Ozeanreisende wrote:Hello which nations would seem best for a no no germany (WWII germany) and the netherlands as a monarchy im writing an issue i tried making my own nations which would have been bavariland (germany but it was unified by bavaria) and hullanlandia (literally the netherlands) but someone who i wont name for reasons is bugging me for trying to make my own countries to use
P.S if you think i should stick with custom nations could someone reccomend a way to incorporate som history into this description without making it too long
Description: Recently the re-militarized nation of Bavariland who has a dictator in power, has been going on a continental rampage invading several bordering nations and more, one of these nations is hullanland who is asking @@name@@ to let their royal family who fear execution, flee to @@name@@ for safety during the conflict.
bavariland is basically doing WWII
I'm not bugging you to use existing NPC nations, I'm saying you would be better off using them unless you can come up with their own lore and characteristics. Stop putting words in my mouth. In case you couldn't properly grasp my point, here it is again:
I would advise you use current NPC nations since it would be hard to come up with new NPC nations that have its own lore and significance in the NS universe. What's Bavariland based off of? What's so special about them or Hullanland? Unless you can develop some sort of lore or base them off of real-life countries in some way, I wouldn't go down that route of creating new NPC nations for the sake of it.
Also, just ask in your actual draft. You don't have to go here.