Is the Being of Light of NDE fame our Creator or Satan?

i do believe that near death experience accounts are bringing people together from all nations.
Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Muslims and New Agers all have near death experiences.
All across the Theological Spectrum these near death experiencers seem to come back with a higher IQ, a much more positive view of this world and our place in it.....
and I believe that near death experiencers are setting the stage for Genuine Shalom on this earth.
Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Muslims and New Agers all have near death experiences.
All across the Theological Spectrum these near death experiencers seem to come back with a higher IQ, a much more positive view of this world and our place in it.....
and I believe that near death experiencers are setting the stage for Genuine Shalom on this earth.
"For Sappington and others, the issue is not whether the person is actually meeting God, but why NDErs routinely seem better adjusted, more at peace and content with themselves and the world after their experience. Disregarding, for the time being at least, how they got that way, and focusing on the changes themselves, psychologists would like to borrow this newfound sense of well-being and utilize it in therapy.
Reports are highly consistent and common: "I understand things so much more" and "My senses all seem heightened." Subjects claim "sudden knowledge and comprehension of complex mathematical theorems." Psychologist Ring has identified a consistent set of value and belief changes. They include:
a greater appreciation for life
o higher self-esteem
o greater compassion for others
o a heightened sense of purpose and self-understanding
o desire to learn
o elevated spirituality
o greater ecological sensitivity and planetary concern
o a feeling of being more intuitive, sometimes psychic.
o He also observes "psychophysical changes," including:
o increased physical sensitivity
o diminished tolerance to light, alcohol, and drugs
o a feeling that their brains have been "altered" to encompass more
o a feeling that they are now using their "whole brain" rather than just a small part.
NDErs undergo radical changes in personality, and their,significant others--spouses, friends, relatives--confirm these changes, reports Bruce Greyson, M.D., clinical psychiatrist and associate professor at the University of Connecticut. Like Sappington, he is concerned with what can be learned from such new outlooks on life." (Psychology Today, article Bright lights, big mystery, by James Mauro, published on July 01, 1992)