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PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:17 pm
by Qatarab
Aglrinia wrote:
Qatarab wrote:Americans feared Communists only a few decades ago,Japs and Nazis nearly half a century or more ago,Southerners nearly 2 centuries ago and Brits nearly 3 centuries its muslims. Makes me wonder whats next.

Let em keep shouting...they make one wrong move and its time to go American on those bigots asses and Sue their pants off. That might prove them wrong about muslims not being American...

Frankly I think they like having something to fear.

Politicians can be evil...

Ima invent the first RL ignore cannon and fire away at these Tea Party rabblements....

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:19 pm
by Keronians
Aglrinia wrote:
Qatarab wrote:Americans feared Communists only a few decades ago,Japs and Nazis nearly half a century or more ago,Southerners nearly 2 centuries ago and Brits nearly 3 centuries its muslims. Makes me wonder whats next.

Let em keep shouting...they make one wrong move and its time to go American on those bigots asses and Sue their pants off. That might prove them wrong about muslims not being American...

Frankly I think they like having something to fear.

Ya think?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:27 pm
by EnragedMaldivians
The Communists actually were a threat. Mcarthysim was over the top, but it is proven that there were Soviet infiltrators working in the state department, and that espionage is how the Soviets got their own A-bomb. If anyone wants me to source that I will, but I am assuming this is common knowledge.

Equating the failure that is political Islam to Communism is misleading. Communism had more than a modicum of popular support among leftists at the height of Soviet power. Political Islam, especially extremism, has enough trouble winning over Muslims.

If anything terrorists (at least the elite masterminds) are worried about the appeal of American secular culture among Muslim youth, and they deliberately try to create a climate of fear by which they can get the West to go overboard with their responses and rhetoric, and lose their moral credibility and appeal among Muslims. They want western interventionism, because they want to be able to narrate it as a Crusade.

As far as that specific goal goes, they've made a significant advance as we are seeing. But when it comes to offering their own political vision of how Muslim societies should look like, they are very unpopular.

In essence this is not a war between Muslims and non Muslims in my view, it's an intra-faith ideological war between moderates and extremists. That the west has security and economic interests in the Middle Eastern region, and that the reformists espouse Western liberalist views is what brings the West under the cross-hairs of this extremist fringe, who unfortunately are not as stupid as everyone wants to pretend they are.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:58 pm
by Nightkill the Emperor
Innsmothe wrote:Ironic as God=Allah.
It's only a separation of language.

Whilst in practice Islam is more similar to Judaism, they recognise the prophet Yeshua. So I don;t see why the 'Christians' hate them.


Re: Islamophobia in America: "One nation under God, not Alla

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:09 pm
by Alien Space Bats
EnragedMaldivians wrote:
Alien Space Bats wrote:You have no idea how many Americans still believe that Dearborn is governed by Sha'ria Law after that canard went around conservative whack-job circles last fall.

As someone from the Muslim world, I should mention that pro-sharia morons have enough trouble getting most Muslims on board with their full theocratic Agenda. Our local version of the franchise (the Adhaalath part), won a staggering 0.8% of the vote in a self proclaimed 100% Muslim country. At most they get away with a quasi sharia, where Islam is the state religion, and apostasy and secularism are guarded against. But that's in the Muslim world. The notion that they could somehow take over freaking Michigan is ridiculous.

They are dangerous though. To the Muslim world. And to secular Muslims, and apostates. (Not to mention Women) Not to the West.

Actually, my favorite cage-rattling tactic when confronted by conservatives who insist that we're going to see Sha'ria Law enacted in America is something like this:

"You know, if we sent the Equal Rights Amendment back to the States for ratification and got it through this time, there'd be no way Sha'ria Law could ever be enacted - it would be unconstitutional!"

I always love watching the little wisps of steam escape from their ears when I say that.

Re: Islamophobia in America: "One nation under God, not Alla

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:12 pm
by Alien Space Bats
Helertia wrote:In all fairness, they could probably take over Michigan relatively easily. It's not like anyone else wants it, after all.

No way.


They'd have to deal with Ted Nugent, who could bitch-slap Chuck Norris until he cried like a baby. Ted would whip them all single-handedly - as long as it was his gun hand.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:03 pm
by Qatarab
EnragedMaldivians wrote:
The Communists actually were a threat. Mcarthysim was over the top, but it is proven that there were Soviet infiltrators working in the state department, and that espionage is how the Soviets got their own A-bomb. If anyone wants me to source that I will, but I am assuming this is common knowledge.

Equating the failure that is political Islam to Communism is misleading. Communism had more than a modicum of popular support among leftists at the height of Soviet power. Political Islam, especially extremism, has enough trouble winning over Muslims.

If anything terrorists (at least the elite masterminds) are worried about the appeal of American secular culture among Muslim youth, and they deliberately try to create a climate of fear by which they can get the West to go overboard with their responses and rhetoric, and lose their moral credibility and appeal among Muslims. They want western interventionism, because they want to be able to narrate it as a Crusade.

As far as that specific goal goes, they've made a significant advance as we are seeing. But when it comes to offering their own political vision of how Muslim societies should look like, they are very unpopular.

In essence this is not a war between Muslims and non Muslims in my view, it's an intra-faith ideological war between moderates and extremists. That the west has security and economic interests in the Middle Eastern region, and that the reformists espouse Western liberalist views is what brings the West under the cross-hairs of this extremist fringe, who unfortunately are not as stupid as everyone wants to pretend they are.

I bet placing boxes of confetti all over major cities then calling authorities claiming you've seen suspicious packages would probably cause massive frenzy in the US and all without a signal need of even a fire cracker(unless you want a bigger pop when the box is opened,to spread confetti all over the place).

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:03 pm
by HomeLand Safety
I have a problem with them building a mosque near the twin towers...its spitting on the souls who died that day...other then that I don't care

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:12 pm
Qatarab wrote:Americans feared Communists only a few decades ago,Japs and Nazis nearly half a century or more ago,Southerners nearly 2 centuries ago and Brits nearly 3 centuries its muslims. Makes me wonder whats next.

Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners, and Brits were all a threat to the US at one point. If you deny that certain Islamic groups and nations are a threat to the US, you have your head in the sand.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:31 pm
by Gauthier
DEFCON-1 wrote:
Qatarab wrote:Americans feared Communists only a few decades ago,Japs and Nazis nearly half a century or more ago,Southerners nearly 2 centuries ago and Brits nearly 3 centuries its muslims. Makes me wonder whats next.

Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners, and Brits were all a threat to the US at one point. If you deny that certain Islamic groups and nations are a threat to the US, you have your head in the sand.

Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners and Brits were all organized around a nation that had the clear military capacity and other resources to threaten the US. Now, is there an organized Islamic nation that had either of their capacities out there?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:33 pm
by Maxedon
So it's wrong to protest Muslims but it's right to protest dead soldier funerals?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:33 pm
by Wikkiwallana
HomeLand Safety wrote:I have a problem with them building a mosque near the twin towers...its spitting on the souls who died that day...other then that I don't care

They weren't and it isn't.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:34 pm
by Kari-Kazzir
The U.S. is one of the closest allies to Israel. Is this surprising?
If you ask me, more people are coming to accept Muslims.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:35 pm
by Wikkiwallana
Maxedon wrote:So it's wrong to protest Muslims but it's right to protest dead soldier funerals?

Has anyone said anything positive about the WBC other than that they have a constitutional right to say whatever they want? Just because they can do it doesn't mean they should, or that they aren't hateful assholes.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:37 pm
by GBeckastania
I'm personally a Christian and a Republican, and even I'm appalled by this. Honestly, people need to learn to accept others religions, or we'll all end up dead.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:46 pm
Gauthier wrote:
DEFCON-1 wrote: Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners, and Brits were all a threat to the US at one point. If you deny that certain Islamic groups and nations are a threat to the US, you have your head in the sand.

Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners and Brits were all organized around a nation that had the clear military capacity and other resources to threaten the US. Now, is there an organized Islamic nation that had either of their capacities out there?

Yes, there are. There are also non-state groups. Don't confuse "threaten" with "conquer and occupy."

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:48 pm
by Gauthier
DEFCON-1 wrote:
Gauthier wrote:
Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners and Brits were all organized around a nation that had the clear military capacity and other resources to threaten the US. Now, is there an organized Islamic nation that had either of their capacities out there?

Yes, there are. There are also non-state groups. Don't confuse "threaten" with "conquer and occupy."

Please name the specific Islamic states or groups that could threaten the U.S. just as much as the Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners and Brits were able to.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:00 pm
Gauthier wrote:
DEFCON-1 wrote:
Yes, there are. There are also non-state groups. Don't confuse "threaten" with "conquer and occupy."

Please name the specific Islamic states or groups that could threaten the U.S. just as much as the Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners and Brits were able to.

I'd love for you to point out to me where I said there were on the same level, or type of threat.

Off the top of my head, Iran is the biggest threat. It works against US interests in the region and supplies our enemies in Iraq, and if it develops nuclear weapons, will be able to threaten our allies in the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

Most of the threat comes from smaller groups, however- In the last 10 years, you've had major attacks in Britain, Spain, the US, India, Israel, Russia, and Jordan- most of whom are US allies. You can take this pretty far back, like Muslims killing the Israeli olympic team, blowing up US embassays, the USS Cole Bombings, the first WTC bombing,and bombing the US Marine Barracks in Beirut. It isn't like they're just going to stop.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:03 pm
by Bengera
Islam is an extension of Christianity and Judaism. Muslims hold the Torah and the Gospels of Yeshua Hamashiach sacred, so why aren't most Christians befriending our Muslim brothers? Why aren't we praising them for their beliefs?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:05 pm
by Miklesia
Bengera wrote:Islam is an extension of Christianity and Judaism. Muslims hold the Torah and the Gospels of Yeshua Hamashiach sacred, so why aren't most Christians befriending our Muslim brothers? Why aren't we praising them for their beliefs?

Because they have committed an unforgiveable offense.

...They're different.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:22 pm
by Quelesh
OMGeverynameistaken wrote:They're sort of like your average high school 'Wiccan' in a way. Only instead of pretending to know 'magick' and wearing black all the time, they shout about Muslims and presumably drive minivans.

What's the difference between high school Wiccans and high school Christians?

What's the difference between high school Wiccans and Wiccans who are not in high school?

Sierra Lobo wrote:but I am having difficulty on how to get an english translated Qu'ran ... 199535957/

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:24 pm
by Lonelyloner
Bengera wrote:Islam is an extension of Christianity and Judaism. Muslims hold the Torah and the Gospels of Yeshua Hamashiach sacred, so why aren't most Christians befriending our Muslim brothers? Why aren't we praising them for their beliefs?

Because there's instructions in their Qu'ran to antagonize / kill Jews and Christians. is quite informative about this.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:25 pm
by Qatarab
DEFCON-1 wrote:
Gauthier wrote:
Please name the specific Islamic states or groups that could threaten the U.S. just as much as the Communists, Japanese, Nazis, Southerners and Brits were able to.

I'd love for you to point out to me where I said there were on the same level, or type of threat.

Off the top of my head, Iran is the biggest threat. It works against US interests in the region and supplies our enemies in Iraq, and if it develops nuclear weapons, will be able to threaten our allies in the Middle East, Asia and Europe.

Most of the threat comes from smaller groups, however- In the last 10 years, you've had major attacks in Britain, Spain, the US, India, Israel, Russia, and Jordan- most of whom are US allies. You can take this pretty far back, like Muslims killing the Israeli olympic team, blowing up US embassays, the USS Cole Bombings, the first WTC bombing,and bombing the US Marine Barracks in Beirut. It isn't like they're just going to stop.

All due to the presence of foreign troops in their lands. You really think Iranians would like the US especially when the US implanted a puppet shah to be their leader. So much for democracy there eh? "We must spread and protect democracy by forcefully placing a leader of our choice even if it is against the populations opinions"

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:30 pm
by Brewdomia
Bengera wrote:Islam is an extension of Christianity and Judaism. Muslims hold the Torah and the Gospels of Yeshua Hamashiach sacred, so why aren't most Christians befriending our Muslim brothers? Why aren't we praising them for their beliefs?

Because they blow up children in the 21st Century.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:31 pm
by Bengera
Lonelyloner wrote:
Bengera wrote:Islam is an extension of Christianity and Judaism. Muslims hold the Torah and the Gospels of Yeshua Hamashiach sacred, so why aren't most Christians befriending our Muslim brothers? Why aren't we praising them for their beliefs?

Because there's instructions in their Qu'ran to antagonize / kill Jews and Christians. is quite informative about this.

And? What about the Christians who raped and pillaged the Hold Land, enslaved Muslims, and held people at gunpoint, forcing them to become Christians?