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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:53 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Orbital Space Safety Act
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Witchcliff

Description: Noting the enlarging amount of obsolete satellites, space vehicles, spent rocket casing and other debris currently in orbit around inhabited planets for reasons including, but not limited to, various nations space races, orbiting weapons platforms, exploration of space, deliberate dumping of junk into orbit and visiting space faring nations jettisoning their refuse.

Further noting this debris presents a danger to all nations, whether they use orbital space or not, and worried about the possible loss of life and/or property that could occur when some of this junk survives re-entry, and crashes onto the planet, or collides with working equipment in orbit, manned or unmanned.

Convinced measures to clean up this orbital space debris are necessary to protect life and property of all nations. This will work to promote international co-operation between nations of all technological levels, reduce the economic impact caused by nations losing working equipment to collisions with space junk, and ensure orbital space can be utilized by all in as safe and equal a manner as possible.


1 – All UN nations are responsible for any form of equipment put into orbital space by that nation. This includes anything launched by government and/or private agencies. Nations that use another nation’s facilities for launch purposes are still ultimately responsible for their own equipment.

2 - All UN nations with equipment in orbital space must be able to identify any equipment launched from or by their nation, whether by government or private agencies, and must immediately accept responsibility for any piece of their equipment that poses a danger, at the time it is identified as a danger.

3 – All nations with equipment in orbital space must take immediate proactive measures to repair, retrieve or destroy safely any piece of their equipment that is identified as space junk and identified as posing a danger to their own and/or other nation’s people or property. Nations may delegate direct and/or financial responsibility for dealing with said equipment down to private agencies within that nation at their own discretion.

4 – Nations that have equipment in orbital space are responsible for any and all costs incurred in dealing with their own space debris. If you can afford to build it and put it up there, you can afford the clean up.

Strongly encourages all nations with equipment in orbital space to co-operate with each other and share information and technology both to reduce the amount of space debris currently in orbit, and to improve methods of repair, retrieval or safe destruction of malfunctioning equipment in the future.

Urges all UN nations to work together to clean up unidentifiable and/or small space debris currently in orbital space, as much as they are technologically and/or financially able to assist, to ensure a cleaner, safer, environment for those nations with equipment and/or personnel in that environment, to reduce the possibility of objects damaging working equipment, and to reduce the danger of large pieces of debris falling back to the planet.

Encourages space faring nations to offer their services to assist with the disposal of orbital space debris. Payments and terms of contracts for these jobs will be at the discretion of the nation concerned to negotiate with the customer(s).

Votes For 10,523 (77%)
Votes Against 3,108 (23%)

Implemented Mon Sep 4 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:55 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Individual Working Freedoms
A resolution to develop industry around the world.

Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Labor Deregulation

Proposed by: Gruenberg

Description: The United Nations,

Strongly reaffirming its commitment to individual liberty,

Believing that individuals should be as free as possible from undue government interference in making decisions governing their personal lives,

Convinced that the issues of when, how often, and for how long an individual works should remain an issue for private negotiation between employer and employee,

Recalling the repeal of Resolution #59, "The 40 Hour Workweek", and the reasons therein given for the weaknesses of the prior document,

Dissenting from the view that one standard working week can be determined as a universal diktat, given the diversity of national economies, the particulars of industries working on cyclical, seasonal or other irregular working patterns, and the varying conditions, demographic, environmental, developmental, and otherwise, of member nations,

Considering any attempt to impose a "one size fits all" manacle of working time constriction as a grossly unfair abrogation of individual freedoms,

Desirous of reaching a fair compromise on the issue:

1. Requires member nations to grant their people the greatest possible degree of freedom in determining their terms of employment, with specific regard to working time;

2. Calls upon member nations to respect the rights of individuals to be free to make choices about their terms of employment, and equally of individuals to seek representation or counsel during such negotiations;

3. Mandates the removal of working time regulations that serve only to reduce individual liberty, and that unfairly remove decision-making power from the individual level;

4. Reserves the right of nations to choose whether to set specific regulations on workweeks and working time in the general public interest, so long as such regulations do not unduly abridge the freedom of individuals in deciding their terms of employment;

5. Endorses policies aimed at delegating decisions concerning working time regulations to the most local level possible;

6. Promotes a healthy harmony of national and individual rights in economic decision-making.

Votes For 7,812 (54%)
Votes Against 6,595 (46%)

Implemented Sat Sep 9 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:56 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "Keep The World Disease-Free!"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #9

Proposed by: Jey

Description: UN Resolution #9: Keep The World Disease-Free! (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The General Assembly of the United Nations,

AWARE of the need for the prevention of diseases and for hygienic standards throughout member nations,

COMMENDING Resolution #9: Keep The World Disease-Free!, for its intentions to bring about disease prevention and hygienic standards in all member nations,

HOWEVER CONSIDERING that Resolution #9 fails to accomplish its goals to bring about stronger hygienic standards by not including any effective methods to do so, and only stating that citizens "should" be given the right to certain hygienic items,

FURTHER CONSIDERING that Resolution #9 fails to bring about the containment of diseases through increased access to vaccinations by directly stating that "[the vaccinations] don't have to be mandatory",

UNDERSTANDING that Resolutions #20 "'RBH' (Required Basic Healthcare) Replacement", #67 "Needle Sharing Prevention", and #77 "Epidemic Prevention Protocol" collectively provide UN member nations with declarations to bring about better hygienic standards as well as disease prevention,

CONCLUDING that Resolution #9 is not only unenforceable and void of actionable language, but its intentions are also covered by numerous amounts of passed legislations,

REPEALS Resolution #9: Keep The World Disease-Free!

Votes For 10,597 (80%)
Votes Against 2,710 (20%)

Implemented Tue Sep 19 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:56 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "Support Hemp Production"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #85

Proposed by: Leg-ends

Description: UN Resolution #85: Support Hemp Production (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

AGREEING in principle with UN Resolution #85, "Support Hemp Production", that hemp is 'a profitable and environmentally friendly crop',

CAUTIOUS, however, of the resolution's effusive praise of hemp, offering no mention of any of the disadvantages of the hemp crop,

HIGHLIGHTING, for example, that hemp can only be harvested at specific times, whereas many other crops can be harvested throughout the year, thus making the use of hemp in processes requiring large, regular harvests considerably more difficult,

DISAPPOINTED that the resolution introduces no checks or balances in the creation and operational running of hemp advisory boards, thus rendering the process very open to corruption, unfair apportionment of funds, or the dissemination of unsuitable advice,

CRITICISING the system of stipends and subsidies proposed by the resolution, and the poor logic of such a scheme,

OBSERVING that if hemp is indeed as profitable and commercially viable as the resolution claims, such support would be unnecessary, wasteful, and would endanger competition,

FURTHER OBSERVING that if the projects did not prove viable and did in fact require such support, tax-payers would be forced to contribute large sums of money solely to keep unprofitable enterprises afloat,

APPALLED that such a burden would be placed not only upon tax-payers within specific nations, but on all UN member nations, through the mandate for the UN to contribute funds to such projects,

BELIEVING that government-enforced bias towards particular crops to be unfair as well as impractical, as it discourages specialisation and development of resources, and could lead to wasteful excess of certain crops and shortages of other essential varieties, especially those used towards the production of food,

FURTHER NOTING that placing special emphasis on one single crop risks ecological and economic catastrophe in the case of specific crop diseases, climate conditions or pest attacks affecting that crop;

CONSIDERING such flaws too critical to justify retaining the resolution and its bureaucratic, inefficient and wasteful system of finance:

1. REPEALS UN Resolution #85, "Support Hemp Production";

2. AFFIRMS that this repeal will not prohibit any nation from continuing such programs on a national level should they choose to do so, noting that their right to implement such schemes would remain protected by the UN under Resolution #128, "Representation in Taxation".

Co-authored by the members of ACCEL

Votes For 9,311 (77%)
Votes Against 2,815 (23%)

Implemented Sun Sep 24 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:56 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Outlaw Necrophilia
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Karmicaria

Description: The NationStates United Nations,

DEFINING necrophilia, for the purposes of this resolution, as any unauthorized sexual act, performed on a deceased individual,

DISTURBED by the occurrence of necrophilia within the member nations of the UN,

NOTING that a corpse is incapable of consent, and that such lack of consent is why rape is commonly considered an inappropriate act,

OBSERVING many cases of emotional damage to the families of deceased individuals in cases of necrophilia,

RECOMMENDS that member nations outlaw the desecration of corpses,

STRONGLY ENCOURAGES member nations to punish those guilty of corpse desecration to the fullest extent of the law, and,

CALLS UPON member nations to provide counseling and medical care for those engaging in acts of necrophilia.

Votes For 8,526 (59%)
Votes Against 6,028 (41%)

Implemented Sat Sep 30 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:56 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Freedom of Assembly
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Mikitivity


The NationStates United Nations,

CONVINCED that the expression of different political opinions is crucial to the democratic process,

TAKING NOTE of article 3 of its resolution The Universal Bill of Rights, which grants individuals the right to peacefully assemble,

APPALLED that in some extreme cases the expression of these opinions has moved from political expressions into actual physical acts, sometimes resulting in harm to other people or the destruction of public or private property,

AWARE that the reaction towards the harm of others or the destruction of public or private property has been to not only restrict these acts, but to also discourage the expression of extreme differences in opinion and to prohibit the formation of political opposition groups,

1. REAFFIRMS the equal right of individuals to freely express any opinions in a political process, provided that these opinions do not result in harm to other people or to public or private property without consent,

2. ASSERTS that individuals should have the right to freely assemble with others who share even extreme political views in appropriate venues, in order to better work within domestic and international political systems in a peaceful way,

3. CONFIRMS that the right to assembly includes the formation and coordination of political opposition organizations, which should be permitted to advocate radical changes in their existing government or political system,

4. CONDEMNS any political organization that advocates harm to other people or to public or private property as a means to spread terror or to gain political influence,

5. CALLS UPON political organizations to seek political change through peaceful means, and

6. ENCOURAGES national governments to open their elections and political process to any political organization that is seeking to voice its opinions through peaceful means.

Votes For 9,338 (69%)
Votes Against 4,153 (31%)

Implemented Thu Oct 5 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:57 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Fair Sentencing Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Gruenberg

Description: The United Nations,

Reaffirming its intent to ensure for all those accused of criminal acts fair legal proceedings,

Believing that all those tried for criminal acts deserve the right to sentencing by a competent judicial body, whether judge, jury or other, able to consider the specific conditions of the case,

Realizing that in many cases, there may be extenuating circumstances, whereby individuals with similar offences may require different sentences, and therefore full consideration of all relevant factors is needed,

Recognising that different societies treat crime and punishment in different ways, and adopt different attitudes to which sentences may be appropriate:

1. Requests that member nations ensure their legal processes are fair and just;

2. Declares the right of nations to determine for themselves the sentences for violations of laws committed within their jurisdictions;

3. Calls for the creation of independent and accountable bodies capable of overseeing and reviewing sentencing decisions;

4. Recommends that nations devolve sentencing powers to the level most capable of taking into account all relevant considerations.

Votes For 9,597 (70%)
Votes Against 4,066 (30%)

Implemented Tue Oct 10 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:57 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "Establish UNWCC"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #114

Proposed by: Iron Felix

Description: UN Resolution #114: Establish UNWCC (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


ACKNOWLEDGING the principle of the basic Human Right to sanitary water;

APPLAUDING the efforts of the authors of UN Resolution #114, “Establish UNWCC”;

CONCERNED, however, with the validity of the scientific arguments used in support of UN Resolution #114, specifically:
A) The claim that “sewage and waste water pumped in from surrounding areas” can serve as a reliable source of safe drinking water.
B) The further claim that artificial oases and reserves using “hydroponic plants” can adequately cleanse the wastewater and sewage, making it safe for human consumption.

UNCONVINCED that these methods represent the most efficient and economical means of delivering safe drinking water, particularly in developing nations and areas where sanitary sewage systems are non-existent;

FURTHER, believing that there are more conventional and scientifically proven methods of providing safe drinking water;

HEREBY repeals UN Resolution #114, “Establish UNWCC”.

Votes For 9,812 (74%)
Votes Against 3,455 (26%)

Implemented Sun Oct 15 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:57 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Marriage Protection Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Witchcliff

Description: RECOGNISING the wide-ranging differences among UN member governments in how they define and recognise marriage and civil unions within their jurisdictions;

NOTING that some member nations are theocracies that will only recognise unions performed in accordance with the doctrines of their religions and that some member nations do not have any provisions of law recognising formal union between persons, and

BELIEVING that any attempt to impose a definition of marriage as a UN standard, to be applied to all member nations, would be extremely difficult due to these wide ranging differences, and that to do so could cause serious problems for those nations with unusual marriage laws and customs;

The United Nations

DECLARES that it is the right of all UN member nations to define and regulate marriage and civil union within their own borders as they see fit.

ASKS each UN member nation to respect and recognise the marital status of international visitors, even if it does not recognise that status with regard to its own population.

STRONGLY URGES all UN member nations who do recognise marriage or civil union within their nations to apply all laws governing them equally and fairly to the whole population, without discrimination or prejudice.

CONDEMNS the practice of forced marriage between non-consenting individuals.

Co Authored by Ausserland.

Votes For 11,301 (78%)
Votes Against 3,260 (22%)

Implemented Fri Oct 20 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:58 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Chemical Transport Standards
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Norderia

Description: WHEREAS chemicals are a widely traded commodity;

WHEREAS no current standards exist for the identification or transportation of chemical substances;

WHEREAS the variety of nations in the UN may have myriad means of identifying and transporting chemical substances;

The United Nations;

BELIEVING that a lack of standards regarding the identification and transportation of chemical substances is a severe safety hazard;

1. ESTABLISHES the United Nations Hazard Rating (UNHR). The UNHR is a rating for common hazards of chemical substances. The UNHR includes the following information:
i) A flamability rating of 0 to 4, where 0 indicates a small flamability risk, and 4 indicates a high flamability risk;
ii) A health risk rating of 0 to 4, where 0 indicates a small health risk, and 4 indicates a high health risk;
iii) A reactivity risk rating of 0 to 4, where 0 indicates a small reactivity risk, and 4 indicates a high reactivity risk;
iv) A special notation to indicate specific risks, such as, but not restricted to an exceptionally high reactivity to water, or for strong oxidizers;

2. ESTABLISHES the United Nations Chemical Transportation Commission (UNCTC). The following are the UNCTC's duties:
i) To compile a list of, and define hazardous materials;
ii) To enumerate the list of hazardous materials, using the Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), using twelve digits for each substance. These 12-digit numbers will be known as Chemical Identification Numbers (CIN);
iii) To prescribe minimum requirements for the safe transportation of hazardous materials;
iv) To compile a list of all other chemical substances and assign a CIN to each. A new CIN is to be assigned to differing isomers and isotopes of substances with identical chemical makeups;
v) To determine the UNHR for the substances as described in sections 2i and 2iv;

i) That UN member nations comply with the UNCTC's requirements and employ the UNCTC's CINs when transporting substances over international borders and international waters;
ii) That containers containing hazardous materials are clearly marked as such, on all faces of the containers. These markings will include the UNHR and CIN for the substance held within the container;
iii) That, under non-emergency circumstances, no substances shall be placed in a container that is marked for another substance;
iv) That, under non-emergency circumstances, no containers shall be vandalized, or mislabeled to misrepresent the substances contained within, or their potential hazard risks;
v) That UN member nations inform non-member nations that shipments that do not comply with the above four clauses may be turned away in the interest of the safety of the receiving nation;

4. EMPHASIZES that this Resolution does not mandate any changes to the current intranational systems being used by member nations;

5. ENCOURAGES member nations to implement the measures set forth by this Resolution in their own national transportation systems.

Votes For 10,477 (78%)
Votes Against 2,973 (22%)

Implemented Wed Oct 25 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:58 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Sustainable Agriculture Center
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Love and esterel

Description: The United Nations,

-A- Affirming the importance of sustainable agriculture for our societies,

-B- Defining “Sustainable Agriculture” as a global agriculture achieving all of the three following goals:
- Sufficient and healthy food for population’s need
- Environmental stewardship
- Good living conditions and prosperity for farmers and farms,

-C- Convinced that, in order to achieve these ambitious goals, the best of both traditional techniques and new technologies have to be used with a sensible, critical, secure and ethical approach:

-1- ESTABLISH the UNSARC « UN Sustainable Agriculture Resource Center » for the purpose of collecting, sharing, educating and studying sustainable agriculture techniques and experiences in member nations, via UNSARC national branches in interested nations and free internet resources and forums;

-2- PROMOTES by its UNSARC agency the following:

-2.1- Water-saving management systems such as drip irrigation (drop by drop) or surge irrigation (intermittent application of water),

-2.2- Traditional rain-harvesting systems such as reservoirs, tanks, wells or johads (small earthen check dams build across a slope that capture and conserve rainwater), their shading to decrease evaporation and collective projects to build them,

-2.3- Crop rotation practices and polyculture to decrease pests (insects, weeds, pathogens …) and soil depletion,

-2.4- Scientific researches for more-biodegradable and less toxic pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, bactericides …) and ecological biological ones,

-2.5- The sensible use of pesticides for agriculture (as for road maintenance) along with small predators animals in order both to protect crops and avoid soil degradation,

-2.6- Land distribution to farmers, in particular in areas with labour intensive agriculture

-2.7- The suppression of animal carcass in livestock feeding;

-2.8- The mitigation of new cultivated areas gained over forests

-3- CHARGES the UNSARC with studying the safety and effects of artificial hybrid crops (the result of interbreeding between two varieties) and GM crops (Genetically modified crops) and with giving recommendations on this matter following the principles below:

-3.1- The tractability of GM crops and the labelling of genetically modified food,

-3.2- The need of security testing for new hybrid and GM crops; in particular those with an insect resistance trait,

-3.3- The encouragement of scientific researches for new safe hybrid and GM crops with a disease, drought, floods, heat or cold resistance traits or with added vitamin

-3.4- The refusal of sterile GM crops (so called terminator technology) in the wild,

-3.5- The awareness that hybrid and GM crops with an herbicide resistance trait may induce damageable over-use of herbicides,

-3.6- The need for hybrid and GM crops with an insect resistance trait for “refuges” (a 20% belt of non-hybrid or non-GM crops inside any hybrid or GM crop parcel),

-3.7- The even greater importance of crop rotation practices and polyculture whith hybrid and GM crops.

Co-authored by CR Oscilloscopes

Votes For 8,834 (66%)
Votes Against 4,534 (34%)

Implemented Mon Oct 30 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:58 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "Hearing Impaired Aid Act"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #170

Proposed by: Gruenberg

Description: UN Resolution #170: Hearing Impaired Aid Act (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

Strongly reiterating the sentiment of its Resolution #170, "Hearing Impaired Aid Act", that 'Everyone, including the disabled needs a chance for a good life in society',

However disagreeing that a resolution such as "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" is an effective means by which to secure the rights of the hearing impaired to greater opportunities,

Further noting its extreme distaste for the assertion that the hearing impaired are "more vocal" and somehow therefore more deserving of legal entitlement,

Disgusted that such views should be included in a resolution of increasing equality for all, regardless of the nature of their impairment,

Recalling its Resolution #160, "Rights of the Disabled", and especially its operative clauses 2, 4 and 5,

Observing that "Rights of the Disabled" has already placed upon UN members substantial obligations to facilitate equality of access to public services for the disabled, including those with disabilities related to hearing and communications,

Specifically noting that access to public buildings, adaptation of public education courses, and provision of health care and assistive technology, are already mandated by "Rights of the Disabled",

Hence acknowledging that the provisions of "Hearing Impaired Aid Act", whilst commendable, are wholly redundant by virtue of the passage of the previous, superior resolution, the steadfast commitment to which is now reiterated,

Considering one advantage of "Rights of the Disabled" to be that it covers a wider scope, and does not resort to excessive micromanagement of domestic issues, as "Hearing Impaired Aid Act" regrettably does,

Believing it in the interests of the UN and its members to strike out redundant and superfluous legislation,

Remaining supportive of all attempts to promote the rights of the hearing impaired, and the disabled in general, and thus considering the possibility of resolutions focussing on other areas, such as sign language, research in medical technologies, or political enfranchisement:

1. Repeals "Hearing Impaired Aid Act";

2. Reminds all UN members of their obligations to provide for the hearing impaired under UN Resolution #160, "Rights of the Disabled".

Votes For 10,747 (83%)
Votes Against 2,138 (17%)

Implemented Thu Nov 9 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:58 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "Public Domain"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #60

Proposed by: Safalra

Description: UN Resolution #60: Public Domain (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The General Assembly,

Noting the passage of United Nations Resolution #60, 'Public Domain',

Acknowledging that the establishment of the public domain and mechanisms to place a work into the public domain are important parts of copyright law,

Unconvinced of the case for requiring that member States place their government works into the public domain, when the use of liberal licences provide similar social benefits,

Deeply concerned that the resolution places freeware and shareware works into the public domain, when traditionally these licences allow authors to maintain copyright while permitting free distribution of their works,

Condemning the hardship the resolution has caused for shareware authors who had relied for their income on works published prior to the passage of the resolution,

Noting that clause 5 of United Nations Resolution #163, 'UN Copyright Convention', make the other provisions of the resolution redundant,

1. Repeals United Nations Resolution #60, 'Public Domain';

2. Urges delegates to consider existing definitions and usage when defining terms in future resolutions.

Votes For 10,360 (80%)
Votes Against 2,529 (20%)

Implemented Tue Nov 14 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:00 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
UN Fair Wage Convention
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Iron Felix

Description: RECOGNIZING the right of all workers to receive fair compensation for their labor;

RECOGNIZING the current absence of UN legislation addressing wages and compensation;

CONCERNED that in many nations the working poor, especially women, infants and children, suffer most from this lack of legislation;

CONVINCED of the need to rectify this situation;

RESOLVED to help ensure the right to fair wages for all workers;

The General Assembly of The United Nations hereby ordains that:

(I) For the purposes of this legislation, wage is defined as any compensation, monetary or otherwise, which workers receive in exchange for their labor.

(II) All UN nations are strongly encouraged to enact legislation:

(i)Guaranteeing fair wages as appropriate for their nation, taking into account local economic conditions and standards of living.
(ii)Establishing an enforcement mechanism as deemed appropriate for their nation.
(iii)Providing for the collection and study of relevant economic data to be used in determining appropriate wages in their nation.

(III) Factors to be considered when calculating fair wages should include the cost of food for one worker and one dependent, housing for one worker and one dependent, local utilities (gas, water, electricity, telecommunications, etc.), schooling for one dependent and reasonable and appropriate discretionary spending.

(IV) Wages shall not be denied for time worked.

(V) Wages shall be paid on a regular basis not to exceed 30 days in duration.

(VI) Exemption may be granted for organizations which operate on a not-for-profit basis and whose members or employees voluntarily participate on an unpaid or reduced pay basis. Examples of this type of employment would include, but not be limited to, charitable organizations and organizations which operate sheltered workshops for the disabled, etc.

(VII) The United Nations Wage Adjustment Advisory Commission is hereby established to provide guidance and assistance to UN member nations in determining appropriate wages in their individual nations. The Commission shall be empowered to make recommendations and provide assistance to national governments in matters concerning wage related legislation and policies.

(VIII) It is affirmed that UN nations shall retain the right to make final decisions in all matters concerning wages and compensation, taking into account local economic conditions and factors affecting the economic well-being of all their citizenry.

Votes For 7,419 (60%)
Votes Against 5,024 (40%)

Implemented Fri Nov 24 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:00 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "World Heritage List"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #37

Proposed by: Kivistan un bordello

Description: UN Resolution #37: World Heritage List (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Logging) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations

COMMENDING the effort of UNR#37 (The World Heritage List) to protect the global environment;

DISMAYED that UNR#37 fails to stipulate how to classify locations as being of environmental significance;

DISTRAUGHT that there is no system by which the World Heritage List is to be maintained;

CONCERNED that UNR#37 does not specify what protective measures are to be taken, and by whom;

LAMENTS that UNR#37, despite its mention environmentally damaging activities, is narrowly targetted at only the woodchipping industry;

SEEKING an opportunity to pass more effective legislation in replacement;

HEREBY REPEALS UNR#37 The World Heritage List.

Votes For 10,436 (79%)
Votes Against 2,697 (21%)

Implemented Mon Dec 4 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:00 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "Due Process"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #27

Proposed by: Karmicaria

Description: UN Resolution #27: Due Process (Category: Furtherment of Democracy; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

AWARE of the widely varied judicial systems within member nations;

RECOGNIZING that there are many viable alternatives to the grand jury system;

NOT CONVINCED that this particular judicial system is inherently more fair, or more likely to produce correct verdicts, than other viable systems;

BELIEVING that nations should have the opportunity to select the method of bringing criminal charges which best suits their cultures and legal systems;

DISMAYED that if significant new evidence is acquired acquired after the initial trial, no retrial would be possible;

THEREFORE repeals UNR#27 "Due Process"

Votes For 9,405 (77%)
Votes Against 2,842 (23%)

Implemented Sat Dec 9 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:00 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Mutual Recognition of Borders
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Love and esterel

Description: The United Nations,

-A- OBSERVING that border disputes and claims by more than one nation over a territory are significant sources of wars and cause excessive damage to international cultural, economic, humanitarian and scientific relationships:

-1- REQUIRES every member to recognize officially and definitely their currently undisputed international borders with other UN members and the undisputed international borders shared amongst UN members;

-2- ESTABLISHES the Committee for Mutual Recognition of Borders (CMRoB) to help members who want to (i) clarify their borders and (ii) seek neutral third party mediation;

-3- URGES members to seek neutral third party mediation, such as the CMRoB, for peaceful, fair and balanced solutions, during current and future border disputes;

-4- APPLAUDS AND ENCOURAGES all efforts by nations in the world to mutually, officially or definitely recognize their international borders and all efforts to peacefully resolve related disputes;

-5- URGES members to establish border crossing points with other members with whom they share a border, in order to increase international cultural, economic, humanitarian and scientific relationships.

NB: A territory, or a part of it, may belong to several nations, in the case that these nations are each in a different plane (or another dimension) of our NS multiverse.

Co-authored by Ceorana

Votes For 7,208 (57%)
Votes Against 5,351 (43%)

Implemented Thu Dec 14 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:01 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
UN Drug Act
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Jey

Description: The United Nations,

UNDERSTANDING the differences of opinions within member states regarding the legality of recreational drug use;

DEFINES for the purposes of this resolution, a "recreational drug" as a chemical substance whose primarily purpose is to act upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary or permanent changes in perception, mood, consciousness and/or behavior;

1) URGES UN member states to legalize the practice of individual consumption, cultivation, preparation, and possession of recreational drugs, given that these actions pose no threat of harm to any individual other than the user, especially for the following uses:

a. Religious, spiritual, philosophical or other related purposes;

b. Medicinal benefits, such as medicinal marijuana;

2) AFFIRMS the right of UN member states to determine their own laws with regard to the legality of any activity involving recreational drugs, including but not limited to the consumption, cultivation, preparation, possession, exchange, and distribution of recreational drugs by any individual or group of individuals, within their own jurisdiction;

3) STRONGLY URGES states to illegalize the practice of deceiving or coercing others into using drugs, except when administered legally for medicinal purposes by an authorized individual;

4) REQUESTS that those states which allow responsible recreational drug use to support organizations and initiatives for voluntary rehabilitation of those affected by drugs, education on responsible drug use, and prevention of illegal and harmful acts resulting from drug use;

5) URGES states to ensure that their populations have easy access to scientifically accurate, value-neutral information concerning the effects of recreational drug use, especially if such use is legal within the state, and that suppliers of said drugs are not allowed to make false claims about them.

Votes For 6,389 (55%)
Votes Against 5,231 (45%)

Implemented Sun Dec 24 2006

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:01 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Sexual Privacy Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Karmicaria

Description: The United Nations,

RECOGNIZING the inherently private nature of sexual intimacy, and

DESIRING to guarantee an individual's right to such privacy,

1. DEFINES sexual activities, for the purpose of this resolution, as behavior, in the form of consensual physical intimacy, that may be directed to reproduction, spiritual transcendence, or sexual gratification. Excluded from this definition are acts that result in the death or serious injury of a participant.

2. FURTHER DEFINES, for the purposes of this resolution, an adult as an individual who has reached the legal age of consent, as defined by the law of the nation in which the activity takes place.

3. BANS the criminalization of any form of sexual activity provided that, a) it is performed in privacy, and b) all participants are consenting adults.

4. FORBIDS governments, their agents and agencies from interfering with, conducting surveillance on, or investigating the private, consensual sexual activities of adults, subject to the exemptions below.

5. EXEMPTS from clause 4:

a. Obtaining evidence for determination of paternity,

b. Collecting information for epidemiological investigations,

c. Criminal or civil investigative activity where probable cause has been established requiring such information, and

d. Actions in situations where there is probable cause that death or serious bodily harm will result without immediate intervention.

Votes For 9,771 (81%)
Votes Against 2,323 (19%)

Implemented Tue Jan 9 2007

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:01 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Extraordinary Rendition
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Quintessence of dust

Description: The United Nations,

Recognising the obligations incumbent upon member states to refrain from the use of torture,

Affirming the importance of maintaining a strong stance against all applications of torture,

Seeking means to further eliminate the potential for international complicity in acts of torture,

Deeply concerned by the practice of 'extraordinary rendition', whereby persons are rendered to foreign jurisdictions for the express purpose of having torture conducted,

Believing extraordinary rendition to be a subversion of international law and a significant threat to international human rights,

Determined to prevent member states from any form of involvement in this practice,

1. Defines, for the purposes of this Convention, torture as any act of physical or psychological violence perpetrated against persons for the purposes of coercion, intimidation, punishment, interrogation or the obtaining of information or forced confession;

2. Prohibits member states from any involvement in the rendering of persons to foreign jurisdictions if there is probable cause to believe they would be subject to torture.

Votes For 8,306 (66%)
Votes Against 4,272 (34%)

Implemented Sun Jan 14 2007

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:01 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
No Ex Post Facto Laws
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Yelda

Description: Believing that ex post facto laws are violations of both the rule of law and the right of persons to fair treatment by the criminal justice system;

Asserting that one should not be penalised for doing something that is not prohibited by law;

Further, asserting that there can be no crime committed, and no punishment meted out, without a violation of the law as it existed at the time;

The General Assembly of the United Nations hereby:

Defines, for the purposes of this resolution, an ex post facto law as one that retroactively changes the legal consequences of acts or the legal status of facts and relationships that existed prior to the enactment of the law. This includes laws that criminalize acts which were legal when committed and laws which retroactively increase sentences for crimes already committed;

Declares that:

(I) No person may be charged with or convicted of a criminal offense because of any act or omission unless, at the time of the act or omission, it constituted a criminal offense under the law of the jurisdiction in which the charge is brought or under international law.

(II) No nation or governmental subdivision thereof shall enact any law with ex post facto provisions. Any ex post facto provisions in existing laws shall be rendered null and void.

(III) Any persons under sentence as a result of ex post facto laws shall have their sentence for any ex post facto offenses nullified and their criminal record expunged of these ex post facto offenses.

Votes For 10,325 (82%)
Votes Against 2,238 (18%)

Implemented Fri Jan 19 2007

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:02 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Healthcare Certification
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Waterana

Description: RECOGNIZING that many poorer nations are struggling, due to lack of funds, to provide needed health care services for their citizens;

NOTING that many richer nations would be willing to donate money for the purpose of helping to provide such care, but hesitate due to the possibility of corruption and misuse of the money, and

BELIEVING that nations willing to provide adequate health care services, but needing help from the international community to provide it, should receive that help, but must agree to measures that ensure the money is being spent in the appropriate area;

The United Nations

DEFINES health care services as any service provided to further the health and/or well being of citizens, including but not limited to hospitals, clinics, disabled care services, training of medical personnel, sanitary facilities, acquisition and/or distribution of medicine(s), public health education programs, vaccination programs, specialised medical and/or surgical services, purchase of equipment and the building and/or maintainence of necessary infrastructure.

ESTABLISHES the Care Certification Team, or CCT to collect donations from willing nations and private donors, distribute funds to nations who request it on an as needed basis, and monitor the use of the funds to ensure that the money is properly spent on the health care sector without redirection or abuse.

1. Negotiate an agreement with each potential receiving nation on basic standards for care, tailored to the nation's needs and ensuring that said nation receives enough money to achieve its goals. A receiving nation may negotiate an agreement to cover as much or as little of its health care activities as it wants and needs.

2. Work with each receiving nation to ensure that all aspects of the nation's own culture and religion are fully respected.

3. Inspect or evaluate the funded services in receiving nations 6 months after the initial donation to ensure that the agreed-upon standards are being met and that the funds are being properly spent to improve heath care services. If all standards are met, the receiving nation will be certified to receive further donations on a regular basis.

4. Carry out unannounced inspections at irregular intervals to ensure continuing compliance with the agreed-upon standards.

REQUIRES that, if a receiving nation fails or refuses to meet the standards agreed upon, the CCT shall suspend disbursement of funds to that nation. The CCT may, at its sole discretion, continue to disburse funds if the nation is making a good faith effort to comply with the standards.

AUTHORIZES the CCT to reduce or cancel disbursements to nations which become capable of funding their own health care activities. Receiving nations may voluntarily withdraw from this program if the contributed funds are no longer needed or wanted.

URGES all UN member nations to provide adequate health care facilities in their communities, and maintain them at an acceptable international standard, taking advantage of this program if needed.

ENCOURAGES nations and private donors to channel international donations through the CCT to promote proper expenditure of funds.

Co-authored by Ausserland

Votes For 8,209 (74%)
Votes Against 2,877 (26%)

Implemented Wed Jan 24 2007

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:02 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Repeal "UN Educational Committee"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #54

Proposed by: David6

Description: UN Resolution #54: UN Educational Committee (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

Strongly identifying with the principles of promoting quality in education espoused in UN Resolution #54, "UN Educational Committee",

Taking note of the passage of UN Resolution #171, "UN Educational Aid Act", and specifically its creation of a UN Educational Advancement Fund,

Recognizing that while committees can serve useful functions, assigning two to oversight of UN educational projects is not only excessive, bureaucratic and wasteful, but further poses the risk of creating confusion and inefficiency,

Believing the UNEAF to be a generally better model than the UNEC, given the latter's powers are poorly delineated, and no provision is made for funding of its projects,

Realizing that UNEC's functions are more than sufficiently performed by UNEAF,

Thereby considering that UNEC has been relegated to the status of another useless committee,

Wishing to clarify the UN's objectives, increase its efficiency and streamline its operations, through the elimination of committees that serve no purpose other than to drain member resources,

Repeals "UN Educational Committee".

Authored by the members of ACCEL

Votes For 9,814 (83%)
Votes Against 1,943 (17%)

Implemented Mon Jan 29 2007

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:02 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Continuity Of Government
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Yelda

Description: The General Assembly of The United Nations,

ALARMED by the possibility that war, terrorist acts and/or natural disasters could lead to the deaths of numerous UN member delegations;

CONCERNED that widespread loss of these member delegations would lead to a disruption of the normal functioning of the United Nations;

DETERMINED to ensure that the United Nations continues to function in the event of any man-made or natural disaster which results in the death or incapacitation of significant numbers of its member delegations;

HEREBY enacts the following:

1. All member nations will designate an official within their government who shall immediately have the authority to function as an acting UN ambassador in the event of the unexpected death, disappearance or incapacitation of the their permanent UN representative.

2. All member nations will maintain a list of qualified individuals who would be immediately available to fill vacancies in critical positions on their UN delegations.

3. All member nations will establish procedures to ensure that an acting UN delegation will be assembled in a timely manner.

4. Acting delegations shall be vested with full authority to exercise their respective nations' UN powers and privileges until such time as a permanent delegation is appointed by their government.

Votes For 7,909 (68%)
Votes Against 3,752 (32%)

Implemented Thu Feb 8 2007

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:03 pm
by The Dourian Embassy
Emigration Rights
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Kivistan un bordello

Description: RECOGNIZING that, within the many varied cultures of the United Nations, people may at times have reason to leave their nation of residence in the pursuit of refuge, opportunity, or escape from persecution or injustice;

WISHING to establish that right in international law;

The General Assembly of The United Nations:

1 - DECLARES it a right of persons to emigrate from their nation of residence;

2 - MANDATES that member nations must refrain from hindering the emigration of persons from their nations;

3-SPECIFICALLY EXEMPTS from that mandate and declared right persons who are either undergoing ongoing legal proceedings or any subsequent sentence; those below the age of consent within their home nation who lack consent of parent(s) or guardian(s); those mentally incapable of making such decisions; those who would pose a public health risk; those whose presence is required by a court of law; or those being held as prisoners of war during times of conflict;

4 - STRONGLY ENCOURAGES member nations to facilitate the travel of persons fleeing hostile situations including, but not limited to, war, civil unrest, ethnic or racial persecution, or governments that are viewed as oppressive or unethical by the fleeing persons, to locations that are more friendly towards the person;

5 - EMPHASIZES that this resolution in no way affects the policies of any member nation concerning entry into its sovereign territory;

Co-Authored by: Yelda

Votes For 8,230 (68%)
Votes Against 3,835 (32%)

Implemented Tue Feb 13 2007