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Gholgoth Deadliest Warriors: Capitol Police vs Holy Warriors

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:00 pm
by Kylarnatia
Out-of-Character Notice
This Roleplay is closed to The Kraven Corporation and Holy Marsh. Neither I, or the respective parties involved, own the name of Deadliest Warrior, this is simply inspired by the show itself. Please sit back and enjoy the spectacle which is about to unfold. Material for this Opening Post were supplied by the participants themselves, and Lamoni, who originally wrote threads like this, had posts which served as a template. Thank you.

Deadliest Warrior: Gholgoth Series
Episode One: The Capitol Police vs. The Holy Warriors

In the midst of a wreckage, a lone man who can be associated as a Cultist Militia Member lays before the burning wreckage.
As the convoy continues to broil in flames behind him, he tries to drag himself to his gun which just lays in reach of him. His hand is stepped on. He looks up to see a Holy Warrior, who looks down on him with pity. The Cultist tries to fight back with all his strength, but cannot as the Holy Warrior brings out one of his deadly weapons: the Kukri. He continues to struggle as he tries to fight against his imminent death. But it is pointless, as the Holy Warrior executes him with a downwards stab. The men of faith and fire, raised for war.

Holy Marsh's Holy Warriors
Height: 5'10
Weight: 190 lb
Gear: DAUNTLESS, BALCOTH, LDPCU, Blacktalon, Mamba
Years Active: 100 BCE-Present
Loyalties: Marshite Church


Smoke slowly drifts across the battlefield, barbed wire can be seen poking up through the mud as a beaten and wounded soldier comes stumbling through the mist, he is followed by two others, who grab his arms and help him, another appears firing wildly into the smoke, then slowly, several sets of glowing red eyes start to form through the thick misty smoke, they continue to advance, with the fleeing soldiers struggling to gain any ground, then as if materialising out the haze appears the form of a Capitol Police Trooper, another appears and another until all five are stood in plain sight, they open fire with their MG42's held at the hip, the forward bipod used to support the weapon, and one by one the fleeing soldiers are cut down in a hail of bullets. The Capitol Police, War Incarnate.

Created by and through the most most perverse "science" known to man. Trained throughout childhood to be unfeeling, emotionless, obedient. Bred solely for warfare and suppression, their existence is to kill in the name of Reichmarshall Helghan. They Know of Nothing Else.

The Kraven Reich's Sturm Panzer Capitol Police
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 28st (including equipment)
Gear: Protect Gear Armour, Optical Mags, Air purification system and scrubbers built into the back pack, Command Relay Communication system, MG42 (updated variant although retains the same designation as the WWII Version) .50cal Desert Eagle, 18" Bayonet attachable to the MG42 and usable as a short sword. Two Frag Grenades, Two White Phosphorus Grenades and two Flash Bangs. 200 rounds of belted MG42 ammunition located at the base of the backpack and easily reachable.
Years Active: 2005 - Present
Loyalties: Reichmarshall Helghan and The Kraven High Command.


Who is Deadliest?
To find out, our world-class fighters are testing history's most lethal weapons. Using twenty-first-century science, we'll find out what happens when the two warriors go toe-to-toe. No rules, no safety, no mercy. It's a duel to the death to decide who is the Deadliest Warrior.


In a top-secret location, we've assembled a team of Doctors, Scientists, and Military Specialists. Each one going to show us the power of these two elite warrior groups of Gholgoth, perhaps the most feared region in the entire world. Therefore, to present such force, we need a world-class team of experts who know what they're doing. First, we come to the man who is running the tests that these two groups of warriors must pass: Xavier Cornelius.

Xavier is a well-known Sambizian arms designer for both Kylarnatia and Sambizie, with multiple arms designs to his credit. He is also medically qualified in order to explain the severity of each weapon used here today. "These two groups that are meeting today have never met before. They're also complete opposites. One is driven by faith, the other only by war and destruction. This is going to be one hell of a match up, and is a great start to the Deadliest Warrior: Gholgoth Series."

Martyn Hill is a military programming specialist, who will gather the data collected by electronic means, and add it to the simulation program by Slytherine studios. "If Slytherine knew what we were doing with their simulations, they might pitch a fit."

Finally, we come to a former Gholgoth Special Forces Member. An expert in Special Operations, we cannot reveal his name or past for security reasons, and therefore we will know him solely as Will. "I've heard tales of both these groups, and have even faced off against members of both of them, and I can tell you now they're both difficult opponents to face. But they both have their own weaknesses. This is going to be one hell of a match."


Holy Marsh

From the shadows steps a well-built man in his late fifties. Father-Captain Kailan Olina, hardened combat veteran of more than a dozen declared wars and hundreds of battles, is one of the few Holy Warriors to have ever gone public with any of the secrets of the warrior society that makes up the Holy Warriors. "The Holy Warriors accept only two outcomes; Victory for the Holy Marsh, or death for the Holy Marsh. All of our power, will, and fates are intertwined with His." He says, fist over chest.

Standing at the side of the much older and revered Father-Captain is young Corporal Anthony Malak. While not a member of the Holy Warriors, he is an expert in almost all of the weapons used by them and has proven himself on the battlefield, winning the Militia's Highest Honor, the Star of Valor, in the terrifying Siege of Khaska in the Marshite Civil War. "Our enemies may be legion, they may be armed well, they may be trained fanatically, they may be ravaging beasts, but a Marshite always has the advantage, for He is always on our side. Our opponents are fearsome foes, but there is no force deadlier than those supported by the Holy Marsh Himself." The young corporal says lowly, bowing to the Father-Captain at the end.

For more than two thousand years, the Holy Warriors have proven to be the very lifeblood of the Faith. These warriors, born into a life of faith and fire, have saved the Church, the State, and some would argue, the region from the vile approach of the vast Cultist armies. Yet whether it was a suicidal assassination attempt on a Cultist general, decades long missions to cut supply lines, operations to seize towns, guerilla campaigns, large-scale combat, or being at the front of the Arch-Bishop's armies during the titanic battles of the Long War, they have served their God with no regret, no quarter, little remorse, and a zeal that is unmatched.


The Kraven Reich

An old man sits down at a table, his jacket is a dark blue and his tie is of the same colour, he has a quiet air of authority of him that tells the viewer this man has seen things that no man should ever have to witness, his left hand trembles a little as he pulls a book out from his jacket pocket, he flips to a page, he looks at it for a minute before reading aloud to the audience. This man is Carl Davidoff, a witness to the brutality of the Capitol Police.

"We stood in silence as the rest of the crowd began to panic, each of them fled as the drop ship slowly circled across the square, before turning to face the town hall, I heard the door slide open, the automated pistons hissing into life, there I gazed into the eyes of a Capitol Police Trooper, it was the first time I had seen one and in an instant, I knew death had visited us, They dropped to the ground on ziplines, effortlessly, it was like they had done this every day since the day they were born, I was later to find out they had, they opened fire on the fleeing civilians, they were cut down like corn and there was nothing I could do to stop them, Soldiers arrived, but already the Capitol Police had a defensive line, the soldiers barely got off a few rounds before their positions were hit by white Phosphorus grenades, in the confusion the Capitol Police stormed in and executed the entire squad."

He puts the book down and turns towards the camera, you can see on his face the sadness, the knowledge that he had witnessed first hand the brutality of the Capitol Police, he clears his throat before continuing.

"You are not facing normal soldiers, you are not even facing normal men, hell! you can barely even call them that, they are monsters, wolves disguised as men, so much so that when the order is given they will tear out your throat without even a second thought, they have waded through bodies knee deep and they never once questioned the orders they were given, I've seen them set to torch entire towns without once pausing for thought, I tell you, how can you possibly stand against these things when you aren't dealing with an ordinary Soldier..."

He pauses for effect. "I mean, you have morale in a normal army, your troops get tired, they need to stop and rest, they want to think of their loved ones at home, they hope to, one day make it out alive and raise a family... Capitol Police have none of this, they have never felt the loving touch of a mother, they have never held a new born child in their arms and they never think of anything but the objective at hand."

Capitol Police are soldiers that have been bred in what was revealed through leaked footage to be a horrific process, which for the viewers discretion we will not delve into on here, but know that it involves unwilling mothers known as "Birthing Vectors" and surgery, leaving the unwilling mother a shadow of her former self. From birth Capitol Police are trained, right up until the age of 18 where they are deployed into a Kraven Capitol Police Battalion that can number around the One Million mark, although sources indicate the actual fighting number of Capitol Police within a Battalion are around Four Hundred Thousand, but this is so far unclear.

Two Elite Warrior Forces - Hardened Special Forces of the Modern Day - Face off.

"The fact that I don't know who to root for in this match should speak for itself. Both of these combatant teams have drive, weapons, and huge amounts of combat ability. The Holy Warriors spend their lives perfecting their skills; skills which are put to use for the good of the church. The Capitol Police are human cogs of a great but inhumane war machine which very few states can stand against, and the fear they incite is nerve damaging." Xaiver Cornelius sat in the middle chair of the judges panel, looking to his counterparts for their opinions.

"The Holy Warriors are born from other Holy Warriors, and have trained every day of their lives since then. They have the stamina, the intelligence, and the will to win. I think the actual lack of emotion will be the undoing of the Capitol Police." Sitting on the right of the panel, Martyn Hill stares into the camera with the look of a man who is expecting to be entertained, and astounded, all at the same time.

"I don't know who to go for either. While the Holy Warriors kill for their God, the Capitol Police kill because that was all they were born to do. They kill in order to incite more terror, and to cause more destruction. I don't know what is more superior: genetics or faith from birth. And I know what both these groups are capable of." 'Will' takes his seat to the left of the panel, and seems calm, yet ready to slit someone's throat, if the need arises.

Round One: Close-Range Weaponry

Thus it was that the first round of the competition would be close range weaponry, which would first see the two sides use their respective blades to begin with, as the judges decided that was the best way to 'Warm up the combatants'. With a backstage coin toss, it was decided that the Holy Warriors would go first.
The Kukri
A weapon designed to kill in nasty ways...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:04 pm
by Holy Marsh
The Father-Captain nods and with little hesitation, unsheathes his Kukri for perhaps the hundred-thousandth time. He carefully pulls it against the tip of his finger in such a way as to not draw blood, showcasing the intimacy and attention played.

"Every Holy Warrior is given this weapon at the age of six. We sleep with it, fight with it, carry it with us at all times. It is an extension of our bodies as much as an arm is. I myself have had Alu'nak for over fifty years. The Holy part of the weapon, the part that is shaped and personalized by the warrior who cherishes it throughout life and into death, is the handle. Mine is made of ivory, and is original to the weapon, though other handles may be made from bone, hardwood, and steel. The blade has been replaced- I broke the original steel blade in 1994 in the chest cavity of a commando. The re-made blade is a steel, as opposed to the titanium knives made for the Army. The reasoning is simple; steel is heavier, and allows the knife to come down with much greater force. It is sixteen inches long and weighs 1 pound, ten ounces. Holy Warriors train with this extensively their entire live; before most other militaries begin training, Holy Warriors have mastered the Kukri." The Father-Captain said as he laid bare the Kukri to the testers, showcasing the length, the sharp, deadly edge, and the angled curve and point before in a single motion, cutting the air in front of him and sheathing it.

"It has some plain advantages over a normal knife, for the sheer length and lethality is overwhelming. Meanwhile, it has far greater flexibility and combat utility than a bayonet, being able to double as everything from a construction tool to a swath-cutter in the jungle. It is quite obviously a super slashing weapon, but serves better than ably as a thrusting weapon. It is also a superb parying tool." The Father-Captain ends as he once again unsheathes it and hands it over to the trio of judges.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:53 am
by Kylarnatia
Will was the first to take an observe the weapon. The seasoned veteran observed the blade, turning it around in the artificial light, feeling its weight and even moving to a clear area to test its downward force. Returning, he passed it to Xaiver, and then looked to the Father-Captain from his position on the panel. "It truly is an impressive weapon. In my experience of Special Operations, it does have a high level of lethality. However, as much as a person can train with it, I believe its effectiveness on a modern battlefield may be rather limited, only to when the enemy is grounded. And then, I wouldn't want to imagine how it may get in the way of fighting at such a length."

Xaiver listened to his counterpart as he also studied the weapon, nodding in agreement at some of his points. He then passed it across to Martyn as he came down from the panel and directed the Father-Captain to the task at hand. There were four dead pigs, tied to stakes, three of them in a line abreast formation, and one of them ten metres away. "Father-Captain, this will not only test the effectiveness of the stab and slash of the weapon, but also how it can be thrown."

As Xaiver explained, Martyn passed the Kukri back to Kailan. When Xaiver finished, he went back to the panel. "Feel free to take out some steam here." He chuckled as he sat down, then looking at his counterparts for nods, he then looked to the Father-Captain and nodded.

"When you're ready, Father-Captain."

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:57 am
by Holy Marsh
The blade already out, the father-Captain wasted no time in delivering his first strike, a deep cut about three inches in where the neck would be, cutting across, leaving the pig carcass hanging on by a thread. Using the momentum from the strike, he spins around to the next target and as he is now stable, the Kukri moves directly in the opposite direction where it had before. This movement allowed him to easily to cut right through the neck, decapitating the pig.
Free of that pig, the Father-Captain stepped towards the next hanging pig and thrusted once, mightily, into the center mass. As he pulled it out, he spinned and the next strike on the pig was from the side, the entire length of the Kukri cutting through the pig across the chest. Hand now slick with pig guts, he was reminded of the times he had trained near the ocean- and as he spinned around again, he pulled his Kukri out, held it by the blade-end, stepped and threw his Kukri with great force at the pig ten meters away, the angle and distance being routine.

It was all rather routine. Ever since he had been first given the weapon, his training with it had emphasized fluidity and economy of motion and kill shots. Where the armor was weakest and where organs were vulnerable he would strike. No time was wasted on re-adjusting his center mass nor was any strike of vast commitment, his balance kept and his position ready to parry a thrust or dodge a strike. Speed, lethality, agility, balance, the essentials of hand to hand combat. The weighted tip of the blade worked wonders as he threw it, nearly forty years of training and experience using it allowing him to quickly snap off the throw with the acute knowledge of the intricacies of the blade.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:38 am
by Kylarnatia
Will was nodding, with a sly smile on his face. "Very well done, Father-Captain." Will simply announced, saying little else.

Martyn snapped out of his shock, and was looking at the computer. "These first three pigs are simply dead. Two are decapitated, or might as well be, and the other one took a stab to the heart and guts. The fourth pig took the Kukri strike directly in the throat. While not instantly dead, this pig would be out of the fight. Four pigs targeted, 5 strikes used, four pigs dead."

Xaiver had some things of his own to say. "Both sides used their knives effectively, and were very proficient with them. The Holy Warriors don't have to get as close to the target, and their weapon caused more damage, more quickly. However, it is not nearly as easy to hide a Kukri as it would be to hide an regular combat knife or bayonet. Thus, it comes down to a question of killing power versus stealth. Of course, when you are in uniform, stealth isn't exactly something that will hold up if you are seen. In such case, fast killing power is what you want. But I'm sure Will begs to differ..."

"Quite." Was all that Will added.

When the pigs had been replaced from the last test, it became time for the next test. On the range now was Carl Davidoff, and a rather tall gentlemen, clad in the armour of the Capitol Police.

The 18" Bayonet
Just the start of Capitol Police brutality...

"Mr. Davidoff..." Xaiver began, "Please explain the 18" Bayonet for those who have not handled it before, and please introduce your assistant here."