Operation Sun Down (SoW, Beiraq Theatre - CLOSED)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Operation Sun Down (SoW, Beiraq Theatre - CLOSED)

Postby Alfegos » Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:42 pm

"The Plantation" - Headquarters of the Joint National Headquarters for Special Operations (JNHQ)
Somewhere in Zevkhay Province

The meeting room was busy, as the special session of the JNHQ took place. During this time of war, the once-daily meetings were rapidly become twice-or-thrice daily as intelligence and special operations were organised. It was one of the biggest escalations since the 2005 crisis, and before that since the 1970s. However, the threat was not on the shores of Alfegos - it was far away, in distant lands. The meeting room was a sound-proofed room deep in the underground facility that JNHQ used, one of the many sections in this labyrinth inhabited by representatives of the more secretive agencies - the Orange Service, and their commando unit, responsible for overseas high-risk operations; the Green Service, a counter-terror and counter-espionage unit based across the Fegosphere; JNIA, responsible for a more "civilian" approach to espionage and counter-espionage; and many others too countless to organise themselves with the joint initiative.

Today, representatives were in talk with one of the highly secretive branches of the JNHQ - ORBCOM, the command facility for the nation's space assets. Based deep underground at the Ol'vi cosmodrome, with monitoring facilities stretching across the world, they had reason to keep themselves quiet - after all, they were constantly engaged in espionage with spy satellites, and defending the nation against said threats. But alongside their surveillance and communication responsibilites, they had numerous other assets that had been lumped in from the disbanded Army Experimental Warfare Unit - they had been left with the legacy of nuclear pulsejet missiles, all now dismantled and awaiting full decomission; an arsenal of sounding rockets and experiment aircraft and missile designs, now slowly being sifted through in the legacy of the collapsed agency; and, of course, the Geophysical Warfare Initiative. The decision had been based upon the supposed purpose of the programme - to conduct atmospheric research, allowing determination as to whether long-term habitation of space within and above the van-allen belts and magnetosphere was possible, and to research the effect of geomagnetic storms on the atmosphere. When they had found out other parts of the programme, it had rapidly been hushed up, as they tried to determine what to do with some of the more dangerous plans and reports. And now, it was being dredged up again.

Once all were seated, and the flickering images of avatars including the ORBCOM commander were all present, the meeting began. The doors were bolted shut and alarmed, as the room was scanned a final time for any bugs.
"Good afternoon gentlemen. Today, we are here to discuss potentially one of the most ambitious and dark plans in our nation's history - Operation Sun Down. In light of the increasing threat from Beiraq, including the potential for attack of overseas territories and/or Nova itself, we have decided to engage in a campaign to remove them from the war, with minimal loss of life and minimal cost on our part. The aim of the Operation is disruption and destabilisation - that is, to cause the population of Beiraq to become so disillusioned from the government way of thinking that they are forced to withdraw, on both disruptive and religious grounds. The suggestion was first posed by the commander of the Green Service, who has a unit aiding in the decomissioning of the Army Experimental Warfare Unit camps, such as the Directed Energy Weapon facility and the Faultine device. It has since been built upon by the ORBCOM commander, to the point we now have a feasible plan for the first three stages of this operation. I will now pass you over to the commander of ORBCOM, who will brief you all on what is to happen, and to discuss inter-agency co-operation required."

"Thankyou. Ladies, gentlemen... today, we stand at the start of a new era in warfare. An era where the very earth can be used to attack our enemies. Operation Sun Down."
There was a pause as he checked his notes, a map of Beiraq appearing on a projector screen.
"Phase one of our operation is ready to be initialised very soon. This will involve the use of the UHEIM facility to induce disruption in the ionosphere, thus causing regional disruption in Beiraq and neighbouring countries, including another self-declared foe of ours. The disruption will be limited to UHF band, and MF-VLF bands, so will not affect mobile telecommunications or landline communications. However, it will disrupt long-wave radio, television, and will cause severe interference to satellite communications. This is because of the mechanism of the action of our broadcast."
A diagram appeared, showing a model of the atmosphere, along with labelled satellites.
"UHEIM was originally developed to attempt to cause propogation of long wave radio across vast distances. This was before the age of cheap satellites. However, it was found that if different layers of the ionosphere are agitated, or different atomic layers are excited, the ionosphere will become disrupted, either become opaque to most radio signals or even causing bands to disappear entirely. Furthermore, it was found that a select few of these frequencies will cause resonance in the atmosphere, and thus secondary production of UHF and HF signals in vast quantities. With the amount of power we have available, if necessary we can completely swamp many radio signals in a targeted region for up to fifteen minutes, or cause severe disruption to low power utilities - induced signals will easily swamp out GPS signals, even at low power, and will disrupt short-range radios. Of course, the power required is enourmous, and the downside is that the entirity of Nova will see that something is afoot in Alfegos - there may be secondary disruptions in communications across the whole of Nova. Which is why I need your help here.

I need all relevant agencies to report the impending disruption to their civilian counterpart agencies - the government need to know the potential there is for local disruption in Milkavich province. The HVDC lines will need to be shut down until further notice, otherwise we risk blowing all the lights in Alfegos. All signals will need to be routed through our mesolite assets until further notice, and GPS users will have to be warned of potential disruption in Milkavich province. This information needs to be passed on to Novan governments. All aircraft will have to be diverted away from the 50 mile exclusion zone around the antenna, to stop them crashing - and even then there will need to be an alert to all air traffic. Finally, we need people to get onto the rest of Nova, to make sure they don't come investigating when the brightest aurorae in a decade suddenly appears above Alfegos - I don't know how to explain that off the top of my head. Swampgas?"

There was a loud laugh from most present, before he continued.

"The second phase is the main striking phase - the action phase where we will exploit the religious tendancies of the population. As a stroke of genius, we have had a suggestion from our Monavian counterparts of a joint orbital asset effort, since we have a relatively intact network, of creating a 'rain of fire'. This will rely on its psychological effects above all, but also on the potential for destruction.
This phase will commence in thirty-six hours time. With the established aurorae and disruption in Beiraq, people will start questioning what is going on. At this point, we will give the order for the UHEIM facility to increase power to maximum for as long as they can manage - apparantly ten minutes. This will create a fantastic aurorae across their nation - and potentially wipe out most communications. As this occurs, timers outside of the affected region will transmit signals to two groups of devices - the first is the Cluster Projectile Munition aboard ODIN-I, and the second to an orbiting cluster of fifteen orbiter warheads. Each of the orbiter warheads contains 2000 tungsten spheres, each of diameter 5cm. The Cluster Projectile Munition contains 35 000 tungsten spheres of this diameter. On the command, the units will begin deorbiting, at as steep an angle as possible, using rocket assistance. These units have no re-entry shields, and as such will begin to rapidly heat on re-entry. At an altitude of approximately 40km, the cage holding the CPM together will burst, allowing the spheres inside the cluster to further heat up, and to scatter the many thousands of spheres. These will then land - we are aiming to hit the capital with the CPM, and the Monavians will be aiming for the port to the south of the nation with half their devices, and a city to the north with the other half. The devices have an accuracy rating of about 6km using gyroscopic stabilising along with the programmed rocket re-entry, and will be dispersing over an area of diameter approximately 15km. The Monavians tell us their devices may be more accurate, but will heat up less on entry.
The spheres will land with many at temperatures of a few thousand degrees. Beforehand, since we are aiming to attack during the evening or night, the sky will be lit up by thousands of these objects. They will have enough kinetic energy on impact to penetrate roughly 0.5m into soft ground, less so on hard surfaces - however, we are assuming that if they land in the drier areas with crops, fires could be started, and that in the urban areas widespread minor damage to buildings, possibly with fires started, could be caused. The sonic blast caused by re-entry will not do anything itself, but each projectile may be able to be heard landing from up to a kilometre away. We are estimating a few direct civilian casualties directly, but possibly large damage.

The resulting carnage ensuing will likely provoke a religious reaction. Now, I am again asking those with contacts in Novan media agencies to ensure that this strike is in no way traced back to any nation in the region - even from allies. This is a strictly Union matter. However, once news leaks back, we will need data to assess the impact of the strike, and the possibility for development. We will also need to promote the possibility of an act of god being serious, to inspire our religious peoples and to work against those who are religious and of the Confederate block.

Finally, we will be sending an airship patrol to the region, with the primary apparant attempt being to intercept and destroy the arsenal ships in retreat to Beiraq. However, we will also be loading a special payload. The missiles which they will carry as a special package will be modified sounding rockets, which will hold dust warheads. These will be fired into major cloud systems located before by pour meteorological experts, with the intent on destabilising them. Hopefully, this will induce a short-term drought in Beiraq, and possibly cause flooding or torrential rain on the coast. This will take a few days to become apparant, and we are not sure of the outcome. There is though a potential, if the torrential rain works, to add to the illusion of divine intervention. I'll need JMHQ to get onto the airfleet units being scrambled from Solace V to get onto it ASAP.

Any questions?"


UHEIM (Ultra High Energy Ionospheric Modification Facility)
Centre-South Milkavich Province

A group of three men slowly paced along a narrow animal pathway, keeping low as they carefully trod through the dense walls of foliage to either side. Guerillas - the local government of this area of the province. Between the great Milkavich fort line, and the eastern cordon, the rainforest was their stalking ground, from which it was impossible to evict them. And now, they were investigating, not fighting but observing. There was an old experimental lab near their camp, deep in one of the small tree-lined valleys, which nobody ever went to. It was said it was haunted, and that it had been used as a biological warfare testing site during the 1st Civil War. As such, few of them ever ventured there, and even fewer returned. But with the group of helicopters landing there the day before, they had become curious - what were the military doing on their patch? Were they planning to launch an attack?

The men finally reached 'the mound' - a huge earth wall built in front of a ditch. It had been dug by the local people in the area, when the facility was abandoned in the 70s - to contain the evil spirits. Wind chimes rattled and sung in the light breeze, along with the warning signs - pictograms, warning of the Following Death, to deter those who came near. The men lay down behidn the mound, before peering across to the perimeter fence - electrified, of course. Rusted warning signs hung from it - warning of the danger of entry in multiple languages. A bullet hole failed to erase the radioactive warning pictogram, or the similar Following Death pictograms. Something was happening inside.
"Ta'ce iuo!" One of the men whispered, pointing. Within a lichen-encrusted bunker, almost invisible beneath the thick buttress roots of a giant forest tree, a single men in full camouflage kit sat looking out around the forest, using the scope atop an efficient-looking machinegun. Silence, the gunner peering around, before freezing as he peered at the men.
"Shit!" The men rolled back down the bank, as a shout came from inside. Within seconds, there came the sound of footsteps, as a section of men came running to the perimeter. They started moving, following the small tunnels of animals through the undergrowth, letting the forest surround them. They all sat silently as the soldiers began searching - slowly moving down the paths, man in front with a metal detector and thermal monocle. Whilst most men were trained in tracking and counter-tracking, this was kit enough to severely burden anyone trying to escape. Thankfully, they had not brough dogs.

The footsteps continued along the mound, as the soldiers started patrolling atop the earthern barrier. The men slowly flicked off safety catches from their assorted assault rifles, aiming up towards the bank. The soldiers were close. There came a shout, as the lead man froze, slowly looking around. His rifle came around to their hiding place, a gentle movement indicating what he could see. The rest of the section cocked their weapons, raising them.
"Come out slowly, where we can see you - weapons held above your heads. Do it now, or we'll burn you out."
The group leader thought quickly - three men against eight was near impossible - even if they had the draw, there would still be five left shooting. But they couldn't just surrender, could they? He made up his mind, before slowly standing with rifle above his head. He took a tentative breath - as he realised they hadn't seen the other two - before stepping forwards. He winked at the two, before walking forwards.
"Stop. Put the weapon down by your feet, slowly, and take the magazine out. Good. Now turn around, and face towards the forest."
There was a quick motion, as the man was handcuffed.
"Now then... what are you doing here?"
"We saw the helicopters, and thought we'd come and look. I'm a local villager."
"And do you use AKs to hunt?"
The man looked at him, before making up his mind.
"The military are currently decontaminating this area. They are removing sensitive devices, and as such will be here a while. You may have interference with any radios... do you have a radio?"
"We have a village one."
"Well, there will be interference whilst we disable some devices here. Go, and don't come back - this place is still very dangerous."

A loud siren began sounding back in the facility - the soldier's face showed a flicker of fear, before returning to normal. A few other men looked at each other, worried.
"For you own sake, I suggest you get out of here fast - they're about to do something... I don't know what. Run... NOW!"
The soldier cut the plasticuffs open, rifle raised as the man sprinted - he could tell panic in someone quite easily, and knew that this man was worried about something. He sprinted to where the others were hiding, turning around - the soldiers had gone.
"Let's get the hell out of here!"
"No buts, now!"


The men crawled to the top of the valley side, stopping exhausted. And yet nothing yet seemed to have happened. From up here, it was difficult, but just possible to see the extent of the site - the electric fence stretched for almost two miles up the valley, and half a mile across it. And amongst it... it had always seemed strange to them. There were thousands of what looked like monuments of some sort - concrete bases, with tall metal spires raised above them. They sat, just visible poking out of the forest canopy, in long repetitive rows, equally spaced. Nobody had ever said what they were - people had merely been near the place. Nobody had ever gone in. The place was rusted and old, as if abandoned for decades. And yet...
"Can you here that?" A strange hum filled the air, a deep vibration, as if the very earth was shaking. It was quiet enough to be a whisper - but a whisper none the less. Voices, whispering to them.
"I don't like the feel of this one bit..."


Deep beneath the concrete monoliths, nearly a hundred metres below the ground, a group of men stood alert amongst a swarm of activity. Around the large control room, hewn out of the rock, ancient computer units sat displaying complicated measurements on clusters of dials, more modern laptops connected into the tangle of snake-like cables nesting within. The only entrance into the room was through a metal blast door, currently swung open, merging into a network of thick metal wires embedded into and on top of the rocks. The floor was rough, concrete hiding a similar network beneath. At the front of the centre, amidst the largest cluster of computers and dials, a man sat talking on a field telephone, two cables leading out through the blast door. The tinny voice crackled on the speaker.
"UHIEM command, you are go-go-go on Operation Sun Down. I repeat, you are go-go-go. Over."
"ORBCOM Sierra Operator, requesting firing codes and final confirmation of co-ordinates, over."
"Co-ordinate are... ... ..., at energy levels Delta and Foxtrot one. Firing code Alpha Charlie Charline Niner Three Fiver Zero X-ray Golf Quebec. Over."
"Understood. Firing will commence in exactly three zero zero seconds from now. Out."
The facility commander put down the telephone handset, as one of the technicians quickly unplugged the telephone. A few seconds later, a man came running down with the satellite antenna and laptop unit. Picking up a loud hailer, he began to speak, as the firing code was put into the computer systems.
"Attention! Attention! We have go-go-go on firing. Prepare all systems to full readiness, at High, Sustained power, co-ordinates... ... ..., using all assets."

Even further below them, the core of a nuclear reactor glowed. The base had been built in the 50s, when at the time it was one of the primary nuclear test sites in Alfegos. The aged reactor remained, now heavily converted to power production. Beneath thick layers of electromagnetic shielding, it lurked with the power storage units, the heart of the facility - caverns filled with towering stacks of accumulators and capacitors, feeding up to transformers immersed in thousands of litres of mineral oil. And from there, through huge oscillators and modifiers, and delay coils, to the thousands of antennae above. And now, the facility was preparing to fire for the first time in true anger. Technicians sprinted to the safety of the shielded bunker areas and control rooms, as alarms sounded around the facility. The blast doors slammed shut as the last men were accounted for, sealing.
"All systems charged and fully ready!"
"Core status OK!"
"Firing T-minus thirty seconds."

There was silence as they counted down.
"T-minus five seconds."
Outside the bunker, huge switches connected, sending megawatts of power surging into the systems. Coursing into the network, it began to pulse, waves crashing back on themselves as the power levels quickly escalated. It was no lie to say the air was electric, as bolts of energy lept across to closing switches. The lights flickered, as the startup pulse tried to force its way through the wire shielding, inducing currents in the metal. Warning lights started flashing, as the system began broadcasting.


"What the hell is that?"
In the forest, an eerie light penetrated through the trees, as the vibrations increased. They suddenly peaked, before silencing. Below, the lights hung in the air, a glowing halo around the antennae. In the sky above, the clouds seemed to be vaporising before their eyes. No, it was a trick of the lights.
"Ow!" One of the men started shaking his hand, cursing.
"Stung myself on the rifle." He looked at the others, as they got the same reaction.
"Let's get out of here - they're gonna want to know what we've just seen!"


LEO - 400km Above Middle East

The Fegosian satellite networks had been severely damaged in the orbital war. Many satellites had had to be shunted into disposal orbits over earth, where they would burn up over the oceans, or had been downright destroyed. The EITS network - 'Eye in the Sky', was one of the hardest hit. Being in low earth orbit, the small size of the satellites and their delicate construction had left them most vulnerable to orbiting detritus. There had been many, but now capacity had been reduced significantly, to a mere few sky wanderers. And right now, this satellite was busy gathering intelligence that ORBCOM needed.

Beneath it, it surveyed the sky with camera fully zoomed out - watching the flickering aurorae. Whilst it could communicate with other satellites, it was dumb to anything down there, as curtains of shimmering light pulsed across the sky. It was coming towards night here - and in its quick pass, the infra-red camera would see through the relatively weak IR emissions of the aurorae, and watch the reaction of the military facilities - and of the population - to what could be a nightmare of radio and television interference. Its next pass, in many hours time, would see it watching the chaos that few knew was to be unleashed.


Station Luna IV - Home of 1 & 2 Flotilla, 3rd Air Fleet
South Polinas/North Milkavich Province

Sirens rang in the hangar as the crews were scrambled - they had received a priority intercept notice. Aeromarines sprinted to positions around the station, as a hive of activity erupted inside. With little time to spare, as per a request directly from the War Ministry, they were going to have to work fast. And the ants that were the men paled in insignificance to to the monsterous craft that were to leave soon. The structure was a marvel of engineering - a tunnel, blasting miles back into the rocks of the mountain, huge arches holding up kilometres of rock overhead. Cubic kilometres of rock had been removed from here, much as part of mining operations over decades but also by the military, using ordinance and legions of men. And within these vast hangers, the behemoths slowly arose.

"All crew hands to report immediately to the AAS Skylark. Technical staff to load as per plan 3-2-10-S2271."
The speakers echoed around the hangar as crews worked. On the ground, missiles were being loaded onto the taskforce lead vessel, the AAS Skylark. A Consul class Aerocruiser, she was one of the most difficult airships in the airfleet to destroy. Once before, she had been intercepted by aircraft during the 2005 crisis, and annihilated the lot - in defence, she had taken on bold fighter pilots at close quarters, the survivors retreating when they realised that they were using the wrong kind of arms. And now, she was being fitted out for a potentially dangerous sortie - to hunt ships. This time, there would be little gung-ho charging - rather, it would be a long range strike, using the Machete ULRAShM normally deployed from bunkers in Alfegos to take the ships out from a 2000 km distance. Along with that, the normal plethora of anti-shipping missiles, anti-air missiles and ABMs. And, a payload of fifteen Blue Bolt XVIII sounding rockets. Normally used for scientific high-altitude research, here they would be travelling a much longer horizontal distance, to deliver their cloud-seeding warhead. Not that the crews knew the purpose of them - to them they were merely a scientific experiment.

The missiles were rapidly loaded, hundreds of smaller missiles in their launch modules slotted into place through the gondola sides by specialist trucks. They surrounding the central, forward facing payload - eight of the very large Machete missiles, complete with booster packs, hiding inside their large modules. The Blue Bolts sat facing the rear, thick anti-blast sheets between them and the other modules, as the air technicians quickly linked up each module to the internal control rack. Green light after green light appeared at the weapons control station in the control gondola, along with confirmations of loading as the escorts finished loading. Fuelling teams quickly removed the tens of methane gas tubes from the engine gondola fuelling ports and central pipe ports, as the engines started up. Massive 34kW "Super Power" engines, this vast pair taking up their own rearward gondola with fuel processors and other systems, modified from the engines used on surface ships. The units quickly wound up, rapidly, to idling speed, the roar echoing through the hangars.

And soon, the Taskforce Commander took up his position on the command deck of the AAS Skylark, checking over his fleet ORBAT:
AAS Skylark
N-991 (N class Aerofrigate)
N-997 (N class Aerofrigate)
K-265 (K class Aerodestroyer)

It was small, but adequate - after all, at the distances they would be engaging at, few aircraft could possibly make it to attack them - and those few would be spotted and destroyed from range. So as the final checks were made, the airship towing units started dragging the vast airship towards the hangar entrance - a gaping hole, two hundred metres wide and two hundred metres high, huge metal arches bridging the entrance. Many tens of metal barricades sat around the entrance, along with numerous folding panels from the roof and walls, able to form a barrier if needed. But nothing would be able to cope with a door to enclose one of these.

And so, the first of the group of four broke out into the afternoon light, quickly turning on the strong winds, before starting its acceleration towards Beiraq. In four days time, they would be in range. But much would have happened by then.

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The State of Monavia
Posts: 1566
Founded: Jun 27, 2006
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby The State of Monavia » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:24 pm

January 2010

Odessa Space Center
Odessa, Monavia

The plan to remove the threat posed by the Glorious Republic of Beiraq from the war had been formulated by tacticians and strategic planning personnel far away, in the meeting rooms of the Mount Talus Complex, the MNIA National Headquarters, the Admiralty, and any number of other places. Although each of the respective agencies had plans of their own for prosecuting the war, the first major retaliatory strike against Beiraq was being implemented through the facilities at Odessa. Over the last three months, nearly a hundred satellites, mostly military, had been sent into orbit as replacements of those lost in the actions of early October 2009.

Beiraq’s population, through intelligence gathering operations, was discovered to be fond of using religious justifications for war. More importantly, religion formed the basis of their ability to maintain high morale. The notion of a just war, of a holy war, in defense of their own ideals, was something that would need to be challenged in the coming operations; otherwise, their resolve would remain formidable.

The current strategy was based around two central principles. First, weapons needed to be deployed in such a manner that they could not be countered by any existing technology. Such devices were being assembled and deployed as part of the attack, yet the preparations were arduously slow in proceeding. Second among the objectives was the need to carry out effective psychological attacks by using said weapons in a manner that had not only military ramifications, but religious ones. The Beiraqi people would have to contend with a new threat that has never been encountered in this newer form.

As the days ground by, the Monavian retaliatory strike was being readied. In short order, the Beiraqis would behold the greatest space based kinetic-incendiary weapon ever used against ground targets in modern history. With the assistance of their allies, the people of Alfegos, the Nova Coalition would exact its harsh revenge.

MNIA National Headquarters
Chalcedon, Monavia

Three months had passed since Beiraq attacked the fleet of Imbrinium in a preemptive first strike, and yet no plans for retaliation outside the naval theater had been promulgated by the Monavian National Defense Council, referred to as the High Command within military circles. While this was due in part to the utter lack of information on Beiraq that had existed until the war, what little could be known about the country was being put to use by the MNIA for the purposes of creating plans for waging a war of espionage, sabotage, and subterfuge of every variety that was deemed viable by its Senior Operations Director.

In General Director Cheney’s office, a meeting between himself and Leon Chekov, the man who ran the entire Department of Internal Security within the agency, was taking place. Chekov was seated in a plush chair across the wide oaken desk from Cheney, who had recently completed work on a plan of attack guaranteed to bring about the expedient defeat of the Beiraqis. The weaponry had already been theorized by Monavian military brass about fifteen years prior to its first use in war, yet it was only now that it was to be employed in an aggressive fashion. The success of the war would depend on this attack.

“Mr. General Director, you called me on some matter of…internal security, I presume?”

“That is the position you held, last I looked. I have been authorizing enough intelligence gathering activities with the Department of Operations to see what Beiraqi children eat for dinner and how they prefer to have it served. A number of targets have been identified, targets which will need to be eliminated in due order if the war is to proceed in our favor.”

“That is an external matter, thus I cannot determine with any certainty why you would request my presence here.”

“I will explain that to you when we arrive at Mount Talus. That is where I will inform General White and his subordinates of the MNIA’s attack plans.”

“Would it be safe to assume that some electronic warfare will be conducted?” Chekov asked.

“Of course it will, but not offensively. The plans are dependent on using it for defensive purposes.”

“Apparently whatever you are planning will pique the interest of General White. It has that characteristic flavor of brilliance about it that is normally lacking in more mundane proposals.”

“A war is being fought. Do not expect any plans to be entirely mundane.”

“Why would I?” Chekov answered indignantly. “It’s more than certain to both of us that most of our operations are what people call ‘standard,’ that is to say that they are things an agency like ours will be expected to do.”

Having been taken slightly aback, Cheney paused momentarily, glancing down at a thick folder atop his desk. “Amusing, such a thing as this,” he muttered, looking at the folder. “To think that they are unaware of what misfortunes shall befall them. It’s almost enough to move most to pity them, however, given that they have yet to be laid low, perhaps there is no reason for pity. Their aggression against the fleet of Imbrinium shall be paid in full, measure for measure.”

“General Director, perhaps we should save the rest of this for our meeting with General White.”

“You’re correct. After all, it won’t be more than a few hours before we can speak with him. Our plane leaves in half an hour.”

“I will meet you at the airfield five minutes before we depart.” Chekov left to inform his department that he would be gone the rest of the day, having to concern himself with ‘external business essential to national security’ elsewhere in the country.

Twenty minutes had passed since Chekov had left his office for the last time that day. He spent the next two gaining entry into the airfield and parking near the hangar where the plane was stationed. After boarding and taking sufficient time to load his briefcase and Cheney’s into a small compartment in the cabin, he and Cheney were buckled in and spent the next three minutes taxiing toward the end of a runway.

Following takeoff, neither had much material from which to create need for a conversation, and thus quietly spent the next two and a half hours in relative quiet. Chekov played blackjack with a valet for an hour, while Cheney reviewed an operations request. By the time the plane landed, there was little left for either of the pair to busy themselves with except for boarding a sedan bound for the complex. Upon arrival, and passing through subsequent security checkpoints, they were brought down an elevator shaft to the main facility.

Mount Talus Complex
Northern Monavia

Located in excess of 300 meters below sea level, beneath a four mile high granite mountain, the complex was constructed to resist the most formidable assaults conceived in the annals of modern warfare. Within this secure location, the officers charged with executing the attack would carry out their fateful orders with all needed haste when the proper moment arrived. For now, Cheney contented himself with delivering his strategy and lists of targets, maps, and photographs to General White and his advisors.

Two adjutants led Cheney and Chekov down corridors to General White’s office, where they waited for about ten minutes while the general was summoned. He was attending to matters of organizing some equipment for a possible invasion of Bediraq, being ordered to contribute the resources of his base, or more accurately, a portion thereof, to the assembly of a cohesive war effort against the Beiraqis. Having arrived at his office after completing a few equipment list confirmations, and updating his superiors on the progress of his work, he spoke briefly to Cheney about his business at the base.

“Sir, I had not expected you here at a time like this. Would you care to let me know what you and the intelligence brass are up to?”

“General, my presence here concerns a possible attack strategy that could potentially bring about the defeat of the Beiraqi military and its supporters.”

“That’s a bold, perhaps even audacious statement to make without much to show as far as backing it up, at least until you show me what you have in mind,” the general replied incredulously.

“I would expect you to say such a thing about the plan. You will leave this room thinking differently about it after the details are revealed to you.”

“As you may be aware by now, I’m not as easily impressed as some of the politicians in Chalcedon may be by your recent work. Your investigation of the Lewis affair may have been a source of political capital, but it did nothing to further the effectiveness of the MNIA in wartime operations.”

“Be that as it may, these plans may be netter discussed with your advisors around the table. Would one of the briefing rooms be vacant enough for us to use?”

“None of them are currently in use at this time. Please, follow me.” White opened the door to his office, thrusting it aside, and led the pair down a corridor to an austerely furnished briefing room, with an octagonal table surrounded by ten chairs. “While you remain here to determine how you will make your proposal, I will bring in my adjutants and tactical advisors.”

“That will suffice for us,” Cheney replied. “We’ll wait here.”

White returned with seven others, filling all of the vacant seats at the table, a process that took all of a minute and a half. With the essential personnel comfortably arranged where they needed to be, White began.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as you may be aware, the General Director of the MNIA has come here to brief us on some intelligence the agency has gathered on Beiraq and its implications. He also claims to be in possession of a working attack stratagem that promises a decisive victory against the previously mentioned party.” Nodding to Cheney, White added, “If you will, Mr. General Director.”

“General, you have my thanks for allowing me and Senior Internal Security Director Chekov to provide you and this body of advisors with information needed to affect the course of the war in our favor. I would have sent you much of this information earlier, but I was informed that the focus of the war was on Brewdomia, and later the Blackhelm Confederacy itself. As you all are aware, the Empire is undertaking operations against far-flung Confederate territories at the present.” Cheney began passing around several dossiers and folders containing maps, photographs, and other such materials that would be of an informative to the group.

“More detailed reports have been sent to you earlier today for your consideration, however, given that I was informed that this facility’s personnel have been backlogged with reports from other places for the last few days, I chose instead to show everyone some of what they needed to know before the formal report is processed.

“The attack plans are somewhat of an older idea developed over a decade ago, but never deemed viable for use against Monavia’s less powerful neighbors. There was no known reason to have such destructive weapons developed in a time when budgets were smaller than usual and relative peace was being enforced by a period of isolationism. Be that as it may, the technology that had been developed is now deemed viable by the Department of Operations and a number of officials working for the Ministry of National Security.

“The plan relies on the use of a particularly damaging weapon, launched into orbit, and then allowed to descend upon our enemies in such a manner as to render itself impossible to intercept or effectively counter, at least with any known technology. For the purposes of explaining the plan, I will provide all of us with a minor demonstration.”

Cheney walked over to a light switch panel, reduced the level of illumination to its standard minimum level, and then lowered a projector screen. Having done this, he inserted a small disc into a computer which controlled the projector. “This will require some time to load and then be put to use, however, it is clearer than any description confined to mere words.”

When the program was loaded, the projector began displaying a map of Beiraq. “As is already quite evident,” Cheney began, “Beiraq’s territory is our target. What I propose is a direct strike against their domestic assets.” Cheney then advanced the slide to another portion of the presentation, and began to narrate a brief series of statements as a video played behind him.

“The sight behind me is familiar to many of you. For those of you who are unaware, it’s the Odessa Space Center. Extensive use of its facilities has allowed this command to replace many damaged and destroyed assets in space over the last several months. The latest selection of deployments would include weaponry with the ability to destroy targets in Beiraq.” Images of a launching site began to appear on screen moments later.

“The strategy relies on a series of fifteen rockets, each delivering a canister containing approximately 2,000 tungsten spheres, each about two Imperial inches across. The canisters will be massed in space, then de-orbited and allowed to reenter the upper atmosphere. Upon reaching the proper altitude, the spheres will be released from the canister and heat up as they encounter resistance and friction from the air, reaching temperatures hot enough to melt titanium. Projections are such that the area to be affected by the massed strike of 30,000 white-hot pieces of metal, slamming into targets at hypersonic speed, will be such that anything that is hit will be destroyed.”

“Your plan intrigues me, Mr. Cheney, however, I believe that such a weapon was devised years ago and was not produced because the need did not exist for it. For that matter, the funding levels also left much to be desired.”

“I cannot voice any disagreement on the issue of funding such a program in previous years, however, given that we need a weapon in space that cans strike the Beiraqis on short notice, and be effective enough to bring about the destruction of intended targets, I advise this body to consider implementing my proposal.”

“Have you taken this up with the High Command?”

“I have already done that yesterday, yet given the pace of bureaucracy, it may be another day or so before they announce their final decision. It is my obligation as the creator of this stratagem to advise you of its existence and ensure that you will be familiar with it before being issued any orders, in the event that the High Command accepts the proposal.”

“Thank you, Mr. Cheney. I will take your proposal under advisement, to prepare for the possibility of having to implement it.”

“General, before we adjourn, I would like to explain Chekov’s presence here.”


“Chekov will be directing the efforts to prevent any security breaches in regard to this operation.”

“That will be most helpful to our ability to conduct the strike, should we need additional security,” White added.

Turning to Chekov, Cheney began briefing him on his new assignment. “Director Chekov, you will be carrying out defensive actions on electronic channels. The prevention of foreign attacks on our networks will be your priority, but more importantly, I want you to search for potential hackers, track them, and if need be, eliminate their ability to inflict any damage.”

“It shall be done as you command, General Director.”

“We have little further business to discuss, if I’m not mistaken,” White said.

“That is correct. The final order of business is to inform you that Chekov will also handle the cover-up of the operation. We will stage several rocket launches to make it appear that we are merely launching additional replacement satellites. The Beiraqis will be deceived into believing that the mass launch of rockets is not intended to be used as weapons, given the amount of activity they may have already observed lately.”

“Thank you for your assistance. Without further delay, you are dismissed.”

The pair left the room, taking their time to exit the complex, and prepared for a long journey back to Chalcedon. They would arrive late that evening, far after sunset.

Forty-eight hours before commencement

Odessa Space Center
Odessa, Monavia

It had taken four days for the rockets to be deployed on the launching sites, adding to the unexpectedly long five days of deliberations by the High Command, which had approved the proposal after dozens of hours of heated debating. Once the more vitriolic rhetoric had been expended in the first day of arguments, the remaining four days were spent coordinating various proposals for executing the plan. At last, the final orders were written out, and issued to controllers.

The launch took a total of almost twenty minutes to execute, as a rocket was sent tearing into the azure sky every seventy-five seconds. In two more hours, the canisters were deployed into space, being allowed to orbit in a manner consistent with normal satellites, in order to fool foreign intelligence services, and ground observers.

The operation would be coordinated through the Mount Talus Complex, as its Strategic Orbital Command took the lead in carrying out the strike. In addition to the transfer of command, Cheney, acting on behalf of the MNIA, informed Alfegan intelligence services, specifically the Joint National Intelligence Agency and the Joint National Headquarters for Special Operations of the deployment.

MNIA National Headquarters
Chalcedon, Monavia

Preparing an official electronic message on a secure channel for his counterparts took nearly half an hour, as he was interrupted several times by telephone calls from other officials within the agency. With this accomplished, he set himself to work completing the work he had begun to compose, sending it out with the hope that they would be able to carry out the strike before the Beiraqis could conduct another offensive.





This transmission has been sent to inform you that the fifteen sphere canisters have been successfully deployed and currently are located in a stable orbit. They will remain in such a pattern for the purpose of convincing hostile forces that the canisters are nothing more than satellites, allowing prompting their attentions to be directed elsewhere. In the meantime, I will ask that all requests for coordinating the actual use of these weapons be referred to General White, commander of the Mount Talus Complex in northern Monavia.

Seven of the canisters will be released against ports and cities in the south portion of Beiraq and seven more will be aimed at a city in the far northern region. The remaining canister, containing 2,000 spheres, will be held in reserve briefly, during which time monitoring of Beiraqi activities shall determine an additional target. Should they attempt to launch weapons to counter the strike, or attempt to evacuate important assets that they believe to be a possible target, said items will be targeted and attacked as necessary.

As it currently stands, this is the stratagem determined by the High Command, which has now given its approval for the operation. In the remaining hours before the attack commences, any modifications to this plan will need to be suggested immediately, otherwise, said modifications will be unable to be implemented.


James Cheney
General Director, MNIA

[Encryption Level X (1,024 bit)]
Last edited by The State of Monavia on Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:49 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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Postby Shiistan » Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:41 pm

"My friends, may Allah bless this meeting of ours today," spoke the Imam Reza Jibril to the gathering of Ministers. "Today's work, which you do in His most holy name, shall be good." With that, the Imam took his seat and folded his hands around a leatherbound Qu'ran.

"Inshallah," the gathering chorused, "It is His Will."

"Today we meet to discuss a matter most pressing to the Islamic world," said Mullah Amir Hadad, the defacto leader of the Shiistani government. For years, the Holy Islamic Republic of Shiistan had been a reclusive nation, taking little interest in the affairs of the outside world and focusing on what it perceived as it's divine mandate: the creation of an Islamic utopia on earth, based upon strict adherence to the tenents of Sharia Law, and the book of Hadith, the very word of the Prophet Mohammed himself. "This matter is that of Beiraq, and it's imminant invasion by a force of non-muslims. I now direct you to Surah twenty two, verses thirty nine through forty: "To those against whom war is made, permission is given to wage war, because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid. Those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- except that they say, "our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid him;- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might."

"Allahu Akbar," chorused the gathering of Ministers.

"Quite," nodded Mullah Hadad, "therefore, we must now interpret from this Surah what we are to do. The Beiraqi government is full of sin, a nation of whores and sodomites who do not adhere to the absolute submission, yet they are still our people, our brothers to Allah," he paused, and met each of the sixteen Ministers gaze before continuing. "Is Jihad our duty?"

The first to respond was Minister for the Prevention of Sin and the Suppression of Vice, Abdul al-Gaber. With a chuckle, and a stroke of his long greying beard, he said, "This matter is simple. From verse nine twenty nine of the Qur'an: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." and from Surah eight: "Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war." The people around the table, all facing him awaited an explaination, "Perhaps it is our duty to serve our brothers, but where our real and truest duty lies is in the extermination of the infidel. These blasphemers and non-believers should die for their sin, and may the agony of death be their ablution!" The entire room erupted in laughter, with nods of approval all around.

"I believe my friend Abdul is correct in his analysis," responded Hadad, "then we shall make war upon these infidels. My friend, Yusef, as Commander of the Islamic Armies, how long would be needed to make the journey to Beiraq to the south?"

"It would take several days, but we can do this."

Minister of the Interior, Ferran Mikhail, asked, "but what if the Beiraqi lost brothers do not wish our help?"

"The answer should be quite simple, friend," replied Abdul al-Gaber, "Then they must be destroyed as well. However, should such a measure not be needed we must, as the truest followers of the faith, be true of intent and give support to our brothers in Beiraq."

"Then it is settled," Mullah Hadad stated flatly. "Commander Yusef, you may go now. Do your duty to Allah."

(OOC: Terribly sorry for the awful post, I'm short on time so I just wanted to make it known that I'm fighting with Beiraq. The following posts will improve greatly, I promise.)
The Arab Republic of Shi'istan

Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party

President Abdullah Al-Ghabbani
Prime Minister Omar Jassem Suleiman

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Postby Alfegos » Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:32 pm

Ol'vi Cosomdrome

The commander of ORBCOM sat thinking long and hard, as he read the reports handed in from the numerous contacts he had. The aurora above Alfegos, the radio backwash as it were of the broadcasting facility, had provoked few responses - after all, it was the wet season, so huge storm systems kept at bay by cloud seeding and offshore discharge pylons were patrolling the oceans, covering the skies by night. It wouldn't be long though - already, numerous scientific agencies in Alfegos had had gagging orders issued to them about the strange lights in the sky. The two nations within range of the interference caused though were Etoile Arcture, and Monavia - and whilst one was able to ignore the minor flux, the other deserved an explanation.

Subject: Operation Sun Down

As you are aware, or will soon be made aware by your national scientific bodies, for the past few hours there have been unusual conditions in the upper atmosphere, including aurorae. In addition, you may have received numerous reports of strange radio broadcasts eminating from Alfegos, or disruption of satellite and over-the-horizon radio. This is as a result of Operation Sun Down, the co-ordinated project to take down Beiraq, which you are already partially aware of.

Our first phase of this operation involves broadcasts of radio nature, using a modulating frequency in the MF bands of the radio spectrum, modulated and focused into the upper atmosphere over Beiraq. Whilst we are awaiting reports of results, we are expecting there to be heavy communications disruption, along with powerful aurorae over the nation. This stage of disruption will act as an excellent precursor to the orbital kinetics operations, along with demonstrating in the long run the power that Alfegos is able to wield against a foe.

You will notice that the transmission centres upon a central area of the jungle in Alfegos - this is the UHEIM facility, an asset of ORBCOM. You will find in your records, and any leaked records from Alfegos, no trace or mention of this facilitiy. This is because this facility does not exist - you are the only person who is needed to be informed of the facility's existance for now. The facility is part of the Geophysical Warfare project, now fully controlled by ORBCOM.

To minimise disruption, we recommend that you use the mesolite relay station in Los'vi, which has a clear line to satellite networks, to redirect any priority traffic. We furthermore recommend that you find some explanation to reduce curiousity over the emissions from Alfegos - we are currently supressing all reports, whilst we fabricate the report of this being part of a countermeasure bubble being tested to defend Alfegos. Whilst it is true we can use this as a countermeasure device to disrupt all military operations within 100 kilometres of the emitter, we are not revealing the true extent of the abilities of this facility, circa induced disturbances in the earth and mangetosphere.

When this stage of the operation is completed, and UHEIM is given a fourty-eight cool down period, I will explain further to you the nature of UHEIM, and will be submitting a request to you relevant to the facility. Until then, this information remains solely with you.


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Postby Shiistan » Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:25 pm

They came by the thousands, the tens of thousands, a great horde of Islam's most holy warriors; the very might of Allah's fist. In all manner of ways they descended upon the Beiraqi nation, in great convoys of trucks, Ford four by four trucks with DshK machine guns welded and bolted into the beds escorting them, and even more by plane. Once informed of the intention of the Shiistani Mujahideen to support their regime during the coming war, every effort was made to transport them into the country as quickly as possible. Their leaders knew that all the help they could receive would be needed for this conflict and time was running short. The numerous commanders of the mujahid columns were precient enough to understand this as well. Soon the coalition forces would be upon them in force, and the infidels would begin to bring their tainted ways of sin into the holy lands of Allah. This could not be allowed to happen. Not without first facing the vanguard of Islamic faith.


Commander Fahad Qatal had not slept in almost twenty four hours. Removing a cloth from the breast pocket of his fatigue jacket, he wiped sweat from his prominent brow, and sighed as he felt a brief, cool breeze sweep across his face. Shiistan was a much colder nation than Beiraq, and adjusting would be difficult, not just for Fahad but for each of the hundreds of thousands of mujahideen who had come here.

He stood atop a modest roof, resting on a modest building, though a decorative awning provided some shade he had made his way to the buildings upper wall to extend his line of sight. From here he could see most of the city of Umm Qasr, a port city of moderate size containing some forty-thousand people. The city, which rests upon the Khawr az-Zubayr canal and Kawhr Abd Allah estuary, was of vital importance to the nation as it contained large oil production facilities as well as steel manufacturing plants. If the infidels took it, they would have a significant advantage right away, not to mention the rail lines which ran between Umm Qasr and Basra.

The civil airport had been turned into the Beiraqi Military's primary command center for the defence, while also alloted to bring in more mujahideen troops from Shiistan. Qatal knew that this airport would become his lifes blood once the great battle began. Each road would have to become a titanic struggle in it's own right, each house a bastion of defence against which the Great Satans would have to pry from the cold, dying bodies of his warriors of Islam. This would be the first battle of this great war, he was sure of it, and he would not lose it without taking many infidels with him.

Around him were several Mujahideen fighters, resting, praying, and preparing themselves for death and meeting Allah. He knew they were nervous, as were the other tens of thousands across the nation preparing similarly. Mere days away would be the greatest test of their lives, and they were ready, or making themselves ready, each in their own ways.

"My brothers," he said softly, "Should we die, soon we shall be with ancestors past, reunited with friends, and presented with the honour of meeting our creator. Do not feel saddened, but rather be proud!" The young men nodded, showing little emotion, which he understood as well. He left them, walking through the ceiling entrance door and descending a wooden staircase into a modest dining room. There he saw his deputy pouring over maps of the city, speaking into his radio and coordinating subordinate fighters into their positions. It had been decided to most heavily concentrate on defending the southern and eastern residential areas, while assuming that the military would coordinate defences of the airport, railways, and port complexes. Coordination had been difficult, but the Supreme Commander of the Jihad had felt confident that the Beiraqi Armed Forces would acquit themselves properly.

"Kayvon," Fahad said, "how goes the preparations?"

"Well, Commander," he responded with a curt nod while picking up his kalashnikov rifle and resting it along an adjacent wall. "I will show you. We have fighters in positions here," he pointed to the map, "Here, and here, in large concentrations. Other, smaller contingents are spread out across the sectors. Other houses have been purposesly defaced to appear to be bunkers, but have instead been laced with large amounts of explosive. As have most of our fighters houses, of course," he added smiling.

Fahad chuckled, "If the last remaining fighter cannot hold out, he may detonate and take the intruders with him, eh?"

Kayvon nodded. "Precisely, Commander. We shall offer them no recourse, and no respite. The areas around the city have also been sprinkled with explosives in gutters, bags on road sides, et cetera. When they push into the city, they will find themselves under constant assault."

"Precisely as they should be. Well done my friend," he clasped his deputy's shoulder. "It is time to pray, shall you join me?"

"Yes, my friend," he responded, and went with him to the mosque.

Across the nation, other towns and cities prepared in similar fashion. Umm Qasr was garisoned by some four thousand mujahideen, a small fraction compared to larger towns and cities. The Supreme Commander had devised a truly hellish war of attrition which the invading armies could not hope to prevail.
The Arab Republic of Shi'istan

Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party

President Abdullah Al-Ghabbani
Prime Minister Omar Jassem Suleiman

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Postby Beiraq » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:37 pm

Allah is on our side. That is why we will beat the aggressor.
- Saddam Hussein

The presence of the sky seemingly having gone mad brought no small amount of discomfort to many of the people of Beiraq, but their leader, as always came over the radio with words of relief.

Our enemy seeks to mesmerize us with weapons that light up the skies. They are under the mistaken impression that we will quake at this effect, no more than a mere light show they have performed for us, because they believe the proud Beiraqi people to be no more than mere peasants. They believe us all inferior to them, less intelligent because we follow the laws of Allah as told by the Quran. People of Beiraq, I warn you, this is very likely only the first of many devious tricks that is soon to befall our nation. Bombs and missiles will soon be upon us, as our war for justice has brought the criminals here to Beiraq.

We will show them what happens to criminals in Beiraq! The moment our radar stations show us that even a single vessel belonging to one of the bandit nations, we will bring the wrath of Allah down upon them. They will be shown just what our people are capable of. Fear not, Beiraqis, for when this is said and done, the enemies of our people will tremble in fear as our soldiers march through their streets.

President Chalabi would continue his address for another hour, comforting his people and assuring them that the war would, soon enough, be brought back to the homes of the many Coalition members.

As this was being done, far more urgency was seen in the war rooms of Beiraq. All along the coast, missile batteries were being inspected, their officers making sure that no minor maintenance problems could delay their use when the time finally came. The air force was on alert around the clock, and the small navy was sent to the gulf, unwanting to be caught off guard still in their ports.

The army too was being called up, reserve forces being sent to the front and the para military squads predetermining their ambush positions. A Beiraqi general, Ayad Al-Rawi, was dispatched to the airport to meet with the mujahadeen sent to assist his forces. He was eager to speak to their commander, and give his governments gratitude for their assistance.

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The State of Monavia
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Postby The State of Monavia » Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:28 pm

MNIA National Headquarters
Chalcedon, Monavia

The message from the Ol’vi Cosomdrome waited in Director Cheney’s secure inbox for several hours before he attended to the task of reading it. With both sets of actions coordinated, and the launch of the spheres only hours away, all Cheney had to do was send a notice that he acknowledged the actions and would facilitate the strike in any way he could. In addition, he was prepared to provide the Alfegans with updates on any happenings on the ground. For now, he would content himself with composing a brief reply to his counterparts.





To the appropriate officials within Ol’vi Cosomdrome orbital Command,

Your security requests have been duly noted and acted upon as necessary. I shall retain the information entrusted to me in my personal confidence for the time being, pending your consent to have it released to other officials within the MNIA.

As the public has already become aware that the auroras have originated in your country, and that denial of said details is futile, I have asked my Senior Internal Security Director, Leon Chekov (who at this time is currently unaware of the actual nature of your operation) to make a brief statement in the MNIA press room. He will inform the public that any requests for information regarding the happenings should be forwarded to your government, a bureaucratic obstacle that should discourage the majority of the inquiring minds from proceeding further. In addition, he will mention that the strange phenomena are the results of ‘an Alfegan government program, the details of which must be withheld at the present time for matters of their national security, and ours as well.’

Finally, any data acquired by our satellite networks on Beiraqi troop movements, or foreign reinforcements, shall be forwarded to you up until the time at which the strike commences.


James Cheney
General Director, MNIA

[Encryption level XI (2,048 bit)]

Low earth orbit

Satellites tracked a few Beiraqi troop movements, at least those entering the satellites’ lines of sight, although the majority of their tracking soon proved to be predictable. Sightings of forces mobilizing soon came into view, as were the movement of a few missile sites. Priority of the targets remained much the same, yet it was decided that special emphasis should be placed on attacking the missile batteries around the ports and cities in the south, which were already being targeted.

The number and concentration of foreign troops entering Beiraq from elsewhere surprised numerous ground controllers, busily monitoring the progress of their intelligence gathering operations as they prepared to give technical approval for the impending attack. Their positions and routes of travel indicated that they came from several hundred miles to the north, and their rate of progress was such that it appeared that they were relatively lightly armed and mobile. Such an assessment was soon forwarded to MNIA Headquarters, permitting Cheney to realize exactly what he had to do.

MNIA National Headquarters
Chalcedon, Monavia

Cheney’s quiet office was filled with the noise of ringing telephones within minutes of controllers receiving orders to relay their observations to him. Cheney lifted the receiver and began conversing with the analyst on the other end of the line.

“Mr. General Director, a number of important developments have occurred,” began a youthful voice, clearly belonging to a woman of no more than twenty-five.

“Can you inform me of the exact nature of these developments?” he inquired.

“Soldiers have been sighted by our orbital assets. They came from outside Beiraq, and are entering the country. They appear to be reinforcements.”

“I will notify the relevant personnel. Is there anything else?”

“Beiraqi troops are being quickly mobilized. Their coastal defenses also appear to be operational. I recommend that they be dispatched before sending anyone in there.”

“Of course they will. Are the incoming soldiers in the open?”

“Some of them are, but they are taking up positions within some rural villages.”

“If any of them are near the target areas, adjust the strikes accordingly to deal with them,” Cheney’s voice answered coldly. “The fewer survivors, the better. If some make it out to share stories of the wrath that is to descend upon them, terror will fill the ranks of our adversaries.”

“It shall be done as you wish,” the analyst said, smiling. She had a macabre interest in watching her work being carried out when she began directing strikes.

Later that day

Details of what the Monavian satellites had detected were being forwarded to Alfegan intelligence services shortly after the information was relayed to Cheney. If the Alfegans could implement any changes they desired in the time that remained, they could make their blow to the enemy not only more effective in eliminating additional threats, but lethal enough to seriously disrupt the Beiraqi war effort. Their allies would share in their suffering.

Mount Talus Complex
Northern Monavia

General White, preoccupied with watching the final three hours count down before the commencement of the strike, used the data he had to prepare new orders. The spare canister of 2,000 tungsten spheres, each incoming with enough energy to penetrate any rural building or shallow bunker, and hot enough to set any flammable material on fire, was aimed at the city of Umm Qasr. There, they would hit the substantial encampment of Shiistani fighters, as well as the rail lines and any oil pipelines in the immediate vicinity.

The particular city was being selected because of its proximity to the pipelines and railways, but more importantly, because satellites picked up a few images of civilians who were leaving the city and the foreign troops entering, effectively converting it from a civilian place of residence into a military facility. The new garrison would soon be made an example of.

All that remained was for the countdown to be completed, thus initiating the commencement of the kinetic bombardment. Yet another chapter in the history of modern warfare and strategy would soon be written, in the results of an attack carried out using a revolutionary new weapon.
Last edited by The State of Monavia on Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Postby Alfegos » Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:51 pm


The screen in the geophysical warfare command centre sat glowing eeriely, as the staff re-entered to being this most important session of the operation. The screen sat centred on the middle east, with hundreds of paths tracing lines across it - the lines of the agency's orbital assets. A number of unremarkable lines slowly moved across the screen - the predicted positions of the warheads that Monavia had launched. And in addition to that, the small circle labelled "Odin 1" slowly crawled its way towards a red segment of line.

"Intelligence, what do we have on current Beiraqi situation?"
"Beiraqi nation has claimed that this is an attack by an unknown enemy. We've seen their military activity increasing dramatically - it really seems to have stirred up the hive. Photos coming in from Monavian intelligence."
The Fegosians were increasingly relying on Monavian satellites to replace the capabilities of the EITS network - they had been unable as of yet to launch mesolites near the middle east, and the EITS network was slowly being taken down by debris and enemy attacks. There were only a few of the original twenty left.
"In addition, LW AM intercepts from stations in New Alfegos seem to suggest that communications have not been severely disrupted as planned. Can we send an order to UHEIM to change frequency operations?"
"Not possible. We'll have to let it run as now. Tracking, what is our status?"
"Our last contact with ODIN-1, thirty seconds ago, confirms it is on the plotted course, and that it is fully operational."

The Officer in charge moved to the front of the room, before beginning the briefing.
"We have thirty minutes until we launch the second phase of this operation. You are all aware of what is to be done today. We are responsible for the launch of our section of the operation, and for analysis. All requests will be made for information via Mount Talus, and all control of the Monavian assets will be via Mount Talus. We will be sending targeting data to them within the next five minutes.

Once the strike is launched, we will be responsible for communications with UHEIM as to debrief and to the potential for a more effective strike, and for observation of the middle east region. We will hopefully have a Monavian satellite pass over the area immediately after the strike, allowing us to assess the damage. Intelligence reports will be delivered by other agencies when signals intercepts come in.

There is the potential of Beiraq launching some kind of retaliatory strike - we don't know who against. As a result, I will need someone to get on to the ABM defence command and the FURRFDC, and to raise alert status to DEFCON 2 for those installations.

Good luck."


Skies over Beiraq

The aurora still hung, livid and glowing, for now it seemed a useless threat. Excited atoms in the upper atmosphere vibrating, emitting lights both visible and invisible, pulsing in time to the induced waves of energy. It was a sight to worry many - both the simple, superstitious folk, and the leaders who were most definately wondering what it was - and who if anyone was causing it.

Suddenly, without warning, as night began to fall once again, the aurora exploded into life again, as a final wave of energy flooded the ionosphere from the transmitter many thousands of kilometres away. What had been a glow suddenly flooded the sky like an arc lamp, as curtains of light flickered violently across the sky. Around the edges, now bordering on other nations in the Middle East, the light slowly spread out, storm-like waves of light creeping through the sky.

And alongside this, an incessant radio broadcast, now coming from the sky with the intensity of a powerful surface transmitter - not only sending waves of whispering static signals, much like the sounds of whispering voices, flooding across radio channels atop standard broadcasts, but interfering with signals ranging from voice radio waves to GPS signals, to UHF television. An electronic smog, a sudden storm co-inciding with the aurora as far above in space, things started to happen.



A strange satellite hung in space, far above the earth that slowly rolled beneath it. Deceptively slow - for it was travelling at many thousands of metres each second, along with its payload. Around the main satellite itself, a long, very narrow tube, six large units sat offering some protection - spherical bulges, capped with triangular nosecones, trailing a long booster rocket. This was an orbital attack platform - part of the project Odin. Each of the older, more aged-looking units, had the potential to flatten an area six hundred metres across, their kinetic energy enough to replicate the blast effects of a small nuclear weapon, leaving an enourmous crater. But it was the much more recent unit, painted in its black camouflage, which was of interest.

As unearthly fire raged across the upper atmosphere, the interference masking any trace of the satellite, it came online. Within, computers running on idle lit up with activity as commands were given. Relayed to a satellite in geostationary orbit on the far horizon using a LASER transmitter to stop interception, it started flooding the ground control with strings of encrypted data - the commands for the system. Into the relatively new unit, replaced in the Skylight Seven mission a week before, corresponding strings of encrypted data were decyphered, and plugged into the targeting computer, and the guidance unit within the sixth unit's booster. Launch codes flickered back and forth, as a target was finalised - a three-dimensional GPS co-ordinate, using the timings from several networks of satellites to precisely trilaterate the target - the Beiraqi capital.

There came a flash as the booster ignited, the whole of the new unit detaching from the satellite. The object was headed downwards at an angle - it would be coming in at about thirty degrees from the normal, sixty degrees from the surface. Plenty of time at this perfect angle. The unit rapidly accelerated as the solid fuel booster raced through its tonne of fuel, insignificant in comparison to the mass of the payload below it, steering the projectile from its perfect calculated release down towards the surface. Without this release timed perfectly, it would be difficult to guide it in to the target accurately.

The object soon started re-entering the atmosphere, lighting up as the booster detached, flying off behind the unit. Now, it was down to the induced unit spin, and a small drag bar, to ensure the unit came in on target. Around the front of the module, black panels ripped off, revealing the true contents of the unit - twenty thousand small, 5cm tungsten spheres, held within a conical mesh frame. The drag rapidly increased, attempting to decelerate the unit. The spheres started heating up, discolouring before glowing an evil red. This rapidly change to orange, through yellow, before reaching white heat. The steel frame of the unit soon couldn't take this stress - as the very material began melting and evaporating, the spheres started to scatter, inner ones having more chance to rapidly heat up. The orbs spread across the sky, lighting it up as thousands upon thousands of white streaks, rapidly careening towards the earth. And at the end of their path, concrete, tarmac, brick, earth - and likely flammable things. Whilst the resistance of the earth's atmosphere had slowed each projectile down to a mere eighty metres per second, an approximation modelled by ORBCOM physicists, that was still enough for the 1.2kg projectiles to smash holes straight through buildings, cars, leave holes in roads, and even knock holes in the roofs of some sort of defence. And with the sheer quantity of them falling from the sky, aimed to hit mostly the capital area and some of the outlying rural area, would be a sight few would forget.

And along with these, the Monavians would be bringing their own controlled fire to bear.

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Postby Beiraq » Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:06 pm

The Will of Man Is Stronger Than Iron Bars.
- Anwar Ibrahim

Screams were heard throughout the city as the tiny metal balls smashed into homes, businesses, and vehicles. Nobody was safe from the ungodly rain of fire that pummeled Lebadad, and many simply fell to their knees and begged Allah for guidance. For many, this guidance would never be seen as the fires destroyed them

As the Alfegans attack was being felt, President Chalabi's voice came not only over the radio, but over public announcement speakers throughout the city. All about, buildings were alight and sirens were wailing as people sacrificed everything to try and save each other in this great crisis that had just now rocked downtown Lebadad.

People of Beiraq! The enemy Coalition has just targetted a completely civilian area of downtown Lebadad with a new weapon, one of unknown origins. The city had no military value, and the strike was done solely for the purpose of killing innocent people, people who had no part in this war. While right now, we cannot pinpoint exactly which of the many enemy nations it was, we can tell you for sure that it was a Coalition member.

Beiraqi retribution will be swift. We are, even now, firing our missiles into the heavens, hoping to bring down wahtever is left of their orbital systems. This is done in preparation for a Beiraqi retaliatory strike. Our nuclear arsenals across the county are coming online, and we have no fear in using them against our enemies. Any who deems an attack such as this one a just act of war deserves to be cleansed from this earth by nuclear fire, and this cleansing will be given to them by our valiant military.

I say this to you, infidel nations of the Coalition. You have struck at the wrong nation. The Beiraqis are a brave and proud people. We do not fear death. We will not hesitate, not even for a second, to eradicate your kind from this earth. You cannot hide behind your regions forever. Soon enough, your time will come.

As he spoke, the people of Beiraq's anger grew. They demanded the blood of the Coalition, and even as they dug their friends and family from the rubble, many were burning effigies of the leaders of the enemy nations.

At the same time, a handful of ASATs, all that was left in the Beiraqi arsenal, where being blasted into the orbit at any unfriendly satellite that may have its eyes on Beiraqi soil.

Nuclear missiles were also being armed. Cities all over the world were being targeted, and retribution could come down upon the enemies of Beiraq at any time.
Last edited by Beiraq on Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The State of Monavia
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Postby The State of Monavia » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:09 pm

Mount Talus Complex
Northern Monavia

Less than ten minutes remained until the coordinated attack was to take place, when word from the High Command was received by General White. The highly encrypted message was more or less a concise mention of the mission’s confirmation, and the approval to proceed further. In addition, there was a request for White to open a channel to the High Command. No word was given about what was to be discussed.

White excused himself from the control room, proceeding to a secure communications terminal, where he could contact his superior officers. He was patched through within moments, allowing him to make short work of his recent obligation. The silent line was instantaneously filled with sound from a voice.

“General, I take it that you have received our short missive?”

“I have, sir. You requested that I contact you about something?”

“I did. General, we have a change in plans.”

“What change?”

“Our alert status needs to be changed to DEFCON two for the duration of the operation. The Beiraqis may choose to retaliate against any member of the Coalition who they suspect to be behind this attack.”

“I will execute your orders immediately. Have you any other orders?”

“No, General. Keep status at DEFCON two, and hold it there. That’s all.”

“Thank you, sir.”

With those closing remarks, General White returned to the control room, preparing to receive confirmation from all controllers that all systems were in working order. He would announce the alert status change before making the inquiry into the status of the weapons, so that the facility’s personnel were made aware. Activating an intercom, he lifted a microphone to his face, and began issuing his orders.

“Attention all personnel! The High Command has ordered our alert status to be raised to DEFCON two, effectively immediately. Prepare for possible enemy retaliatory strikes in the wake of our offensive.”

The wall display showing the alert status was a vertical bar composed of nine segments, each a different color. A siren blared as the orange square marked “DEFCON 3” went out and a red one marked “DEFCON 2” was activated. The next phase of the operation was now being implemented.

White set down the microphone, thoughtfully reviewing exactly what the change in status meant. Normally, a defensive condition of level two was reserved for situations in which the entire CRBNE stockpile was mobilized and invasion was a distinct possibility. In this case, a new weapon possessing a vast potential for destruction was now being used, and a nation like Beiraq was likely to use nonconventional weapons in a counterattack. In preparation for this, 800 long-range ABMs were now mobilized in their silos, and CIWS systems outside the complex were brought online. To counter a possible retaliation in space by the Beiraqis, and remove their ability to blind Monavian commanders to incoming warheads at high altitudes, fifty APOM-I anti-satellite missiles, capable of intercepting targets in low earth orbit, were now ready to launch at a moment’s notice.

As the last remaining minutes dwindled away, White sent confirmation to the Alfegans of their own strike. Only one minute remained before the combined impact of countless thousands of spheres would bring about a demonstration of the Coalition’s, or more specifically, the Fegosian Union’s, technological prowess.

After having completed a final check of the controllers’ stations, the judgment was rendered as all systems being perfectly operable. Only thirty seconds remained, and now General White, as if needing to satisfy some desire for grandiose notoriety, began delivering a statement to all his assembled personnel.

“As everyone may now be aware, we are about to send down upon our enemies the terrifying fruits of our retribution! This is the day we avenge our comrades in arms, the valiant sailors of Imbrinium! This is our day, a day of fire, a day of blood. Do not waver, think not of the carnage they will suffer, for they have brought this upon themselves, and until the honor of the Coalition is avenged, measure for measure, we cannot shirk away from our duty.” With his statement finished, he watched the last few seconds tick away on the master clock used by the facility’s control center.

“Open fire.”

Within moments, seven canisters, each containing 2,000 of the tungsten spheres, descended out of orbit over the northern city of Tall Abu-Zahir and the surrounding oil fields. In the south, the cities of Al Faw, Ma’amir, and As Sibah were the targets of the other 14,000 spheres. In only seconds, 28,000 of the heated projectiles began their rapid descent towards the earth, bringing with them fiery carnage as they slammed into their targets, a cruel, malevolent hail of metal. Worse things, however, were yet to come.

Umm Qasr
Southern Beiraq

The Shiistani forces encamped in the small city had been sighted only briefly, as satellites picked up the sight of departing civilians, who appeared to be leaving in droves. In addition, soldiers could be seen marching in quickly, occupying the vacated homes and businesses. A target area with a large number of troops, vulnerable to the new weapon, in buildings not made to withstand incendiary or kinetic projectiles, now stood exposed to the spheres. Ignorant of the new weapon, the Shiistanis were about to partake of the Coalition’s fury.

One remaining canister, containing the last 2,000 spheres, also made its descent, sending a mass of metal shots hurtling towards oblivion. Before the Shiistani soldiers knew what this instrument of their perdition could possibly be, the terrible screeches of thousands of glowing objects would fill the air, blacken the skies with their smoky contrails, and leave the allies of Blackhelm, Shiistani and Beiraqi alike, with reason to cry out for mercy.

They could pray to whichever god they wished for it, for the Nova Coalition would offer them none.

OOC: I used the map of Irag that Shiisan provided to ascertain target locations. MAP.
Last edited by The State of Monavia on Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Postby Katonazag » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:14 pm

Novan Regional Waters
300 miles South West of the Strait of Dartia

On board the HMS Haskin, a bridge crewman said, "Captain, we've reached our waypoint."

"Excellent," replied Captain James Orr. "Full stop, rise to radio depth."

"Aye, aye! Full stop, radio depth!" repeated his executive officer. The nuclear ICBM-laden sub rose tangibly below their feet, tapering off moments later and putting the crew into slight negative G. Without need of prompt or further command, he ordered, "Raise the antennae."

High above, a KRNOS communication satellite made contact. The following orders were securely transmitted:

You are to meet up with eight SSGNs at these coordinates, who will use the codeword "squirrel", to which your countersign will be "aerosol". Additionally, there will be a HCSK Navy Typhoon II/Rubin sub answering to the same. It will be shadowing your pack, and will perform it's mission, and leave. It's attachment is an ISOC mission, and is approved by KRNIS, and you are not approved to know what for.

Once the group is formed, you will proceed to a waypoint 2000 km off the coast of Beiraq, and await further orders.

Admiral Denholm,
KRNIS Commander

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Postby Beiraq » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:34 am

In man - in the history of mankind, this has happened many times, and occupation leaders hang on to the land that they're occupying. People fight to liberate their land. But in the end, the people's will is what achieves victory.
- Hassan Nasrallah

The attacks on the other cities around Beiraq had been the final straw. Now, the Beiraqi military was going to need to act, and swiftly. The people of the Glorious Republic were all calling for blood as they watched their friends and families burn for no reason other than the Coalition trying to dazzle their people, falsely believeinbg that the "backwards" Islamic people would simply roll over at the display of Novan firepower. They were wrong.

Mephran Bahrain was a mere few hundred kilometers into the Achmaran Gulf from Beiraqi shores. This land had, for the most part, been overlooked as a target because the Beiraqi Army did not want to anger the Mephrans. Their generals knew of the lack of discipline within their ranks, and feared that deploying their forces, and the sure atrocities that would ensue, would cause a heavy backlash against their homeland by the nations of the Coalition. The Novans, however, had already launched their attack upon Beiraq, and now the people of Mephran Bahrain would suffer.

The original Arab population of the large island had mostly been overtaken by the ethnic Mephran one, but this would not be so for long. As the soldiers of Beiraq began piling on into their transports, small, elite teams were already making their way towards Bahrain in order to set up a support base amongst the natives of the island, and decide who would lead the government that was about to be set up.

Two hundred thousand Beiraqi soldiers, supported by ten thousand Republican Guard and significant armour support were about to embark on this expedition, but first, the island would need to be softened up. The massive arsenal ships that had caused so much havoc for the Imbrinians were about to be called upon once more. In a matter of mere minutes, thousands of missiles would be raining down upon the major cities of the island, returning the fear and pain that the Beiraqis had felt a few hours earlier.

As the naval bombardment was beginning, the air strikes would begin as well. Anything the Mephrans had on the coastline in the way of defense was about to be targeted by the heavy Tu-95 bombers and their smaller strike fighters. Beiraqi revenge was to be swift and brutal, and the Mephran people would unfortunately be the ones to feel the pain.

President Chalabi once again made an announcement to the nation, promising them the heads of ten Novans for every Beiraqi killed, and that by the week's end, the people of Beiraq would rejoice in their newly acquired province. He also reminded the world that the nuclear option was still on the table, and the Beiraqi government was not afraid to fire.

The final move of the Beiraqi navy was to move vessels to the far end of the Achmaran Gulf, to block off any chance at the Novans resupplying their Mephran brothers, and prevent any further strikes on Beiraq itself. The people of Beiraq were hoping that the Novan Coalition would send reinforcements. They were all eager to kill as many of the foreigners as was humanly possible, and they welcomed the fight.

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Postby Shiistan » Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:40 pm

(OOC: I'm going to write up a response later, but let it be known that I am THOROUGHLY pissed about this super weapon which reeks of god modding. Me and Beiraq discussed it, and I told him to allow it, maybe to my fault because I'm too nice and don't like causing conflict. But if you EVER use it again on us, save for this one time, you are going to have several very impractical and devestating suicide bombings royally fuck up your cities. I'm a nice guy, but I really don't like super weapons. You've basically taken the fun out of what I was hoping would be an entertaining battle for this city. :( )

Oh and one more thing. I kept my number of insurgents low because I wanted to be fair, fun, and realistic. You've now shown that you don't play that way, so I'm upping the number from 400,000 to what is soon to be a surge in excess of two million. If you contest it, I call god modding on your attack and completely ignore it.
Last edited by Shiistan on Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Arab Republic of Shi'istan

Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party

President Abdullah Al-Ghabbani
Prime Minister Omar Jassem Suleiman

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Postby Alfegos » Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:47 am

(OOC - See your telegrams please. I'd like it if the OOC commentary could be moved to the OOC thread - I get the message. Just be patient, and you'll see I can do realistic and fair. As for fun... that depends entirely on your viewpoint.)


The operators cheered as the strike was confirmed. On the targeting camera of the Odin platform, the distinctive flash of the warhead igniting was soon followed by numerous smaller pinpricks of light across the earth - the sign that the Monavians had confirmed impacts. The commander turned, a look of triumph on his face, to the men who had assembled near the door to the room - very senior officers, who had dropped in without warning. They had heard of the new an revolutionary system - and were now monitoring its progress with great interest.
"Monavian control, what is our ETA on satellite feed?"
"Feed is coming online in five."
A window popped up on the display screen, as the connection was opened with Mount Talus. Photographs began to appear - and the initial celebration turned to stunned silence as the camera portrayed the massive damage inflicted. They had been estimating only light damage and injuries - but it seemed it hadn't been that way. Fires burnt across the downtown of the city, smoke washing over what had become a sudden warzone. The feed switched to another city - and yet more scenes of carnage unfolded.
"Colonel Gu'tri, a word with you please? All carry on as ordered."
The room turned quickly to busied work in near silence, analysing the numerous high-resolution stills received alongside the video footage. Fundamental wave mechanics meant there was a limit to the resolution of the stills that even the most powerful camera could pick up - yet that still meant that the shapes of the occasional person were just visible. And their task now was to try and estimate the damage caused.

The Colonel turned as the senior officers started talking.
"You were given permission for this project to work on the basis that any damage caused was limited - there wouldn't be the level of devestation that has appeared. That footage was pretty conclusive - we've just escalated this conflict with Beiraq. Whilst the people there will be in fear, and their commanders paranoid of another attack, that means they'll be turning to the nuclear option. Think very carefully about the report you will be giving to JMHQ and JIHQ - the president will be sitting in to see just what the hell has happened here."


"The Planation" - JIHQ Special Office

The room was filled once again with the virtual and real projections of many officers, seated around the conference table. At the rear of the room, Colonel Gu'tri sat nervous in dress uniform, a wad of files on his lap. At the head of the table, the President of Alfegos sat, a look of controlled neutrality on his face.

"Gentlemen, I have received word from our international channels that Beiraq has escalated this conflict against the Coalition. There is word from signal intercepts that they will be invading coalition territory, a Mephran colony, in the middle-east - very shortly. In addition, satellite photography suggests that Beiraq has increased its defence condition to a very high level - nuclear weaponry is being flaunted. Now whilst they alone possess little in the way of firepower in comparison to the Coalition, this will bring a number of major problems - the first is that some of the Coalition may withdraw in light of the nuclear threat. The second is that if the People's Nation of Alfegos or Monavia are held accountable for these attacks, there will be all hell to pay.

Colonel Gu'tri, deputy head of the Geophysical Warfare Project of Orbital Command , I would like to ask you a few questions. The first is, why was this attack so potent?"
"Sir..."The Colonel coughed as he stood, unfolding a couple of notes.
"It appears that the warhead did not disperse the projectiles as we were hoping - the dispersion was hoped to be across the entire area of the capital, and thus give a saturation of about 4 or 5 spheres per hectare. As it was, in areas, there was saturation of that per square metre - that combined with some misfortunate impacts means that damage and casualties were much higher than expected."
"And was there any consideration in the planning for this to possibly happen?"
"No sir."
"And can they trace this attack back to us?"
"With the interference we produced before the attack, there is no way that they can know it was specifically a Fegosian or Monavian attack - they only point there fingers at the Coalition, all of whom are denying this attack. Including us."
"And is there any potential for the Sun Down project to succeed now?"
"No. Even with the weather disruption that is planned, we doubt the resolve of the Beiraqi people will be broken."
"So what is the objective of the Sun Down project now?"
"We will arm and prepare the Genesis network, in the event of a nuclear attack. We will also continue to observe the data we have collected to better prepare our systems for the future."

There was a pause as the President let a look of annoyance cross his face - even that brief controlled piece of body language was enough to strike fear into someone.
"Colonel, you are hereby relieved of your deputy command, and will be escorted to Orbital Command in Ol'vi. Here, you will be confined to your quarters awaiting commencement of an investigation into the failure of this project, and the damage that has been caused by it. The commander of ORBCOM will elect a suitable candidate to fill the position of you and your direct superior in the geophysical warfare deparment, until further notice. You may leave."

The Colonel left the room. Outside, two of the security contingent started pacing behind the man, weapons hanging threateningly from their straps - that was enough for now to control this man. The doors sealed shut behind them, allowing the meeting to carry on.
"Gentlemen, it appears we have made what we would call a screwup. I will contact the Beiraqi government personally, and request a meeting in neutral territory with their leadership - leave the diplomacy to me. However, I will need your help in the interim - what assets do we have in the region?"
"A single airship group, numbering five units - they are currently about 4200km south of Beiraq. They are armed for anti-ship and anti-air warfare. They have been warned of the situation. And that is it - save for the Mephran forces on the colony island."
"In that case, get hold of the colony. Intelligence officers of your relevant departments, I will need you to squeeze every last drop of intelligence out of that colony - I want to know everything. In addition, we will want to know every single troop movement that is planned against that colony. In that regard, we will then be able to effectively mount resistance against an invasion, or at least be able to make their invasion extremely costly.

Airfleet command, what assets do we still have in Alfegos?"
"Sir, the airfleet is stretched as it is. We have the 2nd Expeditionary off Blackhelm, the 3rd spread across the colonies to defend them, the 4th and 5th on active patrol of the region and homeland defence, and the 6th and 7th on homeland defence."
"Direct the 5th airfleet to return to Alfegos, and get at least two flotillas ready to leave in 48 hours. The Fegosian Union can pick up the slack in the regional patrolling. What level of manpower can we deploy?"
"We can't afford to direct men away from the homeland. Any warfare we conduct in the region will have to be unconventional. The most I can offer you in this situation are a few batallions of raiders."
"Then do it. Get onto the Mephrasians, and see if they're willing to deploy any men alongside them."
"I doubt it. It's a suicide mission."


Station Luna VIII
South Polinas

The station was extremely busy, as supplies started flooding in. The entirity of the detachment there were being prepared to deploy to the Beiraqi theatre - taking with them tens of thousands of tonnes of ordinance. Two flotillas were being loaded for battle, whilst a nervous cluster of giant cargo airships hung in the sky nearby, awaiting their payloads. It would be too risky to attempt an airship landing - so any forces would be deployed by ekranoplan. Like an aircraft, they could travel at many hundreds of kilometres an hour. Unlike an aircraft, they used surface effect to fly rather than standard aerofoils - so each of the large, ungainly craft could carry very large payloads. A batallion sized force, in relatively cramped conditions, hanging a mere few metres above the sea surface. That way, they were extremely difficult to intercept or detect - so they had a chance of sneaking past enemy defences to the Mokan colonies. The craft had been flown in - for unloaded, they still were able to fly at low altitudes, and now awaited loading onto the underside of one of the transport airships. Six ekranoplans, two carrying men and four carrying supplies, for what had been promised as a difficult mission. If they survived to retreat, they would be heros in the very least. Especially if they were able to harass the enemy as intended.

The men riding in them were raider infantry - a class of men trained in jungle and urban warfare, with an emphasis on guerilla tactics. They didn't need vehicles - they were trained to aquire their own in a combat zone. Their weapons were basic, yet advanced - reliable systems designed to guarantee a kill. And their training was vicious - almost always recruited from troubled backgrounds, they were treated as inferior to other soldiers, often posted on dangerous missions as the first wave - shock infantry, who would make battle as costly as possible to an invader, forcing them into stalemate until the main body arrived.
Their inferior status came for twofold reasons - the first was the background many were recruited from. Ex-convicts, violent youths, and general members of the underclass of Alfegos, they all were looked down on in daily life. The second was their history - both of the raider infantry regiments were traitor regiments, who had turned to the PRA during the civil wars. They had commited many atrocities, and as such their membership was very young, the majority of older members executed for their crimes. Yet still they found it difficult to remove the aura of evil that hung around them, even if they fought savagely to try and win back their honour. It was this motivation that meant the officers and men agreed to dangerous missions.

Colonel T'ka sat atop one of the L-SV trucks that his special group were taking - it would be a crowded journey in this cargo truck, uparmoured for combat roles, whenever they moved about the island. Yet it was one of the few pieces of equipment he had been able to aquire. He was heading two batallions, a total of 800 men, with 40 vehicles between the lot - the majority of work would be on foot. The heaviest weapons they had were a cluster of Nimbus mid-range SAMs, loaded up on one of the trucks. Other than that, they would have to blend into the local area - difficult, but possible.

ORBAT for Special Taskforce 'Relieving Hand'
Flotilla Alpha - Lead Airship AAS Ty'ki
7x Consul-class Aerocruisers
1x Type-2 Sensorcraft
12x N-class Aerofrigates
6x K-class Aerodestroyers

Flotilla Beta - Lead Airship AAS Leverage
7x Consul-class Aerocruisers
1x Type-2 Sensorcraft
12x M-class Aerofrigates
6x K-class Aerodestroyers
2x Self-deployed Opal Mesolites

3x Clipper-class Aerofrigates, (2 w/ standard payload gondola, 1 w/ ekranoplan carrier modification)
6x Type-89 Transport Ekranoplans
812 infantrymen, light, raider
37x LSV, Troop carrier
2x LSV, command
1x LSV, AA, Light w/8x Nimbus missiles + 32 for reloads

In addition, they would be picking up Monavians... perhaps. For now it was unknown, but space was being made aboard one of the three clipper-class aerofrigates for the men, along with many more supplies to deliver to troops once they were on the ground.

Special Airship Group 'Thunderbolt'
4180km at 164 degrees from the southermost point of Beiraq

The AAS Skylark hung in the air, silent in the dim light, as around it clouds slowly formed. It had come to a full halt, waiting for orders - to fire, and to divert the attentions of Beiraq from the doom it wanted to inflict upon the Mephran colony. Far, far outside the range of any SAM that Beiraq possessed, or any system able to target them, they were safe for now. Few fighter aircraft could reach them at the distance they were - and any RADAR signatures would render them as clouds, on the very far edge of the range of anti-ballistic RADARs. But not for much longer.
"Launch the special payload in five minutes, and arm the Machete ultra-long range anti-shipping missiles for intelligent seeking. All airships to increase RADAR power to maximum, concentrated, into the gulf region."

The launch came. Small flashes of light came as the armoured panels of the Consul-class aerocruiser's missile bay dropped open - allowing the sounding rockets to leave. Fifteen Bluebolt Eighteen rockets, each loaded with a warhead filled with a fine powder - sillica dust. They were being fired on parabolic trajectories, high into the mesosphere, at a shallow angle. With the two-stage hybrid boosters fully spent, the rockets would then break up - allowing the warheads to carry on. And with the altitude-sensitive fuses still active, they would burst open in the midst of targeted storm systems - hopefully causing an artifical disruption in the weather. It was difficult to quantify success with such a system - the unpredictability of weather meant that what would happen would go ahead anyhow. And to avoid any untoward attention, the systems had to be offshore - at least a couple hundred kilometres south, in the midst of the sea. Nobody could claim they were attacking any targets - and unless someone leaked it otherwise, there would be no evidence of an attack.

With the rockets launched, the sky would light up with ABMs - and those coming from the midst of the sea would be the targets for the anti-shipping missiles.
Message to the leadership of Beiraq
Dear sir/madam,
I have recently been informed of event that have unfolded in your nation, in terms of a non-specific attack by unknown entities, in which numerous casualties and largescale damage was informed. We have seen that you are willing to deploy weapons of mass destruction, and are soon to embark upon an invasion of a peaceful colony.

I have been in consulation with the leadership of the Fegosian Union, and numerous coalition members. All have denied that they are responsible for these attacks - and I can confirm that these attacks did not originate from Alfegos. We believe that the level of retaliation you have planned against a peaceful territory who have a relatively minor role in the Coalition you so generically target is unnecessary, and wish to enter negotiations as to try and come to a less violent resolution in light of this misunderstanding.

To that extent, I am willing to enter negotiations with representatives of your government in person, to discuss the situation. As there are very few nations willing to act as overseers to discussions, we will offer to host the talks outside of Nova, in international waters, aboard a civilian naval vessel. I myself will be present, along with representatives of the various necessary ministries and departments of the Fegosian government. Whilst the aim of these discussions will be to resolve the events planned for the Mephran colony, in lieu of the seperation of ties between this colony and Mephras, we will be open to other proposals regarding current Beiraqi/Fegosian relations. I hope that you will see that me being present in person will be enough to give you the faith necessary to send representatives - whilst security will be inevitably required, I will be using the services of a non-Fegosian private security contractor, rather than national military.

I look forward to seeing your reply, and hope that this dispute can be sorted in a civil manner.
Yours faithfully,
President A. Da'rel



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The State of Monavia
Posts: 1566
Founded: Jun 27, 2006
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby The State of Monavia » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:44 pm

Low earth orbit

Orbiting surveillance satellites recorded the fateful images of impacts as the spheres reached their targets. The data being analyzed indicated that deaths numbered in the thousands and the wounded numbered at least 20,000.1 After relaying their findings to the Ol’vi ORBCOM’s communications center, they began carrying out more detailed damage assessments. The results would take days to compile, but the results were clear. The success of the attack was beyond question.

The joyous cheers, however sobered by the sight of the carnage remaining in the wake of the strike, were brought to a quick end. Seven Monavian satellites were orbiting over Beiraq, carrying out observations. Beiraqi ASAT missiles appeared on radar screens, apparently being launched in retaliation. Twenty-one missiles tore through the hot air, approaching the outer edges of the lower atmosphere. Each satellite was outnumbered three-to-one.2

Despite initial appearances, the deployment of Beiraqi ASAT missiles in the orbital battle that raged months before had alerted Monavian commanders of Beiraq’s ability to attack space borne targets. With this in mind, the satellites chosen for deployment had electronic countermeasures already installed when they were launched. The countermeasures were somewhat outdated, however, and the Beiraqis were well aware of the benefits of investing in technological research. Shortly after launch, the missiles would enter the jamming fields being generated by the satellites, which would stay the loss of some of the satellites.

Two surveillance satellites over the Beiraqi capital were wiped out, taking two missiles apiece. The other nineteen continued on, reaching deeper into the jamming field. Another one was downed by the barrage, then another. A fifth one was grazed by one missile, knocked from its orbit by the force of the impact. Two more then slammed into it from either side, obliterating it completely.

The final two satellites forced many missiles to deviate from their intended paths, having somewhat more sophisticated ECM hardware. Because only nine missiles had been detonated, the other twelve which remained could overwhelm, through the use of numerical superiority, the defenses of the two remaining satellites. The final countermeasure was a series of twenty WASPS, which had been deployed earlier to protect the Coalition’s assets over Beiraq. With one bold counterattack, they destroyed the last of the Beiraqi missiles, operating as any kinetic-kill vehicle would.

It was now apparent that with only two operable satellites and four WASPS (sixteen were expended), the Alfegans would have to begin deploying more of their own orbital assets to the area. The Monavians had taken the force of a retaliatory blow, and while still standing for the moment, their position had been weakened.

Mount Talus Complex
Northern Monavia

Confirmation of the successful hits was relayed to Ol’vi as soon as the data could be fully processed. With this phase of the attack completed, a coded message was prepared for the Alfegans, requesting an update.

Code: Select all
To Colonel Gu'tri, Ol’vi OBBCOM
From: General White, Commander of the Mount Talus Complex

This is a request for a status update on the progress of our offensive.  While my facility has been able to provide you with data and imaging of the results of our strikes, additional strategic measures will need to be coordinated to facilitate a continuance of this offensive.

800 kilometers from the Beiraqi arsenal ship fleet

The crew of the missile submarine Redoubtable had been lying in wait for a signal to launch their deadly payload of forty cruise missiles at Beiraqi surface fleets. The missiles in question were modified Tomahawks, which had their nose cones reinforced with an inch-thick layer of hardened steel, and an increased explosive payload that contained twenty-five percent more explosive materials than normal. As the range of the attack was less than half of its maximum, the need for a full load of propellant had been eliminated, but it was nonetheless loaded completely, to maximize the power of a successful detonation.

The targets were the six remaining arsenal ships, or more specifically, four of them, targeted by ten missiles apiece. The missiles were further modified by the installation of an electronic countermeasure suite and a radar jamming transmitter, albeit compact versions with less power, since the missiles had to be able to reach their intended targets. Such an arsenal as this was now going to be used to finish what the Imbrinians had started.

Only six hours had passed since the spheres had been used against the enemy. The second chapter in the story of the Coalition’s retribution was about to be written.

Code: Select all
To: Captain Shaw
From: Admiral Barr


Proceed with launch when ready.

Over the intercom in the bridge, Captain Shaw coldly intoned his orders. “Authorization to launch has been received. Proceed with the launch sequence.”

Thirty seconds later, after confirmation that the missiles were fully armed and ready to fire off had been received by the captain, a terse reply was all it took to finish the sequence.

“Launch missiles one through forty.”

Moments later, doors on the top of the submarine, now at the surface, opened to reveal the launchers. Immediately thereafter, a stream of forty steel darts erupted from the launch tubes in the launchers, climbing higher into the sky to clear the area, then decreasing in altitude until they were close to the surface of the sea. They would arrive at the Beiraqi fleet in about 54.5 minutes.

As the launchers were retracted into the compartments and the doors closed, the ballast tanks began to take on water. Within the next minute, the submarine had dived under the surface and began approaching a thermo cline, underneath which it would proceed on its way home.

1 These are preliminary IC casualty estimates. The official OOC numbers are roughly 10,000 KIA and 50,000 WIA.
2 Beiraq sent the following telegram, "We didn't aim at the canister, we are firing three missiles at whatever satellites you put over my nation."
Last edited by The State of Monavia on Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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