CAS Poems and Short Stories Thread(CAS Sponsored; Opentoall)

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Founded: Nov 02, 2017

Postby Grecaties » Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:48 pm

Hello, I'm new to forums so I think this is the best way to put in a few different pieces without being obnoxious. I mostly write prose, as you'll see.
The Forgotten Crew
A clear night, with a waning crescent giving the faintest hint of light. The ocean stands still and calm, the only disturbance the movement of the ship. No name is painted on its bow, nor flag flown from the mast. In the hold there exists a smoky tavern sparsely filled with patrons. A gentle susurration fills the room, a combination of the ocean gliding past and the whispered conversations of those wishing to escape the loneliness of the night while not daring to break its silence. In the corner a man pulls out a stringed instrument, a weary and battered thing, a commences a melody. Gentle, at first, it seems to underlay the conversation but soon grows into a haunting sound that barely seems to rise above the surrounding noise. It speaks of the loss of something fundamental and of the longing to return where one cannot. It strikes a chord with patrons who, one by one, add their voices together in song.

“Oh the war was long, and the guns were loud. Leave home, Johnny, leave home! I guess it’s time for us to go and it’s time for us to leave home. Leave home, Johnny, leave home! Oh, leave home, Johnny, leave home! Oh the land was fine, but the king is dead. And it’s time for us to leave home. Leave home, Johnny, leave home! Oh I thought I heard the old man say, leave home, Johnny, leave home! Cause they killed your family anyway, and it’s time for us to leave home.”

The song continues on into the night, growing and diminishing as sailors enter and leave. So go to lie in bunks and feign sleep, some go to the forecastle to weep. Some rise from sleep to keep watch, some sit and remember the lochs. The ship is a place of sorrow, home to exiled men, sent to their doom on a one way voyage into the unknown. Provisioned only a few months, their stores run low even as sight of land eludes them. By day they work hard to forget themselves and their lot, but at night they sing mournful melodies to carry them through to another day. The captain’s set a course for where the dragons be while the lookout does his best to find something to see. They sail south and westward and steer by the sun and stars.

A City Stargazer
Dear Katherine,

I miss you. I wish you were here. I had no idea that such a big part of me had been missing for so many years until you left. But that’s selfish of me; to distract you, to bring you down, when you’re on your way to so many great things. So Katherine, where have the stars gone?
I walk to the bus station in the night, the sky not yet beginning to lighten, and above me is a field sable, with maybe four white flecks, so incredibly distant and dull. Is this what has become of the stars?
An hour later I come into town and walk to school, the bottom edge of the horizon just becoming a shade of blue, and there are only two dots in the midst of the infinite field.
I get to school and look out from the steps. The sky has more blue than white and the moon disappeared long ago but still I see a single, white, star. I think that it must be so blazingly bright for me to see it as well as I do, but still I wonder. Why have we covered up the stars?
It doesn’t have to be like this, for so many years the stars shone like rivers and oceans of blazing fires, swirling in the dark cosmic oceans and marking our safe haven as one of miraculous proportions. But we’ve shunned the lights of the abyss for artificial means and in doing so made the abyss seemed so much more foreign, colder and unforgiving. I think this is why we’ve stopped reaching for the stars: we can no longer see what we’re meant to be reaching for.
For thousands of years, we tried to explain that beautiful dance the we saw, to explain how something so chaotically beautiful could exist. Every night something happened as dusk faded into twilight and twilight shifted to the dark night: the stars came out and put on their show for those who cared to gaze upwards. But that show has ended or so it seems, not with a bang, but my drawing down the curtain of light that makes the night so much darker.
What I’m trying to say is that you were the one I’d talk to about this and so many other questions. Everyone else it seems would simply laugh at how deep I’d go with it, but I think you saw something beautiful in it and I wish I could see it without you.
With Love,
A City Stargazer

The Death of the World
The ice came down last night. I missed it, I was reading. This morning I left in a hurry, rushed outside and slipped immediately. I got back up and, treading more carefully, carried on. It was a twenty minute walk to school and on the way I fell three more times but that didn’t matter. I was paying attention to where I was going because my eyes were locked on the world around me.

The world was covered in a silver lining, a shimmering coat that distorted everything I saw had been distorted in the most wondrous way possible. Through the inch of ice I could see the world I always saw, the leaves of the tree hadn’t moved, neither had the parking meters or the restaurants or the street signs. But in the ice I saw the sky, great Ouranos superimposed over the world and letting everything swim in the atmospheric ocean.

I didn’t see anyone. Not a soul. Nor did I see a car, a bike, a bus, nothing. Nothing moved, no birds sang, from no window did I hear a sudden laugh and no doorway opened in the dawn to spill forth the golden warmth of the indoors. It seemed that the ice had put the world to sleep, for sleep the world did and I remained the odd one out.

I made it to school and saw no one still. I found the door unlocked and so stayed and read and waited, waited for the world to reawaken and shake off the kiss of Jack Frost, waited for my reunion with the world and my exit from this icy limbo I had stumbled into, waited for the spring thaw the bring me out of that land where the land swam in the sky.

A few hours later, when I had finished my book, I walked home. The sun had finished her slow ascension and the ice was no longer a worldwide sheet, and had become a river rushing beneath the sky’s reflection. Still no one moved and still I lived alone but the spell had been broken as from the occasional balcony the words “What are you, crazy?” would drift down upon my ears and I would respond with the only true answer I could give “I suppose so, either that or every died this morning!” I’d follow with a laugh and trudge on home, where I saw that the world continued to sleep and I decided to join them.

A Wanderer's Explanation
I was walking last night, aimlessly and alone.

Walking because I love the feeling of the ground beneath my feet, the feeling of moving myself by myself, and most of all the feeling of being somewhere I have never been before.

Aimlessly because I have a need to go to new places, a need to scout out the world around me, a need to feel as many places beneath myself as I possibly can.

Night because I can hear the wind whipping by going from the noplace in front to the nowhere behind, can hear the tiny squeaks and chirps and rustles that make up the nocturnal chorus, can truly hear my thoughts as the murmuring silence envelops me.

Alone because anyone else might feel the need to break in upon my silent celebration, might question me when I break into laughter or bits of broken song or hug myself or skip and run and enjoy life for no apparent reason, might not understand that which is so beautiful about the late night when not another person is about and every place that holds so many during the day is a tomb unto itself and every park becomes a jungle and every creek a raging torrent and the mighty river has become an ocean of forty feet and everything stays the same yet is irrevocably changed but changed in ways that set the imagination into a joyous dance set to the chirps of crickets and the flutes of bats and the drums of owls and the voices of cicadas and for once in my life I feel that there could be something to the soul if it allows me to transform the dull humdrum of a city by the day into the fantasies of the night and I can only do it alone because I need to know that this nightly majesty will lie in wait for me tonight and every night after and I couldn’t bare it if after I bring someone with me through this wardrobe I will feel it slip away from my grasp forever.

I was dreaming last night, moving from the nowhere behind to the noplace in front with the wind, from the forested concert hall to the riverside opera house alongside the nightly chorus, from one mark on the eternal map of my mind to another, making no progress and yet knowing that every distance traversed is cause for celebration.

I celebrated in my own way, by breaking out into my internal medley made up of every song I’ve ever heard, by running and jumping and skipping, by laughing wildly into the sky and wishing to any god that this magical solitude need never end.

I woke up this morning and began again the wait for the night.

A Dream of Reality
For every night I stayed awake, dreaming,
Your face appeared before my eyes, defined
By your eyes, and I lay there, crystallized,
Enraptured as my heart kept on feeling.

Alighted on the window sill, tonight
You sit and whisper secrets in my ear
But I couldn’t hear, though you were so near,
And you blew away on the sweet moonlight.

In the middle of the night I awake,
With my heart dancing around in my chest.
I smell lavender, the scent on your breast,
Floating on the air but still you feel fake.

You breathe so peacefully in your still sleep,
And I, in remembrance of you, still weep

The Garden of My Mind
My mind is a garden
Filled with the plants of emotion
Love and lust, hatred and affability,
All grow under my watchful eye.
I trim the unruly thorns of deceit and allow the beauty of humor to prosper.

Throughout this garden music plays,
Normally soft and serene, it teases the ears with a sound like soft flutes, filling the garden with
Although at times the drums of war rage through, trampling the more delicate flora in favor of the
warlike thistles of rage and hate.
The music, no matter the tone, comes and goes, waxes and wanes, feeding that which grows all
the same.

My garden is my retreat, whether from boredom or strife
My garden is where you’ll find me, pondering of a night
I go there when I read, when I think, when I gaze at the infinite nothing I am gazing at my garden,
And trimming here, weeding there, hoping to provide its sole inhabitant with love and care.
I visit my garden to find peace among the confusion, to sort through the random ideas that
threaten to blow my garden apart like a summer storm.

And whether my visits last an hour or a second, the trip was always worth it.

Page 251
“Anyone could find you”
Is a very true sentiment when I’m on the roof screaming.
“I found a shoebox that I keep things in”
But unfortunately I lost it again. It’s a real shame too; I liked those photos.
“He eyed the flask nervously”,
He knew how these nights tend to end.
“What does it matter what fools call him?”
Well no one likes being called a doo-doo head, so there’s that.
“The wicked part of a war is its beginning”
Said my grandfather but I still don’t understand what’s so sick about war, I mean, people die.
“Do you remember anything?”
No, only that I really miss that damn shoebox.
“Be prepared to appreciate what you meet”
She said on my first day as a Walmart greeter, and dear lord I was not prepared.
“Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander till he find it stopping a bunghole?”
He shouted at me. I didn’t have an answer as he was standing on the roof, drunk off his bunghole after downing the flask.
“If you die, I become as nothing; in you we have our life and our deaths.”
Relax dude, Jeez, it’s just a game, I said, but thought
“How can I live until he comes?”
“The service cart was crying”
But I was too busy listening for the wails of my poor, abandoned shoebox to care for someone else’s lost life.
“I thought he might be somebody”
But after all that’s happened I’m not so sure anymore.

5am's Comforts
but, it’s not really silence,
A pseudo- silence filled with the sounds of a city on the verge of waking up,
the dull thrum of life that can never be heard but can always be felt as a sound just beyond
our ears.

but it’s not really dark,
The Sun, making its way towards the horizon sends out questing rays of light that illuminate the
underside of the dawn,
Basking the world in a mixture of the glows of street lamps, grey clouds, and the early bird’s

but is it really cool?
The refreshing breeze blows in through the open window, kissing your skin and adding a slight
Counteracting the heat and comfort provided by the quilt and removing the slightly feverish quality
from the room.

but can it really be called comfort?
The warm, snug feeling of the quilt as you wrap it ever tighter around your self,
The cool, chilly kiss of the breeze as the two combine like Yin and Yang,
The darkness, providing all with anonymity and uniformity,
The not-so-dark glow of the world’s light, working to assign individuals,
The silence, sweet, sweet, music to my weary ears,
The thrum of life, though ever present, most cannot hear it for they do not try,

These are the comforts of 5am, they make my soul sing and make me ask for another five minutes
to lie there, wrapped in my blankets, allowed to listen to the silence for just a
moment more.

Blue Ridge Mountains
As the car drives on I look up at the sky, the clear and chilly November sky. It’s blue from horizon to horizon with barely a cloud to break it. I follow the wash of blue from the dome of the sky to the edge and find what I’ve been looking for the entire trip, a bumpy smudge in the distance.
I fall asleep, my neck bent at an uncomfortable angle, and wake up again a few hours later. I look back at the sky and see a change, the light is fading. The sun, at its apex earlier, has now drifted to a midpoint and continues to sink. The sky has been split, one half the same pale blue, the other a white that extends to the smudge. The smudge is more defined now though, as opposed to a possible cloud bank it has revealed itself to be a wall of mountains. They are still pretty indistinct from here but one thing is clear: they are blue.
I keep myself occupied for another half of an hour when I look back up. Again the sky is radically different. Instead of a half-and-half look, it is so much more beautiful. The dome of the sky is blue, a much darker blue, a blue with a bit of personality, with some backbone. Following the sky I find the sun and feel awash in warmth as though a fire has been lit in a snow drift. Just above the horizon it sits, and around it the clouds seem to have gathered as children to cocoa and have gained a golden blaze. They seem to be gold, pure and new, never before has a hammer touched these bundles of beauty, nor has anvil or forge. This is a gold for the gods, a gold rarely seen by man, a gold that simply cannot exist underground. As my eyes wander from the sight I gaze upon the mountains and breathe deeply. They are so much closer now and one can see that they are not new. They are old and worn, comfortable with the land they encompass, no longer big on fighting the land or humans for supremacy they have a soothing effect. As they come closer and their brethren pass by, it feels as though the earth has embraced me, as though Mother Gaia has decided that of all her children, we are worthy of a hug. Against the backdrop of fiery gold surrounded by deepening blue, they stand stark, a blue of a different shade, blue that knows what it is and has been it for so many millennia that it could care less what the sky does.
When later comes around and the sun is below the horizon, the last few rays make the clouds seem like fading gold leaf, once beautiful but not the true thing, flaking and falling off. Above the clouds the sky has darkened to a deep blue that seems almost purple, a blue that reminds mankind of its stay on this planet, of the power of Father Winter, of the sheer might of the cold and the inky nothingness that is space. But at the horizon lies a comfort, those mountains colored blue. I stare at them and watch as the dripping gold gradually fades and the world is plunged into darkness. Even in the dark, when the world is pitch black, the mountains are still blue.
As we pull into the house I spent my childhood in I walk outside and take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the blue air, and upon opening them again, my eyes look towards the mountains and are filled with blue, and for a few fleeting moments that could last for hours, everything is blue.

Ok, I think that's enough for now. If any body has any comments, be they opinions, recommendations, edits, what have you, feel more than free to tell me. I'm always looking for feed back

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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Three Poems of Mine

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Sun Feb 25, 2018 7:58 pm

The Mind of the Observer
I am the observer
I see all creations of the maker
But do not feel like a partaker
Not even a caretaker
Just a simple observer
An unsublime watchmaker
Through the hatch
I see the match
Do nothing to catch but the gaze
Just a simple observer in the maze
A distant spectator
Not even a partaker
Not even a benign caretaker
Just a mere headwaiter
The listening narrator
The glistening soul of sympathy
The observing eye of situational apathy
Just have another catastrophe unfold before my eyes
Reflected to me through agaze
The desire to leave this silly little maze
The want to be more than the observer
The gaunt of the concerned watcher
But all in vain
For within me is the soul of the observer
It is my toll and my prison
It is what keeps me in bind
It is my cursed mind
The mind of the observer

The Ring: Our Will Is Made Reality
We All Feel Empty
Feel like the World is a void
A prison of powerlessness
Oh I tell you my boy
You need a way to commit
To have others see
To have others be
As we wish them to be
To see happiness
From you
All the way to them
Through this
We wish to bind them in matrimony
With a ring
An object lasting until death
Does you part
We pour our desire into such
To make from it
Our will as much
For once we create our ring
Our reality is set
Only a matter of time
Before the match is met
The Ring, tool of mine
From which to dominate
Enslave all mankind
To make them see such
Using this tool towards he and she
Bring them into the fold
Granted to me
By this power of mine
The Ring
The will to enslave all
It has so much practicality
The tool will bring to us this
The Ring: Our Will is Made Reality

Search for the Ideal
Yearn for freedom
Yearn for perfection
Yearn for your affection
There I go looking for the ideal
But can it be real?
Can it be met?
Can it be set?
In my hands?
Is it man?
Is it god?
Is it a world of pure bliss?
Well for me it sure is a miss
Found no love
Below or Above
I have not found in my resolve
Neither from man, woman or world
I have failed to find this pearl
There is only a void and longing to find
For I don’t even know what it is I so wish to bind
I only know I wish for the ideal
I only know that I wish to feel
I only know that I wish live for
But I have felt this feeling before
This feeling of hope
Only coming to mope
For in this world of zeal
The journey for it has only been too real
As I search for the ideal
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

America: My nation

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Tue Mar 27, 2018 8:21 pm

America: My nation
When we met
We did not fret
For when we saw another
We saw a brother
Faces red, white, and blue
But to us it was all the same
There was no shame
No mutual blame
It all came together
No skin similar
No origin was familiar
But at the same time
'Twas a brotherhood of mine
Without a fatherhood
No need for motherhood
We shared times
Remade into musical rhymes
We spoke the same tongue
Ate at the same rung of shared destiny
Witnessing stars of hung nativity
We were not simply a place
Not only a fading memory
Not pieces born elsewhere
Merely placed here and there
It was a lived experience
A conscious incidence
Because it was all of us
We melted whole
A whole people
A nation
America: My nation
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:38 pm

Reflection Cast Under: Do I Dare Wonder?
Do I dare wonder?
Over to the realm yonder
Looking to the sky up farther
I see only a past joy of blue and white
Endless sea of blissful memories for a boy
An ideal of love and hope ahoy
One that even the gods would surely enjoy
Reflection of a time inspiring moving peaks
Guided by memories of virtuous greeks
Of lofty valleys and steady creeks
Then a peculiar thought sneaks
I gaze in the pool of water cast
A reflection in another puddle vast
Another standing on freezing mast
In a world much like mine
But I see no sky of blue and white
No memory of sun, day or light
Only night and hopelessness fast
Adrift in this black void cast
Feeling emanating bites of frost
I see one whose eyes are cold
Bitter and empty in a world of mold
No such memories like mine
Nothing at all that was fine
No such fixture of love or light
Only a brooding darkness
Nothing but this anti-sight
Where there is no wrong or right
I stare in disbelief and fright
This utterly saddening plight
A void of endless night
In a land of cold blight
Nothing more in sight
Fate was kind to save me from such plunder
Mated to a kinder destiny of inner light
And so I look to the past
Keeping my own mast of present
From blowing asunder
Could've fate had such plans for me
Plans of stormy thunder
Such freezing mast of me
This reflection cast under
Cast me in similar current
Do I dare wonder?
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Ismeil » Sat Apr 21, 2018 9:11 am

Storm on the Horizon

Melancholic dawn
On the river Rhine
Where you lay upon
Seemingly divine

In between two giants
Paired in grey and blue
In opposing currents
For the time is due

Monsieur Marne remarked
That twenty year armistice
On that day it sparked
Against them who are merciless

Yet there can be hope
Far west from our shores
We will need not mope
The New World still roars

His Majesty's faith
In the infamous Admiral
Pales with the world's wraith
Stopping is most crucial

And it is through Hell
That they shall reach Heaven
Demons they repel
For they know it's won

(notice, using Portuguese Metric)
"Deadmen tend to tell more tales than the Living"

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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:56 pm

I saw a Demon
I saw a person
An empty soul
In a land of coal
I looked upon it
As a creature of simple yearning
A creature looking for love
A creature longing for acceptance
My humanity made me take pity
But it's ways proved quite shifty
I soon found it's habits very rifty
At first it appeared harmless
A feeling that I further nursed
But in reality this creature was cursed
For the cold truth soon burst open
Bore before me its true token
The monstrous form awoken
Twas not a man to whom I had spoken
But a serpent that came unbroken
The truth of it before me came skulking
In the end I felt strangled like choking
Feeling only rage from past feelings now mangled
For all this time in front of I could not see its dealings
Only its sweet nothings playing on my feelings
Which sent me reeling in shock
For all I knew had been mocked
I became nothing more than a broken clock
Unable to fathom the crime
Cause such things were ahead of my time
Where monsters are monsters
And men are men
Till I saw both the victim and the crime
Now privy as witness to this till the day I die
But when I found the truth of such a serpent
No clarifying wisdom came in earnest
Only shock it fosters and further fosters
For monsters are men and men are monsters
The demon is man and so no one is safe
The icy realization grips my heart
A feeling that will stay with me
As a scar that can never part
For I met a demon and saw a world
A world of no colors or art
With a man so cold
I now know twas demon I behold
I saw a demon
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:10 pm

This Fire Burns, Always
First seeing only darkness around me
Only markers of decay and what was
Of stagnancy and troubling uncertainty
But I do not let it dash me
I do not let it bash and hold me
When I feel the dimness of my hope
Grimness growing and burgeoning on motivation
I always feel weighed down by such
For often I do not triumph much
I do not come to savor victory as elixir
Not as any easy fixer
Still, such lessons blend together
As if in a mixer
A lasting reminder to keep me awake
Else in this world I would become fake
Instead, I end up on a lake
Riveting, sobering float through life
Best situation of all
I strive to make
How long before I break
I always wonder
Then I start to ponder
I start to see possibility
And how far I can go in my ability
Even in darkness I find a way
To make it in this world of decay
For within me is a spark cast from my eye
A small glow going beyond my misery
No matter how dim it grows
The light of it always shows
For within is the flame that knows
This Fire Burns, Always
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:02 pm

My Anger Fades and I Smile When I see the Memories
Such is the past in content gathered from vast
Forming in what was amassed of us cast
Coming together at last
In the present very much fast
As fate had cast an unusual, strange contrast
You and I
I and you
For it was you who gave me trouble
Gave me a tad too many frets
But at the end of this hodgepodge of bets
I come out feeling no regrets
Cause despite our differences
In lieu of our opposing inferences
I feel a bond was shared, one of care
And in the memories, it lays bare
For when I feel anger or contempt
When I am reminded of your flaws
The holes that come like gaping maws
I come to feel bitter pause at these mental saws
For your behavior was utterly irrational
Bereft of any ordered laws
But then I come back to proper cause
For in the memories shared all was not marred
Indeed, much was not barred
For despite any such draws
Truly it was fair and good, full of stars
Our bond was great and our times fun
And when I am reminded of this in pause
I see little for binding you to your flaws
You are human as am I
In this world of what I’ve come to know
It was only natural in this way things would go
But it left me with an enduring mark
A tree of great and wonderful roots found in its bark
A small seed of happiness to always hold in my heart
When anger comes to whisper in the dark
Comes to bring bitterness to my mind
I look for the memories against this cold
Trying to hold them in whole, not in parts
For when I do this as best as I can, it starts
My anger fades and I smile when I see the memories
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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East Fredonia
Posts: 619
Founded: Sep 14, 2016

Postby East Fredonia » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:23 am

"Kim, why are we here? What is this place?" Isaak looks up at me, curious, as I clear some branches out of our way. "You'll find out soon enough." He mutters something about dumb robots. "I heard that." Eventually, we reach a clearing among the overgrown brush and long-abandoned buildings. "See the statue on that island?" "Yes."
"That's one of very few monuments left from one of the most powerful countries on Earth. It was built about a thousand years ago. Originally made from copper, it oxidized over the years to its current shade of green, though centuries of exposure to the elements and pollution have taken their toll as well. Called the Statue of Liberty, it symbolized freedom and prosperity for its nation." Isaak looks down at his feet, lost in thought. "What happened to this country?" I sit down on the ground and motion for him to do the same. "Imagine you're a mad dictator. Where would you bomb your worst enemy?" He thinks for a moment. "Take out their government, of course."
"In theory, you're quite right. However there's a much more cruel and more effective way: destroy their food supply chain. Farms and factories were attacked with nuclear weapons, irradiating or destroying virtually all food resources. Stores closed, looting and rioting ensued, and eventually anarchy reigned. The government and military were powerless, of course. Even if they could have imported enough food from other countries, there wasn't the money to do so. People were starving to death left and right, cannibalism was practiced. Eventually, the president and lawmakers holed up in the mountains and watched their country disintegrate around them."
He takes this in, watching a lone seagull fly past. "Some survived to eke out a pitiful life, but disease and famine took them all in the end. The lucky ones who were able to get out before the collapse made it space, where they boarded an Ark and waited until they found a planet to colonize. There, they refounded their country and tried to start over. Sound familiar?" "We must be in the old United States of America," Isaak says. "Good to see you paid attention in Ancient History. Yes, this used to be one of the most historically important and powerful countries the world had ever seen. I know you're wondering what happened to the rest of the planet. Political instability caused by the downfall of a major power combined with disease, pollution, and overcrowding to drive everyone into space." Isaak plays with a caterpillar before speaking up. "Couldn't you just have taught me all this in class?" I sigh. "Isaak, some things can't be learned in a classroom. To prevent catastrophe in the future, one has to understand past mistakes. If you retain nothing else from our little field trip, remember that and carry it with you." He stands up. "I didn't know you could make a wise robot." "We like to surprise our creators." Standing up, I gaze into the sunset before taking his hand. "Let's get you back to the ship, bud."
Cannot think of a name wrote:Well, that's part of a larger problem in general where the younger generation is being priced out of f***ing everything and instead of addressing the mess they made the older generation is blaming it on f***ing avocado toast. But that's another thread.

Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.54

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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

It is my cross that I shall bare

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:56 am

It is my cross that I shall bare
It is my cross that I shall bare
Upon this alter laid ruined and unfair
Comes my soul to be judged and torn
For it is the story of the same soul reborn
The story of one’s heart to blame
The cross within us is the same
But we each bare our own
At different times it hits us like a stone
For in this moment only then we can atone
The inevitable that we can only postone
Coming to challenge us and see how much we’ve grown
The cross is our friend come to cast us from our throne
Show us the way out of ego driven discord sown
We must accept its grace for it is our own
The cross is our heart weighing us down in honesty shown
For at first did we not come to see all that is there
The world before us laid bare
Powerless are we against its snare
For then all we can do is stare
For that is the fare of love
The story of one up above
But it is not the man but the myth
That is our baring gift
Just as Christ put himself upon the cross for the love of all
As do we all for the love of one
It is what makes us human
No hell or heaven up above
But the one we make inside
When the struggle will not subside
The first time is always the hardest
But the cross is our friend
Challenging us to be our best
A test to put all mankind to rest
To overcome our hell and move to our lightest
For hell is but the mind made sightless
Uncertainty that challenges us to shine the brightest
When we learn that secret and face that cross
Only then do we grow from its win or loss
For the cross is us being given clarity
Not the mind but the heart that fuels our humanity
In its irrational and loving insanity
Madness and genius but two sides of the same
Even when we think there is nothing left to gain
It shall only end in love or pain
But to give our heart to another
As if one gives it all to all others
We become our true selves
Made honest and pure
Like that child
Whose color was gold so long ago
Becoming gray today
But it is upon that cross that gold betrays
On the cross to no longer be led astray
For it is my cross that I shall bare
It is my cross that I shall bare
It is my cross that I shall bare...
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:16 pm

Free Me from Myself
Free from passion
Free from pain
Nothing more needed to gain
No one called to blame
No more mortal games
No more lives led astray

To no longer be the fool entering the fray
To my emotions I fall like helpless prey
Every time my view grows more grey
Again, and again broken and afraid
Wondering for what purpose was I made
If only to experience disappointment
My much-resented appointment
Free me from myself
Make me one with everything
For when I look down
All I see and feel now
Is ugly, broken, and foul
But when I look up
I see the beauty of existence
The immutability of it as a whole

From the bitterness faced alone
I see a vision written in my heart as if etched in stone
The meaning to my life it shall restore
Where all of humankind stands toe to toe
Looking up at the wonders of the sky
Where all the things heavy we try
Become no more but a light blimp in space
We become more than the mistakes we face
We become one; the Human race

A chorus of harmony exalting the beauty of the universe
True to the purpose of life sung in its fullest verse
The blessing that shall free me from my curse
The freedom beyond the wretch I was born
From which all pain is washed and atoned
Free from the prison that is my yearning
The endless suffering of the lived self-incurring
Passion made whole by this chorus stirring
Free me from myself and my mental recurring
They shall absorb me into their collective harmony

To see the colors and wonders beyond my personal disharmony
To feel the coolest breeze of wind blowing across my face
To see the bluest sky and white starlit lights of space
To feel a part of such simple harmonic motion
No longer weighed down by unforgiving memory and unceasing emotions
Ever a slave trapped, bound to their false notions
Only beyond the self can there be above them any promotion
To find stillness and inner peace through fulfilling devotion

Make me like clockwork in perpetual motion
To free me from myself, from my false hopes
It shall give me forward purpose and structure, no more slopes
It shall build me to a mission of lasting order and function
It shall free me from myself, join me to a greater junction
Free me from myself; No more dysfunction
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:50 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Fri Nov 01, 2019 10:52 am

The Real Person
The world is a place
Full of people
Full of me
Full of you
Full of love and truth
Full of vitality and youth
Through our lives I see the proof
Through the stories I tell you
Through the stories you share with me
I can see beyond the fog of me
Facing different fates do we
We are rooted to our stories like a tree
The desire to be loved and free
The tragedy of that shortcoming
Whether lost or never gained
Universal to all, by which we are interchained
The source of our deepest longing
The desire of mankind for bonds and belonging
It is understandable and tragic all the same
The selfishness in me disappears for a brief
When I understand the stories made plain to me
Scars and stains they faced like a broken draftee
It is understandable and tragic all the same
But despite all the burdening reminders
All the cursing bellows and scarring fires
The truth is plain to see
You are a wonderful person to me
Whose story is tragic and understandable all the same
Through the stories I know
Through the voices I hear
Through the faces I see
The petty ego of mine for a moment subtracting
The fog of mind that was so abstracting
The illusion of that begins contracting
I finally see the real person
And it is understandable and tragic all the same
Last edited by Neo Rome Republic on Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Post Czar
Posts: 44958
Founded: Apr 01, 2018
Democratic Socialists

Postby Kowani » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:04 pm


You cannot outrun death’s bony hand,
For he is faster than any man.
No coins of silver and gold,
can stop you from growing old.
Marble temples, cement walls,
Death is bothered, not at all.
The baby, in his cradle sleeping,
and the soldier, on the field bleeding,
The man in a suit, and the man on the street
Death’s blind eye, they cannot cheat.
The king, sitting on his throne,
falls to his kingdom of bone.
He is the shadow to life’s light,
at day’s death, comes night.
American History and Historiography; Political and Labour History, Urbanism, Political Parties, Congressional Procedure, Elections.

Servant of The Democracy since 1896.

Historian, of sorts.

Effortposts can be found here!

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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:38 am

My Inner Mind
I wish for a world of teeming green
A richness within the mind only seen
But the reality is far more sharp and mean
A world of gray skies and shallow minds
Of misery and alienation, its permeating binds
Within this existence that green gem hides
A desire to find great friends and kinds
Hoping for the meagerest of those finds
But to find, clues exist but in glimpses and signs
To care and protect another, my inner ideal and belief
By appraising songs and shared values, our sacred motif
Like a temple, finding meaning and shelter in its relief
Beyond the hollow pangs of physiological hungers met
To live in fullest love of mankind, truest obligation and debt
The risk of its loss, always fleeting, an existential threat
When we forget we are meant to hold love for others
Each one we should come to call sisters and brothers
Like a promise of the morning sun
Never ending, never done
It is everything, the dream, an endless ocean
One which tests the limits of my ever meager devotion
Trying to follow the righteous path to the bitterest end
No matter what horrors it may send
For I know, when I walk through the night and finally see above
When I can look up at the stars in unison and harmony with you
A state where all our eyes stare above in contemplative peace
Until that the day, my fight towards unity shall never cease
Until we break from the conditions that produce endless unease
When the human race is one shall we know true peace
Till that day comes, I stand by the cause to try to be loving and kind
Never forget that dream, remember what everyone is in your mind
The world of my inner mind
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:23 pm

In the sun's ray it is subsumed
This little flower starts to bloom
But then comes the rain, pouring, leaving you ungroomed
Now it is simply withered in gloom
There, in total darkness you are consumed
Feels as if this will last forever, that is your doom
But then, it just ends, the danger is over, compassion's light has resumed
Before you know it, you grow again, colorful, uplifted like a peacocks plumb
But this position, eternity it was not, that was falsely presumed
The longer light lasts, so too darkness comes to be thereafter
In most lifeless soil and ashen petals, now a flower being entombed 
For once in this life there was to be no light, no joy and no laughter
The dark sea had grown wider than ever that I most nearly wilt
But I said no, I will not, I did what I could, roots dug in were my rafter
As I inched to, gardeners came along, saw me, needing to be rebuilt
Little by little they did, with each one a more life saving crafter
Petals danced anew in the familiar and loving warmth I again felt
But this time I am cautious, I must become my own fates drafter
For if I am at the mercy of the land, then always will be too easily dealt
And so I must escape this duality if I am to have a happily ever after
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Neo Rome Republic
Posts: 5363
Founded: Dec 27, 2012
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Neo Rome Republic » Wed Jan 05, 2022 8:31 pm

True Love

I was there
Standing in his dark glare
Oh how deep it stares
Observing me, it ensnares
With that wand that he bares
Like many I had absolutely no fares
But somehow I am saved from his touches
I am freed from his dark clutches

It was not by my own hand that I was given life
But by the strength and willful strife
Of a mothers hand to protect the way
A teachers light to brighten the dreary day
Stopping the darkness in its foul play
I stand by the sacrifice that others lay
All so I, an innocent child, can smile and play

But I thought I saw you in the glass
Within the mirror surrounded by brass
But no, just painful illusions trapped in clear mass
There was no hope of your life, you are now beneath the grass
I had to accept that your life had come to pass

But that did not mean your love wouldn't last
For what you did was not in the past
The impact of your actions was beyond vast
I was still here because that die was cast
It was my duty now to be steadfast
A storm was still there for me to outlast

But it was not in your actions alone from my life derived
But through all the sacrifices all friends and family strived
inspired by your sacrifice for me, they too lived and died
Left behind many guardians and companions at my side
Who fought on and fearlessly by true loves abide
To keep me safe, no matter what threat or torture arrived
No curse would ever cause that loyalty to be deprived
The dedication of all was genuine and not contrived
As one said to me through gentle sighs and last held goodbyes
You have your mothers eyes
Ethical and Metaphysical: (Pan) Humanist and Naturalist.
Political Views Sum: Centrist on social issues, Market Socialist on economic, and Radical Civic universalist on political governance.
This nation DOES(for most part) represent my OOC views.
''A rich man complaining about regulation and taxes, is like the drunkard at a party, complaining about not having enough to drink.'',

"An empty mind is a mind without a filter, the mind of a gullible fool. A closed mind is the mind unwilling to look at the reality outside its bubble. An open mind is one that is cautious, flexible yet balanced; looking at both the reality and the possibility."
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Posts: 107
Founded: Nov 27, 2021

Ashotunese folk story : Mashiro,s adventure

Postby Ashotu » Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:25 pm

Tiny Mashiro roams around
Tiny Mashiro longs for adventure
Setting off from the little space tiny Mashiro called home
Through the doors
Facing the challenge of the front door
Finally outside
Not noticed, Greenery surrounding little Mashiro
With the adventure little Mashiro wanted
Back through the front door before the normal sized civilians closed it
Under the doors
Back to Mashiro, s tiny, cozy home.
The paradise of Ashotu

Konichiwa! Ashotu is a unpatriotic and free Asian nation!

Long live the paradise!
NS stats are nonac ton and never will be.
Just because you annexed us doesn't mean we fight for you. We fight Against you



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