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A demand concerning Justin States' ban

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:56 am
by Werreales

I am Werreales, a member of New World Union. I respect the decision of the mods: they banned the user using Justin States account for making racist, homophobic and mysoginic comments. However, I believe something is wrong in this case. How come a Black American would say such things, especially in these times of discrimination? I want to know why these paradoxical actions; what would happen if it turns out that Justin States was truly innocent, that his friend had used his account? I am far from being able to replace a moderator, I agree. But let me ask you something to reinforce your decision, could you give me the exact dates (day, time) of these inappropriate comments? I shall analyze them and send you a report. And I'll have a plan to determine if Justin States is right or wrong.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:41 am
by Reploid Productions
We do not accept third party appeals. Users are responsible for the security of their account, as we have no way to know who is behind the keyboard at any given point in time. Given that there have been multiple instances of rulebreaking over days/weeks/months, the "it's a friend" excuse simply does not fly. Justin can file his own appeal via the Getting Help page.

~Evil Forum Empress Rep Prod the Ninja Mod
~She who wields the Banhammer; master of the mighty moderation no-dachi Kiritateru Teikoku