Mana Academy (OOC) (Semi-Open, Fantasy/Slice of Life)

For all of your non-NationStates related roleplaying needs!


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Posts: 982
Founded: Jan 19, 2016

Postby Heidelski » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:44 am

I will do what you said. Just give me a minute to make app.
I am a Nationalist Conservative Christian American Male. If you see spelling errors it is most likely my keyboard. It sucks. America!

Been In America since 1732!

Political compass:
Trump 2016!

Pro: Life, Immagration, America, Military, Compulsary Military service, US imperialism, SK, Germany, German expansion, Francem Uk, Japan, Christianity, Guns

Anti: Illegal Immagration, Abortion, LGTB, NK, Chin, RUssia, Syria,ISIS, Obama, Clinton, Racism, Sexistism, weak military, burning the flag

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Kingdom of Irhk
Posts: 6359
Founded: Aug 30, 2015
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Kingdom of Irhk » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:46 am

GUESS WHO'S BACK? YES! (If there's anything wrong just tell me and I'll correct it.)

Student Application

Name: Henry Von Kressel
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Image(With yellow eyes.)

House/Element: Ignis,a decision contested for his calm demeanor, but justified for his position in conflicts. As primary element,the Von Kressel specialty: the control of lava. As secondary, fire, including firebreathing skill taught by one of his family members.
He is reserved to himself and his activities, avoiding conversations, but despite that, he never denies help to anyone. He also tends to avoid conflict, and open spaces as well, being mostly found at his room.
His friends, his books and his phoenix.
The weight of his family's name, traditionalists.
A Phoenix, named Fawkes.
Born to the traditional Von Kressel family of mages, Henry was born with the most notable trait: the ability to control and create lava and magma, product of an unique mixture of earth and fire.

A trait discovered around his 10 years old, he was trained by very notable mages in his family, like Sarah Von Kressel in his earth branch and the eccentric firebreather Vladimir Von Kressel.

However,the legacy of his family was a burden to him,a fact that made him enter Mana Academy 6 years later, to a reluctant approval of his parents and of his trainers, but to disapproval of the rest of his family.

This fact caused him to be named a coward by the majority of his family, isolating him from the so-called "great mages" of his family, causing a confusion in his mind.

After it, his personality changed to a close, quiet one, often being mistaken for an arrogant person, especially when he says his name.

Despite what may be stated by others, he is a rather humble person, never understanding why a surname could cause such reactions in the magic community, and always looking to be good as possible to the next person. But this doesn't mean that he will run away: He will fight fiercely for a cause he deems just.
Last edited by Kingdom of Irhk on Thu May 19, 2016 8:32 am, edited 6 times in total.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:48 am

Kingdom of Irhk wrote:GUESS WHO'S BACK? YES! (If there's anything wrong just tell me and I'll correct it.)

Name: Henry Von Kressel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
1.80m, a straight short yellowish brown hair with yellow eyes, and a slim body.
House/Element: Ignis,a decision contested for his calm demeanor, but justified for his position in conflicts. As primary element,t he Von Kressel specialty: the control of lava. As secondary, fire, including firebreathing skill taught by one of his family members.
He is reserved to himself and his activities, avoiding conversations, but despite that, he never denies help to anyone. He also tends to avoid conflict, and open spaces as well, being mostly found at his room.
A Phoenix, named Fawkes.
Born to the traditional Von Kressel family of mages, Henry was born with the most notable trait: the ability to control and create lava and magma, product of an unique mixture of earth and fire.

A trait discovered around his 10 years old, he was trained by very notable mages in his family, like Sarah Von Kressel in his earth branch and the eccentric firebreather Vladimir Von Kressel.

However,the legacy of his family was a burden to him,a fact that made him enter Mana Academy 6 years later, to a reluctant approval of his parents and of his trainers, but to disapproval of the rest of his family.

This fact caused him to be named a coward by the majority of his family, isolating him from the so-called "great mages" of his family, causing a confusion in his mind.

After it, his personality changed to a close, quiet one, often being mistaken for an arrogant person, especially when he says his name.

Despite what may be stated by others, he is a rather humble person, never understanding why a surname could cause such reactions in the magic community, and always looking to be good as possible to the next person. But this doesn't mean that he will run away: He will fight fiercely for a cause he deems just.

Just add likes and dislikes for him and it should be complete. You were in the last incarnation of this, so RP Sample is unnecessary.

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:50 am

Rhomaia wrote:
Danceria wrote:

I have seen your roleplay, so it isn't a problem. Accepted.

I hope you didn't mind the addition of a school for clerics/magical healers to your universe...I figured it allowed perhaps a bit of competition between them over a round of Quidditch (or your universe's equivalent of) Also, since Von Kressel has a Phoenix, mind if I change my animal companion? For the simple sake of "we don't want fifty phoenixes flying about"
Last edited by Danceria on Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:52 am

Danceria wrote:
Rhomaia wrote:I have seen your roleplay, so it isn't a problem. Accepted.

I hope you didn't mind the addition of a school for clerics/magical healers to your universe...I figured it allowed perhaps a bit of competition between them over a round of Quidditch (or your universe's equivalent of)

Not at all. We already established the idea of different schools in the last one, along with different kinds and natures of magic. Also, go ahead.
Last edited by Rhomaia on Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:02 am

Danceria wrote:Student Application

Name: Sophia Willcaster Hovda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: I forgot to have an appearance >.<
House|Element: Solum Ignis, though officially Solum. Powers include excellent healing magic and enhancing, descent offensive magic.
Personality: Bright, bubbly and sociable, not entirely a person you would expect to be in either categories. However, due to her desire to learn the inner workings of magic itself and her hardworking nature is the reason why she is in these houses. She is often criticized for exerting herself too much for the sake of others, and many fear that her kind and bold nature could be taken advantage of. Nevertheless, she will probably be among the more popular students due to her genuine nature and blunt honesty.
Likes: Hanging out with friends, trying new things, learning, just being out in the open
Dislikes: Being alone, having her friends be in trouble, getting sick (ironic, considering she's a cleric)
Animal: This is a baby chimera named Lewis Don't worry, he's housebroken.
Bio: She underwent training as a mage from childhood. Her school of magic (the Yahggryniff (Yog-grin-iff) School for Young Clerics, (if such a school exists) has taught her how Magic interacts with the living world, from creatures to humans. Despite her parents being supposedly well known monster slayers, she made companions with many creatures and has a vast knowledge of healing techniques, flora, and fauna of the mystical nature. However, her magical skills despite her potential are severely limited in the ways of defensive, elusive, and healing magic. Her parents sent her to the Mana Academy to hone her powers and eventually learn to defend herself. Whether or not her claims are true or not are up to the Principal's/Headmaster/Headmistress'/OP's discretion.
Theme: A Shoulder to Cry On (passive)

Short RP Sample: I need help as far as what you want

Edited and resubmitted for OPs approval

Third and final edit
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:08 am

Danceria wrote:
Danceria wrote:Student Application

Name: Sophia Willcaster Hovda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: I forgot to have an appearance >.<
House|Element: Solum Ignis, though officially Solum. Powers include excellent healing magic and enhancing, descent offensive magic.
Personality: Bright, bubbly and sociable, not entirely a person you would expect to be in either categories. However, due to her desire to learn the inner workings of magic itself and her hardworking nature is the reason why she is in these houses. She is often criticized for exerting herself too much for the sake of others, and many fear that her kind and bold nature could be taken advantage of. Nevertheless, she will probably be among the more popular students due to her genuine nature and blunt honesty.
Likes: Hanging out with friends, trying new things, learning, just being out in the open
Dislikes: Being alone, having her friends be in trouble, getting sick (ironic, considering she's a cleric)
Animal: This is a baby chimera named Lewis Don't worry, he's housebroken.
Bio: She underwent training as a mage from childhood. Her school of magic (the Yahggryniff (Yog-grin-iff) School for Young Clerics, (if such a school exists) has taught her how Magic interacts with the living world, from creatures to humans. Despite her parents being supposedly well known monster slayers, she made companions with many creatures and has a vast knowledge of healing techniques, flora, and fauna of the mystical nature. However, her magical skills despite her potential are severely limited in the ways of defensive, elusive, and healing magic. Her parents sent her to the Mana Academy to hone her powers and eventually learn to defend herself. Whether or not her claims are true or not are up to the Principal's/Headmaster/Headmistress'/OP's discretion.
Theme: A Shoulder to Cry On (passive)

Short RP Sample: I need help as far as what you want

Edited and resubmitted for OPs approval

Third and final edit

So, earth and fire magic are what you're going to be using, correct?

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:14 am

Rhomaia wrote:
Danceria wrote:Third and final edit

So, earth and fire magic are what you're going to be using, correct?

I was torn between earth and water or earth and fire, I might edit (a-fricking gain) just to have a unique combo of earth and water.
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:22 am

Danceria wrote:
Rhomaia wrote:So, earth and fire magic are what you're going to be using, correct?

I was torn between earth and water or earth and fire, I might edit (a-fricking gain) just to have a unique combo of earth and water.

I'll get an archive thread up in a bit. You can make the final edits there.

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New Antegria II
Posts: 913
Founded: Jan 16, 2016

Postby New Antegria II » Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:24 am

tag ill post an app in a month or two when i get my new tablet
Petrovsky News: 11/19/2017 - General Secretary Иван Петров announced that several agreements have been reached with Zitravgrad, including but not limited to, an Alliance | Petrovsky has applied to become a member of the International Space Federation | Petrovsky has re-applied to become a member of the International Exchange Student Program; 11/20/2017 - Petrovsky becomes a member of the International Space Federation | Petrovsky re-applies to become a member of the International Anti Terrorist Alliance

95% of people would cry if they saw JUSTIN BIEBER on a skyskraper about to jump. If you're the 5% that would be doing a happy dance, copy and paste this as your signature.

Full Member of the International Space Federation

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Kingdom of Irhk
Posts: 6359
Founded: Aug 30, 2015
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Kingdom of Irhk » Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:58 am

Added likes and dislikes to my app.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:37 pm

Kingdom of Irhk wrote:GUESS WHO'S BACK? YES! (If there's anything wrong just tell me and I'll correct it.)

Student Application

Name: Henry Von Kressel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
1.80m, a straight short yellowish brown hair with yellow eyes, and a slim body.
House/Element: Ignis,a decision contested for his calm demeanor, but justified for his position in conflicts. As primary element,t he Von Kressel specialty: the control of lava. As secondary, fire, including firebreathing skill taught by one of his family members.
He is reserved to himself and his activities, avoiding conversations, but despite that, he never denies help to anyone. He also tends to avoid conflict, and open spaces as well, being mostly found at his room.
His friends, his books and his phoenix.
The weight of his family's name, traditionalists.
A Phoenix, named Fawkes.
Born to the traditional Von Kressel family of mages, Henry was born with the most notable trait: the ability to control and create lava and magma, product of an unique mixture of earth and fire.

A trait discovered around his 10 years old, he was trained by very notable mages in his family, like Sarah Von Kressel in his earth branch and the eccentric firebreather Vladimir Von Kressel.

However,the legacy of his family was a burden to him,a fact that made him enter Mana Academy 6 years later, to a reluctant approval of his parents and of his trainers, but to disapproval of the rest of his family.

This fact caused him to be named a coward by the majority of his family, isolating him from the so-called "great mages" of his family, causing a confusion in his mind.

After it, his personality changed to a close, quiet one, often being mistaken for an arrogant person, especially when he says his name.

Despite what may be stated by others, he is a rather humble person, never understanding why a surname could cause such reactions in the magic community, and always looking to be good as possible to the next person. But this doesn't mean that he will run away: He will fight fiercely for a cause he deems just.

Accepted, and welcome back!

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Posts: 982
Founded: Jan 19, 2016

Postby Heidelski » Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:24 pm

May I do a student that can change into an animal? (Like Serious black)
I am a Nationalist Conservative Christian American Male. If you see spelling errors it is most likely my keyboard. It sucks. America!

Been In America since 1732!

Political compass:
Trump 2016!

Pro: Life, Immagration, America, Military, Compulsary Military service, US imperialism, SK, Germany, German expansion, Francem Uk, Japan, Christianity, Guns

Anti: Illegal Immagration, Abortion, LGTB, NK, Chin, RUssia, Syria,ISIS, Obama, Clinton, Racism, Sexistism, weak military, burning the flag

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:12 pm

Heidelski wrote:May I do a student that can change into an animal? (Like Serious black)

Yes, so long as the student has a way to keep this ability under control.

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Posts: 982
Founded: Jan 19, 2016

Postby Heidelski » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:27 pm

Student Application

Name: Amantha Collins
Age: 16
Gender: F
Appearance: Dark hair, 5"9, 125 lbs, brown eyes
House|Element:Vesta| Wind, controling weather
Personality: Despite being Vesta Amantha is very cunning and sometimes quite evil. She fools others by acting friendly and carefree but is always plotting go take more power by putting others in hopeless positions. She usually has a few select people that she trusts and helps but other than that she likes and helps no one.
Likes: Power, herself, few select people, power, cake, her animal, power, and power
Dislikes: orders, other vesta, most people, animal, brocoli, weaklings, orders, and teachers(Did I mention orders)
Animal: mini fire dragon
Bio: Born to a Vesta mother and a ignis father. She inheirited her powers from her mother and her personality from her mother. She is a rare type of person who inheirited a shapeshifter ability meaning that she can switch from her human form to one animal that was chosen for her at birth. She inheirited this from her grandfather who could turn into and eagle. She can turn into a very lithe arctic wolf. She mastered how to control this when she was 6 and has never let her parents know about it. Her parents were both killed in the twin towers in 9/11 where they worked. She grew up with her grandparents and her grandmother died. She is very much like her grandfather, they share the smae traits and they have similiar powers. He taught her more about the powers and her special power, the shape shifting. He died when she was 14 and she went to a magic academy. The school burned down in an "accident". She then moved to the Mana academy with hopes in more training for more power.

Short RP Sample:
Last edited by Heidelski on Sun May 01, 2016 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am a Nationalist Conservative Christian American Male. If you see spelling errors it is most likely my keyboard. It sucks. America!

Been In America since 1732!

Political compass:
Trump 2016!

Pro: Life, Immagration, America, Military, Compulsary Military service, US imperialism, SK, Germany, German expansion, Francem Uk, Japan, Christianity, Guns

Anti: Illegal Immagration, Abortion, LGTB, NK, Chin, RUssia, Syria,ISIS, Obama, Clinton, Racism, Sexistism, weak military, burning the flag

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Posts: 1533
Founded: Jan 17, 2014

Postby Penguinia-Tempor » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:28 pm

I'm gonna repost my original app in a few days. I'll probably make some adjustments.
P2TM RPer and Proud!

Atlannia wrote:Gahahah, Grakulon the World Building demon ensnares another unwary soul.

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Chrome Legion
Posts: 4085
Founded: Nov 18, 2011

Postby Chrome Legion » Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:51 pm

Student Application

Name: Catherine De Sanguine Vivere
Age: 15
Gender: F
Appearance: That but real clothes.
House|Element: Aqou and a tiny bit of Solum | Blood control as a specialty
Personality: Meticulous, slow to act impossible to visibly anger. Some what vindictive. Distant to everyone, especially her family. Plans everything before acting, bit of a control freak.
Animal: Crow
Bio: Catherine is the only daughter of a very wealthy family, one that has been used to it's influence for centuries. Blood magic some times surfaces in the family, as it did in Catherine. Thus She took the name "De Sanguine Vivere" (the living blood) as all blood mages in her family did. She lived a secluded life, raised and tutored to marry some one important and be the power behind them. Unfortunately for them, Catherine happened to have absolutely no interest in men, she did how ever spend a lot of time with her tutors young daughter. Not willing to totally disown their daughter, as her magical talents are quite impressive, they decided to send her off to Mana Academy. Catherine didn't care to much, she was just as happy to get away from her parents control as they were to get her out of their sight. Catherine has very little raw magical power, relying on careful planing and efficient use of little energy for maximum effect. Her most common techniques involve the psychical manipulation of threads of her own blood, normally from a small cut made by a ring on her thumb. This can allow thin, nearly invisible blades of blood to be formed. Catherine's more potent, and subtle magics come from manipulating the composition of her and others blood. This ranges from raising levels of anti-bodies and coagulants, to pumping cyanide into some one. She can only manipulate other's blood if it makes contact with her own. Her magical abilities make he completely unsuited to a stand up fight, and Catherine avoids confrontation as much as she can. She prefers to say behind the scenes, and does take some pleasure from controlling others, some thing made easy by her ability to control peoples hormones.
The year’s at the spring,
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hill-side’s dew-pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in His heaven—
All’s right with the world!


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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sun May 01, 2016 10:42 am

Chrome Legion wrote:
Student Application

Name: Catherine De Sanguine Vivere
Age: 15
Gender: F
Appearance: That but real clothes.
House|Element: Aqou and a tiny bit of Solum | Blood control as a specialty
Personality: Meticulous, slow to act impossible to visibly anger. Some what vindictive. Distant to everyone, especially her family. Plans everything before acting, bit of a control freak.
Animal: Crow
Bio: Catherine is the only daughter of a very wealthy family, one that has been used to it's influence for centuries. Blood magic some times surfaces in the family, as it did in Catherine. Thus She took the name "De Sanguine Vivere" (the living blood) as all blood mages in her family did. She lived a secluded life, raised and tutored to marry some one important and be the power behind them. Unfortunately for them, Catherine happened to have absolutely no interest in men, she did how ever spend a lot of time with her tutors young daughter. Not willing to totally disown their daughter, as her magical talents are quite impressive, they decided to send her off to Mana Academy. Catherine didn't care to much, she was just as happy to get away from her parents control as they were to get her out of their sight. Catherine has very little raw magical power, relying on careful planing and efficient use of little energy for maximum effect. Her most common techniques involve the psychical manipulation of threads of her own blood, normally from a small cut made by a ring on her thumb. This can allow thin, nearly invisible blades of blood to be formed. Catherine's more potent, and subtle magics come from manipulating the composition of her and others blood. This ranges from raising levels of anti-bodies and coagulants, to pumping cyanide into some one. She can only manipulate other's blood if it makes contact with her own. Her magical abilities make he completely unsuited to a stand up fight, and Catherine avoids confrontation as much as she can. She prefers to say behind the scenes, and does take some pleasure from controlling others, some thing made easy by her ability to control peoples hormones.

Just add the likes and dislikes to the app, and you're good.
Last edited by Rhomaia on Sun May 01, 2016 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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New Antegria II
Posts: 913
Founded: Jan 16, 2016

Postby New Antegria II » Sun May 01, 2016 11:35 am

Student Application

Name: Garroth Ro'Meave

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Blue eyes,blonde hair,5"5 Thin


Personality: Angered Very Quickly,Always Trying to Be the Leader

Likes:Magic,Video Games,Fights,Being in Fights,Bandit,Winning,Being the Leader,1990s to 2000s era stuff,the Bible

Dislikes: 1920s to 1980s Era Stuff,Peace,People who just stand there and do nothing

Animal: Border Collie Mixed with A Pitbull called Bandit

Bio:Garroth was born on the 23rd of october of the year 1998 to Garte Ro'Meave (Current Irish Prime Minister) & Zianna Ro'Meave (current Mayor of Athlone) in Athlone,Ireland. His Parents were fully fleged Wizards Trained at Mana Academy.So at age 5 Garroth was sent to the Irish Elementary Magical School where he was taught everything he needed before he applied to Mana Academy. After Finishing the IEMS.
On Garroth's 8th Birthday,Garte showed Garroth how to discover and control his Power He had discovered he had lightning powers. Garroth could power a Television by just touching it. At age 14 the Biggest thunderstorm ever seen in ireland In the last 10 Years hit & thanks to garroth No one was hurt or killed. At age 17 he applied as where his story at Mana Academy starts

Theme: None

Short RP Sample:
Garroth Remembered life as a Soldier,Before the Virus,He was a simple man fighting For his country as he stood next to his Brothers & Sisters in Stars and Stripes he remembered Fighting in Syria Alongside the Syrian Rebels and Fighting alongside the Iraqi Kurds With his trusty Advanced Laser Rifle In hand Shooting ISIS and Syrian Government Soldiers Now he was here 10 years later In a destroyed World Dead,No life but Survivors He Needed to Revive the Brothers and Sisters in Stars and Stripes and that's what he intends to do
Last edited by New Antegria II on Tue May 03, 2016 3:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Petrovsky News: 11/19/2017 - General Secretary Иван Петров announced that several agreements have been reached with Zitravgrad, including but not limited to, an Alliance | Petrovsky has applied to become a member of the International Space Federation | Petrovsky has re-applied to become a member of the International Exchange Student Program; 11/20/2017 - Petrovsky becomes a member of the International Space Federation | Petrovsky re-applies to become a member of the International Anti Terrorist Alliance

95% of people would cry if they saw JUSTIN BIEBER on a skyskraper about to jump. If you're the 5% that would be doing a happy dance, copy and paste this as your signature.

Full Member of the International Space Federation

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Posts: 982
Founded: Jan 19, 2016

Postby Heidelski » Sun May 01, 2016 11:38 am

Rhomaia wrote:
Chrome Legion wrote:
Student Application

Name: Catherine De Sanguine Vivere
Age: 15
Gender: F
Appearance: That but real clothes.
House|Element: Aqou and a tiny bit of Solum | Blood control as a specialty
Personality: Meticulous, slow to act impossible to visibly anger. Some what vindictive. Distant to everyone, especially her family. Plans everything before acting, bit of a control freak.
Animal: Crow
Bio: Catherine is the only daughter of a very wealthy family, one that has been used to it's influence for centuries. Blood magic some times surfaces in the family, as it did in Catherine. Thus She took the name "De Sanguine Vivere" (the living blood) as all blood mages in her family did. She lived a secluded life, raised and tutored to marry some one important and be the power behind them. Unfortunately for them, Catherine happened to have absolutely no interest in men, she did how ever spend a lot of time with her tutors young daughter. Not willing to totally disown their daughter, as her magical talents are quite impressive, they decided to send her off to Mana Academy. Catherine didn't care to much, she was just as happy to get away from her parents control as they were to get her out of their sight. Catherine has very little raw magical power, relying on careful planing and efficient use of little energy for maximum effect. Her most common techniques involve the psychical manipulation of threads of her own blood, normally from a small cut made by a ring on her thumb. This can allow thin, nearly invisible blades of blood to be formed. Catherine's more potent, and subtle magics come from manipulating the composition of her and others blood. This ranges from raising levels of anti-bodies and coagulants, to pumping cyanide into some one. She can only manipulate other's blood if it makes contact with her own. Her magical abilities make he completely unsuited to a stand up fight, and Catherine avoids confrontation as much as she can. She prefers to say behind the scenes, and does take some pleasure from controlling others, some thing made easy by her ability to control peoples hormones.

Just add the likes and dislikes to the app, and you're good.

AM I accepted?
I am a Nationalist Conservative Christian American Male. If you see spelling errors it is most likely my keyboard. It sucks. America!

Been In America since 1732!

Political compass:
Trump 2016!

Pro: Life, Immagration, America, Military, Compulsary Military service, US imperialism, SK, Germany, German expansion, Francem Uk, Japan, Christianity, Guns

Anti: Illegal Immagration, Abortion, LGTB, NK, Chin, RUssia, Syria,ISIS, Obama, Clinton, Racism, Sexistism, weak military, burning the flag

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Posts: 3353
Founded: Sep 14, 2015

Postby Rhomaia » Sun May 01, 2016 11:47 am

Heidelski wrote:Student Application

Name: Amantha Collins
Age: 16
Gender: F
Appearance: Dark hair, 5"9, 125 lbs, brown eyes
House|Element:Vesta| Wind, controling weather
Personality: Despite being Vesta Amantha is very cunning and sometimes quite evil. She fools others by acting friendly and carefree but is always plotting go take more power by putting others in hopeless positions. She usually has a few select people that she trusts and helps but other than that she likes and helps no one.
Likes: Power, herself, few select people, power, cake, her animal, power, and power
Dislikes: orders, other vesta, most people, animal, brocoli, weaklings, orders, and teachers(Did I mention orders)
Animal: mini fire dragon
Bio: Born to a Vesta mother and a ignis father. She inheirited her powers from her mother and her personality from her mother. She is a rare type of person who inheirited a shapeshifter ability meaning that she can switch from her human form to one animal that was chosen for her at birth. She inheirited this from her grandfather who could turn into and eagle. She can turn into a very lithe arctic wolf. She mastered how to control this when she was 6 and has never let her parents know about it. Her parents were both killed in the twin towers in 9/11 where they worked. She grew up with her grandparents and her grandmother died. She is very much like her grandfather, they share the smae traits and they have similiar powers. He taught her more about the powers and her special power, the shape shifting. He died when she was 14 and she went to a magic academy. The school burned down in an "accident". She then moved to the Mana academy with hopes in more training for more power.

Short RP Sample:


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Postby Finsternia » Sun May 01, 2016 1:28 pm

Rhomy, will there be a time skip between the old rp and this?
Random stuff here. Random stuff there. Bla bla bla. Whatever I don't care.

Soon, the penguins shall rule the Earth with a cold flipper

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Postby Rhomaia » Sun May 01, 2016 2:19 pm

Finsternia wrote:Rhomy, will there be a time skip between the old rp and this?

We could do that, or restart entirely. I'll make a poll.

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Postby Heidelski » Sun May 01, 2016 4:12 pm

Rhomaia wrote:
Finsternia wrote:Rhomy, will there be a time skip between the old rp and this?

We could do that, or restart entirely. I'll make a poll.

Please restart over since I have no idea whats going on.
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Postby Neolvex » Sun May 01, 2016 5:11 pm

I'm making an app! :D However it'll probably be up by Friday...
You think I'm an asshole? Well you get an A+ because you thought right!

Reason: Build up of troops
at the Xiongnu Canal

The Delegate of Rossferry.
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