Page 48 of 210

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:53 am
by Sucrati
Trotterdam wrote:
Sucrati wrote:Issue Number 478: "The show must go on"

Option number two has handle as 'Handel'
That's intentional.

Oh, I didn't realize it was a play on words, my mistake :(

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:08 pm
by Aculea
#479 Leader, Put On The Yellow Light

Option 2: The only thing this petitioner is asking for is for you to use some common sense. On Nation States.
"I think all this nonsense is nothing more than these taxi drivers being afraid of a little competition," comments Fubar driver Efthamia Summers, while checking their phone for nearby rides. "People are sick of taxis; they have to wave their hands up and down like lunatics in order to get one, or spend three hours on call waiting, and we all know taxi drivers always look for ways to cheat you. With Fubar, a friendly driver is always available fairly quickly and all you need is a phone app. I implore you to use some common sense. Fubar is safe, convenient, and the way of the future!"

Even in the context of his glowing recommendation for Fubar I have no idea what he's recommending here because the setup doesn't create any proposal to be for or against:
While heading to your office in @@CAPITAL@@, you suddenly find yourself caught in a massive rally staged by angry taxi drivers protesting Fubar, a popular ridesharing service. As the demonstration blocks off all nearby streets, you are forced to hear the drivers' respective demands.

Putting the two together, I have to conclude that this is the first and only petitioner in Nation States to demand unconditional common sense. I'm compelled to take it. o.0

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:00 pm
by Sanctaria
I really have no idea what you're complaining needs to be fixed.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:23 pm
by Aculea
Sanctaria wrote:I really have no idea what you're complaining needs to be fixed.

That's because I didn't make a request, which is exactly what I'm complaining about, so it's filled with irony.

Right now the second option does not make a concrete proposal that a government can act upon, unless you count "use common sense". Something as simple as "Let Fubar stay!" at the end of the petitioner's spiel would transform it from a cavalcade of cheerleading to an actual petition. Unless, of course, what you really need at the end is "Subsidize Fubar!" Or maybe "Ban taxis!" He doesn't say. He just wants common sense, which is a mythical substance in Nation States.

Because the opening part does not make a proposal that one can be for or against, I can't even use the second option's enthusiasm for Fubar to infer what the petitioner wants. Yes, obviously they support Fubar, and that's nice, but given that every other option in the game is written as a Faustian labyrinth of misdirection, I hope you can see why asking the player to sign a blank check just because they like Fubar might be a bit more intimidating than the author wanted.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:07 pm
by Rancho Relaxo
I don't know why it's doing it now, but this issue is displaying incorrectly, with option 1 being part of the description:
The Issue

Thousands of business men and women have taken to the streets in protest of their working conditions and pay. "It's not fair that we can't have a union," says Calvin Zhu, VP of Sales at SlothCorp. "Just because we make six figures doesn't mean we don't deserve overtime too! It's high time that the lower classes come to appreciate our hard efforts."

The Debate

Stefanie Barnes, secretary of commerce, recommends you ignore these commies. "Free enterprise means not having to succumb to unions, and the world has enough unions already."


Bruce Licorish, secretary of labor, advises you to adjust laws to allow white-collar unions. "It only makes sense that all of the workers in our nation have an equal opportunity to benefit from the advantages of collective bargaining."


"Get these people out of the street!" advises Georgina Frederickson, local police chief. "They're blocking traffic, and making it impossible for the common man to drive to the megamall!"


Finally, Right Reverend Jennifer Han proclaims, "The downtrodden are suffering at the hands of the MAN, and these wealthy upper shelf vice presidents are asking to make the rich richer and the poor poorer! The only reason the common worker needs a union is to be able to fight against the oppression of these slave drivers! It's ludicrous that these greedy scrooges are asking for even MORE money! Send them packing and raise taxes on the wealthy to bring more equality to our nation!"


The Government Position

The government has yet to formalize a position on this issue.

Dismiss This Issue

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:11 pm
by Luna Amore
That's how that one's been written for a while. It is atypical in format, I'll grant you that.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:18 pm
by Trotterdam
Option 2 is the one that's agreeing with the speaker in the description.

It's atypical, but there's no reason why the description can't include an argument for someone's position, especially if that advocate is what sparked the debate in the first place and the other positions are reactionaries.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:54 pm
by Christian Democrats
Issue #432, Option 1: Before "Moral Minority," I think the word "the" should be added.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:21 am
by Sanctaria
Christian Democrats wrote:Issue #432, Option 1: Before "Moral Minority," I think the word "the" should be added.

Moral Minority is the name of the group, and not all groups have 'the' prefixing them. I'm happy to leave it as is.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:30 am
by Christian Democrats
Sanctaria wrote:
Christian Democrats wrote:Issue #432, Option 1: Before "Moral Minority," I think the word "the" should be added.

Moral Minority is the name of the group, and not all groups have 'the' prefixing them. I'm happy to leave it as is.

It's obviously a reference to the Moral Majority, so I thought it'd be a good idea to add a "the."

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:26 am
by New Leppikania
#458: is it supposed to say "Handel"? And why is it caps? Forgive me if I'm missing a joke...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:31 am
by Sanctaria
New Leppikania wrote:#458: is it supposed to say "Handel"? And why is it caps? Forgive me if I'm missing a joke...

The answer was quoted on this page.

Sucrati wrote:

Oh, I didn't realize it was a play on words, my mistake :(

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:06 pm
by New Leppikania
Sanctaria wrote:
New Leppikania wrote:#458: is it supposed to say "Handel"? And why is it caps? Forgive me if I'm missing a joke...

The answer was quoted on this page.

Sucrati wrote:
Oh, I didn't realize it was a play on words, my mistake :(

Okay. Thanks.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:25 am
by Christian Democrats
In my opinion, the name of Issue #92 should be changed from "@@NAME@@ Officials Needled About Mandatory Vaccinations" to "@@DEMONYMADJECTIVE@@ Officials Needled About Mandatory Vaccinations."

Issue #363

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:47 am
by Aibohphobia
My leader's name causes problems:
All hail the glorious the Dark Inquisitor

All hail our glorious the Dark Inquisitor

Or am I myself to blame for this? The article seems to have always been fitting in nicely with every other issue I recall.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:26 am
by Sanctaria
Aibohphobia wrote:My leader's name causes problems:
All hail the glorious the Dark Inquisitor

All hail our glorious the Dark Inquisitor

Or am I myself to blame for this? The article seems to have always been fitting in nicely with every other issue I recall.

It's nothing we can fix.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:01 pm
by Christian Democrats
Issue #481

Option 3: I think "economy student" should be changed to "economics student" or "political economy student."

Option 5: This sentence doesn't make any sense to me: "I'm responsible for hundreds of peoples life's [people's lives?] every day, from Down Town [downtown?] @@CAPITAL@@ up across a 110th street [up to 110th Street?]."

Issue #483

In option 2, I would change the mascot name from "Ronald" to "Donald" for two reasons. First, Ronald is the name of the real-world company mascot. Second, some Donalds, perhaps, should be deep-fried.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:40 pm
by Luna Amore
Christian Democrats wrote:Issue #481

Option 3: I think "economy student" should be changed to "economics student" or "political economy student."

Option 5: This sentence doesn't make any sense to me: "I'm responsible for hundreds of peoples life's [people's lives?] every day, from Down Town [downtown?] @@CAPITAL@@ up across a 110th street [up to 110th Street?]."


Isssue #484

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:56 pm
by Lamebrainia
argues your military aide-de-camp, General @@SOMENAME@@ while flexing her muscles

Commas should either surround the general ("aide-de-camp, General @@SOMENAME@@, while") or not be there at all, as far as I know.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:37 pm
by Emojis
Civil rights leader Jamil [I can't use emojis on the forum] came out publicly for moderate pro-cannibalism legislation, commenting, "While it may strike some as a crude, even evil practice, our ancestors have practiced cannibalism for years. If we create a government organization to strictly regulate and grade all human meat prior to its arrival on the market, we can ensure that respect for diversity is maintained while health concerns are also allayed. And instead of killing average people, why not make being turned into snack foods a post-mortem option? Like donating your body to science!"

Not sure if the @@SLOGAN@@ macro is applicable here.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:20 pm
by Tornavia
I got issue #157: sergeants are too nasty, say new recruits when I dont even have a military.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:44 pm
by Luna Amore
Emojis wrote:
Civil rights leader Jamil [I can't use emojis on the forum] came out publicly for moderate pro-cannibalism legislation, commenting, "While it may strike some as a crude, even evil practice, our ancestors have practiced cannibalism for years. If we create a government organization to strictly regulate and grade all human meat prior to its arrival on the market, we can ensure that respect for diversity is maintained while health concerns are also allayed. And instead of killing average people, why not make being turned into snack foods a post-mortem option? Like donating your body to science!"

Not sure if the @@SLOGAN@@ macro is applicable here.

There is no slogan macro there. @@RANDOMNAME@@ pulls from your customizable fields, so if your fields are all filled with emojis, they'll sometimes sneak into names.
Tornavia wrote:I got issue #157: sergeants are too nasty, say new recruits when I dont even have a military.

You don't have much of one, but you do have one.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:02 am
by North Americorp
Issue #477:
The latest episode of celebrity chef Ramsey Oliver's massively popular television show "Lunch Box Revolution" has exposed the unhealthy junk food served in elementary and high schools, putting your government under pressure to act on childhood obesity.

Option one forces schools to serve healthy food, option two institutes mandatory health food plan for all citizens, and the third forces everyone to exercise.

There's no option for any nation that values civil freedoms, nor is there an option to line up and execute the health food fanatics (which is what this nation would choose). All options are anti-obesity.

That's the most one-sided issue I've seen so far, but a lot of recent issues have had similar problem. Too many. The game isn't much fun to play if you have to dismiss most issues because of lack of actual choices.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:57 am
by Gnejs
Do you have any other examples of recent issues that you felt were one-sided? That kind of feedback can be useful to us.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:15 pm
by Dunraven
Digital Revolution Requires Re-evaluation, issue #303:
Advances in the state of the art of television recording devices have brought the topic of sex and violence on late night television back to the table. Interested parties want to share their concerns.

Perhaps that issue should be restricted to nations of sufficient Scientific Advancement? If I remember right, this nation has already chosen to eschew all technology. So it's kind of odd that we'd still have televisions.