Land's End Company Stock Exchange

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Land's End Company Stock Exchange

Postby August » Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:06 am


What is it?

The Land's End Company Stock Exchange, or LEX, is a simulated stock exchange that allows you to buy shares in regions as if they were companies!

The LEX is designed to be realistic, with the nuances of supply and demand, investor confidence, and volatility playing their parts in a dynamic global market. Active, expanding regions can watch their share prices climb ever-higher, while declining regions will see their numbers fall. Players can compete with each other to obtain the most cash or the biggest portfolios, while regions can compete to become the most traded and the most valuable.

How does it work?

The LEX is available on Discord and is powered by AugustinAndroid v2. Any NationStates player can interact with the system using simple commands. Transaction history, share prices, and other statistics are tracked behind the scenes, and can be easily retrieved by players.

The stock exchange centers around regions. Like a real-life company, a region may have a publicly-traded stock. The total monetary value of the stock is divided into a large number of shares. Players can buy and sell these shares. If a player buys a share and later sells it for a greater amount of money, the player makes a profit. Scroll to the Features section to read the full explanation.

Do I need to be good at math or know a lot about the stock market to play?

Not really, although it might help. The system does all the math for you, and it is much simpler than the real stock market. Once you have been playing for a little while, you will develop an intuition for smart investments, especially if you use the graphing commands to find historical patterns.

How do I get started?

Click here to join the LEX Headquarters! You will be automatically registered upon arrival. Read the Guide section below, then type >lex buy 1 [insert region here] to buy your first share! If all the features seem complicated, never fear: on the busy trading floor, you will be able to watch and learn from other players, and you will pick it up in no time.

Alternatively, use the >lex register command in any Discord server with AugustinAndroid v2, or in the bot's private messages. The LEX can be used anywhere!


How to trade on the LEX
    How to buy
    • Use >lex ticker shares to find a list of regions that can be traded
    • Find one that has recently decreased, using the numbers on the right side of the ticker
    • If you want more detail, use >lex graph share [regions] to view historical share prices
    • Buy a share with >lex buy 1 [region], or as many as you can afford with >lex buy max [region]
    • Over time, develop a sense of the baseline prices for each region so you can pick out the best trades at a glance
    How to know when to sell
    • Every time you buy, you lose 1% due to commission, and every time you sell, you lose 1% due to margin
    • Before you sell stock, make sure the share price is at least 2% higher than it was when you bought it
      • Write down the total cost of a stock purchase, or use >lex trade_logs to find all your past stock purchases
      • Use >lex portfolio to find the exit value of your position in a given stock
      • If the exit value is higher than the value you spent to acquire the stock, you will make a profit by selling now
    • Avoid panicking--unless a region is collapsing, do not sell just because the share price falls once
    How to track your progress
    • Use >lex portfolio to see how much money you have and which stocks you own
    • Use >lex graph profit to see how quickly you are making money
    • Use >lex ticker profit to watch yourself move up the world rankings
How to use the LEX to improve your region
    Getting started
    • Many of the largest regions received IPOs from the Company before the exchange opened, so check if your region is publicly traded with >lex stock [your region]
    • If your region is not yet publicly traded, request an IPO with >lex request_ipo [your region]
    Increase your region's value
    • Every time a player sells shares of your region's stock, your region collects 1% of the transaction's value as a margin
    • Margins are added to your region's market cap
    • The value of your region's portfolio is also added to its market cap, so you should try to make profitable investments on behalf of your region
      • Buy stocks with >lex region_buy [your region] [quantity] [other region]
      • Sell with >lex region_sell [your region] [quantity] [other region]
      • Check your region's numbers with >lex region_portfolio [your region]
    Improve resident engagement
    • Various types of onsite activity increase a region's market cap, which gives your residents a way to directly help their region compete against others
    • If your residents trade your region's stock more often than other stocks, and they can get other players to do the same, your region will rise in value by collecting margins
Creative Possibilities
    • Create an investment firm, where players agree to give you a certain amount of money and you agree to return their investment plus interest after a certain period of time
    • Short-sell stocks by borrowing shares from other players, selling them, buying them back later at a lower price, and returning them to the lenders
    • Form a cartel with a group of other players and agree to keep demand high for a certain stock
    • Use LEEX to pay your regional officials for doing their jobs
    • Pay another player for making you a flag or a map
    • Reward players for winning your sports tournament or regional recruitment competition
    • Raid a competing region and try to tank its share price by hurting its stats (bonus points if you short the stock first)
    • Defend a region from the above
    Regional government
    • Set up a region like a public corporation, where residents have voting power commensurate with the number of shares they own
    • Set up a region like a broker, and use its embassies and diplomatic connections to find customers, accumulating capital and delivering returns
    Become an Auditor
    • Gain experience by reading this guide, trading on the exchange, and interacting with other traders
    • Go to the LEX Headquarters and let the Auditors know you are interested in helping!

Stock Exchange


    The LEX allows players to buy and sell shares of regional stocks as though they were publicly-traded companies. These shares will go up and down in value depending on the performance of the region itself, allowing traders to profit (or suffer losses) over time. Skilled traders may be able to predict a region's performance and invest in it before its value rises.

    Initial Public Offerings

    Before a region can be publicly traded, it must have an Initial Public Offering (IPO). An IPO can be requested by a region's founder, its delegate, or any of its Regional Officers. Any region with a Regional Power of Moderate or higher and a WA concentration of 1% or higher can request an IPO with the command >lex request_ipo. IPOs must be accepted or rejected by Land's End Company Auditors. An IPO may be rejected if the region is intended for puppet storage or if it seems likely to break LEX rules.

    Market Capitalization

    Every region's stock has a market capitalization (often shortened to "cap"), or total value. This value is determined on an hourly basis by a formula that incorporates a number of NS statistics. Market cap is also affected on a rolling basis by the level of demand for the given stock, global investor confidence, the value of the given region's portfolio, and some degree of volatility. Regions that grow at a healthy rate will see their market cap rise without bound. A trader can check a region's market cap with >lex stock, or graph its value over time with >lex graph cap.


    Every region's stock is divided into a fixed number of shares known as the volume. The value of one share is equal to the market cap divided by the volume. In real life, the term "volume" means something a little different, but the complexity of the real-world stock market is beyond the scope of this system. Here, volume is always equal to 1000000 (1M) shares, split into owned and unowned (outstanding) shares. A trader cannot buy more shares in a stock than the current number of outstanding shares. A trader can check a stock's volume with >lex stock, or graph the number of owned and outstanding shares over time with >lex graph volume.


    A region's stock will be delisted if its Regional Power falls below Moderate. If it rises above that threshold at a later date, it will be automatically relisted with no need for another IPO. Shares of a delisted stock cannot be bought, sold, or transferred, and their value will be set to zero.

    Exchange Updates

    Every hour on the hour, the LEX updates. This update changes share prices based on new NS data and adds a new data point to each graph. Once a day, the LEX experiences a major update, which changes share prices more dramatically based on a wider range of NS data, delists and relists stock when necessary, and self-corrects in case of API problems. Once a week, the LEX experiences a special update that pays out salaries and dividends to Land's End officials and shareholders based on Company revenue.


    Registration and Starting Loan

    To start trading, a user must have at least one verified nation and use the command >lex register. When a user registers to trade, he receives a starting loan between Ⱡ9500 and Ⱡ10500, which can be used to buy stock. This loan accumulates interest at a rate of 0.05% at every hourly update*, and a trader cannot transfer cash or shares until he has paid off his entire loan. Loans are only provided by the Land's End Company upon registration, though traders can provide loans to each other, making use of contracts if they so choose.

    *If a trader has an outstanding loan balance but does not share any servers with the bot, interest will not accumulate.

    Cash Balance

    All traders have a cash balance, which they can use to buy shares. Balances are always positive. Traders who have paid off their loans with >lex repay can transfer cash to others. A trader can check his balance with the command >lex balance, or graph its value over time with >lex graph balance.


    A trader's portfolio consists of the shares he currently owns. The portfolio has an aggregate market value that is automatically tracked in real time. A trader can check the status of his own portfolio with the command >lex portfolio, or graph its value over time with >lex graph portfolio.


    Profit is the sum of a trader's portfolio value and cash balance, minus his outstanding debt, if any. A trader can check his current profit with >lex profit, or graph his profit over time with >lex graph profit.


    A trader can create a contract with >lex create_contract. He can then send that contract to any number of other traders, who can read and potentially sign it with >lex review_contract. This contract is legally binding. Contract disputes may be brought to the Auditors for arbitration.


    All traders in the world are ranked by their balances and portfolios. All stocks are ranked by their market caps. These rankings can be displayed with the commands >lex ticker balances, >lex ticker portfolios, and >lex ticker stocks, respectively.

    Buying and Selling

    A trader can buy (using >lex buy) or sell (using >lex sell) shares of a stock. This is the primary means by which traders can turn a profit on the LEX.


    A trader who has paid off his entire starting loan can transfer cash (using >lex transfer_cash) or shares (using >lex transfer_shares) to another trader. This could be used for short-selling, creating an investment firm, making payments for non-LEX-related transactions, or any number of other creative options.


    The Land's End Company receives a 1% commission (minimum Ⱡ1) on every cash transfer and purchase of stock. For example, if a trader purchases 10 shares of Conch Kingdom stock at a total value of Ⱡ600, the trader's balance will be charged Ⱡ606, and the Company's balance will increase by Ⱡ6. This commission is always subtracted from the balance of the trader who executed the order, not the recipient of a transfer.

    The Company's balance is separate from the Lands End regional balance. It is not added to the Lands End market cap. Instead, it is used to pay salaries to officials and dividends to shareholders.


    A region collects a 1% margin (minimum Ⱡ1) on every sale of its stock. For example, if a trader sells 10 shares of Conch Kingdom stock at a total value of Ⱡ600, the trader's balance will increase by Ⱡ594, and Conch Kingdom's balance will increase by Ⱡ6. A region's balance is added to its market cap, so the more a region is bought and sold, the more valuable it becomes.

    Regional Portfolios

    A region can use its cash balance to buy and sell stock. The region's cash balance and the value of its portfolio are added to its market cap. This means the region can increase its own value and compete with other regions by convincing traders to buy and sell its stock (thereby collecting margin payments) and by making investments of its own.

Land's End Company

    Shareholder Status

    Shareholder status confers voting rights in Lands End. This status can be attained through residency, WA membership, and an application. Click here for more details.


    Shareholders receive dividends, which are paid every Saturday out of the Company's balance. The total dividend is defined as a percentage of the Company's profits that week, and is divided equally by the shareholders.


    Company officials have salaries, which are paid every Saturday out of the Company's balance. An official's salary corresponds to his Tier, and is defined as a percentage of the Company's profits that week.


    Any time a trader recruits a nation to Lands End, he receives a cash bonus, which is subtracted from the Company's balance.


    Auditors are employees tasked with enforcing the rules of the LEX. Scroll to the Rules section to learn more about them.


    The monetary unit used by the system is the Land's End EXtraregional Currency, or LEEX. The symbol is Ⱡ. The exchange rates between LEEX and other currencies are undefined.

The rules of the LEX are as follows.
  1. Do not register multiple accounts for the purpose of manipulating prices, aggregating profits, or otherwise gaining an unfair advantage.
  2. Do not engage in rulebreaking activity onsite for the purpose of manipulating prices or otherwise gaining an unfair advantage. This includes (but is not limited to) WA multiing, puppet flooding, and RMB spamming. 
  3. Do not make false statements to an Auditor or other Company representative during official inquiries.
  4. Do not harass other traders with cash or share transfers. If you are asked to stop, stop.
  5. Do not move nations into Lands End for the purpose of collecting the recruitment bonus. This rule applies only to Lands End recruiters.
The following special rules apply to LEX contracts.
  1. Older contracts supersede newer ones, in the event of a conflict.
  2. Only the terms of a contract, not its context, will be considered by Auditors during arbitration proceedings.
  3. All signatories must consent for any or all signatures to be revoked, unless contract language states otherwise.
  4. Auditors should not be expected to enforce a contract clause that is written in confusing language with the apparent intent of tricking signatories.
  5. Auditors should not be expected to enforce a contract clause for which enforcement would require the use of powers or authority beyond their scope.
  6. Auditors will not arbitrate any part of contracts they have presently signed.
  7. Contract provisions that require a user to take any action will not be enforced unless the user has signed the contract.
Auditors are employed by the Land's End Company and enforce the rules of the LEX, similar to the real-world SEC. They are able to view all transactions in real-time. If they suspect a rule violation, they are empowered to view a trader's portfolio and transaction log, send him a warning, freeze his account, or liquidate or seize his assets. Auditor actions such as these are logged and monitored, and abuse will be met with dismissal of the Auditor and reversal of the action.

All Company officials have the power to act as Auditors, but not all Auditors are Company officials. Auditors are employed at the discretion of the Company's delegate, CEO, and COO.

Click here for the full-length dispatch version with commands.
Last edited by August on Sun Jun 27, 2021 6:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Comfed » Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:23 pm

August creates a creative and original thing.
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Postby Moonfungus » Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:31 pm

Ooooh that's amazing.
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Flanderlion » Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:50 am

This is a cool idea.
As always, I'm representing myself.

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Queen Yuno
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Postby Queen Yuno » Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:53 pm

Lol I love it

Are there other ways to earn money besides just trading?
Stop giving misogynistic abusers a platform. Anyone who sides with Tiktok Star Andrew Tate even 1% of what he says will be treated as enemy who should be shamed out of society. Impressions+Views+Videowatches=$. Nothing he says is new or revolutionary. I don't care if he said "some good stuff", it's still bad because: the more you watch him, the more ad revenue MONEY and algorithm BOOSTS you're giving him to traffick victims. And don't say the victim lied, a young man stupidly told me that the victim confessed to lying, I told em to link me proof, articles or the Audio of her confession, he googled and found 0 proof 0 articles, and he realized he was spreading fake rumors he heard and BELIEVED without fact-check. Don't brand victims as liars without GOOGLING. Debated here

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Postby August » Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:33 pm

Thank you to all of the above!
Queen Yuno wrote:Are there other ways to earn money besides just trading?

Yes and no. All value in this system derives from regions (which are like companies that produce stats and activity), and the only way to move that value to individuals is by trading stocks. However, once you have currency in your pocket, you can do anything with it. For example, someone could set up a payroll fund in your region (fueled by investments) and use it to pay officials for doing their jobs well. If you were an official, you would earn money without making a single trade.

I have updated the OP to include the graph screenshots from the dispatch, re-word one of the rules, and add a bit to the Creative Possibilities section. After watching people tear into this for a while, I have accumulated a sizeable to-do list, so I will continue updating this with new features in the near future.

Stats from the first two days: we have 140 registered traders who have made well over 2000 trades. In total, they have bought Ⱡ4.6M worth of shares and sold Ⱡ4.3M, which is just... well, there is no point of reference for this fictional currency, so take my word for it. It is an astonishing amount. We never came close to moving this much cash in the testing phase, except in the bug-riddled early alpha.

Already we are seeing interregional competition taking shape. Several regions are trying valiantly to drive up their own stocks and put their own people at the top of the profit leaderboard. Meanwhile, I have watched players revive their nations, join the WA, endorse their neighbors, and return to activity just for the sake of making money for their region. Time will tell which strategies are most effective, but they seem to be figuring it out!
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Cormactopia Prime
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Postby Cormactopia Prime » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:19 pm

Are there any other types of regions that will be rejected for an IPO besides puppet dumps and regions deemed likely to break LEX rules?

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Postby August » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:27 pm

Cormactopia Prime wrote:Are there any other types of regions that will be rejected for an IPO besides puppet dumps and regions deemed likely to break LEX rules?
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Cormactopia Prime
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Postby Cormactopia Prime » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:29 pm

August wrote:
Cormactopia Prime wrote:Are there any other types of regions that will be rejected for an IPO besides puppet dumps and regions deemed likely to break LEX rules?

So, to be clear on this point, fascist and blacklisted regions will be able to obtain an IPO and use this to promote their regions the same as other regions?

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Bonnie Blue Republic
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Postby Bonnie Blue Republic » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:31 pm

There's a blacklist? That's news to me.

Serious answer, though?
Last edited by Bonnie Blue Republic on Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Cormactopia Prime
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Postby Cormactopia Prime » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:34 pm

Bonnie Blue Republic wrote:There's a blacklist? That's news to me.

I'm not getting into this debate. We all know there are regions most gameplay regions won't associate with due to OOC reasons, but if you'd prefer, I'll settle for an answer to the question about fascist regions, as the criteria for how regions are classified as such are much more universally understood.

I'm not interested in arguing in general, for the record -- I just want to know for the purpose of my region making an informed decision whether to participate.

Bonnie Blue Republic wrote:Serious answer, though?

This was edited in after I'd posted, but thank you for the answer.
Last edited by Cormactopia Prime on Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Bonnie Blue Republic
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Postby Bonnie Blue Republic » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:38 pm

Cormactopia Prime wrote:
Bonnie Blue Republic wrote:There's a blacklist? That's news to me.

I'm not getting into this debate. We all know there are regions most gameplay regions won't associate with due to OOC reasons, but if you'd prefer, I'll settle for an answer to the question about fascist regions, as the criteria for how regions are classified as such are much more universally understood.

I'm not interested in arguing in general, for the record -- I just want to know for the purpose of my region making an informed decision whether to participate.

The Exchange is open to all.

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Reventus Koth
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Postby Reventus Koth » Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:15 pm

Capitalism [handshake emoji] Fascism, so I'm not surprised we might get to see United Fascist Workers Association on the ticker next to Lands End.

Literally nothing about this seems appealing to me. I hope regions aren't signed up into this against their will, and I hope to god I don't have to get wrapped up in this somehow. I deal with capitalism enough in the real world, don't make me endure it here too.
Last edited by Reventus Koth on Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Formerly known as Ambroscus Koth, +1843 posts. Trust no one.
Xanthal wrote:Only raiders can win in this war- a defender can keep them from winning one region, one update at a time, but there will always be the next region, the next update, and the next, forever.

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Postby August » Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:20 pm

Reventus Koth wrote:Capitalism [handshake emoji] Fascism, so I'm not surprised we might get to see United Fascist Workers Association on the ticker next to Lands End.
I cannot begin to describe how incorrect that first part is, so I will simply point you in the direction of NSG. As for the second, you will be waiting a long time, because United Fascist Workers Association is not eligible to IPO and probably never will be.

You (and any other uninterested players) are quite welcome to ignore the LEX.
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Reventus Koth
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Postby Reventus Koth » Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:44 pm

August wrote:
Reventus Koth wrote:Capitalism [handshake emoji] Fascism, so I'm not surprised we might get to see United Fascist Workers Association on the ticker next to Lands End.
I cannot begin to describe how incorrect that first part is, so I will simply point you in the direction of NSG. As for the second, you will be waiting a long time, because United Fascist Workers Association is not eligible to IPO and probably never will be.

You (and any other uninterested players) are quite welcome to ignore the LEX.

Sorry, let's use *Barbaria* as an example of a region that actually meets the criteria of Moderate Regional Power. Should have read the fine print.

I'm glad that I can safely ignore this though, so this is probably my last bit of input on the matter.
Formerly known as Ambroscus Koth, +1843 posts. Trust no one.
Xanthal wrote:Only raiders can win in this war- a defender can keep them from winning one region, one update at a time, but there will always be the next region, the next update, and the next, forever.

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Postby Alfonzo » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:47 pm

Idk seems like a kinda interesting idea
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Postby Davelands » Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:19 pm

I'm not worried about the possibility of it being used by fascists or icky people for promotion.
By that train of thought, you might as well stop using these Forums since there are fascists (and icky people) on here.
The Don of The Family NS and the CEO of The Sportsbook
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Postby Parxland » Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:23 pm

So when do you get to be game admin, because this is actually interesting. You're one-upping the actual devs. Lol.
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Reventus Koth
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Postby Reventus Koth » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:51 pm

Davelands wrote:By that train of thought, you might as well stop using these Forums since there are fascists (and icky people) on here.

You have correctly identified a large portion of why I don't post on the forums often anymore :)

I'll end that threadjack before it starts though, no further word from me on that.
Formerly known as Ambroscus Koth, +1843 posts. Trust no one.
Xanthal wrote:Only raiders can win in this war- a defender can keep them from winning one region, one update at a time, but there will always be the next region, the next update, and the next, forever.

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Postby Gibraltarica » Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:11 pm

I am making so much money and I love it.
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New Jacobland
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Postby New Jacobland » Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:33 pm

Link here

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Left-wing Utopia

Postby TESDAI » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:11 am

LEX has been super fun for the past few weeks (Glad to have been a beta tester). The public release has gone super well, glad to see so many people excited about the system after all the work August has put in and all the back and forth and testing we did (and are still doing). Some changes to volatility, demand, and new features have continued coming out and we’re only a week removed from the public release.

I’m really excited to see even more innovation and creativity that could come out of this system than what we already have. And we’re only a week into it being public.
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Postby Parxland » Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:23 pm

Any way this can be converted for use in nation RP? I'd like an app where I can have stocks for storefronts I have on GE&T.
Last edited by Parxland on Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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