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[DRAFT] Booking it to the Library

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:10 pm
by Loli County
{Title} Booking it to the Library

Description: As test scores have been slowly going down for the past few months, a group of worried teachers has gathered in your office. They believe it is the lack of libraries in @@name@@.
[Valid for all nations]

[Option 1] "We must have a library on every street, maybe even two! If we don't teach our children the value of education, who knows what will happen?" says @@randomnamefemale@@. "Blackacre has twice as many books as us. I beg you to subside libraries, us teachers can't handle it anymore."
[Result] Children in @@nation@@ have more books than they have time to read.

[Option 2] "Maybe instead of building more libraries, we should be making schools an even better place to learn." another in the group, @@randommalename@@ asks. "Having things such as sofas and beanbags in the classroom has been proven to improve students overall mood, thereby also helping with their learning. We must make this a reality!"
[Result] Students in @@nation@@ consider nap-time sacred.

[Option 3] "Why do we even need to have books at all?" suggests teenage student @@randomname@@. "They're dumb anyway, it would be so much better if we didn't have to deal with them. I'm sure it would make the trees happy too, or whatever..."
[Result] Toddlers around the country are devastated at the loss of bedtime stories.

This is my first ever issue draft, so please tell me what i can improve!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 5:14 pm
by Australian rePublic
No country anywhere has the man power to staff a library at the end of every single street, and the speaker from option 1 should know that