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An Issue needing review!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:40 pm
by Unibot
This is an issue branching off of the new 'Capital for @@NATION@@' issue. It deals with the problem of having a capital underground.

Comments and Advice would be appreciated!


"“The Sky Is Falling” say residents!"

Description: @@CAPITAL@@, the underground capital of @@NATION@@, has been the source of much grief to politicians this past week as residents pick the debris from their hair – a frightening omen for the future of @@CAPITAL@@!

VALID: For nations that opted for an Underground Capital

[option] “Well there’s your problem!” declares the city engineer that was profusely taping at the cracking ceiling – much to your displeasure. “See? The original design wasn’t made to handle all of these quasi-atmospheric variables – you’ve got all of this rising steam from …uh, stuff, and its accumulating here at the ceiling. If you don’t fund a major renovation on this place, either there’s going to be some massive water erosion to the ceiling, or the place is going to become essentially a thermonuclear pressure-cooker But either way, it’s not going to be good for the citizens of @@CAPITAL@@. Sure it’ll cost a ton of tax @@CURRENCY@@s to fix. But we need it done to save lives, quick! [effect]tax money is being poured into an expensive make-work project to improve @@CAPITAL@@’s structural integrity [stats]income tax way up! , government corruption down, safety goes up

[option] “Don’t listen to that quack!” barked your Minister of Finance, playfully scratched at the wall to pull out a handful of crumbled cement “Its harmless stuff! Really! Think of all the little @@ANIMAL@@s who can now make feeders and cute niches in the eroded walls! Because, we can’t go spending MORE money, as it is having the capital inconveniently moved underground cost us a fortune. So instead of being, err… greedy, let’s think of the @@ANIMAL@@s![effect]citizens routinely look for falling debris while on their way to work [stats]citizens’ happiness way down, safety way down , corruption up

[option] “Strangely enough – I agree with my slippery colleague for once” states your dopey-eyed Minister of Environment “Ever since the residents of @@CAPITAL@@ moved to the underground, the overland has become a natural paradise! Wildlife has returned, the air is clean, the littering has stopped - Nature has taken over! Its beautiful! We should be ‘encouraging’ all of @@NATION@@’s cities to follow our capitals’ lead with the idea! Think of the @@ANIMAL@s!” [effect]human life has been forced underground to leave nature’s beauty intact [stats]citizens’ happiness way down, safety down, environment’s aesthetics up,

[option] “But what about us?” screamed the angry soccer mom with a bandaged head, “this eroding ceiling is causing a lot of problems for us citizens. As it is putting the capital underground was a terrible idea – we’re all paler than vampires from lack of sun, crowded together, and dieing of heat exhaustion. The government needs to move @@CAPITAL@@ above ground. We’re people, not ants! [effect]the capital has been moved above ground, much to taxpayers’ dismay. [stats]citizens’ happiness is up, safety up, taxs up, environment aesthetics down

Re: An Issue needing review!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:06 am
by Ballotonia
First question is ofcourse whether the system even keeps track of whether the capital city is underground or not...


Re: An Issue needing review!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:55 am
by Unibot
I would of thought so, Valid for nations that opted for option 3 on the capital issue, its a standard branching issue.

But I suppose you're right. I'll have to ask.


Re: An Issue needing review!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:36 pm
by Sirocco
Can't say I'm very enamoured with the idea for the issue. It's amusing, but not something I'd include in the game. The underground capital option was included for giggles, and treeing it would be taking it a tad too seriously.

Description: @@CAPITAL@@, the underground capital of @@NATION@@, has been the source of much grief to politicians this past week as residents pick the debris from their hair – a frightening omen for the future of @@CAPITAL@@!

I've read this three times and I still wouldn't know what it meant if I hadn't read the rest of the issue. You may want to look at your submissions before posting them, or even waiting until you got past the first draft stage.