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Postby Filopines » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:31 pm

As I am extremely lazy person, I will re-submit last cycle's teams, only changing the name of the Youth team.
Filopines (FLP) qualifiers
Champions’ Cup: Barnton FC
(Youth Cup: Cantera de Barnton FC)
Globe Cup: Corvin Club de Fútbol, Port United, Rosalo Fighters
Series B Champions’ Cup: Fitzroy FC, North Mandori Reds, Kildrummie FC, Laktaw FC
Cygnus Cup: Port United
Copa de Campeones: Barnton FC
Nation of Filopines
Fort Town, Filopines: Sixth Rushmori Capital of Culture
Native Filopinian names

Demonym - Filopinian
Beach Cup VIII Champions

updated 5/01/2015 pre-apocalypse

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95X Soccer League X Season 11

Postby 95X » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:38 pm

“The mouse scroll wheel might be the greatest invention in personal computing, as it allows those who dislike certain content an easier method to avoid it.”—Anonymous
Soccer League X
Season 11 · 95X Year 53
Pacific Beach 1–3 Spatula City
North River 4–2 Mount Barry
Seaside 1–1 Oceanside
Weeksberg 0–0 Port Chester
Pacific City 1–0 Cascadia Seafox
Mitchell 0–1 SC Cascadia
University City 0–3 Linkin Beach
Cactus 2–2 Brooklyn
Cactus 1–0 Pacific Beach
Brooklyn 2–1 University City
Linkin Beach 2–2 Mitchell
SC Cascadia 4–4 Pacific City
Cascadia Seafox 0–2 Weeksberg
Port Chester 2–1 Seaside
Oceanside 1–0 North River
Mount Barry 3–3 Spatula City
Pacific Beach 1–3 Mount Barry
Spatula City 1–3 Oceanside
North River 3–3 Port Chester
Seaside 1–0 Cascadia Seafox
Weeksberg 0–1 SC Cascadia
Pacific City 0–2 Linkin Beach
Mitchell 1–1 Brooklyn
University City 2–0 Cactus
University City 2–0 Pacific Beach
Cactus 2–2 Mitchell
Brooklyn 5–2 Pacific City
Linkin Beach 2–1 Weeksberg
SC Cascadia 4–1 Seaside
Cascadia Seafox 0–5 North River
Port Chester 1–2 Spatula City
Oceanside 3–0 Mount Barry
Pacific Beach 0–3 Oceanside
Mount Barry 0–1 Port Chester
Spatula City 3–1 Cascadia Seafox
North River 0–4 SC Cascadia
Seaside 0–0 Linkin Beach
Weeksberg 2–0 Brooklyn
Pacific City 3–2 Cactus
Mitchell 0–2 University City
Mitchell 3–1 Pacific Beach
University City 1–2 Pacific City
Cactus 2–0 Weeksberg
Brooklyn 1–1 Seaside
Linkin Beach 3–1 North River
SC Cascadia 1–1 Spatula City
Cascadia Seafox 1–1 Mount Barry
Port Chester 2–2 Oceanside
Pacific Beach 1–3 Port Chester
Oceanside 4–0 Cascadia Seafox
Mount Barry 1–1 SC Cascadia
Spatula City 2–0 Linkin Beach
North River 0–1 Brooklyn
Seaside 2–2 Cactus
Weeksberg 4–1 University City
Pacific City 4–1 Mitchell
Pacific City 1–0 Pacific Beach
Mitchell 2–2 Weeksberg
University City 0–2 Seaside
Cactus 3–2 North River
Brooklyn 0–1 Spatula City
Linkin Beach 1–1 Mount Barry
SC Cascadia 1–0 Oceanside
Cascadia Seafox 2–0 Port Chester
Pacific Beach 3–0 Cascadia Seafox
Port Chester 0–1 SC Cascadia
Oceanside 1–2 Linkin Beach
Mount Barry 0–4 Brooklyn
Spatula City 0–4 Cactus
North River 3–3 University City
Seaside 3–1 Mitchell
Weeksberg 1–0 Pacific City
Weeksberg 2–0 Pacific Beach
Pacific City 1–1 Seaside
Mitchell 1–1 North River
University City 1–1 Spatula City
Cactus 3–1 Mount Barry
Brooklyn 2–3 Oceanside
Linkin Beach 1–2 Port Chester
SC Cascadia 0–0 Cascadia Seafox
Pacific Beach 1–4 SC Cascadia
Cascadia Seafox 1–1 Linkin Beach
Port Chester 2–1 Brooklyn
Oceanside 3–0 Cactus
Mount Barry 1–2 University City
Spatula City 3–1 Mitchell
North River 1–2 Pacific City
Seaside 0–1 Weeksberg
Seaside 4–0 Pacific Beach
Weeksberg 3–0 North River
Pacific City 0–1 Spatula City
Mitchell 4–1 Mount Barry
University City 0–2 Oceanside
Cactus 1–3 Port Chester
Brooklyn 2–2 Cascadia Seafox
Linkin Beach 2–4 SC Cascadia
Pacific Beach 2–4 Linkin Beach
SC Cascadia 3–3 Brooklyn
Cascadia Seafox 0–0 Cactus
Port Chester 3–2 University City
Oceanside 3–1 Mitchell
Mount Barry 0–0 Pacific City
Spatula City 3–1 Weeksberg
North River 0–1 Seaside
North River 2–1 Pacific Beach
Seaside 3–1 Spatula City
Weeksberg 2–1 Mount Barry
Pacific City 0–3 Oceanside
Mitchell 1–0 Port Chester
University City 2–1 Cascadia Seafox
Cactus 2–2 SC Cascadia
Brooklyn 2–0 Linkin Beach
Pacific Beach 2–2 Brooklyn
Linkin Beach 4–1 Cactus
SC Cascadia 2–0 University City
Cascadia Seafox 0–2 Mitchell
Port Chester 1–0 Pacific City
Oceanside 3–1 Weeksberg
Mount Barry 1–1 Seaside
Spatula City 3–1 North River
Spatula City 2–1 Pacific Beach
Mount Barry 2–2 North River
Oceanside 2–0 Seaside
Port Chester 3–1 Weeksberg
Cascadia Seafox 1–0 Pacific City
SC Cascadia 1–1 Mitchell
Linkin Beach 0–3 University City
Brooklyn 3–1 Cactus
Pacific Beach 0–1 Cactus
University City 0–3 Brooklyn
Mitchell 1–1 Linkin Beach
Pacific City 0–3 SC Cascadia
Weeksberg 1–2 Cascadia Seafox
Seaside 3–2 Port Chester
North River 1–4 Oceanside
Spatula City 2–1 Mount Barry
Mount Barry 3–3 Pacific Beach
Oceanside 1–0 Spatula City
Port Chester 4–1 North River
Cascadia Seafox 0–3 Seaside
SC Cascadia 1–4 Weeksberg
Linkin Beach 2–0 Pacific City
Brooklyn 1–2 Mitchell
Cactus 0–2 University City
Pacific Beach 1–1 University City
Mitchell 2–0 Cactus
Pacific City 4–2 Brooklyn
Weeksberg 2–0 Linkin Beach
Seaside 0–2 SC Cascadia
North River 1–1 Cascadia Seafox
Spatula City 1–2 Port Chester
Mount Barry 0–5 Oceanside
Oceanside 4–1 Pacific Beach
Port Chester 1–0 Mount Barry
Cascadia Seafox 0–2 Spatula City
SC Cascadia 4–1 North River
Linkin Beach 0–1 Seaside
Brooklyn 2–1 Weeksberg
Cactus 2–0 Pacific City
University City 0–0 Mitchell
Pacific Beach 0–5 Mitchell
Pacific City 1–0 University City
Weeksberg 2–1 Cactus
Seaside 2–3 Brooklyn
North River 4–1 Linkin Beach
Spatula City 0–1 SC Cascadia
Mount Barry 5–3 Cascadia Seafox
Oceanside 1–0 Port Chester
Port Chester 0–1 Pacific Beach
Cascadia Seafox 0–1 Oceanside
SC Cascadia 0–0 Mount Barry
Linkin Beach 1–4 Spatula City
Brooklyn 1–1 North River
Cactus 0–0 Seaside
University City 0–0 Weeksberg
Mitchell 2–0 Pacific City
Pacific Beach 1–1 Pacific City
Weeksberg 0–3 Mitchell
Seaside 3–1 University City
North River 3–0 Cactus
Spatula City 1–3 Brooklyn
Mount Barry 2–1 Linkin Beach
Oceanside 1–3 SC Cascadia
Port Chester 3–1 Cascadia Seafox
Cascadia Seafox 1–1 Pacific Beach
SC Cascadia 1–2 Port Chester
Linkin Beach 0–1 Oceanside
Brooklyn 0–0 Mount Barry
Cactus 1–1 Spatula City
University City 1–2 North River
Mitchell 3–1 Seaside
Pacific City 0–3 Weeksberg
Pacific Beach 1–1 Weeksberg
Seaside 2–1 Pacific City
North River 1–1 Mitchell
Spatula City 4–0 University City
Mount Barry 3–1 Cactus
Oceanside 0–0 Brooklyn
Port Chester 2–1 Linkin Beach
Cascadia Seafox 0–1 SC Cascadia
SC Cascadia 2–0 Pacific Beach
Linkin Beach 2–2 Cascadia Seafox
Brooklyn 1–1 Port Chester
Cactus 0–2 Oceanside
University City 1–1 Mount Barry
Mitchell 3–2 Spatula City
Pacific City 2–3 North River
Weeksberg 1–4 Seaside
Pacific Beach 0–0 Seaside
North River 0–1 Weeksberg
Spatula City 2–0 Pacific City
Mount Barry 4–1 Mitchell
Oceanside 2–2 University City
Port Chester 3–1 Cactus
Cascadia Seafox 3–1 Brooklyn
SC Cascadia 2–1 Linkin Beach
Linkin Beach 1–1 Pacific Beach
Brooklyn 0–0 SC Cascadia
Cactus 1–0 Cascadia Seafox
University City 1–1 Port Chester
Mitchell 2–1 Oceanside
Pacific City 2–0 Mount Barry
Weeksberg 0–1 Spatula City
Seaside 1–1 North River
Pacific Beach 1–5 North River
Spatula City 3–2 Seaside
Mount Barry 1–0 Weeksberg
Oceanside 3–0 Pacific City
Port Chester 1–2 Mitchell
Cascadia Seafox 3–3 University City
SC Cascadia 2–2 Cactus
Linkin Beach 1–4 Brooklyn
Brooklyn 0–0 Pacific Beach
Cactus 0–1 Linkin Beach
University City 3–1 SC Cascadia
Mitchell 2–1 Cascadia Seafox
Pacific City 1–2 Port Chester
Weeksberg 0–1 Oceanside
Seaside 1–3 Mount Barry
North River 1–2 Spatula City

MD1: Oceanside 2–0 Seaside, Cascadia Seafox 1–0 Pacific City, Linkin Beach 0–3 University City
MD2: Pacific Beach 0–1 Cactus, University City 0–3 Brooklyn, Pacific City 0–3 SC Cascadia
MD3: Oceanside 1–0 Spatula City, Cascadia Seafox 0–3 Seaside, Linkin Beach 2–0 Pacific City, Cactus 0–2 University City
MD4: Mitchell 2–0 Cactus, Weeksberg 2–0 Linkin Beach, Seaside 0–2 SC Cascadia, Mount Barry 0–5 Oceanside
MD5: Port Chester 1–0 Mount Barry, Cascadia Seafox 0–2 Spatula City, Linkin Beach 0–1 Seaside, Cactus 2–0 Pacific City
MD6: Pacific Beach 0–5 Mitchell, Pacific City 1–0 University City, Spatula City 0–1 SC Cascadia, Oceanside 1–0 Port Chester
MD7: Port Chester 0–1 Pacific Beach, Cascadia Seafox 0–1 Oceanside, Mitchell 2–0 Pacific City
MD8: Weeksberg 0–3 Mitchell, North River 3–0 Cactus
MD9: Linkin Beach 0–1 Oceanside, Pacific City 0–3 Weeksberg
MD10: Spatula City 4–0 University City, Cascadia Seafox 0–1 SC Cascadia
MD11: SC Cascadia 2–0 Pacific Beach, Cactus 0–2 Oceanside
MD12: North River 0–1 Weeksberg, Spatula City 2–0 Pacific City
MD13: Cactus 1–0 Cascadia Seafox, Pacific City 2–0 Mount Barry, Weeksberg 0–1 Spatula City
MD14: Mount Barry 1–0 Weeksberg, Oceanside 3–0 Pacific City
MD15: Cactus 0–1 Linkin Beach, Weeksberg 0–1 Oceanside
MD16: Pacific City 1–0 Cascadia Seafox, Mitchell 0–1 SC Cascadia, University City 0–3 Linkin Beach
MD17: Cactus 1–0 Pacific Beach, Cascadia Seafox 0–2 Weeksberg, Oceanside 1–0 North River
MD18: Seaside 1–0 Cascadia Seafox, Weeksberg 0–1 SC Cascadia, Pacific City 0–2 Linkin Beach, University City 2–0 Cactus
MD19: University City 2–0 Pacific Beach, Cascadia Seafox 0–5 North River, Oceanside 3–0 Mount Barry
MD20: Pacific Beach 0–3 Oceanside, Mount Barry 0–1 Port Chester, North River 0–4 SC Cascadia, Weeksberg 2–0 Brooklyn, Mitchell 0–2 University City
MD21: Cactus 2–0 Weeksberg
MD22: Oceanside 4–0 Cascadia Seafox, Spatula City 2–0 Linkin Beach, North River 0–1 Brooklyn
MD23: Pacific City 1–0 Pacific Beach, University City 0–2 Seaside, Brooklyn 0–1 Spatula City, SC Cascadia 1–0 Oceanside, Cascadia Seafox 2–0 Port Chester
MD24: Pacific Beach 3–0 Cascadia Seafox, Port Chester 0–1 SC Cascadia, Mount Barry 0–4 Brooklyn, Spatula City 0–4 Cactus, Weeksberg 1–0 Pacific City
MD25: Weeksberg 2–0 Pacific Beach
MD26: Oceanside 3–0 Cactus, Seaside 0–1 Weeksberg
MD27: Seaside 4–0 Pacific Beach, Weeksberg 3–0 North River, Pacific City 0–1 Spatula City, University City 0–2 Oceanside
MD28: North River 0–1 Seaside
MD29: Pacific City 0–3 Oceanside, Mitchell 1–0 Port Chester, Brooklyn 2–0 Linkin Beach
MD30: SC Cascadia 2–0 University City, Cascadia Seafox 0–2 Mitchell, Port Chester 1–0 Pacific City
Final Standings
Soccer League X          Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts
1 Oceanside 30 22 4 4 64 20 +44 70
2 SC Cascadia 30 17 10 3 57 30 +27 61
3 Spatula City 30 18 4 8 55 38 +17 58
4 Port Chester 30 17 5 8 50 35 +15 56

5 Mitchell 30 14 9 7 52 40 +12 51
6 Brooklyn 30 11 12 7 52 39 +13 45
7 Seaside 30 12 9 9 45 37 +8 45
8 Weeksberg 30 13 4 13 39 35 +4 43
9 Linkin Beach 30 9 7 14 40 49 −9 34
10 University City 30 8 9 13 37 48 −11 33
11 North River 30 8 8 14 50 57 −7 32
12 Mount Barry 30 7 11 12 41 54 −13 32
13 Cactus 30 8 8 14 36 50 −14 32
14 Pacific City 30 9 4 17 32 51 −19 31
15 Cascadia Seafox 30 4 9 17 26 54 −28 21
16 Pacific Beach 30 2 9 19 25 64 −39 15
Playoffs (Single Elimination)
The playoffs will determine the league champion, UICA Champions Cup representative, and AOCL representative. Home team in CAPS.

#1 SC OCEANSIDE 3–1 #4 Port Chester Ladybugs
#2 SC CASCADIA 1–1 #3 Spatula City Utensils (1–1 AET) (2–3 pen.)

evilempire® Soccer League X Championship

#1 SC Oceanside 1-2 #3 Spatula City Utensils at Cascade Dome (Capacity: 66,000), Cascadia, 95X.

95X (NFX) Qualifiers
Champions' Cup 50: Spatula City Utensils
Globe Cup 47: SC Oceanside, SC Cascadia, Port Chester Ladybugs

Atlantian Oceania Champions' League: Spatula City Utensils
Last edited by 95X on Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Nation not my RL views, etc.
Poe's Law. Nonpartisan.
Is it sad that some I learned AO4LIFE from are no longer in Atlantian Oceania?
“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.”—Niels Bohr
‘Everyone makes mistakes, that's why they put erasers at the end of pencils.’—Bob Monkhouse paraphrase
“If you want to read books, read books.”—Dennis James
AOCAF 22 & 47 Champions! • Volleyball World Expo 1, 2, 4, 7 & 9 Champions!

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Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Apox » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:06 am

ANL Season 9 - Review

Full RP: Preview, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four

Top Scorers
19 - Rancisc Tenian [FRF] (Gwinevra Barbarians)
17 - Tolgus Tregajorran (Urbanista)
15 - Artem Asp [PIS] (Issington F.C)
14 - Keri Ularu (Dwile Warriors), Alex Keir [LCN] (FC Endeavour), Namine Nagatomo [NSI] (Barbury Town)
13 - Eugeny Ivanov [MYT] (Urbanista), Fred Barnett (Mandon United),

-  Club                    Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts 
1 Urbanista 26 17 5 4 70 41 +29 56 - CHAMPIONS, CC
2 Issington F.C 26 16 4 6 56 41 +15 52 - CC

3 Dwile Warriors 26 15 7 4 49 35 +14 52 - GC
4 FC Endeavour 26 10 12 4 57 45 +12 42 - GC
5 Barbury Town 26 13 3 10 46 45 +1 42 - GC

6 Gwinevra Barbarians 26 8 12 6 57 51 +6 36
7 Mandon United 26 9 6 11 52 54 −2 33
8 FC Brimstone 26 9 6 11 41 47 −6 33
9 Exton F.C 26 9 4 13 26 30 −4 31
10 Wrexton F.C 26 8 7 11 21 26 −5 31
11 Egloskerry 26 7 7 12 46 63 −17 28
12 Sunshine Athletic 26 7 6 13 21 31 −10 27
13 Mulhampstead 26 7 3 16 36 46 −10 24 - P/R ANL, RELEGATED
14 Lighthouse Coves 26 5 2 19 28 51 −23 17 - RELEGATED

Marshall Cup Final

Attendance: 69,583
Issington F.C 2-0 Exton F.C

And it is Issington who win the Marshall Cup in the end, making up slightly for the heartbreak of not winning the league in such dramatic circumstances. It started off well for Issington, with Artem Asp scoring off a half volley in the 11th minute. Martin Roskorwell of Exton nearly managed to squeeze a goal in at the other end in the 30th minute in Exton's best attempt of the first half, but Joe Frost kept the ball out. In the second half, it was the double world cup winning Wim van Wildernis who scored the second goal, after being set up by young Polarian prodigy Anders Holzhauser to seal the match for Issington.

Apox (Apox) qualifiers
Champions’ Cup: Urbanista, Issington F.C
Globe Cup: Dwile Warriors, FC Endeavour, Barbury Town

Cygnus Cup: Issington F.C
CEdC: Urbanista, Issington F.C
Last edited by Apox on Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
The History of Modern NSSports internationalpost.apx (Newswire) The Apoxian Compendium
Winners: Campionato Esportiva IV, V & XVI, World T20 Championships VI, Imperial Chap Olympiad
Runners-up: CoH 58, World T20 Championships V, Campionato Esportiva XII
Third: Campionato Esportiva XIII
Fourth: Campionato Esportiva VII & XV
Baptism of Fire 50, Cup of Harmony 56, World Cup 69, World Cup 73, World Cup 82
Friendly Cups 2 & 6, World T20 Championships II, Campionato Esportiva IV, VIII, XII & XXIII, GCF Season 4, 8 & 10

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San Jose Guayabal
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Founded: Mar 29, 2013

Matchday 1 SJG Premier League

Postby San Jose Guayabal » Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:23 pm


This are the results of the Matchday 1 of Guaycume Food Industries Premier League SJG.

-Alianza F.C.(ALI) 5-0 C.D. Chalatecos Come Bofe de San Ignacio (CSI)

-Atletico Marte (MAR) 1-3 C.D. Paquidermos de Ánimas (ÁNI)

-University of San José Guayabal (USJG) 0-1 Meléndez F.C. (MFC)

-C.D. FAS (FAS) 1-2 Gasíferos de Piedra Labrada (GPL)

-A.D. Isidro Metapán (MET) 2-1 Liberty Rodríguez F.C. (LIR)

-C.D. Vacas Locas del Firpo y del Jirpo (JIR) 3-5 Academic Club Sibirskaya Gavan (SIB)

-Santa Tecla F.C. (STL) 2-3 C.D. Guayabal Gas (GAS)

-SKA Neftekhimik Khabarovskiy Krai (SKA) 1-3 C.D. Dragón (DRA)

-C.D. Águila (AGU) 2-1 Luch Energiya Primorye (PRI)

-Juventud Independiente F.C. (JUV) 1-4 Spartak Neryungri (SPN)

More Details in

Last edited by San Jose Guayabal on Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Not so active as before - Hail Alianza FC! - Football is my drug, Alianza FC my dealer!

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New Sideburn
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Founded: Feb 01, 2012

Postby New Sideburn » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:31 pm


Violence Chariots 0-0 Brinemouth
Valkyrja Hawks 2-0 Brookford Otters
AFC Treason 3-1 Corvette Maulers
Southfell United 0-1 Cranequin Wanderers
South Laithland 0-2 Crisisbless
Sabrefell Moths 1-0 Franchise FC
Sabrefell Athletic 4-1 Goodfeather FC
Rhagant Schadenfreude 2-1 AFC Integabad
AFC Raven River 1-1 Iron City
Raging Fire Hares 0-1 Leopolis Hatemongers
Parrhesia United 1-1 Maximum City
North Laithland 5-0 Maximum Rovers

Mark Grayson scores in his third start for Crisisbless to end the Chokers’ dry spell; Alicia Scabbard contributes a second in a 2-0 triumph over the Southrons. North Laithland utterly maim the Rovers with a hattrick from Molly Keynes, and the Sabrefell Moths have a surprisingly difficult time taking down a resilient Franchise.

Brinemouth 3-1 Valkyrja Hawks
Violence Chariots 3-1 AFC Treason
Brookford Otters 3-1 Southfell United
Corvette Maulers 2-3 South Laithland
Cranequin Wanderers 0-1 Sabrefell Moths
Crisisbless 0-0 Sabrefell Athletic
Franchise FC 1-1 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Goodfeather FC 0-0 AFC Raven River
AFC Integabad 0-1 Raging Fire Hares
Iron City 2-0 Parrhesia United
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-1 North Laithland
Maximum City 0-1 Maximum Rovers

While Crisisbless and Athletic stalemate each other, Treason is on the receiving end of a beatdown from the Chariots, 3-1. Meanwhile, in a pivotal fight for the Hares, the battle between foreigners leads Integabad to a narrow 1-0 defeat. The Maximum derby is fought and won, the Maximum Rovers taking the day with the only goal courtesy of Harriet Avery.

AFC Treason 2-1 Brinemouth
Southfell United 1-0 Valkyrja Hawks
South Laithland 2-0 Violence Chariots
Sabrefell Moths 1-1 Brookford Otters
Sabrefell Athletic 1-0 Corvette Maulers
Rhagant Schadenfreude 0-1 Cranequin Wanderers
AFC Raven River 1-1 Crisisbless
Raging Fire Hares 0-0 Franchise FC
Parrhesia United 4-2 Goodfeather FC
North Laithland 3-0 AFC Integabad
Maximum Rovers 1-1 Iron City
Maximum City 3-0 Leopolis Hatemongers

Treason clashes with a fierce Brinemouth, barely triumphing. Meanwhile, in the most boring match possible, Raging Fire and Franchise manage a grand total of five shots on target between them.

Brinemouth 4-1 Southfell United
AFC Treason 1-1 South Laithland
Valkyrja Hawks 2-3 Sabrefell Moths
Violence Chariots 1-2 Sabrefell Athletic
Brookford Otters 1-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Corvette Maulers 1-3 AFC Raven River
Cranequin Wanderers 1-0 Raging Fire Hares
Crisisbless 0-0 Parrhesia United
Franchise FC 0-1 North Laithland
Goodfeather FC 1-2 Maximum Rovers
AFC Integabad 3-2 Maximum City
Iron City 2-1 Leopolis Hatemongers

Crisisbless still aren’t winning... anyway, a fairly typical week, though Maximum City fall behind in the title race yet again.

South Laithland 1-1 Brinemouth
Sabrefell Moths 1-0 Southfell United
Sabrefell Athletic 0-2 AFC Treason
Rhagant Schadenfreude 2-2 Valkyrja Hawks
AFC Raven River 1-1 Violence Chariots
Raging Fire Hares 0-1 Brookford Otters
Parrhesia United 1-0 Corvette Maulers
North Laithland 0-1 Cranequin Wanderers
Maximum Rovers 1-0 Crisisbless
Maximum City 1-0 Franchise FC
Leopolis Hatemongers 1-1 Goodfeather FC
Iron City 1-0 AFC Integabad

The Southrons deadlock Brinemouth in a tight contest, while in the Moths-Southfell derby, a single goal from Cheney Rosewood seperates the teams. Crisisbless still doesn’t know how to score goals. At the top of the table, Athletic, at home, fails their chance to overcome Treason, and loses two goals to nil. Meanwhile, Parrhesia decide to keep another clean sheet, this time against Corvette; one of seven 1-0 wins this week.

Brinemouth 0-0 Sabrefell Moths
South Laithland 0-2 Sabrefell Athletic
Southfell United 3-2 Rhagant Schadenfreude
AFC Treason 3-2 AFC Raven River
Valkyrja Hawks 2-0 Raging Fire Hares
Violence Chariots 3-1 Parrhesia United
Brookford Otters 2-0 North Laithland
Corvette Maulers 1-0 Maximum Rovers
Cranequin Wanderers 1-0 Maximum City
Crisisbless 1-0 Leopolis Hatemongers
Franchise FC 3-0 Iron City
Goodfeather FC 1-1 AFC Integabad


Sabrefell Athletic 0-0 Brinemouth
Rhagant Schadenfreude 0-1 Sabrefell Moths
AFC Raven River 3-2 South Laithland
Raging Fire Hares 1-4 Southfell United
Parrhesia United 2-2 AFC Treason
North Laithland 1-0 Valkyrja Hawks
Maximum Rovers 1-2 Violence Chariots
Maximum City 0-1 Brookford Otters
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-1 Corvette Maulers
Iron City 1-0 Cranequin Wanderers
AFC Integabad 2-0 Crisisbless
Goodfeather FC 6-2 Franchise FC

Brinemouth draw a Sabrefell giant 0-0 for the second time in a row. Reflecting their respective change in fortunes, the resplendent Brookford cap off a remarkable few weeks with a 1-0 grind over Maximum City. Crisisbless lose again. Meanwhile, in the second-highest scoring game so far, Goodfeather take out Franchise 6-2.
In other news this week, Kieron Nocturnal marries his long-term fiancee, Ellen Riordan; he changes his name by deed poll. “We flipped a coin,” said the North Laithland goalkeeper, shrugging. As nobody gives a shit about shirt sales and image rights, this caused exactly no controversy.

Anslow Medication 1-2 Orbital Bombardment
Corby Hubris 2-1 Mainstream Fist
Locksley Petty Theft 2-1 Leicard Crimewave
Iron United 3-0 Forge Carpenters
Dubstep Rangers 1-0 Crossroads Town
Newrook Democracy 0-0 North Dubstep
Chenoworth Rovers 2-0 Ox River United
Crisisbless United 3-2 Haymaker United
AFC Hackett 4-2 Creed United
Martella Jazz 3-1 Fenland Albion
AFC Rochford 2-1 AFC Shale
Chenoworth Harriers 2-1 Vermillion Rage
Orbital Bombardment 0-0 Corby Hubris
Anslow Medication 0-2 Locksley Petty Theft
Mainstream Fist 1-1 Iron United
Leicard Crimewave 1-0 Dubstep Rangers
Forge Carpenters 2-1 Newrook Democracy
Crossroads Town 1-0 Chenoworth Rovers
North Dubstep 1-2 Crisisbless United
Ox River United 2-0 AFC Hackett
Haymaker United 2-2 Martella Jazz
Creed United 0-2 AFC Rochford
Fenland Albion 1-0 Chenoworth Harriers
AFC Shale 1-3 Vermillion Rage
Locksley Petty Theft 1-1 Orbital Bombardment
Iron United 0-2 Corby Hubris
Dubstep Rangers 2-1 Anslow Medication
Newrook Democracy 0-2 Mainstream Fist
Chenoworth Rovers 0-0 Leicard Crimewave
Crisisbless United 1-2 Forge Carpenters
AFC Hackett 2-3 Crossroads Town
Martella Jazz 1-5 North Dubstep
AFC Rochford 2-0 Ox River United
Chenoworth Harriers 1-1 Haymaker United
Vermillion Rage 1-1 Creed United
AFC Shale 3-0 Fenland Albion
Orbital Bombardment 2-0 Iron United
Locksley Petty Theft 1-1 Dubstep Rangers
Corby Hubris 0-2 Newrook Democracy
Anslow Medication 0-0 Chenoworth Rovers
Mainstream Fist 3-0 Crisisbless United
Leicard Crimewave 1-1 AFC Hackett
Forge Carpenters 1-0 Martella Jazz
Crossroads Town 0-1 AFC Rochford
North Dubstep 1-1 Chenoworth Harriers
Ox River United 1-3 Vermillion Rage
Haymaker United 1-1 AFC Shale
Creed United 0-2 Fenland Albion
Dubstep Rangers 0-1 Orbital Bombardment
Newrook Democracy 1-1 Iron United
Chenoworth Rovers 0-2 Locksley Petty Theft
Crisisbless United 1-0 Corby Hubris
AFC Hackett 0-0 Anslow Medication
Martella Jazz 0-1 Mainstream Fist
AFC Rochford 1-1 Leicard Crimewave
Chenoworth Harriers 2-0 Forge Carpenters
Vermillion Rage 6-3 Crossroads Town
AFC Shale 2-0 North Dubstep
Fenland Albion 0-0 Ox River United
Creed United 1-1 Haymaker United
Orbital Bombardment 2-0 Newrook Democracy
Dubstep Rangers 0-1 Chenoworth Rovers
Iron United 0-1 Crisisbless United
Locksley Petty Theft 0-0 AFC Hackett
Corby Hubris 4-4 Martella Jazz
Anslow Medication 3-0 AFC Rochford
Mainstream Fist 0-1 Chenoworth Harriers
Leicard Crimewave 1-2 Vermillion Rage
Forge Carpenters 0-1 AFC Shale
Crossroads Town 1-1 Fenland Albion
North Dubstep 0-1 Creed United
Ox River United 2-1 Haymaker United
Chenoworth Rovers 0-1 Orbital Bombardment
Crisisbless United 2-0 Newrook Democracy
AFC Hackett 0-1 Dubstep Rangers
Martella Jazz 2-0 Iron United
AFC Rochford 4-0 Locksley Petty Theft
Chenoworth Harriers 1-2 Corby Hubris
Vermillion Rage 0-1 Anslow Medication
AFC Shale 3-0 Mainstream Fist
Fenland Albion 0-1 Leicard Crimewave
Creed United 1-1 Forge Carpenters
Haymaker United 0-1 Crossroads Town
Ox River United 0-0 North Dubstep
Inner-East Fairywrens 1-0 Sandrock Artillery
West Brinemouth 1-1 Geoff United
North Sabrefell 2-1 AFC Bishop
Cypher Town 3-3 Rushe United
Falston-on-Ceynes United 1-0 Chatswood
West Shotgun Turtles 3-1 Stamper Road
AFC Steak 2-2 Haymaker Town
Ritter Town 2-0 Strephonage
East Laithland Harriers 1-3 Gridlock Rovers
AFC Sheridan 0-1 AFC Greymouth
Sakusa Rathians 2-3 Cranequin City
AFC Starling 1-2 Reckdale Town
Sandrock Artillery 0-0 West Brinemouth
Inner-East Fairywrens 2-1 North Sabrefell
Geoff United 1-0 Cypher Town
AFC Bishop 0-1 Falston-on-Ceynes United
Rushe United 0-3 West Shotgun Turtles
Chatswood 3-3 AFC Steak
Stamper Road 1-2 Ritter Town
Haymaker Town 2-1 East Laithland Harriers
Strephonage 0-0 AFC Sheridan
Gridlock Rovers 1-1 Sakusa Rathians
AFC Greymouth 0-1 AFC Starling
Cranequin City 0-1 Reckdale Town
North Sabrefell 0-2 Sandrock Artillery
Cypher Town 2-0 West Brinemouth
Falston-on-Ceynes United 1-1 Inner-East Fairywrens
West Shotgun Turtles 1-0 Geoff United
AFC Steak 2-0 AFC Bishop
Ritter Town 2-0 Rushe United
East Laithland Harriers 0-1 Chatswood
AFC Sheridan 2-0 Stamper Road
Sakusa Rathians 1-3 Haymaker Town
AFC Starling 3-1 Strephonage
Reckdale Town 1-0 Gridlock Rovers
Cranequin City 1-1 AFC Greymouth
Sandrock Artillery 2-1 Cypher Town
North Sabrefell 0-2 Falston-on-Ceynes United
West Brinemouth 1-1 West Shotgun Turtles
Inner-East Fairywrens 1-1 AFC Steak
Geoff United 1-2 Ritter Town
AFC Bishop 2-1 East Laithland Harriers
Rushe United 0-0 AFC Sheridan
Chatswood 0-1 Sakusa Rathians
Stamper Road 1-1 AFC Starling
Haymaker Town 1-2 Reckdale Town
Strephonage 0-0 Cranequin City
Gridlock Rovers 2-1 AFC Greymouth
Falston-on-Ceynes United 1-1 Sandrock Artillery
West Shotgun Turtles 1-0 Cypher Town
AFC Steak 2-1 North Sabrefell
Ritter Town 2-1 West Brinemouth
East Laithland Harriers 1-0 Inner-East Fairywrens
AFC Sheridan 0-2 Geoff United
Sakusa Rathians 0-4 AFC Bishop
AFC Starling 0-1 Rushe United
Reckdale Town 2-1 Chatswood
Cranequin City 1-1 Stamper Road
AFC Greymouth 1-0 Haymaker Town
Gridlock Rovers 1-1 Strephonage
Sandrock Artillery 1-0 West Shotgun Turtles
Falston-on-Ceynes United 1-1 AFC Steak
Cypher Town 0-0 Ritter Town
North Sabrefell 2-2 East Laithland Harriers
West Brinemouth 2-0 AFC Sheridan
Inner-East Fairywrens 0-1 Sakusa Rathians
Geoff United 0-0 AFC Starling
AFC Bishop 2-2 Reckdale Town
Rushe United 0-2 Cranequin City
Chatswood 1-1 AFC Greymouth
Stamper Road 1-1 Gridlock Rovers
Haymaker Town 0-1 Strephonage
AFC Steak 2-0 Sandrock Artillery
Ritter Town 0-1 West Shotgun Turtles
East Laithland Harriers 0-0 Falston-on-Ceynes United
AFC Sheridan 0-2 Cypher Town
Sakusa Rathians 1-1 North Sabrefell
AFC Starling 0-1 West Brinemouth
Reckdale Town 2-3 Inner-East Fairywrens
Cranequin City 1-4 Geoff United
AFC Greymouth 2-0 AFC Bishop
Gridlock Rovers 2-0 Rushe United
Strephonage 1-3 Chatswood
Haymaker Town 0-0 Stamper Road

Team                        P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 AFC Treason 30 19 7 4 54 24 +30 64
2 Sabrefell Athletic 30 19 4 7 51 26 +25 61
3 Sabrefell Moths 30 17 7 6 53 27 +26 58

4 Brinemouth 30 15 11 4 45 23 +22 56
5 North Laithland 30 16 6 8 35 18 +17 54
6 Maximum Rovers 30 14 8 8 40 33 +7 50
7 Maximum City 30 14 7 9 44 29 +15 49
8 Violence Chariots 30 13 7 10 38 31 +7 46
9 Valkyrja Hawks 30 13 5 12 37 36 +1 44
10 Cranequin Wanderers 30 13 5 12 23 26 -3 44
11 Crisisbless 30 11 8 11 27 25 +2 41
12 Parrhesia United 30 9 12 9 44 39 +5 39
13 AFC Raven River 30 10 9 11 39 38 +1 39
14 Southfell United 30 11 6 13 40 41 -1 39
15 Iron City 30 11 6 13 25 36 -11 39
16 South Laithland 30 10 7 13 33 48 -15 37
17 AFC Integabad 30 9 8 13 35 39 -4 35
18 Brookford Otters 30 9 8 13 24 32 -8 35
19 Corvette Maulers 30 9 6 15 29 52 -23 33
20 Leopolis Hatemongers 30 8 7 15 27 43 -16 31
21 Goodfeather FC 30 7 9 14 37 53 -16 30
22 Raging Fire Hares 30 4 11 15 16 35 -19 23
23 Rhagant Schadenfreude 30 4 10 16 19 35 -16 22
24 Franchise FC 30 2 12 16 27 53 -26 18

16 - Leyland Stallion (SFA), Tara Lockdown (TRE)
15 - Bruce Payne (TRE)
14 - Daniel Canady (MXR)
13 - Rudolf Blake (SFU)
12 - John Beckett (GDF), Ninian Locksmith (MXC), Molly Keynes (NLA), Nikita Reeve (RVR), Ryan Shipwright (VLK)
17 - Kieron Riordan (NLA)
15 - Wilhelm Urquhart (SFA), James Turnscrew (TRE)
14 - Phillip Strummer (CRI)

While Treason are still keeping Athletic at a healthy distance at the top of the table, the other UICA slots appear to be fought tight between the Moths, Brinemouth and North Laithland, with Maximum City falling dangerously behind in the race; behind even their rivals, the recently-promoted Rovers, who snuck up to 6th and the 50-point mark thanks to their star striker, Daniel Canady. Crisisbless have scored four goals in fifteen matches. A congested midtable scrap for supremacy sees Integabad and Brookford peering over their shoulders, though Brookford have done well to climb out of the relegation zone; five wins and a draw in seven matches sees them in 18th, five points from danger. Finally, Goodfeather, Corvette and Leopolis wrestle for safety, while for the Hares, Rhagant and Franchise it seems their fate is sealed... though it is worth noting Vermillion cannot promote, and in the event of them taking one of the top four places the battle for 20th will be moot anyway.

Team                       P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Dubstep Rangers 30 18 3 9 42 24 +18 57
2 AFC Rochford 30 15 10 5 39 22 +17 55
3 Vermillion Rage 30 16 6 8 62 42 +20 54
4 AFC Shale 30 15 8 7 35 18 +17 53

5 Chenoworth Rovers 30 13 12 5 31 19 +12 51
6 Orbital Bombardment 30 13 9 8 27 22 +5 48
7 Locksley Petty Theft 30 13 8 9 42 37 +5 47
8 Crisisbless United 30 13 8 9 40 35 +5 47
9 Iron United 30 13 6 11 24 23 +1 45
10 Corby Hubris 30 12 7 11 35 35 +0 43
11 Crossroads Town 30 12 6 12 32 40 -8 42
12 Mainstream Fist 30 12 3 15 29 27 +2 39
13 Leicard Crimewave 30 9 12 9 21 20 +1 39
14 Martella Jazz 30 10 9 11 35 43 -8 39
15 Forge Carpenters 30 10 9 11 24 33 -9 39
16 Chenoworth Harriers 30 9 11 10 29 29 +0 38
17 Newrook Democracy 30 11 4 15 42 45 -3 37
18 North Dubstep 30 9 7 14 35 38 -3 34
19 Fenland Albion 30 8 7 15 24 34 -10 31
20 AFC Hackett 30 7 10 13 33 44 -11 31
21 Anslow Medication 30 7 10 13 25 37 -12 31
22 Haymaker United 30 7 8 15 29 35 -6 29
23 Ox River United 30 6 10 14 23 35 -12 28
24 Creed United 30 5 11 14 21 42 -21 26

It’s anyone’s game at the bottom of the table, while at the top Dubstep are keeping an unsteady hold on the throne. Vermillion, with nothing to fight for but the relief of whoever’s in the Premiership’s 21st place come the end of the season, join Rochford and Shale in the top four, with the Chenoworth Rovers striving to come straight back up.

Team                           P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Ritter Town 30 18 6 6 40 22 +18 60
2 Chatswood 30 15 7 8 43 26 +17 52
3 West Brinemouth 30 15 7 8 33 18 +15 52
4 Rushe United 30 14 6 10 32 31 +1 48

5 Gridlock Rovers 30 13 9 8 31 30 +1 48
6 Geoff United 30 12 9 9 36 30 +6 45
7 AFC Starling 30 12 8 10 33 24 +9 44
8 Falston-on-Ceynes United 30 10 14 6 28 22 +6 44
9 Cranequin City 30 12 8 10 33 38 -5 44
10 North Sabrefell 30 11 8 11 39 35 +4 41
11 AFC Sheridan 30 10 10 10 23 26 -3 40
12 West Shotgun Turtles 30 10 9 11 32 24 +8 39
13 Sakusa Rathians 30 11 6 13 29 42 -13 39
14 Haymaker Town 30 10 8 12 35 37 -2 38
15 Strephonage 30 9 11 10 30 35 -5 38
16 AFC Steak 30 9 10 11 36 35 +1 37
17 AFC Bishop 30 8 12 10 33 31 +2 36
18 Sandrock Artillery 30 8 11 11 22 24 -2 35
19 Cypher Town 30 8 11 11 33 36 -3 35
20 Inner-East Fairywrens 30 8 11 11 25 31 -6 35
21 Reckdale Town 30 8 8 14 30 47 -17 32
22 East Laithland Harriers 30 8 7 15 28 37 -9 31
23 AFC Greymouth 30 7 10 13 26 36 -10 31
24 Stamper Road 30 5 12 13 27 40 -13 27

Stamper are looking more sunk by the day, while Rushe and Gridlock fight fiercely for fourth. Ritter Town are sitting pretty on top, eight points clear of rivals Chatswood and West Brinemouth.

Parrhesia United 3-1 Southfell United
Southfell United 4-1 Parrhesia United (5-4 agg)

AFC Treason 2-0 Violence Chariots
Violence Chariots 2-2 AFC Treason (2-4 agg)
The old ways were best!

Original nation behind Nephara. New Sideburn now symbolises an ideal, rather than a nation.

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Postby Sangti » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:20 am

Preview | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Sangti Football Season Review 2014-15

Supercopa del Sangti
Season 2

Previous Editions
Season 1: Racing Xinghua Baoyam 0-2 Rambo Pesgem

Deportivo Nespa 5-3 Real Nonasa
Estadio Ferdinand Marcos, Ciudad Sangti (att. 48,756)
DNE: Jervin Datu (4', 54'. 77'), John Utanes (32'), Joed Pasamonte (83')
RNN: Billy Wang (15' pen, 57'), Irwin Nazario (90')

Deportivo Nespa won its very first Supercopa after scoring five goals against the Copa del Sangti champions Real Nonasa.


Deportivo Nespa
1st Title

Season 2

Aguas Rapidas Liga
Unlike last season which needed a last minute drama for La Isla to win the inagural Primera Liga, they won the title with three matchdays to spare , and finished 11 points ahead of runners-up Real Cintore. The UICA entrants in the Primera Liga remained the same as last season, and also the order.

For the first season, there will be four relegations to the Campeonato. The four sides were FC Jocolim, Sangtiola Nandezfer, Girondins Tossan and Ryne Savio, with the latter three going straight back into the Campeonato.

*  Aguas Rapidas Liga        Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts  Notes 
1 Deportivo Nespa (C) 38 25 8 5 86 53 +33 83 Champions, Champions' Cup
2 Real Cintore 38 22 6 10 54 32 +22 72 Qualified to Globe Cup
3 Real Tiagosan 38 21 6 11 65 48 +17 69 Qualified to Globe Cup
4 CD Viocla 38 19 9 10 68 52 +16 66 Qualified to Globe Cup
5 Olympique Leonde 38 19 8 11 54 47 +7 65
6 CF Rumasi 38 19 7 12 86 67 +19 64
7 Wanko Nocoru 38 18 9 11 58 45 +13 63
8 Carrubonieta Il Gueti 38 18 9 11 42 32 +10 63
9 Racing Xinghua Baoyam 38 17 10 11 54 38 +16 61
10 CF Vanie 38 16 8 14 49 53 −4 56
11 Carbonel Nuelma 38 15 9 14 61 59 +2 54
12 Balompie Mogya 38 13 11 14 66 63 +3 50
13 Gabelona 38 13 9 16 53 58 −5 48
14 Real Rosavilla 38 12 11 15 59 66 −7 47
15 Tossan Saint Etudes 38 11 8 19 44 59 −15 41
16 Atletico Radi 38 9 13 16 23 31 −8 40
17 FC Jocolim (R) 38 10 9 19 78 81 −3 39 Relegated to Campeonato
18 Sangtiola Nandezfer (R) 38 8 7 23 39 75 −36 31 Relegated to Campeonato
19 Girondins Tossan (R) 38 7 5 26 23 54 −31 26 Relegated to Campeonato
20 Ryne Savio (R) 38 2 10 26 16 65 −49 16 Relegated to Campeonato


Deportivo Nespa
2nd Title

Rank	Player			Club			Goals
1 Henry Moncada CF Rumasi 25
2 Eddie Clavio Real Tiagosan 23
3 Janrold Garaza CD Viocla 18
3 Joey Jardinico Real Cintore 18
5 Jervin Datu Deportivo Nespa 17
6 Paul Yamog FC Jocolim 16
6 Jeremy Ayson Racing Xinghua Baoyam 16
8 Joven Siruma FC Jocolim 14
8 Luis Arada Wanko Nocoru 14
10 Elden Castro Balompie Mogya 13
10 Edfrey Ayson CF Rumasi 13
10 Marvick Bataller CF Vanie 13
10 Gert Kwan Real Tiagosan 13

Last year's Copa winner Real Nonasa has won its maiden Campeonato title after having a blistering run in the final weeks of the season, with Locomotiva bouncing straight back into the big time next season. Albeit not promoted, Rambo and Real Baoyam will taste UICA football as they qualified for the Series B Champions' Cup.

Real Balongaca and FC Vascue went straight back to Liga Uno, while there were disappointments for Respeto and Atletico Viocla, especially for the latter, who led the preceedings at the early running, only to lose ground and fall like a stone into relegation.

*  LFS Campeonato            Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts  Notes
1 Real Nonasa (C)(P)(Q) 34 22 6 6 77 48 +29 72 Champions, Promoted. SBCC
2 Locomotiva Nandezfer (P)(Q)34 20 7 7 50 27 +23 67 Promoted, SBCC
3 Rambo Pesgem (Q) 34 16 7 11 66 55 +11 55 Qualified to SBCC
4 Real Baoyam (Q) 34 15 8 11 44 31 +13 53 Qualified to SBCC
5 Real Tadofal 34 16 5 13 55 50 +5 53
6 Atletico Gustina 34 13 10 11 65 64 +1 49
7 Atleti Gueti 34 13 9 12 61 56 +5 48
8 CF Nalvodo 34 13 9 12 56 53 +3 48
9 Celta Vanie 34 14 6 14 60 60 0 48
10 El Dos Cantos Cadomer 34 13 8 13 78 80 −2 47
11 Internacional Cintore 34 13 7 14 29 35 −6 46
12 Balangay Balongaca 34 12 8 14 61 65 −4 44
13 Real Droniolo 34 12 7 15 57 65 −8 43
14 Internacional Nespa 34 12 6 16 67 78 −11 42
15 CF Respeto Mogya (R) 34 11 8 15 36 37 −1 41 Relegated to Liga Uno
16 FC Vascue (R) 34 11 6 17 31 49 −18 39 Relegated to Liga Uno
17 Atletico Viocla (R) 34 11 5 18 57 70 −13 38 Relegated to Liga Uno
18 Real Balongaca (R) 34 5 6 23 40 67 −27 21 Relegated to Liga Uno

*  LFS Liga Uno           Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts  Notes
1 CR Novasca (C)(P) 34 24 5 5 75 35 +40 77 Champions, Promoted
2 Rosavilla Atletico (P) 34 20 8 6 66 42 +24 68 Promoted to Campeonato
3 CF Nuevavilla 34 18 9 7 50 30 +20 63
4 Atletico Droniolo 34 15 14 5 64 43 +21 59
5 Unido Tiagosan 34 18 5 11 61 55 +6 59
6 Deportivo Girabel 34 13 12 9 46 47 −1 51
7 Resituto Nuelma 34 13 11 10 75 69 +6 50
8 Policia Panaoma 34 14 8 12 39 45 −6 50
9 FC Diabuen 34 12 13 9 41 38 +3 49
10 Deportivo Novasca 34 10 12 12 46 46 0 42
11 Reape Atlantique 34 10 9 15 38 53 −15 39
12 Leonde Sport 34 9 11 14 31 32 −1 38
13 Nueva Cegacor 34 9 11 14 58 68 −10 38
14 Rayo Diabuen 34 9 10 15 44 51 −7 37
15 Garbalona Nesley (R) 34 8 11 15 33 42 −9 35 Relegated to Liga Dos
16 Deportivo Tadofal (R) 34 8 7 19 26 42 −16 31 Relegated to Liga Dos
17 FC Lestialce (R) 34 4 11 19 62 84 −22 23 Relegated to Liga Dos
18 Forza Cegacor (R) 34 5 7 22 55 88 −33 22 Relegated to Liga Dos

*  LFS Liga Dos          Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts  Notes
1 Atletico Rumasi (C)(P) 34 18 6 10 73 58 +15 60 Champions, Promoted
2 Ronda Catobon (P) 34 15 12 7 62 47 +15 57 Promoted to Liga Uno
3 Yesre Atletique 34 14 14 6 49 38 +11 56
4 Unido Girabel 34 14 9 11 42 33 +9 51
5 Real Nesley 34 15 6 13 59 57 +2 51
6 Chateroux Mosra 34 14 8 12 44 40 +4 50
7 Dinamo Panaoma 34 13 11 10 44 42 +2 50
8 Recreativo Nonasa 34 12 14 8 44 43 +1 50
9 Deportivo Nalvodo 34 14 6 14 29 27 +2 48
10 Dinamo Lomalos 34 13 8 13 37 41 −4 47
11 Fuerza Catobon 34 13 7 14 41 42 −1 46
12 Real Gabel 34 12 10 12 66 69 −3 46
13 Pesgem Cuatro 34 11 11 12 52 47 +5 44
14 Ritmo Cadomer 34 11 11 12 68 73 −5 44
15 CF Radi (R) 34 10 11 13 39 38 +1 41 Relegated to Conferencia
16 Decardio Lomalos (R) 34 10 8 16 21 32 −11 38 Relegated to Conferencia
17 FC Sosyo Model (R) 34 9 3 22 44 69 −25 30 Relegated to Conferencia
18 Sangtial Vascue (R) 34 8 5 21 27 45 −18 29 Relegated to Conferencia

*  Conferencia Nacional de Sangti  Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts  Notes 
1 Nicojardi Club (C)(P) 42 31 3 8 105 56 +49 96 Champions, Promoted
2 CF Lafoxpa (P) 42 27 11 4 107 56 +51 92 Promoted to Liga Dos
3 FC Jocolim B (R) 42 28 7 7 107 64 +43 91 Dissolved
4 Unido Piritues 42 26 6 10 78 48 +30 84
5 CF Dradean 42 25 8 9 105 67 +38 83
6 Ramo Central 42 23 11 8 64 35 +29 80
7 Real Bradoi 42 24 8 10 83 56 +27 80
8 Racing Gadodel 42 22 11 9 82 55 +27 77
9 CF Pezlo 42 23 7 12 109 82 +27 76
10 CF Latbatba 42 21 10 11 88 66 +22 73
11 Barunio Asi 42 21 5 16 84 75 +9 68
12 Deportivo Lonsayba 42 21 3 18 61 44 +17 66
13 CF Doriaval 42 14 7 21 82 85 −3 49
14 CF Tebo 42 12 13 17 52 74 −22 49
15 FC Nganpo 42 13 7 22 54 72 −18 46
16 Vocla CF Merco 42 11 12 19 45 67 −22 45
17 FC Trocas 42 7 7 28 56 101 −45 28
18 Juventud Blanteta 42 5 10 27 39 85 −46 25
19 FC Jerana 42 4 13 25 55 118 −63 25
20 FC Bastianse 42 6 6 30 16 63 −47 24
21 Club Napica 42 6 6 30 48 100 −52 24
22 CF Tistabau 42 3 7 32 15 66 −51 16

Season 3

Previous Champions
Season 2: Real Nonasa
Season 1: Rambo Pesgem

1st Round
Garbalona Nesley 3–2 Fuerza Catobon
CF Dradean 1–1 FC Diabuen (1–3 AET)
Dinamo Panaoma 0–1 Rayo Diabuen
Deportivo Nalvodo 0–2 Resituto Nuelma
Reape Atlantique 0–2 CF Nuevavilla
CF Radi 1–0 Recreativo Nonasa
Rosavilla Atletico 4–2 Unido Girabel
CF Lafoxpa 1–0 FC Sosyo Model
CR Novasca 3–1 Forza Cegacor
Real Bradoi 0–2 Sangtial Vascue
Decardio Lomalos 4–4 Leonde Sport (5–4 AET)
Atletico Droniolo 1–2 Nicojardi Club
Pesgem Cuatro 3–1 Atletico Rumasi
CF Pezlo 0–3 Real Nesley
Dinamo Lomalos 1–0 Unido Piritues
Yesre Atletique 1–3 Ritmo Cadomer
Chateroux Mosra 3–3 Ramo Central (3–3 AET) (3–2 pen.)
FC Lestialce 1–2 Deportivo Tadofal
Racing Gadodel 0–1 Real Gabel
Unido Tiagosan 0–1 Deportivo Novasca
Ronda Catobon 1–0 Deportivo Girabel
Nueva Cegacor 0–1 Policia Panaoma

2nd Round
Pesgem Cuatro 0–1 Policia Panaoma
CF Rumasi 3–2 El Dos Cantos Cadomer
Real Tadofal 4–0 Balangay Balongaca
Internacional Cintore 0–1 Sangtiola Nandezfer
Deportivo Tadofal 2–0 Celta Vanie
Rayo Diabuen 1–0 Rambo Pesgem
Wanko Nocoru 0–0 Rosavilla Atletico (1–1 AET) (4–3 pen.)
CF Nalvodo 4–4 Resituto Nuelma (5–5 AET) (0–3 pen.)
Real Nonasa 1–0 Real Gabel
Ritmo Cadomer 4–2 CF Lafoxpa
Gabelona 2–3 Internacional Nespa
Atleti Gueti 1–0 Girondins Tossan
Locomotiva Nandezfer 2–0 Decardio Lomalos
Ronda Catobon 0–1 Atletico Gustina
CF Radi 0–1 Ryne Savio
Real Baoyam 1–0 CF Vanie
Garbalona Nesley 2–1 FC Diabuen
Carbonel Nuelma 0–0 Tossan Saint Etudes (0–0 AET) (4–3 pen.)
CF Respeto Mogya 1–1 Atletico Viocla (1–2 AET)
Nicojardi Club 0–5 Real Droniolo
Real Balongaca 1–0 CR Novasca
Real Nesley 1–3 FC Jocolim
CF Nuevavilla 4–0 Olympique Leonde
Racing Xinghua Baoyam 1–0 Carrubonieta Il Gueti
FC Vascue 1–0 Sangtial Vascue
Chateroux Mosra 0–2 Atletico Radi
Real Rosavilla 2–1 Dinamo Lomalos
Deportivo Novasca 0–3 Balompie Mogya

3rd Round
Ritmo Cadomer 0–3 Atleti Gueti
Real Balongaca 0–1 Atletico Viocla
Rayo Diabuen 4–3 FC Jocolim
CF Nuevavilla 1–0 Locomotiva Nandezfer
Garbalona Nesley 2–1 CD Viocla
Balompie Mogya 1–3 Real Rosavilla
Sangtiola Nandezfer 1–1 Real Tadofal (1–1 AET) (4–2 pen.)
Real Cintore 0–1 Racing Xinghua Baoyam
Atletico Gustina 5–2 Real Baoyam
Ryne Savio 2–0 Deportivo Tadofal
Deportivo Nespa 4–3 Wanko Nocoru
Real Droniolo 1–2 Internacional Nespa
Resituto Nuelma 3–2 CF Rumasi
Real Nonasa 3–1 Carbonel Nuelma
FC Vascue 2–0 Policia Panaoma
Atletico Radi 1–0 Real Tiagosan

4th Round
Real Rosavilla 2–1 CF Nuevavilla
FC Vascue 0–0 Racing Xinghua Baoyam (1–0 AET)
Atleti Gueti 3–1 Garbalona Nesley
Resituto Nuelma 2–1 Internacional Nespa
Sangtiola Nandezfer 1–3 Ryne Savio
Atletico Gustina 1–2 Deportivo Nespa
Atletico Viocla 2–2 Rayo Diabuen (3–2 AET)
Real Nonasa 1–2 Atletico Radi

Ryne Savio 0–2 Atletico Radi
Deportivo Nespa 1–0 FC Vascue
Atletico Viocla 2–0 Resituto Nuelma
Atleti Gueti 1–2 Real Rosavilla

Semifinals (Played at Estadio Ferdinand Marcos, Ciudad Sangti)
Deportivo Nespa 5–2 Atletico Viocla
Atletico Radi 2–2 Real Rosavilla (2–4 AET)

Deportivo Nespa 1–1 Real Rosavilla (1–1 AET) (6–5 pen.)
Estadio Ferdinand Marcos, Ciudad Sangti (att. 57,864)
DNE: Jervin Datu (77'); RRO: Tristan Isip (34')
Deportivo Nespa qualifies for Cygnus Cup

Deportivo Nespa completes a domestic treble after adding the Copa del Sangti to their Supercopa and Primera Liga titles.


Deportivo Nespa
1st Title

Sangti (SGT) qualifiers
Champions' Cup 50: Deportivo Nespa
Globe Cup 47: Real Cintore, Real Tiagosan, CD Viocla
Series B Champions' Cup 47: Real Nonasa, Locomotiva Nandezfer, Rambo Pesgem, Real Baoyam

Cygnus Cup 25: Deportivo Nespa
Campionato Esportivano di Campeones VII: Deportivo Nespa, Real Cintore, Real Tiagosan, CD Viocla
Last edited by Sangti on Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Founder, Trofeo de Paz | Co-organizer, IUBC, International Domestic Basketball competition (with Buyan)
Winners, World Baseball Classic 29, NSCAA 6, Federation Club Cup I, Rugby Union World Cup 23 | Qualified for World Cup 68, 69 and 71
<NWW|MOC> Well, I should probably head for bead.
<+Audio> "Tuna has been extortionate since around 2007, stop complaining, jizzballs"
<SNT-FFR> Apparently, I'm not a "good" sports RPer :p
[04:20] <Glo> Ohkay...
[04:20] <Glo> So Esper is officially down
[04:20] <@commerceheights> then how are you sending this message? :P

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New Sideburn
Posts: 612
Founded: Feb 01, 2012

Postby New Sideburn » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:16 am


Brinemouth 1-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Sabrefell Athletic 0-3 AFC Raven River
Sabrefell Moths 2-0 Raging Fire Hares
South Laithland 1-1 Parrhesia United
Southfell United 1-1 North Laithland
AFC Treason 2-1 Maximum Rovers
Valkyrja Hawks 1-1 Maximum City
Violence Chariots 1-1 Leopolis Hatemongers
Brookford Otters 1-0 Iron City
Corvette Maulers 0-3 AFC Integabad
Cranequin Wanderers 5-1 Goodfeather FC
Crisisbless 0-0 Franchise FC

Let’s all laugh at Crisisbless for letting Franchise keep a clean sheet against them. In other news, Maximum City gets hamstrung by Valkyrja, while the Rovers lead for 70 minutes against the defending champions only to collapse at the final furlong. Sabrefell Athletic get maimed against their River rivals, losing 3-0; their former goalkeeper, Kurtis Fitzmarten, is in better shape then ever and keeps a hard-fought clean sheet.

AFC Raven River 0-1 Brinemouth
Raging Fire Hares 1-1 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Parrhesia United 2-2 Sabrefell Athletic
North Laithland 0-3 Sabrefell Moths
Maximum Rovers 1-2 South Laithland
Maximum City 2-0 Southfell United
Leopolis Hatemongers 2-4 AFC Treason
Iron City 1-1 Valkyrja Hawks
AFC Integabad 0-0 Violence Chariots
Goodfeather FC 1-3 Brookford Otters
Franchise FC 0-2 Corvette Maulers
Crisisbless 1-1 Cranequin Wanderers

Do Crisisbless, up against the reasonably fragile Cranequin, manage to win at home? Of course not. Athletic fall yet further behind Treason, drawn by Parrhesia, while North Laithland are beaten up by the Moths.

Brinemouth 1-1 Raging Fire Hares
AFC Raven River 2-0 Parrhesia United
Rhagant Schadenfreude 0-1 North Laithland
Sabrefell Athletic 1-0 Maximum Rovers
Sabrefell Moths 0-2 Maximum City
South Laithland 0-0 Leopolis Hatemongers
Southfell United 1-1 Iron City
AFC Treason 3-1 AFC Integabad
Valkyrja Hawks 0-2 Goodfeather FC
Violence Chariots 1-0 Franchise FC
Brookford Otters 1-2 Crisisbless
Corvette Maulers 1-0 Cranequin Wanderers

Maximum City inflict a tidy defeat on the Moths, while across town Athletic put paid to the Rovers on the red grass of the Last Stand. Crisisbless score more than one goal, as Brinemouth are cold-cocked by the Hares three minutes from full time.

Parrhesia United 0-0 Brinemouth
North Laithland 2-0 Raging Fire Hares
Maximum Rovers 1-0 AFC Raven River
Maximum City 1-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-1 Sabrefell Athletic
Iron City 1-0 Sabrefell Moths
AFC Integabad 0-0 South Laithland
Goodfeather FC 0-0 Southfell United
Franchise FC 0-2 AFC Treason
Crisisbless 2-2 Valkyrja Hawks
Cranequin Wanderers 3-2 Violence Chariots
Corvette Maulers 0-2 Brookford Otters

An unremarkable week, though a five-goal thriller sees the Wanderers narrowly edge out Violence at home, while Iron City upsets the Moths 1-0.

Brinemouth 1-1 North Laithland
Parrhesia United 1-1 Maximum Rovers
Raging Fire Hares 0-1 Maximum City
AFC Raven River 1-1 Leopolis Hatemongers
Rhagant Schadenfreude 0-0 Iron City
Sabrefell Athletic 4-1 AFC Integabad
Sabrefell Moths 1-1 Goodfeather FC
South Laithland 3-1 Franchise FC
Southfell United 4-1 Crisisbless
AFC Treason 3-0 Cranequin Wanderers
Valkyrja Hawks 0-2 Corvette Maulers
Violence Chariots 1-1 Brookford Otters

A brace from Gail Vermont helps Southfell drop Crisisbless 4-1, while Sabrefell Athletic defeat Integabad by the same scoreline. Corvette fans breathe a sigh of relief as a win over Valkyrja sees them to a more-or-less safe position.

Orbital Bombardment 1-1 Crisisbless United
Chenoworth Rovers 3-1 AFC Hackett
Newrook Democracy 2-2 Martella Jazz
Dubstep Rangers 1-0 AFC Rochford
Iron United 0-0 Chenoworth Harriers
Locksley Petty Theft 0-1 Vermillion Rage
Corby Hubris 0-1 AFC Shale
Anslow Medication 0-2 Fenland Albion
Mainstream Fist 0-1 Creed United
Leicard Crimewave 1-1 Haymaker United
Forge Carpenters 1-0 Ox River United
Crossroads Town 2-1 North Dubstep
AFC Hackett 1-1 Orbital Bombardment
Martella Jazz 1-1 Crisisbless United
AFC Rochford 2-1 Chenoworth Rovers
Chenoworth Harriers 0-2 Newrook Democracy
Vermillion Rage 1-2 Dubstep Rangers
AFC Shale 0-1 Iron United
Fenland Albion 0-2 Locksley Petty Theft
Creed United 0-1 Corby Hubris
Haymaker United 1-0 Anslow Medication
Ox River United 1-0 Mainstream Fist
North Dubstep 0-0 Leicard Crimewave
Crossroads Town 3-1 Forge Carpenters
Orbital Bombardment 0-1 Martella Jazz
AFC Hackett 8-3 AFC Rochford
Crisisbless United 1-0 Chenoworth Harriers
Chenoworth Rovers 0-0 Vermillion Rage
Newrook Democracy 1-0 AFC Shale
Dubstep Rangers 3-0 Fenland Albion
Iron United 0-1 Creed United
Locksley Petty Theft 2-1 Haymaker United
Corby Hubris 1-2 Ox River United
Anslow Medication 1-0 North Dubstep
Mainstream Fist 1-0 Crossroads Town
Leicard Crimewave 2-0 Forge Carpenters
AFC Rochford 1-0 Orbital Bombardment
Chenoworth Harriers 1-1 Martella Jazz
Vermillion Rage 1-1 AFC Hackett
AFC Shale 0-0 Crisisbless United
Fenland Albion 2-2 Chenoworth Rovers
Creed United 1-4 Newrook Democracy
Haymaker United 2-0 Dubstep Rangers
Ox River United 2-0 Iron United
North Dubstep 1-0 Locksley Petty Theft
Crossroads Town 0-2 Corby Hubris
Forge Carpenters 2-0 Anslow Medication
Leicard Crimewave 0-0 Mainstream Fist
Orbital Bombardment 0-0 Chenoworth Harriers
AFC Rochford 1-3 Vermillion Rage
Martella Jazz 3-0 AFC Shale
AFC Hackett 1-0 Fenland Albion
Crisisbless United 2-1 Creed United
Chenoworth Rovers 2-0 Haymaker United
Newrook Democracy 2-0 Ox River United
Dubstep Rangers 1-0 North Dubstep
Iron United 0-1 Crossroads Town
Locksley Petty Theft 1-0 Forge Carpenters
Corby Hubris 1-0 Leicard Crimewave
Anslow Medication 1-1 Mainstream Fist
Sandrock Artillery 1-1 Ritter Town
AFC Steak 0-1 East Laithland Harriers
West Shotgun Turtles 1-1 AFC Sheridan
Falston-on-Ceynes United 3-0 Sakusa Rathians
Cypher Town 0-2 AFC Starling
North Sabrefell 3-0 Reckdale Town
West Brinemouth 1-1 Cranequin City
Inner-East Fairywrens 1-1 AFC Greymouth
Geoff United 3-2 Gridlock Rovers
AFC Bishop 1-0 Strephonage
Rushe United 5-1 Haymaker Town
Chatswood 0-1 Stamper Road
East Laithland Harriers 0-0 Sandrock Artillery
AFC Sheridan 1-2 Ritter Town
Sakusa Rathians 0-3 AFC Steak
AFC Starling 2-3 West Shotgun Turtles
Reckdale Town 2-1 Falston-on-Ceynes United
Cranequin City 1-1 Cypher Town
AFC Greymouth 0-2 North Sabrefell
Gridlock Rovers 0-0 West Brinemouth
Strephonage 2-2 Inner-East Fairywrens
Haymaker Town 0-3 Geoff United
Stamper Road 0-0 AFC Bishop
Chatswood 3-2 Rushe United
Sandrock Artillery 1-0 AFC Sheridan
East Laithland Harriers 2-0 Sakusa Rathians
Ritter Town 4-2 AFC Starling
AFC Steak 0-1 Reckdale Town
West Shotgun Turtles 1-0 Cranequin City
Falston-on-Ceynes United 1-2 AFC Greymouth
Cypher Town 5-0 Gridlock Rovers
North Sabrefell 4-2 Strephonage
West Brinemouth 1-0 Haymaker Town
Inner-East Fairywrens 3-1 Stamper Road
Geoff United 4-2 Chatswood
AFC Bishop 2-1 Rushe United
Sakusa Rathians 1-2 Sandrock Artillery
AFC Starling 1-0 AFC Sheridan
Reckdale Town 1-1 East Laithland Harriers
Cranequin City 1-0 Ritter Town
AFC Greymouth 0-0 AFC Steak
Gridlock Rovers 0-1 West Shotgun Turtles
Strephonage 1-2 Falston-on-Ceynes United
Haymaker Town 2-2 Cypher Town
Stamper Road 0-1 North Sabrefell
Chatswood 1-1 West Brinemouth
Rushe United 1-0 Inner-East Fairywrens
AFC Bishop 3-1 Geoff United
Sandrock Artillery 0-2 AFC Starling
Sakusa Rathians 2-3 Reckdale Town
AFC Sheridan 0-2 Cranequin City
East Laithland Harriers 1-0 AFC Greymouth
Ritter Town 5-2 Gridlock Rovers
AFC Steak 0-1 Strephonage
West Shotgun Turtles 3-0 Haymaker Town
Falston-on-Ceynes United 2-1 Stamper Road
Cypher Town 0-1 Chatswood
North Sabrefell 1-1 Rushe United
West Brinemouth 0-2 AFC Bishop
Inner-East Fairywrens 0-1 Geoff United

Team                        P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 AFC Treason 35 24 7 4 68 28 +40 79
2 Sabrefell Athletic 35 22 5 8 59 32 +27 71
3 Sabrefell Moths 35 19 8 8 59 31 +28 65

4 Brinemouth 35 17 14 4 49 25 +24 65
5 Maximum City 35 18 8 9 51 30 +21 62
6 North Laithland 35 18 8 9 40 23 +17 62
7 Maximum Rovers 35 15 9 11 44 39 +5 54
8 Violence Chariots 35 14 10 11 43 36 +7 52
9 Cranequin Wanderers 35 15 6 14 32 34 -2 51
10 Crisisbless 35 12 11 12 33 33 +0 47
11 Valkyrja Hawks 35 13 8 14 41 44 -3 47
12 AFC Raven River 35 12 10 13 45 41 +4 46
13 South Laithland 35 12 10 13 39 51 -12 46
14 Southfell United 35 12 9 14 46 46 +0 45
15 Brookford Otters 35 12 9 14 32 36 -4 45
16 Iron City 35 12 9 14 28 39 -11 45
17 Parrhesia United 35 9 16 10 48 45 +3 43
18 Corvette Maulers 35 12 6 17 34 57 -23 42
19 AFC Integabad 35 10 10 15 40 46 -6 40
20 Goodfeather FC 35 8 11 16 42 62 -20 35
21 Leopolis Hatemongers 35 8 10 17 31 50 -19 34
22 Raging Fire Hares 35 4 13 18 18 42 -24 25
23 Rhagant Schadenfreude 35 4 12 19 20 39 -19 24
24 Franchise FC 35 2 13 20 28 61 -33 19

19 - Leyland Stallion (SFA), Tara Lockdown (TRE)
17 - Bruce Payne (TRE)
15 - Daniel Canady (MXR)
13 - Jonny dos Santos (BRI), John Beckett (GDF), Ninian Locksmith (MXC), Molly Keynes (NLA), Nikita Reeve (RVR), Warner Garfield (SFA), Rudolf Blake (SFU), Ryan Shipwright (VAL)
12 - Konrad Evans (CVM), Fran Sadler (CRN), Rook Cathar (SFM), Chris Muscat (SLA)
19 - Kieron Riordan (NLA)
17 - Wilhelm Urquhart (SFA)
16 - James Turnscrew (TRE)

After a very average few matches by Athletic, Treason have put on their game face and now stand eight points aloft. The Moths and Brinemouth share the 65-point mark, but Brinemouth’s slightly tighter defence is outdone on goal difference by the Moths’ significantly stronger attack. Maximum City have surged back into form, breezing past North Laithland; their defence may not be the tightest in the league anymore, but good form from Ninian Locksmith, the strong wing play of Jack Radd and the promise of young Jack Tariff are giving them a strong offence. The Spiders have been surprisingly cagey, but Kieron Riordan nee Nocturnal is holding them in good stead.

Maximum Rovers have taken a foot off the gas somewhat, taking four points from five games. Violence Chariots are somewhat sturdier than they used to be, and are performing above expectations, as are the Wanderers, though their attack is suffering visibly from Tumbler’s age and Sedgwick’s absence. Hahahahahaha fuck Crisisbless. Valkyrja’s run for the top six is definitely at its end, though they remain in a respectable position, and Raven River maintain 12th due to having a respectable goal difference, as opposed to an abysmal one.

South Laithland are still South Laithland, doomed never to reach the top half of the table. Terrible goal difference reflects a tendency to get taken to pieces on a bad day. Southfell, Brookford and Iron City sit on 45 points apiece, a respectable tally; Southfell have been startlingly mediocre, despite much potential for speed and power. Parrhesia have taken four draws and a loss from five matches, and sit alarmingly low; Corvette and their abysmal goal difference round off the group at 18th.

Integabad have had a nightmarish few games, and it’s looking dangerously like 329 all over again; they should be clear of danger, however, Goodfeather sitting five points behind with Barunian keeper Mic Willans often let down by defensive ill-discipline. For Leopolis, safety is within reach, but time is running out for the Hares and Rhagant, and Franchise is totally fucked.

Team                       P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Dubstep Rangers 35 22 3 10 49 27 +22 69
2 Vermillion Rage 35 18 8 9 68 46 +22 62
3 AFC Rochford 35 17 10 8 46 35 +11 61
4 Chenoworth Rovers 35 15 14 6 39 24 +15 59

5 AFC Shale 35 16 9 10 36 23 +13 57
6 Locksley Petty Theft 35 16 8 11 47 40 +7 56
7 Crisisbless United 35 15 11 9 45 38 +7 56
8 Corby Hubris 35 15 7 13 40 38 +2 52
9 Orbital Bombardment 35 13 12 10 29 26 +3 51
10 Crossroads Town 35 15 6 14 38 45 -7 51
11 Newrook Democracy 35 15 5 15 53 48 +5 50
12 Iron United 35 14 7 14 25 27 -2 49
13 Martella Jazz 35 12 12 11 43 47 -4 48
14 Leicard Crimewave 35 10 15 10 24 22 +2 45
15 Forge Carpenters 35 12 9 14 28 39 -11 45
16 Mainstream Fist 35 13 5 17 31 30 +1 44
17 Chenoworth Harriers 35 9 14 12 30 33 -3 41
18 AFC Hackett 35 9 12 14 45 52 -7 39
19 North Dubstep 35 10 8 17 37 42 -5 38
20 Ox River United 35 9 10 16 28 39 -11 37
21 Haymaker United 35 9 9 17 34 40 -6 36
22 Fenland Albion 35 9 8 18 28 42 -14 35
23 Anslow Medication 35 8 11 16 27 43 -16 35
24 Creed United 35 7 11 17 25 49 -24 32

Dubstep Rangers have one foot in the title; Chenoworth haven’t put a foot wrong, displacing Shale in 4th, and both Locksley and Crisisbless United are looking eager to pounce on the newfound uncertainty. Creed line the basement of the table, with just twenty-five goals; the Leicard Crimewave have the worst attack and best defence in the entire league.

Team                           P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Ritter Town 35 21 7 7 52 29 +23 70
2 Chatswood 35 17 8 10 50 34 +16 59
3 West Brinemouth 35 16 10 9 36 22 +14 58
4 Geoff United 35 16 9 10 48 37 +11 57

5 Rushe United 35 16 7 12 42 38 +4 55
6 North Sabrefell 35 15 9 11 50 38 +12 54
7 AFC Starling 35 15 8 12 42 31 +11 53
8 Falston-on-Ceynes United 35 13 14 8 37 28 +9 53
9 West Shotgun Turtles 35 14 10 11 41 27 +14 52
10 Cranequin City 35 14 10 11 38 41 -3 52
11 AFC Bishop 35 12 13 10 41 33 +8 49
12 Gridlock Rovers 35 13 10 12 35 44 -9 49
13 Sandrock Artillery 35 10 13 12 26 28 -2 43
14 East Laithland Harriers 35 11 9 15 33 38 -5 42
15 Strephonage 35 10 12 13 36 44 -8 42
16 Reckdale Town 35 11 9 15 37 54 -17 42
17 AFC Steak 35 10 11 14 39 38 +1 41
18 AFC Sheridan 35 10 11 14 25 33 -8 41
19 Cypher Town 35 9 13 13 41 42 -1 40
20 Inner-East Fairywrens 35 9 13 13 31 37 -6 40
21 Haymaker Town 35 10 9 16 38 51 -13 39
22 Sakusa Rathians 35 11 6 18 32 55 -23 39
23 AFC Greymouth 35 8 12 15 29 41 -12 36
24 Stamper Road 35 6 13 16 30 46 -16 31

Sakusa have slid alarmingly into danger as Reckdale lift themselves more or less out of it, but the entire bottom half of the table could conceivably go down this season; the title is all but Ritter Town’s, with Geoff United enjoying a two-point butter over Rushe; it’s still very tight at both ends, though, with a massive break between Gridlock and Sandrock to compensate.
The old ways were best!

Original nation behind Nephara. New Sideburn now symbolises an ideal, rather than a nation.

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Branta Island
Posts: 60
Founded: Jul 19, 2011

Postby Branta Island » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:33 pm

Brantolano Lega Prima: Season Five

-   Team                    P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Stazione Scipio 38 18 12 8 44 28 +16 66
2 Inter Leggio 38 17 11 10 43 35 +8 62
3 Quattro Venti 38 17 10 11 68 55 +13 61
4 S.S. Leggio 38 15 15 8 58 51 +7 60
5 STAI 38 16 10 12 43 36 +7 58
6 A.C. Scipio 38 17 7 14 51 47 +4 58
7 Pro Giuliani 38 15 12 11 36 33 +3 57
8 Gran Vittoria 38 16 8 14 66 58 +8 56
9 S.P. Panazzo 38 15 10 13 57 56 +1 55
10 San Domenico 38 15 8 15 70 67 +3 53
11 Tre Alberi 38 15 7 16 33 30 +3 52
12 A.S. Panazzo 38 14 10 14 54 54 +0 52
13 S.S. Beno 38 13 12 13 44 46 -2 51
14 Cuore di Fuoco 38 14 6 18 51 60 -9 48
15 Stazione Giuliani 38 14 6 18 49 59 -10 48
16 San Francesco 38 11 12 15 39 46 -7 45
17 A.C. Vitini 38 9 16 13 49 43 +6 43
18 S.P. Vitini 38 10 10 18 30 45 -15 40
19 Pro Stampino 38 11 7 20 52 67 -15 40
20 Trapezio 38 8 11 19 36 57 -21 35

Branta Island (BRI) qualifiers
Champions Cup: Stazione Scipio
Globe Cup: Inter Leggio, Quattro Venti, S.S. Leggio,
Rushmore Copa de Campeones: Stazione Scipio

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Posts: 1408
Founded: Apr 12, 2012
Democratic Socialists

Postby Eura » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:44 pm

Eura (EUR) Qualifiers
Top seeds are first

CC: Directus
GC: Ulsa, Bastion, Spartangrad
SBCC: AFC Mayville, Mountainside, Suttonville, Callodown Rovers

Other Competitions Eura (EUR) Qualifiers

Cygnus Cup: Bastion
Copa de Campeones: Directus
Endemia Cup: Directus (League Champs) Bastion (Cup Champs)


Ulsa have just won a double of the Globe Cup and Super Cup. Let that sink in for a second. Done? Good. In a massive coup for the reputation of Euran football globally, Ulsa have triumphed. It started with last season’s champions. It started with a second preliminary round draw in the Champions Cup against Ethaire FC of Ethington. Ulsa won 6-2 on aggregate. A single Paco Leon Nolasco goal gave his side the advantage in his last game before another injury forced his retirement. Taking a 1-0 away goal lead into the home leg Ulsa did not rest on their laurels, pasting Ethaire 5-2. Craig Sinclair and Clive Dawson both netted, but Nicky Martin took all the plaudits with a stunning hat trick. Unfortunately they face Navel Sharks of the Whirl Islands in the next round, losing 2-1 on aggregate despite another Sinclair goal.

As a result they entered the Globe Cup at the playoff round, and unusually there was an air of optimism about a Euran champion dropping out of the Champions Cup. Ulsa had won four titles from the last five; hot form. They drubbed Equestrians Ponyville United in this round, getting an away goal in a 1-1 draw in the first leg courtesy of Iuliu Zapatic. Goals from Dawkins, Nelson and Ashtree secured a 4-1 aggregate win at home. In the following qualifying round they faced Urbizania Wanderers of Astograth, surely a much sterner test. And yet they saw them off too, beating them 2-0 and 3-1 (an Ashtree brace and then goals by Ashtree again, Martin and Zapatic). Now Ulsa had reached the group stage, the first Euran team to do so for a few seasons.

They were drawn in Group K against the previously slain Ethaire FC, Liria Prizren of Mytannion and Qidade Savana of Jasiyun. On the final day of the group stage, Qidade Savana were already qualified; and Ulsa were facing down Liria on away turf with qualification at stake. Liria were two points ahead of them so winning was the only option. But the opposition were robust, and only a Chris Waller save from a penalty by the brilliant Matveyev had kept them in it. With the clock ticking down and the oppositions flexible 4-1-3-2 breaking down the Euran’s on the counter again and again, a bit of inspiration was needed to save Ulsa. It came rather dramatically through a Mytanar. Iuliu Zapatic chested down a back header by Sinclair at the edge of the box to send a driven volley past Wallinaar from 25 yards.

It was one of the most important goals in the history of the club. Onwards they went into the first knockout round, a round of thirty two, where they faced the stupidly named Arnold Bedsit Rovers of the more stupidly named country Miskatonic University. Both legs ended in 1-1 draws, the goal in the first leg by Zapatic, the goal in the second scored by Dawson. It went to penalties in the away leg, and despite Nelson missing the first penalty, Ulsa triumped as Waller saved Rover’s 4th and 5th efforts. The next round gave them a greater test against Bota Guerre, from Saugeais. A Euran team had never got further than this point, the Round of Sixteen in any UICA competition.

That all changed very quickly. Goals from Martin and Ashtree secured a 2-2 draw in the first leg, before Ulsa dominated Bota at home to win 3-1. The first two goals were unglorious efforts courtesy of Heath and Zapatic, but Sam Ashtree’s overhead kick in the 90th minute to seal the win was a goal to remember. The quarter finals beckoned and we were suddenly in unknown territory. But the next opponents, SC Oceanside, crumbled under the pressure losing 4-2 on aggregate, two goals apiece scored by Ashtree and Martin. Eura were now two games from the final.

They faced Four Bit Irregulars, another Miskatonic University side, in the semis. Ulsa edged them out in the first leg, recovering from an early 1-0 deficit to win 2-1 with goals from Sinclair and Davis. In the second leg FBI started well, scoring the early goal they needed, but when a deflected Sam Ashtree shot found the corner the tie was all but over and the crowd went wild as they realised their team would be playing for the Globe Cup. Zapatic, the hero of this cup run, sealed the deal with a terrific diving header in stoppage time.

Inexplicably, their opponents would be the team that took 15 points from 18 to top their group in the first round - Qidade Savana. They had beaten Ulsa 3-1 and 1-0 in that round, and predictably the Eurans wanted revenge. It started perfectly. In the first minute Gareth Dawkins floated a harmless cross over the box – or at least it looked harmless until Colin Nelson cracked the ball back across the six yard box on his left foot. The keeper managed to absorb the shot with his body but the ball dropped down to Nicky Martin on a platter, who dutifully finished it off as the crowd went wild at Sunrise Park in Burgess, The Inevitable Syndicate. Ulsa had scored after 53 seconds.

Qidade Savana, who beat Monfort Wanderes of the Licentian Islands in the semi-finals, looked distraught as they were played off the pitch in the first half. It was nothing less than a triumphant advert for Euran football; and it probably didn’t do any harm to Iuliu Zapatic’s chances of a Mytannion call up either. The killer goal came before half time as Zapatic, captain for the first time after Steve Thompson’s retirement, headed in from a corner to give Ulsa an unassailable lead, or so it seemed. The game was not over after all, and with 15 minutes left after an edgy second half Savana got a goal back, Chris Waller unable to stop a 20 yard screamer.

Yet with just a few minutes to go and Savana piling on the pressure, the golden moment came. Waller punched clear a corner and the ball fell to Dawson, who duly headed the ball forwards for Zapatic to control it with his feet. He ran forward a few yards before slipping the ball forward to Nicky Martin; the beginnings of a brilliant counter attack. Martin chipped the ball up to Craig Sinclair on the halfway line expecting the young wonderkid to try and run and play the ball into the corner, to waste time. Sinclair defied expectation and sprinted forward, taking on one defender, then another, before rifling the ball past the keeper from 25 yards to seal the victory. The fans went beserk, and as Zapatic and Davis lifted the trophy, even Ulsa’s biggest enemies throughout Eura had to nod in appreciation at what they had just done for the national game.

Remarkably, more success was to come in the Super Cup. Another Sinclair goal was enough to see off SBCC champions Kionao Loca from Turori in the first game. After the winners of the Champions Cup, Selyne City Athenians from the Northern Sunrise Islands, beat Kionao Loca they would face Ulsa for the Super Cup crown. The Athenians seemed exhausted after a long campaign while Ulsa were still surprisingly fresh, and despite conceding an early lead Ulsa triumphed thanks to a Martin penalty and a Zapatic free kick.

To add icing to the cake, they would go on to do well in to compete in the Copa de Campeones. Although they did not win it, they reached the semi-finals before being knocked out 1-6 on aggregate by eventual champions Royal Rumiatzi of Astograth. On the way there they avenged their Champions Cup defeat against Navel Sharks, before overcoming Julesk Paranaya’s old club Bugny FC, and even the Polarian champions FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls.

The Euran Football League
Recap on Season 14

Last year was a strange season indeed. The massive national stadium building programme was mostly completed during this period, meaning a lot of turbulence for some clubs – and it showed. Directus, who had finished on 89 points the season before in a record winning title win, suddenly slipped away managing a meagre 74 point tally, finishing 4th. Ulsa were champions once again, on goal difference with their 78 points equally by Bastion – the title race was, as it has often been in recent years, not decided until the final two matchdays. This time though, it was in a thoroughly less exciting fashion as the league seemed to reach a foregone conclusion. Ulsa had been by far the best team in the league and Bastion got quite lucky, and Ulsa’s quality showed as they went on to an outstanding Globe Cup and Super Cup double triumph.

Honeybadgers overachieved once again in reaching 5th, but it was another poor year for Revolutionaries as they finished a measly sixth. At the bottom Marketville were perhaps a bit unfortunate to go down, unlike Whitepill and Ulsa Rovers below them, while Usmer rode their luck above them to narrowly avoid relegation. Hornchurch looked comfortable in their first season back in the top flight, and look like they should press on this season. Coming up from the Silver League were Thagarnia (how they keep getting promoted, no-one can know), Oakstone back for a second pop at the top flight, and Workers Union making a welcome return after their slow death a year or two ago. The National Cup provided some deserved success for Spartangrad, as they recorded one of the biggest cup final thrashings in recent memory, smashing Holdenberg City 4-0.

In terms of individual performances, a few particular names stole the show. Sam Thomas had the best season of his career, finally winning the Golden Boot with his 30 league goals for Spartangrad. James Clarke of Liventia, Nicky Martin, Liam Carling and Bryn Thomas of Aels all had mini-goalscoring revivals while Ildar Patrelyak had an impressive debut season, netting 23 times for Directus in the league. Craig Sinclair had an outstanding season for Ulsa, Chris Waller confirmed his dominance as the best keeper in the country, Ryan Collins had his breakthrough season and Luar Dardan continued to thrill. But this time Dardan wasn’t the sole main attraction; rather, the more experienced Rhodri Evans was.

The former Farrenton Athletic midfielder had been patient in waiting for a move to a club like Spartangrad, and he took his chance. He scored 13 league goals and chalked up the most assists by any player, 26, the best pass completion rate in the league, 94%, and was named captain of the Team of the Year. Duly he was named International Player of the Season and the overall Player of the Season, making him likely the best foreign central midfielder in the country – rivalled possibly by Iuliu Zapatic, whose own brilliance became apparent with Ulsa’s UICA success. After a weird and wonderful season we are ready to go again for Season 15. Moreover Season 15 will follow a remarkable transfer window during which Gold League clubs exchanged over £224.65 million in transfer fees over primary transfers – an all-time high, though the record transfer fee of £35m for Lee Sharp from Directus to FC Mildrid was not quite broken.

Season 15 Buildup: Club by club

Manager: Alan Elroy (61, Eura)
Stadium: Bastion Arena (Bastion, 110,000)
Key players: Kondrat Istomin, Vinko Horvat, Daley Hart, Brian Marner, John Gomer, Joan Cruft, Jim Cotterill, Eye Barsa, Sam Needle, Skorji Oslograd, Bryn Thomas
In: Bryn Thomas (30, ST, Aels) from Farrenton Athletic for £11m.
Out: Sebastien Wilfstrand (28, RM, Polar Islandstates) to Resolute Storm 1913 for £5m.

Last season’s title win was deceivingly easy for Ulsa, but Bastion will still be distraught from losing out on goal difference, second best for the second year in a row. It’s been a far cry from their 7th place finish in Season 12 though, and they will hope to challenge for the title this year. Although Sebastien Wilfstrand’s longing for home nessecitated his departure, Bastion made a wise choice in bring in Bryn Thomas. Though he is 30, he is proven at this level and has been waiting for his break for a long time. In what will most likely be his final season, Sam Needle will most likely drop back into a wing role but will still be a key part of their title challenge. Their defence isn’t the strongest and their midfield could always be improved, but the attacking combination of Barsa, Needle, Cotterill, Oslograd and Thomas will hope to do impress. However, as the rest of the field improve, their squad is looking worryingly thin.

Last season’s finish: 2nd Predicted finish: 5th

Manager: Danny Granger (39, Eura)
Stadium: Old Ham Lane (Brigham, 76,409)
Key players: Martin Smith, Michael Adell, Nicholas Kerr, Barry Scott, Demi Arthur, Danny Sullivan, Volk Savanev, Liam Allen
In: Danny Sullivan (22, LAM, Eura) from Real Oakwood for £5m, Nicholas Kerr (33, LCB, Eura) from Hornchurch for £500k.
Out: Ryan King (21, AM, Eura) to Teva FC (United Gordonopia) for £20m.

Danny Granger has secured two good signings in the purchase of promising winger Danny Sullivan and experienced defensive stalwart Nicholas Kerr. However, losing their big trump card Ryan King for a £20m fee that had to be directed towards paying off debt – after getting him at a bargain of £2m the season before – was a sucker punch for the squad. Although they have done well to make something out of him, many seem to feel like he was their last bit of hope. Volk Savanev is past it, Demi Arthur isn’t all he was hyped up to be and while Liam Allen has been good since his £7.5m move from Real Oakwood, he hasn’t set the world on fire. It’s going to be another dull season for Brigham, barring an injury crisis sending them down.

Last season’s finish: 9th Predicted finish: 11th

Manager: Neil Knowles (60, Eura)
Stadium: Sharp Stadium (Built for this season to replace Weedon Bridge. Culpapy, 60,000.)
Key players: Carl Brommis, Nick Leather, Charlie Harris, Nile Samson, Chris Peters, Luke Hartnett, Michael Simpson
In: N/A
Out: Gareth Blackthorn (20, CDM/CM, Eura) to Revolutionaries for £23m.

On the face of it, one might think Culpapy United are mad. They took an offer they couldn’t refuse for wonderkid Gareth Blackthorn, a whopping £23m as Revolutionaries seek to rebuild their title winning credentials. Yet they haven’t spent any of it. At first glance this might seem strange, but Culpapy’s squad remains decent despite the departure of Blackthorn, while incoming youngsters Charlie Harris and Michael Simpson should give them a boost as they aim for a safe mid table finish.

Last season’s finish: 12th Predicted finish: 13th

Manager: Tom Benedict (44, Eura)
Stadium: Castle Road (Directus, 95,000)
Key players: Ryan Jones, Sergey Grzeskiewicz, Craig Gilbert, Michael Robertson, Claus Rijsbergen, Bill Riley, Glenn Anderson, Michael Brandon, Luar Dardan, Stanislav Navratil, Ildar Patrelyak
In: Luar Dardan (19, CAM, Astograth) from Lajuno for £31m, Stanislav Navratil (24, LM/CM, Mytannion) from Honeybadgers for £19.5m.
Out: James McCroft (36, RW, Eura) retired, Casper Constable (25, AM, Sameba) to Antiguoko FC (Astograth) for £6.5m, Derek Millson (18, CB, Eura) to Mâ Âlâmëómë (Farfadillis) on a season long loan.

Directus stumbled to the finish line a bit last season as they made it fairly comfortably into the Globe Cup positions. With club and national legend James McCroft retiring, Casper Constable gone and Claus Rijsbergen going worrying off the boil for Audioslavia, things were looking down in the offseason. But Ildar Patrelyak had a fine debut season as did youngster Craig Gilbert, Tom Benedict has delved into the club’s very deep pocket to splash out a combined £50.5m on two players whom he believes will change the fortunes of Directus. Luar Dardan has been a revelation for Lajuno for two seasons, and is widely tipped as the future star player of the Astograth national team.

He was scouted by dozens of clubs from Rushmore and further afield, but Directus took advantage of the Euran FA ‘Domestic First Option’ rule to get a bid in. Dardan was never going to refuse, and with Navratil finally promoted from the decent but not title winning side of Honeybadgers, Directus suddenly look even more formidable than one could’ve imagined six months ago. They will be serious title contenders, and perhaps more likely than the other teams to give Ulsa a run for their money.

Last season’s finish: 4th Predicted finish: 2nd

Manager: Reggie Yarmouth (37, Eura)
Stadium: Sandstone Ground (60,000)
Key players: Tony Grant, Levi Andetel, Adam Kemp, Aidan Jones, Jody Meredith, Robin Tykeman
In: N/A
Out: Harvey Dexter (34, LM, Eura) retired.

Falourr have been pretty under the radar this summer, and the only major change to their squad has been the loss of journeyman winger Harvey Dexter, who hung up his boots. Falourr face a tough challenge now in staying in the league – though they have two good young players who have come through the academy in Tony Grant and Robin Tykeman, and another from abroad in the form of Sameban Levi Andetel, their overall squad strength is weak. Jody Meredith needs to find form or they could be in trouble.

Last season’s finish: 10th Predicted finish: 15th

Manager: Craig Brandon (41, Eura)
Stadium: Stadion Pignorant (Farrenton, 70,000)
Key players: Gary Shudland, Ken Tongue, Tim Banner, Joe Robel, Gordon Barret.
In: N/A
Out: Sammy Knowles (33, LM, Eura) retired, Bryn Thomas (30, ST, Aels) to Bastion for £11m.

It’s safe to say that Farrenton are in trouble this season. They have had remarkable difficulty in obtaining any of the transfer targets they had, and the squad has only got weaker with the loss of Sammy Knowles to retirement. The unhappy state of Bryn Thomas came to light after he put in a transfer request and although Craig Brandon, who has only been in charge for six months, got a healthy fee for him, he hasn’t been able to spend any of it. Worst of all, they have no designated strikers. That’s right, none. This could be a bad season for Farrenton regardless of their 11th place finish last year, and they will do well to stay up.

Last season’s finish: 11th Predicted finish: 17th

Manager: Adam Jones (65, Eura)
Stadium: Benedict Lane (Holdenberg, 74,869)
Key players: Simon Neeson, Joe Caffin, Aaron Brandley, Joleon Carter, Odvlek Cario, Alexey Tatarchuk, Clive Mallardino, Adam Artel, Pablo Dohi, Geoff Day.
In: Alexey Tatarchuk (23, CM, Mytannion) from Atletik Thessia (Mytannion) for £12m, Adam Artel (31, CAM, Daera) from Ulsa Rovers for £750k, Clive Mallardino (33, CM, Sorthern Northland) from Revolutionaries for free.
Out: Jonny dos Santos (30, ST, Swartaz) to Brinemouth (New Sideburn) for £3m.

Holdenberg have had a good few years back in the top flight now and are enjoying their new found success. But business had to be done this summer to get themselves ready to improve next season. Jonny dos Santos has done a lot of good and scored a lot of goals for the club but his time was over now, and he was offload to Brinemouth in New Sideburn for £3m. They completed their big signing of the summer early on, bringing in promising Mytanar midfielder Alexey Tatarchuk for a big but potentially justifiable fee of £12m.

They also brought in veteran midfielders Mallardino and Artel in cheaply as a short term measure to shore up their midfield, easily the weakest part of their team – though with Odvlek Cario also ageing, long term replacements are needed. Pablo Dohi and Geoff Day will be a handful up front while their back line is solid – it’s going to be another good season for Holdenberg.

Last season’s finish: 8th Predicted finish: 7th

Manager: Alain Letetre (Cotadelpoms)
Stadium: Hafran Lane (Holdenberg, 63,590)
Key players: Revy Collison, Gideon Black, Alan Dabix, Darren Wood, Keith Rowland.
In: Gideon Black (30, CDM, Eura) from Whitepill for £1m.
Out: Mark Rogers (19, CB, Eura) to Revolutionaries for £6m.

Holdenberg City’s defence has been gutted again; last time it was Ryan Collins off to Honeybadgers, now it is young prospect Mark Rogers off to Revolutionaries who is leaving Hafran Lane. Their only signing of the summer was of mediocre defensive midfielder Gideon Black, and without many notable defenders City could really struggle this season. Luckily they do have two decent strikes in Darren Wood and Keith Rowland, while Alan Dabix is a handful in midfield and Revy Collison can always be relied upon in goal. They’ll stay up most likely, but they won’t survive again if they don’t change something next summer.

Last season’s finish: 16th Predicted finish: 16th

Manager: Wesley Adams (47, Eura)
Stadium: The Hive (Directus, 62,107)
Key players: Rick Connors, Alex Bashley, Ashley O'Brien, Ryan Collins, Jesus Reyes, Lee McKray, Steven Marshall, Kevin Colbert, Neil Cole, Guy Stamp, Michael Sarado.
In: Michael Sarado (18, ST, Sameba) from Samebus for £3.7m, Jesus Reyes (27, CB, Baokoiyo) from FC Villarondo (Baokoiyo) for £2.5m.
Out: Paul Fessner (36, ST, Eura) retired, Stanislav Navratil (24, LM/CM, Mytannion) to Directus for £19.5m.

It’s been a summer of mixed fortunes for Honeybadgers. On one hand they suffered loss; Paul Fessner finally retired after several seasons of good service and Guy Stamp suffered an injury that means his career is unlikely to last for more than another season, though he is already 34 anyway. Worst of all though was the perceived betrayal of Stanislav Navratil. The Mytanar midfielder, considered by many the club’s most promising player, switched to local rivals Directus for a big fee of £19.5m. On the other hand they have spent wisely, securing two bargain deals – highly promising Sameban striker Michael Sarado for just £3.7m, and Baokoiyo defender Jesus Reyes for even less, £2.5m. Though they will miss Navratil, they have some class players in their squad – particularly Collins, Marshall, Colbert and Stamp. They won’t repeat last season’s 5th, but they’ll do well.

Last season’s finish: 5th Predicted finish: 6th

Manager: Gordon Mevitt (36, Eura)
Stadium: Walter Avenue (Hornchurch, 56,392)
Key players: Ben Prince, Tim Small, Asey Vella, Fernando Valdez, Daniel Callorca, David Moore, Mikael Johannes, Fraser Vaughan, Blake Carter, Julius Carrera, Liam Carling
In: Daniel Callorca (21, LB, Baokoiyo) from Real Azpikara (Baokoiyo) for £3m.
Out: Nicholas Kerr (33, LCB, Eura) to Brigham for £500k.

The bounce back into the Gold League of young Gordon Mevitt’s side has been very impressive, and the fall and subsequent rise of Hornchurch looks set to continue this season. They offloaded deadweight in the form of Nicholas Kerr to bring in the very promising Baokoiyan left back Daniel Callorca. Little else has changed, but Hornchurch will want to push on from their first season back finish of 14th. They have a deadly front pairing of Julius Carrera and Liam Carling, a hardy defence backed by one of the best young keepers in the country (Ben Prince), and an experienced midfield that know each other well. Hornchurch will aim for a top half finish this season.

Last season’s finish: 14th Predicted finish: 9th

Manager: Mikelatz Mendialde (Astograth)
Stadium: Lansbury Road (Lajuno, 62,000)
Key players: Loren Arambel, Tomas Svensen, Alan Fotheringham, Declan Hosking, Andrew Watson, David Ormondhall, Steve Norman, Craig Harper, Richard Lockhart, James Clarke
In: Thomas Svensen (23, RB, Mytannion) from 1.FFC Turbine Decraa (Mytannion) for £7m.
Out: Luar Dardan (19, CAM, Astograth) to Directus for £31m.

Dardan has gone, and with him has gone much of Lajuno’s self-confidence and belief. His breakthrough justified the whole Astograthian mantra of Mikelatz Mendialde’s reign, and characterised his belief in youth. With his exit goes their key player, and key supplier of James Clarke’s goals – how much the Liventian will suffer without Dardan behind him is unknown, but statistically it could be as much as 15 goals a season. However, it’s not all bad. While they couldn’t replace Dardan, the £31m windfall is a massive profit on the miniscule fee Dardan was purchased for which will enable them to make big signings next summer. It also meant they could make a big signing this summer. They finally solved their right back problem by bringing in Thomas Svensen, a highly rated Mytanar right back, for £7m.

Last season’s finish: 7th Predicted finish: 8th

Manager: Dan Carroll (39, Eura)
Stadium: West Park Avenue (Mayville, 41,000)
Key players: Tim Kelly, Matt Maher, Guy Kerry, Ascot Sanders, Miroslav Janda, Daniel Albert, John Mattinson.
In: John Mattinson (24, ST, Daera) from Whitepill for £2m, Tim Kelley (30, GK, Saer) from Marketville for £2m, Ascot Sanders (32, LM, Civil Citizenry) from Revolutionaries for £1.5m.
Out: N/A

Mayville Town had one objective before this season. That objective was to strengthen their squad significantly to allow them to stay in the Gold League comfortably rather than bumping along just above the relegation zone, though to be fair last season they did shoot up to 13th. To some extent, they have been successful. They’ve signed a young alternative striking option to Albert and Janda, John Mattinson, a promising Daeran. They’ve also signed experienced keeper Tim Kelley, and the somewhat less talented than he used to be Ascot Sanders, once one of the star players of a title winning Revolutionaries team. They’ve simultaneously managed to hold on to their two key players, Matt Maher and Miroslav Janda. Things are looking up for Mayville Town, and they will be expecting to survive this season.

Last season’s finish: 13th Predicted finish: 14th

Manager: Gareth Red (46, Eura)
Stadium: The Oak House (Oakstone, 82,402)
Key players: Richie Wallins, Rob Bell, Mitchell Mowbry, Simon Gould.
In: Simon Gould (27, CF, Eura) from Marketville for £1.5m.
Out: N/A

Oakstone have a massive fanbase, a massive stadium and a great reputation as a good footballing club. However they haven’t made all that many signings and given Simon Gould’s injury record, you have to say that they look like prime candidates for relegation.

Last season’s finish: 2nd in Silver League Predicted finish: 19th

Manager: Michael Brand (50, Eura)
Stadium: Barrigan Stadium (Sullivan, 58,505)
Key players: Reece Coleman, Stuart Albright, Graham Redmond, Stan Graham, Charlie Fuller, James Lafferton.
In: N/A
Out: Danny Sullivan (22, LAM, Eura) to Brigham for £5m.

Michael Brand, the man who lead Revolutionaries to consecutive titles, is doing a good job at Real Oakwood. He just about guided them to safety last season, but hasn’t strengthened the squad over the summer and lost a key player in Danny Sullivan, ironically leaving the city that shares his name. Their team might be strong on paper, but I fancy their luck to run out this season.

Last season’s finish: 15th Predicted finish: 18th

Manager: Lucas Morton (44, Eura)
Stadium: Sasky Rising Memorial Stadium (Brigham, 107,000)
Key players: Ross Ramsden, Nick Feeney, Eamon Power, Mark Rogers, Niels Kruse, Kieran Kane, John Spartan, Gareth Blackthorn, Gabi, Simon Xavier, James Brecon
In: Mark Rogers (19, CB, Eura) from Holdenberg City for £6m, Niels Kruse (19, LB, Polar Islandstates) from East Franz Athletic for £7m, Gabi (20, CM/W, Kytler Peninsulae) from AFC Edencliff (Kytler Peninsulae) for £7m, Gareth Blackthorn (20, CDM/CM, Eura) from Culpapy United for £23m.
Out: Dean Wickens (35, LB, Kytler Peninsulae) retired, Kyle Cooper (30, CB, Eura) to Echegoyan FC (Astograth) for £10m, Clive Mallardino (33, CM, Sorthern Northland) to Holdenberg for free, Ascot Sanders (32, LM, Civil Citizenry) to Mayville Town for £1.5m.

Lucas Morton very nearly lost his job last year after a poor finish of 6th place. But this year could see the return of Revolutionaries, who have rapidly addressed the ongoing decline of their side. The summer started badly with the loss of Kyle Cooper who left for Astograth, while the retirement of Dean Wickens further weakened their defence. They began their rebuilding project by offloading ageing deadweight who had been more useful in the increasingly distant glory days; Clive Mallardino and Ascot Sanders both left for other Gold League teams. They now had gaps everywhere on the pitch, which they sought to plug by getting the cheque book out.

First to come in was a replacement for Kyle Cooper, the extremely promising Holdenberg City centre back Mark Rogers. Next in would be a replacement for Dean Wickens; another young recruit, Polarian Under 21 international Niels Kruse, foolishly discarded by East Franz Athletic for a paltry £7m. Revolutionaries dipped into the overseas market again for another winger to replace Sanders (and serve as a long term replacement for Kane), spending another £7m on Kytler Peninsulae starlet Gabi. The big signing of their summer though would be Gareth Blackthorn, who made a difficult decision to leave his boyhood club, who received a massive £23m fee.

Their team suddenly looks entirely different; young and refreshed, with their only real weakness being a not exactly world class front line. Regardless, they will challenge for the title this season and the midfield pairing of John Spartan and Gareth Blackthorn is a mouth-watering prospect. However these youngsters may take time to gel, so they are certainly not title favourites.

Last season’s finish: 6th Predicted finish: 4th

Manager: Clark Robinson (49, Eura)
Stadium: Olympic Stadium (Spartangrad, 104,773)
Key players: Vincent James, Weylon Churchilli, Alexsandr Lyngstrad, Grant Townsend, Alexandr Savitskiy, Mikhael van Germ, Kimi Houberg, Rhodri Evans, Mike Adams, Sam Thomas, Chad Parsons
Out: George Bowler (35, CB, Liventia) retired.

Long term captain and fans favourite George Bowler has hung up his boots to go and continue his management career in Liventia, but otherwise Spartangrad have only got stronger. They made two clever summer signings to replace Bowler and fill their hole at left back. It’s a tale of two Alex’s – attacking Mytanar wingback Savitskiy, bought to complement the similarly styled Euran Weylon Churchilli on the right, and powerful Polarian centreback Lyngstrad. Spartangrad have quite a good side but one suspects either Directus or Revolutionaries will leapfrop them, though with Player of the Year Rhodri Evans and Golden Boot winner Sam Thomas in their lineup, they will surely contend for honours. They will also hope to defend their National Cup title.

Last season’s finish: 3rd Predicted finish: 3rd

Manager: Leon Swann (35, Eura)
Stadium: Thagarnia Bowl (Thagarnia, 40,394)
Key players: Gavin Madison, Robert Maughan, Frank Cardle
In: N/A
Out: N/A

Thagarnia had a summer of zero transfer activity and, as it seems happens every time they get promoted, they look set to go back down again. How they won the Silver League is beyond me.

Last season’s finish: 1st in Silver League Predicted finish: 20th

Manager: Albert Osman (62, Eura)
Stadium: Troutbridge (Ulsa, 97,460)
Key players: Chris Waller, Gareth Dawkins, Lyle Heath, Andy Davis, Lukasz Urfstadt, Craig Sinclair, Luis Aldardo, Iuliu Zapatic, Clive Dawson, Colin Nelson, Nicky Martin, Sam Ashtree.
In: Luis Aldardo (22, CDM, Sameba) from Aspel for £8m, Lukasz Urfstadt (19, LB, Polar Islandstates) from Red Star Severny (Polar Islandstates) for £7.4m.
Out: Paco León Nolasco (35, CM, Aguazul) retired.

What an incredible season Ulsa had last time out. They won the title more comfortably than their points tally suggested, but more importantly they shocked the world with an incredible Globe Cup victory, before winning the Super Cup and performing well in the CdC. Lo and behold, their team is back in the country, and now it’s even stronger. Nolasco has been replaced with promising Sameban holding midfielder Luis Aldardo, while Lukasz Urfstadt (nephew of the famous Polarian international will be hoping to make an impact after moving to Ulsa from Red Star. Not much else needs to be said really. Obviously Ulsa are title favourites – wonderkid Craig Sinclair, goalkeeper Chris Waller and captain Iuliu Zapatic are likely to be the stars of this campaign as Ulsa aim to make it a historic four titles in five seasons.

Last season’s finish: 1st Predicted finish: 1st

Manager: Ted Onions (40, Eura)
Stadium: Ludvik Ring (Usmer, 69,492)
Key players: Roman Ayebler, Gary Prior, Paavo Wuopio, Marko Dreher, Suleyman von Rossen, Matthew Steel, Berardo do Luca, Dan Brooks, Alperen de Kleijn, Ben Robinson.
In: Roman Ayebler (22, GK, Sameba) from AD Golan for £1m, Marko Dreher (21, CB, Mytannion) from Spartak Nalchik (Mytannion) for £4m, Gary Prior (23, RCB, Eura) from Ulsa Rovers for £3m.
Out: Antonio Marino (34, GK, Erathore) retired.

Usmer underperformed big time last season, and Ted Onions was very lucky to keep his job. But he has strengthened the team in the summer; he replaced the retiring Antonio Marino with Sameban Roman Ayebler before signing two good young defenders in Marko Dreher and Gary Prior. They should finish comfortably mid-table this season now their defence has been sorted out. Ben Robinson, an up and coming youngster, might also prove a useful asset up front.

Last season’s finish: 17th Predicted finish: 10th

Manager: Lewis Hussey (Eura, 57)
Stadium: Workers Athletic Achievement Stadia for Make Benefit of People (Callodown, 80,000)
Key players: Fabio Quella, Ed Hill, Spencer Greenwood, Bernd Gloeckner, Mason Oliver, Nick Ward
In: Fabio Quella (18, RWB, Sameba) from Storfan for £400k, Mason Oliver (27, AM, Eura) from AFC Mayville for £2m, Bernd Gloeckner (21, CM, Eura/Mytanar joint citizen) signed on a free transfer.
Out: N/A

Workers Union are back, and somewhat unsurprisingly are the strongest of the three promoted sides and will be expected to aim for mid table. Maybe this is ambitious, but with a host of young talent and some wise signings made already who knows? What’s more, their infamously named stadium has received one of the biggest expansions of the stadium program – from 30,000 to 80,00 – has turned the already noisy atmosphere into one of international repute.

Last season’s finish: 3rd in Silver League Predicted finish: 12th

Endemia Cup III

Association Guide

BLA - Blaestrom - 1 spot for league champion
CRO - Croydumb - 1 spot for league champion
DAE - Daera - 1 spot for league champion
EUR - Eura - 1 spot for league champion, 1 for domestic cup winner
FER - Ferguson Islands - 1 spot for Ferg Shield winner
HOE - Holy Eura - 1 spot for league champion
INI - Inisgarve - 1 spot for Maelpoolmor
ISL - Isolaverde - 1 spot for league champion, 1 for domestic cup winner
ITO - Itor - 1 spot for league champion
NEW - New Hackney - 1 spot for league champion
SAM - Sameba 1 spot for league champion, 1 for domestic cup winner
YNS - Ynsybell - 1 spot for Ffermdir

The 16th spot goes to the team which wins the jointly held association cup of Daera, New Hackney, Itor and Croydumb. If said winner is also a league champion, the place defaults to the runner up/next placed team who is not a league champion.

Entrance Round

(CRO) Thornton City 2 – 2 Maelpoolmor (INI) 1-0 1-2 (AET), 2-1 pens
(ITO) Blueway United 4 – 2 CS Sobornorst (ISL) 3-2 1-0
(ISL) Lectro 2 – 4 Rivet (SAM) 2-1 0-3
(FER) Kulk 1 – 8 Spartangrad (EUR) 1-5 0-3
(BLA) FK Byenbater 1 – 4 Eastice (DAE) 0-1 1-3
(SAM) Aspel 3 – 2 Capital Kingsland (NEW) 2-2 1-0
(YNS) Ffermdir 0 – 5 Ulsa (EUR) 0-2 0-3
(HOE) Athletic Vaticca 0 – 2 Port Haven Athletic (ITO) 0-1 0-1

Quarter Finals

(CRO) Thornton City 2 – 1 Blueway United (ITO) 2-0 0-1
(SAM) Rivet 2 – 1 Ulsa (EUR) 1-0 1-1
(DAE) Eastice 2 – 4 Aspel (SAM) 1-1 1-3
(EUR) Spartangrad 5 – 2 Port Haven Athletic (ITO) 3-0 2-2

Semi Finals

(CRO) Thornton City 1 – 2 Rivet (SAM) 0-2 1-0
(SAM) Aspel 3 – 2 Spartangrad (EUR) 1-2 2-0


(SAM) Rivet 4 – 1 Aspel (SAM)


Charity Shield XV

ULSA – 5
Ashtree 14
Heath 49
Zapatic 60
Martin 67
Sinclair 80

Savitskiy 10
Houberg 37
Thomas 75, 86

Fans were treated to a thriller in Bastion as a tired looking Ulsa side still managed to score five against an attack minded Spartangrad. Last season’s National Cup champions got off to a great start when Mytanar left wingback Alexandr Savitskiy scored his first goal for the club, curling the ball past Chris Waller from 20 yards. Ulsa quickly struck back through Sam Ashtree, who volleyed home from 10 yards after getting on the end of a Sinclair cross. A scrappy but exciting first half would end with Spartangrad ahead thanks to a Kimi Houberg free kick.

The second half was less scrappy and the goals began to flow, for one team in particular. Ulsa levelled quickly from a corner as Lyle Heath headed in before Iuliu Zapatic drove the ball into the corner to make it 3-2. Nicky Martin then put them in a nigh unassailable position with a terrifc half volley in the 67th minute. Spartangrad were not done yet though, and Sam Thomas pulled them a goal back with a headed effort. But before he could score again, this time with a left footed finessed shot, Craig Sinclair had already put the game to bed with a clever placed shot from a tight angle.


Euran Football League 15

Gold League Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Directus 38 26 6 6 99 36 +63 84 Champions + CC + CdC + Endemia Cup
2 Ulsa 38 24 8 6 87 50 +37 80 Globe Cup
3 Bastion 38 23 7 8 91 50 +41 76 Globe Cup Cygnus Cup
4 Spartangrad 38 21 6 11 93 49 +44 69 Globe Cup
5 Revolutionaries 38 19 9 10 76 48 +28 66
6 Lajuno 38 17 7 14 58 48 +10 58
7 Honeybadgers 38 15 9 14 67 59 +8 54
8 Hornchurch 38 15 7 16 56 76 -20 52
9 Holdenberg 38 13 12 13 48 52 -4 51
10 Usmer 38 14 9 15 49 63 -14 51
11 Brigham 38 13 11 14 40 38 +2 50
12 Culpapy United 38 12 12 14 41 48 -7 48
13 Workers Union 38 14 6 18 56 64 -8 48
14 Falourr 38 12 12 14 43 58 -15 48
15 Mayville Town 38 14 5 19 63 66 -3 47
16 Oakstone 38 13 7 18 38 69 -31 46
17 Holdenberg City 38 12 5 21 59 80 -21 41
18 Real Oakwood 38 9 11 18 43 62 -19 38 Relegation
19 Farrenton Athletic 38 9 5 24 41 83 -42 32 Relegation
20 Thagarnia 38 2 12 24 31 80 -49 18 Relegation

Silver League Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 AFC Mayville 38 22 6 10 54 35 +19 72 Promotion SBCC
2 Mountainside 38 19 9 10 54 30 +24 66 Promotion SBCC
3 Suttonville 38 19 7 12 51 37 +14 64 Promotion SBCC
4 Callodown Rovers 38 16 13 9 46 31 +15 61 SBCC
5 Whitepill 38 17 9 12 40 31 +9 60
6 Dashturnbein 38 17 9 12 48 42 +6 60
7 Dartmoor 38 15 13 10 43 33 +10 58
8 Sword City 38 14 16 8 40 33 +7 58
9 Ulsa Rovers 38 17 6 15 38 26 +12 57
10 Bastion Lions 38 16 9 13 47 37 +10 57
11 Arrowsmith 38 16 8 14 41 43 -2 56
12 Marketville 38 14 12 12 39 37 +2 54
13 Stona United 38 14 12 12 43 42 +1 54
14 New Harkdown 38 12 10 16 29 40 -11 46
15 Nukon 38 12 9 17 39 40 -1 45
16 West End Athletic 38 10 14 14 33 42 -9 44
17 Carsby 38 8 11 19 37 52 -15 35
18 Cockville 38 8 11 19 30 50 -20 35 Relegation
19 Dudsbury 38 8 10 20 25 53 -28 34 Relegation
20 Shawaddywaddy 38 5 8 25 26 69 -43 23 Relegation

Bronze League Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Trollbridge 38 18 12 8 38 28 +10 66 Promotion
2 Hammersbridge 38 19 8 11 42 35 +7 65 Promotion
3 Pashter United 38 17 11 10 43 26 +17 62 Promotion
4 Royals Athletic 38 14 16 8 47 38 +9 58
5 Old Boys Club 38 16 10 12 42 37 +5 58
6 Charleston 38 16 9 13 45 39 +6 57
7 Heinden United 38 14 14 10 38 35 +3 56
8 Gosting 38 16 7 15 42 35 +7 55
9 Farenborn 38 13 13 12 42 37 +5 52
10 Foxhampton 38 14 10 14 43 42 +1 52
11 Moors 38 12 14 12 38 35 +3 50
12 Singleton 38 14 8 16 34 45 -11 50
13 Argyle 38 12 13 13 32 42 -10 49
14 Chafey Wood 38 14 6 18 36 45 -9 48
15 Swifton 38 12 10 16 38 41 -3 46
16 Bungkhok 38 11 12 15 31 31 +0 45
17 EFS 38 11 10 17 36 43 -7 43
18 Chetcooking 38 11 9 18 33 35 -2 42 Relegation
19 Karkland Athletic 38 10 10 18 31 50 -19 40 Relegation
20 Clifton Villa 38 7 16 15 26 38 -12 37 Relegation


National Cup 15


Oslograd 30
Needle 90

Savanev miss pen 64

All Cup Rounds and Results

Code: Select all
First Round
Whitepill 1-0 Shawaddy (1-0 agg)

Walsh Athletic 1-2 Callodown Rovers (1-2 agg)

Highcross 1-2 Wackersville United (1-2 agg)

Chafey Wood 1-0 Parkerstone AFC (1-0 agg)

Chetcooking United 0-0 Semensample Athletic (1-0 AET, 1-0 agg)

Moors 5-0 Schleef (5-0 agg)

Curlel Rovers 2-0 Sharkweek (2-0 agg)

Mayville Town 1-0 Braddock (1-0 agg)

Lamrington United 0-2 EFS (0-2 agg)

St Johns 2-1 Weatherfield (2-1 agg)

Duley Town  1-5 Usmer (1-5 agg)

Barbero Waterlooville 2-1 Bannanarama (2-1 agg)

West Trinity 1-2 AFC Mayville  (1-2 agg)

James Brown Town 1-1 Trustaloopa  (1-1 AET, 1-1 agg, 1-3 PKs)

Oakstone 1-0 Ulsa Rovers (1-0 agg)

Nukon 2-2 Trollbridge (2-2 AET, 2-2 agg, 1-2 PKs)

The Old Boys Club 1-0 Mereside (1-0 agg)

Actongold 1-2 Bignews (1-2 agg)

Jumbuck 4-0 Bradbury Athletic  (4-0 agg)

Pinholt 1-2 Arrowsmith (1-2 agg)

Ulsa 3-1 Bastion Lions (3-1 agg)

Singleton  0-5 Directus (0-5 agg)

Hornchurch  2-0 Jackson Borough (2-0 agg)

Taylorhill Town 0-1 Royals Athletic (0-1 agg)

Croxford 1-3 Spartangrad (1-3 agg)

Karkland Athletic 1-1 Walkers Industries FC (1-1 AET, 1-1 agg, 1-0 PKs)

Workers Union 2-0 Junoa (2-0 agg)

Dashturnbein 0-4 Puthill Rovers (0-4 agg)

Notten Wharf 1-1 Honeybadgers (1-3 AET, 1-3 agg)

Starrod Town 0-1 Wackersville (0-1 agg)

Argyle 0-2 Real Oakwood (0-2 agg)

Brigham  2-0 Pashter United (2-0 agg)

Oldgate Town 2-3 Bungkhok  (2-3 agg)

Norton Rovers 0-4 Dartmoor (0-4 agg)

Mountainside 1-2 Lajuno  (1-2 agg)

Pebbles Island FC 1-1 Melton Heath (1-2 AET, 1-2 agg)

Alfton Villa 1-0 Holdenburg  (1-0 agg)

Harleys Park 0-1 Cockville  (0-1 agg)

Holdenburg City  3-0 Rohan (3-0 agg)

Charleston  0-2 Mereside Twatters (0-2 agg)

St Peters 0-1 Cotewood Town (0-1 agg)

Bastion 6-0 Nobberham Rovers (6-0 agg)

Thagarnia  2-0 Abbey Green (2-0 agg)

Hammersbridge 2-0 Republicans AFC (2-0 agg)

Euxton Villa 3-0 Wewt (3-0 agg)

Hodgson FC 1-0 Sword City (1-0 agg)

Cuba Hola 0-1 Falleyforth (0-1 agg)

Durden 1-2 Chetcooking (1-2 agg)

Dudsbury 0-1 Falourr  (0-1 agg)

Cockfosters Town 0-3 New Harkdown (0-3 agg)

Waterloo 1-0 South Park (1-0 agg)

Foxhampton 2-0 Christperch (2-0 agg)

Swifton 2-0 Lungzon Rovers (2-0 agg)

Clifton Villa 1-2 Farrenton Athletic (1-2 agg)

Revolutionaries 4-0 Stigtopia  (4-0 agg)

Ciaolla 3-1 Culpapy United (3-1 agg)

Baines United 1-3 Marketville (1-3 agg)

Alfton Town 0-1 Suttonville (0-1 agg)

Maid Cross 0-4 Heinden United  (0-4 agg)

Farenborn 2-0 Norcross United (2-0 agg)

West End Athletic 1-2 Alpervale (1-2 agg)

Carsby 2-2 Gosting (2-2 AET, 2-2 agg, 2-3 PKs)

Katterby Town 2-1 East Trinity (2-1 agg)

Stona United 2-1 Badgerdon (2-1 agg)

Second Round
Waterloo 3-0 Ciaolla (3-0 agg)

Curlel Rovers 0-1 Dartmoor (0-1 agg)

Spartangrad 2-1 Bignews (2-1 agg)

Barbero Waterlooville 0-5 Usmer (0-5 agg)

EFS 0-1 AFC Mayville  (0-1 agg)

Alpervale 2-3 Swifton (2-3 agg)

Farenborn 0-3 Holdenburg City  (0-3 agg)

Chafey Wood 2-3 Falourr  (2-3 agg)

Euxton Villa 0-2 Cotewood Town (0-2 agg)

The Old Boys Club 0-1 Marketville (0-1 agg)

Mayville Town 1-0 Moors (1-0 agg)

Foxhampton 0-2 Lajuno  (0-2 agg)

Workers Union 5-2 Karkland Athletic (5-2 agg)

Chetcooking 0-3 Stona United (0-3 agg)

Callodown Rovers 2-0 Puthill Rovers (2-0 agg)

Hodgson FC 1-6 Oakstone (1-6 agg)

Honeybadgers 5-0 Katterby Town (5-0 agg)

Hammersbridge 1-1 Jumbuck (1-1 AET, 1-1 agg, 5-4 PKs)

Gosting 0-2 Ulsa (0-2 agg)

Falleyforth 0-3 Royals Athletic (0-3 agg)

Bastion 4-1 Heinden United  (4-1 agg)

New Harkdown 0-3 Directus (0-3 agg)

Trollbridge 0-1 Brigham  (0-1 agg)

Mereside Twatters 1-1 Wackersville (1-2 AET, 1-2 agg)

Trustaloopa  1-0 Bungkhok  (1-0 agg)

St Johns 0-2 Thagarnia  (0-2 agg)

Farrenton Athletic 2-0 Chetcooking United (2-0 agg)

Cockville  1-0 Suttonville (1-0 agg)

Real Oakwood 1-0 Melton Heath (1-0 agg)

Whitepill 4-1 Wackersville United (4-1 agg)

Hornchurch  2-0 Arrowsmith (2-0 agg)

Alfton Villa 0-4 Revolutionaries (0-4 agg)

Third Round
Spartangrad 3-2 Whitepill (3-2 agg)

Honeybadgers 3-1 Wackersville (3-1 agg)

Falourr  1-0 Cotewood Town (1-0 agg)

Cockville  0-2 Lajuno  (0-2 agg)

Callodown Rovers 1-0 Royals Athletic (1-0 agg)

Thagarnia  4-4 Trustaloopa  (4-4 AET, 4-4 agg, 1-3 PKs)

Mayville Town 2-2 Revolutionaries (3-2 AET, 3-2 agg)

Brigham  2-1 Hammersbridge (2-1 agg)

Directus 0-1 Swifton (0-1 agg)

Ulsa 3-0 AFC Mayville  (3-0 agg)

Marketville 0-1 Usmer (0-1 agg)

Oakstone 5-0 Waterloo (5-0 agg)

Stona United 1-2 Bastion (1-2 agg)

Farrenton Athletic 2-2 Workers Union (2-3 AET, 2-3 agg)

Hornchurch  1-1 Holdenburg City  (2-1 AET, 2-1 agg)

Dartmoor 0-1 Real Oakwood (0-1 agg)

Fourth Round
Oakstone 1-4 Lajuno  (1-4 agg)

Callodown Rovers 0-2 Ulsa (0-2 agg)

Brigham  1-0 Mayville Town (1-0 agg)

Usmer 0-1 Honeybadgers (0-1 agg)

Trustaloopa  1-2 Hornchurch  (1-2 agg)

Workers Union 2-1 Swifton (2-1 agg)

Bastion 2-1 Real Oakwood (2-1 agg)

Spartangrad 3-1 Falourr  (3-1 agg)

Quarter Finals
Spartangrad 2-2 Workers Union (2-2 AET, 2-2 agg, 2-3 PKs)

Brigham  1-0 Hornchurch  (1-0 agg)

Bastion 4-2 Honeybadgers (4-2 agg)

Lajuno  2-2 Ulsa (2-2 AET, 2-2 agg, 3-1 PKs)

Semi Finals
Workers Union 0-1 Bastion (0-1 agg)

Lajuno  0-2 Brigham  (0-2 agg)

Bastion 2-0 Brigham  (2-0 agg)

Season 15 Review

Top Scorers

Code: Select all
Ildar Patrelyak (Directus) – 29
Sam Thomas (Spartangrad) – 28
Skorji Oslograd (Bastion) – 26
James Clarke (Lajuno) – 23
Nicky Martin (Ulsa) – 22
Sam Ashtree (Ulsa) – 22
Luar Dardan (Directus) – 22
Bryn Thomas (Bastion) – 20
Julius Carrera (Hornchurch) – 19
Guy Stamp (Honeybadgers) – 18
James Brecon (Revolutionaries) – 18
Craig Sinclair (Ulsa) – 17
Miroslav Janda (Mayville Town) – 17
Liam Carling (Hornchurch) – 17
Sam Needle (Bastion) – 17
Geoff Day (Holdenberg) – 16
Keith Rowland (Holdenberg City) – 16
Liam Allen (Brigham) – 16
John Mattinson (Mayville Town) – 15
Kieran Kane (Revolutionaries) – 15
Simon Xavier (Revolutionaries) – 14
Jody Meredith (Falourr) – 14
Pablo Dohi (Holdenberg) – 14
Charlie Fuller (Real Oakwood) – 13
Darren Wood (Holdenberg City) – 13
John Mallard (Farrenton Athletic) – 13
Mike Adams (Spartangrad) – 13
Iuliu Zapatic (Ulsa) – 12
Chad Parsons (Spartangrad) – 12
Nick Ward (Workers Union) – 12
Simon Gould (Oakstone) – 12
Eye Barsa (Bastion) – 12
Luke Hartnett (Culpapy United) – 12
Stanislav Navratil (Directus) – 12
James Lafferton (Real Oakwood) – 12
Dan Brooks (Usmer) – 12
Ben Robinson (Usmer) – 11
Daniel Albert (Mayville Town) – 11
Michael Sarado (Honeybadgers) – 11
Spencer Greenwood (Workers Union) – 10
Rhodri Evans (Spartangrad) – 10
Joe Robel (Farrenton Athletic) – 10
John Spartan (Revolutionaries) – 10
Frank Cardle (Thagarnia) – 10
Rob Bell (Oakstone) – 10
Glenn Anderson (Directus) – 9
Alperen de Kleijn (Usmer) – 9
Mason Oliver (Workers Union) – 9
Berardo do Luca (Usmer) – 9
Alan Dabix (Holdenberg City) – 9
Richard Lockhart (Lajuno) – 9
Alexandr Savitskiy (Spartangrad) – 8
Ascot Sanders (Mayville Town) – 8
Michael Simpson (Culpapy United) – 8
Bill Riley (Directus) – 8
Alexey Tatarchuk (Holdenberg) – 8
Neil Cole (Honeybadgers) – 8
Mitchell Mowbry (Oakstone) – 8 
Craig Harper (Lajuno) – 8
Gabi (Revolutionaries) – 7
Ryan Collins (Honeybadgers) – 7
Robin Tykeman (Falourr) – 7
Volk Savanev (Brigham) – 7
Aidan Jones (Falourr) – 7
Gordon Barret (Farrenton Athletic) – 7
Gareth Blackthorn (Revolutionaries) – 6
Mikhael Johannes (Hornchurch) – 6
Steven Marshall (Honeybadgers) – 6
Danny Sullivan (Brigham) – 6
Michael Brandon (Directus) – 6
Gavin Madison (Thagarnia) – 6
Weylon Churchilli (Spartangrad) – 6
Chris Peters (Culpapy United) – 5
Jim Cotterill (Bastion) – 5
Kevin Colbert (Honeybadgers) – 5
Alexsandr Lyngstrad (Spartangrad) – 5
Bernd Gloeckner (Workers Union) – 5


Code: Select all
Craig Sinclair (Ulsa) – 20
Rhodri Evans (Spartangrad) – 19
Luar Dardan (Directus) – 19
Stanislav Navratil (Directus) – 18
Iuliu Zapatic (Ulsa) – 17
Eye Barsa (Bastion) – 16
John Spartan (Revolutionaries) – 16
Glenn Anderson (Directus) – 15
Pablo Dohi (Holdenberg) – 14
Charlie Fuller (Real Oakwood) – 14
Miroslav Janda (Mayville Town) – 14
Colin Nelson (Ulsa) – 14
Spencer Greenwood (Workers Union) – 14
Bill Riley (Directus) – 13
Dan Brooks (Usmer) – 13
Steven Marshall (Honeybadgers) – 13
Alan Dabix (Holdenberg City) – 13
Nile Samson (Culpapy United) – 13
Joan Cruft (Bastion) – 12
Gareth Blackthorn (Revolutionaries) – 12
Mike Adams (Spartangrad) – 12
Rob Bell (Oakstone) – 12 
Neil Cole (Honeybadgers) – 12
Alexey Tatarchuk (Holdenberg) – 11
Julius Carrera (Hornchurch) – 11
Mason Oliver (Workers Union) – 11
James Clarke (Lajuno) – 11
Craig Harper (Lajuno) – 11 
Kieran Kane (Revolutionaries) – 11
Gabi (Revolutionaries) – 10
Chad Parsons (Spartangrad) – 10
Guy Kerry (Mayville Town) – 10
Joe Robel (Farrenton Athletic) – 10
Darren Wood (Holdenberg City) – 10
Ildar Patrelyak (Directus) – 10
Blake Carter (Hornchurch) – 10

Pass Completion

Code: Select all
Gareth Blackthorn (Revolutionaries) – 89%
Iuliu Zapatic (Ulsa) – 88%
Craig Sinclair (Ulsa) – 87%
Glenn Anderson (Directus) – 87%
Luis Aldardo (Ulsa) – 87%
Sam Thomas (Spartangrad) – 86%
John Spartan (Revolutionaries) – 86%
Nick Feeney (Revolutionaries) – 85%
Alexey Tatarchuk (Holdenberg) – 85%
Michael Brandon (Directus) – 85%
Rhodri Evans (Spartangrad) – 84%
Rob Bell (Oakstone) – 84%
Michael Robertson (Directus) – 84%
Kevin Colbert (Honeybadgers) – 84%
Nile Samson (Culpapy United) – 83%
Lyle Heath (Ulsa) – 83%
Mark Rogers (Revolutionaries) – 83%
Alan Dabix (Holdenberg City) – 83%
Demi Arthur (Brigham) – 82%
Luar Dardan (Directus) – 82%
Joan Cruft (Bastion) – 82%
Niels Kruse (Revolutionaries) – 82%
Marko Dreher (Usmer) – 82% 
Declan Hosking (Lajuno) – 81%
Tim Banner (Farrenton Athletic) – 81%
Eamon Power (Revolutionaries) – 81%
Grant Townsend (Spartangrad) – 80%
Eye Barsa (Bastion) – 80%
Gavin Madison (Thagarnia) – 80%

Tackles per game

Code: Select all
Michael Robertson (Directus) – 10.34
Lyle Heath (Ulsa) – 9.91
Ryan Collins (Honeybadgers) – 9.50
Niels Kruse (Revolutionaries) – 9.17
Mark Rogers (Revolutionaries) – 9.15
Craig Gilbert (Directus) – 9.12
Tomas Svensen (Lajuno) – 9.09
Claus Rijsbergen (Directus) – 9.07
Alexsandr Lyngstrad (Spartangrad) – 8.80
Michael Adell (Brigham) – 8.81
Gavin Madison (Thagarnia) – 8.72
Nick Feeney (Revolutionaries) – 8.65
Lukasz Urfstadt (Ulsa) – 8.50
Aaron Brandley (Holdenberg) – 8.23
Gary Prior (Usmer) – 8.19
Demi Arthur (Brigham) – 8.00
Brian Marner (Bastion) – 7.95
Rob Bell (Oakstone) – 7.73
Marko Dreher (Usmer) – 7.50

Key Players - Team by Team

BASTION – Skorji Oslograd (27, ST, Eura) 36 games, 26 goals, 5 assists, 72% passing and 2.60 tackles.
BRIGHAM – Liam Allen (22, CF, Eura) 34 games, 16 goals, 7 assists, 65% passing and 3.90 tackles.
CULPAPY UNITED – Nile Samson (29, CM, Eura) 38 games, 4 goals, 13 assists, 83% passing and 5.05 tackles.
DIRECTUS – Luar Dardan (19, CAM, Astograth) 35 games, 22 goals, 19 assists, 82% passing and 1.45 tackles.
FALOURR – Jody Meredith (28, ST, Saer) 32 games, 14 goals, 4 assists, 71% passing and 2.00 tackles.
FARRENTON ATHLETIC – Joe Robel (21, CM/CAM, Eura) 37 games, 10 goals, 10 assists, 74% passing and 4.87 tackles.
HOLDENBERG – Alexey Tatarchuk (23, CM, Mytannion) 35 games, 8 goals, 11 assists, 85% passing and 5.51 tackles.
HOLDENBERG CITY – Alan Dabix (20, CM, Sameba) 38 games, 9 goals, 13 assists, 83% passing and 6.90 tackles.
HONEYBADGERS – Ryan Collins (27, CB, Eura) 38 games, 7 goals, 4 assists, 79% passing and 9.50 tackles.
HORNCHURCH – Julius Carrera (23, ST, Sameba) 36 games, 19 goals, 11 assists, 60% passing and 1.30 tackles.
LAJUNO – James Clarke (29, CF, Liventia) 38 games, 23 goals, 11 assists, 52% passing and 1.89 tackles.
MAYVILLE TOWN – Miroslav Janda (24, LW, Mytannion) 34 games, 17 goals, 14 assists, 69% passing and 2.32 tackles.
OAKSTONE – Rob Bell (19, CM, Eura) 38 games, 10 goals, 12 assists, 84% passing and 7.73 tackles.
REAL OAKWOOD – Charlie Fuller (25, AM, Eura) 29 games, 13 goals, 14 assists, 73% passing and 2.10 tackles.
REVOLUTIONARIES – John Spartan (20, CM/CAM, Eura) – 33 games, 10 goals, 16 assists, 86% passing and 6.39 tackles.
SPARTANGRAD – Sam Thomas (29, CF, Eura) – 38 games, 28 goals, 9 assists, 78% passing and 3.50 tackles.
THAGARNIA – Gavin Madison (20, CB, Eura) – 38 games, 6 goals, 1 assist, 80% passing and 8.72 tackles.
ULSA – Craig Sinclair (18, LW/RW/ST, Eura) – 34 games, 17 goals, 20 assists, 87% passing and 4.21 tackles.
USMER – Dan Brooks (26, RW, Eura) – 35 games, 12 goals, 13 assists, 65% passing and 3.29 tackles.
WORKERS UNION – Spencer Greenwood (22, RM, Eura) – 30 games, 10 goals, 14 assists, 69% passing and 5.20 tackles.

Euran Football Association Annual League Awards

EFA Golden Boot

Ildar Patrelyak (Mytannion, Directus) – 29
Sam Thomas (Eura, Spartangrad) – 28
Skorji Oslograd (Eura, Bastion) – 26
James Clarke (Liventia, Lajuno) – 23
Nicky Martin (Eura, Ulsa) – 22
Sam Ashtree (Eura, Ulsa) – 22
Luar Dardan (Astograth, Directus) – 22

Best Signing of the Year

Mark Rogers (Eura, Revolutionaries, cost £6m)
Alexandr Savitskiy (Mytannion, Spartangrad, cost £4.5m)
Bryn Thomas (Aels, Bastion, cost £11m)

Best Newcomer of the Season

Alexey Tatarchuk (Mytannion, Holdenberg)
Gabi (Kytler Peninsulae, Revolutionaries)
Alexsandr Lyngstrad (Polar Islandstates, Spartangrad)

Goalkeeper of the Season

Martin Smith (Eura, Brigham)
Loren Arambel (Astograth, Lajuno)
Chris Waller (Eura, Ulsa)

Defender of the Season

Michael Robertson (Eura, Directus)
Lyle Heath (Eura, Ulsa)
Ryan Collins (Eura, Honeybadgers)

Midfielder of the Season

Luar Dardan (Astograth, Directus)
Craig Sinclair (Eura, Ulsa)
Rhodri Evans (Aels, Spartangrad)

Forward of the Season

Ildar Patrelyak (Mytannion, Directus)
Sam Thomas (Eura, Spartangrad)
Skorji Oslograd (Eura, Bastion)

International Player of the Season

Luar Dardan (Astograth, Directus)
Ildar Patrelyak (Mytannion, Directus)
Rhodri Evans (Aels, Spartangrad)

Young Player of the Season

Craig Sinclair (18, Eura, Ulsa)
Mark Rogers (19, Eura, Revolutionaries)
John Spartan (20, Eura, Revolutionaries)

Player of the Season

Luar Dardan (Astograth, Directus)
Ildar Patrelyak (Mytannion, Directus)
Craig Sinclair (Eura, Ulsa)

Gold League XI

GK – Martin Smith (Eura, Brigham)
DF – Nick Feeney (Eura, Revolutionaries)
DF – Michael Robertson (Eura, Directus)
DF – Lyle Heath (Eura, Ulsa)
DF – Niels Kruse (Polar Islandstates, Revolutionaries)
MF – Craig Sinclair (Eura, Ulsa)
MF – Luar Dardan (Astograth, Directus)
MF – Rhodri Evans (Aels, Spartangrad)
MF – Stanislav Navratil (Mytannion, Directus)
FW – Ildar Patrelyak (Mytannion, Directus)
FW – Sam Thomas (Eura, Spartangrad)


GK – Loren Arambel (Astograth, Lajuno)
DF – Ryan Collins (Eura, Honeybadgers)
DF – Mark Rogers (Eura, Revolutionaries)
MF – Iuliu Zapatic (Mytannion, Ulsa)
MF – John Spartan (Eura, Revolutionaries)
FW – Skorji Oslograd (Eura, Bastion)
FW – James Clarke (Liventia, Lajuno)
United Federation of Eura - Sporting achievements
Champions: WC66, WC73, CR23, CR27, CR34, CoH 85, Market Cup I, Next Generation Trophy, Gold Medal (Mens Football) Olympics IX
Runner up: WC60, WC72, WC78, CR16, CR20, CR32, CR44, CoH51, COH79
Host: CR24, CR37, BoF60, CR Under 21's and Under 17's

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Posts: 29
Founded: Aug 31, 2012

Postby Chun-nan » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:46 pm

As of this

Chun-nan (CHU) entries
Campionato Esportivano di Campeones: Quaoning Guoan, Guangshae Shenhua, National University, Xiaoyu Blades
Heritage Cup: Junfan Evergrande, Hang Pning Shide
This is Chun-nan. A puppet of Northern Sunrise Islands!

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Posts: 119
Founded: May 20, 2012

Postby Kitsunia-Deesse » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:15 pm

As per this glorious kitsunian link,

Kitsunia-Deesse (KDE) entries
Champions' Cup: Caen [Olympique Caenne]
(Youth Club: Petit Caenne)
Globe Cup: Fortune [AJ Fortune], Doctrice [Olympique Doctriville], Sioux [Olympique Siouxe]
Serie B Champions' Cup: Tigne [AJ Tigne], Bordy [Athletique Bordóise], Pays-de-Bolles [FC Pays-de-Bolles], Lorient [Athletique Lorient]
Copa de Campeones: Caen [Olympique Caenne]
Heritage Cup: Modague [FC Modagesque], Armée [Armée de la Déesse]
<Farf> rack
<Farf> luck
<Farf> duck
<Farf> snuck
<Farf> f*ck
<NSI> You forgot buck
<Farf> nuh-uck
All-Kitsune Puppet of Northern Sunrise Islands.

A Gaelic Football Invitational Champion
Global Cup of Soccer I Champion

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Posts: 4877
Founded: Aug 11, 2007

Postby Taeshan » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:16 pm



Taeshan All-Stars 0-1 United Gordonopia All-Stars
Scorinated by Virabia

Call it what you want but the third Edition of the Bendy trophy game was not that exciting. I'm not just saying that because of the loss for the home side, but the game was a defensive duel. The final score shows it all. The now not only higher ranked on the club side, but higher ranked in the National team world Gordonopian's came into the game with a swagger and proved in the end that they deserved to do so.

There was nothing that Joe Jackson could have done to stop the early goal for the Gordonopia All-Stars. For the final 65 minutes that he played (coming out at the 69th due to the 70th minute sub rule) he played brilliantly as did his opposite number Jay Neuman of the top Gordonopian team FC Deska. The goal came from the nice looking young forward on the Jonathan Turner of FC Gordonopia who plays for the same squad that Taeshani Jeremiah Longwaters plays for. It wasn't the greatest goal of all, but it counted.

So after the Gordonopian goal 4 minutes in the home side had to play from behind. The crowd in New Capetown Memorial stadium was behind them, but they away side had a technical skill and a passing prowess that the thrown together home side could not counter. The men in the Blue and Gray of Taeshan did not have enough left by the time the second half started that when all the subs came in the sluggish play continued.

The player of the game was the first United Gordonopian to win, and that was their first half Goalie Jay Neuman. The Gordonopians one the title and took the Bendy trophy for the first time. As for what the home fans thought "It was a disgrace," and "Was that even football," echoed from some of the interviews i had.

The good news is that the countries and the football associations continue to build a great alliance for the future. With the hard times coming for the national team and the league as a whole its great to have a country you can count on to at least beat you up. A season from now we can have a chance to win the trophy back. And just remember everyone, 2 out of 3 is not that bad.
Last edited by Taeshan on Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Champions - Copa Rushmori 22, Cup of Harmony 35, Di Bradini Cup 19, World Baseball Classic 13, Gridiron World Championships (World Bowl 0), World Bowl 34, World Lacrosse Championship 2

World Cup Qualifications-41, 44, 46, 59, 61(RoS), 62(Quarterfinals), 63 (RoS), 64 (Quarterfinals), 83, 84 (RoS), 85, 87

Hosts-Cup of Harmony 55, Copa Rushmori 14, Sporting World Cup 10,
Quidditch World Cup 10, World Cup of Hockey 41, World Cup 87

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United Gordonopia
Posts: 4029
Founded: Aug 04, 2008

Postby United Gordonopia » Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:28 pm


Gordonopia Premier League
2022 GPL Preview

After little more than a decade, Gordonopia is undisputedly a global football contender. Two world cup qualifications, including a semi-final run. The number two league in the world. On both the national and club level, Gordonopia has exceeded all expectations for a nation so new to the scene. That doesn't mean Gordonopian football, and the GPL in particular, can't get better. The high profile signings and quality play will make matches all the better, and with the eyes of the world now on the GPL, we had best live up to the reputation. It doesn't hurt that there's still one more spot to drive for.

One thing sure to shake up the season is the entry of the first New Gordonopian players, both through signings and the Woodward Townsmen winning promotion into the GPL. Atlantian Oceanian-based fans may be familiar with the colony through its participation in recent AOCAF and AOCL competitions, while Gordonopians have come to know a few through their mainland National Team callups.

Around Gordonopia and the world, fans are gearing up for the GPL with expectations that couldn't be higher.

Featured Club

Basin Plain
When Kaje Football began to falter, FC Deska was left as the lone superpower in a rapidly rising GPL. Over the past few years, Basin Plain has filled the void. Starting with a 2018 regular season title and culminating in a tremendous double last season, the Basin has effectively transformed itself into a club to be feared both domestically and internationally. 'The Rivermon', early 20th century slang for the river boatmen who plied their trade along the Danbar River and who formed the club in the first place, have built their strength off of young talent from Gordonopia and abroad, including a pair of strong signings dating back to the Baptism of Fire hosted in Gordonopia. Though the team is somewhat defensive focused, it is not nearly the 'wall' that their current contender is famous for, and the team has produced several offensive standouts.

Imperial Guardian Pre-Season Power Rankings

1. Basin Plain
2. FC Deska
3. Teva FC
4. West Tolten
5. Tolven
6. Gordonopia FC
7. Kaje Football
8. Reinheim Metro
9. Union Holiday
10. Woodward Townsmen
11. VfB Deska Sud
12. Willingham AC
13. Fusba United
14. Reichsburg FC
15. Iron Harbor SC
16. Latimere Unites
17. Harbor Football
If you ever have an RPing question, please TG me about it.
Also Known as Kazmr

Host: Baptism of Fire 51, 53
Third Place: Cup of Harmony 56
Semi-Finalist: World Cup 63

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United Gordonopia
Posts: 4029
Founded: Aug 04, 2008

Postby United Gordonopia » Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:25 am



From the famous GG Sports studio, Gordonopian Games is thrilled to release UICA 50 in anticipation of UICA's upcoming half-century.

Once again, every competing team in all UICA competitions will be featured, including the youth squads. That means more leagues, more clubs, and more action than any other competition.

The most popular features return from previous editions of UICA, including the ongoing, online ladder tournaments and free play mode, as well as game mechanics such as GG Sports' famous 20-player multiplayer, bolstering the ranks of football-gaming's core modes.

A new feature in the game is the 'Legacy' create a club mode. Players form a club which begins in the second-level league of their choice. After playing through a season in that league, they will hopefully have qualified for the Series B Champions' Cup and earned promotion. Following the SBCC, the new team can be played in the chosen nation's top league for as many cycles as they wish, including UICA competitions and featuring promotion and relegation between the top two levels.

Another focus of this years edition was to create the most realistic experience possible. In order to accomplish this, designers attended matches around the globe so that they could capture the atmosphere, chants, and look of the various teams' stadiums in the tournament.

As part of our partnership with Series B teams in particular, we have featured last season's winner, Kionao Locals (TUR), on the cover. Kionao is a historic club which currently holds the record for most promotions to the Stellar Division in Vilita. They have won the SBCC twice in their clubs history, their greatest accomplishment, but have also been runner up in the Vilitan Cup twice. Look for them and their talented roster, including Danie Izmao and the Gibbons brothers, in the top flight this season.

Once again, all players listed on a Series B roster have been shipped a free copy of the game and a Titan game console with special edition markings. As has become our gift to the incredible teams of the SBCC, all teams will receive an additional 10% cut of profits on copies of the game sold in their home market, on top of any previous licensing fees.

Gordonopian Games... Your Game, Your World
Last edited by United Gordonopia on Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
If you ever have an RPing question, please TG me about it.
Also Known as Kazmr

Host: Baptism of Fire 51, 53
Third Place: Cup of Harmony 56
Semi-Finalist: World Cup 63

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New Sideburn
Posts: 612
Founded: Feb 01, 2012

Postby New Sideburn » Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:54 am


Maximum Rovers 3-0 Brinemouth
Maximum City 0-2 North Laithland
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-2 Parrhesia United
Iron City 1-1 Raging Fire Hares
AFC Integabad 1-0 AFC Raven River
Goodfeather FC 4-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Franchise FC 1-1 Sabrefell Athletic
Crisisbless 1-0 Sabrefell Moths
Cranequin Wanderers 0-0 South Laithland
Corvette Maulers 2-0 Southfell United
Brookford Otters 0-0 AFC Treason
Violence Chariots 0-1 Valkyrja Hawks

Rhagant goes down 4-0 to Goodfeather, while there is apathy at the top of the table as Treason are shut out by Brookford and Sabrefell Athletic are subjected to a humiliating 1-1 draw against Franchise. Crisisbless not only score against the Moths, but ultimately win, and capping off a remarkable week North Laithland beat Maximum City and Brinemouth are crushed by the Rovers, 3-0. Athletic can at least take heart from one thing; James Turnscrew was injured in training, and will be out for at least a month... former North Dubstep goalkeeper Joscelyn Kay takes the position.

Brinemouth 1-0 Maximum City
Maximum Rovers 4-1 Leopolis Hatemongers
North Laithland 3-1 Iron City
Parrhesia United 1-1 AFC Integabad
Raging Fire Hares 0-1 Goodfeather FC
AFC Raven River 0-0 Franchise FC
Rhagant Schadenfreude 0-0 Crisisbless
Sabrefell Athletic 2-2 Cranequin Wanderers
Sabrefell Moths 2-0 Corvette Maulers
South Laithland 3-0 Brookford Otters
Southfell United 3-1 Violence Chariots
AFC Treason 1-0 Valkyrja Hawks

While Maximum City loses again and Rovers win again, Franchise secures a draw against Raven River. Athletic draws again, and Treason win to capitalise. Crisisbless can score against 329’s champions, but apparently not against Rhagant. Goodfeather clamber further to safety, planting a foot on Raging Fire’s head 1-0.

Leopolis Hatemongers 1-2 Brinemouth
Iron City 1-1 Maximum City
AFC Integabad 1-3 Maximum Rovers
Goodfeather FC 2-2 North Laithland
Franchise FC 3-2 Parrhesia United
Crisisbless 2-0 Raging Fire Hares
Cranequin Wanderers 1-0 AFC Raven River
Corvette Maulers 0-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Brookford Otters 1-0 Sabrefell Athletic
Violence Chariots 3-1 Sabrefell Moths
Valkyrja Hawks 1-0 South Laithland
AFC Treason 1-3 Southfell United

A week of upsets; both major Sabrefell teams and Treason lose to weaker teams, North Laithland’s held two-all by Goodfeather, Franchise beat Parrhesia narrowly, 3-2, and Crisisbless score two goals.

Brinemouth 3-0 Iron City
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-1 AFC Integabad
Maximum City 2-0 Goodfeather FC
Maximum Rovers 0-0 Franchise FC
North Laithland 0-1 Crisisbless
Parrhesia United 1-0 Cranequin Wanderers
Raging Fire Hares 2-0 Corvette Maulers
AFC Raven River 1-2 Brookford Otters
Rhagant Schadenfreude 1-3 Violence Chariots
Sabrefell Athletic 2-1 Valkyrja Hawks
Sabrefell Moths 2-1 AFC Treason
South Laithland 3-1 Southfell United

A dour, grindy and desperate Integristan derby leaves Leopolis deprived of valuable points; Crisisbless are determined to impress and triumph over North Laithland. Franchise shut out Maximum Rovers, allowing City to capitalise and beat Goodfeather. Meanwhile, the Moths defeat Treason at home in a close contest, getting one step closer to UICA and allowing their Athletic rivals some hope.

AFC Integabad 0-3 Brinemouth
Goodfeather FC 2-1 Iron City
Franchise FC 0-3 Leopolis Hatemongers
Crisisbless 1-0 Maximum City
Cranequin Wanderers 0-3 Maximum Rovers
Corvette Maulers 0-2 North Laithland
Brookford Otters 1-1 Parrhesia United
Violence Chariots 1-0 Raging Fire Hares
Valkyrja Hawks 0-3 AFC Raven River
AFC Treason 4-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude
Southfell United 1-4 Sabrefell Athletic
South Laithland 2-3 Sabrefell Moths

Crisisbless are determined to stop failing, defeating Maximum City 1-0, as Leopolis obliterate Franchise. Brinemouth enjoy a convincing victory over Rhagant, while Sabrefell Athletic obliterate Southfell and are outdone by Treason’s 4-0 mutilation of Rhagant.

Vermillion Rage 1-1 Orbital Bombardment
AFC Shale 2-0 Chenoworth Harriers
Fenland Albion 0-2 AFC Rochford
Creed United 2-0 Martella Jazz
Haymaker United 1-1 AFC Hackett
Ox River United 2-1 Crisisbless United
North Dubstep 2-1 Chenoworth Rovers
Crossroads Town 1-0 Newrook Democracy
Forge Carpenters 1-2 Dubstep Rangers
Leicard Crimewave 2-0 Iron United
Mainstream Fist 0-0 Locksley Petty Theft
Anslow Medication 1-1 Corby Hubris
Orbital Bombardment 1-0 AFC Shale
Vermillion Rage 4-2 Fenland Albion
Chenoworth Harriers 3-1 Creed United
AFC Rochford 1-0 Haymaker United
Martella Jazz 1-1 Ox River United
AFC Hackett 0-0 North Dubstep
Crisisbless United 2-0 Crossroads Town
Chenoworth Rovers 0-0 Forge Carpenters
Newrook Democracy 1-3 Leicard Crimewave
Dubstep Rangers 2-1 Mainstream Fist
Iron United 2-1 Anslow Medication
Locksley Petty Theft 3-0 Corby Hubris
Fenland Albion 0-1 Orbital Bombardment
Creed United 0-1 AFC Shale
Haymaker United 2-3 Vermillion Rage
Ox River United 1-0 Chenoworth Harriers
North Dubstep 1-0 AFC Rochford
Crossroads Town 1-3 Martella Jazz
Forge Carpenters 0-0 AFC Hackett
Leicard Crimewave 0-0 Crisisbless United
Mainstream Fist 1-2 Chenoworth Rovers
Anslow Medication 0-2 Newrook Democracy
Corby Hubris 2-3 Dubstep Rangers
Locksley Petty Theft 2-1 Iron United
Orbital Bombardment 1-2 Creed United
Fenland Albion 1-0 Haymaker United
AFC Shale 0-1 Ox River United
Vermillion Rage 2-2 North Dubstep
Chenoworth Harriers 2-0 Crossroads Town
AFC Rochford 1-0 Forge Carpenters
Martella Jazz 4-2 Leicard Crimewave
AFC Hackett 0-2 Mainstream Fist
Crisisbless United 3-3 Anslow Medication
Chenoworth Rovers 1-0 Corby Hubris
Newrook Democracy 5-0 Locksley Petty Theft
Dubstep Rangers 0-1 Iron United
Haymaker United 2-0 Orbital Bombardment
Ox River United 3-2 Creed United
North Dubstep 1-0 Fenland Albion
Crossroads Town 4-0 AFC Shale
Forge Carpenters 0-1 Vermillion Rage
Leicard Crimewave 1-1 Chenoworth Harriers
Mainstream Fist 1-0 AFC Rochford
Anslow Medication 1-1 Martella Jazz
Corby Hubris 1-1 AFC Hackett
Locksley Petty Theft 1-2 Crisisbless United
Iron United 0-2 Chenoworth Rovers
Dubstep Rangers 1-0 Newrook Democracy
Reckdale Town 4-3 Sandrock Artillery
Cranequin City 1-1 AFC Starling
AFC Greymouth 0-0 Sakusa Rathians
Gridlock Rovers 0-1 AFC Sheridan
Strephonage 1-0 East Laithland Harriers
Haymaker Town 1-1 Ritter Town
Stamper Road 1-0 AFC Steak
Chatswood 1-0 West Shotgun Turtles
Rushe United 0-1 Falston-on-Ceynes United
AFC Bishop 0-2 Cypher Town
Geoff United 1-0 North Sabrefell
Inner-East Fairywrens 1-0 West Brinemouth
Sandrock Artillery 0-0 Cranequin City
Reckdale Town 0-2 AFC Greymouth
AFC Starling 2-0 Gridlock Rovers
Sakusa Rathians 2-2 Strephonage
AFC Sheridan 1-2 Haymaker Town
East Laithland Harriers 1-1 Stamper Road
Ritter Town 2-0 Chatswood
AFC Steak 2-1 Rushe United
West Shotgun Turtles 1-0 AFC Bishop
Falston-on-Ceynes United 2-0 Geoff United
Cypher Town 3-2 Inner-East Fairywrens
North Sabrefell 0-0 West Brinemouth
AFC Greymouth 1-1 Sandrock Artillery
Gridlock Rovers 0-1 Cranequin City
Strephonage 2-0 Reckdale Town
Haymaker Town 1-3 AFC Starling
Stamper Road 2-0 Sakusa Rathians
Chatswood 2-0 AFC Sheridan
Rushe United 2-4 East Laithland Harriers
AFC Bishop 2-0 Ritter Town
Geoff United 1-1 AFC Steak
Inner-East Fairywrens 0-2 West Shotgun Turtles
West Brinemouth 1-0 Falston-on-Ceynes United
North Sabrefell 1-3 Cypher Town
Sandrock Artillery 0-2 Gridlock Rovers
AFC Greymouth 1-1 Strephonage
Cranequin City 2-0 Haymaker Town
Reckdale Town 1-1 Stamper Road
AFC Starling 3-2 Chatswood
Sakusa Rathians 0-1 Rushe United
AFC Sheridan 0-2 AFC Bishop
East Laithland Harriers 0-2 Geoff United
Ritter Town 1-1 Inner-East Fairywrens
AFC Steak 0-1 West Brinemouth
West Shotgun Turtles 0-1 North Sabrefell
Falston-on-Ceynes United 2-0 Cypher Town
Strephonage 1-1 Sandrock Artillery
Haymaker Town 3-0 Gridlock Rovers
Stamper Road 0-1 AFC Greymouth
Chatswood 2-0 Cranequin City
Rushe United 1-1 Reckdale Town
AFC Bishop 2-4 AFC Starling
Geoff United 0-0 Sakusa Rathians
Inner-East Fairywrens 0-1 AFC Sheridan
West Brinemouth 1-1 East Laithland Harriers
North Sabrefell 1-2 Ritter Town
Cypher Town 0-0 AFC Steak
Falston-on-Ceynes United 0-1 West Shotgun Turtles

Team                        P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 AFC Treason 40 26 8 6 75 33 +42 86
2 Sabrefell Athletic 40 24 7 9 68 38 +30 79
3 Brinemouth 40 21 14 5 58 29 +29 77

4 Sabrefell Moths 40 22 8 10 67 38 +29 74
5 North Laithland 40 21 9 10 49 27 +22 72
6 Maximum Rovers 40 19 10 11 57 41 +16 67
7 Maximum City 40 19 9 12 54 35 +19 66
8 Violence Chariots 40 17 10 13 51 42 +9 61
9 Crisisbless 40 16 12 12 38 33 +5 60
10 Cranequin Wanderers 40 16 8 16 35 40 -5 56
11 Brookford Otters 40 14 11 15 36 41 -5 53
12 Valkyrja Hawks 40 15 8 17 44 50 -6 53
13 South Laithland 40 14 11 15 47 56 -9 53
14 Parrhesia United 40 11 18 11 55 50 +5 51
15 Southfell United 40 14 9 17 54 57 -3 51
16 AFC Raven River 40 13 11 16 49 45 +4 50
17 AFC Integabad 40 12 11 17 44 53 -9 47
18 Iron City 40 12 11 17 32 49 -17 47
19 Corvette Maulers 40 13 7 20 36 63 -27 46
20 Goodfeather FC 40 11 12 17 51 67 -16 45
21 Leopolis Hatemongers 40 9 10 21 36 59 -23 37
22 Raging Fire Hares 40 5 14 21 21 47 -26 29
23 Rhagant Schadenfreude 40 4 14 22 21 50 -29 26
24 Franchise FC 40 3 16 21 32 67 -35 25

22 - Tara Lockdown (TRE)
21 - Leyland Stallion (SFA)
18 - Daniel Canady (MXR), Bruce Payne (TRE)
16 - Jonny dos Santos (BRI)
15 - Leigh Fletcher (MXR), Molly Keynes (NLA), Nikita Reeve (RVR), Rudolf Blake (SFU)
21 - Kieron Riordan (NLA)
20 - Phillip Strummer (CRI)
18 - Albert von Specta (BRI)
17 - Troy Ross (MXR), Wilhelm Urquhart (SFA)
16 - James Turnscrew (TRE)

Treason are holding off Athletic by a fairly comfortable seven points and twelve GD, and have all the winning elements of last season in full gear. Athletic haven’t been able to recover their early form. Brinemouth’s star-studded team has surged to third with Jonny dos Santos leading the line; behind them, the Moths, with Rook Cathar picking up in much-needed form. North Laithland uncharacteristically have the best defence in the league; Maximum City, uncharacteristically, do not, while Maximum Rovers stand between them.

Violence have a foot in the top three, with a significantly better attack than Crisisbless, who have stopped failing miserably and have resorted to mediocrity. the Cranequin Wanderers have a … sparse offence, but Bonny Sherry’s reserved her best form for her last season. On 53 points, Brookford have recovered from earlier failures, Valkyrja have restabilised from early successes, and South Laithland are just mediocre.

Parrhesia are held back by their refusal to not draw, though it’s a historical precedent and one they’ve done worse than before; they’d need to draw all further games to equal their own league record of 24. Southfell are visibly suffering from the lack of Leyland Stallion, while Raven River have been very forgettable for the last few matches. Integabad, Iron City, Corvette and Goodfeather stand 17th to 20th, and a long way from danger.

Leopolis are praying really hard that Vermillion retain their place in the top four of the First Division, everyone else is more or less doomed.

Team                       P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Dubstep Rangers 40 26 3 11 57 32 +25 81
2 Vermillion Rage 40 21 10 9 79 53 +26 73
3 AFC Rochford 40 20 10 10 50 37 +13 70
4 Chenoworth Rovers 40 18 15 7 45 27 +18 69

5 Crisisbless United 40 17 13 10 53 44 +9 64
6 AFC Shale 40 18 9 13 39 29 +10 63
7 Locksley Petty Theft 40 18 9 13 53 48 +5 63
8 Orbital Bombardment 40 15 13 12 33 31 +2 58
9 Crossroads Town 40 17 6 17 44 52 -8 57
10 Newrook Democracy 40 17 5 18 61 53 +8 56
11 Martella Jazz 40 14 14 12 52 54 -2 56
12 Iron United 40 16 7 17 29 34 -5 55
13 Corby Hubris 40 15 9 16 44 47 -3 54
14 Leicard Crimewave 40 12 17 11 32 28 +4 53
15 Mainstream Fist 40 15 6 19 36 34 +2 51
16 Ox River United 40 13 11 16 36 43 -7 50
17 North Dubstep 40 13 10 17 43 45 -2 49
18 Chenoworth Harriers 40 11 15 14 36 38 -2 48
19 Forge Carpenters 40 12 11 17 29 43 -14 47
20 AFC Hackett 40 9 16 15 47 56 -9 43
21 Haymaker United 40 10 10 20 39 46 -7 40
22 Anslow Medication 40 8 14 18 33 52 -19 38
23 Fenland Albion 40 10 8 22 31 50 -19 38
24 Creed United 40 9 11 20 32 57 -25 38

It’s tight at the … okay, no, everything’s pretty much resolved. It would take the Rovers spectacularly failing for them to drop out of promotion, while Hackett’s the only team with a real chance of failure. Leicard have officially scored more goals than two other teams.

Team                           P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Ritter Town 40 23 9 8 58 34 +24 78
2 Chatswood 40 20 8 12 57 39 +18 68
3 AFC Starling 40 19 9 12 55 37 +18 66
4 West Brinemouth 40 18 12 10 39 24 +15 66

5 Geoff United 40 18 11 11 52 40 +12 65
6 Falston-on-Ceynes United 40 16 14 10 42 30 +12 62
7 West Shotgun Turtles 40 17 10 13 45 29 +16 61
8 Cranequin City 40 16 12 12 42 44 -2 60
9 Rushe United 40 17 8 15 47 46 +1 59
10 North Sabrefell 40 16 10 14 53 44 +9 58
11 AFC Bishop 40 14 13 13 47 40 +7 55
12 Gridlock Rovers 40 14 10 16 37 51 -14 52
13 Strephonage 40 12 15 13 43 48 -5 51
14 Cypher Town 40 12 14 14 49 47 +2 50
15 East Laithland Harriers 40 12 11 17 39 45 -6 47
16 AFC Sheridan 40 12 11 17 28 39 -11 47
17 Reckdale Town 40 12 11 17 43 63 -20 47
18 AFC Steak 40 11 13 16 42 42 +0 46
19 Sandrock Artillery 40 10 16 14 31 36 -5 46
20 Haymaker Town 40 12 10 18 45 58 -13 46
21 AFC Greymouth 40 10 15 15 34 43 -9 45
22 Inner-East Fairywrens 40 10 14 16 35 44 -9 44
23 Sakusa Rathians 40 11 9 20 34 60 -26 42
24 Stamper Road 40 8 15 17 35 49 -14 39

Sakusa have imploded as Greymouth pulls themselves clear; there is no longer a clear break in the middle of the table as all structure collapses. Ritter are ten points clear, Rushe are more or less out of the running for promotion.

Third-Place Final
Parrhesia United 2-1 Violence Chariots

Southfell United 1-6 AFC Treason
Last edited by New Sideburn on Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
The old ways were best!

Original nation behind Nephara. New Sideburn now symbolises an ideal, rather than a nation.

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Posts: 246
Founded: Sep 25, 2011
Father Knows Best State

Postby Ossidiacqua » Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:47 am

A-Liga Standings
Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 CA Conquistadores 38 20 8 10 90 46 +44 68
2 AS Débardeurs Nationale 38 19 11 8 56 24 +32 68
3 Condensadores CD 38 19 10 9 86 51 +35 67
4 Qolo-Qolo 38 20 6 12 79 61 +18 66
5 Caballeros CF 38 20 6 12 80 56 +24 66
6 Olimpico Oasi SS 38 16 12 10 37 37 +0 60
7 Clube Cobreloa 38 16 11 11 31 23 +8 59
8 CD Cerro Nero Aglaura 38 17 7 14 49 48 +1 58
9 RC de Mallerosa 38 15 10 13 49 47 +2 55
10 Unión Gimignano CF 38 15 9 14 50 62 -12 54
11 Internazionale 38 14 9 15 46 55 -9 51
12 CD Parquisteres 38 15 6 17 39 43 -4 51
13 Unione Industriali CF 38 14 7 17 42 57 -15 49
14 RCD San Marco 38 14 6 18 48 66 -18 48
15 SS Clube Vortice 38 12 7 19 55 73 -18 43
16 Juventud di Campenza 38 11 10 17 43 53 -10 43
17 Académica di Terrabianco 38 10 12 16 48 59 -11 42
18 Clube Esporte de Penthesilea 38 12 5 21 27 39 -12 41
19 Citta de Montevento 38 11 7 20 39 61 -22 40
20 Magisterio AC 38 5 11 22 26 59 -33 26

CAMPIOCINATO CHAMPIONS: CA Conquistadores (70th title)

B-Liga Standings
Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Mineros di Collindiana FC 38 24 9 5 49 23 +26 81
2 Atletico Sant'Elia 38 21 10 7 60 34 +26 73
3 AS Universidad Tecnico 38 16 12 10 51 42 +9 60
4 Berenice-Fedora 38 17 9 12 44 41 +3 60
5 Estudiantes CRF 38 14 17 7 43 32 +11 59
6 AS Clube Toros 38 15 9 14 44 40 +4 54
7 FC Sommieres Hibernia 38 14 12 12 73 57 +16 54
8 RC Vitória de Cavasco 38 15 9 14 74 57 +17 54
9 Ossidianense CF 38 13 14 11 55 52 +3 53
10 Alianza Inca FS 38 15 6 17 35 39 -4 51
11 Stade Portomonti 38 13 12 13 50 56 -6 51
12 Atletico Sanvene CF 38 15 5 18 50 65 -15 50
13 Palmeiras di Asti SS 38 13 10 15 45 44 +1 49
14 Stade Olimpico FC 38 12 12 14 31 39 -8 48
15 SC Excurstionistas di Vul 38 13 7 18 40 57 -17 46
16 Atletico de Lux FC 38 9 15 14 38 44 -6 42
17 Cattedrale di Vincenze 38 7 17 14 25 34 -9 38
18 FC Vittoria d'Ossidiana 38 9 10 19 22 44 -22 37
19 Olympique Elbegna 38 8 12 18 38 53 -15 36
20 Union Amicale CF 38 9 9 20 27 41 -14 36

C-Liga Standings
Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Ciudad de Sant'Antioco 46 25 12 9 77 40 +37 87
2 Esportivo Portocruz CF 46 23 14 9 56 28 +28 83
3 Pro Libertas 46 23 14 9 80 43 +37 83
4 Union Comerciale SC 46 21 16 9 57 36 +21 79
5 Atletico Corinthians SC 46 24 6 16 64 54 +10 78
6 Arquilio de Regatas 46 24 5 17 73 54 +19 77
7 CF Independiente 46 21 14 11 61 44 +17 77
8 Campenza Fe FC 46 22 8 16 67 56 +11 74
9 Sporting Villafretta 46 20 12 14 81 65 +16 72
10 Racing Paresta 46 18 15 13 40 30 +10 69
11 UC Doria 46 16 18 12 35 34 +1 66
12 CR d'Arcangelo 46 14 19 13 50 51 -1 61
13 Il Djocoranga CR 46 16 12 18 62 69 -7 60
14 CA Odysseus Old Boys 46 17 9 20 61 75 -14 60
15 San Antonio Vitesse 46 15 14 17 47 45 +2 59
16 Gimnasia d'Aguilos SC 46 15 13 18 51 61 -10 58
17 CR Atletico Villacqua 46 15 11 20 41 45 -4 56
18 Recreativo Parquistolos 46 14 12 20 55 73 -18 54
19 Regatas de Campo FC 46 13 13 20 52 74 -22 52
20 Villafretta Rio Juniors 46 10 13 23 40 54 -14 43
21 Racing Santa Elena 46 8 18 20 41 66 -25 42
22 Atletico Clube de Pax 46 9 12 25 30 57 -27 39
23 Deportivo Arquilio UC 46 10 9 27 32 70 -38 39
24 Stade Sant'Arcangelo 46 9 11 26 24 53 -29 38

First Round
Il Djocoranga CR 0-0 Atletico de Lux FC (0-0 agg)
Atletico de Lux FC 4-0 Il Djocoranga CR (4-0 agg)

CD Cerro Nero Aglaura 0-2 CR Atletico Villacqua (0-2 agg)
CR Atletico Villacqua 1-0 CD Cerro Nero Aglaura (3-0 agg)

Alianza Inca FS 1-2 Campenza Fe FC (1-2 agg)
Campenza Fe FC 3-1 Alianza Inca FS (5-2 agg)

Regatas de Campo FC 0-2 Caballeros CF (0-2 agg)
Caballeros CF 3-0 Regatas de Campo FC (5-0 agg)

CD Parquisteres 2-0 Atletico Clube de Pax (2-0 agg)
Atletico Clube de Pax 1-1 CD Parquisteres (1-3 agg)

San Antonio Vitesse 0-2 Union Amicale CF (0-2 agg)
Union Amicale CF 1-1 San Antonio Vitesse (3-1 agg)

AS Clube Toros 1-1 Union Comerciale SC (1-1 agg)
Union Comerciale SC 1-0 AS Clube Toros (2-1 agg)

Citta de Montevento 3-0 Recreativo Parquistolos (3-0 agg)
Recreativo Parquistolos 2-2 Citta de Montevento (2-5 agg)

Palmeira di Asti SS 3-1 Villafretta Rio Juniors (3-1 agg)
Villafretta Rio Juniors 0-1 Palmeira di Asti SS (1-4 agg)

AS Débardeurs Nationale 2-1 CD d'Arcangelo (2-1 agg)
CD d'Arcangelo 0-1 AS Débardeurs Nationale (1-3 agg)

Internazionale 4-1 Sporting Villafretta (4-1 agg)
Sporting Villafretta 2-2 Internazionale (3-6 agg)

Clube Cobreloa 1-1 Mineros di Collindiana FC (1-1 agg)
Mineros di Collindiana FC 0-0 Clube Cobreloa (1-1 agg) (Mineros di Collindiana FC wins on away goals rule)

Stade Portomonti 0-1 Clube Esporte de Penthesilea (0-1 agg)
Clube Esporte de Penthesilea 0-1 Stade Portomonti (1-1 AET, 2-1 agg)

Condensadores CD 0-1 Juventud di Campenza (0-1 agg)
Juventud di Campenza 4-1 Condensadores CD (5-1 agg)

CA Odysseus Old Boys 2-3 Racing Santa Elena (2-3 agg)
Racing Santa Elena 3-5 CA Odysseus Old Boys (6-7 agg)

Deportivo Arquilio UC 0-1 Gimnasia d'Aguilos SC (0-1 agg)
Gimnasia d'Aguilos SC 2-1 Deportivo Arquilio UC (3-1 agg)

Ciudad de Sant'Antioco 5-2 CF Independiente (5-2 agg)
CF Independiente 2-3 Ciudad de Sant'Antioco (4-8 agg)

RC de Mallerosa 1-1 SS Clube Vortice (1-1 agg)
SS Clube Vortice 0-1 RC de Mallerosa (1-2 agg)

Qolo-Qolo 2-0 Académica di Terrabianco (2-0 agg)
Académica di Terrabianco 2-0 Qolo-Qolo (2-1 AET, 2-3 agg)

Olympique Elbegna 0-0 UC Doria (0-0 agg)
UC Doria 0-3 Olympique Elbegna (0-3 agg)

Stade Sant'Arcangelo 0-3 RCD San Marco (0-3 agg)
RCD San Marco 1-1 Stade Sant'Arcangelo (4-1 agg)

Unión Gimignano CF 4-0 Pro Libertas (4-0 agg)
Pro Libertas 3-2 Unión Gimignano CF (3-6 agg)

Espotivo Portocruz CF 0-1 Atletico Sanvene CF (0-1 agg)
Atletico Sanvene CF 1-0 Espotivo Portocruz CF (2-0 agg)

Berenice-Fedora 1-1 Racing Paresta (1-1 agg)
Racing Paresta 2-0 Berenice-Fedora (3-1 agg)

FC Victoria d'Ossidiana 0-1 Olimpico Oasi SS (0-1 agg)
Olimpico Oasi SS 0-0 FC Victoria d'Ossidiana (1-0 agg)

AS Universidad Tecnico 0-1 Magisterio AC (0-1 agg)
Magisterio AC 1-0 AS Universidad Tecnico (2-0 agg)

Arquilio de Regatas 1-1 Estudiantes CRF (1-1 agg)
Estudiantes CRF 2-1 Arquilio de Regatas (3-2 agg)

RC Vitória de Cavasco 0-1 Atletico Corinthians SC (0-1 agg)
Atletico Corinthians SC 4-2 RC Vitória de Cavasco (5-2 agg)

Unione Industriali CF 0-0 Stade Olimpico FC (0-0 agg)
Stade Olimpico FC 0-2 Unione Industriali CF (0-2 agg)

Cattedrale di Vincenze 2-0 Ossidianense CF (2-0 agg)
Ossidianense CF 1-0 Cattedrale di Vincenze (1-2 agg)

Atletico Sant'Elia 4-2 SC Excursionistas di Vul (4-2 agg)
SC Excursionistas di Vul 1-3 Atletico Sant'Elia (3-7 agg)

CA Conquistadores 4-4 FC Sommieres Hibernia (4-4 agg)
FC Sommieres Hibernia 1-6 CA Conquistadores (5-10 agg)

Second Round
Juventud di Campenza 2-0 Campenza Fe FC (2-0 agg)
Campenza Fe FC 1-2 Juventud di Campenza (1-4 agg)

Cattedrale di Vincenze 0-1 Mineros di Collindiana FC (0-1 agg)
Mineros di Collindiana FC 1-1 Cattedrale di Vincenze (2-1 agg)

Palmeira di Asti SS 1-7 Caballeros CF (1-7 agg)
Caballeros CF 2-1 Palmeira di Asti SS (9-2 agg)

CR Atletico Villacqua 0-0 Atletico Corinthians SC (0-0 agg)
Atletico Corinthians SC 0-0 CR Atletico Villacqua (1-0 AET, 1-0 agg)

Gimnasia d'Aguilos SC 1-4 Magisterio AC (1-4 agg)
Magisterio AC 2-0 Gimnasia d'Aguilos SC (6-1 agg)

Estudiantes CRF 1-1 CA Conquistadores (1-1 agg)
CA Conquistadores 3-1 Estudiantes CRF (4-2 agg)

Clube Esporte de Penthesilea 1-3 Atletico Sant'Elia (1-3 agg)
Atletico Sant'Elia 2-0 Clube Esporte de Penthesilea (5-1 agg)

Olimpico Oasi SS 1-2 Qolo-Qolo (1-2 agg)
Qolo-Qolo 2-0 Olimpico Oasi SS (4-1 agg)

Union Amicale CF 2-0 Unione Industriali CF (2-0 agg)
Unione Industriali CF 2-1 Union Amicale CF (2-3 agg)

CA Odysseus Old Boys 2-2 Olympique Elbegna (2-2 agg)
Olympique Elbegna 2-0 CA Odysseus Old Boys (4-2 agg)

CD Parquisteres 2-0 Atletico Sanvene CF (2-0 agg)
Atletico Sanvene CF 2-0 CD Parquisteres (2-0 AET, 2-2 agg, 1-3 PKs)

Internazionale 2-0 Union Comerciale SC (2-0 agg)
Union Comerciale SC 1-2 Internazionale (1-4 agg)

Atletico de Lux FC 2-0 AS Débardeurs Nationale (2-0 agg)
AS Débardeurs Nationale 1-1 Atletico de Lux FC (1-3 agg)

Unión Gimignano CF 1-1 Racing Paresta (1-1 agg)
Racing Paresta 0-2 Unión Gimignano CF (1-3 agg)

RCD San Marco 1-2 RC de Mallerosa (1-2 agg)
RC de Mallerosa 2-3 RCD San Marco (4-4 agg) (RCD San Marco wins on away goals rule)

Citta de Montevento 2-1 Ciudad de Sant'Antioco (2-1 agg)
Ciudad de Sant'Antioco 4-1 Citta de Montevento (5-3 agg)

Third Round
Qolo-Qolo 5-0 Atletico Corinthians SC (5-0 agg)
Atletico Corinthians SC 0-5 Qolo-Qolo (0-10 agg)

Caballeros CF 4-0 Olympique Elbegna (4-0 agg)
Olympique Elbegna 1-1 Caballeros CF (1-5 agg)

Unión Gimignano CF 3-3 RCD San Marco (3-3 agg)
RCD San Marco 2-1 Unión Gimignano CF (5-4 agg)

CA Conquistadores 3-1 Atletico de Lux FC (3-1 agg)
Atletico de Lux FC 1-2 CA Conquistadores (2-5 agg)

Juventud di Campenza 1-2 Magisterio AC (1-2 agg)
Magisterio AC 0-0 Juventud di Campenza (2-1 agg)

Ciudad de Sant'Antioco 2-1 Internazionale (2-1 agg)
Internazionale 2-0 Ciudad de Sant'Antioco (3-2 agg)

Union Amicale CF 1-1 CD Parquisteres (1-1 agg)
CD Parquisteres 0-0 Union Amicale CF (1-1 agg) (CD Parquisteres wins on away goals rule)

Atletico Sant'Elia 2-1 Mineros di Collindiana FC (2-1 agg)
Mineros di Collindiana FC 1-0 Atletico Sant'Elia (2-2 agg) (Mineros di Collindiana FC wins on away goals rule)

Quarter Finals
Caballeros CF 3-1 RCD San Marco (3-1 agg)
RCD San Marco 1-1 Caballeros CF (2-4 agg)

Magisterio AC 0-0 Qolo-Qolo (0-0 agg)
Qolo-Qolo 4-0 Magisterio AC (4-0 agg)

Internazionale 1-1 CA Conquistadores (1-1 agg)
CA Conquistadores 1-1 Internazionale (1-1 AET, 2-2 agg, 1-2 PKs)

Mineros di Collindiana FC 0-1 CD Parquisteres (0-1 agg)
CD Parquisteres 0-0 Mineros di Collindiana FC (1-0 agg)

Semi Finals
Qolo-Qolo 1-0 Caballeros CF (1-0 agg)
Caballeros CF 3-0 Qolo-Qolo (3-1 agg)

CD Parquisteres 3-1 Internazionale (3-1 agg)
Internazionale 1-1 CD Parquisteres (2-4 agg)

Caballeros CF 4-2 CD Parquisteres

Ossidiacqua (OSD) qualifiers
Champions’ Cup 50: CA Conquistadores
Globe Cup 47: AS Débardeurs Nationale, Condensadores CD, Qolo-Qolo
Series B Champions’ Cup 47: Mineros di Collindiana FC, Atletico Sant'Elia, AS Universidad Tecnico, Berenice-Fedora
Cygnus Cup: Caballeros CF
The Former Oasirican Republic of Ossidiacqua - Pop. 87,500,000
Capital: Sant'Elia - Demonym: Acquan - Trigramme: OSD
Runner-Up: Cup of Harmony 56
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Bleak Rock
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Postby Bleak Rock » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:12 am

According to this post, Blockhead qualifier for the CdC if required.

Rushmori Competition:
CdC: FF Berafjörðinn
The Duchy of Bleak Rock - Pop. 520,000
Capital: Mið-Sal - Demonym: Valhallan (Blockhead) - Trigramme: BLK
“Four Houses, One People”
A constituent member of The Valhallan Union
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Postby Djocoranga » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:21 am


Mtoleague time! If the awful standard of play doesn't get you, the crowd violence certainly will...

Mtoleague-Premier Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Wana Wa Mungu 46 28 11 7 73 37 +36 95
2 Yangeyange 46 25 11 10 102 53 +49 86
3 Zabaki 46 25 9 12 105 76 +29 84
4 Wananunzi 46 24 6 16 62 49 +13 78
5 Wanderers 46 23 7 16 85 80 +5 76
6 Nhati Madini 46 20 14 12 57 43 +14 74
7 Mbuzis 46 20 13 13 75 64 +11 73
8 Nguvu 46 22 7 17 61 61 +0 73
9 Mtoville Sunshine 46 22 6 18 104 73 +31 72
10 Oasiricans 46 19 14 13 74 54 +20 71
11 Pwani 46 19 11 16 72 60 +12 68
12 Mlima 46 16 17 13 66 60 +6 65
13 Nyota 46 18 11 17 50 48 +2 65
14 Mapera 46 17 12 17 62 58 +4 63
15 Mwerezi 46 15 18 13 63 60 +3 63
16 Wapiganaji 46 16 14 16 58 71 -13 62
17 Manispaa Mtoville 46 14 16 16 49 47 +2 58
18 Chuo Kikuu 46 13 17 16 58 63 -5 56
19 Umeme 46 16 6 24 66 90 -24 54
20 Kijuvu Kilele 46 15 9 22 72 70 +2 54
21 Jeshi 46 8 16 22 27 51 -24 40
22 Tai 46 7 13 26 32 62 -30 34
23 Matope Kitaifa 46 7 9 30 65 143 -78 30
24 Amani 46 4 11 31 49 114 -65 23

Congratulations to Wana Wa Mungu, of Mwembamb, who take the title as Djocorangan side Yangeyange finish as runners-up.

CdC: Wana Wa Mungu (MWE), Yangeyange (DJO)
The Democratic Republic of Djocoranga - Pop. 67,500,000
Capital: Mtoville - Demonym: Djocorangan - Trigramme: DJO
Land of the Black Egret
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Ares-y-Penthesilea » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:31 am


Showing off their incredibly minor league's results for the fourteenth time, its the Twin-Emirate of Ares-y-Penthesilea's very own Emirate League. Stunned by OE Penthesilea's rise to the top of the Esportivan pile, the league continued in it's own insular way. Just, more stunned.

Εμιράτο Λιγκ (Emirate League) Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Ο.Έ. Πενθεσίλεια (OE Penthesilea) 28 13 7 8 43 44 -1 46
2 Α.O. του Αμαζόνιοι (AO Amazonians) 28 13 5 10 53 40 +13 44
3 Αργοναύτες Α.Σ. (Argonauts AS) 28 12 7 9 45 30 +15 43
4 Tο Aιώνιοι (The Eternals) 28 12 6 10 49 44 +5 42
5 Έ.Σ. του Άρη (ES Ares) 28 9 9 10 42 44 -2 36
6 Aποβάθρα Λ.E. (Quayside LE) 28 9 7 12 46 48 -2 34
7 Πανεπιστήμιο Α.Λ. (University AL) 28 8 9 11 32 35 -3 33
8 Παλάτι της Γνώσης (Palace of Knowledge) 28 8 6 14 38 63 -25 30

CHAMPIONS: Ο.Έ. Πενθεσίλεια
(Entrants for Esportivan competitions, take from the top as many teams as appropriate please, anglicised names perfectly acceptable.)
The Collegiate City-State of Ares-y-Penthesilea - Pop. 500,000
Capital: Central Quad - Demonym: Acadaemian - Trigramme: AYP
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Postby Urszag-Csatoria » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:45 am

"All hail Csar László XVII!"

"Oh yay, look. It's István. What do the Tanácsadók want this time?"

"Football time!"


Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Vécsei-Veszprém LK 34 24 7 3 57 26 +31 79
2 UCKV Fennsíkvárosi 34 20 7 7 75 32 +43 67
3 SE Szaracénok 34 19 9 6 84 38 +46 66
4 Kőszén-Erdei VTK 34 18 10 6 65 32 +33 64
5 VTK Moholy-Nagy 34 18 8 8 54 34 +20 62
6 Katonaság VSE 34 18 7 9 47 31 +16 61
7 Királyi-Gárda SK 34 17 10 7 33 23 +10 61
8 Szent-Ferenc TE 34 14 10 10 36 31 +5 52
9 Huszár-Lovag 1914 SE 34 15 7 12 58 54 +4 52
10 Egyesült Völben VSE 34 14 6 14 43 39 +4 48
11 VTK 1910 Sziget 34 12 9 13 45 42 +3 45
12 SK Bányászok 34 11 5 18 32 58 -26 38
13 KSC Hortobágy 34 8 11 15 34 39 -5 35
14 Csapadék-Zsóry SSE 34 8 7 19 22 42 -20 31
15 Mérnökök LK 34 7 6 21 44 84 -40 27
16 Forradalmárok SE 34 7 5 22 23 51 -28 26
17 Medvék EAC 34 6 5 23 18 56 -38 23
18 Zöldharkályi EAC 34 4 3 27 28 86 -58 15

"So, do we have any time for an amusing schtick this year?"

"Nope, lunch only lasts an hour."

"I see, thought so."


CdC: Vécsei-Veszprém LK
The Unified Csardom of Urszag-Csatoria - Pop. 18,250,000
Capital: Fennsíkváros- Demonym: Urszcsar - Trigramme: UZC
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Postby Rabopari » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:55 am

who wants a freindly against Rabopari
For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him- Karl Marx
Economic Left/Right: -1.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.13

I have a short temper. You have been warned

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Commerce Heights
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Postby Commerce Heights » Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:51 am

Rabopari wrote:who wants a freindly against Rabopari

This thread is for club competitions. Try asking in the football friendlies thread.

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Postby Schmiegelland » Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:36 am

Due to the fact I don't have access to my league scorinator right now...

Schmiegelland (SCH) qualifiers
Champions’ Cup 46: Konsaa Royals
Globe Cup 43: CakCorp Lojina FoutKlub, Sjandle FootballKlub, Sjandle Original Sport Club
Series B Champions’ Cup 43: Puahoe Streaks, Sjandle Warriors, Anastazi Independence, KoakJami Loukratia

Cygnus Cup: Kolasap Seals

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New Sideburn
Posts: 612
Founded: Feb 01, 2012

Postby New Sideburn » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:46 pm


Brinemouth 0-1 Goodfeather FC
AFC Integabad 1-0 Franchise FC
Iron City 0-1 Crisisbless
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-0 Cranequin Wanderers
Maximum City 1-0 Corvette Maulers
Maximum Rovers 1-0 Brookford Otters
North Laithland 4-0 Violence Chariots
Parrhesia United 2-0 Valkyrja Hawks
Raging Fire Hares 1-0 AFC Treason
AFC Raven River 2-0 Southfell United
Rhagant Schadenfreude 0-0 South Laithland
Sabrefell Athletic 1-1 Sabrefell Moths

Two Sabrefell derbies, more or less; Southfell falling to Raven River as an entree, with the main event leaving Athletic and Moths with a goal apiece. There’s still hope for Athletic, however, as Treason suffer an improbable defeat to Raging Fire. Six 1-0 wins today, and the Athletic vs. Moths fixture is the only occasion in which both sides score.

Franchise FC 0-1 Brinemouth
Crisisbless 2-0 Goodfeather FC
Cranequin Wanderers 0-1 AFC Integabad
Corvette Maulers 2-2 Iron City
Brookford Otters 2-0 Leopolis Hatemongers
Violence Chariots 3-1 Maximum City
Valkyrja Hawks 2-0 Maximum Rovers
AFC Treason 0-0 North Laithland
Southfell United 0-1 Parrhesia United
South Laithland 0-1 Raging Fire Hares
Sabrefell Moths 2-0 AFC Raven River
Sabrefell Athletic 2-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude

An unremarkable week, though it was one that saw the Smiths go three down by half-time, pulling back one in the 71st minute to avoid a complete defeat. Treason and North Laithland shut each other out; Athletic capitalise, putting two past Rhagant. Raging Fire win, Leopolis lose... and will be looking over their shoulders. It’s not theoretically too late for the Hares to catch up... though at least Vermillion’s looking very secure in the top four.

Brinemouth 0-0 Crisisbless
Franchise FC 2-3 Cranequin Wanderers
Goodfeather FC 1-7 Corvette Maulers
AFC Integabad 0-1 Brookford Otters
Iron City 2-1 Violence Chariots
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-1 Valkyrja Hawks
Maximum City 1-0 AFC Treason
Maximum Rovers 3-2 Southfell United
North Laithland 2-1 South Laithland
Parrhesia United 2-0 Sabrefell Moths
Raging Fire Hares 3-3 Sabrefell Athletic
AFC Raven River 1-0 Rhagant Schadenfreude

Corvette put seven past Goodfeather, and Treason are cracking up; Maximum City narrowly defeat them. Athletic fails to capitalise, however, as the Hares stun them 3-3, and the Moths lose to Parrhesia, who are caught in a good run of form. The Laith derby ends 2-1 to the North, with Flaccus’ goal cancelled out by Keynes and Helmensun.

Cranequin Wanderers 0-1 Brinemouth
Corvette Maulers 0-2 Crisisbless
Brookford Otters 1-1 Franchise FC
Violence Chariots 3-2 Goodfeather FC
Valkyrja Hawks 1-3 AFC Integabad
AFC Treason 1-0 Iron City
Southfell United 2-1 Leopolis Hatemongers
South Laithland 2-1 Maximum City
Sabrefell Moths 1-0 Maximum Rovers
Sabrefell Athletic 1-0 North Laithland
Rhagant Schadenfreude 1-3 Parrhesia United
AFC Raven River 2-0 Raging Fire Hares

Brinemouth 1-0 Corvette Maulers
Cranequin Wanderers 0-1 Brookford Otters
Crisisbless 3-2 Violence Chariots
Franchise FC 1-1 Valkyrja Hawks
Goodfeather FC 1-2 AFC Treason
AFC Integabad 1-4 Southfell United
Iron City 0-2 South Laithland
Leopolis Hatemongers 0-1 Sabrefell Moths
Maximum City 0-2 Sabrefell Athletic
Maximum Rovers 4-1 Rhagant Schadenfreude
North Laithland 0-0 AFC Raven River
Parrhesia United 2-0 Raging Fire Hares

Brookford Otters 2-0 Brinemouth
Violence Chariots 1-2 Corvette Maulers
Valkyrja Hawks 1-2 Cranequin Wanderers
AFC Treason 1-1 Crisisbless
Southfell United 2-0 Franchise FC
South Laithland 4-1 Goodfeather FC
Sabrefell Moths 0-1 AFC Integabad
Sabrefell Athletic 0-1 Iron City
Rhagant Schadenfreude 2-2 Leopolis Hatemongers
AFC Raven River 0-2 Maximum City
Raging Fire Hares 1-1 Maximum Rovers
Parrhesia United 1-1 North Laithland
Orbital Bombardment 0-0 Ox River United
Haymaker United 3-1 North Dubstep
Creed United 1-2 Crossroads Town
Fenland Albion 0-2 Forge Carpenters
AFC Shale 0-1 Leicard Crimewave
Vermillion Rage 1-2 Mainstream Fist
Chenoworth Harriers 2-1 Anslow Medication
AFC Rochford 4-0 Corby Hubris
Martella Jazz 2-2 Locksley Petty Theft
AFC Hackett 0-1 Iron United
Crisisbless United 0-0 Dubstep Rangers
Chenoworth Rovers 0-1 Newrook Democracy
North Dubstep 1-0 Orbital Bombardment
Crossroads Town 0-0 Ox River United
Forge Carpenters 1-1 Haymaker United
Leicard Crimewave 2-0 Creed United
Mainstream Fist 1-0 Fenland Albion
Anslow Medication 1-0 AFC Shale
Corby Hubris 0-3 Vermillion Rage
Locksley Petty Theft 0-2 Chenoworth Harriers
Iron United 1-0 AFC Rochford
Dubstep Rangers 4-0 Martella Jazz
Newrook Democracy 1-2 AFC Hackett
Chenoworth Rovers 0-0 Crisisbless United
Orbital Bombardment 1-2 Crossroads Town
North Dubstep 1-1 Forge Carpenters
Ox River United 0-1 Leicard Crimewave
Haymaker United 1-0 Mainstream Fist
Creed United 3-1 Anslow Medication
Fenland Albion 1-0 Corby Hubris
AFC Shale 1-0 Locksley Petty Theft
Vermillion Rage 1-1 Iron United
Chenoworth Harriers 3-1 Dubstep Rangers
AFC Rochford 2-0 Newrook Democracy
Martella Jazz 1-1 Chenoworth Rovers
AFC Hackett 0-4 Crisisbless United
Forge Carpenters 1-0 Orbital Bombardment
Leicard Crimewave 0-0 Crossroads Town
Mainstream Fist 1-0 North Dubstep
Anslow Medication 0-1 Ox River United
Corby Hubris 1-0 Haymaker United
Locksley Petty Theft 1-2 Creed United
Iron United 0-0 Fenland Albion
Dubstep Rangers 0-3 AFC Shale
Newrook Democracy 4-1 Vermillion Rage
Chenoworth Rovers 0-1 Chenoworth Harriers
Crisisbless United 2-2 AFC Rochford
AFC Hackett 0-3 Martella Jazz
Orbital Bombardment 0-1 Leicard Crimewave
Forge Carpenters 2-0 Mainstream Fist
Crossroads Town 0-0 Anslow Medication
North Dubstep 0-0 Corby Hubris
Ox River United 1-0 Locksley Petty Theft
Haymaker United 1-0 Iron United
Creed United 4-1 Dubstep Rangers
Fenland Albion 0-1 Newrook Democracy
AFC Shale 1-0 Chenoworth Rovers
Vermillion Rage 3-0 Crisisbless United
Chenoworth Harriers 3-1 AFC Hackett
AFC Rochford 1-2 Martella Jazz
Mainstream Fist 2-0 Orbital Bombardment
Anslow Medication 2-1 Leicard Crimewave
Corby Hubris 1-0 Forge Carpenters
Locksley Petty Theft 0-2 Crossroads Town
Iron United 1-1 North Dubstep
Dubstep Rangers 2-0 Ox River United
Newrook Democracy 0-0 Haymaker United
Chenoworth Rovers 1-0 Creed United
Crisisbless United 2-0 Fenland Albion
AFC Hackett 1-2 AFC Shale
Martella Jazz 0-4 Vermillion Rage
AFC Rochford 0-0 Chenoworth Harriers
Sandrock Artillery 0-0 Haymaker Town
Strephonage 1-0 Stamper Road
Gridlock Rovers 2-0 Chatswood
AFC Greymouth 2-1 Rushe United
Cranequin City 2-0 AFC Bishop
Reckdale Town 2-0 Geoff United
AFC Starling 1-1 Inner-East Fairywrens
Sakusa Rathians 2-2 West Brinemouth
AFC Sheridan 0-0 North Sabrefell
East Laithland Harriers 2-2 Cypher Town
Ritter Town 1-1 Falston-on-Ceynes United
AFC Steak 2-0 West Shotgun Turtles
Stamper Road 1-1 Sandrock Artillery
Chatswood 0-0 Haymaker Town
Rushe United 2-1 Strephonage
AFC Bishop 1-0 Gridlock Rovers
Geoff United 2-2 AFC Greymouth
Inner-East Fairywrens 2-0 Cranequin City
West Brinemouth 2-2 Reckdale Town
North Sabrefell 3-0 AFC Starling
Cypher Town 0-1 Sakusa Rathians
Falston-on-Ceynes United 1-0 AFC Sheridan
West Shotgun Turtles 0-1 East Laithland Harriers
AFC Steak 0-1 Ritter Town
Sandrock Artillery 2-1 Chatswood
Stamper Road 0-1 Rushe United
Haymaker Town 1-1 AFC Bishop
Strephonage 1-2 Geoff United
Gridlock Rovers 0-1 Inner-East Fairywrens
AFC Greymouth 0-2 West Brinemouth
Cranequin City 1-1 North Sabrefell
Reckdale Town 1-0 Cypher Town
AFC Starling 1-1 Falston-on-Ceynes United
Sakusa Rathians 1-2 West Shotgun Turtles
AFC Sheridan 0-2 AFC Steak
East Laithland Harriers 2-0 Ritter Town
Rushe United 0-0 Sandrock Artillery
AFC Bishop 1-4 Chatswood
Geoff United 0-1 Stamper Road
Inner-East Fairywrens 1-0 Haymaker Town
West Brinemouth 0-0 Strephonage
North Sabrefell 1-1 Gridlock Rovers
Cypher Town 1-1 AFC Greymouth
Falston-on-Ceynes United 0-1 Cranequin City
West Shotgun Turtles 3-0 Reckdale Town
AFC Steak 0-2 AFC Starling
Ritter Town 1-1 Sakusa Rathians
East Laithland Harriers 1-2 AFC Sheridan
Sandrock Artillery 3-0 AFC Bishop
Rushe United 2-0 Geoff United
Chatswood 1-0 Inner-East Fairywrens
Stamper Road 0-2 West Brinemouth
Haymaker Town 1-0 North Sabrefell
Strephonage 2-2 Cypher Town
Gridlock Rovers 2-2 Falston-on-Ceynes United
AFC Greymouth 1-1 West Shotgun Turtles
Cranequin City 1-2 AFC Steak
Reckdale Town 1-0 Ritter Town
AFC Starling 0-1 East Laithland Harriers
Sakusa Rathians 3-0 AFC Sheridan
Geoff United 1-1 Sandrock Artillery
Inner-East Fairywrens 2-1 AFC Bishop
West Brinemouth 1-0 Rushe United
North Sabrefell 1-1 Chatswood
Cypher Town 1-2 Stamper Road
Falston-on-Ceynes United 0-2 Haymaker Town
West Shotgun Turtles 1-0 Strephonage
AFC Steak 0-1 Gridlock Rovers
Ritter Town 4-2 AFC Greymouth
East Laithland Harriers 2-3 Cranequin City
AFC Sheridan 0-1 Reckdale Town
Sakusa Rathians 0-2 AFC Starling

Team                        P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 AFC Treason 46 28 10 8 79 37 +42 94 Champions
2 Sabrefell Athletic 46 27 9 10 77 43 +34 90 GC
3 Brinemouth 46 24 15 7 61 32 +29 87 GC
4 Sabrefell Moths 46 25 9 12 72 42 +30 84 GC

5 North Laithland 46 23 12 11 56 30 +26 81
6 Maximum Rovers 46 22 11 13 66 48 +18 77
7 Maximum City 46 22 9 15 60 42 +18 75
8 Crisisbless 46 20 14 12 47 36 +11 74
9 Parrhesia United 46 16 19 11 66 52 +14 67
10 Violence Chariots 46 19 10 17 61 56 +5 67
11 Brookford Otters 46 18 12 16 43 43 +0 66
12 South Laithland 46 17 12 17 56 61 -5 63
13 Cranequin Wanderers 46 18 9 19 40 46 -6 63
14 AFC Raven River 46 16 12 18 54 49 +5 60
15 Southfell United 46 17 9 20 64 65 -1 60
16 Valkyrja Hawks 46 17 9 20 50 58 -8 60
17 AFC Integabad 46 16 11 19 51 59 -8 59
18 Iron City 46 14 12 20 37 56 -19 54
19 Corvette Maulers 46 15 8 23 47 71 -24 53
20 Goodfeather FC 46 12 12 22 57 85 -28 48
21 Leopolis Hatemongers 46 9 12 25 39 67 -28 39
22 Raging Fire Hares 46 7 16 23 27 55 -28 37
23 Rhagant Schadenfreude 46 4 16 26 25 62 -37 28
24 Franchise FC 46 3 18 25 36 76 -40 27

24 - Tara Lockdown (TRE)
23 - Leyland Stallion (SFA)
20 - Daniel Canady (MXR)
19 - Bruce Payne (TRE)
17 - Jonny dos Santos (BRI), Ninian Locksmith (MXC), Leigh Fletcher (MXR), Molly Keynes (NLA), Rudolf Blake (SFU)
24 - Phillip Strummer (CRI), Kieron Riordan (NLA)
22 - Albert von Specta (BRI)
20 - Wilhelm Urquhart (SFA)
19 - Bruno Hawke (BRK)
18 - Paolo Crewe (MXC), Troy Ross (MXR)
Iron Boot Winner: Tara Lockdown (TRE)
Iron Gauntlet Winner: Kieron Riordan (NLA)
Player of the Year: Karelline Charmwell (SFA)
Foreign Player of the Year: James Macbeth (SFM)
Manager of the Year: Reinhard Shale (MXR)

Team                       P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Dubstep Rangers 46 28 4 14 65 42 +23 88 P
2 Vermillion Rage 46 24 11 11 92 60 +32 83
3 AFC Rochford 46 22 12 12 59 42 +17 78 P
4 AFC Shale 46 22 9 15 46 32 +14 75 P

5 Chenoworth Rovers 46 19 17 10 47 31 +16 74
6 Crisisbless United 46 19 16 11 61 49 +12 73
7 Crossroads Town 46 20 9 17 50 54 -4 69
8 Newrook Democracy 46 20 6 20 68 58 +10 66
9 Leicard Crimewave 46 16 18 12 38 30 +8 66
10 Chenoworth Harriers 46 16 16 14 47 41 +6 64
11 Locksley Petty Theft 46 18 10 18 56 58 -2 64
12 Iron United 46 18 10 18 33 37 -4 64
13 Martella Jazz 46 16 16 14 60 66 -6 64
14 Mainstream Fist 46 19 6 21 42 38 +4 63
15 Corby Hubris 46 17 10 19 46 55 -9 61
16 Orbital Bombardment 46 15 14 17 34 38 -4 59
17 Ox River United 46 15 13 18 38 46 -8 58
18 Forge Carpenters 46 15 13 18 36 46 -10 58
19 North Dubstep 46 14 13 19 47 51 -4 55
20 Haymaker United 46 13 12 21 45 49 -4 51
21 Creed United 46 12 11 23 42 65 -23 47 R
22 AFC Hackett 46 10 16 20 51 70 -19 46 R
23 Anslow Medication 46 10 15 21 38 59 -21 45 R
24 Fenland Albion 46 11 9 26 32 56 -24 42 R

Vermillion Rage denied promotion due to administration.
Team                           P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Ritter Town 46 25 11 10 65 41 +24 86 P
2 West Brinemouth 46 21 15 10 48 28 +20 78 P
3 Chatswood 46 22 10 14 64 45 +19 76 P
4 AFC Starling 46 21 11 14 61 43 +18 74 P

5 West Shotgun Turtles 46 20 11 15 52 34 +18 71
6 Geoff United 46 19 13 14 57 49 +8 70
7 Cranequin City 46 19 13 14 50 51 -1 70
8 Rushe United 46 20 9 17 53 50 +3 69
9 Falston-on-Ceynes United 46 17 17 12 47 37 +10 68
10 North Sabrefell 46 17 14 15 59 48 +11 65
11 Gridlock Rovers 46 16 12 18 43 56 -13 60
12 Reckdale Town 46 16 12 18 50 68 -18 60
13 AFC Bishop 46 15 14 17 51 52 -1 59
14 East Laithland Harriers 46 15 12 19 48 52 -4 57
15 Inner-East Fairywrens 46 14 15 17 42 47 -5 57
16 Sandrock Artillery 46 12 20 14 38 39 -1 56
17 Strephonage 46 13 17 16 48 55 -7 56
18 AFC Steak 46 14 13 19 48 47 +1 55
19 Haymaker Town 46 14 13 19 49 60 -11 55
20 Cypher Town 46 12 17 17 55 56 -1 53
21 AFC Greymouth 46 11 18 17 42 54 -12 51
22 AFC Sheridan 46 13 12 21 30 47 -17 51
23 Sakusa Rathians 46 13 11 22 42 67 -25 50 R
24 Stamper Road 46 10 16 20 39 55 -16 46 R

New Sideburn (NSB) qualifiers
Champions’ Cup: AFC Treason
Globe Cup: Sabrefell Athletic, Brinemouth, Sabrefell Moths
Series B Champions’ Cup: No entries.

CEdC: AFC Treason, Sabrefell Athletic, Brinemouth, Sabrefell Moths
The old ways were best!

Original nation behind Nephara. New Sideburn now symbolises an ideal, rather than a nation.

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Capivara Group
Posts: 266
Founded: Aug 23, 2010

Postby Capivara Group » Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:05 am

Now our championship can vote - but it still can't drink or drive!
Caspionato di Fuzibol Capivara Seu Creysson
Capivara Seu Creysson Football Championship

---Ceriá                          Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts 
1 Chapeleta de Desportos 38 18 12 8 43 26 +17 66 CC
2 Gruzeiro 38 19 8 11 49 38 +11 65 Globe
3 Onze do Copo 38 17 10 11 43 32 +11 61 Globe
4 31 Cudmundópolis 38 16 11 11 42 36 +6 59 Globe

5 Saci SC 38 14 13 11 37 32 +5 55 Heritage
6 Bunda Juniors 38 15 10 13 40 36 +4 55 Heritage

7 SC Derrota 38 14 12 12 41 36 +5 54
8 Real Saci 38 14 11 13 42 40 +2 53
9 Las Marías 38 14 11 13 31 31 0 53
10 Faustão Pelada Clube 38 12 15 11 41 39 +2 51
11 Inter Limão 38 15 6 17 40 46 −6 51
12 São Perebano 38 13 10 15 27 29 −2 49
13 Máfia FC 38 12 13 13 27 30 −3 49
14 Paraguay SC 38 13 10 15 36 40 −4 49
15 Atlético Clube dos Zumbi 38 11 14 13 38 36 +2 47
16 Xangrilá 38 12 11 15 44 50 −6 47
17 Pisando na Bola FC 38 12 9 17 28 35 −7 45
18 Real Jabuti 38 11 11 16 34 40 −6 44
19 Vovó Clotilde 38 13 5 20 31 38 −7 44
20 Bregantino 38 9 10 19 26 50 −24 37

---Ceribê                         Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts 
1 Madruguinha Buneco Clube 38 21 10 7 52 27 +25 73 SBCC
2 Freiras de São Roque 38 19 10 9 52 36 +16 67 SBCC
3 Braçil 38 19 8 11 42 33 +9 65 SBCC
4 Carandiru FC 38 16 13 9 44 34 +10 61 SBCC

5 Vila Xurupita 38 15 14 9 40 27 +13 59
6 São Ratazano 38 16 11 11 45 35 +10 59
7 Cebola Mol 38 17 8 13 37 32 +5 59
8 Benjamin Constant 38 13 14 11 33 30 +3 53
9 Nojentus 38 13 12 13 37 37 0 51
10 Morto Clube 38 15 6 17 32 36 −4 51
11 Toupeira FC 38 14 8 16 33 35 −2 50
12 Jibóia Preta 5000 38 14 8 16 36 41 −5 50
13 Primos do Macaco Tião 38 12 12 14 34 34 0 48
14 Cones da Prefeitura 38 12 11 15 26 30 −4 47
15 Pai Toletão de Oxalá 38 11 12 15 33 42 −9 45
16 Filhos do Íbis 38 10 14 14 31 34 −3 44
17 Mendigal Ispórtico Crúbio 38 12 7 19 35 45 −10 43
18 Peixe Frito 38 12 7 19 26 48 −22 43
19 Pinel 38 9 14 15 33 42 −9 41
20 Queijolândia 38 7 7 24 31 54 −23 2

---Ceriçê                         Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts 
1 Capivara FC 38 26 4 8 46 22 +24 82
2 Crash Bandicoot 38 16 14 8 53 34 +19 62
3 Barata FC 38 19 5 14 47 35 +12 62
4 Sapatos Airlines 38 17 9 12 51 46 +5 60

5 Atlético Cachaceiro 38 16 11 11 49 36 +13 59
6 Perebense 38 15 12 11 40 31 +9 57
7 Galos do Jacu 38 16 8 14 44 33 +11 56
8 Esquadrilha da Fumaça 38 15 8 15 46 43 +3 53
9 W.O.F.C. 38 15 8 15 37 38 −1 53
10 Volta Quadrada 38 15 7 16 46 51 −5 52
11 Horríver Prata 38 14 9 15 42 40 +2 51
12 Ronaldinhos da América 38 14 9 15 38 45 −7 51
13 Paulo Bonfá RBCCFA 38 14 8 16 37 40 −3 50
14 Viúvas do Pelé 38 14 8 16 37 41 −4 50
15 Anões EC 38 13 8 17 41 47 −6 47
16 Calypso 38 12 11 15 38 48 −10 47
17 ET Discos 38 13 8 17 40 57 −17 47
18 Acre 38 13 3 22 34 51 −17 42
19 Atlético Estatuário 38 11 8 19 43 48 −5 41
20 Patético Balangandense 38 9 8 21 23 46 −23 35

---Ceridê                         Pld    W   D   L    GF   GA   GD   Pts 
1 Esperança Tetraplégica 38 20 6 12 43 28 +15 66
2 Atlético Gretchen 38 18 10 10 56 34 +22 64
3 Carmelitas Descalçoladas 38 18 10 10 45 30 +15 64
4 GREC Unidos da Cerva 38 18 9 11 49 37 +12 63

5 Atlético Chorão 38 18 8 12 58 39 +19 62
6 Catuaba Atlético 38 17 11 10 52 37 +15 62
7 Lebafon 38 19 5 14 40 31 +9 62
8 Chaculateira FC 38 16 12 10 46 34 +12 60
9 Coelhinhas FC 38 16 10 12 43 30 +13 58
10 Xisbúrguer SV 38 15 11 12 36 29 +7 56
11 Difícil É o Nome 38 15 10 13 43 32 +11 55
12 Pretérito Imperfeito 38 15 8 15 41 36 +5 53
13 FC Mônica Zacarias 38 13 13 12 42 35 +7 52
14 América de Cabo Verde 38 13 13 12 37 31 +6 52
15 Comigrama 38 14 8 16 39 45 −6 50
16 Hermanos da Mafalda 38 12 8 18 35 51 −16 44
17 Forças da Paz Eterna 38 12 7 19 34 44 −10 43
18 Ninjas do Arrocha 38 11 9 18 31 53 −22 42
19 Jogalama 38 6 11 21 31 65 −34 29
20 Tabajara FC 38 3 3 32 19 99 −80 12

Parabeins ao grandi campião
congratulations to the great champion

Cópia Capivara Seu Creysson
Capivara Seu Creysson Cup

round 1
.      Atlético Chorão 2–2 Cones da Prefeitura (4–2 AET)
Capivara FC 0–0 Peixe Frito (0–1 AET)
Xisbúrguer SV 4–0 Tabajara FC
Volta Quadrada 1–1 Jogalama (2–2 AET) (10–9 pen.)
Pretérito Imperfeito 2–1 Queijolândia
Perebense 0–1 Filhos do Íbis
Coelhinhas FC 3–1 Difícil É o Nome
Forças da Paz Eterna 1–1 Carandiru FC (1–1 AET) (2–4 pen.)
W.O.F.C. 3–2 Sapatos Airlines
Nojentus 2–1 Mendigal Ispórtico Crúbio
Toupeira FC 1–0 Ninjas do Arrocha
Calypso 2–3 Viúvas do Pelé
Patético Balangandense 2–3 Anões EC
Real Jabuti 2–2 Acre (4–3 AET)
Horríver Prata 2–0 Galos do Jacu
América de Cabo Verde 2–0 Carmelitas Descalçoladas
Jibóia Preta 5000 0–2 Comigrama
Atlético Gretchen 1–1 Cebola Mol (2–2 AET) (5–3 pen.)
Ronaldinhos da América 2–1 Catuaba Atlético
FC Mônica Zacarias 0–0 Bregantino (0–0 AET) (3–2 pen.)
Primos do Macaco Tião 0–3 Esperança Tetraplégica
Pisando na Bola FC 1–0 Esquadrilha da Fumaça
Chaculateira FC 1–1 GREC Unidos da Cerva (1–1 AET) (3–2 pen.)
Vila Xurupita 0–0 Barata FC (0–0 AET) (4–5 pen.)
Morto Clube 1–1 Freiras de São Roque (1–1 AET) (2–4 pen.)
São Ratazano 0–1 Crash Bandicoot
Benjamin Constant 0–1 Braçil
Lebafon 2–0 Pai Toletão de Oxalá
Paulo Bonfá RBCCFA 0–0 Pinel (1–0 AET)
Atlético Cachaceiro 0–1 Madruguinha Buneco Clube
Vovó Clotilde 2–2 Hermanos da Mafalda (2–2 AET) (3–1 pen.)
Atlético Estatuário 1–0 ET Discos

round 2
.      Atlético Chorão 1–1 Peixe Frito (2–1 AET)
Xisbúrguer SV 1–1 Volta Quadrada (1–2 AET)
Pretérito Imperfeito 3–2 Filhos do Íbis
Coelhinhas FC 0–0 Carandiru FC (0–0 AET) (1–3 pen.)
W.O.F.C. 1–0 Nojentus
Toupeira FC 2–0 Viúvas do Pelé
Anões EC 1–1 Real Jabuti (1–1 AET) (3–1 pen.)
Horríver Prata 0–1 América de Cabo Verde
Comigrama 1–2 Atlético Gretchen
Ronaldinhos da América 1–2 FC Mônica Zacarias
Esperança Tetraplégica 0–0 Pisando na Bola FC (0–0 AET) (3–2 pen.)
Chaculateira FC 1–1 Barata FC (3–1 AET)
Freiras de São Roque 2–2 Crash Bandicoot (2–2 AET) (4–5 pen.)
Braçil 1–0 Lebafon
Paulo Bonfá RBCCFA 6–3 Madruguinha Buneco Clube
Vovó Clotilde 0–1 Atlético Estatuário

bye teams round
.           São Perebano 2–0 Atlético Chorão
Atlético Clube dos Zumbi 0–1 Volta Quadrada
Máfia FC 3–1 Pretérito Imperfeito
SC Derrota 1–2 Carandiru FC
Gruzeiro 0–1 W.O.F.C.
Xangrilá 0–1 Toupeira FC
Onze do Copo 1–2 Anões EC
Real Saci 0–1 América de Cabo Verde
Las Marías 1–4 Atlético Gretchen
Saci SC 0–1 FC Mônica Zacarias
Bunda Juniors 1–2 Esperança Tetraplégica
Chapeleta de Desportos 0–1 Chaculateira FC
Paraguay SC 2–0 Crash Bandicoot
31 Cudmundópolis 2–1 Braçil
Faustão Pelada Clube 1–1 Paulo Bonfá RBCCFA (1–1 AET) (0–3 pen.)
Inter Limão 1–0 Atlético Estatuário

round of 16
.         São Perebano 0–2 Volta Quadrada
Máfia FC 1–0 Carandiru FC
W.O.F.C. 1–0 Toupeira FC
Anões EC 0–0 América de Cabo Verde (0–0 AET) (3–1 pen.)
Atlético Gretchen 4–1 FC Mônica Zacarias
Esperança Tetraplégica 1–0 Chaculateira FC
Paraguay SC 3–0 31 Cudmundópolis
Paulo Bonfá RBCCFA 1–0 Inter Limão

.  Volta Quadrada 0–1 Máfia FC
W.O.F.C. 1–3 Anões EC
Atlético Gretchen 1–3 Esperança Tetraplégica
Paraguay SC 2–0 Paulo Bonfá RBCCFA

.             Máfia FC 0–1 Anões EC
Esperança Tetraplégica 1–1 Paraguay SC (1–2 AET)

Anões EC 1–1 Paraguay SC (2–2 AET) (5–4 pen.)

Parabeins ao grandi campião
congratulations to the great champion

Capivara Group (CPV) qualifiers
Champions' Cup: Chapeleta de Desportos
Globe Cup: Gruzeiro, Onze do Copo, 31 Cudmundópolis
Series B Champions' Cup: Madruguinha Buneco Clube, Freiras de São Roque, Braçil, Carandiru FC
Cygnus Cup: Anões EC
Heritage Cup: Saci SC, Bunda Juniors
This post has been awarded the Official Seu Creysson seal of quality by Seu Creysson, CEO of Capivara Seu Creysson Group Inc. ("Capivara Group")



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