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The CAS golden age of piracy RP (CAS only) revised

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:45 pm
by Aydean
It has been a year since the beginning of the Great War. Most of the world is in disarray because of the war. Meaning that many nations have entered states of civil unrest. In the midst of everything multiple terrorist groups have popped up. The most famous one is a group of pirates that now shot terror and horror all around the earth. With this unrest the queen of Aydean her majesty Sasha Larek has gone to war against these terrorist. The question is however is what other nations will help bring this terrorist down.

Each nation must post as their nations leader
Only nations with map claims can post
Must be realistic

From the office of Emperor Rowle II

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:44 pm
by Calibanus
Greetings to my fellow CAS regions!

The horror of the Great War still remains fresh in those that witnessed it, however, we must now focus our attention on a new threat to regional peace! Pirates have begun relentlessly attacking innocent merchant shipping and MUST be stopped.

Calibanus will stand shoulder to shoulder with our friend Aydean and will put our considerable Imperial Navy to work, in order to eradicate this infestation!

We stand ready to help other nations train their navies in anti piracy drills and offer the use of our floating fortresses as safe areas for other nations to dock, resupply and plan.

We hope that other nations will stand with us, in the face of this new threat!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:45 pm
by Aslom
The evil captain of the Jolly Roger, Captin Mason Yount. Sits on his ship and looks at he 48 battle ships filled with 235 pirates in each boat. All prisoners, murders, thieves, and he lowest of the low.
" I'm ready to kill, and rape, and steal from the weak, bring the prisoners, I want him to send this one message.."
Two beat up men lip over to Captin Yount,
" I have a mesage for you to send, tell your leader Aydean, that were ready to fight! Give them a dingy to ride to the nearest port. Go! "
They run to the dingy and start to scramble to the boat, very scared and nervous, Captin Mason Yount, looks and has a Evil smile,
" there's two mesangers, and it only takes one to tell ther Captin. "
Pulls out pistol and shoots one of them on the dingy, the other one rows away. The battle have begun.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:07 pm
by Leveat
Leveat raises LAL level to Lime and dispatches its navy around the world to form global defenses against the pirates.

From the office of Fleet Admiral Nichols

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:52 am
by Calibanus
The Imperial Navy has begun patrolling waters within 50 nautical miles around all Calibanian territory. Any ships which do not fly recognized colours or submit to a vessel search will be fired upon. We are raisng our Maritime Security level to SEVERE in accordance with the Pirate threat to Maritime Trade operations.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:01 am
by Aslom
Captain Yount looks at the ships,
'' This is going to be fun... Ready the canons, were going to go to that little Island, we will settle there. "
He orders all of his ships to head to the Island,
" Get ready, we don't know whats on the Island, Kill every one on the Island, I only want on prisoner. "
Evil smile, then he starts to laugh.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:32 am
by Celto-Germania
High Admiral Montgomery assures Celto-Germania's co-operation with Calibanus and Aydean in the need for severe action against the growing threat. As such we have begun patrols of the north sea and Channel, furthermore we promise safety for all trade moving through these areas and safe port should they need it. We only regret that we cannot lend aid further a-field, but we fully endorse any anti-piracy actions.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:04 pm
by Leveat
Our ships have arrived.

OOC: I do have a chart of where exactly they are. Don't try to skip past, clearly state where your ships at going and by what route. Be fair, everyone. The chart will be published later today.

OOC EDIT: Okay, maybe I didn't get it "later today", but
You can't skip around these areas, because this is OOC (Aslom, I'm glaring at you and shooting lasers).