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[DRAFT] Addictive AI Conundrum!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:20 am
by Sapnu puas
WIP (Including issue title and just about everything else)
So the main idea of this draft is to add an issue to the game where AI Dungeon is the main focus of the issue, dealing with national youth popularity and addiction of the game, which therefore would lead to the youth of your nation tearing families apart (Or something negative about the lack of work/economic decline, idk).

For some background information: If you don't know, AI Dungeon (or titled 'Artificial Intelligence simulator' for this issue) is an AI text-based adventure game that can be played on any device. Besides the artificial stupidity that comes with it, your imagination is your only limit when playing this game.

As I update this draft, look for underlined additions in places where the surrounding text doesn't change anything else, along with spoilered previous drafts.
With that noted, here's my 2nd issue draft!

Addictive AI Conundrum!
Recently, the younger generation have all been playing and discussing the newest trend: an Artificial Intelligence simulator. Minors defend this game as one that stirs a creative mind, and others say it can fall into the wrong hands. In any case, the simulator has gotten too addictive, and families in the nation are falling apart!

Recently, the internet is all playing and discussing the newest trend: an Artificial Intelligence simulator. Some say it is too broken and repetitive, and others are awake all night manipulating the game. In any case, the simulator has gotten too popular, draining away your precious @@MAJORINDUSTRY@@ profits!

Choice 1:
A worried father of one is concerned over the AI's tendency to suddenly generate naughty results. "One moment my son is fighting a dragon, and the next thing I see, the game places him in a room full of naked women! The developer thinks this is an intended feature, but really, this should just be a bug so it can make out like a fly and be squished!"
A worried father of one is concerned over the AI's tendency to suddenly generate naughty results. "One moment my son is fighting a dragon, and the next thing I see, the game places him in a room full of naked women! You gotta give the game a little decency, please. I still want to use it for dating simulators, but not randomly."

Side note (V2): I'm not sure how to word this person's dialogue, but I want the main idea to be something along the lines of 'NSFW generated story being the cause of addiction; please remove'

Choice 1 fallout:
video games involving RNG are only played by ages 9 to 19
Side note: Not sure what to creatively put here...yet.

Choice 2:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:25 pm
by USS Monitor
This is looking a lot like #535.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:34 am
by Jutsa

PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:27 am
by Sapnu puas
Hmmmm, Guess i'll need to add a twist. Maybe if it were focused on just the minors rather than the working population?
Edit: Rewrote the idea and first choice a bit.