Commonwealth of Independent Nations Factbook

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The Altani Confederacy
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Commonwealth of Independent Nations Factbook

Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:54 am

Table of contents

I. Background
II. History
III. Geography
IV. People
V. Government
VI. Military
VII. Economy
VIII. National and transnational issues
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:08 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:55 am

I. Background

(to be edited)
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:56 am

II. History

c. 11,000 BC
- Kitani arrive and begin establishing settlements around present-day Kyrinia.

c. 1000 BC
- The Akamian people, fleeing from what would become the Umayyad Caliphate, settle in the central Altan Steppes; they reach an agreement of coexistence with the Kitani.

c. 555
- Proto-Altani arrive and begin residing in the east of the nation, fleeing the collapse of the Rouran Khaganate. Clashes break out with the Kitani.

c. 575
- Kitani and proto-Altani agree to coexist together and end hostilities.

- The proto-Altani split after a civil war. The winning side forces the losing side to leave; the winners eventually become the Altani, and settle down from a nomadic existence. The losing side emigrates to the far north, fighting their way past the Akamians along the way. This group retains its nomadic ways, and eventually becomes the Argali.

- First Sultanate of Akamia established.

-Akamian forces are decisively defeated after launching an invasion of Argali lands in response to cross-border Argali raids. The Akamian kingdom begins a slow and gradual collapse.

- Sultan Ishaq of Akamia is overthrown; Akamian sultanate disintergrates into smaller states

- Khan Hulagu of the Khanate of Aktau takes over the neighboring Khanates of Uliastai and Ulaangom, beginning the process of uniting the various hordes of the eastern Altan Ulus. Akamia is governed by a council of Emirs, after no one can agree on who should be Sultan.

- Khanates of Asgat, Ikh-Uul and Tes are taken over by the Khanate of Aktau.

- Khanate of Bayankhairkhan joins the alliance led by Khan Hulagu, after the khan sends his hordes to help repel Argali raiders attacking Bayankhairkhan.

- In rapid succession, the Khanates of Ekibastuz, Aldarkhaan, Arlakyk, Darkhan, Sharyngol, Ondorkhaan, Dorvoljin, Zhezkazgan, Shiluustei, Uliastai and Ulaangom either agree to join, or are annexed by, the Khanate of Aktau.

- The last Khanate resisting the rule of Aktau, Nalaikh, falls to Khan Hulagu. The Khan also takes over the Kitani lands; he is declared the Altan Khan, or Golden Khan, symbolizing his rule over all of the Altan Ulus (with the exception of the hordes that left in 923.

- Khan Hulagu dies. His son, Dochin, becomes Khan.

- The Akamian Peoples' Congress asks Khan Dochin of the Altan Ulus to intervene to restore order to the still-fractured Akamian state. As a result, Akamia is forcibly integrated into the Khanate of the Altan Ulus, after Dochin invades and forces the Akamian emirs to agree to annexation.

- The Akamian Peoples' Congress, angry that the Altan Ulus annexed Akamia instead of helping the Congress take power and reform the Akamian state, declare that the Altan Ulus are occupiers and launch an insurgency against Khanate forces.

- Khan Dochin bans the Akamian Peoples' Congress and launches a brutal counterinsurgency operation.

- Khan Dochin dies. His son, Dalan, becomes Khan, ushering in an age of modernization.

- The first Altanari Constitution is officially ratified. Khan Dalan declares the Federalist movement, which sought to turn the Khanate into a federated state where all three regions have equal status, a treasonous organization and arrests its members.

- Unrest in Akamia over the continued Altan Ulus occupation breaks out into open clashes between ethnic Altani and Akamians throughout the Khanate; the government uses brute force to end the clashes.

- Khan Dalan dies. His son, Houlun, becomes the new Khan. Houlun institutes sweeping liberal reforms, creating an Altani welfare state.

- Khan Houlun abdicates his throne after his wife, Tuli, dies in a military plane crash. His son, Arslan, becomes king.
- Khan Arslan marries the Argali leader, the Khatun Minghan, reuniting the separated halves of the Altan Ulus. In the same year, after a period of unrest, the Khan agrees to allow the Khanate of the Altan Ulus to be transformed into an elective unitary democracy to be known as the Altani Federation. Alana Kasimira is elected as the first Federation President.

- The Federation attacks the neighboring state of BariyaKhem after a series of terrorist attacks linked to that nation. The Federation also claims that the Bariyans were responsible for the assassination of Federation Vice-President Aliri Margal. After a harsh bombing campaign and the destruction of the Bariyan military, the two nations negotiate a settlement. The Federation receives almost universal regional condemnation for its actions.

- The Federation goes to war with the Holy Empire, after the Empire attacks Senate bases in that country and attacks Altani ally Greenland. The war ends with a victory by the Altani-led Senate coalition.

- Second Federation elections. Alana Kasimira easily wins re-election; the center-left Liberal/Margalite/Peoples' Party coalition takes control of the Federal Legislature from the rightist New Altan/Believers' coalition.
- The new states of Baruun-Urt, Baljurashi, Dalanzadgad, New Scythia and Alalakh are added to the Federation in a wave of expansion.
- Growing income disparity begins to cause social unrest, which culminates in a series of riots that break out after the Federal Legislature slashes welfare spending to balance the national budget.
- Political battles between the left and right wing dominate the headlines as the Federation slips into a period of relative isolation. Another budget battle, and more rioting by disadvantaged citizens, are the defining events as rightists gain strength.

- Jaris Krytellin defeats Alana Kasimira to become Federation President. The New Altan Party seizes back control over the Federal Legislature from the Centrist/Margalite coalition.

- Just weeks after he is inaugurated, President Krytellin declares war on Tehuacan after the Tehuacano sink an Altani warship and attack Altani allies Palaam and Nakchevan. The war ends quickly with Tehuacan's defeat. The Federation is at the height of its power, and is seen as Lavinium's sole superpower.
- The Republic War. The Federation government attempts to replace monarchies that have traditionally led some Federation states with elected leaders, as part of a plan to speed up the "federalization" of Altani government. The monarchies resist, leading to a standoff with the central government. When the central government attempts to enact the new laws by force, a full-scale civil war breaks out. During the course of the conflict, a plot by Altani legislators and a fascist group called the Talons of the Phoenix is revealed. The plot proposes forcibly uniting the Altani state as a precursor to establishing hegemonic control over all of Lavinium. The revelation of the plot, along with reports of widespread brutality by the central government, bring multiple nations to the aid of the resistance. Urgench, Greenland, Krioval, Tehuacan and the Palentine all enter the conflict. President Jaris Krytellin is assassinated by his Vice-President after he refuses to go along with the culmination of the plot. The assassin, Valen Tracor, takes the Presidency and declares a Republic. The Republic in turn splits after Tracor and the Talons leader, Jaresh Sikim, squabble for power. After months of brutal fighting, in which over 100 million Altani civilians and soldiers and an untold number of foreign soldiers and civilians perish, the Republic is toppled.

- The Altani Confederacy officially replaces the Federation, as a commonwealth of multiple independent nations forever ends the notion of a unitary Altani state. A Sovereignty Council made up of the heads of each Confederate state takes control; Eranik Zurabian, a heroine of the Republic War, is named Chief Councillor.

- The Confederacy restyles itself as the Commonwealth of Independent Nations, after elections grant Chief Councillor Eranik Zurabian a second three-year term.
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:00 am

III. Geography

Location: western portion of Horseshoe Continent, Lavinium region; other states in multiple regions

Area: approximately 2,717,300 sq km total (mainland)

Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 15 nm
contiguous zone: 25 nm
exclusive economic zone: 250 nm

Climate (mainland):
Summer: 50 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit at night/70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day
Winter: -10 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit at night/10 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the day

Terrain: The mainland Commonwealth is a mostly flat nation, consisting of terrain ranging from fertile grassland to dry, steppelike terrain, depending on how far away the area is from water sources. The Chuluut and Sumbar Rivers are the only free-flowing source of water, flowing from the Khar Nuur in the Altan Ulus to the Strait of Trellwan at al-Artawiyah and al-Ahsa in Akamia. Most of the mainland's farmlands are centered along these rivers. The Khar Nuur is a spring-fed lake. There are also several aquifers that serve as the mainland's other major source of water. The Eagle's Backbone Mountains on the eastern border with Telidia are extremely rugged and difficult to navigate, except for a few passes. Overseas member states vary widely in terrain and climate. Outside of the mainland, Commonwealth states range from barren steppelike terrain to tropical islands and temperate zones.

Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, lead, zinc, copper, coal , iron, chromium, gold, other minerals

Environmental issues: pollution around larger cities; demand on water supplies and lack of timber on the mainland
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:04 am

IV. People

Population: 697,264,347

Median age:
male: 23.5 years
female: 23.8 years

Life expectancy at birth:
male: 97.4 years
female: 99.6 years

Population growth rate: +3% annually

Nationality: There is no generally agreed term; most Commonwealth citizens refer to themselves as such, and give the nationality of their specific member state or ethnic group. The great majority of Commonwealth citizens are of either Altan Ulus, Akamian or mixed ancestry between the two. However, there are sizeable Palaamian, Azari, Greenlandic and Tehuacano populations as well, stemming from the descendants of various waves of immigration from Commonwealth neighbors. There is also a small but noteworthy French and native islander population on Poivre Atoll.

Religions: Tengriism/associated worship 40%; Islam 28%; Buddhism/Shintoism/Taoism or similar observances 10%; Christianity 10%; “all other” faiths 7%; atheist, agnostic or “spiritual with no specific affiliation” 5%.
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:10 am

V. Government

Country name:
conventional long form: The Commonwealth of Independent Nations
conventional short form: The Commonwealth
former: Kingdom of Altanar, Constitutional Monarchy of Altanar, the Altani Federation, Altan Federal Republic, the Altani Confederacy

Government type: Commonwealth of independent sovereign nations

Capital: The Commonwealth Hub, New Capital District, mainland Commonwealth bordering the Altan Ulus

Administrative divisions: 13 independent nations:
The Khanate of the Altan Ulus
The Khanate of Baruun-Urt
The Sultanate of Akamia
The Emirate of Udhailiyah
The Emirate of Al Mafjar
The Free Land of Altani Antarctica
The Republic of Altani Athica
The Incorporated States of Sarangerel (formerly known as Altani Space States)
The Dominion of Baljurashi
The Hurrian State of Kitani (Washukanni and Alalakh)
The Most Serene Republic of Dalanzadgad
The Republic of Poivre Atoll
The Republic of Asherland

There is also one capital district, the New Capital District, which surrounds the Hub. Technically not an independent state, the NCD is considered an autonomous district and has a representative on the Sovereignty Council and seats in the Legislature.

Each member state is further subdivided into municipalities and provinces as per local preference.

Independence: January 1, 2008 (official end of the Republic War)

Governing articles: Adopted 2008; no significant revisions.

Legal system: federal court system based on common law; each member state also has its own unique legal system; judicial review of legislative acts

Suffrage: age 18, universal, compulsory voting for all citizens

Executive branch:
Head of state/government: Chief Councillor Eranik Zurabian
Secondary head of government: none, new Chief Councillors are appointed by the Sovereignty Council and approved by the Legislature every three years or as needed
Cabinet: Ministers in charge of government departments, appointed by the Sovereignty Council
Elections: none on a Commonwealth-wide basis. Each member state appoints or elects its representation on the Sovereignty Council and the Legislature every three years based on local preferences.

Legislative branch: A bicameral assembly known as the Commonwealth Legislature. The two bodies of the Legislature consist of a Chamber of State Representatives, which allots ten Representatives per member state regardless of population, and an Assembly of the People, which allots one Assemblyperson per 5 million residents of a member state. Each member state has its own legislative branch as well, set up according to local preference.

Judicial branch: High Court (eleven justices; nominated by the Sovereignty Council and confirmed with the advice and consent of the Legislature; appointed to serve for life); appeal courts; member state courts; county and municipality courts

International organization participation: World Assembly; Lavinium Senate and Lavinian peacekeeping forces; Oriental League of Lavinium; Antarctic Oasis regional defense and economic agreements; Lavinium Treaty Organization

Flag description: royal blue backdrop representing nobility; golden multi-spoked wheel representing prosperity and unity; white stripe on left side representing peace
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:22 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:18 am

VI. Military

Branches: The Commonwealth defense forces are organized into a single integrated force known as the Commonwealth Service. The Commonwealth Service consists of seven naval fleets and supporting vessels, fourteen combined air/space wings, fourteen ground divisions, a strategic deterrent force and a supporting reserve force of 40,000 soldiers. Each member state also maintains its own military forces separate from the Commonwealth Service. In Commonwealth military doctrine, the member state militaries serve as a home guard, or local defense, while the Commonwealth Service provides offensive capability should the Commonwealth decide to use it.

Military service age and obligation: All citizens required to undergo one year of military or other national service at age 18, or upon naturalization as citizens. Most citizens have at least a rudimentary military training, and own at least one firearm, and are considered "auxiliary forces" even if they are not formally enlisted.

Military expenditures as percent of budget: 30%
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:27 am

VII. Economy

Economic overview: The Commonwealth has a strong capitalist-oriented economy. The Commonwealth economy was once centered around energy exports and agricultural production, but over the past decade major investments in manufacturing, research and development have paid off in increased domestic production and regional export. A major emphasis on education and research also led to the Commonwealth becoming one of Lavinium's dominant technological powers. Free-trade policies and trade agreements have boosted the Commonwealth, which has made a strong recovery from the damaging effects of the Republic War. After running a trade deficit for slightly over a year, the economy has rebounded and the Commonwealth is once more running the trade surpluses it is accustomed to.

GDP: $63,976,063,184,637.50
GDP per capita: $33,338.23
Unemployment rate: 2.59%
Agricultural products: grains (wheat, barley, rice); cotton; legume crops; beef, pork, mutton; fish
Industries: advanced technology, especially in the defense and energy fields; petroleum and natural gas exploration, production, refining and distribution; mining; agriculture; livestock raising and production; manufacturing; research and development; defense contracting and weapons manufacturing and export
Exports: petroleum products, natural gas, ferrous metals, chemicals, grain, dairy products, leather, wool, meat, coal, manufactured goods, weapons, advanced techonology; value of $7,568,591,695,917.51
Imports: pharmaceuticals, machinery and equipment, lumber, foodstuffs; value of $7,541,105,814,000.00
Trade surplus/deficit: $27,485,881,917.50
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The Altani Confederacy
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Postby The Altani Confederacy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:31 am

VIII. National and transnational issues

Disputes – internal: Ethnic and nationalist conflicts have largely ended with the advent of the Commonwealth. Minor factions made up of supporters of the former Republic and Federation continue to present an issue, but internal disputes have largely been brought under control.

Disputes - international: Disputes over maritime access and exclusive economic zones in the Strait of Trellwan, Central Straits and Northern Sea.
Last edited by The Altani Confederacy on Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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