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[Submitted] A Burr in the Saddle

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:59 am
by Verdant Haven
For the purposes of this issue, "Dueling Legal" would be for those nations that have selected option 131.1, and if they received option 788 later as a result, then either 788.1, 788.2, or 788.5.

All other nations would be "Dueling Illegal"

For those who aren't familiar with American political history, the set-up is a reference to the legendary 1804 duel between sitting US Vice President Aaron Burr and former Treasury Secretary and American "Founding Father" Alexander Hamilton, in which Hamilton was killed in a dispute over political ideals and accusations of slander. It has received extensive additional attention in recent years through its dramatization in the hit musical "Hamilton."

It looks like a fairly long issue, but it is in three pairs - no nation will ever see more than three options. One in favor of duels, one opposed, and an additional one that supports whatever the government's current policy is. This way there will only ever be one "reversal" option in play.

[TITLE] A Burr in the Saddle

[DESCRIPTION] A series of strongly-worded letters gave rise to a volley of even stronger bullets early this morning, as a long-simmering feud between Secretary of State @@RANDOMNAME@@ Burr and Minister of the Exchequer @@RANDOMNAME@@ Hamilton erupted in a duel at dawn. Now Hamilton lies dead, Burr is on the run, and the only two witnesses to the exchange are giving different stories about exactly what occurred.

[OPTION 1] (Dueling Legal) "I don't see what all the hubbub is about" grumbles your aide-de-camp @@RANDOMNAME@@, fiddling with @@HIS@@ saber. "They acted within the law, and it seems to me that they've resolved a feud that has been disrupting your cabinet meetings for ages! You should encourage all of your ministers to resolve their disputes this way. Then you can get things done instead of listening to arguments all day!"

[EFFECT 1] politics has become a real fight to the death

[OPTION 2] (Dueling Illegal) "You know what? I'm ok with it!" chuckles your aide-de-camp @@RANDOMNAME@@, fiddling with @@HIS@@ saber. "Sure they acted outside the law, but they resolved their dispute with a lot more dignity than most politicians do. No screaming, no public scene, just boom! Problem solved. If two people want to duel, let them! Legalize dueling, and tell all your ministers to resolve their problems this way. Then maybe you can get things done instead of listening to arguments all day!"

[EFFECT 2] politics has become a real fight to the death

[OPTION 3] (Dueling Legal) "I say, what a dreadful show of things!" blurts your Chief of Etiquette, @@RANDOMNAME@@, clutching @@HIS@@ cravat in outrage. "Dueling is all well and good for the hoi polloi, but those of a more genteel nature ought to have nothing to do with it! It truly makes our party look childish if we cannot resolve things without coming to blows. If dueling comes at the cost of propriety, you must outlaw all forms of dueling at once!"

[EFFECT 3] bitter rivals feud with obsequious courtesy

[OPTION 4] (Dueling Illegal) "They did indeed act outside the law, and punishment must be brought!" exclaims your Chief of Etiquette, @@RANDOMNAME@@, clutching @@HIS@@ cravat in outrage. "They have dragged this government's reputation into the mud, and we must rise above and prove ourselves worthy of our positions! You must fire and arrest Burr for murder, at once! The fact that both parties agreed to the exchange is irrelevant – we cannot be flexible when propriety is on the line!"

[EFFECT 4] bitter rivals feud with obsequious courtesy

[OPTION 5] (Dueling Legal) "The real trouble here is that we don't know the precise details of what occurred," opines Undersecretary for Justice @@RANDOMNAME@@, with a thoughtful look. "Sure it was legal, but perhaps it was a bit too… controversial? Dueling needs oversight, to make sure everything is handled correctly. Signed dueling contracts approved by an official, and a proper jury to witness and adjudicate the fight – that should do it! Then there can be no questions about whether honor is satisfied."

[EFFECT 5] anything is legal so long as there's a contract

[OPTION 6] (Dueling Illegal) "The real trouble here is why it happened in the first place!" opines Undersecretary for Justice @@RANDOMNAME@@, with a thoughtful look. "They slandered each other continuously in public for years… that would drive anybody to violence! We must crack down on libel and slander. If you want to say something bad about another person, it must be limited to factual statements with evidential support! Put an end to the lies and wild accusations being made, and that will put an end to these duels!"

[EFFECT 6] rap battles mostly consist of citations set to music

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:28 pm
by Baggieland
Verdant Haven wrote:grumbles your aide-de-camp @@RANDOMNAME@@, fiddling with @@HIS@@ saber.

Your intro says they used bullets.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:58 pm
by Westinor
Baggieland wrote:
Verdant Haven wrote:grumbles your aide-de-camp @@RANDOMNAME@@, fiddling with @@HIS@@ saber.

Your intro says they used bullets.

I don't think the secretaries' usage of guns mandates that your own aide-de-camp has to use one too, since I'm fairly sure they're separate entities.

As to the issue itself, I believe that it's pretty simple - if dueling is legal, then obviously this is fine. If it isn't, then this is not fine. It doesn't seem to be elaborating on anything besides what's already established. I'd see this issue potentially making sense if it focused, perhaps, on the fact that no one knew what happened, or something having to do with the government officials. However, as it stands the issue doesn't feel like it contribute anything different than the original dueling issue, especially since I don't see any particular caveat to the rule in this case.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:05 am
by Baggieland
Oh, I see, it was his own sabre, irrelevant to the duelling weapons used by the other guys. My bad. :)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:10 am
by Terrabod
Maybe consider weaponisation as a validity.