Rise to Power (MT, TG for entry, Possible Mature Content)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Rise to Power (MT, TG for entry, Possible Mature Content)

Postby Kidlantis » Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:33 pm

Cerdo ret Endqop, Off of the Coast of New Rotororanda, New Pazania.
Cerdo ret Endqop, the literal English translation being 'Sea of Gangrene', being named so by the ancients for it's mysteriously black waters, lay off the shores of New Rotororanda, a part of Rotororanda under occupation of the New Pazanian Rotororandan Reconstruction Administration since 2006. In the early hours of the morning, these normally tame, silent waters were disturbed by two cutters charging forwards at an immense speed, the white foam being a stark contrast to the black waters. These were Welch-class Homeland Defense Cutters, and they had received a distress signal while on a routine patrol near Southern Rotororanda, the country being a haven for pirates, terrorists, and smugglers of all types, this was nothing out of the ordinary. However, the signal was not being dispatched from a merchant vessel that wandered too far into pirate territory, but was rather coming a rather surprising source: the N.P.N.S.S. Fearsome , a small Firestorm-class frigate that was on routine patrol as well. The cutters were under command of Captain Edwin Michaels, a no-nonsense veteran of the Territorial Waters Protection Force for over twenty years.
"Do we have a read on the exact location of the Fearsome at this point?" he asked, having just been woken up and briefed on the situation.
"Not yet, sir. We don't have the AWACS support from the Nautical Service yet. Apparently they have a major naval exercise in the vicinity of Xerntevis at 0700 hours and they need them all well rested for it." replied Night Officer Alexander O' Malley, who was in control of the ship during night hours.
"This is a serious military matter. The Nautical Service can't devote some resources, not even one AWAC in order to find a ship that could potentially be in danger?"
"I've been on the phone with Admiral Orangehill in Xerntevis, Vice Admiral Streinchimer in Takhai, Vice Admiral Lobegon in Point Venice, and even High Admiral Tyushimi in Kidlantis City. Most of them are disgruntled at being woken up at such an early hour, and have threatened to have their lobbyists have funding cut from the T.W.P.F. if they're woken up again. In essence, the Nautical Service is not treating this as a serious matter, and only Lobegon has found an available AWAC."
"What's its ETA?"
"Two hours."
"What about ours?"
"Fifteen minutes."
"They could only find one AWAC in what is basically greater than half of the country? What the hell are they doing out there, battling five Inyurstan fleets?"
"As I stated before, some sort of exercise. I would presume it's a major one. I don't follow the Nautical Service. Arrogant over-the-top pricks."
"That's the spirit, Night Officer. Do we know of any sonar buoys, submarines near our location?"
"No, Captain. All we have for the location of the vessel is the distress signal location, and the tracking implant, which went offline about five minutes after the distress call."
"Was the vessel moving at all during the period online?"
"No, we believe that if the vessel was being attacked by pirates, they would attempt to fight them off."
"Anyone in the T.W.P.F. knows that's a horrible idea."
"Which is why they joined the Nautical Service."
"Oh well, I suppose all we can do right now is ready our boarding teams and prepare to board the vessel."
At that point, as if on cue, a man came rushing down into the command center.
"We've spotted gun smoke!" he said, struggling to breath from all the running and shouting he had evidently been doing.
At once the Captain swept out of the command center. Sure enough, in the sky there were telltale signs of a naval gun being discharged. The Captain also noticed a trace of thicker black smoke in the sky, which he concluded must be coming from a ship that was hit during the now evident battle. Sure enough, even in the dim dawn light, one could make out the outline of a military ship, along with several smaller boats. There was a great commotion which followed this among the suddenly nervous crew.
"ATTENTION!" Michaels shouted, trying to regain some semblance of control over his crew. The entire crew on the first deck snapped to attention almost immediately.
"All boarding personnel will immediately ready themselves and prepare to board all ships, all helicopter personnel will begin liftoff procedures immediately, and all medical staff will prepare themselves to tend to all injured people. Is that clear?" he said, speaking into a microphone so the other ship could hear the message.
This was met with an immediate response in the form of a 'sir, yes, sir' from both crews, and both crews started moving immediately. Through the course of around eight minutes, both crews prepared to the maximum extent. After the eight minutes concluded, both crews were ready, and the full extent of the situation becams clear. There were multiple small pirate vessels surrounding the Fearsome, and it appeared as if there were bullet holes in the frigate, and one of the pirate freighters had a hole blown open in the side of it, which was where the ammunition had exploded. After another few minutes, the boarding personnel were finally able to board, with a helicopter circling above as quietly as a helicopter could, trying to make the noise seem as natural as possible. Once aboard the ship using gangplanks, the boarding crew moved quietly towards a door that led to lower decks. Once inside the vessel, the crew was greeted to an eerie sight of an empty corridor with dimmed lights.
"People just don't disappear from a ship like this." remarked Sergeant Oemba, who was leading her squadron.
The only sound on the entire ship was the sound of their own boots reverberating through the deserted hallways. The squadron's M41A2 TAFIR carbines remained fixed at the various doors in front of them. Then, from the part of the corridor that twisted into a smaller hallway, a loud noise that appeared to be the sound of footsteps was heard by the squadron. The squadron covered on the right wall of the main corridor. Oemba, at the head of the formation, waved her hand forward to signal that there were no hostiles in the hallway. Private Linus Axelsson was the first to head into the hallway, and stumbled backwards and fell on his back.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" the Private shrieked in an extremely high-pitched voice. He continued to whimper pathetically while the other members of the boarding squadron emerged from behind their cover in an attempt to see what Private Axelsson has saw which made him collapse. A similar gruesome sight was bestowed upon their eyes. Hanging from the ceiling, there was a dead Pazanian seaman, his body beaten and shot multiple times in the chest. Two of the soldiers tried to comfort Axelsson, two other soldiers guarded the door at the end of the hallway to ensure that no pirates came in after Axelsson's fit. The other five soldiers stood around in shock, trying in vain to comprehend what they had just saw. Oemba was barking out information to Captain Michaels on her radio in a subdued manner. After she had updated him on their situation, she ordered all of the squadron members into a small circle in order to draw them back together.
"Michaels wants us to try and search the other rooms to gauge what happened and the extent of the casualties. He wants us back on the first deck in order to try and storm the control tower. Apparently the other squadron is in a firefight right now as they tried to search the tower." Axelsson, who had since recovered from his shock, peeked into the inside of the nearby sailor residency room, ensuring that it was clean. He moved into the room, and saw something he had seen immediately before this current moment. There were four dead sailors, however, one of them was holding an M5 Cobra pistol, and apparently shot one of the invaders before he was able to spread his killing. Oemba walked up to the dead invader and examined his body.
"Definitely appears to be Rotororandan..." she said, trying to prove that the invaders were indeed Rotororandan pirates.
"The choice of clothing would also indicate that he is indeed a pirate. said Private Joshua Parham, taking note of his seemingly rag-like clothing, which displayed a stark contrast to several thick gold chains around his neck.
"He also has an insignia on him that would seemingly belong to a person in a piracy group" Oemba mentioned, delivering the final verdict. "The Fearsome has definitely, without a doubt, been attacked by multiple Rotororandan pirate groups. The Fearsome must have thought the boats were just a group of fishing trawlers or merchant vessels. By the time they got close it was probably too late."
The squadron surveyed several more rooms, coming to the same conclusion. There were dead sailors everywhere on the ship, along with many pirates accompanying them to the grave. By the time they had come to a conclusion on the full extent of the damage, the firefight for the control tower had ended. Four Pazanian soldiers had lost their lives, in addition to ten of the remaining fifteen pirates. The remaining five pirates had been taken as prisoners, while all of the remaining boarding personnel were all somewhat wounded, some more severely than others, although none of them were in critical condition. Personnel from both cutters had since boarded the Fearsome in an attempt to tally the amount of dead Pazanians. The figures were morbid. The entire crew, save for a few engineers who had hid away in the deepest regions of the engine room, were all found dead or fatally wounded. The fatality rate was staggering, with other 250 Pazanians dead. On the Welch-5, Captain Michaels once again stood with Night Officer O'Malley.
"Well, I've reported the events of tonight to the Nautical Service High Command." said Michaels to start the conversation.
"What have their reactions been?" replied O'Malley.
"Predictable. They've canceled the exercise in Xerntevis and have ordered all surface ships on the southern and eastern shores back to base. All ships on the western shore are traveling in larger packs than normal, and are on the lookout for any suspicious activity. They've contacted T.W.P.F. High Command in New Cardiff. All personnel along the same aforementioned shores have been activated, and before long there will be a high concentration of T.W.P.F. ships in our area. We've been ordered to tow the Fearsome back to port in Noyabrgrad. Tyushimi is pushing for an emergency meeting."
O'Malley looked at the rising sun, and thought back to his semester of geography in college. "It's arround 5:00 A.M. here. That means it's around 2:00 A.M. on the west coast and Kidlantis City. That's rather early for a meeting of any sort..."
Michaels chuckled. "O'Malley, I suggest your not get worked up about that. The people in our government don't need sleep, they only need run of the power of their own greed and unchecked ambition..."
Executive Tower, Kidlantis City, New Pazania, 2:10 A.M.
Vice President Harald Bandoni walked down the quiet halls of the Executive Tower in search of the elevator. In his hand was a working flashlight, as the Executive Tower as a new security policy turned off their corridor lights at midnight except in special situations to prevent any intruders from quietly attacking the president, on his body were drab gray nightclothes, and his face bore a grim smile. It had been a long wait for an incident of this magnitude to occur. Now they could finally proceed with military action in Rotororanda. Behind him, he heard footsteps approaching.
"Good early morning, Councilor Crane. I presume you jumped straight out of bed and onto the skybridge once you heard of the events that transpired earlier this morning." Bandoni said to the tall, young, brown-haired man in sky blue nightclothes behind him.
"Indeed I did, Vice President. And how are you this morning?" Jeff Crane replied.
"Tired somewhat, but otherwise I'm fine. How about you?"
"Why did you take the trouble of taking the long walk from the Legislative Tower to here?"
"My room is actually closer to the Executive Tower elevator that goes underground than the one in the Legislative Tower, so I decided to take the shortcut." Promptly after he said this, an NPSS agent walking expeditiously in the opposite direction of Bandoni's residence, inadvertently bumping into him.
"My apologies, sir." said the agent, whose badge identified him as Myrat Babayev.
"Think nothing of it, my friend. However, I must ask, where are you going." Bandoni said in a perhaps overly lighthearted nature.
"Lee's room. Apparently they're having a hard time waking him up by calling him and setting off the emergency alarm clock did not work. They want me to check that he's alive as well as wake him. I have no idea what they want me to do. If the emergency alarm clock noise wasn't enough to jolt him into consciousness, well, I suppose I'll have to dump cold water on him." he said.
"Don't bother, said Bandoni. "Lee has been strenuously on that Gerhvea-Pazania Job Opportunities Bill. To my knowledge, he has not slept at all in the last 48 hours. Allot him some sleep, it will be excellent for his health. Just listen to the cardiologist."
Crane felt pressured into saying something which supported Bandoni's statement, which is precisely what he did. "I do have to say, a good night's sleep is essential for maintenance of heart health. In addition, staying among the living would require enormous amounts of caffeine, which would increase his heart rate and his blood pressure, neither of which are good for heart health, especially with the additional stress of the entire Nosteneven situation. If he didn't drink a large amount of caffeine, then he would be likely either to pass out or be so tired that the need for sleep impairs his decision making."
Bandoni followed up on this statement immediately. "I can take over for him in the immediate situation, and when he has finally regained consciousness, he can make the important long-term decisions. Check that he is alive, but don't wake him up."
The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open to a blinding light from the interior. Once the trio had recovered from the sudden onset of light, Bandoni and Crane merged with the light of the elevator and walked into the elevator. Agent Babayev continued on his path back to Lee's residence. Bandoni took a deep breath and inserted his ID card into a slot below the buttons, and pressed the button for floors 35, the top floor, floor 21, floor 18, and floor 1.
Government Base Bunker, Situation Room
The refurbished Pazanian Government Situation Room was a technologically complex, yet simple structure. In its center, there was a massive conference table with seating for about 30. There were monitors for every seat at the table, as well as a laptop for those who needed to attend the meeting but were not able to do to distance constraints. Among those present were Supreme Senator Nancy Prestocheven, Marshal William Rostwell, Field Marshal James Nottingham, High Admiral Hiroko Tyushimi, Grand Admiral Grace Cantrill, Air Marshal Vasili Shwaeserenski, and Minister of Defense Raleigh Fenage, along with other lesser military and political figures. In addition, there were several participants attending the conference while not being there physically, including Marshal of the Territorial Waters Protection Force Markus Olsson, and Senator Wilfred Drucus, Head of the Senate Committee on Defense Affairs. There were several notable absences, those being Supreme Councilor Steven Nosteneven, Councilor of Defense Riley T. Underhill, and President Xavier Lee himself.
"Vice President Bandoni," Marshal Rostwell began in a gruff, raspy tone, staring Bandoni right in the face. "Do you have any knowledge as to the whereabouts of our absentees?"
"Marshal, I believe that I do. Councilor Underhill in presently in Washington attempting to strike a deal with the Americans for military equipment. President Lee is upstairs sleeping. He had gone without sleep for 48 hours, and it is crucial that he does not have his decision making impaired by sleep deprivation." replied Bandoni.
Rostwell seemed perplexed by the reasoning behind the last absence, but continued on. "And Nosteneven?"
"I believe that we all know where he is right now."
This sobering remark from Bandoni brought a solemn attitude to each of the room's occupants, and made them accurately reflect upon the large scale of the situation they were dealing with.
"Undergoing extensive chemotherapy..." Rostwell said, checking off a mark next to his name.
"He's stage four. I don't understand why he keeps trying." Crane said.
Rostwell gave Crane a look and determined it would be best to return to the topic at hand. Once everybody was seated, he began.
"Alright, I believe that everybody attending this emergency conference has some knowledge of the incident that occurred around 0400 hours P.E.T. in Cerdo ret Endqop." Rostwell said, looking around the table for confirmation of this.
"I will now hand the floor over to Marshal Olsson in New Cardiff for a more complex briefing."
"Thank you, Marshal Rostwell, said Olsson, in an accent that was distinctly Swedish. "At approximately 0400 hours, the N.P.N.S.S. Fearsome was approached by several large vessels. The captain of the frigate, whose name is undisclosed, believed that the vessels were merely mercantile in their actions and determined not to confront them. However, the vessels upon closer examination proved to be pirate vessels, and the M2 Browning machine guns on the vessel opened fire. The Fearsome returned fire by firing its naval guns at one of the vessels, eliminating it. However, the remainder of the vessels were able to survive and eventually board the Fearsome, and on board the sailors' pistols proved no match for assault rifles. In addition, the pirate stormed the armory before and Pazanian Nautical Servicemen were able to do so, leading to a great power imbalance. We know this through audio logs found on the ship. At approximately 0445 hours several T.W.P.F. cutters responded to the distress call. On board, they witnessed the entirety of the crew massacred, and one boarding crew became involved in a firefight, which they eventually won, reestablishing control of the vessel. Some of the pirates allegedly responsible are believed to be missing at this time."
"Has word of this broke to the press yet?" asked Councilor Crane, a concerned look on his face. When Olsson answered with an affirmative no, a sigh of relief swept through the room.
"At this moment, however, our PR officials at HQ in New Cardiff are drafting up a press release. We can't keep this a secret for long, otherwise eventually somebody will report it. Right now, we have a rare window for decision making prior to public knowledge. Bandoni, in consideration of Lee's and Nosteneven's absence, you have the executive command here."
Bandoni gave a little smirk and took a few minutes to think his options over while the lesser figures at the conference discussed options.
After a few minutes, Bandoni had come to a conclusion.
"Draft up the mobilization papers for Lee. We need to invade Southern Rotororanda." Bandoni said.
This elicited a particularly strong response from Crane. "Are you insane?! The West and the East have both threatened to declare war on us if so much as a single Pazanian boot touches the ground in Southern Rotororanda."
"Because obviously the still rebuilding militaries of the West and the East have a fully modern and functional army that will be able to repel us as if we were ants attacking an anti-insect spray factory, and that will be especially certain with the drug cartel armies of the South."
"No, what it will do is get many innocent civilians potentially involved, and start a new Rotororandan War, which will end any possibility of potential peace with the Rotororandans."
"I completely disagree. This time there will be peace because we will actually occupy and reunify Rotororanda."
"Who died and made you the President?"
"This fool doesn't know the secret military protocols in the case of a Third Rotororandan War. Tell em', Rostwell."
Rostwell sighed, knowing he was about to divulge top secret military information to people which might not have proper clearance. Oh well he thought. They'll know soon enough anyways.
"In the event of a Third Rotororandan War, I drafted up the possible framework for a potential treaty with the Rotororandans. It was on the basis that our little 'experiment' with the four separate governments of social democracy, fascism, monarchy, and anarcho-capitalism had failed, and that it wad necessary to establish one government. The terms are extremely harsh. Five year occupation, suspension of freedom of speech, military overlords, etc."
Crane jaw dropped upon hearing this and smothered his mouth with his hand and appeared as if he were about to cry.
Bandoni smiled. He effectively had the entire room in his hand, especially with the silencing of Crane, who had worked for seven years as Assistant Secretary of State trying to improve relations with the Rotororandan states.
"Continuing on, it is imperative that we take swift action against the pirates responsible for this attack." Bandoni said, rotating his slim figure toward Air Marshal Shwaeserenski. "I am issuing a direct order to the Air Force to launch an airstrike upon the perpetrators of this attack in the most immediate sense."
Shwaeserenski immediately objected to this. "With all due respect, Vice President, we simply cannot carry out an airstrike without proper intelligence. As of now, I am completely in the blind as to who the perpetrators are and where they are located. For all I know, the boats could be run by Eskimos in Venezuela. "
Bandoni stared at Marshal Olsson. As generals in the military, Bandoni had found that Shwaeserenski was generally one of the more clueless, passive ones, while Olsson was a quick-witted man with a chip on his shoulder. He knew precisely what was coming next from him.
Olsson sighed and looked at the intelligence report. "According to information we found on the vessels, they can be traced back to a small port on the coast line called Waltport. I have already gathered some preliminary knowledge on the city. It has a population of approximately 30,000 people, and is a hotbed for pirate activity. However, there are several civilian fishing trawlers that depend upon the harbor for their livelihoods. And by that, I mean that if we removed the harbor by destroying it, the town would fall into absolute anarchy. So we have extremely limited options here."
"If I may speak up for a moment," Crane said, the man apparently regaining his composure. "I have extensively studied Southern Rotororandan social structure."
"And have come to the conclusion that there is none." Bandoni said, making a snide remark to the man next to him, Councilor Alexander North.
"Most towns are run by major gangs or drug cartels or some sort of criminal organization and essentially act as these towns overlords. All vehicles have to be registered so that these criminal organization knows where you are. This way, per se, you're a pirate and you attack a ship of the dominant gang, they will be able to find you and kill you."
"Interesting." Bandoni said. "So you're saying we could theoretically obtain the records of the dominant gang and use the limited information we have about the vehicles to find the pirate's location and arrest them? That is indeed tempting. However, this is not exactly something that we can do in broad daylight, and that would destroy any semblance of immediate action."
"Wrong." Marshal Olsson replied. "During your conversation, I skimmed the known information known about Waltport. Apparently the town is run by the widely-known gang Übermensch."
"Why would a gang name themselves after a part of Nietzsche's philosophy? " asked North.
"That question is irrelevant," said Olsson. "What is important is that Übermensch is the largest gang in Rotororanda, which is something that most people should have in their knowledge. They are also the wealthiest and most advanced gang, which allows them to have more sophisticated equipment. This means that there is a possibility that they could be holding the information on a computer, which can be hacked. "
"There is a possibility, yes, but how would we know that they have the intelligence we need on a computer? And in that case, how would we obtain the information necessary?" asked Bandoni.
Almost immediately every head in the room turned towards one man in the room. The only two who refrained from doing so were Major General Jacquette Bordelon, who was sleeping through the meeting, and the man in question.
"With our vast resources, we could determine all of this in a very short amount of time. However, doing so would require me using terms that you would not understand. " said the man in a slightly sinister, yet sarcastic voice.
"Just do it. I don't need any of the techno-babble, John." said Rostwell.
"Agreed. I will commence operations immediately. We will give Pazanian Military Command the necessary information on the condition that you finally change our name."
"Whatever. We want an immediate response. Whoever runs this pirate organization will have realized right around now that they just fucked up horribly and will try to cover their ass. " said Rostwell, his patience snapping from the combination of a highly stressful situation and four hours of sleep.
"Well, gentleman and ladies, I believe that we have covered everything besides the potential motive, and after discussing that, we can adjourn this meeting and return to our chambers to retire for the night." Bandoni said.
"From our early analysis, there was an enormous amount of alcohol on the ships, and the prisoners that we took were highly intoxicated. My personal belief is that the cause of the attack was stupidity combined with dubious amounts of alcohol. That will be all, I believe. said Marshal Olsson, cutting the feed.
Bandoni sighed. He had intended to ask Olsson more questions, but the Marshal obviously felt as if there was no need to continue the conversation. He adjourned the meeting and went over to a corner to discuss matters with North.
"I talked to Ekøstrom previously. He's agreed to send out a letter asking assistance from the international community at the same time the T.W.P.F. press release is sent out." said North.
"Good." said Bandoni, noticing Crane leaving the meeting dejectedly.
"It appears as if Crane is leaving." said North. "Nothing odd."
"No, Councilor, you must understand. That right there is the look of a man who is going to go get drunk out of his mind, and wake up and rethink his life."
"Ah. In that case shall we commence Operation Fox?"
"Indeed. Tell Natalya to bug him on the way out."
Official Request to the International Community

From: Pazanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Any Members of the International Community
Encryption: None


As you will soon learn, the Federation of New Pazania was brutally attacked by several pirate vessels in the early hours of the morning in Cerdo ret Endqop. A Pazanian Nautical Service frigate was assaulted by the aforementioned vessels, leading to the crew losing control of the vessel. Two Territorial Waters Protection Force vessels responded to the distress beacon, heroically storming the ship and reestablishing control, only to come to the devastating conclusion that that the entire crew had been massacred. Our upper military hierarchy has determined that it would be best to end any and all South Rotororandan pirate attacks, which have constantly cascaded upon our nation in the past few years by invading the country. However, the nations have threatened to respond with force should we happen to lead an invasion force into the country. Since New Pazania is a selfless country that believes in global peace, we have held off on any invasion for now, only leading the occasional airstrike into the country. However, this event has led us to the belief that these groups have crossed the red line, and that an invasion force is required to permanently silence these threats, which will lead to almost certain war with the West and the East, causing a destabilizing regional conflict. Due to this, we are asking the assistance of the international community in any further matters involving the Rotororandas, in order to allow us to invade the south without causing a massive war by making any military action by the West and the East an act of suicide. We thank any members of the international community in advance for assisting us during these potentially trying times.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Rosenius Ekøstrom.

MacNeally Pub, Downtown Kidlantis City

Jeff Crane walked into the infamously rowdy MacNeally Pub in Kidlantis City. Without saying a word, he sat down on the barstool, waiting for the bartender to service him.
"Hello, young son. What can I get for you today?" the bartender asked cordially.
"What is the strongest drink that you have?" Crane asked abruptly and somewhat rudely.
"Ah, I see. You're in the middle of a mid-life crisis. I have something just for you." he said, walking away, and eventually returning with a glass of vodka.
"Don't drink more than three of these or you'll have permanent brain damage. More than four and you might as well be digging your own grave. No joke!" the bartender said with a chuckle. Crane thanked the bartender quietly and drank from the glass. Crane took in his surroundings while he waited the alcohol to take its full effect. On one side of the pub was the actual bar, full of older, middle-aged men, drinking beers and watching sports highlights on the television. The other half was a partying group of students from the nearby university. He was smiling while looking at the collegiate students, as it brought him memories of his youthful existence. He was so much in a daze that he didn't even notice the fully bald man in his early-60s trying to talk to him, tapping on his shoulder.
"Hey, bub. the man said. "I want to see if you were doing alright, y'know, you look like you're going through a though time right now."
"Oh no, it's nothing." Crane said, trying to wave off any signs of weakness, downing the rest of his vodka. "I'm fine. I've just been working on something for the last nine or so years, and tonight I learned that it's all going to fall apart."
"What was it?"
"Oh, just something at work that I've been doing for a long time."
"Did you get laid off?"
"No, nothing like that. Just nine years of my life though, down the drain. I mean, I have earned promotions along the way, pay raises, but this was my main goal all along. And now it's all gone."
"How important was it?"
"Very important."
"Ah, I see." A brief look of recognition flashed across the man's face. "You look vaguely familiar. Do you work in the government?"
"Yes, I do, Crane said in a slightly delirious voice. "And look man. In an hour or so, or even in only maybe a few minutes. You're going to hear something. And it's gonna be big. It's gonna change the entire world."
"Poor bastard. Next drink is on me, alright."
Crane smiled and gave the man a quiet 'thanks' and accepted it willingly. When the breaking news report flashed across the screen, his expression barely shifted.

End of IC

OOC: Sorry about that ridiculously wrong OP. I felt as if I had a lot to cover in the OP in order to make the RP to make sense. Right, here are the rules and general information about the RP
RP Rules and General Information:
1. No OOC flaming/trolling whatsoever. I will have a zero tolerance policy towards all OOC flaming or trolling. Anybody who flames or trolls on the OOC will discontinue participation on both the OOC and IC threads. In other words, please be mature and respectful.
2. An OOC thread will be put up eventually, however that will only be when I feel that time has come. I'm not going to set up an OOC immediately in case the thread winds up being a bust.
3. No Godmodding. This should be a given.
4. Please be realistic, and don't immediately declare war.
5. If you are interested in joining the RP but fear possible rejection, do not be shy. Merely send out a TG asking for acceptance, and chances are I will accept you. Even if you are a more inexperienced RPer, I will accept you if I feel as if you have good potential, and it can be a learning experience for you.
6. No usage of Strategic Nuclear Weapons unless I give the green-light to all players. Tactical nuclear weapons I will accept on a case-by-case basis, and be as impartial and unbiased as is humanly possible. As for other WMDs, anybody is free to use them.
7. The content on this thread may trend towards a more mature side, as one could tell from the latter parts of the OP.
8. Please do not bicker pointlessly on the OOC. This includes ideological discussions, and needlessly carrying out arguments about godmodding. I have seen occurrences of this before, and it is not pretty. If somebody is godmodding, please point it out in a polite manner and don't nitpick every little detail.
9. Finally, and possibly most importantly, please remember RPing is about telling an interesting story, not about winning a game. Please keep that in mind with every word you type, OOC or IC.

Thank you, and happy RPing!
Last edited by Kidlantis on Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Founded: Aug 15, 2012

Postby Krjder » Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:08 am

Victory over Qamuria Memorial, Aastejk, Grand Duchy of Könjinslargen
Konrádyi Lyővagésel, the minister of foreign affairs stood huddled in his beige overcoat at the foot of the looming monument, dedicated to the soldiers of the allied forces that fought in the war to defend Krjder against a horde of bloodthirsty Qamurs. It had been an ideological war; west versus east, state versus anarchy, democracy versus mob rule. The west had prevailed, through better quality of firepower, better morale and logistics. The Qamurs only had numbers and fear to drive them. Nonetheless, the war had been costly for all factions involved; with allied deaths nearing ten million. Qamur deaths remain unknown, mostly owing to the fact there were simply a humongous morass that were simply pulverised upon approaching the border. They had breached the Juurldäm lime in several places, only to be encircled and killed to the last man. Following their utter failure, the Krïdan airforce led a ginormous air campaign into Qamuria: ensuring that the Qamurs, Yopfuans and Yiclokians were never able to launch such an assault. Ever.

The war had served an ulterior purpose as well, perfectly symbolised in the towering monument before Konrádyi. It unified many nations, as Serretans, Torrumbarrians, Bengars, Krïdans, Pazanians and any more fought and died, side by side. The monument depicted this. The centre piece was a huge granite rock, on it were servicemen of each allied faction in a defensive pose. On the front it read:

De Drijst Kamuurische Krijk
August 2014 - 26 Nowember 2014
Verbündeje Mächkeren:
De Küserrijkh vijk Krjder
De Kemijnweit vijk Torrumbärei
De Federatïouwe vijk Nëuwe Pazaniê
De Könjinrijkh vijk Serretes
De Küserrijkh vijk Bengaariê
De Prijnzrijkh vijk Romberg
De Könjinrijkh vijk de Türkischelargeneren
De Könjinrijkh vijk Kraiîzberg

Nümaal jij wïerde voorkijgeje bij

Surrounding it were pillars, four on each side. Each nation had a pillar with its contribution and losses written on it, a statue of the nation's commanding officer for the campaign on top. A truly humbling sight to any, strolling through Aastejk Park. Wind and rain howled around Konrádyi, the rain hammering the paving stones like a million nails, the wind lacerating the air, sending these nails far and wide. In his hands, Konrádyi held the letter for assistance from New Pazania. He looked to the Pazanian monument, it's sacrifice to preserve western democracy in the region had been tremendous and widely commendable. A single tear filled down Konrádyi's right cheek.
"By God, will Krjder return your sacrifice."

Nokküschlecht Palace, seat of the Imperial Parliament, Aastejk
"What The Right and Honourable Konrádyi Lyővagésel suggests is too expensive! A fully fledged military campaign into one of the worlds most undesirable regions with little economic gain...? Why?!" Lamented a minister from the back seats of the chamber.
"Because Pazanians spilled their blood on our soil, defending it! You can't put a price on loyalty, Mr. Châmbel!" Cried another.
"ENOUGH!" Boomed Jaroslaus Nøjdaalfürt, the Speaker of the Parliament, slamming down his hammer. Silence ensued.
"Does the Right and Honourable Konrádyi Lyővagésel wish to enact a vote, whereby voting in favour of what you proposed means supporting intervention and voting against means not in favour of intervention." The speaker inquired.
"That is my wish."
"Very well. Right and Honourable Ministers of the Imperial Parliament, using the powers vested in you by your electorate, please either vote jä to support intervention in Rotorunda, or vote nij to keep Krjder out of the conflict. You may abstain from this vote."
"Those in favour of intervention, state jä now."
There was a substantial sound of jä being pronounced throughout the chamber. Two members of the Electoral Commission counted those standing. They both concurred and whispered the results in the speakers ear, who in turn wrote it down.
"Those not in favour of intervention, state nij now."
Again, the commissioners counted and informed the speaker of their findings.
"And those wishing to abstai- it seems that everyone has voted anyway. I hereby declare that the Imperial Krïdan Parliament had voted in favour of intervention, with 169 in favour and 15 not in favour."

A smile formed on Konrádyi's face, as he packed several files into his briefcase. The speaker now turned to the Emperor, sat on a lavish throne, upright and calm.
"Your Imperial Majesty, Your Ministers, elected into power by Your subjects have voted in favour to intervene in Rotorunda. Do You give Your approval, Your Imperial Majesty?"
The emperor, without his facial expression changing stood up.
"My Honourable Ministers, Krjder's ministers, we once found an enemy in New Pazania. We fought for several years in a series of conflicts, on land and sea, air and even venturing into space. But eventually, our misunderstandings were solved, camaraderie first smelted on the battlefields of eastern Krjder, welded in New Pazania several months ago. They came to our aid in our darkest hour, we shall go to them in theirs. Tonight, no doubt will the cabinet be busy, as will the ministry of military affairs. The Ösnauwglůjks Palace will certainly be abuzz. Tomorrow, Krjder may wake to find itself at war with the Rotorundans. But our children shall prevail. Krjder shall prevail. New Pazania will prevail!"
Applause filled the chamber.

Official Communiqué of the Krïdan Empire
Offizïellijke Kommünikė vijk de Krïdanse Küserrijkh

His Excellency, Rosenius Ekøstrom, Minister of Foreign Affairs|The Federation of New Pazania
Konrádyi Lyővagésel, His Imperial Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs|The Krïdan Empire
Military Intervention in Rotorunda

First and foremost, on behalf of the Krïdan Empire, I wish to express my sorrow on hearing of the loss of your no doubt brave and courageous servicemen and women; murdered in cold blood by those seafaring savages. Rest assured, the hearts and minds of our nation lie with New Pazania.

In response to your request for military support, this afternoon I presented this case to the Imperial Parliament, which voted in favour of military support. Tomorrow, an online referendum will be held and presented to the electorate to determine whether or not we shall actually assist you. However, online polls are already suggesting popular and widespread support for a military intervention.

Our military officials are still discussing strategy and drafting a possible ORBAT, but I am to understand the main Krïdan force will consist of an amphibious assault force. Also included will be an airborne division based near your border with the Rotorundan region and an Air Fleet, consisting of bomber wings, fighter wings, air support wings and drone wings.

We hope this is adequate and suitable for your efforts in seeking justifiable vengeance on those who dared cross sabres with you.

Yours Sincerely,
Konrádyi Lyővagésel
His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Foreign Affairs

Konrádyi Lyővagésel, HIM's Minister of Foreign Affairs
Count Waldemär of Thürselbrükk-Ritterwald, HIM's Minister of Military Affairs
Staff Marshall Karol-Jozef Wülchkbeurg, Commander of Imperial High Staff Command

Emperor Anton IV, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the Krïdan Empire


Imperial Krïdan Broadcasting Service

New Pazanian Frigate ambushed by Rotorundan Pirates!


Article by Frėja-Astrïed Lindaukwist
In the early hours of this morning for New Pazania, late evening for us, a New Pazanian coastal patrol frigate was ambushed by what is thus far perceived to be Rotorundan seafaring brigands, aka, pirates. The distress call was heard by local
cutters, on a routine patrol, who, upon finding the vessel, found it in a state worse for wear and it's crew slaughtered in cold blood. The frigate was secured back into Pazanian hands following a firefight on board. The Pazanian military has commenced preparation in order for a retaliatory strike on the region of Rotorunda. What is so interesting about any conflict in such a region are the factions at play there. Any Pazanian incursion onto the soil of south Rotorunda will result in east and west Rotorunda jumping in too.

To this effect, New Pazania, in a further turn of events has asked the international community for assistance, including our own government. The Imperial Council convened early this afternoon to discuss the matter and then vote whether or not intervene, which it voted in favour of. Tomorrow, we vote as to whether we want to enter into this conflict. With New Pazania having given us support recently against the Qamurs, no doubt will the electorate vote to return the favour.

Alfonso Cújonbourg
Rotorunda, what a joke! I hope the Pazanians enact their vengeance quickly and smoothly against that splintered region. Hope our own boys do well, should we decide to help.

306 Likes|86 Dislikes

Hendrichs Boßjoudähl
Gee, New Pazania should just nuke them all already. Sink all their boats, salt their fields, burn their granaries. Honestly, this Rotorunda place sounds kinda like a less powerful version of Inyursta...

48 Likes|703 Dislikes

Kaitsirū Morikashé
Great article Astrïed! I sincerely hope we do intervene and as you say; 'return the favour." Pazanians put their lives on the line for us, now it's our turn. As fellow civilised nations, it's only right that we invade South Rotorunda and unify it as a cohesive state.

166 Likes|37 Dislikes

Jan Kopięwski
Personally, I view this as another despicable example of Pazanian agression. They wish to bring an end to relative regional stability just because the crew of a patrol frigate were massacred by drunken buccaneers. I for one will vote against any Krïdan intervention

59 Likes| 102 Dislikes

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Order of Battle
His Imperial Majesty's Armed Forces
Rotorunda Campaign

Operation Commander:
Staff Marshall Thïebauw Köerslaachserdorf

Units Involved:
•1 Surface Attack Fleet
•2 Carrier Fleets
•3 Amphibious Assault Fleets
•1 Submarine Strike Group
•5 Marine Divisions

•2 Air Fleets

•1 Airborne Division
•1 Imperial Life Guard Brigade
•2 Logistics and Transport Regiments

Naval Contingent
Contingent Commander:
Admiral-in-Chief Akira Yanāgi-Dēru

2nd Imperial High Seas Surface Attack Fleet
Wlachislaw Ówjećke

•Alpha Surfaced Attack Group
Vice Admiral:
Jan-Künraad Gijslerhåven

-1 Katüschke Class Super Assault Dreadnought
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-2 Küser Karol-Willem III Strike Class Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-4 Böerchswaarde Class Heavy Destroyers
-6 Admiral Jungyésu Class Battlecruisers
-4 Kjauschergaard Class Guided Missile Destroyers
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-30 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-50 KLK-MA 32 Naval Assault Craft
-8 KLK-KÜK 17 Anti Submarine Warfare Helicopters
-16 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-20 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships

•Beta Surface Attack Group
Vice Admiral:
Ōtada Jyeungshiro

-1 Katüschke Class Super Assault Dreadnought
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-2 Küser Karol-Willem III Strike Class Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-4 Böerchswaarde Class Heavy Destroyers
-6 Admiral Jungyésu Class Battlecruisers
-4 Kjauschergaard Class Guided Missile Destroyers
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-30 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-50 KLK-MA 32 Naval Assault Craft
-8 KLK-KÜK 17 Anti Submarine Warfare Helicopters
-16 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-20 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships

1st Imperial High Seas Carrier Fleet
Hendrichs Spaakerhůjs
Lt. General (Marines)
Kenji Gyōshūda

•Alpha Carrier Group
Vice Admiral:
Józef Gięchowski

-1 Küser Anton IV Class Super Carrier
-2 Wløkhelberg Class Fleet Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Böerchswaarde Class Heavy Destroyers
-4 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-150 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-90 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-Marine Brigade-
-2 Regiments of Infantry
-1 Regiment of Armoured Cavalry
-1 Regiment of Airborne Infantry
-1 Battalion of Logistics
-1 Battery of Mobile Artillery

•Beta Carrier Group
Vice Admiral:
Baron Leopold of St. Willemsdaam

-1 Küser Anton IV Class Super Carrier
-2 Wløkhelberg Class Fleet Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Böerchswaarde Class Heavy Destroyers
-4 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-150 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-90 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-Marine Brigade-
-2 Regiments of Infantry
-1 Regiment of Armoured Cavalry
-1 Regiment of Airborne Infantry
-1 Battalion of Logistics
-1 Battery of Mobile Artillery

2nd Imperial High Seas Carrier Fleet
Atsūjiri Shinkanzō-Hyeudaboshi
Lt. General (Marines)
Frans Kijllerberg

•Alpha Carrier Group
Vice Admiral:
Pieter Haagsel

-1 Küser Anton IV Class Super Carrier
-2 Wløkhelberg Class Fleet Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Böerchswaarde Class Heavy Destroyers
-4 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-150 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-90 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-Marine Brigade-
-2 Regiments of Infantry
-1 Regiment of Armoured Cavalry
-1 Regiment of Airborne Infantry
-1 Battalion of Logistics
-1 Battery of Mobile Artillery

•Beta Carrier Group
Vice Admiral:
Ładisław Rosómak

-1 Küser Anton IV Class Super Carrier
-2 Wløkhelberg Class Fleet Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Böerchswaarde Class Heavy Destroyers
-4 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-150 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-90 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-Marine Brigade-
-2 Regiments of Infantry
-1 Regiment of Armoured Cavalry
-1 Regiment of Airborne Infantry
-1 Battalion of Logistics
-1 Battery of Mobile Artillery

2nd Imperial High Seas Amphibious Assault Fleet
Willem-Anton Schaßauw
Lt. General (Marines):
Jelle Staampfeur

•Alpha Amphibious Assault Group
Vice Admiral:
Choriyeul Nangjéyao

-1 Ōtséda Class Super Amphibious Assault Carrier
-2 Plaźa-Zatoćka Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-8 Öberkijâalser Class Landingships
-75 Cięchwadó Class Heavy Beach Storm Connectors
-100 Jiųśaikow Class Brach Storm Connectors
-120 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-150 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-100 KLK-GBS 09 VTOL Tilt-rotor Dropships
-Marine Brigade-
-5 Marine Infantry Battalions
-3 Armoured Marine Cavalry Battalions
-1 Marine Airborne Battalion
-1 Logistics Battalion

•Beta Amphibious Assault Group
Vice Admiral:
Klaas Růjtbaum

-1 Ōtséda Class Super Amphibious Assault Carrier
-2 Plaźa-Zatoćka Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-8 Öberkijâalser Class Landingships
-75 Cięchwadó Class Heavy Beach Storm Connectors
-100 Jiųśaikow Class Brach Storm Connectors
-120 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-150 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-100 KLK-GBS 09 VTOL Tilt-rotor Dropships
-Marine Brigade-
-5 Marine Infantry Battalions
-3 Armoured Marine Cavalry Battalions
-1 Marine Airborne Battalion
-1 Logistics Battalion

3rd Imperial High Seas Amphibious Assault Fleet
Kristóf-Wadiįm Końeradow
Lt. General (Marines):
Ryaiyū Zashima

•Alpha Amphibious Assault Group
Vice Admiral:
Karl Juulkersdorp

-1 Ōtséda Class Super Amphibious Assault Carrier
-2 Plaźa-Zatoćka Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-8 Öberkijâalser Class Landingships
-75 Cięchwadó Class Heavy Beach Storm Connectors
-100 Jiųśaikow Class Brach Storm Connectors
-120 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-150 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-100 KLK-GBS 09 VTOL Tilt-rotor Dropships
-Marine Brigade-
-5 Marine Infantry Battalions
-3 Armoured Marine Cavalry Battalions
-1 Marine Airborne Battalion
-1 Logistics Battalion

•Beta Amphibious Assault Group
Vice Admiral:
Ēdakaré Hongjeul

-1 Ōtséda Class Super Amphibious Assault Carrier
-2 Plaźa-Zatoćka Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-8 Öberkijâalser Class Landingships
-75 Cięchwadó Class Heavy Beach Storm Connectors
-100 Jiųśaikow Class Brach Storm Connectors
-120 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-150 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-100 KLK-GBS 09 VTOL Tilt-rotor Dropships
-Marine Brigade-
-5 Marine Infantry Battalions
-3 Armoured Marine Cavalry Battalions
-1 Marine Airborne Battalion
-1 Logistics Battalion

4th Imperial High Seas Amphibious Assault Fleet
Count Klemens-Fillip of Doorkelberg-ann-Żijlger
Lt. General (Marines):
Jakub Kwodaskó

•Alpha Amphibious Assault Group
Vice Admiral:
Michīkū Seikādo

-1 Ōtséda Class Super Amphibious Assault Carrier
-2 Plaźa-Zatoćka Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-8 Öberkijâalser Class Landingships
-75 Cięchwadó Class Heavy Beach Storm Connectors
-100 Jiųśaikow Class Brach Storm Connectors
-120 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-150 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-100 KLK-GBS 09 VTOL Tilt-rotor Dropships
-Marine Brigade-
-5 Marine Infantry Battalions
-3 Armoured Marine Cavalry Battalions
-1 Marine Airborne Battalion
-1 Logistics Battalion

•Beta Amphibious Assault Group
Vice Admiral:
Atsinjen Sōkyoba

-1 Ōtséda Class Super Amphibious Assault Carrier
-2 Plaźa-Zatoćka Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
-4 Rógacięwa Class Helicopter Destroyers
-2 Zijgeflüß Class Assault Dreadnoughts
-6 Weichsaar Class Guided Missile Cruisers
-8 Öberkijâalser Class Landingships
-75 Cięchwadó Class Heavy Beach Storm Connectors
-100 Jiųśaikow Class Brach Storm Connectors
-120 KLK-SŻ 31 Naval Fighter Jets
-90 KLK-SB 27 Fighter Bombers
-150 KLK-GA 24 Ground Attack Fighters
-30 KLK-HA 16 VTOL AWACS Aircraft
-120 KLK-LWS 19 VTOL Tilt-rotor Gunships
-12 KLK-KÜK 17 Antisubmarine Warfare Helicopters
-48 KLK-AZH 25 Utility Helicopters
-100 KLK-GBS 09 VTOL Tilt-rotor Dropships
-Marine Brigade-
-5 Marine Infantry Battalions
-3 Armoured Marine Cavalry Battalions
-1 Marine Airborne Battalion
-1 Logistics Battalion

5th Submarine Strike Group
Moritz Klouderbrükk

-1 Admiral Schellerklott Class Guided Ballistic Missile Submarine
-2 Verijller Class Guided Ballistic Missile Submarines
-4 Daikōrai Class Strike Submarines

Aerial Contingent
Contingent Commander:
Air Admiral in Chief Şakyyr Çaarfanbataar

1st Aerial Assault Fleet
Air Admiral:
Adolf Vrikkeborg

•Alpha Aerial Assault Group
Vice Air Admiral:
Senjiao Fodōchangjun

-2 Fighter Wings
-2 Ground Attack Wings
-1 Aerial Support Wing

•Alpha Aerial Assault Group
Vice Air Admiral:
Ferdinand Pouçonchelle

-2 Fighter Wings
-2 Ground Attack Wings
-1 Aerial Support Wing

5th Aerial Strategic Fleet
Jilyao Yūsan

•Alpha Aerial Strategic Group
Vice Air Marshall:
Willelm Chwadschuul

-2 Bomber Wings
-1 UAV Wing
-1 Fighter Bomber Wing
-1 Aerial Support Wing

•Beta Aerial Strategic Group
Vice Air Marshall:
Jaroslaus Hjünnderwald-Ålgkaar

-2 Bomber Wings
-1 UAV Wing
-1 Fighter Bomber Wing
-1 Aerial Support Wing

Land Contingent
Contingent Commander:
Maj. General Count Thorijn-Güstaaw of Ijholmgaard, Prince of Såslandre

2nd Airborne Division
Lt. General:
Wenseslaus Chkeiwitzdähl

•1st Airborne Brigade
Jyokul Gyōzaiharaī

-5 Battalions of Airborne Infantry
-2 Airborne Armoured Cavalry Regiments
-1 Airborne Logistics and Support Battalion

•2nd Airborne Brigade:
Waldemär Haubstgründ

-6 Battalions of Airborne Infantry
-3 Airborne Armoured Cavalry Battalions
-1 Airborne Logistics and Support Battalion

2nd Imperial Life Guard Brigade
Konstantijn-Sïegmund Wijttauwsedorf

-2 Regiments of Imperial Life Guard Fusiliers
-1 Battalion of Imperial Life Guard Grenadiers
-1 Battery of Imperial Life Guard Artillery
-1 Regiment of Imperial Life Guard Carabiniers
-1 Regiment of Imperial Life Guard Hussars

• Attached, Two Regiments of Logistics and Transport
Colonel: Paolo Chevauñac
Last edited by Krjder on Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
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Postby Kidlantis » Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:51 pm

OOC: Directions added because I don't have a map yet.
Official Communique

To: Krïdan Minister of Foreign Affairs Konrádyi Lyővagésel
From: Pazanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Rosenius Ekøstrom
Encryption: Low

We thank you and the Krïdan people on behalf of all of the Pazanian people for your continued support and condolences involving this tragic incident. We assure you that these forces will by far be sufficient in assisting us in all further military action in the region. If and when Krïdan forces enter the region of sea surrounding Yünbrad, they are to report to Yünbrad Naval Command in order to establish clearance for transit in Pazanian Territorial Waters. Once in Territorial Waters, make your way to Cerdo ret Endqop. In order to accomplish this, head east toward Continental New Pazania. Crawl south along the coast, until you reach the tip of Southern New Pazania, then head east until you reach Cerdo ret Endqop. Again, we thank you for your continued support.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Rosenius Ekøstrom.

0830 Hours, Residency of Xavier Lee, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
To President Xavier Lee of the Federation of New Pazania, today was very much like any other normal day. He woke up in his regular, comfortable gray nightclothes in his memory foam bed next to his wife. It was a beautiful day, similar to any other in July near Kidlantis City. There was not a cloud in eyesight, and the sun was incredibly bright. He selected a black suit with a black tie as his work clothes for the day, and departed for the Executive Dining Room. He had received a message through his phone from Bandoni requesting that he have his breakfast down there today. This usually meant that something had to be discussed, as he usually ate in the Dining Room with his family, and his schedule was very rarely interrupted. Nevertheless, he made his way down to the Dining Room without a care in the world. Lee thought about the final fiery debate involving the Gerhvea-Pazania Job Opportunities Bill. It had been a difficult proposition to debate, and many an hour of sleep was lost, however, he finally succeeded in the passage of the bill. It just proves the will of the individual human. Lee thought on the elevator. Once he had arrived at the dining room, he immediately noticed three people at his usual table. One of them was expected, being Harald Bandoni. The other two, not so much. The second man was Councilor Alexander North, who was known to be good friends with Bandoni, and the one woman being Minister of Defense Raleigh Fenage.
"Good Morning, Vice President. How are you doing today?" said Lee, who was in a jovial, cordial mood.
"Well, Mr. President. We are here to congratulate you on your success with the bill. You seem to be in a jovial mood today."
"Indeed, I am. It is was a great accomplishment."
The group engaged in small talk as a waiter brought the group's coffee and toast for the morning. Lee brought a single half of whole wheat toast over to his plate, and proceeded to spread butter on it.
"Lee, we do have to brief you on something, however. said Fenage, dreading the discussion and rage that would follow.
Lee looked up from his meal and appeared attentive. His intuition told him that extremely bad news was coming.
"I'm ready to listen." he said.
"Lee, said Bandoni. "Early in the morning, a Pazanian frigate was attacked by multiple pirate vessels off the coast of Southern Rotororanda. The frigate was captured, and no lives were spared. The T.W.P.F. responded quickly and effectively and recaptured the frigate. By that time it was already too late. "
This was an enormous amount to digest for Lee in the form of such a small and basic synopsis. Lee dropped the butter knife on his plate in shock, creating a massive metallic clatter He now understood why Fenage was here, but not why North was present. He determined it would be best to ask a small question first.
"North, he responded quickly. "Why the hell are you here? I believe the Supreme Councilor should be present, or in this case, the acting Supreme Councilor."
"Councilor Crane was unavailable this morning. He appears to not be at his residency." said North.
"Fucking Christ. First I have a Supreme Councilor with terminal cancer, then I pass my bill by a narrow margin, taking a few years of my life in the process, then there is a major attack upon Pazanian sovereignty by Rotororandans and I'm not told about it, and now I have the Acting Supreme Councilor missing. Just fuckin' perfect!" Lee said, his voice exploding with the last statement.
Unfazed, Bandoni continued.
"I have several updates for you on the situation. First, Rosenius asked for international assistance, and Krjder has responded. It appears likely that they will intervene in the situation. Second, the Pazanian military's CyberForce has obtained information pertaining to the location of those responsible. However they have requested a name change. Finally, the Western and Eastern Rotororandas have been able to receive the message that was sent out to the international community. They are threatened by it and we have signs that they have mobilized their standing army and primary reserves."
"What signs?"
"Mainly the fact that the bastards bloody announced it in public." said North.
"Why are we asking for assistance, though? It would seem as if this would be something we could handle on our own, even with the entire West-East Incursion Pact. The West and the East do not have that much power, military or economic."
"Last night, we had some of our boys in the MoD crunch some numbers. Fenage remarked. "They've determined, that even though the West and East combined only have about two million soldiers in their military, active and reserves, if they really try and put ounce of their being into this war, they can crank out about six million decently equipped soldiers, not taking into account the fact that if we break their main army they will force ill-equipped civilians into the fighting. This also is not considering all of the vermin in South Rotororanda, which will provide our armed forces with a significant detour."
"What are our options from a military standpoint?"
"We could mobilize our military to counter their mobilization, however, this action is very likely to trigger a potential war. We could also lead Special Operations assault in the South, and be as secretive about them as possible. This runs the risk of being noticeable by the East and the West, thus causing a war. Finally, using the information that is in our possession, we can launch an airstrike on the pirate's location. We need to be quick in that case, as their location is subject to change because they've probably realized how badly they've fucked up and are in a state of mass confusion. "
Lee sighed. Bandoni's actions and the actions of the pirates as well as the East and West Rotororandan governments had forced his hand.
"Options one and three, Fenage. I want 200,000 soldiers on the border, with a full armored compliment on the border as soon as possible. Is anybody supporting us?"
"The North and Yurdon have pledged their ongoing support in the matter. In addition, the Krïdans seem very likely to assist us, and it seems as if they will respond with a very large force. " said North.
"Good. That should put the Rotororandans in their place. File the mobilization paperwork with the MoD. I will speak to Vice President Bandoni about proper protoccol in instances such as last night's,
Lee appeared to have calmed down, but Bandoni noticed signs of him being infuriated on the inside, such as his finger tapping the table at a high speed, and his fidgeting.
The remainder of the breakfast was completed in silence, with no more information being exchanged. Upon the completion of the meal, Bandoni was the first one to leave, not wanting to incur Lee's wrath. Lee was to follow Bandoni, but before he left through the door and turned towards Councilor North to ask one final question.
"Do you have any idea of where Crane might be?"
Wenterman Hotel, Borough of New Wandsworth-Merton, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
Jeff Crane woke up to a splitting sensation in his head. Dazed, the Councilor stumbled towards the bathroom, tripping over his own shoes in the process. Once he was in the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. He could barely recognize the man that he saw. He was dressed down to his undershirt, his windbreaker and Graphic Pazanian band t-shirt cast aside, as well as his denim blue jeans. Nobody in their right mind would be able to identify him as Councilor Crane. His usually immaculate hair was shaved in some spots, and the parts that were left were thick in sweat. There were impossible not to notice eye bags under his eyes, and most of all, the kind enthusiasm that could normally be spotted in his eyes was gone, replaced by weariness and pain. All of a sudden, Crane felt a wave of nausea. He bent himself over the toilet, and vomited into the toilet bowl. He grimaced. He had no clue as to where he was, was hung-over, and worst of all, felt enormous regret about the events of last night. Drinking one's sorrows away, what a sorry excuse for a man you are. he thought. He flushed the toilet and left the bathroom, regaining some control of himself, yet still stumbling on the way out. He pulled on the blue jeans before he sat down on the bed next to the woman with the blonde hair. He grabbed his Graphic Pazanian shirt off the floor. Before he could pull it back on, he noticed that their was a woman on the side of the bed opposite of his. It did not take long for Crane to reach a conclusion. In a hurry, he put on the remainder of his clothes and grabbed some cash that was sitting on the nightstand for no apparent reason and left, forgetting his wallet. Crane constantly said the f-word on the way to the elevator. Upon his arrival at the first floor, a hotel staff member at the hotel desk talked to him.
"Hello sir. Your totals for your stay last nigh are..."
"Listen lady," Crane said in an unnaturally nasty voice. "I don't give a rat's ass about my expenses. Let that bitch pay"
The staff member appeared shocked, while the other staff member at the desk just shrugged. It was evident the second one on staff had been an employee for longer. Crane stormed out of the hotel furious with rage. He blamed himself for getting drunk, but was furious with unjustified rage at the woman he was with. Crane tripped over an uneven part of the sidewalk and fell down, only his arms breaking his fall. He vomited again when he was halfway standing. Across the street, a KCPD cruiser was present, along with its officer.
"This is unit 450, we have a possible 390 across the street. I am going to approach the suspect." said the officer, whose name was Derrick Wright.
"10-4, unit 450."
Crane took a moment to take in his surroundings. The hotel he left was a small, seedy one, with a grimy exterior. The green paint was chipped, giving it a very grotesque appearance. The hotel was located on a side street, the street name being DeVasher Drive. Looking closely at the sign, he saw that it was from New Wandsworth-Merton. He sighed with relief, New Wandsworth-Merton was known to have some bad neighborhoods, but it was not completely crime and poverty filled, which was more than could be said for most of the city's boroughs. This looked like a fairly decent neighborhood for Kidlantis City, a city with a bad reputation throughout the entire country. Crane began walking towards the end of the street when he received a tap on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, sir, but I would like to talk to you."
Crane spun around slowly. The man behind him was a whiteshirt, a nickname for the city's cops that was used by its locals. The KCPD always wore white unless they had to go undercover, even having white riot gear. The whiteshirts were just as much of a part of city tradition as much as listening to the constant droning of police sirens, or as drinking dubious amounts of alcohol was to New Cardiff.
"Yes, officer?" Crane said bitterly.
"You don't look so good. Got any ID on you?"
Crane frantically searched his pockets for his wallet, and his face showed his growing horror as he realized that he had left it at the hotel.
"I got none."
Crane felt a surge of rage as the whiteshirt began scrawling something on a ticket.
"You know what happened to it? I bet that filthy whore stole it! WHORE, WHORE!" Crane screamed at the very top of his lungs.
Officer Wright sighed, knowing what he would have to do. The man was obviously intoxicated, had no ID, and was creating a public disturbance.
"Sir, would you please walk over to my car?"
Craae insticitively knew where this was going. Without thinking he kicked the officer in the stomach, winding him. Crane ran as fast as a hung-over man could. If there wasn't some form of transportation on the main road, he knew that he was done for.
"11-99! Suspect has assaulted me and is leaving the street. Suspect is a Caucasian male, late 30s! Wearing windbreaker and jeans! "
"10-4, Unit 450. Is suspect armed."
"Can you pursue the suspect at this time?"
"Understood. All units within proximity of DeVasher Drive, we have a 260 on an officer. Code 3."
Crane grimaced as he hears the noise of multiple sirens burst to life. He tore off the windbreaker and turned the street corner. A miracle for Crane awaited. A subway station was located near the corner. He quickly ducked into it. He greeted the Municipal Transport Police by the entrance and entered the station. Since he left his MuniCard at the hotel, he was forced into purchasing a new one at the station with his money. He felt relieved that he was successfully able to escape the scene. He took the Gold Line towards Dravaka. After nine stops, he arrived at his destination station, Three Tower Station. He exited the train, stumbled on the escalator, and looked up at the skyscrapers ahead of him. Three gleaming, majestic in their grotesque shape towers were ahead of him. Crane entered the Legislative Tower to be greeted by a NPSS agent called Natalya.
"Goodness, Councilor, you look awful. Here, let me grab those clothes once you're done changing so that they can be laundered." she said in a sweet Russian accent.
Crane smiled and thanked her, as she accompianed him up to his residency on the 21st floor, where his wife was still sleeping. Once he had changed into a more appropriate suit, he handed Natalya his t-shirt and jeans. She removed a small electronic device from the shirt and wickedly smiled before handing them off to the laundry staff.
East Pazania Regional Airbase, Creskgrar State
The Type-98 Fury drone had taken off and wad en route to its target. The small drone was built for use on an airship, but Pazanian airfields often had the craft lift off from standard runways. The operator of the aircraft, deep in a bunker in Fenereich, had his mind dominated by thoughts of vengeance towards those responsible for the events of last night. Still, he felt regret that they would not perish under the watch of a Pazanian's eyes, but under the watch of a machine's camera. Oh well, he thought. That's the way war is fought nowadays.
Krïdan Embassy, Dravaka, Kidlantis City, 0900 hours
The Krïdan ambassadorial mission had encountered many difficulties in New Pazania throughout the years. These included several ejections from the country and constant rallies outside the embassy, shaming the Krïdans for their crimes. Eventually, during the Second Tantro-Krïdan War, the embassy was levelled by guided missiles and a cluster bomb rocket. However, times change, and the embassy was rebuilt, and the Krïdans were given a ten acre complex, a decent size for an island as compact as Dravaka, one of the Pazanian capital's boroughs. Outside the embassy were a couple of KCPD cruisers. One of the cruisers, marked unit 389, pulled up to the embassy gate. The police sergeant who was driving the cruiser rolled down his window to interact with the Krïdan guard at the gate. The sergeant was a veteran of the KCPD, with a handlebar mustache and receeding hairline, his remaining hair being a mixture of black and gray. He was, of course, wearing a white button-down shirt as well as the black necktie of a sergeant, and he was equipped with a Taser, M5 Cobra revolver, and expandable baton. His black peaked police cap was resting on the dashboard. His partner, who was in the back of the car to allow the ambassador to sit in the passenger sit, was in his late 20s, was wearing the white shirt, but not the tie, as that was only for those that were ranked as sergeant's or above. He had a buzzcut and brown hair. He appeared very absent-minded and bored. His precinct was lucky enough to have a lack of crime in its territory.
"Hello, sir. Don't worry, the ambassador is not under arrest. Name is Sergeant Auguste Bonheur." he said, flashing his badge at the guards, the blinding sunlight reflecting into their face. He put the badge away in order to permit the guards to see. "Sorry 'bout that. Anyways, we're here for an escort of the ambassador to the Government Towers. He's supposed to receive an extensive briefing on the attacks on the Fearsome and military action in Rotororanda."
Last edited by Kidlantis on Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Postby Krjder » Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:19 am

Lunchs Island Naval Barracks, Inselnschaffe Province, Grand Duchy of Kisraad
Marine Kuurt Ijzerhaage sat in the recreation room, looking around him as his fellow marines amused themselves. They had just been given leave and were ready to go home the following day. Some were watching TV, either the news or the tennis. Others played call of duty or battlefield on the xbox, reducing hordes of players to red mist. Others sat quietly on phones, laptops and tablets, whilst some sat and talked. It was a good atmosphere, calm but amicable. The doors suddenly burst open to reveal Sergeant Jelle Houksaar, bedecked in full aqua camo and grey boots.
The room jumped out of its skin.
"There's been a change of plans, we are now being redeployed aboard an amphibious assault fleet, headed to Rotorunda. Get your shit together, Lieutenant Nuulgaard wants us ready in two."
There were some angry snorts and huffing and puffing. A few expletives were even announced.
"Simmer the fuck down marines. And pack your shit up!"
Kuurt stood up from his chair and made his way to the sleeping quarters. The corridor was filled with the sound of flip flops going smack-smack against the heels of some pissed off marines.

Schwenlö, Noord Jaaglholm Province, Grand Duchy of Kisraad
The port was abuzz, as some of the Imperial Navy's largest ships were in dock, their cargo being loaded. Captain Lolenseu Eujibai's heart swelled with pride as his car entered the docks of TKMS Rijkkanzler Jauchk-Katüschke, the second ship in the Katüschke-Class Super Assault Dreadnought range, Krjder's answer to the Halcyon Regent Class. And he was its captain. All around him he saw trucks loading food, ammunition, supplies and equipment on board. Columns of marines and sailors in aqua camo marched up the ramps and into the ship. Several craft were being lifted by crane onto the deck. Dressed in navy blue; trousers and shirt with a navy leaked cap and black shoes, he got out of his Mercedes and, grabbing his suitcase from the boot, made his way towards the ramp. There, a few officers were also making their way on board.
"Good afternoon gents!" He proclaimed jovially. They instantly snapped to attention and chorused;
"Good Afternoon Captain!", saluting and clicking their heels.
"At ease. Is she nearly loaded?"
"Not quite. We're waiting for some larger guided missiles from the armoury in Kwėszhäven. There's a lot of military traffic on the roads, air, and rails."
"Ugh, anyway. See you gents in a few minutes on the bridge then."

Darijksberg Palace, Aastejk, Grand Duchy of Könjinslargen
Several KKŮZD crew scampered out of sight, having adjusted the microphone on the green collar of the Emperor's ceremonial garb.
"Live in 5...4...3...2...1..."
"Greetings, people of Krjder and those simply listening. Following our acceptance of New Pazania's request for military assistance in their coming incursions into Southern Rotorunda, you may have noticed that much of our navy and some air and army elements have mobilised. You will also know that the Krïdan parliament voted in favour of military intervention in Rotorunda. Thus, it is with a heavy heart but with no reservations that the Krïdan Empire officially declares military support for New Pazania. I wish my soldiers the best of luck for coming events and I urge the Krïdan people to be vigilant. May our eagle take a lofty swoop. Long live Krjder!"

Krïdan Embassy, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
Major General Kaspiên Wouderhaale was reclining in his chair, taking in his new office, a far cry from his previous office, a sizeable but plain enclosure at the 12th Battle Group HQ. He had already erected his brand new mahogany furniture, put up some new photos and most importantly installed the wifi. Kaspiên had also brought his family to stay with him; his wife and his three sons, all of which went to a boarding school back in Krjder but were over for the holidays. He had replaced the previous ambassador; Songjū Hyangsao about a week ago as part of a reshuffle orchestrated by the ever scheming minister of foreign affairs; Konrádyi Lyővagésel. Having foreseen Pazanian agitation, especially under the rising Bandoni, Konrádyi had sent Kaspiên to secure good relations, with good military grounding, mixed with a slight leaning to Bandoni.

Outside the embassy, in the courtyard, the Krïdans still maintained a substantial military presence, though reduced in number. Four guards stood outside, in complete digital urban grey combats, with a medium blue beret and all clutched a KLOSCH AZB-26 Assault Rifle. Another guard sat in the guard room, which controlled the electronic gate. He greeted the police sergeant with a smile, before opening the gate. The police car immediately became the prime focus of the embassy guards, as their eyes followed it and their fingers gently rubbed the safety catch on their rifles.
"His Excellency is on his way, Sergeant." Replied the guard, putting the phone down after calling his office. And sure enough, the doors to the embassy opened to reveal the Major General, dressed in khaki trousers, a beige short sleeve shirt with shoulder loops displaying his rank on a green rank slide; a large black oak wreath with three pips. Additionally he had a single red aiguillette from his right shoulder and donned a khaki peaked cap with a red band, along with brown dress shoes. He made his way over to the sergeant, and saluted.
"Good Afternoon, Sergeant. To the government towers I presume?"
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Postby Kidlantis » Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:22 pm

Krïdan Embassy
"Affirmative, ambassador" said Sergeant Bonheur. "How is your morning today?"
Bonheur opened the door for the ambassador. Once inside, he was to be treated to a cacophony of loud police radio chatter.
"Requesting units for 240 on 31st Street's corner with 4th Avenue..."
"459 on 30th Street, Code 3. "
"10-4, this is unit 128, responding to Code 3."
"This is Unit 569, requesting backup. I am witnessing a narcotics deal in progress..."
Bonheur put the walkie-talkie near his mouth.
"Negative to everything. Unit 389 and Unit 790 need to provide an 11-51. "
"10-4, 389."
With that, Bonheur toned the radio down to a very low volume.
"Sorry about that ambassador. Crime sometimes spikes sometimes in this precinct around this time of day for some reason, and this city as a whole is waist-deep in crime. " he said, regretting the fact that he had to shame his own city. "It's a wonderful, fantastic city, in my opinion one of the greatest in the world, if not the greatest, but it can be an ugly one. My partner and I... we've seen that first-hand. " The cruiser exited the embassy gate and turned its lights and sirens on, and sped off towards the Government Towers. It was a beautiful morning, with nothing but pure cerulean and the blazing sun in the sky as far as the human eye could physically see. The sidewalks outside the embassy were perfectly swept, in order to maintain a positive image of the city for the ambassadors of Krjder. As such, there were several small Pazanian Oak saplings planted outside the embassy in order to make the environment remain urban while looking beautiful. The otherwise wonderful day was tainted by the bitterness of the deaths of so many Pazanian servicemen and women. All flags were lowered to half-staff. People on the streets walked with their heads bent lower than usual, silently mourning the tragic losses.
Pazanian Nautical Service Headquarters, Locke , Kidlantis City.
Located in northern Kidlantis city near the city's border with the ocean, Locke was most likely the most wealthy mainland borough governed by Kidlantis City. It's geographic location, closeness to positions of power, and natural harbor made it an ideal spot for the Nautical Service's headquarters. On the grass lawn in front of the complex itself stood four servicemen and three servicewomen in ceremonial dress carrying long rifles, as well as one woman in ceremonial dress carrying a Pazanian flag, and a man opposite her carrying a Nautical Service flag at a lower height. Every single one of them was wearing deep black. On the path leading to the road, a podium had been erected with the Pazanian Nautical Service's emblem emblazoned on it. A Pazanian Nautical serviceman wearing a deep black tunic holding a bugle was standing next to the podium. There was around 100 feet of space between the front of the podium and a fenced-off area, behind which were many TV cameras broadcasting the event, among these being PBC, KCB, PNNN, CNB, and WOLF. After a few minutes, High Admiral Hiroko Tyushimi walked up to the podium, his head bent low in respect.
"Would everybody please remain silent during the national anthem, the Nautical Service's anthem, and A Seaman's Salute, and would anybody wearing a hat please remove it, except the servicemen and women on my right." Tyshimi requested silently, removing his own hat.
The national anthem, the Nautical Service's anthem, and A Seaman's Salute (The Pazanian Nautical Service's version of TAPS) were played with nothing to be heard except the sound of a bugle. And for a few minutes, it seemed as if the sound of one lonely, sad bugle was the only sound to be heard around the entire country. People watched through their televisions, through store displays, through smartphones, through tablets, through their computers, through anything that had a screen on it. The entirety of Pazania, over 3 billion peoples, paused in time for a few minutes to hear, one lonely bugle play. After the completion of the music, the seven aformentiated servicemen and women raised their rifles, and fired 21 times into the air combined, each time an ear-splitting crack bursting through the air as each gun fired simultaneously three times each. Tyushimi began to speak.
"At 0400 hours PET, the NPNSS Fearsome was approached by several vessels which were unidentified at the time. At the time, the Fearsome gave the vessels the benefit of the doubt and determined that they were civil vessels that were just in the wrong area of sea. At 0430 hours, the Fearsome sent out a distress call. At 0445 hours, the T.W.P.F. responded to a distress call from the Fearsome. Two of the T.W.P.F.'s cutters responded to the distress call. During the time period between the inital encounter and the T.W.P.F. resonse, it is known that the Fearsome initally engaged with the vessels, which were then identified as South Rotororandan pirate vessels. This attempt to engage and destroy the vessels utterly failed. " Tyushimi said, in a cold, flat monotone voice, trying not to show any emotion."About five minutes prior to the distress signal being sent out, it is known that the pirates attempted to storm the Fearsome, and succeeded in doing this. Five minutes subsequent to the distress call being sent out, the ship's GPS implant went dark. At 0445 hours, the T.W.P.F. responded. One boarding team examined the decks of the Fearsome, while the other examined the bridge. Both found the same devastating result: That the crew had been massacred, and not one single life was spared. The boarding team that was boarding the bridge encountered the remaining group of pirates and engaged them. Four T.W.P.F. members were killed, along with ten of the remaining pirates. The other five have been taken in for questioning. At this time, the Nautical Service expresses a great deal of sorrow regarding the tragic deaths of 250 of our loyal servicemen and women. We also express shared outrage at those responsible for the attacks. We also want to stress that this is not just one instance of an attack from South Rotororandan pirates and terrorists, but one of many. The Pazanian Military at this time is determining the strategic and logistical points of potential military action in the Rotororanda. That will be all. Now, I will turn it over to this young serviceman with the bugle on my right." Tyushimi concluded. The serviceman gently placed the bugle on the left side of the podium while Tyushimi assumed the priorposition of the serviceman. He almost let a small smile cross his face. Yes, it was awful as a speech and seemed flat and emotionless, and while he had maintained the monotone through the end, it would set Lee up for the bigger speech tonight.
"At this time, I will request for everybody to remain silent while we read off the names of the 254 Pazanians killed in Cerdo ret Endqop last night in their honor. Please remain respectful at all times. Seaman Alvin Brown..."
Executive Tower, 5th Floor
"So yeah, I have to fly out tomorrow morning to Noybragrad. Apparently they want my special interrogation techniques." said NPSS agent Ilan Machlavygn.
"Ha! You're a sadistic bastard, ya know that Ilan?" said Thomas Markovich.
"Why are we here anyways?"
"Why are we here? What do you mean by that. You mean philisophically or..."
"No, why are we in the executive tower? I forgot."
"Of course you did. You know how that bastard Bandoni, always schemin', always noticin' things other people don't. Well, he noticed that Crane was acting a little depressed, and had him bugged because he thought he would go out drinkin' and doing all of this crazy shit after he heard something last night. Well, there are a lot of hours on tape, and apparently Natalya and Jacques heard the first half hour or so and think it's promising. They want us to come down and tackle it as a team by splitting it into different sections. "
"Oh yeah, I remember something like that." The two walked in silence through the remainder of the hallway. Machlavygn was a tall, slightly dark skinned man with a fully bald head, while Markovich had a very dark skin complexion and had very short dark hair on his head. Machlavygn towered over most of the people that he knew at six foot eight, while Markovich was five foot eight inches. Markovich gladly opened the door for his NPSS partner, and Machlavygn walked in first.
"Why, if it ain't the bombshell Russian blonde and her sidekick, the Necrophiliac Frenchman! said Machlavygn in an almost childish voice.
"I don't see why you insist upon referring to me as a necrophiliac. I'm don't have an attraction to corpses." said Jacques, offended by Machlavygn. Jacwues was an older man with gray, short hair, and a veteran of the NPSS. He wore a long scar on the left side of his face.
"It is because Machlavygn is an unprofessional prick with attitude issues who tries to hit on me" said Natalya, who was the complete opposite of Jacques agewise, being only 27. Her hair was blond, curly, and short.
"Sir and madam." Markovich began.
"If I had to choose which one of you was more professional..." Natalya remarked offhandedly.
"I believe that we were summoned here to examine some tapes?"
"Ah, yes, indeed" said Natalya. She pointed towards one of the four laptops that had been set up with headphones. "Everything is electronosized now. There's about an hour and 45 minutes for each of us to go through. I'll lock the door, and we should be able to get through this relatively quickly. "
Everybody then sat down at a computer and listened to their section. Immediately, Machlavygn burst out laughing.
"Alright, what happened?" asked Markovich.
Floor 30, Executive Tower
In the secretive diplomatic conference room in the Executive Tower, there sat three people. Two years ago, there had been five people seated there. Later today, there would be eight people seated there. But the past and future did not matter at the time. The three people in the room were three of the core conspirators. They were of course Vice President Harald Bandoni, Councilor Alexander North, and Minister of Defense Raleigh Fenage. There were other core conspirators to the cause, as well as other conspirators that joined in along the way out of temptation or coercion. But there were six that were known for their original foundation of the conspiracy. Three of them were seated there, one of them was Erik Vsevolod, CEO of Galileo Technology and Communications Inc., the largest corporation in the country. The fifth was deep in a bunker, discussing war plans with his brethern. His name was Field Marshal Stallworth. And the sixth man would be seated in the room upon his arrival from the embassy.
9:45 AM, above Waltport
The Type-98 loitered above the large warehouse that the dastardly pirates called home. It had been an hour of long, tedious flying for the drone's commander, and it was complete. Now it was merely a matter of finding the best place to fire, and locking the Tachi A1 missile onto its first, and final target. The building might as well be in rubble already, the pirates inside being dead men walking. Finally, at last, the target was locked on. From a kilometer away, two Tachi A1 missiles launched towards the warehouse. There was an explosion, and even though to those watching from Fenereich it was merely a cloud of smoke and some light, it was a powerful explosion, destroying the entire building and its occupants. Fire spread throughout the charred rubble of a once strong, mighty warehouse, and it could be heard from over a kilometer away. The man behind the drone smiled. All the feelings of regret and guilt that would always haunt him at night for launching a missile… there would be none. Pure satisfaction.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Founded: Sep 08, 2012

Postby Torrumbarry » Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:51 pm

The Ormond Chamber, White Hart Manor - Rosehearty, Province of Selkirk - 7:42am Torrumbarian Eastern Time

Shafts of molten gold caused the dewy lawns to shimmer like a thousand gleaming medallions. A brook babbled cheerfully as it wound its way across the extent of the Manor. A nightingale trilled gaily. At long last, summer had arrived.
The President, however, was in a foul mood.
"Look, I really don't see why this couldn't wait," Hemingway growled, stirring his Earl Grey with additional force to emphasise his remark.
"I'm sorry, Lance, but this is-"
"An urgent matter. One that needs to be addressed this instant."
Hemingway glared at the figure in the bland, suburban suit: an office worker staple. It was anonymous, which is exactly what the wearer intended it to be.
"Fire away then," the President grunted resentfully, rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes.
"Thank you, sir." The dark-suited man nodded gratefully. "I'm with the MID*, and I was sent to brief you, regarding the Pazanian crisis."
"Crisis? What did those dimwits at the embassy do this time?"

The agent chuckled darkly. "No, it wasn't us, I'm afraid. A Pazanian frigate was attacked by multiple pirate vessels off the coast of Southern Rotororanda. The frigate was captured, and the crew wasn't granted quarter."
"Wonderful. How does this concern us?"
The President's earlier frustration was returning to his voice.
"More importantly, Lance, it concerns you." The chamber's third occupant was a balding, rotund man by the name of Paul McKenna. He was the President's public liaison adviser, and had managed his electoral campaign back in '07. McKenna's intimates called him 'insightful' and 'intelligent'. His associates and his adversaries called him 'Rasputin'. McKenna continued: "Your term has four months remaining; your final term, might I add. It's time to start thinking about the legacy you leave behind. I'm sorry Lance, but you've made many international enemies, which isn't really going to help your image."
The President scowled. "So I should make amends with the Pazanians? That would go against everything I'd ever advocated."
"It's not about you anymore, Lance,"
McKenna groaned exasperatedly "you've got to take the party into account-"
"Screw the party, they fucking deserted me."

McKenna shrugged. "They got you here." He gestured to the lavish furnishings of the Ormond Chamber, the Presidential Office.
"They blocked my WA referendum, and my public transport reforms." Hemingway pouted like an insolent toddler.
"Shit happens! You've had seven years in office, and now its time to let go. Fucking hell Lance, you've done a far sight better than the last three administrations."
"Sir, if I may,"
the MID agent interjected "your public approval ratings are none of my concern. Honestly, I couldn't give two shits. What is my concern is our national interests. There is a shipping route off the coast of Southern Rotororanda, which sees most of our trade with the Vaes-Mortalians and is, without a doubt, threatened." The agent paused for effect. He knew for a fact that Hemingway was a staunch advocate of international trade.
"Go on."
"We must safeguard our trade interests, and our international influence. If we lose the shipping route, not only do we lose trade but we lose face too; and despite your adamant refusals to slash the military budget, we're far more isolationist than we were back in '07. The pundits will have a field day when you leave office."

The President furrowed his brow and grimaced. "So what are you suggesting I do?"
"Convene the Chiefs of Staff Committee, decide on a course of action. Parliament approval will come later,"
the agent smiled "and I'll bet my ridiculous government salary that the CSC will champion your cause."
The President drained his teacup and sighed morosely, gazing balefully out of the grand arched windows at the pristine lawns and trimmed hedgerows. It was a glorious day, one that millions of people across the nation would bask in and savour. But not him.

*The Military Intelligence Directorate

The Presidential Emergency Operations Centre, The Commonwealth Palace - Harrisburgh, Harrisburgh SEZ - 11:35am Torrumbarian Eastern Time

The PEOC served the dual purpose of conference centre and presidential bunker; impregnable to chemical and biological attack, it could withstand a 15-megaton nuclear explosion, although its exact specifications were a jealously guarded secret. These assets weren't of much consequence to the fifteen occupants of the PEOC: the President had convened the Chiefs-of-Staff Committee, and the PEOC just happened to be their rendezvous. Such use of the bunker was unnecessary and unwarranted, but protocol had to be adhered to. The attendees included the Chancellor of the Exchequer Abigail Thorpe, Field Marshal Fowler, High Admiral Lloyd, the Minster of Defence Aaron Glenn, the Minster of Homeland Security, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Relations, the Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, the Director of the MID and several other military representatives.
"Ladies and gentlemen," the President recited the protocols in a droning monotone "I am legally obliged to inform you that, under the regulations of the Official Secrets Act, you are by law prohibited from reproducing documents, recording blah de blah de blah you will be prosecuted blah de blah. Meh, you've heard it before. Who's missing?" Hemingway glanced at the three empty seats.
"Air Marshal Vaughn is securing a deal with Halcyon Arms," the Chancellor drawled, counting the absentees on her fingers "General Jiang is on leave in Gippsland with his family, and Commandant Baird is attending the Selkirk Territorial Guard's Trooping of the Colour."
"Wonderful. I'm pleased Jiang has his priorities in order."
The President received a few meek chuckles for his cynical remark.
"Moving swiftly on," the Chancellor blurted, interjecting before an awkward silence could settle "I presume that all attendees have some knowledge regarding the incident that occurred at 0400 hours P.E.T. off the coast of Cerdo ret Endqop?" Despite struggling with the absurd pronunciation and mangling the name, Thorpe was awarded with a chorus of muttered 'yeses' and nodding heads indicating to the affirmative. "I want to hear your thoughts."
"I don't see why any of this should concern us,
" Lloyd growled gruffly "the Pansies wouldn't have batted an eyelid if this had happened to a Torrumbarian vessel."
"I don't think that's the point, Admiral,"
Minister Glenn grunted, eyeing the High Admiral without concealing his contempt "you of all people should grasp the implications of an attack orchestrated by pirates on a naval vessel."
"Yes, I do, thank you,"
Lloyd snarled; he had never held Glenn in high esteem, and the sentiments were mutual. Glenn had wriggled out of National Service, citing a physical impediment, but was appointed Minister of Defence regardless. It was almost a bad joke in Lloyd's mind, the most detestable irony. "They're after bigger game." Lloyd shrugged dismissively.
"So what's preventing them from becoming more ambitious?" Glenn challenged, eager to see his adversary humiliated.
"What you're suggesting, Minister, is inconceivable."
"Twenty-four hours ago, you would've said the much same thing if I told you that a naval frigate was to be boarded and its crew butchered by pirates."
"Ladies and gentlemen,"
Fowler intervened, and glowered at both Lloyd and Glenn; he had perceived the resentful currents that flowed from the High Admiral to his nemesis, and he had no intention of tolerating their petty quarrels. "What we should be concerned by is the threat posed by these desperadoes to our international trade, and our international reputation. It's not only our shipping routes off the Rotororandan coast that are at risk, because if we stand by idly with folded arms as these water rats terrorise civilian vessels, it will make us look weak and invite further attacks on our seafaring population across the globe."
"What we haven't discussed,"
the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Relations, a grossly overweight but sly and shrewd man, drawled "is the state of Rotororandan politics."
"An intervention could ignite an all-out war between their various political factions."
The Chancellor postulated.
"It could also reverse the disorder and the disunity that plagues the fractured nation. Sacrifices will need to be made, but surely the cause warrants it?" Glenn looked at each occupant of the room in the eye as he spoke to drive his point home; the conviction and assertion in his eloquent voice was almost hypnotic. Almost.
"It's all fine and dandy to boast about your sacrifice when you're holed up in a bunker," Lloyd growled vehemently, slamming a meaty fist on the conference table "but I dare say it means little and less to you. All of you. For you its a cold, calculated statistic; for some it means brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters."
the President said abruptly, speaking for the first time "let's put the motion to vote."
Sixteen members of the Committee were in favour of taking action, the absent military representatives expressing their decision to support the motion by video link. Chancellor Thorpe noticeably abstained, and High Admiral Lloyd was decidedly against the motion, scowling at Glenn as he announced his preference.
"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen," President Hemingway boomed, making himself heard over the sounds of rustling paper "the Committee is adjourned."

International waters - Aboard the TRNV Leviathan - 1104 hours (local time)

Admiral Webb had been waiting for a phone call.
There were two phones on his desk: one grey and the other red. The grey was for general use, but the red was a direct line to the President. He had not envisaged himself picking up the red phone ever, but it rang shrilly nonetheless.
"Mr President, sir, it's an honour. Yessir, I understand. Thank you, sir."

“Admiral on deck!”
“At ease, ladies and gentlemen,”
Admiral Terrence Webb growled in his distinctively gruff voice. “Now, listen up people. We’ve been designated fresh orders from the Chiefs-of-Staff. I’m afraid to say that we’re rollin’ out again.” The bridge of the TRNV Leviathan, an Halcyon Arms Siege-Class amphibious assault megacarrier, heaved a collective groan. “Quit it!” The Admiral roared. “Now, I don’t like it anymore than you fellas do, but I have a hunch that we’re in for something special. No, Velasquez, I’m not entirely certain of what’s gonna be so special about this deployment, but I can tell you fellas now that it was the President himself who gave me the orders.” Hushed murmurs were traded between the officers on deck; if President Hemingway, the kind of head honcho who would generally exhibit a more Laissez-Faire approach to the military, was associated to this operation they were all but guaranteed to see some heavy action.
“So where we headed, sir?” Liu repeated, looking around at his fellow officers to put their weight behind his timid inquiry.
Admiral Webb heaved a regretful sigh. “Rotororanda. Listen up, people. We are being deployed alone, so I expect each and every serviceman and woman on this vessel to execute their orders to the highest extent of their capabilities; or so help me God, I will put the lot of you on half-rations for the remainder of your miserable existences on this good earth. Velasquez, establish comms solely with the rest of the Seventh and break comms with the High Seas Fleet.”
“President’s orders, people,”
Webb barked “get used to this new protocol. Inform the Wrath and the Kraken’s Kiss that they are to form the vanguard, the Nereid and the Princess Patricia to perform the roles of outriders, and I want the Silverfin as a rearguard. Our orders aren't clear as of yet, but will most likely involve us blasting hostile vessels or aircraft that come within a twenty-kilometer radius to kingdom come.” The bridge whooped and cheered, high-fiving one another and applauding Admiral Webb’s statement. Webb grinned.
Last edited by Torrumbarry on Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

President: Rt. Hon. Lance Hemingway
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Rt. Hon. Abigail Thorpe
Constitutional King: His Eminence Edmund VII of House Adelaide

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Postby Krjder » Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:29 pm

The Night Before, Schwenlö Naval Headquarters, Schwenlö, Grabd Duchy of Kisraad
Vivacious polkas and elegant waltzes resounded through the Admiral Thïellewoute Ballroom, a hum of chatter lingered throughout the hall and the smells of champagne, lobster and sizzling meat. Naval officers, dressed up in crisp naval whites all had girls in their arms as they waltzed around the ballroom, executing a whole plethora of waltzes, from the contemporary Viennese Waltz to the Joorsma Waltz, couples old and young danced the night away, because although the confidence of the junior officers straight from the Sint Kaspärshäven Naval College was high, many knew it could be their last. Older officers stood at the sides, reminiscing of their own youth as a junior naval officer, whilst the youthful pranced around, all with pretty girls to the bouncy polkas.

"I sure do hope the Rotorarandans capitulate quickly, or their militaries are as helpless as New Pazania makes them out to be." Muttered Admiral-in-Chief Akira Yanāgi-Dēru to a Marines Lt. General; Frans Kijllerberg. Frans shrugged, but Akira's face was sorrowful.
"There are too many young faces here, should the conflict turn against our favour.." He added as he watched a particularly good looking Naval Ensign glide across the floor with an equally attractive young lady. Frans took a small sip from his champagne glass.
"High Staff Command is already contemplating the rewards for our losses in is war." Frans replied dryly.
"Such as?"
"Possible naval and air bases in the region. Along with more economic involvement there."
"Hm. Well, this better be worth it. I was due to go on holiday, to my summer house in Jyonbūri." Lamented Akira, he too now taking a sip of champagne.

Next Morning, Stwikkesaar Islands, Inselnschaffe, Grand Duchy of Kisraad
Uplifting naval marches filled the fresh sea air as destroyer after destroyer, carrier after carrier sailed out of Ågïersesbiß Bay and sailed past Ontwoorde Island where an observation stand has been erected, and the emperor and military officials watched intently, serenaded by the shouts and whoops of the populace. The crew of each ship was on deck, in full ceremonial uniform, saluting as the ships sailed past the emperor. Not since the end of the Cold War had such a large naval force been deployed by the Imperial Armed Forces. One Assault Fleet, two carrier fleets, three amphibious assault fleets and a submarine Wolfpack. It was well over half of Krjder's naval power, but it was to prove invaluable for the coming conflict and indeed it's aftermath.

Aboard the TKMS Rijkkanzler Jauchk-Katüschke, one of three Katüschke Class Super Assault Dreadnought and Flagship of the Imperial Navy, named after the previous Realm Chancellor, Captain Lolenseu Eujibai had already sailed his dreadnought past the emperor and was now re-changing into aqua camouflage fatigues. He loved dressing up, but on a hot summers morning, under a blazing sun and the stress of coming action, the last thing he wanted to wear was a heavy white tunic bad trousers with a tight peaked cap. He returned to the bridge, a hum of activity filled it. On board his ship was not only the fleet Admiral, but also the Admiral in Chief, commanding all naval forces of the operation, both of which were now on his bridge. He gulped, before noticing a target young crew member on the bridge, manning the OTHR systems.
"Good Morning Ensign!"
The ensign, Klous Sjaller jumped out of his skin. He stood up from his seat, clicked his heels and saluted.
"Good Morning Captain!" He announced in a loud and dutiful voice.
"At ease, ensign... Sjaller."
The entire bridge looked up and noticed the captain was on bridge and subsequently tried to look busy.
"I guess you're fresh from Sint Kaspärshäven?" Said Lolenseu.
"Not quite Captain. I was transferred after being commissioned to Kódzięm and from there I served on a Littoral Frigate. Then I was sent here." Replied Klous, nervously.
"Well, I hope you enjoy your first action. I sense it'll be an interesting one.."

Kollendoorn Airfield, Køjthußbörk Province, Grand Duchy of Willemsruhe
Huge grey transport aircraft soared into the afternoon sky, masses of them. These were the transport aircraft for the Krïdan land contingent, primarily consisting of an airborne division and a Life Guards Brigade, with a couple of logistics regiments attached. Tanks and light armoured vehicles were still being loaded on to aircraft as the long line of taxiing aircraft snaked round the airfield. Lines of troops clad in urban grey camo combats with dark blue berets emerged from barracks to board their aircraft.

Guards Grenadier (Private) First Class Anders Leuwaard was one such soldier, standing in line with his rucksack and rifle slung over a shoulder each. He belonged to the 2nd Imperial Life Guard Grenadier Regiment, 1st Battalion. His battalion had recently switched with 2nd Battalion, from ceremonial duties to combat duty. For the previous three months, he had been on ceremonial duties in Konradberg, guarding the Ducal Palace; Schwakauschloß and the Ducal Parliament Building; Möltkohaus. It felt good to be back in combats. As much as he was proud of his black and blue uniform with the tin mitre helmet, he preferred real soldiering. He stepped into the huge KLOSCH KLK-V-38 Aircraft and took a seat, throwing his pack into the hold above having retrieved his iPad, book and a shopping bag of snacks. As the last troops filed on, the heavy doors closed and the cabin lights cane on. The battalion chaplain, in combats but a cross on his arm patch where his insignia would be stood at the front of the aircraft and read aloud a prayer, before giving a communal blessing followed by leading the Lords Prayer, a Hail Mary and prayers to various saints. The engines began to rumble and the plan began to move.. It was all about to begin.

400 miles from the Southern Pazanian Coast
The Krïdan air contingent; consisting of two air fleets soared over open ocean, as a large but not dense formation, spread out over a good hundred miles or so. They were headed for an or multiple airfield(s) within New Pazania. These would be the first of Krïdan forces to arrive, the last of which being the fleets, due in three days.

Aboard a KLK-LV-27, a large command and control aircraft were the air contingent commanders, most of whom were sleeping like babies, perhaps to make up for loss of sleep in days to come. But the Contingent Commander, Air Admiral in Chief; Şafyyr Çaarfanbataar, was not asleep. He sat awake on a couch, sipping a cappuccino whilst reading a newspaper. Şafyyr was a Kekëtaari, a quasi mongol people native to northern Waiākūrā. They were born and bred warriors. Or farmers. Their traditional military vocation was cavalry, the Khanate of Kekëtaar boasted six cavalry regiments, now armoured regiments. It was mostly steppe tundra, before rising upwards into mountains along the border with Samyyrstan or Sammoria, a recently liberated colony from Bengaria. It's flat landscape was perfect for airstrips and airbases and thus, these sprung up in the latter half of the 20th century.

Şafyyr stood up and slowly pased his way to the communications suite, acquiring two more coffees on the way. He knocked and opened the door, placing a coffee next to each of the two operators.
"How are you guys holding up?" He asked, putting a hand on their shoulders.
"We're tired. But, yeah, good thanks sir." One of them replied.
"Well, despite the fact due to our size everyone in this region knows we are here, we better give the Pazanians a heads up. We're approaching their airspace."
"Yes sir." Replied the other, now switching to an open communication channel, directed to new Pazania.
"Good Evening, this is the Krïdan Aerial Contingent Command Aircraft, KLK-flight 673 én route to New Pazania. We request permission to land, please note this contingent consists of two whole air fleets, comprising of around 600 aircraft of varying types from fighter jets to refuelling craft, bombers to gunships."
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Postby Kidlantis » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:42 am

Unit 389
As the cruiser progressed further downtown, the traffic became heavier. Ahead of the cruiser, there were hundreds upon hundreds, thousands upon thousands of cars sitting in traffic, moving through one of the most congested roads on the continent, Dravaka Blvd. It's official name was 5th Avenue, but was called Dravaka Boulevard as part of an inside joke shared by the entire city. However, because this was an escort, the cruisers were permitted to use lights and sirens and lawfully disobey traffic laws. The blue and red lights of the cruiser reflected off of the few surfaces surfaces of the shiny Italian sports cars of the wealthy bussinessmen, while those of the middle-class were considerably less polished, and those of the working class caught up in the traffic were even less so. The police cars blazed by the traffic, heading towards the Government Towers at speeds in excess of 70 mph. Thankfully, there was barely any traffic on the other side of the road, due to the time of day. Although the cruiser was blazing by the urban landscape, making it hard to properly see any minute details, the buildings had noticeably risen higher, as the residential buildings made of brick and wood and concete gave way to towering, massive hunks of steel and glass, the brilliant sun reflecting off of the glass and visibly spearing the ground below with rays of light. On the sidewalks, people walked hurriedly. Whilst they had knowledge of the great tragedy that occurred the night before, life went on without interruption. The event had little impact on their personal life, and as such continued on with their life, not caring for anything but survival in the ruthless corporate atmosphere of the city. After about five minutes, the cruiser slowed and made its way into Constitution Rotary. In the center of the rotary there was a massive fountain spurting deep blue water from both its tops and from the mouths of several Pazanian mythological and historical figures. The fountain was made of crystal clear glass, so one could see the pipes through which the water passed through. This symbolized the transperancy of the Pazanian government, as well as its great gifts to the people. On the sides of the rotary there were multiple important government buildings, and these included the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health. And on the north side of the rotary there was a small road which led to a massive ten story parking garage made of solid concrete on the right, and three tall, steel and glass skyscrapers. These were the Government Towers, the location of Pazania's executive headquarters, legislative body, and the Pazanian High Court and Justice Department. The three towers were in a circle formation, and were all connected with clear glass skybridges. The cruiser pulled up to the front of the Executive Tower.
"Alright, Mr. Ambassador, er, there should be an NPSS agent waiting to escort you into the lobby, where you'll receive your ID… and other stuff." said Bonheur awkwardly. Without warning, the passenger-side door flew open, and Bonheur's hands instinctively flew to his revolver. A man wearing an unbuttoned two-piece suit greeted the ambassador.
"Hello, sir. the man said. "My name is Captain Yakursbon Johstan."
Once the ambassador was outside, he would notice the flood of civil servants heading towards the towers. One man, who pulled up in a luxury sedan, opened up the door while he was smoking a cigarette and carrying a large accordion binder. He was an older man, with a long, curly, white, mustache, and was wearing a three-piece suit, something hard to do in the boiling July weather. He appeared to be very tired, and as a result of this tripped over the curb, leading to him dropping his binder, which led to several hundred papers being spilled all over the ground, some of them likely classified. His smoking cigarette landed on a manila folder with the word 'classified' stamped on it in bright, fresh, new, red ink, causing the folder to begin to smolder. Immediately, several NPSS agents left their security posts in order to charge towards the papers. Several of them tried to track the down all of the papers that had been lost, while the other two tried to stamp out the fire and pick the man up.



PPAF releases footage of airstrike in Southern Rotororanda

Other News:
  • NPSS Fearsome Attacked in Cerdo ret Endqop, Over 250 Dead. (International)
  • Gerhvea-Pazania Job Oppurtunities Bill Finally passed in Senate, Council Expected to Approve Bill Today (Domestic)
  • Pazanian Airways Boeing 787 crashes at John Paul St. Tammany Chalmette Takhai International, two dead, 143 injured, 34 in critical condition. (Domestic)
  • Drug Addiction in New Pazania at All-Time High, Southern Rotororanda to blame, say law enforcement officials. (Crime)
  • Corporation's plans to create human experimentation nuclear bunkers revealed. (Business)
Related News:
  • T.W.P.F. needs to step up in wake of Fearsome tragedy. (Opinion, Adelstein)
  • Threat of war pushes down CSSI by 17.89, MAGI by 12.56, and TASI by 67.80 in early hours trading.(Business)
  • Touching Ceremony held by Nautical Service Headquarters in Kidlantis City for fallen servicemen and women.

DOMINACHI- At 10:00 AM PWT, the Pazanian People' Air Force released a 10 minute video to the public footage of what is claimed to be footage of a Pazanian drone carrying out an airstrike on a derelict warehouse. The Air Force has claimed that the video is fresh footage of an airstrike on the headuqarters of the piracy group responsible for the attack on the NPNSS Fearsome. This claim has not been independently verified as of 10:15 AM, although premier defense analysts at the PBC have stated after initially watching the video that the footage appears to be genuine and authentic. If indeed the footage is authentic, it would be an unprecedented new standard for Pazanian intervention in Southern Rotororanda. Ever since the South's government collapsed in 2009, the West and East have been protecting the South from Pazanian intervention through threats that any possible intervention will cause war. Chancellor Walt Vertmün of Western Rotororanda reaffirmed his position on the matter prior to officialy declaring mobilization earlier today. The East has already declared mobilization of its standing army as well. The North and New Pazania have yet to declare any mobilization, as the decision to intervene further will most likely be debated extensively through the legislature of both countries. Whatever the long-term outcome of this increasingly developing system of events is, it appears as if it will be throwing more fuel into the fire that is the Rotororanda region. More updates on this story to follow once new information becomes available.

Residency of Xavier Lee, 10:00 AM PWT, Kidlantis City
Breathe in, breathe out... Lee thought to himself. The President was sitting down in a purple, futuristic-looking lounge chair. Beside him was a small black radio playing ocean sounds on a coffee table. The shades were up on the windows, which allowed the sun to burst through, filling the room with sunlight. Lee had taken off his suit jacket and removed his tie. His button-down shirt was partially unbuttoned, and his eyes were closed. He was in a very relaxed position, and was extremely comfortable in his current position. The first knock on his door he did not notice. The second he did notice, but shrugged it off. The third caused him to get up from his seat. Lee gave a grunt of annoyance as he walked towards the door in order to open it. To his surprise, Councilor Crane was standing at the door.
"So, I presume you've been notified of what happened last night? " Crane asked.
"Yes, I have. Where the hell were you today?"
Lee decided to give up on determining Crane's whereabouts for the moment and decided to ask another question.
"Why are you here?"
"To ensure that you've been notified."
"Why else?"
"To tell you that the Krïdans have intervened to help us and that an airstrike was carried out on the pirates responsible. Oh, and to remind you of the meeting at 10:45we're having."
"Is that all?"
"Yes." With that, Crane walked away awkwardly.
Lee frowned. Something was off about Crane. The conversation they had was short, awkward, and had little to no meaning, something that was the polar opposite of most conversations they had. . In addition, his normally well-kempt appearance was out of order. Lee sighed and returned to his lounge chair. He needed this rest, especially with a meeting in a half-hour.
Pazanian Secondary Air Force Command, Cricton, New Pazania
A large city in Southern New Pazania, as well as a fiercely conservative one, Cricton was the location of The Pazanian Secondary Air Force Command. The Air Force had three such secondary commands, one being in Cricton on the South Coast, another being Demonygrad on the East Coast, another being Yünbrad due to its strategic location, and the final one being Jankosweerky on the Northeast coast. The Headquarters were, of course, in Kidlantis City. At the present time, the radar room was manned by a couple dozen vigilant operators. Though the room usually had a laid back attitude due to peacetime, they were on alert after the DEFCON had been raised to Level 4 after the attack. Every airplane, military or civilian that passed through PSAFC-C airspace was monitored and had to ask clearance to enter the airspace. To the shock of many in the radar room, a large blob of aircraft appeared on screen. Then, a powerful transmission came through to those manning radios at the station.
"Uh yes,KLK-673, you have clearance to enter the airspace and land in PSAFC-C controlled airspace. You will have to seek individual clearance for every airport that you land at. Oh, and please be advised that there will be a fighter escort up to greet you soon. "
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Postby Krjder » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:33 pm

Government Towers, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
Grossly out of place, in his Krïdan military uniform, Major General Kaspiên Wouderhaale clambered out from the police car and onto the pavement, his fugues dwarfed by the huge glass skyscrapers. He nodded at Sergeant, before greeting the NPSS Agent.
"Good Morning Captain. Well, that poor man. Poor agents too. Anyway, let's get going shall we?" Gesticulating towards the entrance.

Open Ocean, 1,000 Nautical Miles from the coast of East Rotorunda
It was a sight to behold. The cream of the Imperial Krïdan Navy, a centuries old war machine and a mighty force to reckon with and behold. To its guns, hundreds if not thousands of enemy vessels, pirate sloops to Sartœse Ironclads had sunken to the murky depths of Davey Jones' Locker. The fleets were in full High Seas Formation. The submarines sailed in front, occasionally resurfacing before submerging again. Behind these, the Surface Assault Fleet sailed followed by the two carrier fleets who were in turn followed by the three amphibious assault fleets. AWACS patrolled the skies above and behind, and anti submarine helicopters showered the depths, ready to drop charges onto any submarine that proved hostile bad turn them to shark food.

Aboard the TKMS Katüschke, the Rijkkanzler Jauchk-Katüschke Class Super Assault Dreadnought, Naval Contingent Commander, Admiral in Chief Akira Yanāgi-Dēru paced up bad down the bridge. He felt like Darth Vader, at the head of his fleets, he could almost hear the 'der der der duh-de-duh" in the back ground as two VTOL AWACS hummed over head, and the roaring of marine sergeants at their troops. Suddenly, admiral of the assault fleet, Wlachislaw Ówjećke materialised next to Akira.
"Good Afternoon Admiral in Chief."
"Good Afternoon Admiral Ówjećke."
"Sir, I suspect that the East Rotorundan Navy will have been alerted to our imminent arrival. No doubt, their fleet is waiting for us."
"Their fleet is no match for this ship alone Admiral. We shall sink their whole arrangement of floating tins with little consequence. As soon as our OTH Radar locates them, well, you know what to do."
"Very Good Admiral in Chief."

The bridge was alive with crew activity, all wearing dark blue camouflage fatigues. Officers scurried here and there, pilots dropped in with reports and bridge crew sat focused in their seats. Akira loved the navy, it was the best thing he had ever done, and he feared it was only going to get better.

Over Southern New Pazania
The seething morass of Krïdan aircraft soared over southern new Pazania, swiftly lowering altitude, some even becoming visible to those on the ground. Probably a terrifying site, to see hundreds of foreign aircraft like gunships, bombers and fighter jets, along with support aircraft, drones and ground attack aircraft. Each individual Airwing requested to land at various airfields wherever the new Pazanians needed them strategically.

Approaching Southern New Pazania
The second wave of Krïdan aircraft had now caught up. Save for a few air superiority jets for protection, the majority of these aircraft were transport and airborne deployment aircraft and their cargo were men, vehicles, artillery and the Operation Commander: Staff Marshall Thïebauw Köerslaachserdorf. These aircraft now began to descend, as officers aboard the command aircraft contacted new Pazanian control again.
"Hello, again. This is the transport air fleet for the Krïdan army contingent headed to strategic airfields and bases adjacent to the borders with the Rotorundan states. Requesting permission to enter airspace?"
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Posts: 797
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Postby Kidlantis » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:02 am

Government Towers
Johstan escorted Wouderhaale to the front entrance of the Executive Tower.
"Ah, yes, that appears to be Councilor Underhill." said Johstan when they were a good distance away from the accident. "He's the Councilor of Defense on the Supreme Council. He's notoriously both conservative and religious in addition to being a heavy chain smoker. I heard a rumor that he smokes around three packs, or sixty cigarettes a day." He proceeded with a slight chuckle. "There's an office pool to see how long it takes him to catch lung cancer." Other then the skyscrapers, the background was normal for a government building. In the empty space in the center of the three buildings there was a small green area. This was filled to the brim with different flora from different regions of the country, such as the Pazanian Coconut palm, Cocos Pazanicus, and the Pazanian Great Northern Pine, or Pinus Magnaquiloem. In the center of the green area there was a small gazebo made of oak that was painted white. The oak had come from the Old Government Palace, which had been bombed and destroyed during the wars with the Rotororandans. Inside of the gazebo there were two benches made of the seam material as the gazebo itself, and a copper plaque memorializing the Old Government Palace. Naturally, the entire area was crawling with both civil servants and government officials discussing matters as well as NPSS agents policing the area in order to keep the area secure. Once at the entrance of the Executive Tower , Johstan politely opened the door for the Ambassador. Inside the doors, there was a massive nightmare of security checkpoints and registration desks. Hundreds of government officials wearing suits, dresses, and other formal attire were scampering around trying to get to their workplaces. Johstan flashed his security badge at a person in a line marked number '5' and immediately skipped through the long line of disgruntled government employees. Johstan walked up to the registration desk and once again flashed the receptionist his plastic NPSS captain badge and gave way to General Wouderhaale. After a few minutes of processing, a plastic badge printed from a small box with a slit in it. The badge was in a rectangular shape and had printed on it the words in bold font "Major General Kaspiên Wouderhaale." Below it were printed the words "Level Clearance 13"
Johstan led the General away from the registration desk and into a packed elevator filled to the brim with government employees and security guards. There were a few glances in the General's direction, but no words were exchanged, despite his outfit being out of place among the black and white suits and pantsuits of the government employees. Johstan pressed the button marked '30'

Floor 30, 10:15 PWT
"Level 13 clearance grants you several privileges. For one you're permitted to access some types of classified material. This is only includes certain military maneuvers that we're doing so that we can properly communicate. As such, you're expected to deal with this information responsibly, as possible leakage of the information could cost lives. The worst part is that we can't even sue the news networks who published the information due to the fact that this country has a overly strong freedom of press... Regardless, here is your crypto-key." Johstan said, handing the general a small black piece of plastic with a miniature digital display. "What this does is connect to a server in NPDS headquarters. The server generates a ten digit number based on a complex algorithm, and the key has the same algorithm in it which generates the same number. A new number in generated every thirty seconds. Your number should be unique to your key. As long as your network connection is secure, and we have to trust you on this one, you should be able to access the classified material through the Dark Web. In addition, you can access the paper files, and you are allowed into meetings in the Situation Room Bunker, at the discretion of the President."
They walked by three men and a woman briskly moving away from the Conference Room, presumably NPSS agents. Around the door there were several members of the NPSS carrying revolvers, hovering around the Conference Room door. Johstan and the General stopped in front of the door. Johstan nodded to the female officer on the left, and she opened the door for them. Johstan promptly walked in the opposite direction when the General walked in. The doors shut behind him, and he was greeted by a slightly accented voice.
"Good morning, Ambassador. It's excellent to see that you were able to arrive such short notice. Here, sit down, have some coffee, we have things to discuss, mainly those that cannot be discussed while the President, Councilor Crane, Marshal Rostwell, or Councilor Underhill are in the room..." Bandoni said, his face displaying a flawless smile.
Conference Room, 10:03 PWT, 12 Minutes Earlier
Bandoni turned his chair towards the television in the conference room. There was little to do in the Conference Room prior to the meeting, and the other two were discussing the recent updates on the election. The attack had been discussed many, many times between the various government officials, and endlessly discussing the attack right before another discussion on it would not be pleasurable. Bandoni sighed as he looked at the PNN report over and over again. Over the past few hours, nothing was being covered except for the attacks, and he was getting quite bored of it.
"And thank you, Hugh for that new insight on what those two Coast Guard ships were doing before they were called. Again, PNN is going to be giving constant coverage to the Encroachment in the Endqop, however before we leave for a commercial break, we have to cover another significant piece of news that has been somewhat overshadowed by the events of the morning. Last night, the Pazania-Gerhvea Job Oppurtunities Bill was passed in the Senate by a narrow 102-101 margin. The entire SDP bloc in the Senate voted for the bill, however, the bill faced staggering opposition from all sides, including both the vast majority of the Conservative and Liberal parties. However, the sizable Fascist bloc decided to vote for the bill, as did the PCP, the Green party, the Monarchists. In addition, several Liberal and Conservatives defected and voted for the bill..." Bandoni chuckled at this part. "Incentives" could go a long way in getting policy implemented and bills passed. "Candidate for Wacinxta's 16th Congressional District and Conservative Chairman Miller Graham stated that if the Conservatives win a majority in the Chamber and he wins the office of Speaker, his first priority will be to repeal the bill, which he says will take away jobs from thousands, if not millions of hard-working Pazanians. Councilor Jeffrey Crane, the frontrunner for the Liberal presidential nomination says that he will push the legislature to remove the bill if he is in office, and says that it is neither fair nor effective to Pazanians or Gerhveans. The bill would allow Gerhveans from the Pazanian protected territory to come and seek work in New Pazania in agricultural, industrial, or construction sectors, and allow employers to pay them less than the nationally-established minimum wage..." At that time, the doors to the Conference Room slowly opened, which nonetheless startled both North and Fenage, who were discussing Councilor Albert Yorkman's dismal chances of re-election. In walked four NPSS agents, one of them a tall, light-skinned African-Pazanian man, another one a short, dark-skinned African-Pazanian man, another one being an old, tall, grey-haired, fair-skinned man, and the other one being a tall Russian-Pazanian woman.
"Ah, yes, you four. Are you finished already?" said Bandoni, eagerly awaiting the results of the taping.
"It is better than you would have expected, Mr. Vice-President. " said Jacques. Before he could continue, Machlavygn interrupted him.
"He went to Macneally Pub, he began.
"Great,: North said sarcastically. "You can just tell that it'll get better for Crane..." After a few seconds of silence, North pointed to Machlavygn. "Well, go on then."
Machlavygn glared at North before continuing. "And then he played beer pong with college students, and then he met a fine young lady from the University of New Wandsworth-Merton, and then they went on the Muni to DeVasher Station, and then they went to the Wenterman Hotel, and well, you know what it's like when a man and a woman love each other very, very much.." his tone turning into a mocking one near the end.
"Are you implying that Crane had extramarital sex?" said Fenage.
"What the hell do you think! But wait, it gets better. After sleeping with her for the night, Crane wakes up, hungover, and realizes how badly he fucked up, and then he storms out of the hotel door, not paying a single Mudanvar, and get stopped by a cop for looking like he's drunk. And then, he acts drunk, causes a public disturbance, has no ID, so the officer tries to take him in, and then he kicks the poor guy in the stomach and gets back on the Muni like nothing's happened."
The room was silent for a few moments until Bandoni broke it.
"Well, I suppose that Crane is now in the fold. He has to join us and do as we say or he will be disgraced, sent to jail, and be forced to end his political career. " said Bandoni.
However, the focus shifted away from the agents at the moment. A breaking news report regarding airstrikes came up on the screen.
Bandoni turned back towards the agents.
"You might want to leave now. The Ambassador should be here at any minute."
"Uh, yes, you're cleared to enter our airspace, uh, however you might want to raise your altitude. You're kind of in the gun nut area of New Pazania, and half of these people probably think that you're part of the WA's conspiracy to invade New Pazania and institute the New World Order, so we wouldn't want any incidents happening."
OOC: Reboot!
Last edited by Kidlantis on Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Posts: 5870
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Postby Krjder » Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:24 am

Government Towers, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
Having been brought through the buildings, past the scenic gardens, received his access pass and his crypto-key, Kaspiên entered the conference room, not quite knowing what to expect.
"Ah, Mr. Bandoni! I trust you are well? A coffee would be lovely thank you. Although I am sure you are aware, I thought I'd also update you on the Krïdan side of things. Our fleets are about to engage the navy of East Rotorunda and are preparing for an attack. Our ground and air assets are landing in your airfields as we speak. We are ready to attack upon your orders." Kaspiên took a seat, and waited for what Bandoni had to say.

Imperial Krïdan High Seas Fleets, 400 miles from East Rotorunda
"Admiral in Chief! The East Rotorundans have, by no doubt, spotted us." Proclaimed a bridge officer, from the communications sector, aboard the TKMS Katüschke. Yanāgi-Dēru waved his hand dismissively in his direction. He turned to Admirak Ówjećke.
"Prepare the fleets for battle, call them to battle stations." Yanāgi ordered cooly, not taking his eyes from the sparkling blue sea.
"Your wish, Admiral in Chief, is my command." Replied Ówjećke, clicking his heels, saluting and then striding away.

Through out all the fleets, from carriers to submarines, helicopter destroyers to assault dreadnoughts, captains called their crew to their battle stations. All weapons systems were brought online, pilots waited eagerly and marines kitted up.

Back aboard the Katüschke, Yanāgi was formulating his plan.
"We launch 100 hundred of our naval assault craft, protected by 50 fighters and several AWACS at their fleet. Before they arrive, we fire an EMP warhead at the fleet, along with a salvo of anti ship cruise missiles. To mop them up, we send in a flotilla of two Battlecruisers finish off any remaining ships and two hospital ships to collect any survivors. Make it happen."
"Yes, Admiral in Chief!"

Via cranes, the KLK-MA 32s were dropped into the sea, where they performed a waterborne take off. They were low flying craft, each carrying anti ship missiles and torpedoes. Manned by two airmen, they were surprisingly light and agile craft, suitable for such a mission. Taking off from the decks of carriers were swathes of KLK-SŻ 31 naval fighter jets, accompanied by several KLK-HA 16 AWACS. This swarm soared over the deep blue ocean, followed by two Jungyésu Class battle cruisers; TKMS Müraasdoorn and TKMS Ğyselseryeg. Three hospital ships also sailed ahead, white in colour with blatant red crosses to distinguish them as non-combatant craft.

Beneath the depths, aboard TKMÜS Kommodor Wųchesłię, the Admiral Schellerklott Class guided ballistic missile submarine, Captain Şülgyyn was bringing his submarine to the surface.
"EMP warhead launch code approved Captain, launch sequence initiating!"
"Good... Good... We await orders from higher up first."

The East Rotorundan Navy, though it didn't know yet, was, in fact doomed to oblivion.

Airfields Across New Pazania
The endless tide of Krïdan aircraft, gunships to ground attack fighters, transports to AWACS, descended onto strips of tarmac all over the country. Their cargo too was diverse, from battalions of airborne troops, to logistical squadrons, heavy field artillery to guided bombs. An entire airborne division, along with a brigade of imperial life guards had been delivered, along with enough air support for themselves and for the the Pazanians.
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Posts: 797
Founded: Dec 15, 2012

Postby Kidlantis » Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:02 pm

OOC: I know we're on the same side of the conflict here, but I think that you really need to tone down the warping of your forces. Your aircraft arriving that quickly I could maybe understand, but the ships traveled the span of what must be several thousand miles in a matter of several hours.

Floor 30, 10:16 PWT, Kidlantis City
Bandoni put on his best, fake politician smile and shook Kaspiên's hand cordially. Councilor of Labor North circled around the table to shake his hand. Minister Fenage remained seated, obtaining several files from a large accordion folder.
"Ah yes, to business. PPAF, while you were away from outside electronic connections, has launched a drone strike in the city of Waltport which is the city the South Rotororandans pirate group utilized to launch their assault early this morning. Several missiles struck a previously abandoned warehouse which the pirates used as their base. The building is in rubble right now. " said Bandoni, briefing the General on the situation as it stood.
"Say," North began, pointing his index finger in the air. "Did you say that the Krïdan Navy is going to attack the East's Navy. Because, well we haven't precisely declared war on anybody yet, we haven't even authorized use of force in the South yet. Hell, the drone strike was probably a stretch of the Imminent Danger Clause in the constitution."
"Regardless of the current fact that we're not officially at war, although we almost certainly will be, said Bandoni. "Those matters can be discussed later, with other officials in the room. At this time, it is necessary to discuss the timetable for Lee. We've got Crane in the hole. We recently... uncovered some tapes of him doing things that would... destroy his political career if they got out. Extramarital sex and assaulting a police officer to name a few. Lee has scheduled an appearance in Kransburg ten days from now to watch a football game at Pazbank Stadium. His big donors at Pazbank have decided to provide us with ten seats in the luxury box along with the CEO, General Manager of Kransburg F.C. and others. The attendees are Lee, Crane, North, Fenage, Senator Rina Schnur, Senator Autumn Davis, Chief Judge of the High Court Paul Glass, and Governor Richard Brady. I will also be attending with. If you wish to see the new era dawn, we can find a way to squeeze you in. Security should be high, but Jacques and Natalya will be assigned to bathroom duty per my orders to Director van Hojenjurg. He has no knowledge of our conspiracy, but he is notorious in the insider circuit to be a dumb lackey. For future reference, the other notorious one is Foreign Minister Rosenius Ekøstrom. Both'll do whatever you say and never think twice. "
Executive Tower, Floor 5
After they had informed Vice President Bandoni about what they had uncovered, the four conspirators withdrew to the secure room in which they originally studied the tapes. The group of four chatted amongst themselves for a few minutes, before Markovich decided to bring up the topic of ensuring that the accusation would be safe if released.
"Excuse me, excuse me..." said Markovich in a very quiet voice. After nobody responded to him, he took a manila folder with several papers in it and slammed it down on a mahogany table in the center of the room, creating a great amount of noise and causing everybody in the room to turn their heads towards Markovich. Markovich licked his lips and continued.
"Thank you. I believe that it would strengthen our case against Crane if we were to collect physical evidence that he could have left at the hotel. When the officer asked him for ID, he refused to give him anything. This could be because he did not wish to be identified and reported, or he could have lost his wallet at the hotel. In addition, given the activities of the night," he said, snickering for a brief moment. "There are likely some bodily fluids left over that we can detect, allowing us to strengthen our case."
"If I may object," Jacques began. "We already have enough evidence to scare him. Why should we bother with collecting more evidence and increasing risk of detection? We never mean to have the man arrested, just scared and humiliated."
"Unfortunately, there might not be a convincing case against him with just sound recordings and witness reports. It could be argued that the officer made a mistake in identification while he was rolling around on the ground gasping for breath. It could be argued that whoever released the tapes hired an excellent voice actor to imitate Crane. You know how the Neosocs utterly despise every bone in his body. The SDP is terrified of him. If he's the nominee next election, victory will be a cakewalk for the Libs. Just in the same way that the Tories are scared of Wilhelm Lafrentz, Philibert Bissette, and the rest of the PHP. The SDP started too many wars, the Conservatives have supported the SDP too many times now. The Libs and PHP nuts are going to suck up all of the votes with a straw." said Markovich, the end of his statement tailing off into a tangent about the current state of Pazanian politics.
"As if! Lee will never lose a single election again, mark my words, not a single election with Bandoni riding alongside him on the ticket. And while you're right about the PHP being in a good position against the Conservatives, they won't win the Senate, they're too damn nutty. That's not mentioning the fact that every analyst out there is predicting the Conservatives to take the Chamber, and for Miller Graham to become Speaker. The two dominant parties in the nation have always been the SDP/Socialists and the Conservatives. Sure, the Liberals and Fascists had their fun in the 2000's and early 2010's, but other than that, every President has been from the Socialists or Conservatives, if we count the SDP as part of the Socialists, like they originally were. The only exception is that one time in 89' when the Monarchist guy got elected, but that party is on the verge of dissolving. " said Jacques, exploding at Markovich.
"I believe that you're forgetting the fact that Lee will no longer be in existence." said Markovich. He tapped Machlavygn's back. "Come, we have to ensure that there is not a shadow of doubt regarding Crane."
3rd Avenue, Kidlantis City
Machlavygn made sure to lay on the horn extra hard.
Machlavygn was driving a XCTC Model 7 down an extremely congested four-lane road splitting the heart of Dravaka. The car was black, freshly cleaned, and came with tinted windows. Markovich was sitting in the passenger seat. Although the worst of rush hour had passed, the road was still filled with automobiles. Machlavygn slammed his hand into the wheel in frustration.
"Goddamn it, by the time we get there, everything'll be cleaned out!" he said laying on the horn for ten long seconds.
Markovich sighed. Machlavygn was right. By the time they got there, the college girl would have left, the hotel staff would have cleaned everything up, and some other idiot would have filled the room, not knowing anything of the previous' nights events. He shuddered, suddenly thinking about how many times that had happened in a room he occupied at a hotel, unbeknownst to him. In an effort to try and ease his anger, Machlavygn turned on the car's radio.
"... need to expand the Nautical Service. This President... he hasn't got a clue about what he's doing. Let me tell you folks... our spending on the Nautical Service per capita is lower than at other any time in the history of New Pazania. That is an absolutely true fact, undeniably true. And a reminder not to check those Socialist and Liberal fact checking websites, they're all biased. You know what this is really all about. This is about this President's wussification of our country. Pazanian sailors should be able to defend... "
At that point, Machlavygn punched the radio. The voice on the radio was Roy Oliver, a popular radio talk show host who associated himself with the PHP, a party which ten years ago upon its formation was written off as a desperate attempt by the wingnuts to bring what they called 'true' conservatism back to New Pazania, as well as an ill-fated attempt to break the Fascists and Nationalists iron grip on Pazania's right-wing. The party began to gain traction by calling all of their opponents authoritarians who wished to destroy Pazania's traditional values and its Constitution, despite the other parties doing no such thing. (Other than the Pazanian Communist Party to some extent) However, through lies, misinformation, and a xenophobic, socially conservative, and insane laissez-faire capitalism agenda, the party managed to rise to a point now in 2015 where they had Fascist, Conservative, and Nationalist strategists quaking in their boots, fearing that a strong PHP would take so many votes away from them that they would never win, as well ensuring that the Liberals and SDP would win every election. And through profitable talk radio, they spread their message. And it annoyed any person with an inkling of sanity.
Machlavygn grimaced. Not only had he destroyed the radio, he had also caused his skin to split apart in several spots on his hand, causing small amounts of blood to come out of his hand. Markovich, noticing this, issued a calming reply.
"Easy there. Now that you broke the radio, we'll have to listen to a CD or a cassette or an MP3 file or online radio or something." Markovich whipped out his phone to check any online stations that were broadcasting. He burst out laughing.
"How about Graphic Pazanian?"
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Posts: 5870
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Postby Krjder » Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:21 pm

OOC: sorry for the warping. It was just to get them to the conflict zone so we could start the action quicker, in order for us not to lose interest.

Government Towers, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
Kaspiên gazed at North blankly before speaking.
"Our navy is ready to attack though they await further orders. Upon that order, we can unleash such firepower that their sorry excuses for floating tins will be sunk in seconds. But of course, if you have different ideas we can reign them back again. That said, though I am just a mere ally in this conflict and as such general strategy ought to be dictated by yourselves, might I suggest that a brutal, decisive strike is necessary. My analysis of the situation is that these Rotorundans need to know this is a war that they cannot win. What better way to demonstrate that, than to sink an entire navy off their very coast. Equally, it would be very beneficial for our own people to know that our armed forces will be victorious, that it shall be a brief and decisive war. But as I said, I am simply an ambassador from an allied nation. Additionally, I would be much obliged to join you for this Dawn of a New Era."

Random Airfield in New Pazania
Staff Marshall Thïebauw Köerslaachserdorf strolled off the ginormous grey transport craft, clad in digital urban combats, with a dark green beret. Behind him, several other senior officers traipsed along. They were headed fir the main administrative building on the airfield, so that they were able to get a grip on the situation. In this airfield, all the senior officers had arrived, along with the logistical forces. In another airfield, the Brigade of Imperial Life Guards under Brigadier Konstantijn-Sïegmund Wijttauwsedorf, in another the 2nd Airborne Division under Chkeiwitzdähl and in others the various air wings for strategic assault, bombing and reconnaissance.

Krïdan firepower and military might was now on the table and ready to deliver victory to not only their emperor, but for the Pazanians.
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Postby Kidlantis » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:04 pm

Floor 38
"Excellent, Ambassador-General. " said Bandoni. "I'm sure you'll be passed to go with us to Galileo Headquarters tomorrow night to discuss plans."
Knowing Bandoni was the only one who was to interact with people in the plot about the plot at any time other than meetings, North changed the subject to military intervention.
"Sadly, we can't do anything until the National Assembly passes a resolution authorizing usage of force against South Rotororanda, or for that matter and of the other Rotororandan states, forget about a declaration of formal war. A declaration of war requires a two-thirds majority, in the Senate, Council, and soon-to-be Chamber, or if another nation has declared war on us. Authorization of military force requires a three-fifths majority in all legislative bodies. As such, the best we can probably do in the immediate time-span is pass a mobilization resolution in the Senate, which would allow the President, Military, and Ministry of Defense to coordinate movement of military forces in case of a potential conflict. To my best knowledge, Bandoni and Drucus drafted up a stock mobilization resolution last night, and should be up for a vote around now. An authorization of military force would also be likely to pass eventually. And that would likely lead to war." North remarked to Wouderhaale.
"Aside from Councilor North's point," Fenage said, rising up from the table. "A full invasion would be near impractical. The two major Rotororandan countries can raise about six million decently equipped soldiers if they exert their economy and start mandatory conscription. Naturally, it will take well over a year to fully mobilize this amount at full fighting effectiveness, but around two million, from their active military and reserves, can be mobilized within a month. If we don't take action soon, then it's possible that they can send their troops to the border, fortify themselves, and stop any invasion attempts. Due to a diplomatic pact signed by the East and the West, any incursion onto Southern territory will result in a declaration of war from both East and West. This will result in the Pazanian Military fighting against not only the South, but East and West as well. That's not the only reason we haven't invaded yet. The South, as you know, is a hotbed for insurgent activity. Gangs run large swathes of land, pirates and marauders control the seas, bandits run wild in the countryside, drug lords and the cartels they run produce massive quantities of illegal narcotics. The South's federal government is so small that Grover Norquist could drown it in his bathtub. It controls the city of Donknev, and not anything else. It was once a large city, with a few million people. Now, starvation and war have caused many to flee, with the remaining population of 50,000 having to band together in militias to venture out of the capital for food, water, and other necessary items. The government there is extremely unstable. I believe that there have been six official presidents in the past two months. The major point here is: It's going to take many, many years and many trillions of dollars to root out even three-quarters of the aforementioned bandits, drug cartels, gangs, and pirates. The best we can do is, by my estimation, establish a relatively stable military government, leave a decent-sized occupying force behind, hope for the best, and hopefully some stability will come to region. However, this will come with the collapse of two of the other powerful countries in the region, so this could be a very long fight. So now, I must ask you, given what you now know about the potential length of the operation, are you absolutely certain that your nation wants to participate in this conflict? " Fenage said, staring Wouderhaake directly in the eyes. She hoped to receive a 'yes' from him. "If your Parliament chooses not to, than you'll stay out of what could be a very bloody conflict. On the other hand, you'll all but ensure that millions on both sides die due to the conflict having a longer length."

Brauskyton, Kidlantis City, New Pazania
Brauskyton was on the north side of the Dravaka, and in terms of city geography, bordered Locke, which was to its west, meaning that the borough was on the city's north side, but also in its center. Brauskyton was the largest borough in the city, both in terms of population and square miles, but also one of the worst boroughs to live in. In the southern part of the borough, massive, ugly brown brick tenements that housed thousands of the poor each in substandard living conditions. The middle part of the borough contained some decent housing (by Brauskyton standards, a Krïdan would probably turn up his or her nose at it), as well as some office buildings, and large commercial buildings. However, the borough's notoriety had come from its Northernmost part. Massive towers of black smoke rose from this part every 7 AM, signifying the start of the work day. This was Kidlantis City's industrial district, with much of this sector being entirely devoted to industry. The rest of the district was filled with residential slums and cheap shops and restaurants, everything turned black by soot. It was in this area that Dietfreid Adler was in. Dietfried was a low level Rotororandan drug dealer who was connected with the Pritven Cartel. He dealt imported heroin, meth, and opium on the streets. Every morning, he went to the same back alley between the Burgerstar and Jane's Diner on Dafston Street. Today, he wandered to the same spot as he did every day. Unfortunately, Dietfried, a 23 year-old man, was very uninformed, and had no knowledge of the events of last night. Wearing a dark grey hoodie, his slender, pale, dark-haired figure walked into the alley, and crouched behind a dumpster. Although the police enforcement in this part of town was lax, there were still narcotics enforcement officers, and it was best to remain out of sight. He sighed. He, like many other people here, lived in shoddy housing, and was no doubt experiencing lung problems from the smog. His hope was that one day he would one day make enough money to get out of this hellhole, and move to somewhere better. His dream spot was Xerntevis, but he supposed New Cardiff would be fine. Hell, anywhere outside the rustbelt would be fine. He figured that because of the fact that there were many addicts in this borough due to the low quality of life, he could make money quickly. However, his own heroin habit ate away at his savings. There was a rustling sound. Dietfreid moved his hand towards his illegally-acquired handgun. A Central Asian man moved towards him. Dietfreid relaxed. This man had come to him multiple times for heroin.
"Do you have..." he began, before Dietfreid cut him off.
"Yes." he said quietly. He pulled out a bag of Rotoroandan Brown Sugar, known by most people as brown heroin. He dropped the small bag worth about 20 Mudanvars on the ground. When he went to pick it up, the man pulled out a gun. Dietfried did not notice this until he had stood back up, and almost pissed himself with fear and shock. He began dropping everything he had on the ground, from bags of narcotics to his gun, and a couple five Mudanvar he had brought along with him to buy lunch.
"Whoa man, take it! Take it man, c'mon take it all! Take it, just don't kill me! C'mon man, please!" he said dropping to his knees and weeping, afraid for his life.
"I don't want your shit heroin. I don't want any shit from you scummy Rotororandans. Last night, your kind killed hundreds of Pazanians. Now, I will avenge the lives destroyed at sea last night."
"Don't! I didn't do anything man, I had nothing to do with... " Dietfreid said. The man took the gun and slammed it down upon Dietfreid's head, knocking him out cold. The man shot Dietfreid three times, twice in the chest, once in the face. He walked away, not knowing that he was alive.

Wenterman Hotel, New Wandsworth-Merton
After many long minutes in traffic, Markovich and Machlavygn had arrived at the hotel. Finding that there was no parking lot, the duo spent about five minutes looking for a nearby parking garage, found one, and parked the car in it. Markovich took a quick look at his watch. It was 10:30.
"We need to move with urgency." he said, running towards the exit. "By the time we get there, it's entirely plausible that she'll have left."
"I have to catch a flight to Noybragrad in around six hours.Take it easy on me. That's at least a four hour flight nonstop. and two hours more in the airport."
However, despite the possibility of Machlavygn's exhaustion, they dashed across the urban jungle at high speed. It was a sunny day, ironically so considering the effect this day would have upon Pazanian history. The grey sidewalks were mostly vacant, as most people by now were working, but not completely so, as some people were running errands. These people were confused when seeing two people in suits running in the heat of the Pazanian summer, but shrugged it off. They had seen weirder things, such as the time when the PHP's Rally to Restore the Pazania we Loved occurred. After sprinting for a good two minutes,they both had to slow down to a jog. After five minutes of this, they finally reached the Wenterman Hotel. As per standard operating procedure, Machlavygn crossed the street and looked at the buildings. He walked to the left, and then to the right. There were five separate buildings, a corner store, a Bank of Pazania, a travel agency run by Pazania Air Travel Co., a small home goods store, and a CuppaCoffee. Casually, Machlavygn stepped back and analyzed the buildings. He looked around, turning his back to look a the hotel's entrance. The only person there was Markovich. Machlavygn, without any warning to those who were watching grabbed hold of the windowsill on the Bank of Pazania. Naturally, if he were caught doing this visually he would be in deep shit, but from what he could tell, the bank tellers inside weren't looking. He lost his grip for a second, and immediately tried to get control back. The wood was damp and rotten. From what he could tell the building itself was about fifty years old, and he would have to proceed with caution in order to prevent something from breaking, or even worse, the roof caving in. Machlavygn hoisted himself up, to the point where he was actually able to stand on the windowsill. The fire escape ladder was about two feet away from his hands, which were grabbing onto the top of the window. Machlavygn jumped into the air, grabbing hold of the ladder's bottom rung. He grunted as he began to climb up the ladder to the roof. As he was climbing, one of the rungs severed itself from the rest of the ladder on its left side. Machlavygn grimaced, and climbed at a much slower rate. He reached the top, and looked down upon the borough of New Wandsworth-Merton.He could see the street from about fifteen feet up, which allowed him a wider field of view. He snapped a picture of the road with a cheap, disposable Westman camera. From what he could see, nobody except Markovich and a stray dog were down there.Machlavygn now had evidence to corroborate the claim of Crane's drunkenness and assault. Oddly enough, there was no police investigation going on. This set off multiple alarm bells in Machlavygn's head, causing him to frown. Ready to head back down, Machlavygn turned his back away from the hotel, and towards a stunning view. Beyond the bank there were a few more blocks of small buildings, and then there was a beautiful view of the glistening ocean, a glittering turquoise from the late morning sun. From his position, he could see Dravaka's tall glass skyscrapers reaching up to touch the sky,the sun deflecting off of their windows, blinding Machlavygn. To his right, he could see off in the distance the Dravaka River, and parts of the northern boroughs, a large cloud of smog approaching from the industrial district in Brauskyton. Machlavygn was aghast by the stunning new portrait of Kidlantis City, his longtime home, and crime-filled hellhole only comparable to Eichenrod in its general awfulness. However, for a second it gave his cruel, sadistic, hate-filled heart a slight reprieve, the sunny mask that the city had decided to wear today to hide its crime and corruption, corporate and political alike giving him hope that Kidlantis City could be rescued, that the politicians in Dravaka would work for the people,and that Pazanian social democracy could be rescued from apathy, intolerance, and irrationality. However, he was brought back to reality within the span of two short seconds. He snapped a few pictures, and climbed down to join Markovich.
"Come on," Markovich said, putting on a pair of sunglasses. "We have a job to do."
Machlavygn also put on his sunglasses and pushed open the door.
The hotel's interior lobby was painted a garish, bright red. The lobby was not a large one, only a little larger than the size of the average living room. The walls were adorned with several brass lamps, and up against the back wall there was the receptionist's desk, where two receptionists were stationed, talking to an elderly man. On each side wall there was a small flat screen television showing PNN. The duo waited behind him, looking at their watches. They were running out of time. In all likelihood, they already had and the woman had already left the hotel. The time was 10:31 AM, surely she must have left already?
"Thank you sir, and have a nice day." said a young, African-Pazanian receptionist at the desk. "Whoever's next I can help!"
Markovich stepped ahead of Machlavygn. Machlavygn put on a poker face, his mug devoid of any emotion whatsoever. The duo provided an intimidating presence, specifically Machlavygn, who stood at a remarkable six feet six inches The receptionist put on his best fake, blindingly white politician smile.
"Hello sir. Welcome to the Wenterman Hotel. How may I help you today?"
"Uh, thank you." said Machlavygn, playing the part of a clueless tourist. His best hope was to not reveal his identity, as this was an unauthorized operation, only conducted at the behest of Vice President Harald Bandoni, a man who had no authority to order such operations unless there was a legitimate national security issue. Markovich, if discovered, would lose all credibility, would almost certainly be kicked out of the NPSS, and also probably sent to jail. Of course, that was without the master manipulator Bandoni pulling a few strings. But then again, Bandoni was a fickle man, whose tastes constantly changed, always trying to seize the best opportunity. Markovich had no intent to sacrifice his career, one in which he was nearing the desired position of NPSS leadership, on Bandoni's fickleness. "Would you happen to have seen a brown-haired, fair-skinned, relatively young man leave your hotel this morning?"
"I'm sorry sir, but we're not permitted to divulge any information about our guests. That information is strictly confidential." the receptionist said, still keeping a smile on his face.
"I did not say guest, I said man. There's a difference between the two. " said Markovich.
"Yes, I did." said the receptionist, after realizing that he could speak freely and not be penalized. "He was quite rude. He said something about making a woman pay. I hope she's alright. He sounded like he wanted to hurt someone. I saw him right as I was arriving for my morning shift."
Markovich nodded. That sounded like Crane, but he needed to be absolutely sure it was him. He also needed to obtain more evidence to prove that the claims about Crane were indeed true, and not just character assassination committed by SDP insiders.
"Do you happen to know if the man had stayed at the hotel the night before?"
"I'm sorry sir, but we're not allowed to divulge any information about our guests. Or for that matter, potential guests."
Markovich sighed. He whipped out his NPSS badge.
"Sir, I'm going to need you to turn over the guest books right now. This is a matter of national security."
The receptionist blankly stared at Markovich. The smile had left his face, to be replaced by shock. The other receptionist, a young, fair-skinned, red-haired woman did the same. Sensing that they weren't going to get anywhere, Markovich grabbed the male receptionist's vest and lifted him up into the air.
"Listen, you young? You in college?" he said, asking him in a loud voice.
"Yes, yes I am." he said, tears streaming out of his eyes, as he broke down. "Kidlantis City College Medical School. I'm working to pay off room and board fees. I'm studying to become an orthopedic spinal surgeon."
"Good." said Markovich. "So, I suppose you understand the importance of the spine. Good, that way you'll now that it'll be a bad thing when my friend back there breaks it."
At this, the receptionist whimpered.
"Come on, hand over the guest books! LIVES ARE ON THE LINE HERE! NAMELY YOURS!" Markovich said, than realizing that the receptionist was in no position to hand over the guestbook. He released him, causing the receptionist to crumple into a small ball on the floor. He picked himself up, and handed over the guestbook.
Markovich looked at the entries for the guestbook. He quickly skimmed through the page. Jeff Crane's name was not on the page. Markovich panicked, hoping that this entire misadventure had been for something. He turned the page back, realizing that the previous nights' entries must be on the page before this one. To his relief, the name 'Jeff Crane' was scrawled next to the name 'Patti Phillips'. Apparently Crane had been dumb, or drunk enough, to put his real name down. Markovich searched for the room number for a few seconds, and discovered that the room number was 267. He ripped out the page from the book.
"I know I've asked much of you today." said Markovich, handing back the guest book. "I need a room key for room 267."
The receptionist handed over a plastic card with the green Wenterman Hotel logo on the front.
"Thank you very much" said Markovich, now smiling. "Oh, and if you could inform me, what are your names?"
"Christopher Carr" said the male receptionist.
"Alice Beck" said the female receptionist.
"Good." Markovich said. This final bit of coercion would rely upon people's ignorance of the law. "If one word of this incident leaks out without permission of the NPSS or Pazanian Federal Government, you're in violation of federal law, and you're both going to jail for ten years."
With that, Markovich slipped the ripped-out page into his pocket. Machlavygn moved towards the elevator with Markovich following behind. Markovich had been lying about the receptionists violating the law, but the fear of spending time in prison would prevent them from doing anything. Machlavygn pressed the 'up' arrow button on the elevator. After the elevator arrived, the duo stepped inside and headed upstairs. Meanwhile, in the lobby, the receptionists tried to return to work as normal. However, after the excitement of just a few minutes ago, they were having significant difficulties doing so.
"You alright?" Alice asked Carr, who was grabbing at the back of his pants.
"No." Carr snapped. "Shit, shit. Shit, I think I crapped my pants."

Odessa-Coaldale Military Airbase, State of Baynovo, New Rossiya, Western New Pazania
10:30 AM PWT, 2:30 PM PET

Although it seemed like a bright new day on the West Coast and Kidlantis City, already it was midday on the East Coast, where the events leading up to this had transpired. Over the past few hours, the Pazanian Nautical Service had diverted the 11th Fleet to the East Coast, with more deployments to follow.
  • 1x Sovereign-class Megacarrier (Unity) Air Wing (40 YF-103CBV, 30 Type-21 Divine Wind ADF's, 50 Type-20 Ghost Tactical Strike Fighters, 30 F/A-10 Herons, 5 SH-60 helicopters, 2 Type-40A Silent Dagger AEW&C)
  • 2x Chelsea-class carriers (Tunkreso, Crictos) Air Wing (30 Divine Wind ADF's, 50 F/A-18 Super Hornets, 10 F/A-10 Herons, 2 Type-40A Silent Dagger AEW&C's, 12 SH-60 helicopters)
  • 1x Gallant-class carrier (Dark Night) Air Wing (30 Sukhoi Su-34s, 30 LY909A Sparrowhawks, 2 F-22C's)
  • 2x Siege-class Amphibious Assault Ships (Castle,Maztourin Keep) Fixed-Wing Aircraft: (10x NFX-30 VTOLs, 30x Harrier Jumping Jet VTOLs) Rotary Aircraft: (20 Reaper VTOLs, 70 SH-60 helicopters) RHIBs/Landing Craft (Each have 6x Scorpion RHIBs, Castle has 11 HIA 110 Knight class LCACs, Maztourin Keep has 117 AAVP7A1 amphibious assault vehicles.) Each have 5000x times 8th Marine Division soldiers.
  • 1x Shogun-class superdreadnought (Augustus)
  • 5x Tiamat-class destroyers
  • 5x Phalanx-class battlecruisers
  • 1x Galaxy-class battlecruiser
  • 3x Legacy-class submarines
  • 10x Sobek-class corvettes
  • 5x Halycon-class Block III submarines
  • 5x Fortknight-class cruisers
  • 5x Templar-class destroyers
  • 5x Virginia-class submarines
  • 5x Type-23 anti-air frigates
  • 50x supply frigates and assorted cargo ships

Meanwhile, airfields in Western New Pazania prepared for potential air warfare over the skies of Rotororanda. Several training exercises had been scheduled in the following weeks at Odessa-Coaldale, a medium-sized airbase with around 150 Pazanian aircraft in the state of Baynovo, a state that was a good distance away from the border. On very short notice, the commander of Odessa-Coaldale, Colonel Paul Fletcher, a decorated veteran of Ruskyet Conflict, was informed that the Krïdan Staff Marshall and his aides were to arrive very soon in a large cargo aircraft. Surprised by this, Fletcher had about 15 minutes to shower, to comb his short, curly, red hair, and to change into a new set of his famous desert camoflauge clothing (he had been wearing the previous set for about two days). Fletcher awaited the Staff Marshall's arrival nervously. In the meantime, he was listening to his favorite talk radio host, Roy Oliver.
"You see, that's the thing with the Senate. They can't get anything because they have their thumbs stuck up their butts all day. The SDP? They're a joke of a majority. Lee could squeeze his Marxist Job Opportunities bill in only by a few votes, and you know why? Wilfred Drucus is about as inspiring as a horsefly. Keeps annoying you, then flies away. Keeps annoying you, then flies away. And maybe that's a good thing. Because if the SDP had their way, this country would disintegrate into a totalitarian one party state ruled by communist dictator Lee." Fletcher smiled. He considered himself a proud conservative, and had adorned his office with Lafrentz 2017 signs. When I listen to Roy, he thought. I think, this is the only guy making sense.
A knock on the door prompted him to shut off his radio and open the door.
"Good afternoon, Staff Marshall." the Colonel said, saluting him. "Welcome to Odessa Coaldale Air Force Base"

Unterhaus, Rotororandan Parliament, Eisstaagen, North Rotororanda
The capital of the Social Democratic Republic of Rotororanda was the city of Eisstaagen, a major city located around two hundred miles from the official DMZ, and 250 miles away from the nearest place under West Rotororandan control. The city had a population of around five million, and was located on the Brauck River, a major river that flowed south from the Cronus Mountains in New Pazania, moved through North Rotororanda, slashed through the West, and flowed into Cerdo ret Endqop in the South. In the past, the river had been a way for the industrial North to ship its goods out to Pazania and other markets, and a waterway for raw materials from the West and South to make their way north. But times change. Now, the river was only a vulnerability for invasion and surprise attack, and the North was planning to build a dam to produce electricity as well as to prevent any hostile soldiers that wished to move north via the river from doing so. There was a nervous air in the capital today. Over the past two decades, the city had seen its share of brutality and war, the city being bombed four times by PPAF in 2006. Eisstaagen had only just managed to rebuild their industrial capacity, and another war could only bring bad things. But this time, the war was not with the previously despised Pazanians to the north, but rather with their own countrymen. As such, the people of North Rotororanda and its government were very reluctant to go to war. The North had been free of totalitarianism and war for seven years by now, and they had no intent to bring down their shell of prosperity.
"Order, Order! The Unterhaus is out of order, the Unterhaus will be in order!" yelled the Speaker of the Unterhaus, Hilda Rauthbauer, in German. At the time at which she said this, the Unterhaus was in a great deal of disorder. Members of Parliament were talking amongst themselves, while others were attempting to be recognized in order to make their speeches on the bill which had been created after news of the Fearsome had broken. Immediately, everybody in the House fell silent, and took their seats. A tall, thin, balding man with light grey hair surrounding the top of his head, which was as devoid of hair as an eggshell, stood up and raised his hand.
"I rise in support of the bill currently on the floor." the man said, turning on his microphone. This was followed by a great deal of jeering from the crossbench, where the Official Opposition, the left-wing Wahlausschuss Kostenlose Sozialisten sat.
"Prime Minister and MP for Haffen Rainer Wirnheir has been recognized for a speaking period of ten minutes in support of the bill on the floor. Prime Minister Rainer Wirnheir has the floor, he may now proceed." Rauthbauer said, slamming her gavel down. Wirnheir was the head of the Wahlausschuss Liberaldemokraten, a centrist party who predominated in the industrial, yet non-urban areas in the country, whereas the Wahlausschuss Kostenlose Sozialisten had the advantage in the urban areas. A third caucus, Das Rotoranda Freiheit Wahlausschuss, a center-right to far-right party which dominated in rural and border areas, formed a government with the Wahlausschuss Liberaldemokraten, giving the Liberal Democrats a narrow five seat majority. "Thank you, Madam Speaker. Today, we witnessed a major tragedy when a Pazanian Nautical Service vessel was attacked, and its crew brutally massacred by pirates from South Rotororanda. I am glad to announce that there has been a new development in Waltport, which these pirates used as a base. I am happy to report that a Pazanian UAV has attacked a warehouse that the pirates used as their headquarters. The airstrike, according to preliminary reports, has utterly destroyed the warehouse in its entirety, and killed somewhere ranging from 100 to 250 marauding savages. " Wirnheir paused as the backbenchers applauded. "However, the East and the West have both taken exception to this. As early as four hours after the attack on the Fearsome, the Chancellor of West Rotororanda Walt Vertmün declared mobilization of his standing military, and his primary reserves. The King of East Rotororanda, King Hausler II, also declared the same. Now, with the very limited and preliminary reports that we have, both are planning to declare mobilization of their secondary reserves wihin the next two hours. According to estimates from our brightest defense experts, the number of soldiers mobilized could be over 1.2 million in total from both sides. They claim it is in order to protect the East-West Incursion Pact. Tell me, could this be potentially dangerous to our security? To the security of our Pazanian allies? Yes, it is. With their tertiary reserves, they could raise up to two million combined. They would station these soldiers upon the Pazanian border, the South Rotororandan border, and our border. How many on our border? I have talked to the Defense Minister today, and he said that they would place 500,000 men in the form of infantry upon our borders, and also over a thousand armored vehicles. If this is true, and this happens, then we must prepare ourselves for the possibility of invasion. If the Pazanians decide to continue to exact just revenge upon the criminal gangs and warlords that control that farce of a state, then the East in West would automatically declare war, a war which we would be dragged into as their allies. As such, we must prepare ourselves for war. The majority SDP had proven themselves to be trigger-happy when it comes to war, as well as the second largest party, the Conservatives . There is a clear and distinct possibility that there will be a war, and from this point in time, I would call it a probability. In the event of war, we must protect ourselves. The Brauck is vulnerable. The dam has not even graduated the basic planing stage yet, and the river is calm in this stretch, and during this time of year. I know, for certain, the one thing I do not wish to have happen is to arrive at Parliament one morning, only to find that it has been occupied by Vertmün's special forces." This was followed by a smattering applause from the backbenchers. "What this Mobilization Resolution would permit us to do is to put 400,000 soldiers on the border with the West, and 200,000 on the border with the East. Time is of the essence. War could come a week from now, a month from now, or a day from now. However, I have been told by my many trustworthy advisers that war is bound to come sooner rather than later. With three out of four of the largest Pazanian parties in the Senate likely to support war, and the SDP having a majority in the Supreme Council, we must act now to defend ourselves. In addition to protecting our borders, this resolution would allow us to fully mobilize our air force, and fully staff our air defense system, both moves would allow us to prevent the same catastrophic damage which occurred to our infrastructure and industry during the 2006 War. For the good of our children, our citizens, our grandchildren, let this resolution be passed in order to secure their future. If we do not take action now, it will be too late when war does come, and believe me, it will." Wirnheir sat down after finishing his speech. Promptly after that, an older woman with grey hair and thick glasses from the crossbench stood up.
"I rise against the bill on the floor." she said.
"Opposition Leader and MP for Konzach Felicitas Wechsler has been recognized for a speaking period of ten minutes. Opposition Leader Wechsler has the floor, she may now proceed." said Rauthbauer, boredom creeping into her voice.
"Thank you, Speaker Rothbauer, and thank you, Prime Minister Wirnheir for that speech you gave a minute ago. Ladies and Gentleman of the Unterhaus, and citizens of the Social Democratic Republic of Rotororanda, I think I speak for everybody when I say that we were all shocked and horrified by what happened in Cerdo ret Endqop last night, and our thoughts and prayers right now are with the people of New Pazania. However, I find myself against the Mobilization and Military Force Authorization Resolution for the very reason that it will only contribute to the tension that is currently in our region. During his entire speech, I do not believe that Prime Minister Wirnheir took into account that maybe, just maybe, putting 400,000 soldiers on the DMZ wall might make the West a little nervous, or 200,000 on the wall with the East might make them a little more inclined to mobilize?" The Wahlausschuss Kostenlose Sozialisten MP's cheered and laughed at this, while the Wahlausschuss Liberaldemokraten tried to drown them out with jeering. After the noise had subsided, Wechsler continued. "Adding 600,000 soldiers to our border is not going to prevent war, it will only spur both countries further towards war. Our main goal should not be to protect ourselves by killing thousands of our own countrymen by creating a war, it should be to prevent bodies from hitting the ground in the first place. Second, at a time when this country has gone into half a trillion dollars of debt, and is running a fifty billion dollar deficit under the government of Prime Minister Wirnheir, the economic costs of this war must be accounted for, as such a mobilization would cost billions of dollars.Third, such a war would lead to millions of casualties, as shown by the 2006 Tantro-Pazanian War. Finally, there is very little that I have heard about the replacement of government in West Rotororanda and East Rotororanda. I have yet to hear whether the powerful, stable governments will be replaced by the Pazanians, by us, or will there be a void left over that will turn both nations into South Rotororanda. This resolution will do nothing to protect the citizens of North Rotororanda, as it will only lead to a war with much bloodshed." Weschler sat down. With that, another MP from the Wahlausschuss Liberaldemokraten stood up. Rothbauer sighed. The deliberation stage would take a while.
" MP for Furthammer, Burchard Hochburg has been recognized for a speaking period of ten minutes. MP Hochburg has the floor, he may now proceed..."
Last edited by Kidlantis on Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:37 am, edited 8 times in total.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Posts: 5870
Founded: Aug 15, 2012

Postby Krjder » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:22 am

Floor 38, Government Towers, Kidlantis City
The Ambassador listened intently, slightly concerned that three-fifths of the Imperial Navy were sitting ducks off the coast of East Rotorunda. As the ambassador from a nation that had suffered a near invasion itself from seemingly endless hordes, he could sympathise with the Pazanians not wanting to strike yet. He also understood the Pazanians did not want to engage in a drawn out counter insurgency war with South Rotorunda. But, Wouderhaale was amongst the Alumni of Schwanitzbrükk College, the Imperial Military Officer Training Cadre. He was a student of Caesar, of generals and tacticians both old and new, of Krïdans, Bengarians, Romans, Greeks and Prussians. Wouderhaale knew that the best defence was the offence, and to strike the enemy before they are ready is key to victory.

"Gentlemen, surely, the longer we stave off war, the longer we take to declare war, the more time we give the various Rotorundan nations to mobilise and prepare. In times like these, a decisive blow is needed to send the enemy reeling before it is poised to attack. Though I understand that democracy is important and held sacrosanct by all of us, at the moment it is the only barrier that prevents us from victory. I urge you to recognise this affair as a national emergency so that we gave the advantage of time and decisiveness on our side. Gentlemen, your people may whinge about you having bypassed the normal protocol, but they will be grateful when it prevents their towns being overrun by Rotorundan hordes. Either that, or we stage or provoke an attack on our forces to warrant war. The Krïdan Empire is behind New Pazania, and we will fight. But, I must assure Imperial High Staff Command that it is a war we can win. As for the counter insurgency campaign in the south, I suspect that it will be of little consequence. If you like, we have some experienced troops back from Xéxao who are now rather office to in such matters."
He waited to see if his colleagues would see the light.

Odessa-Coaldale Military Airbase, State of Baynovo, New Rossiya, Western New Pazania
Staff Marshall was the highest the rank available in the Imperial Armed Forces, below only Commander-in-Chief, a rank held only by the Emperor. A Staff Marshall is usually in charge of a large force, comprising of several contingents and of several military branches. There were currently 6 such officers who wielded the staff marshall's baton. Köerslaachserdorf, was a well respected man of the sword, and descended from a long line of military officers, nothing less was expected of him from family, friends, colleagues and indeed the nation. Renowned by militaries far and near for his signature brutal assaults, characterised by a strong artillery and armoured flair, he was the man for the job.

"Thank you, Colonel." He said with a stiff accent. "If you may, let us get down to business sharply. As I hope you are aware, a division of airborne troops and a brigade of His Imperial Majesty's Life Guard Corps have landed in nearby airfields also. In addition to this, several sir wings and a few regiments of support troops have also arrived. We are here to back your invasion, and if not at least to sway numbers in your favour, but diversify your forces. My airborne division has a slight emphasis on heavy assault. It has seven armoured battalions, 11 infantry battalions and two logistics battalions. These can be used for a decisive and crushing strike to either the eastern or western Rotorundan capitals. My other main ground force, is, Colonel a great asset to our campaign. It is in fact a token of His Imperial Majesty's dedication to our cause. The are some of the most disciplined, well trained and courageous soldiers my empire can offer. These are to be used as political troops, to bolster the spirits of the soldiers around them, whilst using their superior skill to wreak havoc into the enemy lines."
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Posts: 797
Founded: Dec 15, 2012

Postby Kidlantis » Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:32 pm

OOC: Sorry, RL really caught up and I couldn't post for a while and I grew disinterested.
Floor 38, Executive Tower, Kidlantis City
North sighed and began stroking his chin with his right hand.
"There is no existing legal procedure for declaring a state of emergency of this magnitude. The Pazanian Constitution directly prohibits such unilateral action by the executive." North said, removing his hand.
Bandoni jumped into the conversation after North had finished, "How so?"
"Article One, Section 5, Clause 2, and I quote: "The President or executive branch shall have no authority to move the Pazanian military to the borders or in to another country unless such an act has been authorized by the legislature, except in times of war."" North finished.
"It's very unlikely that we would be able to win a battle in court. And it's even more unlikely that Lee would dare taking the public relations hit or have the balls to pull the strings necessary to win a legal battle."
"All of which is true," said Bandoni, who began to stroke his chin as well. "All of which makes it all the more necessary to dispose of him as soon as possible." He glanced at a Pazanian flag calendar that was hanging from a nail on the door. "It should be roughly ten days 'till we get our chance. Ten days too long."
Fenage glanced at the clock. "It's 10:28 right now. The others should be coming soon." she remarked, sitting down. As if on cue, a man wearing a dark grey suit and orange tie walked in on the room.
"Committee meeting just finished. S. 2785 has been officially introduced to the Senate floor." the man said.
Bandoni cracked a smile. "Ah, very good. Do we have enough votes for cloture?"
"Last time I checked, everyone in the SDP was going to vote 'yes' on cloture at the very least, and John's promised me that the whips are at work in the Conservative party."
"Excellent, we should be good to go in that case."
The man turned towards Wouderhaale.
"And this is the new Ambassador. Greetings, sir." he said. "Senator Wilfred Drucus, Senate Majority Leader, and Chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee."
Intensive Care Unit, Northern Kidlantis City General Hospital, Brauskyton, Kidlantis City
"Patient is bleeding out rapidly, get him into OR ASAP. Tell Dr. Arzt to prep. This one doesn't look good."
"What's this?"
"23-year old white male, two bullet wounds in the chest, another bullet hit his right cheek. First bullet in the chest was about two centimeters to the left of his aorta, second one was two centimeters to its right. He also has multiple wounds on his arms, possibly from heroin injec "
"Talk about luck. No other major blood vessels? "
"No. Go prep for OR."
"Yes, ma'am."
All of these word were a blur to Dietfried. All he could experience was pain at the moment.
"There was a..." he began, and promptly stopped. He felt an enormous amount of pain in his left cheek. He shifted his tongue towards the left side of his cheek and tasted blood. He instantly recoiled and started squirming in the stretcher, trying to scream.
"Shhhh. Sir, you need to relax."
At this point, Dietfried began to panic. He had no knowledge of the extent of his injuries, and began spewing out random knowledge about the man that he believed was his killer.
" His name was Adilet... Kalk and he was trying to shoot... me for something that happened last night. I don't ... know... why. " At this point, Dietfried was only worsening his own condition. He was breathing deeply and gasping for air. Before he knew it, he had been rolled into a room with dim lighting. That was until the rolling stopped, and a large overhead light flickered on. He began to squirm even more.
"Guy was a heroin addict. Try and find some veins that are intact." said a man in blue hospital scrubs.
"Usually the toe veins are pretty intact. Let's check there first."
Suddenly, Dietfried felt a sharp prick in between his big toe and the toe next to it. He exhaled several times before finally feeling the influence of sleep.
Jake Daniels Center, Brauskyton
Konstantin Rainer was a 66-year old man, closing in on 67. He was just three years older than the Jake Daniels Center, a rare green area in Brauskyton that featured several marble statues idolizing the borough's industrial strength. Since the statues were created in the immediate aftermath of World War II in Pazania, they had seen quite a bit of history. They had managed to survive the Pazanian Nationalist Takeover immediately after the Allied victory, the Silver Revolution of 1967-1970, three bombing raids during the two most recent Tantro-Pazanian Wars, and the borough's long history of industrial air pollution. Looking at the statues this morning, Rainer thought, for about the seventeenth time, how stupid the architect must have been to place marble statues in the middle of an industrial part of the city. The once-white statues were turned black by the smog and dust. The high-rise tenant buildings of Brauskyton rose from behind the statues. Rainer had been been sitting on the bench for fifteen minutes, now, trying to enjoy the little green area the borough had. As Rainer grabbed his cane and stood up, he felt something cold press against the back of his head. Despite the fact that his bones were old, his skin slowly rotting away, his senses dulled, the old man turned immediately towards the point at which the sensation was at, adrenaline coursing through his bloodstream. Rainer saw that the sensation was the cold, hard barrel of a Glock. Fear. Shock.
"Death to you and your entire kind," the man said, pulling the trigger once.
Rainer collapsed to the ground without a single noise being uttered through his mouth. The noise of the gun echoed throughout the park, but most people payed no attention to it. After all, this was Brauskyton, and violence was nothing out of the ordinary. Several people quickly walked out of the way, but nothing more. Why was Rainer senselessly slaughtered in an open park in front of dozens of witnesses? Rainer was an immigrant from Rotororanda, and the man behind the gun was on a rampage, infuriated by events that had transpired the night before. And the man?
The same one who almost killed Dietfried Adler.

"Staff Marshall, I am a mere colonel, and technically have no influence in matters of a grand overall strategy. That is meant to be left up to the generals, the admirals, and the other brass. That being said, I might have a few words to interject," Fletcher said with a wide grin. "First, none of this will happen until our obstructionist President and Senate get out of the way. They're going to try to block Pazananian vengeance because of their special interest donations from the Terry Lunkoid Foundation, which is known to have accepted donations from the A Fund for Peace Foundation, which has accepted donations from Wirten Earsbanc, who has been linked to the the North Rotororandan Foreign Minister. In addition, our "president" Xavier Lee is friends with Bradley Vandyke, CEO of Bledsoe Mining Inc., which gets many of its materials from the occupied area of Rotororanda, which would become a warzone if war was declared. Thank God we have an election soon, or this country might be made to suffer under the piracy of South Rotororanda forever. And let me tell you, it's going to be a huge blowout, because everybody in this country is sick and tired of our Marxist, communist, fascist, Leninist, atheist, Maoist, Stalinist, degenerate, Hoxhaist, Nazi, lunatic, racist, maniac tyrant who wishes to enslave us all under communism with the Rotororandans. Second, we need to take out the South first, the situation there is progressively getting worse, and before long will cause a total collapse in the region. We'll do that." Fletcher waited for a response, satisfied with him remembering all of Roy Oliver's talking points.
Last edited by Kidlantis on Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
National Factbook

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Posts: 5870
Founded: Aug 15, 2012

Postby Krjder » Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:10 pm

OOC: yeah, I know it's short and generally crap... but I have no time

Floor 38, Executive Tower, Kidlantis City

Wouderhaale breathed through gritted teeth.
“Several fleets of ours are sitting but a few hundred kilometres from a Rotorandan navy. They won't let us sit there for too long, and neither can our supplies permit this either. All our ground and air forces have also landed now. I cannot stress enough how imperative it is that we attack. We must strike now, we can explain later. Should we begin our assault now, we can be assured of victory, but if we falter any longer we will be bogged down and lose our advantage. Imperial Staff Command will not let the crème of the Imperial Navy be sitting ducks to a far inferior collection of floating rust boxes. If you do not attack now, in order to ensure minimum damage to our own forces, we will strike first. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised that, with all the current deliberations staff command are thinking of an excuse for a first strike scenario.” He sat back and waited for a reply. Suddenly, he felt a buzz in his pocket. He took his phone out and opened the email notification. It was in Krïdan military code and was encrypted. He spent a few minutes frowning at it before paling.
“Gentlemen… though the coding does not match that of a combat operation, the forces approaching the East Rotorundan Coast have just been given the green light to commence the invasion. At this stage, they’ll be gathering intel, through air reconnaissance, but if I know Admiral-in-Chief Yanāgi-Dēru, he’ll want commandos inserted too for a more… how can I say..? Thorough job. It's now or never. Let's be frank, who actually cares? Who's going to care if you invade these sinks of hell? It's justified and you’ll be liberating. And we can always spin some tale that they were planning to invade us first so we struck first. Our fleet was vulnerable and it needed to act, don't let us walk into a firestorm. Our fleets can destroy East Rotorunda alone, but we cannot conduct such a war with just five marine divisions and several fleets. Bandoni, now is not the time for dithering.. you know this..”

Above the skies of East Rotorunda

No less than sixteen Orentil-19 UARVs gently hummed through the clouds, watching all that transpired beneath them. Their eyes missed nothing, every AA battery, every ship in harbour or st sea, every strategic bridge and every airbase. Though reconnaissance craft, they were armed and any sign that the weapons systems below them were being prepared to attack, would unleash salvos of air to ground missiles.

Imperial Krïdan Fleet Formation, 400 km from East Rotorandan Coast
The bridges of every warship were buzzing with activity. Fresh Intel was pouring through. Officers printed off photographs off airfields to markdown for strikes, some annotated the maps on the computer, highlighting ships for destruction, or the beaches on which to land.
“We’ll conduct our assault as follows: destroy their fleet with an air assault and submarine torpedoes, with a few destroyers to mop anything up. We commence a coastal bombardment, disabling coastal and SAM or simply AA batteries, before sending in gunships, ground attack craft and fighter bombers to finish their defences off and also to lay waste to their airfields and bridges to ensure they cannot bring up any reinforcements. We’ll then commence the amphibious assault. Marine commandos will be dropped onto the beaches by helicopter or VTOLs and secure it for us. This will be followed up by a full on beach assault with marble infantry and armour. Once we have established complete control in the region, our landing ship docks can land on the beach and unload the bulk of our forces. We’ll assess our situation from there. Get to it. As soon as we have a full sweep of their military infrastructure, we begin the assault. I don't care about the possible diplomatic ramifications, I'd prefer a possible bollocking from the pazanians than be the admiral that lets almost the entire navy sink.”

And, with the last of the reports coming in, jets began to be fuelled and missiles locked. The Krïdan Wolverine was ready to roar.
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.

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Posts: 797
Founded: Dec 15, 2012

Postby Kidlantis » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:43 pm

Floor 38
As Drucus sat down, Bandoni grimaced and started rapidly tapping his fingers against the table. Drucus had no knowledge of the plot, and as such was not a component of it. The door opened behind Bandoni again as Crane entered. The details of Lee's assassination had already been run over dozens of times in his brain. He had even been able to adapt them quickly so they would work with the attacks on the Pazanaian frigate. But early intervention by Krjder could throw everything off. The possibilities from this were endless, and not in a good way. Some of the more drastic cases would involve another war between the two countries, which could delay the plot for too long. Bandoni looked at the calendar on the wall. Ten days till Kransburg... too long. The Krids weren't patient enough.
"Tell them to wait until tomorrow." Bandoni whispered in the direction of the ambassador-general. "I'll fill you in on the details later." Bandoni then sat up and walked out of the room. He quietly strolled over to the elevator, and waited there until the doors opened up. Standing in the middle of the elevator was President Lee.
"Lee, I have a good idea." Bandoni said, with a false face of eagerness.
"What?" Lee responded, slightly perturbed by Bandoni on a day where he had assumed the office of president without prior warning.
"You know how you have a public event scheduled in Kransburg, say, roughly ten days from now? I propose that we cancel that, and instead have you throw out the first pitch at Federal Stadium tonight. I doubt that anyone would object to it, given that emotions are running high right now. In fact, it would be a good way to tap into some of the underlying senti..."
"Good. Reschedule it. Now come along. We have a meeting, do we not?" said Lee, who appeared to be in a rush.
"I'll be there shortly, Mr. President."
After he saw Lee close the door, Bandoni began typing an e-mail on his phone.


Reschedule the operation for tonight. If we don't move quickly, the Krïdans are going to move in without us, and God knows what a utter disaster that would be. Machlavygn will remain on his assignment later today, but move all four in for an extremely quick briefing once Markovich and Machlavygn have finished up with the Crane case. We'll authorize force the next day. Otherwise the Krïdans will decide its time to be gung-ho and start a regional crisis.

After spending a few minutes typing this, Bandoni rushed inside the doors of the conference room. As Lee began briefing the ambassador with the same, exact details he had already heard, Bandoni's mind drifted. What was taking Machlavygn and Markovich so long ?

Pekar Bridge, Kidlantis City
It wasn't until they had slowed down in traffic did Machlavygn realize that his phone was ringing. Machlavygn reached into his pocket and answered it.
"Where are you?" asked a tough, yet feminine voice on the other side.
"Oh, you know, just chilling in Brauskyton with my drug dealer." Machlavygn replied in a highly sarcastic voice.
"Turn it over to Markovich." Natalya replied, with a sense of urgency in her voice.
"He's driving. We could get fined a whole twenty Mudanvars..."
"You're a fucking NPSS agent. Give it to Markovich."
"Alright. But don't blame me when we're sitting at the bottom of the Dravaka River, having pummelled off the bridge after Markovich was focusing too much on his phone call." Machlavygn replied with a huge grin. He then flipped the phone over to Markovich. Markovich easily caught it, and put it to his ear.
"Natalya. Where are you?"
"We got snared by traffic on the Pekar Bridge. "
"What information did you get?"
"Just a few samples which could have DNA which would prove that Crane was there. We also picked up his wallet, his driver's license, and got an interview with the girl on tape. So you know, enough information to potentially inflict enough damage to permanently destroy his career. "
"So essentially nothing new?"
"Can you hold for a minute or two?"
Verbal communication stopped between the two agents for a brief minute.
"What happened?" asked Machlavygn, curious about the conversation.
"Oh, nothing, really. She just asked about our location and what we managed to gather from the hotel room. It was rather mundane to tell the truth until she put the call on hold for some reason."
"She probably got a message from Bandoni about some irrelevant new development, like the time when he called us in the middle of a meeting about the fact that Craig Washington felt like someone was following him on the way home and needed an escort."
Markovich laughed when he remembered the incident. Senator Craig Washington was a Pazanian senator who represented Creskgrar, and also happened to be Chairman of the Senate Defense Committee. However, he was almost infamous in the capital for his paranoia, and kept on stating his belief that Miller Graham and the Conservative Party were spying on him. Occasionally he did this in public, and typically generated a storm of outrage from the right-leaning media sources.
"I need you guys to escort me," Machlavygn said in a babyish tone, mocking Washington. "I think Miller Graham is secretly in the car behind me."
Markovich than noticed that Natalya had taken the call of hold.
"Hello."Markovich said.
"Is there a breakdown lane on the bridge?"
"Yes, but it's two lanes over. Why?"
"Try to pull into it ASAP. there's been a change of plan. Vsevolod's sending you a helicopter right now to get you out of traffic and back to the Towers to be briefed. Take all the evidence with you. We can get the car towed back to the NPSS garage."
"Is that it?"
Markovich was answered by the noise of the phone hanging up.
"What was that all about?" asked Machlavygn.
Markovich remained silent as he focused on the road, putting on his right turn signal. Suddenly, he darted in between two cars and into the breakdown lane. He was rewarded with people yelling out of the windows of their cars and honking their horns.
"What the hell was that about?" Machlavygn yelled. "You trying to get us killed?"
"Get out of the car, and bring the evidence with you. We're taking the chopper back."
"Why?" said Machlavygn, who collected the baggie of evidence and stepped out of the car.
"There's been a change in plans, that's all I heard." said Markovich, whose voice was suddenly drowned out by the fierce noise of helicopter blades.
Onlookers in their cars, as well as the two NPSS looked at the helicopter flabbergasted as it attempted to land in the breakdown lane. After a series of complex maneuvers, the Sirosky S-76 landed in the breakdown lane. On its side, a large purple galaxy logo with the name Galileo under it. This was Vsevolod's personal helicopter, and any reason as to why it was leaving its base would have to be of critical importance.
"Both of you," said a youngish woman in her 30s who was wearing enormous, oversized headphones."Get in the chopper quick. Bandoni wants you over at the Towers."
Jake Daniels Center, Brauskyton, Kidlantis City
The first police car arrived on scene at 11:20 AM PWT. The responding unit was able to confirm the eyewitness report that a man had been shot and killed by an unknown male assailant with a silver pistol in the back of the head with one shot, which caused the assailant to then flee the scene. The next few cars arrived to cordon off the crime scene, and to commence the investigation. At 11:30, a black, unmarked sedan rolled up to the scene. A middle-aged man wearing a black suit and a tie walked out of the car, and started consorting with the police officers./
"Good day," the man said, flipping his badge out of his pocket. "I'm Detective Douglas Pearson of the Investigations Decisions.What's up?"
"That's what's up." said one of the officers, pointing to the dead body of Rainer.
"Interesting. And I believe that the eyewitness identified the murder weapon as a pistol. A silver one, perhaps?"
"Yes, you are correct in that statement."
Pearson took a single cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a puff from.
"And what was this man's name again? The victim."
"Konstantin Rainer"
"Rotororandan as well. How intriguing."
"Why?" said the officer, scratching his head for a moment.
"There was another attempted murder this morning in Brauskyton. Some low-level, two bit dealer named Dietfreid Adler got shot multiple times. But it wasn't just a random, dirt poor junkie who was desperate for a hit, because from what we saw, most of his stock was intact and on his person. Plus, if he was just a run-of-the-mill guy who had run out of cash and was beginning to suffer symptoms of withdrawal, he probably would have just held him up and made off with the stash. It's possible these two crimes are connected. After all, Rotororandans did commit an act of terror last night, and tensions are probably running higher than a weather balloon right now."
A second, much younger man in his 20s walked out of the car, chattering with a person on the other end of a cellphone. The man put away in the cellphone in his pants pocket, and walked up to Pearson.
"Let's get out of here, we're probably needed elsewhere. KCPD just got all the information it needed from North General. Apparently Dietfried woke up when he was being carted in, and he yelled out the name of the guy who almost killed him, and might be his killer soon enough. Name's Adilet Kalk. He lives on 386 Nest Street, Southern Brauskyton, 'bout a block or two away from the river. License plate Kidlantis City registration, 6R6-EQ0. " said the man, speaking with a slight Kidlantis City accent, and beckoning Pearson over to the car.
"That's all well and good, but what about Rainer over here?"
"Well, you said these crimes are connected, right? So we arrest him under probable cause, bring him in, and if he's a nationalist madman, he'll probably confess to both crimes, and this all gets resolved. "
"Your idea of a plan relies too much on assumption and too little on facts. Although he probably shot Adler, we don't know if he got Rainer as well, and we could be abandoning the body based on a hunch when we can still gather evidence. "
"Come on. Leave the evidence collection to the CSI lackeys, and we'll be on our merry way trying to track down our friend Kalk. Besides, somebody's gotta track 'im down."
"Can't the regulars do that?"
"As far as we know, this guy's still on the rampage. After all, he just killed Rainer in front of a bunch of witnesses. If he was just a random serial killer, he wouldn't do that. Now come on, we've gotta track this bastard down."
The case having been made to him, Pearson appeared to think for a couple of seconds. Finally, he spoke.
"I suppose that it would be a good idea to track him down."
The other detective stood motionless for a few moments.
"Well, what the hell are you waiting for? You came up with the idea!"
Suddenly, the man's body lurched forward and collapsed on the ground as if he were an old rooftop giving way to snow. The man's collapse was preceded by a solitary gunshot. Detective Helmuth Kisner, Pearson's friend and partner, as well as a person who had immigrated to New Pazania from Rotororanda when he was a young boy, died almost instantaneously from a gunshot wound to the head. After Pearson and the other officers stood for a second in stunned silence until they could properly process the murder of an innocent man that had occurred right before their very eyes. After that single moment, the group of 3 police officers and one detective rushed behind their vehicles for cover, drawing their M5 Cobra revolvers. Taking a risk, Pearson popped his head up above the car. Surveying the park, he saw a man running away like a scared animal towards an otherwise inconspicuous grey 2004 Sutton Resolve. Pearson firmly placed both hands on the revolver, and being extremely careful not to hit any civilians, fired four shots in short succession at the man's body, of which he saw the right side. The man stumbled, and the third shot appeared to hit him in the right leg, as he slowed down to grab his leg before desperately grabbing at the car door, opening it, and proceeding to slam it shut when he was inside of the vehicle. Hearing the tires on the Sutton squeak caused the other officer to jump out from behind the car, and they started taking shots at the car's tires, but to no avail. Pearson, realizing that this could possibly be the last time he would have an opportunity to look at the car, whipped out his binoculars from his jacket as quickly as lightning, and focused on the license plate, which was registered in Kidlantis City, and had the number 6R6-EQ0.
"Same son of a bitch that shot Adler," Pearson sighed, realizing that it was his indecisiveness that lead to his colleague's death. "I shoulda trusted you, buddy." he said silently, lamenting the death of partner. Meanwhile, one of the nearby officers began radioing in to headquarters, "Yeah, we have a 10-00, Jake Daniels Center, officer down. Suspect license plate Six-Romeo-Six-Echo-Quebec-Zero, I repeat, license plate number Six-Romeo-Six-Echo-Quebec-Zero. Same guy, Adilet Kalk, wanted in connection to the Adler attempted homicide and possibly the Rainer homicide. Suspect's in a grey 2004 Resolve, took off at a high speed down Raven Avenue. Suspect has also appears to have been injured by a shot to the lower right leg. Please copy, dispatch. Over"
"Copy, Unit 629. All patrols, we have a 187 on an officer in Brauskyton, near the Jake Daniels Center. Suspect last spotted in a grey sedan heading down Raven Ave, plate number Six-Romeo-Six-Echo-Quebec-Zero. Be advised, suspect is armed and dangerous. Suspect is also injured. Over."
After the officer radioed in all the information about the homicide, he turned to Pearson before returning to his own vehicle.
"Get ready, get back in your car, we're about to engage in a high speed pursuit in one of the most populated cities in the world." the officer said gravely.
Kalk's Vehicle
Every time Adliet Kalk put his foot down on the gas pedal, it hurt like hell. Every time he moved it off the gas pedal, it still hurt like hell. Hell, any time he moved his leg it hurt like hell, period. In fact, Adilet Kalk seemed to be focusing on hell a lot right now. Perhaps it was because Detective Pearson's bullet had ever so slightly nicked Kalk's posterior tibial artery and was ever so slowly beginning to bleed out on the carpet of his sedan. Despite the pain, Kalk managed to press on. Whether it was adrenaline and other hormones racing through his blood that kept him alive, or his blind hatred for Rotororandans driving him to carry out the last hit on his list, or both, was a mystery to him. All he knew was that something was making him keep driving at speeds of 120 miles per hour in the middle of a city, and made him drive further and further way from those red and blue lights behind him. Everything felt like a blur. The directions to the place where he wanted to go were blindly memorized, implanted in his brain for as long as he was alive. This allowed him to make the turns necessary to drive throughout Brauskyton to his target, but prevented him from seeing what was going on around him. Cars swerved out of the way desperately trying to avoid a collision with the madman. Pedestrians initially began diving and leaping in order to avoid their deaths at the hand of Kalk's vehicle, but further along the route pedestrians were alerted to Kalk's presence, and hid in their homes or the nearest business as if an air raid was happening. After about ten minutes of this insanity, Kalk had finally arrived at his destination, the Fort Millway Community Center. Fort Millway was a Brauskyton neighborhood predominantly occupied by mainly by immigrants, Rotororandan immigrants in particular. Taking his Glock and several magazines, Kalk was about to walk in to the building when he realized in a rare moment of clarity that the Glock could be dangerously inadequate against what the law enforcement agencies were going to hurl at him. In a few seconds, he slowly grabbed an Uzi from the backseat, retrieved two magazines, and attempted to retrieve another when the police cars arrived. Still in a daze, a hobbled Kalk attempted to make it into the community center, but was unable to limp inside in time.
"Freeze, Adilet, if that is your name. You're under arrest, give it up." said a female cop, whose voice he was able to distinctly able to recognize as female, but couldn't make out any features other than a white blur.
Quickly, Kalk grabbed a random woman leaving the building and held her at gunpoint.
"If you shoot, she dies to. Lower your fucking guns if you don't want to be held responsible for this woman's death."
Most of the officers kept their guns trained on Kalk, but the police captain motioned for the rest of the officers to put their guns down. After a couple of moments, they lowered the guns and holstered them, but their hands remained on the gun holster in case Adilet had a sudden change of heart. During this intense minute or so, Kalk slowly backed towards the entrance. Both the cops and the suspect stared into each others eyes for a minute, not saying a word, although in Kalk's case it was more of a dazed stare. When he finally felt that his back had reached the glass door that was the entrance to the building, Kalk shot the woman in the head, killing her, and dove into to the building almost simultaneously. The police grabbed at their weapons, but only two were able to get theirs in time, and they were only able to fire four meaningless shots into the windows that would do nothing but potentially endanger the inhabitants.
"Shit. Ceasefire." yelled the police captain, a tall African-Pazanian woman. "We really landed in a shit sty here, didn't we. Don't go into the building yet. If he's taking hostages, we're only putting ourselves and the civilians in that building in danger. Wait for backup. "
"But ma'am," remarked the female officer. "Kalk's proven himself to be a psychopath. Why in the world would he bother taking hostages when he could be taking lives."
"A valid point," said the police captain. "But we're ill-equipped. If he's in there, he has the advantage of cover, and all we'll be doing is wasting our own lives by walking into a storm of bullets, and if he believes that we're just going to storm the building, he's just going to kill everybody in there. Hell, we might need the DSA right now."

Fort Millway Community Center
When Kalk first stumbled into the lobby, he was met by a mixture of surprise and shock from the people within the building. When four gunshots rang out, each one puncturing the window glass, that all changed to horror. Several people began running away from the lobby towards the back entrance, screaming while they were doing it. Although the noises appeared odd to people who were inside of the complex, and in the gym, pool, or daycare facilities, they paid very little attention to it, save for about a dozen, who quietly moved along with the screaming mob. After all, it was Brauskyton. Kalk fired off two shots in the air in an attempt to intimidate everybody left in the lobby. However, he was forced to lean on a wall before delivering an ultimatum.
"Every single fucking person in here get in a line now." he screamed, grabbing his leg while doing it in an effort to prevent the pain. Everybody in the room scurried into an open space in a lobby and got into a line.
"Now," he snarled, motioning violently with his free hand. "Tell me where everybody else is in this godforsaken building filled with a bunch of no-good Rotororandan pig-dogs or I'll pick you all off, one by one."
However, before he could do this, he collapsed on the floor. It appeared as if the shot that had hit Kalk was finally taking its toll.
"God dammit, one of you go find a nurse if they're not in here. If there isn't one in here, than go find one and bring them to me within two minutes, or everybody here is dead. I can still shoot. And they had better be a fucking nurse, or I'll bring even more of you to the grave with me. And if one of you is a nurse, get over here now and patch me up. Otherwise, all of us are going to hell. "
5th Floor, Executive Tower
After they had disembarked from their helicopter, the Agents named Markovich and Machlavygn took the high-speed Executive Tower elevator down to the Fifth Floor Briefing Room, where they had originally listened to the Crane tapes. When they arrived back in the Briefing Room, they were greeted by their fellow agents, Jacques Chevalier and Natalya Orlov.
"Welcome back, said Jacques, extending his hand to shake for both of the returning agents. "How did your little scavenger hunt go? Ow! "
While Jacques was speaking, Markovich shook his hand, and Machlavygn shook Jacques hand shortly afterwards, digging his fingernails into Jacques palm.
"It went well," Markovich replied, holding up the bag of evidence and pointing to it. "We have blood samples, vomit, urine, sweat, hair, and sperm samples, all in here. We also have his wallet, including his driver's license and credit cards, and we managed to arrive just in time to interview the girl on the way out. So, in essence, enough to basically curb stomp his career. "
"Good, Good. said Orlov, clapping her hands twice. "Now, as to why I called you here, and even sent Vsevolod's chopper to pick you up." This was said as she motioned for everybody to sit down, which they did.
"Bandoni's moving the operation up to tonight."
"What!" yelled Markovich incredulously, waving his hands in the air.
"I swear to God, said Machlavygn. "That man, Bandoni, either deserves to be locked up in the fucking loony bin, or needs to be hailed as evidence of reincarnation, as he is Machiavelli reincarnated in the flesh! But seriously, why tonight?"
"He said that the Krid ambassador was being pissy about his country's navy being stuck there for over a week, so he had to move it to tonight so that something like Krjder taking unilateral action for our problems didn't disrupt it." said Orlov.
"So what!" said Markovich, still speaking like he couldn't believe it. "What could disrupt it more than rushing it?"
"Well, it's going to be awfully hard to carry it out if he's sitting in the command bunker, moving mass quantities of troops into Rotororanda. " Orlov said, ending the discussion, and then sighing before continuing on. "Jacques and I are still on bathroom security detail. Tom, you're on Bandoni's security detail, and I believe that Ilan is still going to interrogate the pirates over in Noybragrad. Dismissed"
"I just realized something. said Markovich, speaking to the room before everybody left. "In less than twelve short hours, New Pazania will have a new president, and we're four of the only people who know it in the entire world." He laughed before continuing on. "And almost a shame that we won't be able to feel the shock that everybody else does. It's like knowing the script to a movie before it's released." He then checked his watch.
"You know, fellow spoilers, are y'all off duty for the afternoon?"
Everybody took about a second to process this and nodded their heads.
"Y'know, since Ilan's heading off on a flight soon, and the other three are about to participate in a historic event later today, what if we all have lunch together. You know, just something so that we can properly reflect upon what's happened, what's happening, and what's about to happen."
"Tom," Machlavygn said. "You know I'd be happy to go, but we all know that I get sick on flights, and I want to leave as little food in my stomach as possible." Machlavygn then laughed and imitated throwing up before laughing again. "Besides, given traffic and security lines, I should probably pack quickly now and leave so that I don't miss my flight. I'll see you guys hopefully sooner rather than later." With that, Ilan Machlavygn waved and walked out of the door and took the elevator down a floor to his safe deposit locker, where he briefly packed clothes for about three days toiletries, and a couple books, and then walked out of the Executive Tower.
"I never knew that Machlavygn got airsick." said Jacques.
"Neither did I." said Orlov, who then chuckled. "Regardless, he probably would have tortured the entire staff if his order arrived late." Everybody in the room shared a brief laugh, including Markovich, who then said,
"You know, for a group of agents that's on the verge of committing a capital crime and high treason, as well as make history, we sure are a cheery bunch." he said, pausing a moment to breath. "So, anywhere you three would like to go to?"
Floor 38
"And according to one of our patrol AEW&Cs, we have not reported an excess of Eastern vessels in their territorial waters as of 11:24 Western Time. " Lee said, finishing out the extended briefing. Bandoni exhaled a sigh of relief. The last bit of news would perhaps keep the Krïdans from intervening for a little longer.
"Senator Drucus, since you're commandeering our legislative efforts to help us bring the Rotororandans down, I believe that you should speak first." Lee said, gesturing to the grey-haired, bearded senator.
"Well, Lee, I don't really have all too much to say right now." he said nervously, chuckling a little bit. The rest of the room also laughed a little bit. "I'm just kidding, just kidding. I have some important information though. S. 2785 nearly has all of the guaranteed votes from members of our party, the SDP, and the Conservatives, as well as the other parties, to reach cloture, which will stop debate on the floor once the brief period allotted for debate has expired, which will allow us to vote on the measure, and I believe that it will pass through both the Senate and the Council, which will allow us to mobilize, which is good news. On the other hand, war is a much trickier business. I've already received word from the SDP Progressive Caucus Chair that he's going to direct his members to vote against any resolution that allows us to move troops into the Rotororandas, or a declaration of war against any of the Rotororandas. Furthermore, I sincerely believe that the other left-leaning parties, including the liberals, will vote against, and I also believe that the Conservative Party doesn't want to vote for another war just out of pure political necessity to differentiate themselves from the more hawkish administration that we've set up here, although I doubt they'd act any different from us if they were in office. The only other voting blocs are the Nationalists, Fascists, PHP, Monarchists, and beyond that we'll have to depend upon The Progressive Caucus changing their mind or having stray members of the other parties coming over to our side. In conclusion, given the fact that we have the most power in the Senate, a near-guaranteed passage in the Council, and a hold on the Presidency, I believe that we can do it." Drucus sighed. "But it will be an uphill battle. And it will take time. Lots and lots of time. And by that point, anger over the sinking of the Fearsome might have dissipated and all we might be doing is dragging ourselves into another war that erodes popular support and weakens our stance heading into the next election. Yet there is hope." Drucus said, gesturing to Bandoni. "When Lee first created that Job Opportunities Bill, I thought that despite it being one of his campaign promises to get votes from the Gerhveans and from the Gerhvea region and surrounding areas, it was dead in the water. But I underestimated his political prowess, and he got enough votes to have it pass it using every political tactic in the book, and even some outside of it. Which is why I now turn the floor over to him, so that he may speak, and tell us of how we're going to strike back against the Rotororandans."
"Thank you, Wilfred, I'm very flattered. However, I'm not going to reveal our political strategy right now due to certain persons in the room, he said, glaring at Councilor Crane, a member of the Liberal Party, a major opposition party in the Senate. "However, at times like this, we must look to rise above petty politics. We must show national unity, and unity between nations. The latter is why, instead of talking about how we're going to get us into this war, I will instead turn the floor over to my Krïdan friend, Ambassador-General Kaspiên Wouderhaale from Krjder, so that we may receive input from him before making a decision that could be so influential in both nation's destiny." Everybody in the room then gazed at Wouderhaale, waiting for him to speak. Although Bandoni's short speech was general crap cut from speeches on the campaign trail, and mostly everybody, if not everybody knew this in the room, it still had lead them to anticipate Wouderhaale's remarks on the situation, and what he, as the representative of Krjder's government in New Pazania, would say.

OOC: Yeah, I know, another reboot, hopefully this will be the last time we have to reboot the thread, because now that summer's coming, I'm going to have more time on my hands to write up posts like these, and we can bring this RP shortly, although in a grand fashion, to an end so that we can prepare for Krjder's Coup thread.
Last edited by Kidlantis on Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IC Name: The Federation of New Pazania
Population: ~2 billion
Military Size and Information
President: Wilhelm Lafrentz (PHP/PUL)
Supreme Councilor: Cinverta Balsiza (SDP/PUL)
Vice-President: Philibert Bissette (PHP/PUL)
Speaker of the Chamber: Harald Bandoni (SDP/PUL)
Marshal of the Military: Lorenz Stallworth
Government Type: Democratic Presidential Republic with Socialist Tendencies
Here is my crummy map of New Pazania. Feel free to laugh at it.
In OOC, call me Kidlantis, 'Lantis, Pazania, New Pazania
DO NOT CALL ME KID!! (Just kidding, call me whatever you like.)
Currently looking for new II RPs, socialist, pahks the cah in the Havahd Yahd.
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Postby Krjder » Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:32 pm

Floor 38
"Our fleets can wait, as the rotorandans wouldn't be so stupid to attack a fleet that could glass them in minutes, but we are eating into supplies that are necessary for a ground campaign, so Kridan forces will need to be replenished earlier than expected, and we will be asking you to foot the bill as we have had to wait. Krïdans care little of your politics, but they do care for your sacrifice, the soldiers you gave up to help is us in our hour of need, that is why we are here. And although we too are happy to give up lives for this cause, no lives should be lost needlessly. The Rotorandabs know we are coming, they can see the build up. At least begin preparing attack columns now. Krjder us also a democracy, but we are pragmatic. National security comes first. Our fleets will carve a gaping wedge and seriously grizzle their eastern flank. A sustained air campaign can support air inserted operations on the ground which are essential to our goals. As soon as their major cities begin falling, they will yield."
Explained Woudehaale, slightly frustrated by the bureaucracy.
Be polite, write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
-Otto Von Bismarck
Embassy App

Nation Type: Direct Democratic Federal Monarchy
Capital: Aastejk
Population: 480,670,500
Current Leadership:
-Emperor Anton IV
-Realm Chancellor Atsūjiri Gyēzashiri
-1,560,000 Active
-4,750,000 Reserves
Dutch teen, Roman Catholic, socially conservative, economically libertarian. Enjoys; hunting, classical & march music, history and debating.


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