The Problem about [Radical] Islam (especially to Turks)

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Postby Saiwana » Mon Dec 02, 2024 4:26 pm

Does this cartoon have an anti-Islam bias? I'm intrigued by anything in media that depicts the Taliban and like to see if the history matches or not.
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Postby Fahran » Mon Dec 02, 2024 6:40 pm

Saiwana wrote:

Does this cartoon have an anti-Islam bias? I'm intrigued by anything in media that depicts the Taliban and like to see if the history matches or not.

It's mostly anti-Taliban and can be interpreted as a critique of toxic masculinity, especially when we examine the character of Idrees, an adolescent Taliban recruit who often lashes out in anger against those he perceives as weaker than him. It should be noted that the protagonist Parvana's father Nurullah is implied to have been a mujahid fighting against the Soviets, where he lost his leg to a landmine. All of the major characters are Muslim, despite Islam not playing a central role in the story. Ellis wrote the book based on interviews she had with Afghan refugees, especially women and girls, living in Pakistan in the late 1990s. All of the practices represented in the book and the film based on it are documented social phenomena that occur as a result of purdah - or segregation of the sexes.

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National Coraland of Fishery
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Postby National Coraland of Fishery » Tue Dec 03, 2024 12:38 am

Fahran wrote:
National Coraland of Fishery wrote:Your group is calling Muslims radical but defending Israel and calling their beliefs more peaceful which isn't true.

Quoting scriptures in isolation does not provide a great deal of insight into halacha. Judaism, generally, does not have any neat equivalent to hudood penalties because a Sanhedrin which imposed the death penalty was perceived as "bloody" and rabbinical authorities had minimal authority, even within their own communities and intellectual circles, to actually impose such severe penalties. Beyond that, Israel's criminal justice system isn't rooted in halacha.

The popularization of hudood penalties across the Islamic world has largely been the result of the proliferation of Islamic modernism and Islamic fundamentalism, especially in the form of Salafis, Deobandis, and Barelvis, though even these groups and movements are not uniform in their approach to hudood penalties. Customarily, hudood penalties were avoided by qadis because the requirements and evidentiary standards were so high as to be prohibitive. Which isn't surprising. Why sever a limb or flog someone near to death when you can impose a fine? Recent developments have led to the lowering of requirements and evidentiary standards, and thus the more frequent imposition of hudood penalties, often against people who commit victimless crimes.

This simply isn't anywhere near as much of a problem among even Jewish and Christian fundamentalists because Jewish rabbinical authorities self-regulate to a significant degree and the Christian fundamentalists most inclined to support theocracy have a virtually nonexistent legal tradition because they threw that out alongside church hierarchy during the Protestant Reformation.

And, to be clear, hudood penalties as they exist today are extremist, barbaric, and, arguably, tantamount to bi'dah given pre-modern Islamic states approached them in a completely different way than, say, the Taliban or the Saudis. We're getting a little off-topic if we're supposed to discuss Turkey though.

The root of the problem, and the problem we were originally tackling is the result of extremism and radical Islamic beliefs which don't even follow the Quran's beliefs. A few Islamophobes started the long discussion on how Islam is bogus period. Now it seems to have shift back to the punishments but let's specifically address the problem:
Christianity is known for changing a lot and some of the beliefs and cultural ties have fluctuated over the years but Islam doesn't really change, Islam is all about the preservation of 'God's original covenant' and is always making sure it is "Anti-change". Islamic countries didn't industrialize and the Ottomans lost their wars to the West which destroyed the entire Middle East with their shitty borders. That created war and poor people and the Soviets and the West which sticks fingers (jets and bombs) up countries with oil asses to make people mad. Mad people use their religion to encourage followed when really, they don't know what they are talking about. Well, why did the Middle East have so much terrorism? Because the West loves OIL and loves bombing countries. Come on, you really think that every country America went to war with was bad?
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Western European Khilafat
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Postby Western European Khilafat » Tue Dec 03, 2024 12:45 am

Saiwana wrote:

Does this cartoon have an anti-Islam bias? I'm intrigued by anything in media that depicts the Taliban and like to see if the history matches or not.

No, not really.
It's generally anti- Taliban.
Nothing says they aren't religious Muslims afaik, but I haven't read the Breadwinner either.
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But the terror groups you associate with Islam are not Islamic. They are disgusting Khawarij.
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