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Conservative Conservative Party Election HQ

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:42 am
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
The Conservative Conservative Party now supports King Nephmir II. Long live the King!

Greetings members of the NationStates community! I am the Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley, and I am attempting to run in the election.

The Platform:

We of the Conservative Conservative Party feel that modern Conservatives have, despite their good intentions, lost sight of what really matters, and, as it were, have seceded from the all Conservative political factions to form this new coalition to progress our society back to a simpler time. As such, we assert the following basic notions:
Communism is evil and must be rooted out.

Socialism is Communism under another name and is therefore evil and must be rooted out.

Liberalism is Socialism which is in turn Communism and is therefore evil and must be rooted out.

God exists, and He is good.

Atheism is Liberalism which is Socialism which is Communism and is therefore evil and must be rooted out.

God gives authority to both national leaders and to the capitalist system.

Any who oppose the authority of national leaders and/or the capitalist system are Atheists which are Liberals which are Socialists which are Communists and are therefore evil and must be rooted out.

Correct Grammar, is for those without any; Creativity?

Those without any Creativity are pawns of Satan and therefore: Those with Correct Grammar (lacking Creativity) are servants of Satan which means they are Atheists which are Liberals which are Socialists which are Communist which are evil and must be rooted out.

Any who do not vote for the Conservative Conservative candidate is opposing the will of God and is therefore an Atheist which is a Liberal which is a Socialist which is a Communist and is therefore evil and must be destroyed.

Though there is much more to be said, it is generally agreed upon that these tenets are a worthy sample of what we believe, therefore, I shall now lay down my "If Elected" plan of action:

All international bodies, such as the WA, must be abolished as they threaten national sovereignty, or "NationStates' Rights" as some have come to call it, and so, if the Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley is elected, the first four acts will be to:

1. Institute NationStates wide usage of Conservative NationStates: The Trustworthy Nation Simulator,

2. Institute capital punishment as the only acceptable punishment for any crime committed in any nation,

3. Build bowling alleys in impoverished nations, and

4. Abolish the WA completely, thus ending its tyrannical rule over the decent citizens of countless nations.

This link should lead to whatever region I am currently in, please move here so I can actually get enough endorsements to run for office: http://

Our working Party Anthem:

Thank you for your time, and remember, if you're not a Conservative Conservative, then you're a Commie!


Campaign Manager: -New York-

This campaign is now backed by multiple sponsors!




PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:44 am
by Barney Sandaha

This face is the face of a warrior - one who will not stand down until everyone is safe! He will bring everything we need and stop radicals. Barney is voting for Idi Amin!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:49 am
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Barney Sandaha wrote:
This face is the face of a warrior - one who will not stand down until everyone is safe! He will bring everything we need and stop radicals. Barney is voting for Idi Amin!

So, should I take that as a "no?"

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:05 am
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Remember that a vote for my opponents, no matter how Conservative they may seem, is actually a vote for Commies! I have proven, time and time again, that I am the only true Conservative Conservative candidate out there! An endorsement of me, is an endorsement of "freedom," and a Vote for me, is a Vote for not Communism! Long live the Conservative Conservatism Movement!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:11 am
by The Alicorns
Bowling Alleys are proven places for people to drink beer and get drunk! Drunkeness is unbiblical, and therefore a liberal idea! Vote Not Black Hawk, who actually isn't not not a hypocrite!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:11 am
by Barney Sandaha

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:14 am
by Muzztopia
Vote Barapam for Traditional Cute Values




PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:26 am
by Kraslavia

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:30 am
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
The Alicorns wrote: Bowling Alleys are proven places for people to drink beer and get drunk! Drunkeness is unbiblical, and therefore a liberal idea! Vote Not Black Hawk, who actually isn't not not a hypocrite!

Nonsense! It is assumed that any decent Conservative Conservative nation would have banned alcohol, or at least drunkedness, anyways. Do not listen to these rabblerousers, fellow Conservative Conservatives! They simply fear us and our message of truth!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:37 am
by The Greater German Federal Republic

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:01 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Notice to all those interesting in joining the Conservative Conservative cause:

I have just edited the original post so that it includes our party's great platform as well as my current region (yes, I just moved to what I hope is a more active region).

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:08 pm
by Thedna
Choose Feirmont for Pancakes!

Help us beat the Raiders, Commies and Idi Amin!

Pancakes for all!


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:15 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Thedna wrote:
Choose Feirmont for Pancakes!

Help us beat the Raiders, Commies and Idi Amin!

Pancakes for all!


"I mean, I like you, and I like Pancakes, but I'm not willing to borrow money from Bigtopia to pay for it."
-Ritt Momney 2012

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:29 pm
by Aufrechte

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:37 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Aufrechte wrote:(Image)

Wow, despite still not having enough WA endorsements to run, I still have made enough noise to get Ronald Reagan's face in campaign propaganda. I am actually honoured. Thanks for the publicity.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 1:00 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Notice: I have selected a temporary Anthem for our fine Party!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:17 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Good news fellow Conservative Conservatives! I am now officially in the running as I have received the necessary endorsements to enter the race! Nothing can stop Conservative Conservatism now!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:26 pm
by Lindt-Kinder

The World Assemby. When you hear those words, you don't think chocolate. But all that will be changed if I'm elected WA Secretary General. For too long, we have been governed by anti-chocolate advocates. It is time to strike back and fight for what we deserve: chocolate. It's been proven time and time again that chocolate, our deepest, most commonly found craving, has health benefits, both physical and mental. Yet we've been denied our chocolate bliss by the WA. The only way to get it is simply by VOTING FOR ME.

There's a chocolate revolution you need to be part of. Vote for Lindt-Kinder now.

    ✔️ A new and improved Security Council. The current Security Council has only three possible resolution types: condemn, commend, and liberate. My reforms will improve the overall layout, setup and operation. Firstly, I would allow nations to suggest new resolution types so we'd have a broader set of options than the current three. It takes a lot of work to earn a Commendation, with time and energy involved that most NS'ers simply don't have. My Commendation for Absolutely Nothing (CAN) system will allow everyone to gain a Commendation without being involved with a regional coup, raider scandal or authoring innumerable GA resolutions. Condemned nations will be able to directly repeal the resolution that targets them. Regions that have been liberated to let raiders invade will have the authority to reset their password if they wish. This gives an final line of defense for locked regions threatened by liberation proposals, promoting a safer NationStates.
    ✔️ Discuss GA and SC proposals that are at vote. I'll restructure the World Assembly to allow you to make real-time comments that people can view as they vote for or against proposals. You'll be able to post suggestions & edits, reviews, explanations and interact with other players. Reading through long proposals can be time-consuming and highly confusing, and it's my goal to improve the World Assembly experience.
    ✔️ A real buying and trading system. You heard me right - I pledge to introduce an actual system that allows you to sell goods your nation produces and buy others. By answering issues, your nation will produce various goods, including crops, technology, clothes, and furniture. You can offer the goods in a new forum and purchase others that you can use or resell. No more confusing, text-based trading.
    ✔️ More interactive April Fools' pranks. Instead of prank images, a new forum, a fake election, I'll ensure that every April 1st, NationStates is swept with the most convincing pranks and jokes.

Make the WA chocolatey again. Vote for Lindt-Kinder now!

Percentage-wise, Lindt-Kinder has the highest approval ratings among candidates. This speaks volumes.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:34 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
A message to the world:

So what if I only have one vote? So what if I have little to no signs of interest in my campaign or party? So what if I have basically no chance to win Round 2? I will never cease delivering my message! I will never relent! I shall never give up hope in defeating the Communists! We can either stand together, players of NationStates, or I can stand alone and we will fall to the Commies! It is all up to you, NS Voters, all up to you!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:20 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
The fight goes on as I continue to monologue about what I plan to do and about how I should get some votes, these truly are sad days for the party.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:20 pm
by Barney Sandaha
Join us in usurping this radicals! Join the GREEN REVOLUTION and bring back Nationstate's glory days!


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:22 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
Barney Sandaha wrote:Join us in usurping this radicals! Join the GREEN REVOLUTION and bring back Nationstate's glory days!


Well, Conservative Conservatism is all about restored the glory of days of old, so I suppose I am alright with you.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:22 pm
by GreatestBanks
How Conservative are you, Conservative Conservative party?
What is your opinion on waterslides?
The Buick Grand National?
Human existence?
The auto industry?
The aerospace industry?
Electric cars?
I want all these answered

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:25 pm
by Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley
GreatestBanks wrote:How Conservative are you, Conservative Conservative party?
What is your opinion on waterslides?
The Buick Grand National?
Human existence?
The auto industry?
The aerospace industry?
Electric cars?
I want all these answered

All of it was better about 60 years ago, except waterslides. They are actually managing to get better as time goes on. Seriously, they make some really insane waterslides these days.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:27 pm
by Salermo
Guardians of the Holy Bowling Alley wrote:
GreatestBanks wrote:How Conservative are you, Conservative Conservative party?
What is your opinion on waterslides?
The Buick Grand National?
Human existence?
The auto industry?
The aerospace industry?
Electric cars?
I want all these answered

All of it was better about 60 years ago, except waterslides. They are actually managing to get better as time goes on. Seriously, they make some really insane waterslides these days.

You have obtained the endorsement of Salermo's main car company, Lancia.