The Max Barry... a game of eight billion variable chess?

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The Max Barry... a game of eight billion variable chess?

Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:13 am

Shalom Max:

I plead guilty Max.... I grew up listening to the Irish songs of rebellion made famous by The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem and essentially all of them are now watching as events unfold on this earth.........

Max... I write and I write and I write for about a thousands hours each year and that has been my custom for well over twenty hears....... I feel that i need to toss the following concept at you and I am almost certain that you will really get a good laugh out of this.......

"I just woke up with the most unusual concept on how to turn essentially any Christian church into a "stage"........

AND.... any nearby Jewish synagogue can also be turned into a "stage"......

AND.... any Islamic Mosque can also be turned into a stage and this is the kind of concept that I am 99.99999...... 9^nth power percent certain that I was given this concept by the Ruach ha Kodesh....... by the Holy Spirit..... and by The Being of Light of near death experience fame who I am certain is none other than the historical Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus!"

"Exodus USA."

... Once you find that online then you will be faced with something of an intellectual dilemma.......

To whatever degree I am incorrect you have my apologies in advance but I do believe that your last name is a Jewish name........... and I believe that when the Jews.... [along with the Barry's].... were expelled from England many of you ended up in Scotland....... but many other Barry's ended up in Ireland........

Max am I correct in my impression that essentially anybody anywhere can grab a concept that is put on a public discussion forum and that person with insight can run with that concept as if it was an allegorical football...... .and if that person with insight can earn a billion Australian Dollars off that idea...... then that person cannot legally be sued for using a concept that they got online because comments online become "public domain".... don't they?

[modedit: link removed]

Kevin Barry
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:22 am

I have a suggestion for The Max Barry.... that is yours for a toonie Canadian.... two dollars Canadian....... You consider submitting your audition for a role that was predicted by Jewish mystics and visionaries going back millennia.......... [or at least for many centuries]?

Max.... i would like to see you start thinking about YOU as "The Prince of the Tribe of Dan" or at least "A Prince of the Tribe of Dan?"

Orthodox Jewish scholar and historian Mr. Yair Davidiy introduced me to this role originally......

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by Yair Davidiy

The Two Messiahs
<<Our Sacred Sages had a tradition that in the beginning [of the End Times] there would arise a Messiah [i.e. Anointed Saviour] from the house of Joseph who will reign over the Ten Tribes. He will wage wars and all of Israel will be gathered together under his banner. [This will continue] until later on, a descendant of David will appear and he will reign over them....
<<A transformation will take place. The Ten Tribes and the stick of Joseph will draw themselves closer unto the stick of Judah, and this too, will be through the agency of a Prophet and by miracles>>.
The Commentary of "Malbim" on Ezekiel 37:15

The story of Joseph in the Bible is an historical account of what really did happen to Joseph, the ancestor of people in Britain and America, as well as other areas. The story of Joseph, in addition to being an historical account of what happened to a particular person named Joseph, is also symbolic of what will happen to his descendants. In Rabbinical tradition we have the concept of the “Mashiach ben Yoseph” (Messiah, son of Joseph), who will be a DESCENDANT OF JOSEPH. “Mashiach ben Yoseph” also represents the actions of the descendants of Joseph in the Last Days and the times leading up to these last days. In Jewish tradition there will be two Messiahs: “Mashiach ben Yoseph” (Messiah, son of Joseph), and “Mashiach ben David” (Messiah, son of David).

The Two Messiahs


At first the union [of Judah with Joseph] comes about through arousal from below by way of nature [through our actions] as it says, “Join them one to another into one stick.” And afterwards [the re-union is confirmed] in a miraculous manner, [through the hand of God, as it says in Ezekiel “they shall become on in Your hand” meaning they shall become re-united in the hand of God! Comes From the North “Kol HaTor” says [2.11] “His glory is like the firstborn of his bull” (Deuteronomy 33;17). The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH comes from the north side and will be aroused by himself. i.e. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH will come from somewhere in the north or at least to the north of the Land of Israel. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH will Defeat Esau meaning the forces of Europe. “Kol HaTor” says [2.17] The guardian angel of Esau will be pulled down by the guardian angel of Joseph (This is also spoken about in the Biblical Book of Obadiah. We will discuss this subject and the Book of Obadiah in another talk). Expands Borders of Israel, Wars Against Amalek “Kol HaTor” says [2.36] “Enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations...” (Isaiah 54;2). The commandment to expand the borders [of Israel] is part of the task of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH has the duty of waging war against Amalek and of expanding the borders of Israel and of protecting Israel from destruction. Comment: “Amalek” represents anti-Semitism and the attempt to exterminate the Jewish people. Britain and America in the 19th and early 20th century did often attempt to protect the Jews in Europe from Anti-Semitism. In the Second World War Britain and the USA defeated Nazi Germany and Japan. Nazi Germany had planned to exterminate the Jewish people and did murder one-third of the total Jewish population in the World at that time.

Since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 the USA has often helped protect the State of Israel from destruction. The USA has not however really helped Israel expand her borders. On the contrary the USA has often forced Israel to give up territories it had liberated and to constrict her borders, but maybe that will change. Maybe the USA and Britain will help Israel expand her borders in the future as the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is supposed to do. Ingathers the Exiles “Kol HaTor” says [2.40] “His [i.e. Joseph’s] bow abode in strength” (Genesis 49;24). This should be an important principle for us. We have to stand obstinately strong in the holy work of gathering in the exiles which is the task of the first redeemer [i.e. of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH]. Purifies the Land of Israel “Kol HaTor” says [2.41] “And Joseph was governor over the land” (Genesis 42;6). This means he will overcome all the forces of impurity. This is one of the great tasks of the First Redeemer [of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH]: to extirpate the spirit of impurity from the country by means of settling the Holy Land. When the Holy Land is not settled [with Israelites] a spirit of impurity settles over it. [When the Holy Land is settled with Israelites the Land becomes pure]. Joshua ben Nun Was a Forerunner “Kol HaTor” says [2.44]

The First Redeemer [MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH] fights against Amalek with total warfare…[he fights against the forces of anti-Semitism]. This was the task of Joshua ben Nun who was [a forerunner and ancestor of] the Messiah Son of Joseph. Aroused by Elijah “Kol HaTor” says [2.71] “Behold I will send you my prophet Elijah…and he will return the hearts of the fathers to their sons” (Malachi 4). One of the tasks of Elijah is to arouse the spirit of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Comment:


We have noted elsewhere that one of the meanings of the verse in Malchi 4: of returning the hearts of the fathers to their sons, and the heart of the children to their fathers” is to make people aware of their Israelite Tribal Identity, to let people who are descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel know who they are and who their tribal forefathers most likely were. This is what Brit-Am is doing. Help brit-Am. If you can help Brit-Am please do so. Causes Non-Israelite Nations to Repent “Kol HaTor” says [2.75] The Messiah Son of Joseph arouses not only Israel but also the Peoples of the World to Repent. Jonah the Prophet had the aspect of MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH in his generation. His task is, “to rebuke many nations” (Isaiah 2). Turns Defeat Into Victory “Kol HaTor” says [2.91] The characteristic of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is that out of tribulation he brings salvation. The Heavenly Ladder “Kol HaTor” says [2.97] A ladder on the ground and its head reaching to heaven (Genesis 28). This is an aspect of Joseph as is known. What happened to Jacob happened to Joseph. All of his deeds were an arousal from below with an accompanying assistance from heaven. Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel and had the characteristics of both Jacob and Rachel. Ingathers Exiles, Rebuilds Jerusalem, Settles the Wilderness “Kol HaTor” says [2.117] The rulership of Joseph overcomes all impurity.

The task of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is to remove the spirit of impurity from the Land through the ingathering of exiles, rebuilding Jerusalem, and the planting of the wilderness. Ransoming Captives “Kol HaTor” says [2.118] “And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come to Zion” (Isaiah 35;10): The task of ransoming captives belongs to the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH who performs it by ingathering the Exiles…The Major Ingathering of the Exiles cannot be less than 600,000…They will come with rejoicing and happiness. Comment: “Kol HaTor” says The Major Ingathering of Exiles cannot be less than 600,000. 600,000 was taken to be a key number. It is interesting to note that when Israel declared its Independence in 1948 the total Jewish population in the Land at that time was a bit more than 600,000 which was the key number mentioned by “Kol HaTor” about two hundred years beforehand. Reveals Secrets of the Torah “Kol HaTor” says [122] “And Pharoah called Joseph’s name Zaphenat Paneah” [i.e. Uncover of Secrets] (Genesis 41;45). One of the tasks of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH in each generation is to reveal the secrets of the Torah. Horns of a Unicorn “Kol HaTor” says [131] “His horns are the horns of a unicorn with which he strikes the peoples” (Deuteronomy 33). The main task of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is the everlasting war against Amalek. Comment: The horns of a unicorn are linked with the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. A unicorn is part of the symbol of Britain. Two unicorns appear on the Coat of Arms of Scotland. Many descendants of Joseph from Scotland migrated to North America. The main task of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is the everlasting war against Amalek. “Amalek” represents the forces of Anti-Semitism.

The fact is that Anti-Semites, as well as hating the Jews, are usually also the enemies of the British or the Americans. Even those people who hate Jews among the British and Americans are usually found after examination to hold doctrines and to do things that make them in effect the enemies of Britain and America.
The time has come for us all to understand that we are one people. Our enemies know this and so should we.
Dan Assists “Kol HaTor” says [150] The Prince of Dan will assist MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Comment: The prince of Dan represents the people of Dan. The descendants of Dan are to be found today mainly amongst the people of Denmark and amongst descendants of the Irish overseas. We Must Do Our Utmost “Kol HaTor” says [p.453] “We have to do our utmost for the sake of the union of the two Messiahs, MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH and MESSIAH SON OF DAVID, the stick of Joseph and the stick of Judah [that Ezekiel described as uniting]."
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:29 am

I think that it is kind of funny but my last name Tate or Tait is from Northern Ireland.......

and is an English name......... technically.......

but mom's last name was definitely from Southern Ireland........

So when I was around twenty years of age and I clued that my last name was "English" I went through something of a philosophical crisis???!!!

And even something of a Guilt Trip?!

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:33 am

Max..... what I am about to tell you could be turned into a series of films and this guy in this video clip could well be perfect to play the role of You...... . once you fully understand what I am suggesting......
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Braveheart (1995) - MEL GIBSON - Ireland, It's my Island!

91,642 views Premiered Jun 16, 2020
I love this movie and it took my a while to choose what scene to pick as there are so many epic parts of the movie. I just like this little scene and it makes me laugh. The actor playing the Irishman is actually from Glasgow but I think he has an Irish family. Enjoy!

Now since this man is now older than you........

that makes him perfect to play the role of The Max Barry..... in the future!?
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:41 am

Shalom Max..... here is a suggestion for you......

Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,
whose right hand I have grasped,
to subdue nations before him
and ungird the loins of kings,
to open doors before him
that gates may not be closed:
2 “I will go before you
and level the mountains,[a]
I will break in pieces the doors of bronze
and cut asunder the bars of iron,
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
and the hoards in secret places,
that you may know that it is I, the Lord,
the God of Israel, who call you by your name.
4 For the sake of my servant Jacob,
and Israel my chosen,
I call you by your name,
I surname you, though you do not know me.
5 I am the Lord, and there is no other,
besides me there is no God;
I gird you, though you do not know me,
6 that men may know, from the rising of the sun
and from the west, that there is none besides me;
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 I form light and create darkness,
I make weal and create woe,
I am the Lord, who do all these things.
8 “Shower, O heavens, from above,
and let the skies rain down righteousness;
let the earth open, that salvation may sprout forth,
and let it cause righteousness to spring up also;
I the Lord have created it.
9 “Woe to him who strives with his Maker,
an earthen vessel with the potter![c]
Does the clay say to him who fashions it, ‘What are you making?’
or ‘Your work has no handles’?
10 Woe to him who says to a father, ‘What are you begetting?’
or to a woman, ‘With what are you in travail?’”
11 Thus says the Lord,
the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker:
“Will you question me[d] about my children,
or command me concerning the work of my hands?
12 I made the earth,
and created man upon it;
it was my hands that stretched out the heavens,
and I commanded all their host.
13 I have aroused him in righteousness,
and I will make straight all his ways;
[b]he shall build my city
and set my exiles free,
not for price or reward,

says the Lord of hosts.

Here is what I did back in 1990...... I literally stuck my right hand up in the air..........

and I asked Messiah Yeshua - Jesus to take me by the right hand.............

and guide me like He had done for Gentile King Cyrus..........

...... but there is more to the whole thing..........

but basically Max..... ask Whoever or whoever you pray to........ to give You A BRAIN like the Danite Judge Samson.............

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:50 am

Here is a copy of the first e-mail that I sent off to Jerusalem Sanhedrin Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander......

Rabbi Hollander gave me permission to make our discussion public with people who I believe could assist with what I am suggesting here:

"Re: Rabbi Hollander, linking Jerusalem Third Temple with Grand Unified Theory of Modern World Problems."
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Dennis Tate <tate4pictoucentre
.ca> wrote:

Shalom Rabbi Hollander:

I've been participating on The Sanhedrin message board and I was urged to contact you
directly. So far as I know I am probably the first minor Canadian politician who has
advocated that my nation assist The Temple Mount Faithful Community, People For A
Bill to Build The Bet HaMikdash and The Sanhedriin in your efforts to control the
Temple Mount and rebuild your Jerusalem Third Temple.

It is my firm belief that semi-reality and reality film series could play an important role
in working out the fulfillment of every word spoken in the law and in the prophets. My
dad, Robert Stewart Tate, passed away on January 1, 1990. His death came at the
same time that I was being confronted with the implications of the near death
experience accounts. I went through a theological crisis that I believe has relevance for
your SanHedrin.

"but the goat on which the lot fell for Aza'zel shall be presented alive before the LORD
to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness
to Aza'zel." (Leviticus 16:10)

I had no problem with the positive near death experiences but those negative ones
put me into a philosophical crisis unlike I had ever experienced before. I saw this
verse in Leviticus as a possible loophole and I asked that the guilt of Azazel would
be put on my head. I prayed and asked The G-d of Abraham if he had any use for
a volunteer "goat for Azazel?" If so, then I wanted to submit my application for the

Several unusual things did occur since that time that I feel indicates that my offer
may well have been accepted. I would like to elaborate further on how I feel
a volunteer goat for Azazel could perhaps be of use in the working out of latter
day events in such a way that the death toll is kept to an absolute minimum.

Although I am not certain exactly what a volunteer goat for Azazel should do I
have seen a videotape in my head of myself signing currency units while my hand
is bleeding. The blood that drips onto a particular part of those currency units,
along with many examples of my signature serves to authenticate the
validity of these specific currency units for a future in which they could turn
out to be quite useful. I hereby offer to The Sanhedrin 22 billion Dennis Tate
shekels or dollars, similar to or the Ithaca Hour.

Bill and Melinda Gates are planning on spending 24 billion US dollars in an effort
to make this world a better place. I wish to compete with them. This 22 billion
in a sense can be used as props in many reality films that tend to promote
peace in the Middle East and the reestablishment of the law of Moshe even in
foreign lands.

It is my belief that the films that you are guided to produce and direct will greatly
increase in value over the coming decades and centuries.

Shalom and greetings from Nova Scotia.

Dennis Tate

Rabbi Hollander did reply to me very soon and I suspect that you in person may wish to meet Rabbi Hollander in Jerusalem...... or perhaps some of his children or grandchildren.......

Dear Mr. Tate,

I read with interest all you wrote, and to understand more about you I did a search and see that you have written MP Peter Mackay regarding abortion. I congratulate you on every word in this letter, an excellent letter in content and form.
I started with this because it is relatively simple and straightforword.

The ideas you wrote about in the current letter are so much more commplex.
There is no doubt that the Almighty has many means of delivering messages to people. There is no doubt that many people receive messages from the Almighty.

While it is not possible to discount other iterpretations of your dreams and changes of you thoughts, it is clear that you have a comprehensive world-picture, and that this letter is an expression of the important points you saw fit to write me.

Naturally, I am interested to learn more about your advocacy "that my nation assist The Temple Mount Faithful Community, People For A Bill to Build The Bet HaMikdash and The Sanhedrin in your efforts to control the Temple Mount and rebuild your Jerusalem Third Temple". Why do you thing that this advocacy will help you as a "minor Canadian politician" who is starting his campaign.

Of course we appreciate your support and would like to help you in this - and for that matter in your efforts against abortion. According to the Holy Torah, the prohibition of abortion [except in extreme cases, as you mention] was one of the commands of God to Noah [Genesis 9,6, the KJV translation is not equivalent to the Jewish tradition (it really wasn't meant to be!)] According to our understanding, this means that killing a person who is still inside its mother is a capital crime.

Please send us some more elaboration of your ideas.



Rabby Yeshayahu Hollander

Max..... yes..... I am suggesting the creation of a "Max Barry Foundation" or something along that line.........

Pawn to King four........ and no matter what B i l l G a t e s and his minions do in reply.......... Pawn to king bishop four...........

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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:14 am

Well.... if all this wasn't bad enough.........
it gets even worse...........

The Richard Sapir and The Warren Murphy.........................
did influence me a great deal..................

and in a sense they "created" something..........

[modedit: link removed]
Richard Ben Sapir (/səˈpɪər/; July 27, 1936 – January 27, 1987) was an American author, best known for The Destroyer series of novels that he co-created with Warren Murphy.[

I have zero idea if Mr. Richard Sapir.... a Jew...... ever explained about "Moshiach ben Ephrayim" to Mr. Warren Murphy...... an Irishman....... or not................ but I do believe that in a sense Remo Williams of "The Destroyer' series fame....... is to at least some degree patterned after the ancient Jewish tradition of a coming "Moshiach ben Ephrayim" or Moshiach ben Yosef......


a Sinner and a Jew.......

An Irishman and a Jew!

"When a person realizes that he is on a very low level and far from God, this itself is a reason to feel encouraged. Before this, he was so far from God that he did not even know it. Now at least he knows it, and this itself is a sign that he is drawing closer." "Worldly desires are like sunbeams in a dark room." [Rabbi Nachman of Breslov]


"Disparage no book, for it is also a part of the world." [Rabbi Nachman of Breslov]
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:14 am

Please imagine The Max Barry...........

meeting with The "Spare" and as part of the efforts of "The Max Barry Foundation" a thesis for a series of films is passed to The Spare.......... for a Canadians toonie, [two Dollar coin]...... or perhaps for an Australian toonie, [two dollar coin assuming that Australia has two dollar coins]...... and the plan is to set in motion a drastic REDUCTION in attempts by I.R.A. terrorists to kill British soldiers.........

[modedit: link removed]
Spare is a memoir by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, which was released on 10 January 2023. It was ghostwritten by J. R. Moehringer and published by Penguin Random House. It is 416 pages long and available in digital, paperback, and hardcover formats and has been translated into fifteen languages. There is also a 15-hour audiobook edition, which Harry narrates himself.

And on that note I need to quote near death experiencer Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D.......
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 6:11 am

Here are ten paragraphs from another one of those "books" that Rabbi Nachman of Breslov advised us to not "despise."

"You do not understand this life,” he said on a later occasion, “so you do not understand what you can achieve. You think that you were born and die and have only the time in between to live. The Sadducees do not even believe in the resurrection. And the Pharisees and Essenes believe you are saved or damned on the basis of what you do here in this life.”

“So you judge and condemn others and forsake love in order to enter heaven. Yet I tell you that the Father has many heavens and many homes for you. This is not your only life, and these are not the only things you have to learn. You will have lives in other times and places.”

“Do not judge the gentiles? You may have been a Gentile. Do not judge the prostitute” You may have been a prostitute. Do not judge the Roman or Greek? You may have been those.”

"The Father wishes you to know the life of the world in all its conditions so that you may be able to love those in all conditions. He wishes you to learn poverty and wealth, weakness and strength, sickness and health so that, in all these, you may seek Him and find Him.”

“Is He the Father only of the righteous? No, he is Father of all and Mother of all. All may come to God and find the love appropriate to their condition. Are you poor? Learn to love your fellows. Are you rich? Learn to give of your surplus to those who have nothing. Are you in a place of power? Learn to use your power for the good of others. Learn the love appropriate to the condition you are in and all conditions will become blessed.”

"So, do not fear what people can do to your body, because you will have many more of those. Rather, avoid those who can kill the soul within you, those who would destroy love and the light of your soul. I tell you, you will have much more to learn then, and at the end of the Age, those who have not learned love will enter the Long Sleep, while those who have learned love, will inherit the New Earth which the Father prepares for them."

"In each life, you are affected by what happened in other lives, but you in turn can affect those lives. The Father has not put you in a prison, that you can change nothing. Rather, you can do anything when your inner eyes are opened and you see the Kingdom within."

"Now, even you who follow me see dimly as through a fog. So do not, in that condition, set up laws for others to follow. Rather, teach others to grow in spirit so that their eyes may be opened to the peace and love of the Father."

The Father wishes good for you, not evil. If then, you bring your fears and errors before the Father in meditation, He will help you to understand and be free. The Father does not condemn: you condemn yourself."

"If you judge, you will be judged. If you condemn, you are already condemned. If you do not love, how will you know love? If you are cruel, cruelty will come to you. What you are within yourself ----- that you will draw to yourself."

(Bruce F. MacDonald Ph. D., The Thomas Book, Near Death, A Quest and a New Gospel by the Twin Brother of Jesus.
page 117,118 )

In 1966 on June 3 Bruce F. MacDonald had an accident at work that put him into a profound near death experience within two or three days.

Dr. MacDonald actually saw Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus teaching his inner circle of his most enthusiastic disciples in a manner that could very much remind us of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov or even perhaps of near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava.

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About Rabbi Anava

Alon AnavaRabbi Alon Anava was born and raised in Israel. He grew up in Ra’anana in a very secular family without any Torah education or knowledge. He grew up hating religion and anything that had to do with it. He did not believe in G-od and the Torah and lived life as a secular Jew. In 1998, he moved to New York and soon after, on a very special day, the morning of Passover 2001 he had a Near Death Experience due to a sudden cardiac arrest. This event has changed his life for the GOOD!!!

Before his life-altering experience, Alon would describe himself as simply put, ‘not a nice guy..’ but after facing death, and realizing the purpose of life, Alon transformed his very being and since then dedicates his life to serving G-od and Torah observance. Soon After his Near Death Experience he diligently attended Yeshiva studying every day, exploring the depths of Torah, refining and elevating himself on a daily basis for over a decade. Rabbi Alon Anava attended his Rabbinical studies at Yeshivah Kol Ya’akov – Hadar Hatorah in Brooklyn, New York.

After seven years of Yeshivah studies, Rabbi Anava started sharing his Near Death Experience with the public lecturing all around the world at Schools, Synagogues, Yeshivahs, outreach programs and organizations, private sessions and much more, reaching tens of thousands of people at over 2,500 lectures in the past fifteen years. In the past 8 years Rabbi Anava has expanded his out reach efforts through the internet reaching tens of thousands of people resulting with over 500,000 followers worldwide on the internet and social networks. With over 25,000,000 views to his videos, over 1,000,000 DVDs and CDs distributed, his followers enjoy daily Torah studying on his websites, social networks, videos, podcasts, live streaming and live Torah classes and lectures. Rabbi Anava’s followers enjoy his undivided attention through daily phone calls, skype meetings, personal and group meetings along with coaching and assistance. Rabbi Anava and his wife opens their home for hundreds of guests that enjoy their warm and loving hospitality and uplifting Shabbat and holiday meals.

Alon Anava before
Alon has come back with a gift. He is able to connect to our creator in a very intimate way, allowing him to also connect intimately with others and really help them overcome their questions and concerns and lead and teach them to the right path of Torah observance.

Alon devotes his life to spreading G-od wisdom by teaching Torah every day at lectures, seminars, home gatherings, schools etc., and sharing his personal life changing experience all over the world. He spends his time sharing his story in an attempt to make it as real for you as it is for him. Our hope is that you as the listener will absorb Alon’s story and wake up to the reality of this world. We hope that you will have the strength within you to rise above what seems like the prevailing darkness and choose light. We encourage you to connect to your maker and begin your spiritual journey to better yourself and humanity as a whole. We encourage you to see the miracle of you!
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Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 6:26 am

I am sure that there are history buffs here who can add specifics to the background to this powerful song.......
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The Foggy Dew

Now here is a question for all of my English distant relatives.........

can you imagine The King David coming back to earth as The William Wallace.........

and can you imagine that the last three days of his life as William Wallace........

may have been his Psalm 22 event.............

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Why art thou so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
2 O my God, I cry by day, but thou dost not answer;
and by night, but find no rest.
3 Yet thou art holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel.
4 In thee our fathers trusted;
they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.
5 To thee they cried, and were saved;
in thee they trusted, and were not disappointed.
6 But I am a worm, and no man;
scorned by men, and despised by the people.
7 All who see me mock at me,
they make mouths at me, they wag their heads;
8 “He committed his cause to the Lord; let him deliver him,
let him rescue him, for he delights in him!”
9 Yet thou art he who took me from the womb;
thou didst keep me safe upon my mother’s breasts.
10 Upon thee was I cast from my birth,
and since my mother bore me thou hast been my God.
11 Be not far from me,
for trouble is near
and there is none to help.
12 Many bulls encompass me,
strong bulls of Bashan surround me;
13 they open wide their mouths at me,
like a ravening and roaring lion.
14 I am poured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax,
it is melted within my breast;
15 my strength is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue cleaves to my jaws;
thou dost lay me in the dust of death.
16 Yea, dogs are round about me;
a company of evildoers encircle me;
they have pierced[a] my hands and feet—
17 I can count all my bones—
they stare and gloat over me;
18 they divide my garments among them,
and for my raiment they cast lots.
19 But thou, O Lord, be not far off!
O thou my help, hasten to my aid!
20 Deliver my soul from the sword,
my life[b] from the power of the dog!
21 Save me from the mouth of the lion,
my afflicted soul[c] from the horns of the wild oxen!
22 I will tell of thy name to my brethren;
in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee:
23 You who fear the Lord, praise him!
all you sons of Jacob, glorify him,
and stand in awe of him, all you sons of Israel!
24 For he has not despised or abhorred
the affliction of the afflicted;
and he has not hid his face from him,
but has heard, when he cried to him.
25 From thee comes my praise in the great congregation;
my vows I will pay before those who fear him.
26 The afflicted[d] shall eat and be satisfied;
those who seek him shall praise the Lord!
May your hearts live for ever!
27 All the ends of the earth shall remember
and turn to the Lord;
and all the families of the nations
shall worship before him.[e]
28 For dominion belongs to the Lord,
and he rules over the nations.
29 Yea, to him[f] shall all the proud of the earth bow down;
before him shall bow all who go down to the dust,
and he who cannot keep himself alive.
30 Posterity shall serve him;
men shall tell of the Lord to the coming generation,
31 and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn,
that he has wrought it.

In order to rule out this theory one must be willing to attempt to negate the psychological research of The Dr. Ian Stevenson.

[modedit: link removed]
Dr. Ian Stevenson’s Reincarnation Research


Dr. Stevenson’s reincarnation research began in 1960 when he learned of a case in Sri Lanka where a child reported remembering a past life. He thoroughly questioned the child and the child’s parents, including the people whom the child recalled were his parents from his past life. This led to Dr. Stevenson’s conviction that reincarnation was possibly a reality. That same year, Dr. Stevenson published two articles in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research about this child who remembered having a past life. The more such cases he discovered, the greater became his ambition to scientifically quantify the possibility of reincarnation – one of the world’s greatest mysteries – which had been virtually ignored by science in the past.
Last edited by The BlAAtschApen on Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Posts: 585
Founded: Nov 26, 2024
New York Times Democracy

Postby NorthernPesos » Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:05 am

Ms. Halle Berry is Black Irish........
and there is kind of a funny story about how the phrase "Black Irish" got started........

As you all know England had quite a few squabbles with Spain.... and Portugal..... and France.... and Italy........... [not to mention those squabbles with Germany].......
[Oh... don't let the slight difference in spelling bother you................ America has always been closely connected to England so Ms. Halle Berry's ancestors knew that they knew that the spelling Berry...... made their children a little safer than if they spelled their last name as Barry]?!

[modedit: link removed]
Never Let Go (2024) Trailer Tease - Halle Berry, Percy Daggs, Anthony B. Jenkins

Spain.... and Portugal.... and France.... and Italy used to send "operatives" to encourage and assist the Irish to kill English soldiers ..........

and those operatives or should we say "Handlers" from Spain.... and Portugal.... and France and Italy.... tended to be somewhat darker in their complexion to the average Irish woman....... so....... once there were children and grandchildren involved.........

[which very often came to be the case], ....... then those darker Irish people were pretty much known to be the children or grandchildren of Roman Catholic "Handlers" from a nation where most people had a darker complexion than most Irish.........

Now there might just be something of a antidote to the implications of the film "Never Let Go" in the near death experience accounts of former Atheist Howard Storm............ or Kevin Zadai Th. D....... or former Atheist Ian McCormack......... or...........
even in the near death experience account of former Atheist Rabbi Alon Anava.....

A vastly better world is coming................

but the next two centuries could be a little rough until that vastly better world is fully here.......

[modedit: link removed]

5. The Future of the U.S. and the World
Because of my fear of a nuclear holocaust I asked if there was going to be a nuclear war in the world, and they said no. That astonished me, and I gave them this extensive explanation of how I had lived under the threat of nuclear war. That was one of the reasons I was who I was. I figured, when I was in this life, that it was all sort of hopeless; the world was going to blow up anyway, and nothing made much sense. In that context I felt I could do what I wanted, since nothing mattered.

They said, “No, there isn’t going to be any nuclear war.”


Science, technology, and other benefits, they told me, had been gifts bestowed on humanity by them – through inspiration. People had literally been led to those discoveries, many of which had later been perverted by humanity to use for its own destruction.

We could do too much damage to the planet. And by the planet, they meant all of God’s creation. Not just the people, but the animals, the trees, the birds, the insects, everything.

They explained to me that their concern was for all the people of the world. They weren’t interested in one group getting ahead of other groups. They want every person to consider every other person greater than their own flesh. They want everyone to love everyone else, completely; more, even, than they love themselves. If someone, someplace else in the world hurts, then we should hurt, we should feel their pain. And we should help them. Our planet has evolved to the point, for the first time in our history, that we have the power to do that. We are globally linked. And we could become one people.

The people that they gave the privilege of leading the world into a better age, blew it. That was us, in the United States.

When I spoke with them about the future, and this might sound like a cop-out on my part, they made clear to me that we have free will.

If we change the way we are, then we can change the future which they showed me. They showed me a view of the future, at the time of my experience, based upon how we in the United States were behaving at that time. It was a future in which a massive worldwide depression would occur. If we were to change our behavior, however, then the future would be different.

Asking them how it would be possible to change the course of many people, I observed that it was difficult, if not impossible, to change anything on Earth. I expressed the opinion that it was a hopeless task to try.

My friends explained, quite clearly, that all it takes to make a change was one person. One person, trying, and then because of that, another person changing for the better. They said that the only way to change the world was to begin with one person. One will become two, which will become three, and so on. That’s the only way to affect a major change.

I inquired as to where the world would be going in an optimistic future one where some of the changes they desired were to take place.

The image of the future that they gave me then, and it was their image, not one that I created, surprised me. My image had previously been sort of like Star Wars, where everything was space age, plastics, and technology.

The future that they showed me was almost no technology at all. What everybody, absolutely everybody, in this euphoric future spent most of their time doing was raising children. The chief concern of people was children, and everybody considered children to be the most precious commodity in the world.

And when a person became an adult, there was no sense of anxiety, nor hatred, nor competition.

There was this enormous sense of trust and mutual respect. If a person, in this view of the future, became disturbed, then the community of people all cared about the disturbed person falling away from the harmony of the group. Spiritually, through prayer and love, the others would elevate the afflicted person.

What people did with the rest of their time was that they gardened, with almost no physical effort. They showed me that plants, with prayer, would produce huge fruits and vegetables.

People, in unison, could control the climate of the planet through prayer. Everybody would work with mutual trust and the people would call the rain, when needed, and the sun to shine.

Animals lived with people, in harmony." [Howard Storm, [modedit: something that looked like a link removed]]
Last edited by The BlAAtschApen on Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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The BlAAtschApen
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New York Times Democracy

Postby The BlAAtschApen » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:36 pm

You've been told before to not spam.

Northernpesos: *** 3 day ban for spamming ***

I will go and clean up all the links from this thread and lock it.

The Blaatschapen - NationStates Moderator
The Blaatschapen should resign


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