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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 12:40 am
by Infected Mushroom
Kractero wrote:
Infected Mushroom wrote:The following are 3 champs I don't want on my team because the vast majority of players that play them at my elo seem to really suck at using them... they've gained a bad reputation.

Bard - I've lost the last three games where a Bard was on my team as the support. He is complete trash tier in the hands of most players (and when the player IS good with Bard, he'd probably have carried harder with an actual proper support). He doesn't deal any real damage, his CC is unreliable, and his Ult and Tunnels end up trolling the team more often than not. I've also noticed that for whatever reason people who play Bard tend to try to compensate for his wonky kit by being extremely over-aggressive... often unwisely against a pair that has more firepower than our bot lane. I ping them to CALM THE HELL DOWN because they are going ham against a Brand + Vayne or a Lux + Jinx... but it never deters them. For some reason they think Bard can beat the other side into submission and when it backfires, its the ADC's fault. And then they go roaming for the rest of the game after the harm is done.

Fiddlesticks - I have yet to see a good Fid. He's seriously trash and every single game he's picked on our team, he ends up doing nothing. He can't really Gank pre-6 and when he finally does, it feels underwhelming (at least a Warwick actually CCs and shuts down the dude properly). No one cares if his crows occasionally silence someone. When he walks up to damage people with his Ult, he just gets shot down. And late game, he has absolutely zero presence. Worst still are the players who take Fid into the lane. Oh boy that never ends well...

Jhin - Jhin's passive ''your team has no ADC.'' You'll have games where the whole team provides PERFECT cover for the carries to fire only to realise... ''oh wait, he has to reload every 4th shot and he's got no real damage or DPS.'' His reputation is also further damaged by the fact that a ton of people who play him are only doing so because he's new and they just occasionally play him without having practiced him whatsoever; they have no understanding of his overwhelming weaknesses. In general, he just feels like a Worse-in-every-way version of MF.

Which champs do you not want to see on your team?

I like seeing all champions on my team, none of them are bad.

besides Yorick, nobody likes you Yorick.

I see...

I especially dislike Bard. I get into arguments with Bard supports all of the time. They seem to be either the type to go complete ham against the other team in lane (even though the double stun is hell unreliable and the other side usually can put out more firepower than us combined)... or they go roaming and leave me alone in the lane.

Come late game I miss Blitz, Leona, or some kind of artillery support like Vel...

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 1:30 am
by Ameriganastan
I don't hate seeing any champ. I hate seeing champs in bad positions. Like support Zed, Sona top, stuff like that...except Bard. I just hate him anywhere.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:27 am
by Doom Legions
I generally hate seeing Teemo, Zed, Fizz or Riven in a game. Regardless on what team, I just hate those chamions.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:20 am
by Miekzhemy
I think I've gotten a bit too fascinated by the build mechanics of the game lately. I've spent the past few normal games experimenting with all sorts of builds that have honestly proved effective or ridiculously fun to play with, despite the fact that it's not in the meta.

I'm not talking about tank Akali or Ekko where you can nuke people down no matter what you build (this honestly gives me cancer). I've played several games with Poppy building full crit items, such as tri-force, rapid fire cannon/shiv, inf. edge, and phantom dancer where she can run up before chucking her shield at the enemy adc and dealing half their hp in one hit. Not to mention that with 100% crit chance she just headbutts people to death when auto attacking.

I've also tried a Shaco build that looks to be a full effective hybrid build with ad, ap, and tank items. I settled on devourer, guinsoo's, sunfire, abyssal, and sometimes a thornmail. I noticed that the bonus on-hit magic damage for devourer, the mr reduction from abyssal, and the magic damage dealt by sunfire and thornmail can all be amplified with magic penetration. Occasionally I could throw in another on-hit item such as blade of the ruined king, but this build proved surprisingly effective against armor stacking tanks like Malphite or Rammus.

Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 7:24 am
by Doom Legions
Miekzhemy wrote:Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

Back in the day I used to play Spellvamp Veigar. Actually worked decently well, whenever you got hurt you just threw a meteor at a minion wave and you'd be full health again XD

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 8:15 am
by Infected Mushroom
Miekzhemy wrote:I think I've gotten a bit too fascinated by the build mechanics of the game lately. I've spent the past few normal games experimenting with all sorts of builds that have honestly proved effective or ridiculously fun to play with, despite the fact that it's not in the meta.

I'm not talking about tank Akali or Ekko where you can nuke people down no matter what you build (this honestly gives me cancer). I've played several games with Poppy building full crit items, such as tri-force, rapid fire cannon/shiv, inf. edge, and phantom dancer where she can run up before chucking her shield at the enemy adc and dealing half their hp in one hit. Not to mention that with 100% crit chance she just headbutts people to death when auto attacking.

I've also tried a Shaco build that looks to be a full effective hybrid build with ad, ap, and tank items. I settled on devourer, guinsoo's, sunfire, abyssal, and sometimes a thornmail. I noticed that the bonus on-hit magic damage for devourer, the mr reduction from abyssal, and the magic damage dealt by sunfire and thornmail can all be amplified with magic penetration. Occasionally I could throw in another on-hit item such as blade of the ruined king, but this build proved surprisingly effective against armor stacking tanks like Malphite or Rammus.

Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

I was thinking of running an ADC Vladimir today in Normals (but didn't get the chance because in 4 games ADC got called by someone else and I had to go JG/Mid).

Basically I would arm my ADC runes and masteries in Vlad (attack speed and AD) and then build him like an auto-attack damage carry. I'd go Essence Reaver, Berserkers, Statik, IE, Lord Dominiks/BT, BORK.

The idea is that Vlad would fight as an ADC with Crit and that with the rushed Essence Reaver and the CDR maxed from it, he could have the option of launching Hemoplague against the enemy team very often (it would still do the full damage amplification of 12% even though AP damage would SUCK so it still has utility). I'd be able to kite around auto-attack the enemy in team fights and threaten to Ult them... I'd also have my Sanguine Pool for emergency escapes more often than not. Q and E would become useless but they can still help me with CS early on.

How well do you think this could work in Normals?

I don't think it sounds that bad on paper. Its clearly sub-optimal since his base auto-attack damage and speed are bad but once you have Essence Reaver, Berserkers, SS, and IE his autos should do respectable damage. You'd have escape capabilities other ADs could only dream of with your Pool and you can still be a factor in team fights with your ability to Ult them very often (tons of damage amp).

Dunno how well it would work; maybe he just gets destroyed in lane early. Although I am running AD runes and quints...

Have yet to test it

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 10:06 am
by Miekzhemy
Infected Mushroom wrote:
Miekzhemy wrote:I think I've gotten a bit too fascinated by the build mechanics of the game lately. I've spent the past few normal games experimenting with all sorts of builds that have honestly proved effective or ridiculously fun to play with, despite the fact that it's not in the meta.

I'm not talking about tank Akali or Ekko where you can nuke people down no matter what you build (this honestly gives me cancer). I've played several games with Poppy building full crit items, such as tri-force, rapid fire cannon/shiv, inf. edge, and phantom dancer where she can run up before chucking her shield at the enemy adc and dealing half their hp in one hit. Not to mention that with 100% crit chance she just headbutts people to death when auto attacking.

I've also tried a Shaco build that looks to be a full effective hybrid build with ad, ap, and tank items. I settled on devourer, guinsoo's, sunfire, abyssal, and sometimes a thornmail. I noticed that the bonus on-hit magic damage for devourer, the mr reduction from abyssal, and the magic damage dealt by sunfire and thornmail can all be amplified with magic penetration. Occasionally I could throw in another on-hit item such as blade of the ruined king, but this build proved surprisingly effective against armor stacking tanks like Malphite or Rammus.

Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

I was thinking of running an ADC Vladimir today in Normals (but didn't get the chance because in 4 games ADC got called by someone else and I had to go JG/Mid).

Basically I would arm my ADC runes and masteries in Vlad (attack speed and AD) and then build him like an auto-attack damage carry. I'd go Essence Reaver, Berserkers, Statik, IE, Lord Dominiks/BT, BORK.

The idea is that Vlad would fight as an ADC with Crit and that with the rushed Essence Reaver and the CDR maxed from it, he could have the option of launching Hemoplague against the enemy team very often (it would still do the full damage amplification of 12% even though AP damage would SUCK so it still has utility). I'd be able to kite around auto-attack the enemy in team fights and threaten to Ult them... I'd also have my Sanguine Pool for emergency escapes more often than not. Q and E would become useless but they can still help me with CS early on.

How well do you think this could work in Normals?

I don't think it sounds that bad on paper. Its clearly sub-optimal since his base auto-attack damage and speed are bad but once you have Essence Reaver, Berserkers, SS, and IE his autos should do respectable damage. You'd have escape capabilities other ADs could only dream of with your Pool and you can still be a factor in team fights with your ability to Ult them very often (tons of damage amp).

Dunno how well it would work; maybe he just gets destroyed in lane early. Although I am running AD runes and quints...

Have yet to test it

I suppose it could work as a joke build but I'd recommend not taking Essense Reaver because Vlad doesn't use mana and there might be better choices for crit items. I rarely go adc builds with AP-scaling champions where the only source of ad and physical damage comes from auto-attacks.The reason TF adc isn't complete ass is because his w has an ad scaling and he also has the attack speed steroid with his e passive. However, it's always hilarious when you see someone like Vlad, Fiddlesticks (my friend actually did this shit once), or a Heimerdinger with full ad/attack speed/crit items, especially if they manage to win the lane. The mobility and escape helps a lot too. I've seen people play Ahri as an adc because of her ult dashes and the charm to keep people in place. Overall, though, I wouldn't recommend it against certain team comps.

I typically like to take laning champions into the jungle a lot. I've taken champions like Annie, Heimerdinger, and Tristana into the jungle, who actually have pretty scary damage late game, given they don't get counterjungled 24/7. If you're looking for an interesting Vlad game, try taking him into the jungle. My friend did that and his clearing/sustain was pretty good after the first core item.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 11:37 am
by Thomas Insaniac
Miekzhemy wrote:Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

Before GP was reworked I used to play him as an support, he could go AP or AD and actually did pretty well.

My favorite game ever of him fun times

low game count is because this was when teambuilder was first introduced.

Back when Kha'Zix was actually good, he could be played AP and it was hilarious.

Also full AP Sion was a fun and cheesy thing to do.

And finally one of my friends and I would constantly run double DFG Blitz and Alistar bot.

The game has been changed so none of these work anymore though. :/

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 11:48 am
by Doom Legions
Thomas Insaniac wrote:
Miekzhemy wrote:Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

Before GP was reworked I used to play him as an support, he could go AP or AD and actually did pretty well.

My favorite game ever of him fun times

low game count is because this was when teambuilder was first introduced.

Back when Kha'Zix was actually good, he could be played AP and it was hilarious.

Also full AP Sion was a fun and cheesy thing to do.

And finally one of my friends and I would constantly run double DFG Blitz and Alistar bot.

The game has been changed so none of these work anymore though. :/

Yeah, old Sion reminds me of when me and my pal would go Sion-Taric botlane with the doulbe on-target stun. Back then it was pretty insane XD

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 12:09 pm
by Ameriganastan
Miekzhemy wrote:
Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

My Crit Sion build. No health items. All damage, attack speed and crits. It works a surprising amount of time.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 12:16 pm
by Zarkenis Ultima
Miekzhemy wrote:Has anyone else tried any crazy builds that turned out to be actually pretty good?

I remember I once built something pretty silly with Kassadin that worked out pretty well, but I only remember it including no boots, a Muramana and two RoA. With that thing I managed to 2v1 Fiora and Yasuo.

Never been able to replicate it since then :P

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 2:06 pm
by Ameriganastan
We got a teaser. She really is League's answer to Toph.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:51 pm
by Infected Mushroom
Miekzhemy wrote:
Infected Mushroom wrote:
I was thinking of running an ADC Vladimir today in Normals (but didn't get the chance because in 4 games ADC got called by someone else and I had to go JG/Mid).

Basically I would arm my ADC runes and masteries in Vlad (attack speed and AD) and then build him like an auto-attack damage carry. I'd go Essence Reaver, Berserkers, Statik, IE, Lord Dominiks/BT, BORK.

The idea is that Vlad would fight as an ADC with Crit and that with the rushed Essence Reaver and the CDR maxed from it, he could have the option of launching Hemoplague against the enemy team very often (it would still do the full damage amplification of 12% even though AP damage would SUCK so it still has utility). I'd be able to kite around auto-attack the enemy in team fights and threaten to Ult them... I'd also have my Sanguine Pool for emergency escapes more often than not. Q and E would become useless but they can still help me with CS early on.

How well do you think this could work in Normals?

I don't think it sounds that bad on paper. Its clearly sub-optimal since his base auto-attack damage and speed are bad but once you have Essence Reaver, Berserkers, SS, and IE his autos should do respectable damage. You'd have escape capabilities other ADs could only dream of with your Pool and you can still be a factor in team fights with your ability to Ult them very often (tons of damage amp).

Dunno how well it would work; maybe he just gets destroyed in lane early. Although I am running AD runes and quints...

Have yet to test it

I suppose it could work as a joke build but I'd recommend not taking Essense Reaver because Vlad doesn't use mana and there might be better choices for crit items. I rarely go adc builds with AP-scaling champions where the only source of ad and physical damage comes from auto-attacks.The reason TF adc isn't complete ass is because his w has an ad scaling and he also has the attack speed steroid with his e passive. However, it's always hilarious when you see someone like Vlad, Fiddlesticks (my friend actually did this shit once), or a Heimerdinger with full ad/attack speed/crit items, especially if they manage to win the lane. The mobility and escape helps a lot too. I've seen people play Ahri as an adc because of her ult dashes and the charm to keep people in place. Overall, though, I wouldn't recommend it against certain team comps.

I typically like to take laning champions into the jungle a lot. I've taken champions like Annie, Heimerdinger, and Tristana into the jungle, who actually have pretty scary damage late game, given they don't get counterjungled 24/7. If you're looking for an interesting Vlad game, try taking him into the jungle. My friend did that and his clearing/sustain was pretty good after the first core item.

I might do that with new Vlad (once they rework him) if he gets better clears; he might since they are lowering Q's early cool down. However, the last time I tried Vlad JG he had a very hard time clearing early (he was always low on HP but maybe that's because I run AP runes and not CDR runes).

Once he is reworked he'll have more CC and burst in his kit; it could be a scary sight for a vampire-looking character to rush out of the bushes with a blood balloon in the air that goes pop and then for the enemy to get slowed 40% while taking a hit... I'll probably rush Cinderhulk and Rylais and then go full Tank so that late game he can be a team fighting Tank with tons of CCs and Ult capability.

New Vlad would also be a marginally better ADC since they are increasing his base AD damage with autos.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:16 pm
by Infected Mushroom

(jaws dropped open)

6.9 tactical Nuke has been confirmed post-midnight...


PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:54 pm
by Ameriganastan
Holy balls, Kassadin is awesome.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:42 pm
by Miekzhemy
Infected Mushroom wrote:I might do that with new Vlad (once they rework him) if he gets better clears; he might since they are lowering Q's early cool down. However, the last time I tried Vlad JG he had a very hard time clearing early (he was always low on HP but maybe that's because I run AP runes and not CDR runes).

Once he is reworked he'll have more CC and burst in his kit; it could be a scary sight for a vampire-looking character to rush out of the bushes with a blood balloon in the air that goes pop and then for the enemy to get slowed 40% while taking a hit... I'll probably rush Cinderhulk and Rylais and then go full Tank so that late game he can be a team fighting Tank with tons of CCs and Ult capability.

New Vlad would also be a marginally better ADC since they are increasing his base AD damage with autos.

I always prefer cdr in terms of flat ap/ad runes on champs like that. Since I've gotten into playing Shaco so much I've started to use a lot more cdr, movement/attack speed, armor and mr with my rune pages to focus less on damage and more on keeping alive and on the move. The scaling armor/mr runes work well late game when playing champions that have armor/mr bonuses added to their kit like Poppy and Taric.

No idea how new Vlad will be with jungle though. I haven't read up on the mage update that much. The only thing that really scares me is the Malzahar update. That shit's gonna be scary.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 1:29 am
by Ameriganastan
Zac jungle fucking sucks. Why anyone does it eludes me. I sure as Hell ain't never doing it again.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:22 am
by Doom Legions
Ameriganastan wrote:Zac jungle fucking sucks. Why anyone does it eludes me. I sure as Hell ain't never doing it again.

I'm afraid you're just not doing it right. Zac jung works fine, if you know what you're doing.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 12:49 pm
by Ameriganastan

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:19 pm
by Kractero
Ameriganastan wrote:Zac jungle fucking sucks. Why anyone does it eludes me. I sure as Hell ain't never doing it again.

That's what I mean by your analysis is different.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:21 pm
by Doom Legions

Well that's gonna be one annoying sucka. I hope she's not gonna be too tanky, I do want my buff delivery to remain a thing.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 6:28 pm
by Kractero
Sona nerfed I'm out

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 6:42 pm
by Ameriganastan
Eh. The mage update doesn't really bug me. I only play like, 2 of the affected champs. And not that much.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 7:25 pm
by Ameriganastan
Braum sucks.

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 7:28 pm
by Doom Legions
Ameriganastan wrote:Braum sucks.

Why don't you have faifth in the moustache?