Page 20 of 317

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:20 pm
by Andacantra
Think I've got everything sorted and up to date now!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:57 pm
by Panageadom
No you don't...#334 is still missing.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:10 pm
by Andacantra
Unfortunately, I can't add an issue that isn't either posted for me or shows up on one of my nations. I wasn't aware that there was a #334. If you wouldn't mind posting it then I'll add it as soon as I can.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:27 pm
by Andacantra
Now added #334: Blot Out Bauhaus [Panageadom; ed:Lenyo]. I'm assuming that Mr. Dada is not a @@RANDOMNAME@@? (I'm probably missing a reference here :P)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:54 pm
by Panageadom

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:06 pm
by Philosophical Ideals
Found an issue that I haven't seen on the forums or on the list:
#335: Log us Back On [Turtleshroom; ed:Luna Amore]

The Issue
A crowd of nerds, bored of isolated consoles, demand that you reconnect Philosophical Ideals to the Internet, so that they may once again explore a world of knowledge, view porn, play their favorite nation simulator, and watch some more porn.

The Debate

1. "A man can only do so much with a non-connected personal computer," laments @@RANDOMNAME@@, a pale, bespectacled nerd clutching his laptop. "I'm sick and tired of solitaire, word processing, and re-organizing my desktop icons. I need engagement! I need entertainment! I need to watch por– I mean... I craaave the knowledge the web gives me! @@LEADER@@, give us back the Internet!"

2. "Now wait just a damn minute," scolds local librarian @@RANDOMNAME@@ while smacking you on the hand with a ruler. "This ban has done wonders for @@NAME@@'s literacy rate. Kids are reading for enjoyment again. If you give them back the Internet, that all goes out the window. And for what? Lolcats? I implore you, for the sake of our children; invest in their education and keep the Internet out of @@NAME@@."

3. "We already sent that evil series of tubes out of our glorious nation; now it's that devil machine's turn!" shouts @@RANDOMNAME@@, a particularly troubled backwoods preacher. "Go all the way and ban computers completely! We must return to simpler times for the sake of our future! To heck with productivity, do this NOW!"

4. "No! You mustn't!" cries @@RANDOMNAME@@, CEO of Maxcom Software. "If you reconnect @@NAME@@ or ban computers, our local software market will collapse! We simply cannot compete with the global market. We need to take their minds off of the Web. Now, the only reason these people are clamoring for the Web is because they're bored with what a single PC can do. What we need to do is make it more FUN! If you subsidize local software companies, we'll churn out top-notch, locally produced software that'll make people forget all about the Internet.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:34 pm
by Andacantra
Thank you very much :) Added.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:33 am
by Umbra Ac Silentium

The court system in Umbra Ac Silentium has ground to a halt since the record-breaking divorce case of serial-polygamist Matt Trimony, who has decided to divorce all 47 of his wives simultaneously. The case has become so lengthy and complex that lawyer-filled encampments have sprung up outside the building, preventing any new cases from being processed.
The Debate

"The courts just can't cope with the strain," warns Evan Brown, your trusted legal advisor. "Divorce cases have become so complex that lawyers now have to take courses in complex mathematics just to settle property disputes! If this continues any longer, our legal system is going to collapse. The best solution would be to make prenuptial agreements mandatory for all new marriages. That would free up the courts from dealing with complex property disputes once and for all."

"This is sacrilege!" exclaims Reverend Ryan Thiesen, bursting into your office without warning. "It was a mistake to legalize polygamy to begin with! It's made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage. I implore the government to repeal this perversion of matrimony and make polygamy illegal throughout Umbra Ac Silentium - if not for the sake of the families it has torn apart, then for their very souls under the eyes of our great Lord."

"I've got a better idea," claims renowned TV critic Ella Frederickson, sprawling paperwork across your desk. "You want to keep polygamy legal, but don't want to pay through the nose in legal fees, right? Why not broadcast the divorce proceedings live across Dreamworld? Think of the drama! Think of the viewing figures! Just sign here on the dotted line, and the studio will cover all the expenses." She forces a pen into your hand.

Issue by: The Mischievous Meerkats of Lordieth
Editor: Lenyo

Issue number 336 right here.
I'm kind of scared to pick the last option to keep it legal because it sounds highly invasive of privacy and I don't want to damage muh freedumz. :v

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:04 am
by Industrien
Issue #336
Author: Lordieth
Ed: Lenyo

Polygamy Causes Division

The Issue

The court system in Industrien has ground to a halt since the record-breaking divorce case of serial-polygamist Matt Trimony, who has decided to divorce all 47 of his wives simultaneously. The case has become so lengthy and complex that lawyer-filled encampments have sprung up outside the building, preventing any new cases from being processed.

The Debate

"The courts just can't cope with the strain," warns Jessica Mistletoe, your trusted legal advisor. "Divorce cases have become so complex that lawyers now have to take courses in complex mathematics just to settle property disputes! If this continues any longer, our legal system is going to collapse. The best solution would be to make prenuptial agreements mandatory for all new marriages. That would free up the courts from dealing with complex property disputes once and for all."

"This is sacrilege!" exclaims Reverend Don Clinton, bursting into your office without warning. "It was a mistake to legalize polygamy to begin with! It's made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage. I implore the government to repeal this perversion of matrimony and make polygamy illegal throughout Industrien - if not for the sake of the families it has torn apart, then for their very souls under the eyes of our great Lord."

"I've got a better idea," claims renowned TV critic Faith Suzuki, sprawling paperwork across your desk. "You want to keep polygamy legal, but don't want to pay through the nose in legal fees, right? Why not broadcast the divorce proceedings live across the South Pacific? Think of the drama! Think of the viewing figures! Just sign here on the dotted line, and the studio will cover all the expenses." She forces a pen into your hand.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:18 am
by Andacantra
And added! :) Thanks.

Current number of issues: 336?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:54 am
by Vasilly
Really? i played this game for 1 year and I have seen the same issues again and again

sometimes i said: of fuck it! and delete all the issues

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:56 am
by Frenequesta
Vasilly wrote:Really? i played this game for 1 year and I have seen the same issues again and again

sometimes i said: of fuck it! and delete all the issues

Some issues you won't get unless you answer some issues a particular way.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:04 pm
by Lordieth
Umbra Ac Silentium wrote:

The court system in Umbra Ac Silentium has ground to a halt since the record-breaking divorce case of serial-polygamist Matt Trimony, who has decided to divorce all 47 of his wives simultaneously. The case has become so lengthy and complex that lawyer-filled encampments have sprung up outside the building, preventing any new cases from being processed.
The Debate

"The courts just can't cope with the strain," warns Evan Brown, your trusted legal advisor. "Divorce cases have become so complex that lawyers now have to take courses in complex mathematics just to settle property disputes! If this continues any longer, our legal system is going to collapse. The best solution would be to make prenuptial agreements mandatory for all new marriages. That would free up the courts from dealing with complex property disputes once and for all."

"This is sacrilege!" exclaims Reverend Ryan Thiesen, bursting into your office without warning. "It was a mistake to legalize polygamy to begin with! It's made a mockery of the sanctity of marriage. I implore the government to repeal this perversion of matrimony and make polygamy illegal throughout Umbra Ac Silentium - if not for the sake of the families it has torn apart, then for their very souls under the eyes of our great Lord."

"I've got a better idea," claims renowned TV critic Ella Frederickson, sprawling paperwork across your desk. "You want to keep polygamy legal, but don't want to pay through the nose in legal fees, right? Why not broadcast the divorce proceedings live across Dreamworld? Think of the drama! Think of the viewing figures! Just sign here on the dotted line, and the studio will cover all the expenses." She forces a pen into your hand.

Issue by: The Mischievous Meerkats of Lordieth
Editor: Lenyo

Issue number 336 right here.
I'm kind of scared to pick the last option to keep it legal because it sounds highly invasive of privacy and I don't want to damage muh freedumz. :v

I completely forgot about that issue. I'm glad to have one under my belt. :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:41 pm
by Riemstagrad
337: Doctors Crossing Borders? (Issue by: Whiskey hill Editor: Sanctaria)

The Issue

In response to an increasing number of people without adequate health care in @@NATIONNAME@@, a neighbouring nation within @@REGION@@ has publicly sought permission to establish free health clinics.

The Debate

"Well isn't this quite the blessing!" exclaims Agnes Broadside, one of your chief economic advisers. "Not only does foreign money come into our economy, those darned socialists will stop complaining about how badly the poor are suffering. Best of all, we don't even have to spend a single @@CURRENCY@@ on it! We could even charge an establishment fee for each clinic and help ourselves to the proceeds."


"How dare those bleeding heart foreigners make us look like a Third World Nation!" declares Klaus Gutenberg, the maintenance man in your office as he fixes your mini-bar. "They want to waltz on into OUR COUNTRY and make US look like the bad guys, just so they can have the spotlight. They don't actually care about the poor! Speaking of the poor, if they don't have to pay for things like health care then what incentive is there to find work? It's just reinforcing the culture of dependency and laziness that exists among some in the working class. Charity should just be banned, frankly; if you didn't work for it, you don't deserve it."


"We can't allow ourselves to be shamed like this in front of the global community, or our own people for that matter", your bedraggled Minister for Health tells you. "We should take this as a sign that it's finally time for us to devote resources to the health budget and establish a universal health care system. It may be costly in the beginning but it'll save us much in the long run, and not just in terms of lotis - think of how much face we'll save in the international community by implementing this instead of asking others to do it for us. I can't see a loss to this!"


338: The Silence and the Fury (Issue by: The golden koko Editor: Luna Amore)

The Issue

A large, silent mass of people have staged a sit-in around the government buildings in @@CAPITAL@@ to protest noise pollution.

The Debate

The leader of the protest, Sy Lance, slips a handwritten letter across your desk. It reads: "The noise level in this city has become simply unbearable. I cannot walk down the street without having my delicate auditory faculties assaulted! For the sake of @@NATIONNAME@@'s hearing, you must enact stricter noise pollution laws. I implore you!"




PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:19 pm
by Jufonce
Riemstagrad wrote:338: The Silence and the Fury (Issue by: The golden koko Editor: Luna Amore)

The Issue

A large, silent mass of people have staged a sit-in around the government buildings in @@CAPITAL@@ to protest noise pollution.

The Debate

The leader of the protest, Sy Lance, slips a handwritten letter across your desk. It reads: "The noise level in this city has become simply unbearable. I cannot walk down the street without having my delicate auditory faculties assaulted! For the sake of @@NATIONNAME@@'s hearing, you must enact stricter noise pollution laws. I implore you!"




I knew this was a new one for me! I always check this thread to see if it's one I've forgotten/never had/a new one whenever I get an issue I don't remember getting. I almost went with the second option but then I thought about what it'd be like to live in a city where noise pollution is allowed all hours of the night. If anyone has went with the second option please tell me how it affects your nation!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:33 pm
by Andacantra
Both added!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:53 am
by HC Eredivisie

Where in the Woods is Cindy SanFrancisco?

After their daughter wandered off into the woods behind her house, a pair of teary-eyed parents interrupts one of your meetings, beseeching you to step up the rescue effort.

"She's only t-t-three years old!" sobs the lost girl's mother. "She'll never make it out there in the wilderness all alone. She's going to d-d-d-", her husband steps in as she breaks down in tears, "Please, you have to do something! There aren't enough rescue workers out there. You need to hire more or divert them from other areas or something! What's more important than a child's safety?"

"Hmph!" scoffs Colin Janssen, your miffed financial advisor. "The nerve of some people! Do you really want to squander all that money on one kid? If you're stupid enough to walk off into the forest all by yourself, maybe you shouldn't make it to adulthood to have your own stupid kids. Survival of the fittest never hurt anyone – anyone worthwhile that is. We need to get rid of this unnecessary safety net. No more rescue teams. Then maybe parents will actually watch their moron kids."

"Search teams are just too inefficient," says Bianca Eredivisie, CEO of Eye See You Surveillance. "Thousands of citizens searching high and low with no promise of success. Now what we need to do is implant GPS tracking devices into all citizens. Think about it! No more lost kids, no more fugitives, no more alibis. No need to ask where you were on the night of February 7th. We already know."

"Yer all missin' the heart o' matter," barks Konrad Rifkin, a burly, crosscut-saw wielding lumberjack. "The problem isn't these lil' rascals gettin' lost; it's what they're gettin' lost in. If we chop down those damned woods, well then there won't be anythin' to get lost in, now will there? You give me and my team the OK, and we'll make those wooded deathtraps a thing o' the past!"

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:37 am
by Luna Amore
HC Eredivisie wrote:341:

Where in the Woods is Cindy SanFrancisco?

[Ignorent Peeple; ed:Luna Amore]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:31 pm
by Andacantra
Just noting that I have seen the new issue, and I'll add it tomorrow, hopefully after my script has run/other people drop in with issues 339/340.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:26 pm
by Riemstagrad
340: Defending Patent Pending

The Issue

Pear Industries, one of @@NAME@@'s largest consumer electronics companies, wishes to bring a lawsuit against a small technology firm for making use of a piece of electronics they developed. The smaller firm is imploring the government to maintain its recent anti-copyright laws, which they claim legally extend to patents.

The Debate

"Patents are simply a tool for large companies to abuse entrepreneurs and the consumer!" argues small-time inventor and part-time champagne socialist, @@RANDOMNAME@@. "They use their huge legal departments to muscle out any smaller company that might 'pose a threat'. The government's ban of patents gave us all access to the advances those fat-cats have been sitting on all these years. You want to throw that all away so some guy can add a few more zeros to the end of his bank account?"


"My team poured years of research and millions of @@CURRENCY@@s into developing this component," claims Pear's dressed-down CEO, Steve Tasks. "It's our blood, sweat and tears that led to this breakthrough. You must allow companies greater claim over their discoveries. We need patents. We need copyrights. They are the incentive that keeps inventors inventing. Reinstate patents and copyrights or @@NAME@@'s research will come to a stand-still and our country a technological backwater devoid of any semblance of innovation."


"The only thing that's clear from this is that SCIENCE isn't getting enough funding," grumbles eminent, if notoriously disaffected, physicist @@RANDOMNAME@@. "The only reason we have to spend so much effort protecting our discoveries is because we're so worried about where our next paycheck is coming from. If the government opened up its coffers to eager scientists, this whole debate would simply go away. Not to mention that government could lay claim to any particularly intriguing discoveries..."


Didn't catch 339 today...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:01 pm
by Andacantra
I've not caught 339 or 340 today. Author/Ed on 340? I'll add what I've got in a moment.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:53 pm
by Luna Amore
Riemstagrad wrote:340: Defending Patent Pending

[Panageadom; ed:Luna Amore]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:22 pm
by Andacantra
Thanks. Sorted.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:51 pm
by Andacantra
#339: The Bear Necessities [Sovietiya; ed:Lenyo] added!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:35 pm
by Maluri
The issue: A wildfire has spreaded in @@COUNTRIESNAME@@ and is a big fire! Citizens are worried it may strike @@COUNTRIESNAME@@ City next!

1. This fire has gotten out of control! All of this started because of some bozo going crazy with matches he lighted up the wood's in North @@COUNTRIESNAME@@! We need to see that student's are taught more about Fire Safety!

2. This guy needs to be thrown into jail! He obviously did it because he was crazy! On second thought, a Hospital where they can treat him! Yes, we will need that so he can get back on track. Also hire some doctor's to! Sure, it may cost some @@CURRENCY@@s but at least it will be worth it! We can prevent this from ever happening!

3. I agree with the first person BUT we should have a program in our school's for Fire Drills and a week about learning Public Safety! That way, if they do it in the future, we got a legit reason to throw them into jail! It's a win, win!