The Middle World | Join and participate!

Talk about regional management and politics, raider/defender gameplay, and other game-related matters.
Not a roleplaying forum.
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Civil Servant
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Founded: Jul 29, 2022
Civil Rights Lovefest

The Middle World | Join and participate!

Postby Hatorre » Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:49 pm

The middle world

Hello everyone! We are the middle world, a simple region that is looking for new people to socialize and play games with. I'll be honest, the region doesn't have much to offer (for now), so right now, we are open to anyone who can come and want to have fun, play, or help us create the regional administration. We are currently in the process of creating regulations for our region, and legalizing a government, and we would love new members to get new ideas.

Our region is neutral, we want to strengthen the democratic system, and, instead of referring to nations as people behind a screen, we use characters that represent our nations (for example, the leader of Hatorre, the Great Lord of Tea, is the current Internal Affairs Official). Therefore, it will be common for us to apply a little roleplay in our conversations. ;)

But that's when we play or deal with regional administration issues. On other topics we treat each other less formally, we socialize with the embassies and we make fun polls. We are not looking for a specific type of nation, just one that is fun and helps us build the region :>

This thread also serves as our official region thread for inter-regional issues (if we need to use it), and as an Official Embassy for all the rest of the NationStates. And well, finishing this, I hope you like our region :3

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Civil Servant
Posts: 7
Founded: Jul 29, 2022
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Hatorre » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:54 pm

In the middle world, we are in the process of creating regional government laws. And we plan to do two: one for the whole functioning of the region and its hierarchy, and one for the RMB.

If you are a nation that is looking for a region to get involved in regional government, this is your time! The average world is barely growing and we need many nations to form a stable system of government.

We are currently looking for WA members, nations willing to participate in the creation of a regional government, and also nations that are experts in embassies and other diplomatic affairs for our foreign policy. We are still looking for other nations of diverse interests, mainly for the activity of the region.

I have an idea of roleplay, about the modern world combined with different medieval kingdoms and technological republics, but it's only an idea: even if you can participate in it.

You can enter the RMB and all questions will be answered. Or in this same forum, no problem. I know that many will say: there is no one there, I don't have space to have fun... Hey, if you come, at least you'd be cultivating the seed of activity for others to join the region! Best regards [:

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