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[R] T-Series vs PewDiePie

PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:57 pm
by Iciaros
So... I decided to make a new thread for this, because it's distinct from the last report from this thread (which was about flaming). Honestly, I'm not sure what even to call this, and I understand it might not be an actionable thing, so please forgive me if I'm a little slow on the uptake. (I think it could count under spam/derailment?)

So, the rules of the thread are that you're not supposed to double-post. Unfortunately, Dresderstan starts double-posting around page 37. Talvezout and, later, Astoriya* retaliate by double-posting as well (Talvezout starts at page 38, Astoriya at page 40). This, combined with some accidental ninja'ing on page 41, eventually knocks the thread out of whack; we're supposed to have, obviously, just one number that goes up and down, but now it looks like we have two (this begins on page 41 as well, with some people ignoring Dres' inputs and others, eg Nuevo Cielo (on page 41) and Government Junta of Chile (on page 42, subtracting more than 1 against the rules).

Where we are now is that people are more or less followed the higher number, but AUC land, Revolucionario Cuba, Wahabi Hejaz, and Nuevo Cielo have been following the lower one (occurring mainly on pages 43 and 44, making basically two chains on the same thread). There also seems to be a little bit of confrontation here between Revolucionario Cuba and Dresderstan, though this has not seemed to have escalated.

At literally the present moment (the thread is going by really fast, and has gone through a page and a half whilst typing this), the count is out of whack anyway, though that seems to be less fault-based and mainly because the thread is going by so fast that everyone is ninja'ing each other.

Anyway, I'm really sorry for the extremely long post, I just thought some context might be important. Not sure which parts of this might warrant modly attention, but just in case it does, I figured it would be better to have this report here anyway.

EDIT: Right now the current number chain seems to have come to a close, because there is some consensus that it has reached +500 for PewDiePie (this consensus is not very old, though, and it is possible some disagreement may arise over the next while). Thought I should note that.

*Astoria, if you're reading this, I know your canon name doesn't have a y in it, but I decided to spell it that way so it matches your NS name for better identification. Sorry!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:01 am
by Astoriya
It's now reached 500, just a little FYI

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:44 am
by Iciaros
Yep, as Astoria said. It looks like they're also asking for an iLock in the thread now, though an official request doesn't seem to have been filed in the megathread yet.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:39 am
by Starblaydia
Thread locked, as everyone was waiting for it anyway.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:50 am
by Iciaros
Thank you!

(leaves obligatory offering of danishes, plus extra for the WA commendation as per the new policy)