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Water Supply Issue help.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:59 am
by Aglrinia
I'm having trouble with this water supply issue. Any pointers i'm going to install a poll, but please vote after you looked at the options.

"Due to the explosive population growth in Aglrinia, coupled with recent droughts, people are beginning to worry about the nation's decreasing water supply, and who should get first dibs on the vital H20.

The Debate
1. "We need this water to raise our crops," says incensed farmer Pip Shiomi. "If it wasn't for us farmers, the rest of Aglrinia would be starving. How about laying the blame where it belongs, and look to those cookie cutter suburban houses with their green lawns and pristinely washed mini-vans!"

2."It is my right to have the most beautiful lawn in the neighborhood," says neighborhood spokesman George W. Shiomi. "Our community spends a lot of effort cultivating a nice environment for our kids to grow up in. Why, if they didn't have these nice lawns to play in, they would be hanging out on street corners peddling drugs, or worse! Won't someone please think of the children?"

3."Here is a novel idea," proclaims Chastity Hamilton, spokesperson for radical environmental group Leave Nature Alone. "How about getting rid of all these dams and irrigation projects that are getting in the way of Mother Nature's plans for the water. It is time to allow the rivers to take their natural courses and leave the environment alone. I'm sure things will work out fine if we let Nature take its course."

4."Obviously, who gets how much water is only a part of the problem," notes famed population-control advocate Gregory Hamilton. "We must try to curtail the rapid growth of our population, whether by limiting the amount of children people may have, or by deporting immigrants and criminals... we must get a handle on our population before we can hope to correct this water supply problem.""

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:08 am
by Yukorteshik
obviously 3 becuz if you need more water just get rid of the dams

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:29 am
by Cinistra
If you choose option 3, you're sure to experience water shortage. You may choose option 4, but I am not sure it will really help. So, that leaves you with choosing between option 1 and option 2. If you choose the first, you're citizens will moan about dry lawns, but you secure food production, which probably is more important? I usually choose option 1 and option 4.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:32 am
by Despoticania
I really like large population, even "RP-wise", so I'll always choose the option number 1. It's not that I'll have to listen (or care) about anyone whining about dry lawn or anything.

Water Supply

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:45 pm
by Cynthia McKinney
I tried options 1 and 3 and they both weakened my economy so I don't think there are any good options. So you should just dismiss the issue.