Issue author not mentioned in boneyard?

I received the Issue 624: a role to play. According to the issue, the author was Panthera corpus renatus.
However, when I view the nation in the boneyard, it ceased to exist with 902 million population on
07/06/2016. The nation was created on 27/12/2015. The name is not reserved as an author. Compared to
Bored yawning which ceased to exist in 2003 and have the name reserved with 513 million population.
Thank you and best regards
I received the Issue 624: a role to play. According to the issue, the author was Panthera corpus renatus.
However, when I view the nation in the boneyard, it ceased to exist with 902 million population on
07/06/2016. The nation was created on 27/12/2015. The name is not reserved as an author. Compared to
Bored yawning which ceased to exist in 2003 and have the name reserved with 513 million population.
Thank you and best regards