within a Nursery or Educational facility offering same level of study
c) Pre-Primary Education shall be required to teach the following subjects to a beginners level. Any additional subjects will be at the discretion of the Nursery
    i) English
    ii) Mathematics
    iii) Science
    iv) Arts
d) Nursery dates and timetabling shall be decided at the discretion of the Educational Institution ensuring an appropriate amount of family and educational time
e) Every Child up until the age of four shall be guaranteed the right to a Nursery Place

Curriculum of Excellence (Primary Education) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [NLP]
Urgency: High

Section I – Primary Education
a)Primary Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of four and lasting for seven years
b)Primary Education shall be for seven consecutive years which shall be: Reception, Year one, Year two, Year three, Year four, Year five and Year six.
c) Primary Education shall require the following subjects be taught at school. Additional subjects may be added at the discretion of the educational institution
    v) History
    vi) Citizenship
    vii)Physical Education
    viii) Computing and Software Development
    ix)Information Technology
d) There shall be an Achievement Examination (AE), which shall be held at every school at the end of year 6 in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Aurentine, History, Geography, Computing and Software Development and Information Technology

Section II – Physical Education Requirement
a)Physical Education shall be mandatory for all students for two hours per week
b)The teaching of Physical Education shall be required to include structure of the body, key organs and muscles and a wide variety of sports including the following sports.
    iv) Basketball
    v) Rounders
c)Additional Sports may be taught at the discretion of the Educational Institution

Section 3 – School Year
a) The School Year shall start in September and end in July

Curriculum of Excellence (Secondary, Advanced & Higher Education) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [NLP]
Urgency: High

Section One – Secondary Education
a)Secondary Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of eleven and lasting for five years
b)Secondary Education shall be for five consecutive years which shall be: Year seven, Year eight, Year nine, Year ten and Year eleven
c)Until the age of fourteen Secondary Education shall require the following subjects, any additional subjects may be included at the Educational Institutions discretion
    vi)Computing and Software Development
    vii)Information Technology
    viii)Additional Language - Chinese Mandarin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Latin
    xii)Physical Education
    xiii)Design Technology
      -Food Technology
      -Design and Textile Technology
      -Graphic Design
    xv) Citizenship
    xvi) History
d)At the end of year nine all students shall be given the choice of new subjects to study till the age of sixteen, excluding compulsory subjects students shall be granted five additional choices
e) Until the age of sixteen Seconday Education shall require the following subjects, any additional subjects may be included at the Educational Institutions discretion
    i)English Language
    ii)English Literature
    vii) Additional Language – Chinese Mandarin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Latin
    viii) Citizenship
    x)Business Studies (Optional)
    xi)Aurentine (Optional)
    xii)Construction (Optional)
    xiii)Electronics (Optional)
    xiv)Business Management (Optional)
    xv)Classical Studies (Optional)
    xvi)Arts (Optional)
    xvii)Music (Optional)
    xviii)Economics (Optional)
    xiv)Government and Politics (Optional)
    xv)Architecture (Optional)
    xvi)Critical Thinking (Optional)
    xvii)Philosophy and Ethics (Optional)
    xviii)Computing and Software Development (Optional)
    xix)Information Technology (Optional)
    xx)Health and Social Care (Optional)
    xx)iFine Arts (Optional)
    xxii)Additional Mathematics (Optional
    xxiii)Additional Sciences (Optional)
    xxiv)History (Optional)

    f) Examinations in these subjects are to be modular across Year 10 and Year 11 in the months of January and June being examination months.
    g) At the end of secondary education, all students shall have completed their examinations hereby established as Aurentine Certificates. Dependant on grades shall determine the type of certificate, if graded 1*/1/2 the student shall receive an Aurentine Higher Certificate, if graded 3/4/5 the student shall receive an Aurentine Intermediate Certificate, if graded 6/7/8 the student shall receive an Aurentine Standard Certificate.

    Section II – Advanced Education
    a)Advanced Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of sixteen and lasting for two years
    b)Advanced Education shall be split into two separate institutions, High Schools or the Junior Polytechnic
    c) High Schools shall be specialist in Academic subjects whilst Polytechnic Schools shall be specialist in Vocational Subjects.
    d)At the age of sixteen, students may choose whether to attend a High School or Junior Polytechnic dependant on examination grades and which subject they wish to study.
    e)High Schools shall follow a modular examination system in their subjects over the course of their study and shall receive an Arbitur in their subject.
    f)Junior Polytechnics shall follow a Credit based Diploma system in their subjects over the course of their subject and shall receive a Vocational Diploma.

    Section III – Junior Polytechnic & Polytechnic
    a)Upon graduation from a Junior Polytechnic, a student may attend a Polytechnic which shall obtain deals and assurances with companies, government organisations and trade unions to ensure educational study alongside apprenticeship which may be studied to specialise in a particular trade.
    b)Polytechnics may offer study up until Master’s degree level for all students

    Section IV – School Year
    a) The School Year for Secondary and Advanced Education shall start in September and end in July

    Section V – Higher Education
    a) University shall refer to academic route after High School/Polytechnic, which shall be non-mandatory.
    b) University shall have final authority in regards to the curriculum offered within their institution
    c) University shall determine its own academic year
    d) This shall provide qualification known as degree, provided university is accredited in acceding order of importance shall be:

National Examination Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [NLP]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – National Examinations
a) All Examinations taken between the ages of four and eighteen shall be classified as National Examinations

Section 2 – National Examination Grading
a) All National Examinations shall be graded on a numerical scale from 1* to 8 with 1* being the highest grade available and 8 being the lowest
b)Grades shall distributed on a percentage level as shown below:
    i) 1* - 90% +
    ii)1 – 80%+
    iii)2 – 70%+
    iv)3 – 60% +
    v)4 – 50% +
    vi)5 – 40%+
    vii)6 – 30%+
    viii)7 – 20% +
    ix)8 – 0% +

Educational Standards Authority Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [NLP]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – Establishment of the Educational Standards Authority
a) The Educational Standards Authority (ESA) is hereby established as the sole education regulator of Aurentina
b) The ESA shall be mandated with the inspection of all educational institutions that receive state funding to ensure high quality education and safe schooling for students

Section 2 – Powers of the Educational Standards Authority
a) The ESA shall be granted the power to:
    i)Inspect Educational Institutions without warning
    ii)Publish Guidance to Educational Institutions on any government reforms to Education
    iii)Establish National Examination rules for candidates and Students
    iv) Advise the Senate and Ministry of Education on Education reform
    v) Recommend Educational Institutions be placed into Special Measures

Section 3 – Inspections
a) The ESA shall be able to inform an Educational Institution of an inspection on the day of inspection
b) The ESA shall evaluate the following areas:
    i)Teaching Quality – The standard of teaching, how a teacher can maintain a classroom
    ii)Student Participation – The Availability of Extra-Curricular activities to Students and participation of students in lessons
    iii) Behaviour and Safety of Students – The attitudes and personalities of students and the safety arrangements ensuring a safe environment for learning
    iv)Achievement – Examination Results and school test results, comparative to other institutions and national averages
c) Grading on particular areas shall be numerical from 1 to 4 and shall be defined as follows:
    i)1 – Outstanding
    ii)2 – Very Good
    iii)3 – Satisfactory, Improvement possible
    iv) 4 – Unsatisfactory, Improvement required
    c)The ESA shall make the results of an Inspection available to teachers at the end of the Inspection, and to the public one week following the inspection
    d)The ESA will provide full feedback and areas to improve upon for the next inspection
    e)Poor rated educational institutions may be reported to the government for further action

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:39 pm
by Living Freedom Land
I motion to omnibus the Reasonable Wage Act into the preexisting Economic Oversight Act omnibus.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:39 pm
by Wolfmanne
Battlion wrote:The following bills have received the required amount of sponsors, I now move to omnibus all five of them into the Educational Excellence Omnibus furthermore I request the President use his legislative queuejumping ability on this Omnibus as the importance of our childrens education and the future impact it shall have it is necessary to get a proper education system running.

Curriculum of Excellence (Early Learners) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – Pre-Primary Education
a) Pre-Primary Education shall refer to a non-mandatory education, starting at the age of three and lasting one year
b) Pre-Primary Education shall take place within a Nursery or Educational facility offering same level of study
c) Pre-Primary Education shall be required to teach the following subjects to a beginners level. Any additional subjects will be at the discretion of the Nursery
    i) English
    ii) Mathematics
    iii) Science
    iv) Aurentine
    v) Arts
d) Nursery dates and timetabling shall be decided at the discretion of the Educational Institution ensuring an appropriate amount of family and educational time
e) Every Child up until the age of four shall be guaranteed the right to a Nursery Place

Curriculum of Excellence (Primary Education) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section I – Primary Education
a)Primary Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of four and lasting for seven years
b)Primary Education shall be for seven consecutive years which shall be: Reception, Year one, Year two, Year three, Year four, Year five and Year six.
c) Primary Education shall require the following subjects be taught at school. Additional subjects may be added at the discretion of the educational institution
    vi) History
    vii) Citizenship
    viii)Physical Education
    ix) Computing and Software Development
    x)Information Technology
d) There shall be an Achievement Examination (AE), which shall be held at every school at the end of year 6 in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Aurentine, History, Geography, Computing and Software Development and Information Technology

Section II – Physical Education Requirement
a)Physical Education shall be mandatory for all students for two hours per week
b)The teaching of Physical Education shall be required to include structure of the body, key organs and muscles and a wide variety of sports including the following sports.
    iv) Basketball
    v) Rounders
c)Additional Sports may be taught at the discretion of the Educational Institution

Section 3 – School Year
a) The School Year shall start in September and end in July

Curriculum of Excellence (Secondary, Advanced & Higher Education) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section One – Secondary Education
a)Secondary Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of eleven and lasting for five years
b)Secondary Education shall be for five consecutive years which shall be: Year seven, Year eight, Year nine, Year ten and Year eleven
c)Until the age of fourteen Secondary Education shall require the following subjects, any additional subjects may be included at the Educational Institutions discretion
    vi)Computing and Software Development
    vii)Information Technology
    xii)Physical Education
    xiii)Design Technology
      -Food Technology
      -Design and Textile Technology
      -Graphic Design
    xv) Citizenship
    xvi)Additional Language - Chinese Mandarin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Latin
d)At the end of year nine all students shall be given the choice of new subjects to study till the age of sixteen, excluding compulsory subjects students shall be granted five additional choices
e) Until the age of sixteen Seconday Education shall require the following subjects, any additional subjects may be included at the Educational Institutions discretion
    i)English Language
    ii)English Literature
    vii) Aurentine
    viii) Citizenship
    ix)Business Studies (Optional)
    x)Additional Language – Chinese Mandarin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Latin (Optional)
    xi)Construction (Optional)
    xii)Electronics (Optional)
    xiii)Business Management (Optional)
    xiv)Classical Studies (Optional)
    xv)Arts (Optional)
    xvi)Music (Optional)
    xvii)Economics (Optional)
    xviii)Government and Politics (Optional)
    xiv)Architecture (Optional)
    xv)Critical Thinking (Optional)
    xvi)Philosophy and Ethics (Optional)
    xvii)Computing and Software Development (Optional)
    xviii)Information Technology (Optional)
    xix)Health and Social Care (Optional)
    xx)Fine Arts (Optional)
    xxi)Additional Mathematics (Optional
    xxii)Additional Sciences (Optional)
    xxiii)History (Optional)

    f) Examinations in these subjects are to be modular across Year 10 and Year 11 in the months of January and June being examination months.
    g) At the end of secondary education, all students shall have completed their examinations hereby established as Aurentine Certificates. Dependant on grades shall determine the type of certificate, if graded 1*/1/2 the student shall receive an Aurentine Higher Certificate, if graded 3/4/5 the student shall receive an Aurentine Intermediate Certificate, if graded 6/7/8 the student shall receive an Aurentine Standard Certificate.

    Section II – Advanced Education
    a)Advanced Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of sixteen and lasting for two years
    b)Advanced Education shall be split into two separate institutions, High Schools or the Junior Polytechnic
    c) High Schools shall be specialist in Academic subjects whilst Polytechnic Schools shall be specialist in Vocational Subjects.
    d)At the age of sixteen, students may choose whether to attend a High School or Junior Polytechnic dependant on examination grades and which subject they wish to study.
    e)High Schools shall follow a modular examination system in their subjects over the course of their study and shall receive an Arbitur in their subject.
    f)Junior Polytechnics shall follow a Credit based Diploma system in their subjects over the course of their subject and shall receive a Vocational Diploma.

    Section III – Junior Polytechnic & Polytechnic
    a)Upon graduation from a Junior Polytechnic, a student may attend a Polytechnic which shall obtain deals and assurances with companies, government organisations and trade unions to ensure educational study alongside apprenticeship which may be studied to specialise in a particular trade.
    b)Polytechnics may offer study up until Master’s degree level for all students

    Section IV – School Year
    a) The School Year for Secondary and Advanced Education shall start in September and end in July

    Section V – Higher Education
    a) University shall refer to academic route after High School/Polytechnic, which shall be non-mandatory.
    b) University shall have final authority in regards to the curriculum offered within their institution
    c) University shall determine its own academic year
    d) This shall provide qualification known as degree, provided university is accredited in acceding order of importance shall be:

National Examination Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – National Examinations
a) All Examinations taken between the ages of four and eighteen shall be classified as National Examinations

Section 2 – National Examination Grading
a) All National Examinations shall be graded on a numerical scale from 1* to 8 with 1* being the highest grade available and 8 being the lowest
b)Grades shall distributed on a percentage level as shown below:
    i) 1* - 90% +
    ii)1 – 80%+
    iii)2 – 70%+
    iv)3 – 60% +
    v)4 – 50% +
    vi)5 – 40%+
    vii)6 – 30%+
    viii)7 – 20% +
    ix)8 – 0% +

Educational Standards Authority Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – Establishment of the Educational Standards Authority
a) The Educational Standards Authority (ESA) is hereby established as the sole education regulator of Aurentina
b) The ESA shall be mandated with the inspection of all educational institutions that receive state funding to ensure high quality education and safe schooling for students

Section 2 – Powers of the Educational Standards Authority
a) The ESA shall be granted the power to:
    i)Inspect Educational Institutions without warning
    ii)Publish Guidance to Educational Institutions on any government reforms to Education
    iii)Establish National Examination rules for candidates and Students
    iv) Advise the Senate and Ministry of Education on Education reform
    v) Recommend Educational Institutions be placed into Special Measures

Section 3 – Inspections
a) The ESA shall be able to inform an Educational Institution of an inspection on the day of inspection
b) The ESA shall evaluate the following areas:
    i)Teaching Quality – The standard of teaching, how a teacher can maintain a classroom
    ii)Student Participation – The Availability of Extra-Curricular activities to Students and participation of students in lessons
    iii) Behaviour and Safety of Students – The attitudes and personalities of students and the safety arrangements ensuring a safe environment for learning
    iv)Achievement – Examination Results and school test results, comparative to other institutions and national averages
c) Grading on particular areas shall be numerical from 1 to 4 and shall be defined as follows:
    i)1 – Outstanding
    ii)2 – Very Good
    iii)3 – Satisfactory, Improvement possible
    iv) 4 – Unsatisfactory, Improvement required
    c)The ESA shall make the results of an Inspection available to teachers at the end of the Inspection, and to the public one week following the inspection
    d)The ESA will provide full feedback and areas to improve upon for the next inspection
    e)Poor rated educational institutions may be reported to the government for further action

I second this.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:40 pm
by Free South Califas
Congratulations, Prime Minister. It appears we finally have a Government, and with firm backing, too. I am satisfied that President Britanno has the support of the nation, and I certainly hope that my coalitionmates who were persuaded to vote 'Aye' without any concessions being given, will be remembered in the Council of Ministers.

I am honored to take the office of First Deputy Leader of the Opposition, and thank the Opposition for its trust in me. I believe they will be well appointed. May we ever strive to demonstrate the best alternative vision of government that we can, and may our two coalitions ever be united to bring the best possible law and society to Aurentina.
Senate Legislative Queue

Currently at debate: National Financing and Accounting Act
2. Legality and Restrictions Act
3. Anti Corruption Omnibus
4. International Treaties Ratification Act
5. Economic Oversight Act
6. Civil Liberties Omnibus
7. Internet Omnibus Act
8. Voting out business management without holding shares is stupid idea and illegal
9. Standards of Daily Measurement Act
10. Government Boundaries Omnibus
11. Environment Act
12. Transportation Amendments, Standards, and Safety Omnibus
13. Armed Forces Reform Act
14. Blakewell Law and Order Omnibus
15. Social Welfare Act
16. Order of Aurentina Establishment Act
17. Reasonable Wage Act
18. Electoral Standards Omnibus
19. Protection from Religious Fraud Act
20. Economic Democratisation Act
21. Participatory Consumption Systems Act
22. Free Education for Innovative Self Management Act
23. Public Work Centre Act
24. Collective Benefit Option Act

25. PROPOSED - Educational Excellence Omnibus (still needs a fourth etc)

New omnibus motion:
Needs at least seven supporters including the President. He will be notified if we get close.

I move to combine "Free Education for Innovative Self Management Act", "Public Work Centers Act", "Collective Benefit Option Act", "Participatory Consumption Systems Act" and "Economic Democratisation Act" into the new omnibus "Act Against Unemployment and Waste".

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:42 pm
by Welsh Cowboy
Second the omnibus by Free South.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:42 pm
by Battlion
Welsh Cowboy wrote:Second the omnibus.

third actually ;)

+ which one, there are a few

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:42 pm
by Free South Califas
ETA: Third.
Battlion wrote:The following bills have received the required amount of sponsors, I now move to omnibus all five of them into the Educational Excellence Omnibus furthermore I request the President use his legislative queuejumping ability on this Omnibus as the importance of our childrens education and the future impact it shall have it is necessary to get a proper education system running.

Curriculum of Excellence (Early Learners) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – Pre-Primary Education
a) Pre-Primary Education shall refer to a non-mandatory education, starting at the age of three and lasting one year
b) Pre-Primary Education shall take place within a Nursery or Educational facility offering same level of study
c) Pre-Primary Education shall be required to teach the following subjects to a beginners level. Any additional subjects will be at the discretion of the Nursery
    i) English
    ii) Mathematics
    iii) Science
    iv) Aurentine
    v) Arts
d) Nursery dates and timetabling shall be decided at the discretion of the Educational Institution ensuring an appropriate amount of family and educational time
e) Every Child up until the age of four shall be guaranteed the right to a Nursery Place

Curriculum of Excellence (Primary Education) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section I – Primary Education
a)Primary Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of four and lasting for seven years
b)Primary Education shall be for seven consecutive years which shall be: Reception, Year one, Year two, Year three, Year four, Year five and Year six.
c) Primary Education shall require the following subjects be taught at school. Additional subjects may be added at the discretion of the educational institution
    vi) History
    vii) Citizenship
    viii)Physical Education
    ix) Computing and Software Development
    x)Information Technology
d) There shall be an Achievement Examination (AE), which shall be held at every school at the end of year 6 in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Aurentine, History, Geography, Computing and Software Development and Information Technology

Section II – Physical Education Requirement
a)Physical Education shall be mandatory for all students for two hours per week
b)The teaching of Physical Education shall be required to include structure of the body, key organs and muscles and a wide variety of sports including the following sports.
    iv) Basketball
    v) Rounders
c)Additional Sports may be taught at the discretion of the Educational Institution

Section 3 – School Year
a) The School Year shall start in September and end in July

Curriculum of Excellence (Secondary, Advanced & Higher Education) Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section One – Secondary Education
a)Secondary Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of eleven and lasting for five years
b)Secondary Education shall be for five consecutive years which shall be: Year seven, Year eight, Year nine, Year ten and Year eleven
c)Until the age of fourteen Secondary Education shall require the following subjects, any additional subjects may be included at the Educational Institutions discretion
    vi)Computing and Software Development
    vii)Information Technology
    xii)Physical Education
    xiii)Design Technology
      -Food Technology
      -Design and Textile Technology
      -Graphic Design
    xv) Citizenship
    xvi)Additional Language - Chinese Mandarin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Latin
d)At the end of year nine all students shall be given the choice of new subjects to study till the age of sixteen, excluding compulsory subjects students shall be granted five additional choices
e) Until the age of sixteen Seconday Education shall require the following subjects, any additional subjects may be included at the Educational Institutions discretion
    i)English Language
    ii)English Literature
    vii) Aurentine
    viii) Citizenship
    ix)Business Studies (Optional)
    x)Additional Language – Chinese Mandarin, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Latin (Optional)
    xi)Construction (Optional)
    xii)Electronics (Optional)
    xiii)Business Management (Optional)
    xiv)Classical Studies (Optional)
    xv)Arts (Optional)
    xvi)Music (Optional)
    xvii)Economics (Optional)
    xviii)Government and Politics (Optional)
    xiv)Architecture (Optional)
    xv)Critical Thinking (Optional)
    xvi)Philosophy and Ethics (Optional)
    xvii)Computing and Software Development (Optional)
    xviii)Information Technology (Optional)
    xix)Health and Social Care (Optional)
    xx)Fine Arts (Optional)
    xxi)Additional Mathematics (Optional
    xxii)Additional Sciences (Optional)
    xxiii)History (Optional)

    f) Examinations in these subjects are to be modular across Year 10 and Year 11 in the months of January and June being examination months.
    g) At the end of secondary education, all students shall have completed their examinations hereby established as Aurentine Certificates. Dependant on grades shall determine the type of certificate, if graded 1*/1/2 the student shall receive an Aurentine Higher Certificate, if graded 3/4/5 the student shall receive an Aurentine Intermediate Certificate, if graded 6/7/8 the student shall receive an Aurentine Standard Certificate.

    Section II – Advanced Education
    a)Advanced Education shall refer to mandatory Education, starting when a child reaches the age of sixteen and lasting for two years
    b)Advanced Education shall be split into two separate institutions, High Schools or the Junior Polytechnic
    c) High Schools shall be specialist in Academic subjects whilst Polytechnic Schools shall be specialist in Vocational Subjects.
    d)At the age of sixteen, students may choose whether to attend a High School or Junior Polytechnic dependant on examination grades and which subject they wish to study.
    e)High Schools shall follow a modular examination system in their subjects over the course of their study and shall receive an Arbitur in their subject.
    f)Junior Polytechnics shall follow a Credit based Diploma system in their subjects over the course of their subject and shall receive a Vocational Diploma.

    Section III – Junior Polytechnic & Polytechnic
    a)Upon graduation from a Junior Polytechnic, a student may attend a Polytechnic which shall obtain deals and assurances with companies, government organisations and trade unions to ensure educational study alongside apprenticeship which may be studied to specialise in a particular trade.
    b)Polytechnics may offer study up until Master’s degree level for all students

    Section IV – School Year
    a) The School Year for Secondary and Advanced Education shall start in September and end in July

    Section V – Higher Education
    a) University shall refer to academic route after High School/Polytechnic, which shall be non-mandatory.
    b) University shall have final authority in regards to the curriculum offered within their institution
    c) University shall determine its own academic year
    d) This shall provide qualification known as degree, provided university is accredited in acceding order of importance shall be:

National Examination Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – National Examinations
a) All Examinations taken between the ages of four and eighteen shall be classified as National Examinations

Section 2 – National Examination Grading
a) All National Examinations shall be graded on a numerical scale from 1* to 8 with 1* being the highest grade available and 8 being the lowest
b)Grades shall distributed on a percentage level as shown below:
    i) 1* - 90% +
    ii)1 – 80%+
    iii)2 – 70%+
    iv)3 – 60% +
    v)4 – 50% +
    vi)5 – 40%+
    vii)6 – 30%+
    viii)7 – 20% +
    ix)8 – 0% +

Educational Standards Authority Act
Author: Battlion [NLP] | Co-Sponsors: Rumostan [NLP] Welsh Cowboy [NLP] Lamaredia [NLP] Oneracon [RG] Fulflood [LDP] Britanno [PC] New Zepuha [PC] The Grand Republic of Hannover [IND]
Urgency: High

Section 1 – Establishment of the Educational Standards Authority
a) The Educational Standards Authority (ESA) is hereby established as the sole education regulator of Aurentina
b) The ESA shall be mandated with the inspection of all educational institutions that receive state funding to ensure high quality education and safe schooling for students

Section 2 – Powers of the Educational Standards Authority
a) The ESA shall be granted the power to:
    i)Inspect Educational Institutions without warning
    ii)Publish Guidance to Educational Institutions on any government reforms to Education
    iii)Establish National Examination rules for candidates and Students
    iv) Advise the Senate and Ministry of Education on Education reform
    v) Recommend Educational Institutions be placed into Special Measures

Section 3 – Inspections
a) The ESA shall be able to inform an Educational Institution of an inspection on the day of inspection
b) The ESA shall evaluate the following areas:
    i)Teaching Quality – The standard of teaching, how a teacher can maintain a classroom
    ii)Student Participation – The Availability of Extra-Curricular activities to Students and participation of students in lessons
    iii) Behaviour and Safety of Students – The attitudes and personalities of students and the safety arrangements ensuring a safe environment for learning
    iv)Achievement – Examination Results and school test results, comparative to other institutions and national averages
c) Grading on particular areas shall be numerical from 1 to 4 and shall be defined as follows:
    i)1 – Outstanding
    ii)2 – Very Good
    iii)3 – Satisfactory, Improvement possible
    iv) 4 – Unsatisfactory, Improvement required
    c)The ESA shall make the results of an Inspection available to teachers at the end of the Inspection, and to the public one week following the inspection
    d)The ESA will provide full feedback and areas to improve upon for the next inspection
    e)Poor rated educational institutions may be reported to the government for further action

The problem is, since you've put them all in one post here, they can't meaningfully be added to the queue unless the omnibus motion passes. Otherwise the links will be all confusing and people won't know what they're voting on. I'll add a marker on the queue to hold your spot, though. If the motion fails, TG me at freesouthcalifas regionrelations council and I'll unfold them all on the queue so you don't get your spot jumped.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:42 pm
by Maklohi Vai
Welsh Cowboy wrote:Second the omnibus by Free South.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:45 pm
by Kalmath
Maklohi Vai wrote:
Welsh Cowboy wrote:Second the omnibus by Free South.



PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:45 pm
by Otrenia
Maklohi Vai wrote:
Welsh Cowboy wrote:Second the omnibus by Free South.


I Fifth the motion by Free South Califas, and third the motion by Battlion.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:45 pm
by Aeken
Otrenia wrote:
Maklohi Vai wrote:Third

I Fourth the motion by Free South Califas, and third the motion by Battlion.

Sixthed and fourthed.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:47 pm
by Rumostan
Aeken wrote:
Otrenia wrote:
I Fourth the motion by Free South Califas, and third the motion by Battlion.

Sixthed and fourthed.

Seventhed and fithed

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:48 pm
by Britanno
I give presidential approval to omnibus motions.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:48 pm
by Battlion
Rumostan wrote:
Aeken wrote:Sixthed and fourthed.

Seventhed and well, I have already seconded the motion by Battlion.

You make it five I believe :) best edit it so we're not confused

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:54 pm
by Europe and the Americas
I shall sixth the Omnibus proposed by Battlion

I think I did it right

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:59 pm
by Rumostan
Europe and the Americas wrote:I shall sixth the Omnibus proposed by Battlion

I think I did it right

You did. :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:19 pm
by Britanno
Did Battlion's proposed omnibus get enough seconds? I got confused with a load of different motions being made at once.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:19 pm
by Battlion
Britanno wrote:Did Battlion's proposed omnibus get enough seconds? I got confused with a load of different motions being made at once.

We need one more :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:22 pm
by Welsh Cowboy

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:23 pm
by German-Spanish Empire

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:26 pm
by Britanno
For the sake of millions of Aurentine children that need a fair and efficient education system and after the request made by Senator Battlion, I use my legislative queue jumping powers to move the Educational Excellence Omnibus to number one in the legislative queue.